Chapter 17

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***Please Read The Disclaimer Attached To The Story Info.

This Chapter Contains Mature Content ***

Read at your own risk if you're below 18.


Raindrops hit the top of the black umbrella that I stood under, the pitter pattering was the only sound that reached my ears.

Everything else was silent as all I could do was stand there, my eyes staring down at my mothers gravestone. I didn't say a word, my fists clenching around the umbrella handle, I was trying so hard not to break down again. It was all my fault. "..I'm sorry maa."

My body trembled as tears fled down my cheeks, I lowered to my knees, dropping the umbrella and leaned my forehead against the top of her gravestone.

The petals of the flowers that rested beside it beginning to fall slowly off, thunder and lightning crackling in the sky.

I let out soft sobs, wishing and begging for her to come back. Continuing to apologize, the rain started to pour down harder, each raindrop hitting my skin.

Everyone had left the funeral hours ago, but I stayed, I couldn't pull myself away.

I cried till I couldn't anymore, my eyes puffy and red as well as my nose. I missed her.

My body was shivering as I sat drenched from head to toe in rain, I could hear footsteps, the sound stopping beside me.

The raindrops stopped hitting my skin as a hand now rested on my back, comforting tingles spreading across my skin.

He offered his hand, my amber eyes now looking up at him. Swallowing back a whimper, I placed my hand in his warm one, him steadily pulling me up and onto my feet.

His arm then wrapping around my shoulders after he put his suit jacket on me. "..It'll be okay, Jaan." I hoped he was right.


"So bored!" Ahan gave a small groan, his face buried against a pillow on the sofa. The tv not entertaining the restless boy anymore. He would hate to even think about it, but he honestly would rather attend school now.

It was way too boring at home without his dad and siblings.

His mother sat curled up on the window couch, her forehead resting against the window pane. She barely talked and ate anymore, thankfully she still cooked though.

Ahan heard the phone ring and rolled off the couch and raced towards it, now answering.

"Hey Papa!"
He could hear his papa's familiar deep voice on the other end along with muffled voices of the people he was working with. "Hey buddy. Still bored?"

Ahan nodded only realizing his father couldn't see him over the phone, "Yeah..When will you be home?"

"The usual time unless I have to stay late. I'll let you know. How's your maa doing?" His fathers voice lowered, he could practically imagine seeing his father pacing as he always did when stressed and worried.

"She's still acting weird. She doesn't laugh or smile, she just sits there papa." Ahan frowned when he heard his father let out a small sigh.

"Can you try to get her to eat buddy ? I'll be there soon." Before Ahan could protest, the other end hung up. He slowly hung up as well and cast a glance towards his mother who stayed where she was.

Ahan put a pot on the stove and filled it with soup then turning on the stove burner. He waited till it was somewhat cooked then poured it into a large bowl.

With a sad frown he held the bowl along with a spoon and approached his silent mother.

He stood now beside her. She didn't turn to look at him and let out a soft breath.

"Maa..You have to eat." Ahan urged her quietly, now holding the bowl out to her. When she didn't move, he placed the bowl down on the window sill and gently turned her face towards him.

He could see the tears dried up on her face as he then slowly pressed the spoon filled with soup to her lips. "Come on maa, you gotta eat." Ahan encouraged, her amber eyes looking at him slowly before she silently sipped the soup off the spoon and swallowed.

He continued to feed her several spoonfuls till the bowl was almost empty, the sound of a vehicles engine now filling his ears.

Ahan put the bowl on the kitchen counter and waited as sure enough his father unlocked the door and stood in the entrance of the doorway.

In his hands was red roses and chocolate .
Omkara tossed his keys down on the counter, gave his son a comforting squeeze before heading over to his wife.

His woman tensed slightly as he came up behind her, his nose buried against her neck as he always did when comforting her. He felt her relax before handing her the red roses and scooping her up in his strong arms.

