Chapter 14

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"Om! That was unfair. I say we have a rematch." Gauri protests as her mate only smirks, happy that he won their little game the other night. But now it was time to return home.

By morning the couple now returned to the palace, three groggy children greeting them at the large entrance doors.

"Good morning my babies, why you all look exhausted?"Worry was etched across Gauri's  face as she looked over her three sleepy pups, the back of her hand now gently pressed up against each of their foreheads.

"They're burning, Om." A swell of anxiousness filled her, she was worried and confused.

Omkara immediately scooped up Arth and Aadhya while Omkara carried a baggy- eyed Ahan.They went upstairs and into the children's bedrooms, placing them each down in their beds while tucking them in.

Gauri instictively reacted, soft whimpers leaving her as she tended to her sick pups. Placing cold cloths on their foreheads, she sat on the side of Aadhya's bed. Her golden eyes swam with mixed emotions.

Omkara was pacing, his fists clenched before he slammed his fist against the wall.

"I gave them one task..Dammit!" He strides out of the room, growling loudly as he searched for his brother Arijit and Mrunaal .

Gauri stayed protectively near her children, tending to their needs as Aadhya began to cry, only to then clutch her stomach and hurl over the side of the bed. Her vomit was pitch black, causing Gauri to call for their personal doctor immediately.

She warily watched her two sons hurl out a mysterious black liquid as well.

The doctor fled into the room after being summoned by the she-wolf, now checking over the three children.

"They seem to be fine now, oddly enough I wasn't able to recognize what the black liquid was." She then notified Gauri  who frowned and nodded.

"Thank you.." The young Queen now returned to her pups and hugged them close to her chest,
"..Are you all better my babies?"
All three nodded, sleepy but back to normal again.

"It was the shadow man, he gave us candy." Aadhya spoke up while rubbing her eyes.

Gauri blinked and grew more anxious, "What shadow man?"

"The tall man in yours and daddy's room, he gave us candy and said he was a friend." She continued to say quietly, then curling up in Gauri's  lap.

Gauri  let her pups pile into her lap and sleep, gently running her fingertips through their soft hair.

"Arth and Ahan, why didn't you tell Uncle Arijit or Aunt Mrunaal ?"
The two young boys snuggled further against her, yawning. Arth then opened one eye to look up at Gauri ,

"They were asleep. I didn't want to wake them up. I'm sorry mom..I tried to tell him we didn't want any candy but he said it was special candy.."

Ahan agreed then shrugging, "I just wanted the candy, besides Arth  was in charge. Not me."

Gauri let out a shaky sigh, cuddling her pups closer. "It's okay now..No more taking candy from strangers. I want you to tell me exactly what happened from the beginning after me and daddy left."

Arijit leapt to his feet along with Mrunaal as he heard loud booming growls that echoed through out the halls. "He's back. Shit! We fell asleep."

Mrunaal shrunk behind her mate, wincing. They were in for it now. "Fcuk."

Omkara growled loudly, his eyes a navy blue, his body shaking with anger. "You had one fucking job!" The alpha male burned holes into both of them with just his gaze. His skin was hot and his knuckles were turning white from his fists being clenched so hard.

Arijit snarled, "I can explain! We made a mistake I know..but we fell asleep sooner than we thought an didn't wake up till now. We settled the kids down into their beds before we passed out, they must've woken up again."

Omkara stepped straight up towards him, glaring down at him only to unravel his fists and let out a quiet exhale.

"You're both dead by the time I come back, you're lucky she's calling me right now," He eyed both of them with dark eyes before leaving the room as fast as he came in and returned to his mates side.

Omkara found his beautiful mate standing in the middle of their room, her scent was strong with fear as he inhaled and stood in the doorway.

"What's wrong Gauri ?" He asked, approaching her.

She slowly turned around to face him, her hands shaking as he only now noticed how trashed their room was. Everything was turned inside out, dressers in half, the bed torn up, mirrors broken, and worst of all threats were written in human blood along every wall.

His instincts kicked in as he growled and pulled her close, "Gauri ,Calm down..I'll find whoever did this and kill them slowly."

Gauri  whimpered into his chest, her arms wrapping tightly around his waist. "They said that they saw a shadow man lurking around in our room..and that he gave them 'special' candy.."

He tightened his grip on his mate, holding her close to comfort an calm her.

"Baby calm down ,It's okay..I'll make sure he doesn't ever come back." Omkara now watched his mate nod tiredly, he led her into the children's bedroom and laid with her next to their three pups.

