chapter 13

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***Please Read The Disclaimer Attached To The Story Info. This Chapter Contains Mature Content ***

Read at your own risk if you're below 18.

And if you're fasting , I suggest to not to read.

The sleek female ran swiftly, her paws light against the ground as she was only a silver blur passing in the trees
Her heart pounded in her chest as she let out a loud soft howl. Ears perking up she heard familiar howls back. Emotions flooded into her, her eyes watering.

Stopping in front of the palace she whined unsure of how to feel. There stood a large black male, the wolf whined as well.

She slowly trotted forward, her head rubbing against his chest.

The large male wolf tensed, his nose sniffing at her neck, at the mark that he had given her.

He whined licking her face and nipping her ear joyously, she barked and nuzzled closely against him.

Shifting both to human forms, they held each other close. (Incase if you guys don't know when they shift their form wolf to human , they will completely naked)

Skin hot against skin.

Now they would be inseparable. His mouth slanted over hers, his kiss firm and rough with longing.

Her lips were soft against his as he kissed and tasted her.

She clung to him desperately, tears soaking her face. Stray tears had left his eyes as he cotinued to kiss her till they both couldn't kiss anymore.

They then hugged each other tightly, she sobbed loudly into his shoulder as he picked her up. Her legs wrapping around his waist.

"Gauri ...You're back home now...I told you we'd see each other again soon.." Even though a year isn't that soon, she was still unbelievably happy.

"So Mama Ri , are you ready to see our babies ?" He then asked her.

Her eyes widened as she cried and nodded. Still carrying his mate, he entered the palace and went upstairs.

"I couldn't sleep without assuring they are safe...and they are the only things I have that resemble you Gauri .." He said softly then opening the master bedroom door.

On the bed laid three napping toddlers.

Gauri  practically rushed over and fell to her knees. She cried and cried, when she was finally able to calm her emotions. She kisses and hugged her babies to her chest.

Each had awoken smelling their mothers scent.

Their eyes wide as they awoke from their nap to find a great surprise. Their mom.

They screamed and cried happily and hugged her tightly. Their little arms wrapping around her neck, and her arms. "Mommy! Mommy!!!"
They shouted and they cried.

Gauri  cried, her lips trembling and her body shaking as she held her babies. "Mommys not gonna leave ever again okay?"

Her children nodded as then Omkara's brothers and parents entered and hugged her as well.

Once they were finished reunion , Ranveer  carried all three children, Aadhya , Arth, and Ahan out of the room.

Everyone left as Omkara then locked the door shut and grasped her, he gently laid her on the bed and hovered above her as she couldn't help but laugh.

He gently kissed her and said "Now I will show you my little chirraya , just how much I've
missed you."


"No!!!" Mrunaal laughed and kept walking backwards quickly, her eyes holding a playful spark as Arijit neared her. Sand coating his entire body, even his face which caused her to laugh at him.

"Are you laughing at me?" He asked, a smile slowly making its way onto his lips as he held fistfuls of sand while striding towards her.

Mrunaal shook her head frantically, her blond hair swaying back and forth with the wind, she kept her eyes trained on him.

Arijit  swiftly now gave chase, he laughed when he saw his mate take off running. A shriek left her lips, "Jit!! No! Please..I'm sorry."
She laughed between each word, her heart racing as she ran.

Her lover didn't slow down but instead grasped her up into his arms, covering her with the sand that was on his body, then jogged towards the water. She laughed loudly, "Jit!!! Shit!!!" She was dropped into the cold ocean, Arijit only laughing heartily as if he won.

Mrunaal didn't come up for air and instead swam behind him while he was too busy laughing.

His eyes then glanced down at the water, "Baby?" He grew worried and prepared to dive under before he felt something leap and latch onto his back.

"Boo!" Mrunaal exclaimed, laughing as she kissed his cheeks and hugged him from behind. Arijit calmed, running a hand through his dark brown hair now shaking his head. "Not funny baby."