"Ahan help yourself to some of the snacks, also I got you and Arth a new video game." Omkara called out while heading upstairs with dove cradled in his arms, he then opened their bedroom door and laid her on the bed after kicking the door shut.

"Jaan." He spoke now, his arms crossed as he observed her. When she didn't respond, he walked over and kissed her forehead.

Gauri let out a shaky sigh as she felt his warm lips on her forehead, she then leaned back against the pillows watching curiously as he moved away and turned on some intimate music.

He cast her a small wink getting a small smile to erupt now on her lips, he started to take off his suit jacket and slowly unbotton his white dress shirt in front of her.

She couldn't hide her smile now as she held in laughter when he unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor.

He kept his tie on, his bare body exposed to her as he moved onto the bed towards her, his eyes piercing into hers. She could tell he was slightly embarrassed but he wouldn't let that damage his ego one bit.

She tried to cover her face with the blanket when he came up close and pinned her hands down to the bed, leaning down so that his lips could lightly brush against hers.

Omkara could feel her smile and felt relief flood him. "..I think I'm much better than your salman khan that you always squeal over Gauri ."

He now kissed his signature marks he left on her neck and shoulder, a shudder rippling through her.

"Mmmm....I guess so." Her voice was soft and he was ecstatic to finally hear her talk to him again.

"..You guess so?" He gave a small growl of disapproval when she nodded with a quiet laugh.

"I guess I'll have to prove just how much better I am then."


"They know where Gauri always is. The longer we wait, the more bodies turn up." Tia explained to Omkara over the phone as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"..Alright, I'll be there in a moment." He had to make it out there but he had a wife and three kids to care for.

Letting out a deep sigh he hung up and returned to bed, his blue eyes watching his woman sleep peacefully. His hand gently reached out to caress her cheek causing her to smile softly in her sleep.

Omkara then shrugged on his leather jacket over his t-shirt and silently left the bedroom and made his way down the stairs and out the front door.

Hours earlier he had already brought the kids home, now after Ahan played with his two siblings for more than two hours they were happily passed out upstairs.

Omkara didn't like the feeling of leaving them but he had to put a stop to the ongoing murder happening close by.

He drove his truck off down the wet dirty road, it was about midnight now. Running a hand over his face he tried to push away the unsettling feeling building up in his stomach.

Once he got there, he parked, got out of his truck and strided over to where Tia was waiting. A horrible stench filled his nose as he spotted three black pitch eyes watching him, their talons digging into the burnt meat of another corpse.

Toa slowly approached him with wet cheeks, now engulfing him in a tight hug. "..It was horrible.." He coughed and patted her back lightly, "..Are you okay? Did you see the suspects?"

She nodded and slid a large needle out of her sleeve as it was connected to a huge syringe filled with an unknown substance. "..I'm absolutely fine."

Tia drew her hand back slightly then slammed it down into his neck. A loud growl left the alpha male who now dropped to his knees, slightly paralyzed and on the verge of slipping into unconsciousness.

"Gauri .." He muttered as his vision blurred, loud claps echoing around the remote area. Shit, this wasn't good at all. Before he could see or say anything more, he faded into pitch black darkness.
Omkara awoke, sweat rolling down his body as he snarled and thrashed against the steel post instantly. His wrists and ankles bound tightly with heavy chains and cuffs.

He grunted when the heat increased, his bright blue eyes now glancing down as a fire was lit beneath him. His back was starting to burn from the already hot pole.

Damnit! I should've known this was a trap.

His head and heart pounded as he was kept restrained against the post. Three of the crows watching them before morphing into human form.

"Finally, this should do it." A elder man spoke.

"Thank you for coming out here tonight. I'll finally get to kill that disgusting little b*tch." The man continued as Omkara gritted his teeth, his jaw clenching with anger.

"..So you're her father..? It's about time you revealed yourself you son of-.."
The elder man laughed and in a blink of an eye Gauri stood in his place.

