Chapter 15

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***Please Read The Disclaimer Attached To The Story Info.

This Chapter Contains Mature Content ***

Read at your own risk if you're below 18.

Omkara sensed Gauri's presence and moved Ishana quickly off him, he didn't kiss back and growled lowly at her.

"Get out before I lose it!." Once she was out, he quickly chased after his now upset and hurt mate.

He went to the only place he knew she'd go, the garden solarium.

Indeed he found her sitting by the fountain in the middle of the garden, her fists clenched. "I can't believe you.." She snarled out, "..You've been cheating on me this whole time haven't you?!"

The angry queen rose to her feet, tears streaming freely down her cheeks as she drew her hand back preparing to hit him.

Before she could, he gripped both of her wrists and pulled her towards him.

"Gauri , I'm not cheating on you. Nor will I ever do anything to hurt you. Look at me."
He growled when she didn't look up.

Omkara could feel her stiffen as he lifted her chin up with his thumb and index finger.

"Look at me." He ordered again, this time with more firmness. The females golden eyes slowly looked up and into his. His blue eyes boring now into hers.

"Trust me, my little chirraya ." His thumb gently brushed the stray tears away, his forehead now leaning against hers. They both inhaled and exhaled, only their breathing and hearts heard as everything was silent. God, he smelled so good. And he was so very warm, she felt her anger melt away as he held her securely. His gaze promising.

She trusted him more than anyone else, he buried his face in the crook of her neck and shoulder. His eyes closing as he was pleased with her familiar scent, tingles spreading across her skin as she felt his lips brush against the pulse in her neck.

Electricity sparked up in her, awakening every nerve and section in her body. She missed him, his touch, his scent, all of him. She craved him.

A soft sound left her rosy lips as he pushed her up against him, closer. One hand on her butt, the other unzipping the back of her dress. He wanted all of her, needed all of her.

She was his, and oh god has he missed her. All he wanted to do now was make long awaited love to her.

He'd take her till they felt whole again, he loved her with all his heart, she makes him feel things he's never ever felt before.

Gauri  let her dress fall to the floor as her mates mouth moved lower, his soft kisses brushing against her collar bone then down to the dip between her cleavage. She gently entangled her fingertips in his hair before trying to pull his suit jacket off.

Growling with frustration, she grasped his tie and pulled him closer. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him with such passion that arousal and heat sparked up instantly in him.

His wolf growing impatient and more dominant as he moved his mate backwards till he was able to lay her down on the stone surrounding the fountain.

Moving on top of her, he pinned her arms down and kissed her. His hand traveling down her bare form to her inner thigh, he gripped her thigh firmly then making her legs wrap around his waist after he shrugged off his white dress shirt and tie.

She smiled softly up at him, slipping her arms out of his hold, now gently kissing his neck. She nipped teasingly then lowered her mouth to his strong shoulders and chest. One arm wrapped around his ripped waist while the other reached up, her index finger gently traveling down the middle of his chest then tracing the hard outline of his abs.

He growled, biting her lip and claiming her mouth once again with his, his tongue gliding in to taste her. Moans left his aroused mate, the she-wolf pulling him closer so their hot skin was touching.

As their skin came in contact, the alpha male shoved her arms back down and growled louder. His fangs bared as he asserted dominance, Gauri  snarling back slightly in challenge as she bit down on his arm, in more of a playful manner to frustrate him more when she didn't submit.

He held her down with his body, careful not to crush her, then sank his fangs down deep into her shoulder.

She yelped out in surprise, soon submitting due to his roughness. He smirked satisfied and glided his tongue over the bite mark before kissing and nibbling on the sweet spot on her neck.

Gauri  dug her nails deep into his back, tensing as a wave of pleasure crashed over her. He continued to tease her before spreading her legs and taking her right then and there.

"You're all I want, Gauri, All I need! You're what I love and desire always ."


Omkara sat at the throne, on his lap sat his mate who rested her head on his shoulder and gently ran her fingers through his soft hair.

She was making a soft purr-like sound, now very happy. He kissed her forehead as many of the woman who came to see him started to stare and then leave.

Gauri gave every woman in sight a dark look, a few snarls had left her when some came too close. Omkara was hers only.