She rested her chin on his shoulder and gave him puppy dog eyes. "Aww baby..You're not mad are you?" Arijit looked at his mate and smiled, kissing her passionately as he then slid down her bikini bottom after moving her in front of him, she was now off his back and staring at him with curiousity.

"I'll take that as a yes? Or is that a no?." She laughed still curious on what he was doing.
Arijit undid his surf shorts and pulled her close to him. His lips pressed against hers now as she quiets down and moans entangling her fingers in his ruffled hair.

"Of course I'm not mad." He then replied and kissed her cheek then forehead then all over her face making her laugh again. "Now, stay still." He gave a boyish smirk while his hands slid down to her hips.

Mrunaal was flustered as they got out of the water, her body numb with the feeling of his touch. Arijit smiled as he looked at her, now lifting her up and placing her legs around his waist. Carrying her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, blushing even more.

"You're so lucky no one but us was at the beach today."
Arijit kissed her cheek and wiggles his brows. "Seems like someone is embarrassed."

Mrunaal shook her head, "I don't know what you're talking about."

He only laughed again now carrying her back through the woods and towards the palace.

"Don't lie, you loved it." He smirks then kissing her neck, his hands clutching her ass.

Mrunaal swatted his hands away then bit her lip.
"I propose a challenge. Race you back to the palace. Winner gets to order the loser around." He let her go and smiled with challenge.

"You're on. Don't be disappointed if you lose though."

She shook her head "We'll see about that baby." She then swiftly took off running ahead of him, he laughed and followed after, not wanting to lose.

They both reached the palace, Mrunaal there three seconds first. "I let you win." Arijit only replied cooly as his mate pranced around him laughing happily. "I still win! Now what shall I have you do?"

Arijit disagreed with her order as they walked down the hall only to stop their bickering and see Rithvik stumble out of his room.
Asha followed after, holding a shaver in her hand. "Stop being a idiot and let me shave it off."
Rithvik  glared and growled now crossing his arms. "I already told you multiple times no, you mad woman. I'm not going to let you shave my damn beard."

"Stop being such a cry baby and let me shave it off!" Asha argued now stepping closer, ignoring Arijit and Mrunaal who took that as a cue to leave.

Arijit and Mrunaal quietly tiptoed now towards the kitchen, leaving them to fight.

Rithvik  gripped her wrist firmly and scowled down at her. "I said no, Asha . Why can't you listen for once?!"

Asha rolled her eyes and pulled her wrist out of his grip then grasping his hand pulling him back into their room.

She kicked the door shut and locked it then leading him into the bathroom. "Just shut up for a moment and let me shave it!"

Rithvik  growled harshly at her only to have her peck his lips and bite down on his bottom lip.

He blinked with surprise then glared and crossed his arms, his fists clenched as he leaned against the counter while she sat up on the counter in front of him and reached up running the shaver down the side of his face.

He winced and growled shifting slightly as Asha only rolled her eyes again and continued to shave one side of his face. "Keep still."

Rithvik huffed out and watched her eyes as she focused and shaved the other side of his face.

Strands of his black hair was plastered against his forehead. She finished then sighing, "See it wasn't that bad."

He wrapped his arms securely around her waist and shoved her forward, against him.

His lips slamming against hers as she squirmed slightly but relaxed and kissed him back.

Rithvik  picked her up and walked out of the bathroom, ripping off her shirt as he then tossed her down onto the bed, then pinned her down beneath him growling as he kissed and nipped at the marks he left on her hips.

Asha dug her nails into his shoulders then grasping his face back up, kissing his passionately. "Rithvik ..I love you."

Her cheeks were a slight red as she said those words she never thought she would say especially to the grumpy beast.

Rithvik kissed her back, his hand gently tucking strands of her black hair behind her ears.

He looked down at her, emotions in his usually blank eyes. "I love you more Asha...I love you more."