Her head resting on his chest as she relaxed and closed her eyes slowly, his hands gently running through her long deep brown hair.

His blue eyes now cautious and focused on their surroundings as he rested his chin on top of her head.

The brooding figure didn't look away, instead he dug his long nails into his palm with rage.

His 'special' candy didn't work on the children, their bodies rejected it. His last resort would be their young mother.

He lowered his hood and fled off through the trees, now planning his next move.

"It has to work! I know it will! Finally, I'm one step closer. My plan will succeed.."
He waited till the sun lowered in the sky, everyone was either asleep or out running important errands.

The man now began to move closer to the palace. "Ahan.." As if on cue the young seven year old boy opened the palace doors after crawling away from his sleeping parents and siblings, now walking towards him.

"You told me you'd make my dad and mom like me more than Arth right?"

"Of course, my boy. Come along now, I'll tell you exactly what you need to do." He spoke with a sly smile, now leading the boy through the woods and farther and farther away from the palace.

Arth grew slightly uncertain as they neared a place he's never been to. "..Where are we going?"

"It's a secret, now just a bit further."

"No! I want to go home." The boy grew impatient and restless.

He felt a bad feeling in his gut, as much as he wanted to be better than Arth, he'd rather be at home in the comfort of his warm bed and cuddled up by his parents.

"I'm afraid it's too late for that." He said with a small chuckle now standing behind the boy, pushing him forward.

Ahan went off balance and fell right into a dark hole, a loud yelp leaving his lips.

"Mom! Dad!!!!" He'd call out loudly, even through his mind link as he helplessly laid at the bottom of the pit with a sprained ankle.

His elbows bleeding from hitting and scraping against the rough ground.

"Scream all you like, it'll only help me more." The stranger laughed and began to whistle a low haunting tune.

The golden-eyed female awoke shortly after, her eyes wide. She looked around the children's bedroom frantically, her mate stirring in his sleep as he smelled her worry and heard her loud racing heart beat. His arms gently wrapped around his mate as he kissed her neck.

"Gauri ,What's wrong?" He asked, his voice low and husky due to being still half asleep. The young queen was silent, suddenly then springing out of the bed. Her footsteps light against the cold ground as she rushed out of the room and down the hall.

"Gauri  wait." He growled out, now mindlinking Ranveer and Ishani to watch their pups.

His blue eyes looked over his pups before he left, now noticing one of his sons was missing.

Omkara quickly raced after his mate who was
already out of the palace and running through the woods.

"Ahan!" Gauri  would shout, loud whines leaving her as she searched for her son, now listening for her pups call.

"Mom!!! Mom!!!" Ahan shouts could be heard from a few miles away. Gauri grew hesitant as she looked at the dark area before her, the sound of her pup causing her to shrug it off and continue on swiftly.

Omkara shifted and tried to sniff out his mate, soon letting out a loud deep howl, calling to her and his missing son.

Gauri  now stood before what looked to be some type of hole, "Ahan?!.." She called only to hear silence, she heard slight rustling and glanced around cautiously.

"Om?!" Uneasiness spread through her when she felt cold air surround around her, the smell of death getting stronger. She didn't recognize the scent at all.

"Finally you're here, I knew you'd come." A voice whispered before she could growl and shift, the dark figure held a pale sickly looking Ahan in front of him.

"Try to fight and he dies. I only want to do one thing." The man continued to say, now smiling, his mouth bloody at the corners.

"Please Let him go and I'll let you do whatever you want with me." Gauri  said, her eyes focused on her pup, her heart sinking.

"Ahan..It's okay darling. Your father will be coming soon.." She spoke to him through their mindlink.

She watched as the man let go of Ahan,
Ahan now wheezing as he laid curled up on the floor in pain.

"What did you do to him?!"
A snarl escaped her, she looked at the man straight in the eyes and wished so badly that she could just rip his head off.

The man clicked his tongue and swiftly had his arm wrapped around her throat.
"The same thing I'm going to do to you."
He moved her hair swiftly and bared his long fangs, he ignored the loud rustling sound coming towards them as he then bit down hard into her neck.

Fire seemed to fill her veins as she let out a loud pain-filled scream. Her nails dug into his arm as she then shoved harshly back, dizziness enveloping her as she soon dropped to the floor shortly after.

The figure circled her, "You see I knew it had to work, my venom should be changing you soon. I travelled all this way to find you, a woman who impossibly survived a direwolf bite.

