Chapter 16

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***Please Read The Disclaimer Attached To The Story Info.

This Chapter Contains Mature Content ***

Read at your own risk if you're below 18.

Her golden eyes stared into his for a moment before she quickly looked away and tried to hurry her three children towards the car.

She stayed silent as she heard him call her name with a low growl.

"Papa!" Aadhya pulled her hand out of her mothers grasp and ran towards her father, now wrapping her tiny arms around his legs.

Gauri turned and glanced, her two sons staying beside her, looking as if they too wanted to run into their fathers arms but they stuck close to her, they're old enough to know that she wasn't too fond of their father.

Arth was protective, as much as he loved his father he wanted to keep his mother from crying again. Ahan on the other hand just loved his mother more.

Aadhya seemed to miss her dad, Omkara was hugging his daughter close. "Hey princess."

His blue eyes looked up, meeting Gauri's gaze when she coughed aloud. "I have to get them to school and I do not wish to talk about things with you."

Gauri called Aadhya over and led the kids to the car. As she buckled them up inside, she prepared to walk around the car to the drivers seat, but before she could a firm hand grasped her wrist.

"Three hundred and sixty five days." He only replied.

She slowly turned to face him, "What?"

"Three hundred and sixty five roses. I sent you one every day for an entire year. Gauri, I've apologized to you three hundred and sixty-five times, begged you to forgive me." Omkara said, hurt in his tone as he stared her in the eyes and reached his hand out to softly caress her cheek.

She flinched slightly but stayed where she was, "..You hit me Omkara . You whipped me in front of everyone 6 times without stopping..I just can't.."
She lowered her head as a single tear rolled out from her left eye, his thumb brushing over her cheek to wipe it away.

"I know..I'm so so sorry. Gauri just please, come back with me."

"Why?" She asked .

He gave a small grunt of displeasure at her disobedience but ignored it and continued.
"Because you're my wife and the queen. And you're in constant danger along with our pups. I'll protect you, even from myself." He inched closer, closing any space left between them.

Stuborrnly, she refrained from moving and let out a soft held in breath, his scent strong and heat rolled off of him causing her wolf to whimper with longing.

Darn you Omkara!

"What makes you think you can protect me from yourself? You didn't hesitate to hurt me a year ago." She gave a small snarl and defiantly stared him straight in the eyes.

Omkara could feel his wolf grow unsteady but he kept him at ease, now pulling her forward, crashing his lips down against hers before placing her hand on his rapidly beating heart.

She let out a soft gasp at the sudden movement, he caught her off guard.
Her body was pressed up against his as his mouth connected perfectly with hers, the sensual things his lips were doing to hers made her crumble instantly. It was too long since she's been touched, kissed, held.

His lips brushed against hers, his teeth scraping and nipping against her bottom lip.

"You're mine Gauri ." He growled and shoved her closer, a soft moan leaving her as she could feel her skin come in contact with his through the fabric of their clothes.

She had to pull away but she felt paralyzed by shocks of pleasure.

"Feel that? My heart only reacts this way when I'm with you. I need you Gauri . I can't live without you." He whispered huskily to her as she slowly pulled away and peered up at him, his forehead resting against hers.
"I'm sorry my love. Trust me Gauri, I will not hurt you again. I promise you."

"I'll think about it, that's all. I gotta go." Gauri quickly moved back and hastily got to the drivers door of the car and got inside before driving off to take her kids to school.

"Mommy, will we see daddy again?" Aadhya soon asked. She glanced at her daughter through the rear view mirror, "Maybe."


The room smelled of alcohol and cigarettes, the lighting dim as the gorgeous female sat with crossed legs on the bar stool. Her elbows were propped up on the counter as she drank, lightly biting down on the straw.

Her curves sticking out as she wore a deep red dress. She stuck out like a sore thumb, drunk males often trying to come near her, her long deep brown hair covering the bite marks left on her body.