The loud growls and banging noises coming from down the hall was no mistake for their lovemaking which caused everyone in the palace to go quiet and cough awkwardly.

"Happens too much around here. And that is why I take you outside most of the time." Arijit replied looking to Mrunaal as she immediately agreed when they walked into the kitchen.

Ranveer and Ishani  kissing near the counter.

Riddhana on the other hand was hiding her face and scooting off her chair.

The seven-year old shook her head frantically and made gagging noises as she scurried past Arijit and Mrunaal . "I'm going to go watch cartoons in my room."

Arijit coughed louder but Ranveer and Ishani didn't seem to notice. They continued to kiss and mumble incoherent words to each other.

Ishani blushed and stopped for a moment when Mrunaal shouted loudly, "Get a room!"
Ranveer only chuckled and scooped Ishani up, "Come on Ishani, we've got work to do."

"Work?" She blinked up at him, blushing as he held her and chuckled more. "Yes, lots and lots of work." He went upstairs and reached their bedroom, but before he could enter, she stopped him.

"Veer, what about Riddhana?" Ishani asked softly and gently ran her hand through his brown hair. "She's in her room. It'll be fine.
Besides Ishani, we haven't made love in awhile.." He murmured then leaning down and pecking her lips. "I want you."

Ishani heart picked up pace at his response as she now cupped his face in her hands and kissed him softly. She loved him, with all her heart. He felt her heartbeat race and smiled then kissing her back.

Entering the room, he shut the door and gently laid her down on the bed. His lips brushing across her cheek then down her neck in a sweet caress.

He treated her as if she were the most fragile thing in the world, his touch soft and lingering as his hands slowly roamed over her body.

They had plenty of time and he wanted to spend it, pleasuring and taking in every part of his mate. She was his and no one else's.

She moans softly, her hands running down his shoulders and back then staying at his waist. His fingertip gently trailed down the side of her face as his eyes met hers again. "You're so beautiful my love." She blushed, smiling up at him, now wrapping her arms around his neck.

Kissing him passionately, longing growing in her.

Ishani leaned up and then whispered into his ear. "Veer , I want and love you too. Now hurry up." He gave a small chuckle and kissed her back, now throwing the covers over them as she laughed.


"Really?" Arijit now got irritated as he saw Omkara and Gauri enter with three shrieking 6-7 year olds.
(Unlike human babies , pups grow faster)

"Yes really. You both are on babysitting duty today." Omkara growls giving them both a stern look, his blue eyes now dark as he looked down at Gauri who got all dressed up for him.

She fixed his tux and placed her hand in his after tiptoeing and kissing his cheek. "Omkara , I know the conference is important but the kids..I don't think they can handle all three on their own especially since they're all older now.."

He kissed his mate and rested his forehead against hers, "Don't worry." He now whistled causing their three children to line up in front of them. "Mommy and me will be back tomorrow. Till then I want you all on your best behavior, no fighting, no stealing cookies, and no swearing. Or else you all will get punished, so listen to Aunt Mrunaal and Uncle Jit or else.." He growls firmly, all three nod and gulp.
"Arth, you're in charge." Omkara added before all three children ran and hugged his and Gauri's  legs. "Why is he in charge dad?!" Ahan gave a glare to Arth who was taller and more mature for a child.

Gauri kissed Aay on her forehead as the little girl protested and shook her head, her tiny pigtails swaying. "No! Don't go mommy, I don't want to be left with them."

"They're your brothers. Now you all behave. I love you all and will miss you." She softly murmurs and hugs her children close before standing up and hooking her arm around Omkara .

Omkara winked to Aadhya , "If they're mean, beat thiem up." Gauri slapped his arm, he chuckled then smiled. "I mean, have fun princess."

"Idiot." Ahan glared at Arth still as Arth only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Dad said no swearing."

"And this is why, Arth is in charge Ahan. Now if you're all good, we'll bring back ice cream." That seemed to seal the deal as they all sat nicely at the table, Omkara and Gauri then exiting out of the palace and into a limo.