So as you know I've roamed around for decades, centuries, ages, just looking for someone I can spend eternity with. But I seem to be the only one left, I tried to change humans. Believe me. But they were all too weak, so now I have you. You'll have to survive my bite or else I'll kill your whole-..." His sentence was cut off as he was tackled down by the enormous black wolf.

Loud growls left the creature as it snapped its jaws around the pale tall man. It yanked but grew distracted as the young queen writhed on the ground, crying in agony. Her nails dug into the ground as she was drenched in sweat. Her body trying with all its might to reject the venom.

"Om !! It hurts!" She'd shout out loudly as tears fled down her cheeks, her golden eyes meeting the wolfs blue ones.

Omkara tossed the man as if he were a rag doll to his brothers darker wolf. Rithvik caught the shrieking man in his jaws and raced back to the palace to lock him up in the dungeon.

Omkara shifted back to his human form and picked his crying mate up into his arms along with his sick

His heart pounded in his chest as he realized he could lose the love of his life and child, his blue eyes filled with hurt and sadness as he tried to keep calm.

Omkara reached the palace an and laid his mate and son onto the large metal table like the doctor ordered.

Now helplessly watching, the doctor began to stab two syringes into the bite marks and pull slowly upward, black venom filling the syringes.

Gauri  dug her nails into the table and let out another cry, "No! Wait! Please take care of Ahan first.."
The young queen could hear her pups heart fading.

"Please!" She now growled forcing the doctor to help her son first. Her vision blurred as she sobbed, her mate hugging her close.

"It's Okay Gauri . Ahan will be okay..I'm right here." She sank into his embrace and buried her face against his chest, clutching onto him as she cried not wanting to see how badly her pup was wounded.

Her heart ached as she barely could breathe. Now slipping in and out of consciousness.

Omkara slammed his fist into the mans face, over and over, and over again. His fists white as he continue to punch the shit out of the man who just sat chained there, his face now looking deformed.

Omkara growled, anger still in him as he shoved his fist against the mans face a few more times before being told to stop. "Om, enough." Rithvik  would growl, crossing his arms as he watched.

Omkara growled lowly and questioned the man again. "Who and what the fcuk are you?" He went down to eye-level, his hands clenching the sides of the chair tightly, if it were a normal chair it would've broken instantly in his grasp but luckily it was pure thick steel. It was definitely dented though.

The pale, black haired figure only laughed and gave a crooked grin. "What do you think I am? Oh right, how's that wife of yours?"
Thats when Omkara lost it, he yanked the firery branding stick off from the table and pressed it hard against the mans chest.

Flesh could be heard sizzling and burning, the scent of death strong and having a bit of an ashy tinge to it. The man let out a agitated shout.

"Tell me who and what the fcuk you are." Omkara continued to press the branding stick further against the mans chest, threatening to burn a hole right through him.

"I won't hesitate to burn off every bit of flesh you've got if you don't answer me. Now tell me who and what the fuck you are."
The mans flesh began to burn away as he then glared, his eyes pitch black.

"Ever heard of a vampire?"


A week later..

The direwolf family made a fair treaty with the humans, the humans were free to stay and thrive in the South.

There no harm would come to them. All werewolves would leave the Southern regions and live and roam only in the Eastern, Western, and Northern regions.

Any werewolf to wander into the South would be killed instantly at the executioning grounds.

Any human to wander out of the South and into wolf territory would instantly be chased down and killed like hopeless prey.

Since the treaty was made, werewolves from the south were moving into the North, East, and western regions.

Wolfs Packs now were having disputes often, so of course that required a meeting with other royal wolf families who wanted to know what to do so their packs would not clash with others.

Omkara walked down the palace hall, his strides long, his walk emitting confidence and he overall was very appealing to those he passed.

His broad shoulders rolled back, his posture only further more radiating his power and testosterone.

The Wolf king Kaali has began to visiting the palace too often to speak with him, he on the other hand grew immensely annoyed by it.

His blue eyes didn't brighten and his masculine features stayed emotionless when he was greeted by a wolf king and his daughter.

"Greetings, King Omkara . I'm relieved to finally be able to speak to you in person again. I've brought my lovely daughter Ishana this time, she's been wanting to meet you." Kaali said with an awfully hopeful voice.

Omkara gave a nod, "Indeed you have, its nice to meet you Ishana. I apologize, but I won't be able to talk for very long, I have a few things to tend to." His voice was deep as he refrained from snarling soon after when Kaali stepped in front of him, blocking him from walking onward.