She showed none of them interest, her leg still crossed over the other while her golden eyes looked around for someone in particular.

As if on cue a strong scent filled the room, a tall dark figure coming towards her, electrifying blue orbs meeting hers.

The sight of him took her breath away, the way his t-shirt and jeans fit him perfectly, exposing a hard six-pack and muscles bunching on every part of his sculpted body.

Omkara practically growled at the sight of his beautiful mate sitting there with males around her.

They never learned to leave what was his alone did they? He eyed every male, giving them a dark look as he came up behind Gauri , his arms wrapping around her from behind.

He kissed her cheek then her lips, his tongue flicking against the roof of her mouth then clashing with her tongue. He held her head back by her hair firmly but not harshly and moved his mouth away to press kisses down her vulnerable throat.

His marks exposed to every male in the room. Gauri moaned softly, her skin hot as she felt his kisses travel down towards the hollow of her neck.

Omkara growled, the sound rumbling through his chest and out of his throat, becoming more animalistic as all the males backed off immediately.

Satisfied, he let her go and nipped at her jawline gently before kissing her softly again. She raised a brow then laughed when she realized what he was doing.

Scaring off all the other males.

Gauri got off the stool, pulling away from her mate and strutted away.

The motion of her hips causing him to groan inwardly, she was being a tease. He snarled softly and followed her out of the bar, she took off her heels and walked towards the woods.

Omkara followed then losing sight of his mate, everything too silent. He followed the scent of his mate, now spotting her kneeling before something.

The smell of rotting flesh filling the air. "Omkara...Something's wrong." Gauri began to panick as he then grasped her and hugged her close, his eyes on the burned body on the ground.

His blue eyes bore into the burnt corpse, it was a werewolf. "I'll have to call Tia.."
Gauri was breathing heavy as she sunk against him, her eyes squeezing shut.

Whimpers leaving her, great now she'll have nightmares of one of her own who
was brutally killed by a new unknown threat.

He took out his phone and dialed a number, still holding her close. She glanced up at him, wondering who the fcuk Tia was. "Just a friend." Omkara replied taking her by surprise.

"Sure." Gauri grunted with irritation, she was back to being possessive over her hunk.
The one of the main reason she has forgiven him so quickly was because her heat had come back, making her crazy for him. Her heat always come in wrong time .

She watched him begin to speak on the phone, rubbing her head tentatively now against his broad chest, her lips brushing against the pulse in his throat. "Mmm." Omkara growled softly, shifting her to his other arm.

If she was trying to distract him, she was doing a hell of a good job doing it. She snarled softly back and let the tip of her fangs scrap against his throat.

He told Tia the address and then hung up quickly as he now growled down at Gauri who cast him a innocent glance. "I'm sorry, I can't help it.."

She whimpered softly at the feeling of her skin burning up again. Her head resting back against the tree, her breathing shallow as she inhaled his testosterone filled scent.

"Trust me Gauri...I really want to take you right now ..right...but can't please you right now, mate. They'll be here any moment, we need to stay here till they arrive."

"But.." Gauri groaned softly and whimpered, her hormones going crazy as her scent reached his nose.

He strides towards her, kissing her passionately, his hands roaming her body, her skin still burning hot. He was dying to take her right now. Trying to stay in control, he heard sirens wailing.

Tia and the rest of the police arriving.

He breathed out, pulling away, Gauri now shifting, she swiftly took off not able to just stand there while her body was sensitive to everything she touched.

"Gauri ! Sh*t." River cursed under his breath, watching his female run off.

He clenched his fists, controlling his wolf who was hungry for his mate, her heat had come again at the wrong time and place.

The officers soon approached him, gave him a short glance, then hurried to look over the body. "..Definitley not human. It has several scratches and is burnt severely." One officer said as a tall woman came over to inspect the body, her eyes then meeting Omkara's . "Long time no see, Om."