As if to make matters worse, he forgot about dealing with Ishana who now entered the throne room. Gauri  protectively growled, shifting slightly as Omkara rested his hand on her thigh to calm her. Her fangs were bared as her golden eyes darkened.

If her mate was going to have woman lusting after him, she'd make them all leave. Before she could do anything, Omkara grasped her by her chin and pressed his lips against hers.

He gently bit and tugged at her lip, causing Ishana to glower and walk off with her father trailing quickly behind.

"Someone's jealous I take it.." He replied with a deep chuckle, she gave a small snarl causing him to pull her closer. He nuzzled her neck with his nose as she relaxed and bit his ear.

"Of course I am. You're mine, Omkara . Only mine."
That seemed to do the trick as he had her thrown over his shoulder and upstairs into their bedroom faster than she could even blink.

Laughs left her as he locked the door and moved her towards the bed. "We've got plenty of work to do my Queen. I'm afraid it's going to take awhile."

She bit her lip and looked up at him, "Hmm...How long exactly?"

He leaned down and whispered into her ear with a light growl. "As long as you want, my gauri."

After a few more hours of lovemaking Gauri  laid her head on his bare chest and entwined her fingers with his, holding his hand now.

She kissed his hand and snuggled closer to him. "I missed you a lot om.."

He smirked down at her, "Believe me. I can tell."

She blushed and light whacked his shoulder, "Thank you for interrupting. As I was saying, I missed you a lot and wanted to love you. Now don't get mad...but I have to ask you something.."

He raised a brow, "No. No Gauri. I don't want you out there." He didn't even have to hear her, just read her mind.

Gauri  began to protest, "But Om. Me and
the girls planned this weeks ago. We want free time to catch up. And you and the guys should too!"

He growled and sat up, pinning her beneath him. "I said no."

"Why?" She huffed out and looked away.

"Because I don't want all those fucken perverts staring at you. You're mine." He kissed the marks he left on her body and was further pleased as her body was covered with his scent.

She sighed, "Fine."

He sat up, she then made a break for it, throwing on a tank top and shorts and trying to reach the door.

A loud squeak left her as his arms wrapped around her waist, he scooped her up and took her back to bed. "Nice try."

"Damn you Omkara!."


The sound of the wind filled his ears as he
rushed forward, adrenaline surging through his veins.

He let out a loud roar-like growl, the black wolfs fur standing on end, his ears bent slightly back as he stood between the two werewolf packs that almost clashed, his large canines bared.

Loud yelps left the two alphas of the two packs as the enormous male wolf held both down underneath his paws, growling with such furiousity that both packs lowered to the ground not wanting to be punished.

As all the wolves bowed down, Omkara let the two alphas go and glared at everyone.

Pacing, his fur flattened down, but anger still flared in his eyes. "You both intentionally disobeyed my order right after it was announced. This is bloody gathering!! I should just tear each and everyone one of your throats out, but as I said. This is a gathering, go back to your reserved areas and stay silent!"

Whimpers filled the air as the wolves rushed back to their spots. A slender silver wolf slowly approached him, brushing her soft fur against his as she licked his cheek. "Lets continue with your announcement, Om."
The alpha calmed down, nipping his mates side before following her back to the high rock.

His enormous wolf leapt onto the rock and stood at the top, his mate beside him as were his three pups. Aadhya was a dark shade between black and grey, Ahan a tannish grey, while Arth was pitch black like his father.

Ahan kept picking on Aadhya , while Arth sat on the other side of Omkara already displaying his alpha traits.

"Any packs daring to go against my orders will be sent instantly to the executioning grounds. Any packs to fight will also be cast out and punished. This gathering is also a ceremony to announce that my mate, Queen Gauri  has fully recovered along with our three children.

Now you may all celebrate." Omkara spoke with power, having a stentorian voice. He then flicked his tail and turned leaping off the boulder as everyone was dismissed and now preparing to hunt.

Omkara nudged his mate whose gaze was on the humans who were caught crossing the South border. "Take the pups back home and get some rest. It's getting late..I will be there shortly after finishing some business."
She heard his firm growl and slowly nodded then leading her three pups back towards the palace. "..Dad, can't I stay?" Arth trotted away from his mother and stood in front of his father.

"No, you're too young. In a few more years you may." Omkara replied as he looked down at his son, nudging him towards Gauri .