"Oh come on!" Arijit  snarled frustrated as Mrunaal only laughed and sat at the table, setting downthe board game, Candyland. "Whoever wins gets chocolate."

Gauri  sat patiently beside her mate at the conference table, her golden eyes scanning over the many unfamiliar faces. Most of the men there were older and former alphas. Their eyes flickering with a golden haze as they met her gaze causing her to shift slightly in her seat.

She soon felt a warm familiar hand rest firmly on her thigh as if to calm her. Her gaze shifted now to Omkara who gave her a more than reassuring look. His blue eyes held hers, sparks now jolting up her spine. Heat rose onto her cheeks when she felt his hand slowly slide further up her thigh. 'Om..' She growls softly to him in their mind link.

He casts her a small smirk, then straightened up and looked at the former alphas who were waiting, many already looking irritated.

"I've called King Omkara to this meeting to mainly discuss the recent crisis..It appears that the humans are starting to rebel. They're growing out of control, they've lost respect for the direwolf family..let alone anyone superior to them. They don't know their place. Any suggestions to snap things back into order?" The man at the end of the table, one of the eldest alphas started to say after silencing everyone's murmuring.

"If the dire wolf family did a better job, then this wouldn't be an issue in the first place." One man snarled out.

She felt Omkara's tighten his grip on her thigh, knowing he was trying his hardest not to grab the man by his neck and throw him instantly across the room in that moment.

Gauri gently brushed her lips against the nape of his neck, now resting her chin on his shoulder. She felt him relax slightly, now looking calmly at the outspoken man.

"First off, I'll have you know that the direwolf family has been protecting, feeding, and giving fair rights to every human and wolf in this region. Secondly, watch what you say. As you were an alpha once before, I would've expected you to have a little more respect especially towards those of a higher ranking than you."

The man went silent, his eyes a dim gold.

After more bickering and boring nonsense, the conference would end only for them to have to go to a dinner soon afterwards.

Omkara's hand would occasionally linger and wander along her thigh, she would stiffen and growl only causing him to continue his teasing much to her dislike.

She'd swat his hand next time. Once the conference ended, Gauri had decided to go use the restroom while Omkara finished up signing a few documents with the former alphas.

She walked to the restroom, her strides long despite her small stature. Once her bladder was emptied and her face refreshed she stepped out of the small bathroom and prepared to head back the way she came.

Her heels now lightly clicked against the marbled floor as she made her way down the corridor. Long strands of her dark brown hair hung loosely around her face framing it. The slender but ever so curvy female blinked, long black lashes fanning her cheeks. A soft sigh soon escaped her red lips when she finally stopped midway to take off her heels.

"Only one more meeting to go." Gauri  tried to encourage herself, not wanting to pass out at the upcoming dinner. She finally reached the end of the hall, only to stop and glance at one of the slightly open doors.

Yes, she was alone for once due to having to use the restroom. Omkara would be sure to punish her if she didn't return soon, but she wouldn't mind it at all.

Daring to take a step forward, Gauri slowly and quietly pushed open the door. Her head peeking into the room, her grey eyes adjusting to the dimness.

She prepared to take a step forward before a hand reached out and firmly gripped her arm.

"...What are you doing lurking around on your own, Angel?"


Gauri felt his grip loosen, his hand moving to her lower back. Ushering her out of the room and back into the hall.

"I apologize, I got lost." She replied as best she could, now wary of the stranger.

The tall brooding man gave her only a nod.

"You should get back to the dinner, Gauri . Your mate is looking for you."

His voice was almost monotone and deep, she practically winced when he told her that Omkara was looking for her.

"Alright, thank you for your assistance."
She quickly made her way back down the hall only to bump into a hard chest.

A hand grasped her wrist firmly, then pulled to yank her closer.
Omkara stood towering above her, his eyes dark and hooded with undisguisable anger.

A deathly growl erupted from his throat then as he let go of her wrist and harshly moved her head to the side, his nose now buried in her hair and the crook of her neck.