"Indeed it's has been a long time, Tia . So long that I've gotten married and now have three children." He said in response, not wanting to make too much of a conversation with the female officer. ".I take it you can handle things from here?"

Tia nods with crossed arms, "Yes, but I'll need you and whoever else was a witness answer a few questions back at the station." Tia replied.

He nodded to her then jogged off till his form was rarely visible, that's when he shifted and followed the strong scent of his mate.

Anger burned in him at the thought of any males getting his mate, 'Dammit! Where the f*ck is she?!' His wolf grew uneasy as river continued to keep him at bay.

The alpha male stalked past a few trees only to slow down and glanced, a wolf laid whimpering on a stone near the river, his blue orbs caught sight of his mate and now he rushed down over to her.

His tongue licked at her silver fur, the tip of his snout pushing her tail out of the way.

The alpha male growled sniffing his mate, only to find out with relief that she was untouched because whenever Gauri in heat , she will lose all her senses and any male wolf can easily sense if any she wolf in heat . I He now licked roughly between her hind legs causing the female to squirm slightly and whine.

He held her still and continue to sniff and lick at her, now nuzzling her flank and showering her with affection. She shifted her rump slightly and walked off with a small snarl, her fangs bared as she caught the scent of Tia on him.

He growled in confusion and watched his mate then coming towards her again, his canines also bared as his lips curled back.

His black fur bristling, his mate didn't want to submit. "Gauri ." He growled louder, the large rumble echoing through out the woods as he inched towards her, his hackles rising as he grew larger.

Gauri inched back every time he took a step forward, her ears pinned back against her head as she continuously snarled at him.

The dominant male swiftly pinned her down, now biting down on her throat. "Gauri , enough." The female grew angry at the thought of another woman touching what was hers.

She yanked out of his grasp and bit down hard on his neck, growling softly. "Your mine, not anyone else's Omkara!." He calmed knowing now why she was angry, the male towered above her only to lower to her height.

"Gauri I'm only yours. And you are mine." He submitted for the first time ever.
Gauri would be the first and last person he'd ever submit to.

They were both alphas, both dominant though he was more dom in his opinion, and they both loved each other enough to submit to one another.

Once she finished marking him, he brushed his fur against hers and knocked her down with a nudge of his head making her fall onto her side softly. She submitted as he pinned her and then let him lick her cheek.

Before they could continue to court each other, Omkara stared out into the distance, his ears twitching.

Suddenly there was a loud bang. Gunshots.

He reacted on instinct and protected his mate, urging her to run.

"Gauri!!! Run! And Hide!" He growled out then watched his mate whimper and hesitate.

"What about you?" She asked .

"I'll be back, I promise." Omkara said firmly and roared out causing her to scamper off to hide.
He then turned away and silently and caustiously went towards the noise.

Gauri hid in a small den, backing away from the entrance and then glanced.
Seeing her mate disappear into the woods, a quiet whine leaving her. Thankfully the den was next to a tree and covered by a few bushesbut it still gave her a clear view of the outside.

'Om?' She called for him in their mind link, only hearing silence. She waited, her heart beating in her chest when he didn't respond.

Her eyes stayed alert as she changed back to human form so she'd be able to fit in the small den easier.

She listened, hearing nothing, then footsteps came her way. She inched back and almost screamed when she felt someone grab her leg from behind and pull her out.

She glanced meeting familiar blue eyes, he helped her quickly onto her feet and told her to stay silent. She hugged him tightly and nodded before he grasped her hand and ran, forcing her to run and try to keep up pace.

'Om, what's going on?' She used their mindlink. 'I'll explain later. We have to leave.'

'What? Why?!' She was so confused, and now was growing panicked.

'Because, they're after us Gauri . Only us.'


She ran swiftly, her bare feet bloody as she continued to run through the woods.
Her golden eyes panicked as she looked behind her, shadows chasing after her.

"..Leave me alone!" Gauri screamed, hands gripping onto her, her legs and arms kicking at the dark figures as she fell to the ground.