"Please wait, you see I've grown quite old. That is why I want to ask if you'd take my daughters hand in marriage."

Omkara looked down at the man, a low growl rumbling out of his throat. "I don't have any need to marry your daughter. I already have a very beautiful wife and three pups." King Kaali grew fearful but continued on.

"But I've heard that your wife is very ill and weak. I'm offering you my daughter, she's of pure alpha blood and she's very healthy. I made sure she was untouched by any man, so she'll be only yours." Kaali insisted, not knowing that he was ticking the male direwolf off.

Omkara breathed in deeply then let out a louder growl, "I could care less. My wife has healed and is stronger than any female werewolf here. I don't need anyone else but her. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more important matters to attend to." He pushed past King Kaali and his daughter.

Gauri's golden orbs fluttered open, sunlight beaming in through the windows as she let out a soft groan and rolled onto her side, burying her face under the covers.

She had fully healed up a few days ago but Omkara and the doctor kept her on bedrest till she made a stunning recovery.

The vampire bite didn't change her thankfully, they got the venom out on time and Ahan was back to running around and arguing with his brother and sister.

"I want to be the boss!" Ahan snarls could be heard from down the hall.

"And? I think Ahan deserves to be the boss this time." Arth replied back.

"Yay!!!" The little girls chirpy voice soon was heard after.

Gauri  waited, smiling to herself when she heard small footsteps creeping towards her room.

Her three pups would really need to work on making less noise as they then charged into the room and leapt onto her.

Gauri  gave a heartful laugh, cuddling up her three pups. "Good morning to you all too. One kiss for you and you and you .." She'd kiss Arth on his forehead, then Ahan, and now Aadhya .

The children snuggled close to their mother, inhaling her comforting scent and feeling as if they could just doze beside her forever and ever without any worries.

".Maa! Can we go to the dungeons and see the vampire?" They suddenly asked, excited by the thought of it.

Gauri  looked down at her children and shook her head. "Nope. We've got people to greet today."

Loud groans left them all, "But that's so boring!!"

"It isn't that bad, now go on. Get dressed." She helped them each off her bed and watched them sulk and walk out to get ready.

Gauri now slipped out from the warmth of her bed and took a quick shower. Once dried off she slipped on a silky red dress that flowed near her ankles.

Her mind was focused on her mate, she missed him, he's been so busy with business this week that he barely had time to spend with her and their pups.

People would always interrupt them.

She let out a quiet sigh and walked out of her room, whistling. Three children quickly ushered towards her, she smiled pleased by their choice of attire as she walked now downstairs with her three pups trailing close behind her.

Once downstairs she approached Ranveer, "Do you know where Omkara is?"
Ranveer gave her a curt nod, "Yeah, he's been getting overly stressed and agitated lately. It'll do him good if he sees you. He's in his office right now. If you want, me and Ishani can take Arth, Ahan, and Ahan to the park with us till you and him cleared things up?"

Gauri  gave a soft smile and nodded, "I'd love that. It won't be too long, thanks Ranveer  . Do remind Ishani that we girls have plans for tomorrow evening." Ranveer   grunted at the word plans but nodded anyways. "Sure." She watched as Ranveer led her three pups out of the room.

Happily, Gauri  went towards Omkara's office. She got shivers of excitement flare up in her as she couldn't wait to be with her mate again.
Omkara fixed his tie and sat back in his office chair while looking over a few papers. He continued to sign a few until he heard a knock on his door.

His heart jumped at the thought of it being his mate, "Come in." He was gravely disappointed when instead it was Princess Ishana who entered and walked towards his desk.

"I was wondering if I could in any way change your mind about my fathers proposal?" The woman asked, her tone persuading as she brushed her leg against his.

Omkara looked at her then growling slightly, "If you think that fucking you would change my decision, it won't. I have no desire to. As I said I already have a  mate and queen who is far more beautiful and stronger than you!."

Ishana lowered herself down into his lap, her legs slowly straddling his waist. She ran her fingertip down his chest a few times then whispering into his ear.

"I know you want me.." Omkara rolled his eyes and tried to push her off him.

Now growling. "Don't you understand! I already have what I want. And that's Gauri , only Gauri ."
Ishana wouldn't give up so easily as she leaned forward and swiftly kissed him right as Gauri  walked in.

Her heart sank as she saw the scene before her, a whimper leaving her lips as pain filled her chest.

She couldn't form any words as tears built up in her eyes, she forced herself to run out of the room as fast as she could and not look back.

"Gauri ! Wait!"

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