"I can smell him on you. Who and where is he?!"
His voice was deep and powerful, she stepped back and shook her head.

"I don't know..He appeared behind me in the other hall." Gauri  answered with honesty as her mate only growled louder.

Protectively shoving her back against him, he gripped her hair and pulled her head to the side.

Exposing her neck to him even more as he bit down harshly, claiming her as his once more.

She let out a soft squeak of surprise as she felt his fangs pierce her skin, the sensations spreading through out her body. "Om.." Gauri now snarled out softly, her nails digging into his arms. "Let go."

He ignored her, only growling possesively as he grinded his body against hers, ridding of the other males scent.

Pinning his small mate against the wall, he held her wrists above her head an roughly captured her lips with his. "You're mine only Gauri...only mine!." He would repeat, his wolf almost halfway coming out.

She kissed him back and gently bit down and tugged at his bottom lip. He pinned both wrists still above her head with one hand, the other lifted her up onto his waist. "I'm yours and you're mine Om." Gauri responded with a soft aroused tone.

His one hand now gripped her ass as he leaned closer, his mouth breaking away from her lips and now making their way down her neck.

She breathed in heavily and closed her eyes,
arching her head back against the wall as he not soon later pulled down his zipper and lifted up her dress.

He'd take his mate as many times as he'd have to, just to make sure a hundred percent that no other male would touch or come near what was his after this.

He'd make sure of it.
Flustered, Gauri  bit her lip and sat at the dining table.

They had finished their business in the dark hall an hour ago, they were now at the dinner.

Now not able to concentrate, her body was still buzzing from the immense sensations. It was like amazing fireworks exploding on every part of her skin.

"Someone looks like they got laid really well." A woman's voice spoke from across the table.

Many of the women were whispering and chatting away about how overly satisfied she looked.

Gauri  perked up and instantly straightened up her posture, her cheeks a rosy pink. She couldn't seem to respond as she felt Omkara's wrap his arm around her shoulder, the tip of his nose brushing lightly down her neck.

Everyone seemed to stare, noticing how physically affectionate they were.

Omkara didn't seem to care, but she did.

She was easily flustered.

"Gauri. You should eat." Her protective mate suggested now as she coughed making the women turn away and giggle.

Omkara on the other hand sent the women a glance causing each of them to melt. He looked back to his mate wondering why she seemed so uncomfortable.

"I'm not hungry. And great..they're talking about me." Gauri  softly murmured with a slight frown.

Seeing how that slightly upset his mate, Omkara stood and threw her over his shoulder now walking right out of the building. "Well guess that leaves us with more time to have fun before we return back home."

She let out a laugh and let him take her towards the woods.

There he put her down, she felt the grass beneath her feet and couldn't resist shifting.

Now sprinting off not bothering to wait for her mate who shifted as well, she darted through the forest. A long soft howl escaping by her lips as she felt ecstatic to finally get to let her wolf roam.

The enormous black male wolf howled with her in unison, he then nipped at her flank and heels.

She playfully turned around and bit at her mates ear, his larger wolf definitely wouldn't have a hard time dominating her.

Om growled lowly and circled his mate now, he licked his lips while his tail lashed back and forth. "Lets play a game my little chirraya."

She tilted her head and blinked at him confused on what he was planning.

"Alright..What's the game?"

"Old faishoned chase. If I catch you, you have to do whatever I say without any objections. And if you make it across the creek without getting caught, I will do whatever you say as well as watch the kids for a week."

"Alright, you're on." Gauri replied, not hesitating to take off.

A rush of excitement filling her, she hadn't played the old ceremonial wolf game before.

But she loved a challenge, she'd make it across that creek at any cost.

Omkara felt his wolf grow eager, he watched his beautiful mate take off and gave her a head start before following, hot in pursuit.

While they were doing so, the figure watching them went unnoticed.

A smile now curving onto the mans lips.

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