She screamed out again, sobbing as she saw a face in front of her. Half of the mans face burned off, his flesh peeled back around his bones, exposing his facial bone structure.

His eyes were then pecked out of his skull by crows, blood gushing down his face, a few splatters of it staining her face. His entire body was burned as the girl cried and covered her face with her hands, curling up. "Stop it! Stop it! Leave me alone!!!"

"Jaan?! Gauri ?!" A deep voice shouted from down the hall. The female tossed and turned, clutching tightly onto the sheets as she screamed out, tears and sweat drenching her skin. "Stop! Please! Stop!"

Omkara shoved open the door room and strided towards the bed, he kneeled down by the side of it and gently grasped his mates face in his hands. His thumb brushing lightly against her cheeks. "Jaan, it's okay. It's okay. I'm not going to let anything hurt you. You're okay." He soothed her, his voice reassuring.

She whimpered and let her cheek sink against the palm of his hand.

"Baby ,Open your eyes. It's okay." He told her with firmness, now using his other hand to calmly draw small circles on her bare back with his index finger.

Gauri slowly opened her eyes, her gold orbs looking into his as tears swelled up in them. "..Please don't leave again.."

He felt her hand hold onto his t-shirt as if scared he'll go away again. Omkara frowned , hating to see her suffer from the horrid nightmares.

He gently pressed a kiss to her forehead and helped tuck her back into bed, then slid under the sheets beside her. His hands now running slowly through her long messy hair while she cuddled up close to him and rested her head on his chest.

Calming as she felt his warmth, inhaled his comforting scent, and heard his heart beat.

Omkara watched her fall asleep again, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. It's been only a few days since they found the burned body in the woods and were forced to take major precautions.

They packed up all their belongings and fled from the palace, now having to travel by plane away so their scents wouldn't be followed.

They had to say goodbye to their family so they wouldn't be involved or targeted as well.

It was only them and their three children. The special police force had already relocated them to the city, they would have to change their names and appearance.

Blend in as normal werewolves, and a normal family.

Omkara felt her bare body move closer against his, he now gave a low growl, gritting his teeth. He stared up at the ceiling, clenching his fists slightly as he tried not to get affected by her. But it was too late, he was hard as steel and she was fast asleep.

"Dammit." He cursed forgetting that she was still in heat, now trying to not wake her. It's gonna be a long night.

Omkara let out a deep frustrated sigh and stared up at the ceiling again. "Great."


Her golden eyes fluttered open as she laid splayed out on the silky bed, slowly she sat up and blinked.

She could hear the sound of music blasting, barefoot she climbed out of bed and pulled on one of his white business shirts.

Biting her lip nervously, she tiptoed silently out of the room and downstairs, glad to see her children in the room next to theirs still sleeping.

Now at the bottom of the stairs,Gauri walked to the basement door, finding it open as she hesitantly walked down the steps.

Her skin instantly went hot as she smelled her mate's strong scent. Her golden eyes watching from the second to the last step, he was working out hardcore.

Sweat drenched his muscular body as he did push-ups then moved on to doing pull ups on the bar giving her a great display of his hard abs and sexy body.

She heard him cough and jumped now quickly trying to make it up the stairs. "Like what you see ?" His deep voice hit her like a ton of bricks as she instantly stiffened and blushed, her body on fire as she could sense him come up close behind her.

His breath fanning her neck as she felt his warmth roll off of his body, her legs squeezing shut as she tried not to go weak in the knees.

He let out a growl, the sound rumbling through his chest and throat as she decided to make a run for the door.

Almost reaching it, he slammed it closed, locked it and pressed her up against the door slowly.

His blue eyes dark as his gaze roamed down her body, pleased with her choice of outfit.
She wore nothing but his shirt and that turned him on even more.

Omkara gripped her thighs and lifted her up onto his waist then pinning her back against the door.