Gauri  moved him along and soon disappeared from sight, safe back at the palace. He let out a breath and turned heading back to where the packs waited, each of them were growling impatiently, their eyes glazed over with blood lust.

Omkara padded towards the few tied up humans and growled lowly before shifting back to human form. "You all have a two minute head start, if you make it back over the South border without getting killed we'll let you live." He then didn't hesitate to untie them.

The humans tried to beg but could hear their two minutes being counted down, they began to run, the packs of wolves watching then crouching as they prepared to chase their prey.

Omkara continued to count, his bare, tan, fit upper body exposed. His muscles bunched up with every movement he made, his electrifying blue gaze glancing at the crazed wolves before he signaled that they could start.

The wolves toppled into each other as they each tried to push the others out of the way so they could get a bite out of the prey.

Omkara didn't feel like hunting, humans especially, but it was tradition that all wolves had to participate in the hunt, even more so if you're an alpha.

He let out a small grunt of displeasure and took his time, already knowing how far the humans will go.


As she laid awake, she clutched onto the cool bed sheets and curled up on her side. Blowing strands of her hair out of her face, she tried to get comfortable, growling in frustration in the process.

That's the thing about mates, you're awfully attached to them and your emotions are just mixed all the time.

Gauri  gave up and crawled out of bed, throwing on a loose t-shirt and bed shorts she made her way out of the dark room and entered the long hallway.

She checked to see if her pups were fully asleep, which they were, before she tiptoed downstairs and headed outside.

Passing Arijit and Mrunaal who were watching
tv in the process.

"He's gonna be mad." She gave a soft sigh realizing that her mate wasn't in a good mood. Gauri  nevertheless continued to walk towards where the gathering was being held, she wondered where he was and what he was doing.

An uneasy feeling filled her stomach as she tensed at the thought of him killing the humans.

Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't paid any attention, now tripping over a large stone table-like thing. Her arms shot forward, her palms now scratching against the stone, causing blood to faintly appear, her arms stopped her fall.

She sucked in a breath and let out a soft whimper. "Fudge me."

"Careful what you say.Hmm. You're even more attractive in human form." A few voices began to say. She instantly snarled and looked around cautiously, "I'm not flattered."

"You shouldn't try to run. After all it's your fault that Omkara is king now. You made all wolf laws broken. You just bring chaos." The wolves chuckled and began to snarl and surround her.

Gauri growled lowly and watched them warily, there was five. A large wolf approached, "So if we kill you, and your pups. Omkara would refrain from continuing his rein, overcome by grief."

She shifted and stood her ground though she feared killing them. The female wasn't as large as her mate let alone she was smaller than the entire direwolf family. The five wolves surrounded her, taunting her while nipping at her flanks. Her ears lowered back against her head as she snarled and dodged a few more bites.

Now letting out a loud yelp as all five leapt at her and began to bite down hard on her shoulder, back, leg, arm, and neck.

She whined as they pushed and pulled at her, her claws striking out and hitting one of the wolves in the chest, she then kicked one of the wolves off and let out a soft long howl.

The wolves moved back, "Oh shit."

"Pin her!" They all charged again, pinning her down as she squirmed.

Gauri  felt them tear at her fur and claw at her back, jaws now gripping onto her throats as she laid paralyzed, not able to breathe.

Soon loud yells and whimpers echoed as the wolves were yanked off of her. Her lungs now filling back up with fresh air as there no longer was jaws on her throat.

She laid, shifting back to human form, her body bare and cold. Trying to sit up, warm arms wrapped a large shirt around her and lifted her up. Gauri  cuddled her face against his chest and hugged him.

Whimpering softly as she told him what had happened. Her mate held her closer and growled calling Rithvik.

Rithvik gave Omkara a curt nod then tying the five male wolves who were now in human form to the steel posts at the executioning grounds.

"Watch her." He then said to Rithvik with a way too calm tone. He gently placed her down as Rithvik  stood beside her.

Her golden eyes watched her mate as Omkara was handed a whip. The packs came back and surrounded the area to be witnesses.

The alpha male lashed out the whip, which had sharp spikes on each side, at the five males. Punishing them severely.

"The price of touching a direwolfs mate is death. That's one of the first rules. Tonight all five of you will die." He said, his eyes a dark black as he whipped them over and over again till they screamed in agony.