She let out a loud gasp, his skin hot against hers, the friction between them making her wolf go insane.

He lowered his head, his nose slowly running up her neck, inhaling her scent while his teeth bit down gently on her ear lobe. "Tell me ,Do you want me?" He asked in a husky low voice.

Her body reacted to his, immensely aroused.

She whimpered as tingles erupted on her skin, her legs trembling at the closeness, she could feel how hard he was.
It was especially obvious through his sweat pants.

He growled before she quickly nodded, her nails digging into his back. She was trying so hard not to lose it and so was he.

"Yes!." She said .

Suddenly, a voice started to call for them. "Mommy?! Daddy?!"

Omkara grunted in dismay at the sound of their children waking up.

Now exhaling as he rested his forehead against hers, "Damn." He wanted to make love with her, but they kept getting interrupted.

Its really frustrating him.

She gave a soft laugh, now kissing him gently. Pulling away, she patted his shoulder, "Better luck next time omkie . You have work and I have to take the kids to school."

He groaned with irritation when he watched his mate walk back up the stairs, giving him a full view of her ass. "Shit!."

She laughed out once she reached the top. He stopped staring and gave a small chuckle, winking at her. "Too bad."

Before he could walk out of the basement, she blocked his path and looked down then back up at him.

"..You'll have to get rid of that first mister." He realized she was reffering to the massive bulge in his pants and gave her a sexy smirk. "Wanna help me?"

She laughed and shook her head, then closing the door in his face. "Nope."

Gauri could hear his frustrated growl as she walked away and went to get her kids dressed and ready for school.

Once they were all downstairs she cooked them breakfast eggs, and toast. "Here you go babies ." She handed them their plates and kissed their foreheads. "Eat up, we have ten minutes before we gotta go."

The new house they were living in was a modern home near the beach, it was beautiful and spacious but she still missed their family and the palace.

Especially the beautiful garden .

The city wasn't far away only a twenty minute drive.

Gauri fixed her hair, putting it up in a ponytail while shoving on black leggings, ballet flats, and a white blouse. She then went outside and unlocked the car, all three pups following.

"Mom! Do we have to go??" They all groaned as she motioned them to get in the vehicle.

"Yes. Now hurry or you'll all be late."
They sighed and got in, buckled, then waited as their mother walked back to the doorstep of the house to kiss their father goodbye.

"Ewwww." Aadhya giggled but didn't look away, Ahan and Arth on the other hand were making gagging noises. "..Gross."

Gauri came back with a big smile, her face flustered as Omkara had whispered something in her ear before she left.

She got in and reversed out of the driveway, now driving off to the city where the kids school was.


Omkara leaned back against the wall, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as his arms were crossed, the sleeves of his white business shirt rolled up to his elbows. "So you're saying you haven't figured out who the damn murderer is?"

Tia and the other officers gave him a frown then shaking their heads. "We couldn't find any clues or tracks, I only was able to find skin. Old and thin skin left in a heap. We ran some tests over it but sure enough, there was no traceable DNA found."

"Have you identified the victim?" Omkara asked.

Tia nodded, ".It was one of the kings.
King Kaali to be exact."

Omkara didn't feel sorry, but yet was curious as to how and why the old fool was killed. ".It was found that he had ties with a few unknown people in the west.

They communicated over email, discussing ways to kill and rid of you and your family.
Apparently, they think your wife is not only a disgrace to all supernatural kind but also a disguised liar. She has no record or history. Not even a birth certificate. Her mother on the other hand is not Pinky Sharma. Instead she's Nitika. There was no last name." Tia explained to him causing him to grow more and more confused.

Tia stood and looked him straight in the eyes, "Your wife is not who she says she is."

Omkara looked at the woman, his fists clenched as he then strided out of the office and slammed the door shut.

It couldn't be true? Could it? Was she hiding this the whole time?

".Fcuk! Gauri ! Get your ass down here!" He growled after driving to their house, he slammed open the house door and watched as his mate jogged down the stairs, her golden eyes wide. "..Omkara what is it? Why are you yelling??!"

He growled and stormed towards her, "Were you hiding all this from me this whole time?!"

She backed away, fear obvious in her eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"Gauri ! Don't play dumb with me. What is your real name and who the fuck are you?! Tia told me that she found no record of you, no birth certificate. And your mother isn't who she says she is either!" He roared out causing her to jump and move back instantly.

"..I...I..." She stammered, her heart thumping wildly in her chest. "My name is Gauri ...Thats all I can tell you..."

"Bullsh*t! Tell me right now what is going on Gauri or so help me I will leave!" He was starting to lose his temper.

"I..My mother was married to a bad man....She wanted to get away from him..because he'd constantly abuse her. She was scared..mostly because she found out he wasn't human.. So she ran away with another man..and got pregnant with me...Ever since he's been tracking us down and...I just was trying to keep my family safe. My mother...she knew your family's guards would come every four years to take potential she waited till I was of age and told me I had to be safe because he wants to kill me." Gauri blurted out, covering her face with her hands as she trembled. "..I'm so sorry..Om."

Omkara calmed and wrapped his arms around his mate. "You should've told me."

"I know..I'm so so sorry." She whimpered and buried her face against his chest.

"Don't hide anything from me again alright?" He gave a soft growl as she then nodded.

Omkara lifted her chin up and kissed her gently, her back resting against the wall as she softly kissed him back.
Her hands moving down his back as his other hand lifted one of her legs up. Her one leg then wrapping around his waist as she bit down on his lip.

He snarled quietly and pinned her wrists above her head before they heard a knock on the door.

She lifted her head and glanced towards the doorway then looked back up at Omkara .

"Damn it!"
He was tired of them constantly getting interrupted, with a irritated growl he picked up his mate and carried her upstairs into their bathrooms shower.

Stripping off his beautiful mate's clothes, he turned on the shower and pressed her back against the shower wall.

"Om.." She moaned out softly and pulled away, her golden orbs peering up into his blue ones.
"Aren't you going to answer the door?" She asked, tilting her head.

He reclaimed her lips again, the knocking on the door continuing. "'No! Fcuking No!."

Gauri snarls softly as he removed his clothes and pressed himself against her, pinning her.

"Om.." He quieted her instantly when he gave a growl. "Its just Tia."

"Oh.." She murmured quietly and looked away, "So,Do you both have a history together?"

"Gauri , will you ever trust me ? I don't want anyone else but you. I'll prove that in any way I can." He replied, his hands holding hers as he kissed the mark on her neck.

She shuddered in response and exposed her neck further to him. "Mmm. And?"

"And I love you, only you Gauri . I sent you a rose every day for a whole year. And right now I plan on satisfying every party of your body and make up for the 365 of hell that I went through without you . You're my beautiful queen and my mate. Amazing mother of pups .You're my top priority Gauri. Trust me , nothing else matter than you my love ." He hugged her close, kissing her lips once more.

She smiled happily and jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist.

Her forehead leaning against his as she kissed him back, the cold water drenching their bodies.

"I love you too Om."


"You didn't have to wait." Omkara replied, knocking on the car window.

Tia glanced at him, then rolled down the window. "Well I did."

He could sense her hesitation and leaned against her car, his arm resting on the roof of it. His eyes searching hers. "Bad news?"

"Yeah. We found another body."


Arth shoved his hands in his pocket, his navy blue eyes glancing as many students eyed them. "Nobody likes us.." His little sister Aadhya began to say with a frown, her head now lowering as she clutched her favorite book to her chest.

The three siblings continued to walk down the hall, Ahan rolling his eyes. "They're all idiots, that's all."

"No swearing Ahan." Arth growled as they both walked their sister to her locker. "Buzz off, Arth ." Ahan snarled back.