The flesh on their back torn open. Omkara then dropped the whip and started to beat the crap out the five. He didn't hesitate to snap their necks after he got his anger out, Gauri now looking away.

"Om..?" She whimpered, her grey eyes tearing up unconsciously. He turned and headed back towards her, his fists bloody while his eyes were still black.

Rithvik stepped in his way and growled lowly, "Snap out of it!"

Omkara kept his eyes trained on her, shoving Rithvik out of the way and continued striding towards her. She gulped.



His dark side take over him .

A loud yelp left her lips as his hand flew forward, a hard smack sounded, destroying the dead silence. "..Why couldn't you just obey me Gauri!?" His growl was low, only but a rumble in his heaving chest.

She fell onto her side, her eyes squeezed shut as her cheek stung. A bruise instantly forming, tears now trickling down her reddish-purple cheek.

Soft sobs left her as she clutched her cheek, her grey eyes filled with hurt as she hesitantly looked up at him.

"You should've went to bed like I told you." He growled even more, growing closer till her back was pressed against the rough bark of the tree.

She couldn't speak, her eyes downcast as tears continued to flow out of her eyes, her body was shaking with fear and hurt.

Gauri  wasn't like most she-wolves who had a short fuse and could protect themselves all the time, she was vulnerable and wasn't born as a wolf who naturally adapted to their instincts.

She was bitten, changed into a creature she hardly knew anything about.

A beautiful monster.

In this situation, Gauri didn't know what to do, what to say. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, her jaw aching.

Omkara's eyes stayed black as if he was no longer human, his wolf had taken over.

Before she could apologize, she was dragged towards the steel posts. Blood coating them as her hands were chained to it, blood staining her hands as she cried.

Her breaths were unsteady as she tried to calm down, her grey eyes looking down at the pools of blood that her knees now stood in.

The clothing that covered her upper half now torn off as she cowered, "Omkara ..please don't!"

The alpha male looked to one of the servants who nodded and handed him a plain black whip, no one daring to speak up and stop him.

He drew his arm back then flew it forward, the whip lashing at her bare back. A sharp cry leaving her lips as she winced in pain, her eyes squeezed shut as her heart broke.

Her forehead now resting against the pole, her nails digging into it as a few more whip marks were made on her back.

The feeling of liquid dripping down her back caused her to shake even more. She was bleeding.

As she cried, she prepared for the seventh strike but it didn't come. She slowly glanced, Rithvik had shifted and tackled him down, pinning Omkara who was in his human form.

As Arijit soon arrived at the call of his brother, the other werewolves were ordered to return back to their homes.

Hands undid the chains, whimpers filling her ears as her vision blurred.

She let out a loud panicked cry as she inhaled the scent she now grew to fear and hate.

Her eyes meeting familiar blue ones, he was back to normal.

Omkara looked down at her, pain in his eyes. "Gauri .."

Gauri  shook her head and flinched back away from him, her body hurting as she dragged herself back till she could rest against a tree.

"Don't fcking touch me!" She shakily screamed out when he picked her up into his arms.

Her heart hurt, his heart hurt
His body shook as his eyes swam with a watery liquid he wasn't as familiar with.

He never used to cry, only since he met Gauri has he came close to crying once.
She writhed against him, crying and screaming loudly, her fists hitting him repeatedly, trying to make him let go of her.

"Don't touch me...Let me go!"

"Gauri, I'm so sorry.." He whimpered and took her back to the palace, as soon as he let her go.

She ran into their bedrooms bathroom and shut the door, locking it.

He continued to apologize, growing angry at himself as he punched a few holes in the door. 'You bloody idiot! You hurt hurt her..' His mind continued to scream at him. 'Control yourself!'

After a few more hours of waiting for her to come out, he sat with his back against the door, his hands clutching his head before he stood and yanked the knob off the door.

Omkara then entered the bathroom, his blue eyes glancing around only to find Gauri sitting in the shower, the cold water trickling down her scarred back as she rested her head against the wall, completely asleep.

He broke at the sight of his injured mate, now kneeling beside the tub. His hand reaching out to tuck the wet strands of her hair behind her ear.

He then turned off the shower, kissing the scars on her back softly while he dried her off and carried her to bed.