While they were glaring at each other, Aadhya tiptoed and went to place her things in her locker when a taller older boy shoved his fist against the locker door, shutting it, then knocked her favorite book out of her hands.

"Hey!" She let out a huff, glaring up at the boy.
He picked up her book, gave a snort when he looked it over. "Give my sister her book back." Both Arth and Ahan now glowered at the boy, their fists clenched.

The boy only shrugged and dropped her book on the floor, leaving it there. "How dare-.." Ahan began to growl and try to reach the boy but Arth held him back. "Stop."

"You, me, fight outside at lunch!" Ahan snarled out to the boy then pushing Arth off of him.

The boy just gave a smile and walked off as if nothing happened, making Ahan grow more agitated.

Arth on the other hand was calm and picked up Aadhya book then handing it to her, "here Aadhya . Let us know if anyone tries to bully you again okay?" Aadhya gave a nod and hugged her book close, her brothers now walking her to class.

By the time it was lunch, Loud shouts sounded, kids circling around two figures at the back of the school.

Ahan charged at the boy, his eyes narrowed. The boy went to move away but wasn't fast enough as Ahan shoved him down instantly using all his weight.

He then grabbed the boys shirt collar and began to punch him as hard as he could in his face, over and over again. The boy grunted and moved him off then landing several punches on Ahan's face.

Ahan shoved his elbow into the boys side, hitting his rib before tripping him so he fell back to the ground.

Ahan stood then, wiping blood off his lips as he kicked the boy in his stomach over and over again. "Don't ever treat my sister like that!"

The boy grabbed his foot and yanked him down both of them now rolling around in the grass trying to punch at each other.

Aadhya started to scream at Ahan to stop. "Ahan! Stop!." Arth shoved kids out of his way and walked over to where the two boys were, now grabbing Ahan off by his shirt.

"Enough, Ahan. Maa going to be pissed!" Ahan stiffened and stood, now having a black eye and bleeding lip. "..Oh crap."

They feared their mother more when she was
angry, mostly because she hardly was. But when she was, she was scary as fcuk.

Arth went to help the boy to his feet but the boy whacked his hand away and got up, both eyes covered with bruises as his mouth also bled.

But the boy didn't look angry just blank.

"..Two of you! In the principals office now!!" The vice principal shouted from the back doors of the school as the two boys sighed and trudged up back to the doors of the school. "Mumma gonna kill me."
Gauri rushed down the hall of the school, her heels clicking loudly against the hard floor.

Her golden eyes hooded as she quickly went towards the principals office, now opening the door. Her gaze landing straight on her son only, "Ahan ."

Ahan gulped and slowly turned only to meet the fiery gaze of his mother. "'am?" She was ready to say something when Omkara soon entered and intervened.

"..I apologize for my sons behavior, it won't happen again." Omkara explained firmly to the principal giving the woman a reassuring look, the principal then giving in with a sigh to the undeniably attractive man. "..Alright. But he's suspended for two days."

"Two days?!" Gauri now shouted, exasperated before river chuckled and kissed her cheek.
"It's not that bad jaan."

"It is! Ahan come on, we're gonna go home and have a long talk about this." Ahan didn't have to be told twice and quickly walked out of the office, sulking slightly.

"Okay mom." Omkara signed out Arth and Aadhya then leading them to the new truck he had to get so no one would identify their other car.

Gauri followed, once all pups were inside, Omkara pulled her to him and kissed her forehead. "Relax Jaan, I'm sure he has a reasonable explanation.."

"Mm." She only muttered and pulled away then getting in the passengers seat.

He got in the drivers seat, started up the engine then drove out of the schools parking lot.

Back at the house Gauri made Ahan sit at the counter, she gently pressed an ice pack to his bruised eye. He winced and stared at the ground, "I'm sorry maa."

"I know baby. But you know we didn't raise you to use your fist Ahan. Care to explain what happened?" She asked, raising a brow then crossing her arms.

Omkara on the other hand scooped up Aadhya who now shrieked out in fits of giggles and followed Arth (who was going on an on about a new video game) into the living room.

Ahan grunted then sighed, "A boy was picking on Aadhya so I told him to meet me outside at lunch so I could give him a piece of my mind."

Gauri ruffled his hair gently with her hand and kissed his cheek, "Baby, Im glad you did it to defend your sister but next time tell an adult not call out the boy. I don't want you fighting."

He looked up at his mom then giving her a bright smile, "Maa..Does this mean I'm not grounded?"

She nodded, "Yes, but if you do it again you will be. Now go play with your brother and sister. I'll start cooking dinner."

He hugged her tightly then raced off into the living room. "Thanks mom!"

Gauri smiled happily then humming as she began to make spaghetti and chicken meat balls for dinner. While she was doing so she heard the tv blasting, the sound of guns going off.

Shaking her head, she finished up cooking the meal and filled up three plates. Now placing the plates on the dining table, she walked into the living room. "Dinners ready. Pause the game."

She watched as Omkara continued to play video games with Arth , their eyes focusing only on the tv.

Gauri sighed and walked in front of the tv, "Dinners ready. Pause it."

They both gave a low groan and Arth paused it, the three kids now walking out and into the dining room.

Omkara leaned back against the couch, "Jaan."

Gauri walked towards him then slowly sat in his lap, her legs straddling his hips as she pecked his lips softly. "What?"

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful and amazing you are?" He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back.

"No..I don't think you have." She laughed softly and blushed, her arms wrapping themselves around his neck.

"Well you are the most beautiful, smartest, kindest, and most amazing woman I've ever met." He replied and trailed light kisses down her jaw to her neck.

She smiled and bit his ear gently, "And you are the sexiest beast , stubbornest, and greatest man I've ever met."

"Good." Omkara growled out and crashed his lips back against hers as she softly played with his hair.

Gauri sank into his embrace, moaning softly before she pulled away. "Om ..We have the kids. Plus, you need to eat." She then stood and held his hands, trying to pull him up but he didn't budge.

"Gauri ."
"What is it?" She raised a brow and stopped.

Omkara shifted then stood and kissed her forehead, "Nevermind.." He then walked into the dining room to eat with his kids.

"What's wrong with him.." Gauri was left puzzled but sighed and began to clean up around the house.


Gauri laid sleepily, her eyes preparing to close when she heard a sudden bang on her window. She jumped and slowly sat up in bed, the room dark as her mate was nowhere to be found.

Her golden eyes soon looked to the window, the curtains covering it. Crawling out of bed, she hesitantly approached the large window the constant banging was coming from.

Her hands shakily drawing back the curtains, a corpse hanging above the window.

She let out a frightened scream, her heart pounding in her chest as her hands shakily covered her mouth. Tears running instantly down her cheeks as she was face to face with what looked to be her mother.

Her mothers eyes were poked out of their sockets, her skin burned. "Maa!!" She let out loud sobs, now lifting the window sill up, a crow swooping in scaring her even more as it flew around the room trying to peck at her.

Gauri scrambled back, cowering now in a corner, traumatized. Her body shaking as she sobbed uncontrollably, her face paling.

"Omkara!!!.." She let out shaky cries, her voice cracking as she covered her head with her arms. The crow pecking at her arm with its sharp beak, blood now flowing freely across her skin.

The room door slammed open as a loud growl sounded, the crow let out a loud squawk, flying off instantly.

Omkara was quick to slam down the window sill right on it when it tried to escape. Half of its body now torn off, Omkara grasped the dead crow and flew it out the window.

His eyes dark when he saw her mothers body dangling lifeless in front of him. "What the!."

Omkara rushed now over to his mate, embracing her in his arms tightly, covering her with kisses. "Gauri , it's okay. It's okay." She rocked back and forth, her knees clutched to her chest as she shook her head and cried.

"Om..She's dead...because of me."

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