After tucking her in, he kissed her forehead and slowly left the room. He know that ,She hate him now.

Gauri slowly opened her eyes, glancing to the side of her as she saw an envelope on her bedstand, with it was a single red rose.

She slowly sat up, her body stiff, with shaking fingers she opened up the envelope that had I'm sorry written on the front.

Inside was a letter, car keys, and an address written down next to a large cheque .

Gauri  read the letter, tears falling down onto the bed sheets.

My Love ,

I know ,I fcuked up. I'm so sorry, I couldn't control my wolf around you..I know you probably hate me now and don't wish to see or have anything to do with me. So, I wrote down the address where your mother is. Here is the keys to car and a cheque book for expenses needs . I take it you will take our kids with you...Gauri it's your choice. Just know that I'm so sorry for hurting you, it's not even the last thing I ever wanted or intended to do. All this while ,I didn't want you to ever see that side of me but I failed, i failed miserably . I'll understand if you do choose to leave. If can please ,Forgive me.

Yours and only yours ,

The young queen had her bags packed as she gathered her three kids and silently now left the palace.

She didn't hesitate as she got in his black Lamborghini and saw him standing on the doortstep of the palace, watching her.

His eyes bloodshot as he watched her drive away, his fists clenched as he then shifted and raced after her, a loud, long, sorrowful howl leaving his throat before he stopped and let her drive away.

His heart sinking in his chest as he thrashed around the woods, as if going insane with self hatred.

His head banging against a tree as his claws striked out at himself. He bit at his body then panting heavily and whimpering as he laid on the ground, more pain filled howls leaving him.

He lost his mate.

She could hear his agonizing howls, tears filling her eyes but she continued to speed her way farther and farther from the palace.

Her heart kept hurting more and more, as much as she loved him she couldn't turn back, let alone look and speak to him again.

She was scared and broken, her body scarred from the marks he left on her, her cheeks stained with the tears of every painful memory.

As night came, she had reached the area her mother was staying, now parking the car in the houses driveway. Getting out, she led her little ones to the doorstep and rung the door bell.

Hearing footsteps approach, she heard a gasp on the other side of the door before locks were being unlatched quickly. The door now was open, her mother staring at her with wide tearful eyes.

The old woman's hands shakily covering her mouth in shock. "Gauri ..?" She croaked out through tears as dove nodded and cried embracing her. "Mom."

They continued to cry an hug hug each other before Ahan pulled on her sleeve. "Mom, I'm hungry." Aadhya and Arth agreed with Ahan for once, their stomachs growling hungrily.

Gauri's  mother, Pooja began to laugh and led the three children inside and into the kitchen.

Soon heating up leftovers and letting the kids help themselves to the food. "How's that man of yours doing?" She started to ask Gauri who spaced out for a moment.

"Um, fine. Why do you ask..?" She raised a brow and gazed at her mother who gave a warm smile.

"He's been making sure that I've been taken good care of for the past few years of course, didn't you know?"

Gauri  blinked taken aback then frowned, shaking her head.

"Well that's a pity. Now Gauri don't fret over it too much, you look awfully tired. You and the kids should rest. They're simply beautiful, Gauri ." She motioned to Aadhya , Ahan, and Arth who finished eating and fell asleep at the table.

Gauri  nods and gently carries them upstairs to bed, her eyes slowly dropping. She told her mother goodnight and they'd be staying for awhile before slipping under the covers and curling up around her pups.

She was exhausted but couldn't sleep. She laid awake, staring out the window, the moon shining brightly.


Omkara laid in bed, glass shattered and furniture broken, claw marks streaked alongst the walls of his room along with many holes from his punches.

His knuckles were bruised and covered in dry blood as he drank straight from the bottle of whiskey, his eyes staring out the window at the moon.

He missed her so badly. His heart aching in his chest as he snarled and whimpered turning away from it.

He messed up. He hurt her. He could never forgive himself after that.


A year later.

By morning she awoke yet to another single rose this time with just a card saying I'm sorry.

She threw the Rose into the trash along with the card before getting her kids up and dressed.

It was time they attend a normal school and live a normal life.Thats all she wanted. For everything to be normal again.

But life went against her, causing chaos as soon as she stepped out of her mothers house.

There he was, standing on her doorstep. His steely gaze transfixed on her. "Gauri ."

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