"..What were you saying your 'majesty?'" Omkara now roared out, yanking against the chains.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her!"
Gauri laughed and then soon became Tia. "..Or what?"

"In any moment you'll be nicely fried." Tia continued only then returning to the appearance of the elderly man.

Omkara growled, his fists clenched as his knuckles turned white. But he couldn't do much, his skin already starting to burn.

Sweat drenched him as he refused to die this way. He had to live for Gauri and their pups.

"..It looks like our guest has arrived.."
Omkara thrashed again once he saw far off in the distance familiar golden eyes. "..No!!! Gauri Run!!!"

But to his dismay, his stubborn woman only drew closer.

He could see the pain in her eyes, the sight of his mate tearing at his heart and soul.
"Gauri !.."

She turned away from him and approached her father, she spoke to him, but her golden orbs stayed focused on Omkara .

"..It's okay Om . I'll handle this." She spoke to him in their mindlink.

He growled out a no to her only then to see her eyes turn a pitch black for the first time.

All he could do now was stay silent.


Gauri leaned over on her knees, blood coating her body. It was as if she could only see red, her head hurting, her breathing increased.

She began to panic, the corpses around her mangled, their limbs torn apart from their bodies. Her mothers ex-husband laid dead in front of her, she shakily stood and dragged his body into the fire, letting his corpse burn to ashes.

".Gauri .." A voice spoke out sternly. Omkara had gotten out of the chains easily once the paralyzing serum finally diminished completely.

His body healing swiftly, his only worry was his mate. He watched her closely, her wolf gaining control, though Gauri kept trying to not let it fully take over.

Her eyes were switching between black and golden , she stepped back away from him as he came closer.

The female had her fangs bared at him, her posture becoming defensive.

"I don't want to hurt you Gauri .." He replied with hesitation as he slowly continued towards her, a loud snarl leaving her lips as her eyes went black.

Gauri shifted and stood her ground, he shifted swiftly as well.The males fur was bristled as his hackles rose, a loud growl escaping his throat as the female snarled back.

Frustrated with her unsubmissiveness, Omkara tackled her wolf down to the ground, his jaws snapping around her throat firmly but not hard enough to do any bad damage.

She struggled, wiggling out of his hold, thrashing against him. As he let go, she instantly went for his throat. Harsh snarls left the two wolves that fought, their bodies hitting a few trees and breaking branches.

Gauri toppled back, Omkara once again pinning her, his weight keeping her beneath him. He roared out now with anger, tired of fighting, he wanted his mate to gain back control over her wolf. He snapped his jaws, his blue eyes darkening once he stood in front of her.

The she-wolf finally shrunk back in fear, her head lowering much to her wolfs displeasure. Her eyes slowly became amber again as blood still coated her fur, she was startled at the flashbacks of killing three of the shapeshifters gruesomely.

A whine left her as she paced as if trapped, now panicking from the horrid scene that she caused.

Omkara calmed at the sound of her whine, slowly now trotting towards her. Licking her cheek, he then brushed his head against her should and flank. The female whined and leaned against him before shaking her head.

She only let her wolf gain control moments earlier because she wanted to protect her mate. Thankfully she was able to do so, but at the same time she wanted to hurl at the thought of killing and taking away people's lives.

She would do anything for him, he was her world. And she was his. She can't live without him so do he .
Omkara shifted back to his human form, encouraging her to do so as well. She stood bare in front of him, his arms now enveloping her into a warm comforting hug.

Her skin now coated with goose bumps, she rested her face against his chest and listened to his heart beat. Her lips pressing against where his heart was making it skip a beat.

"I'm so glad you're alive Om...I thought I was
gonna lose you.."
He ran his fingers through her tangled hair and kissed the top of her head, "Never. I'll always find a way to make it back to you, my love. Dead or alive."

"Now lets go home." He added when she let out a soft yawn, blood still staining her skin, "But first let's get you washed up."
Scooping her up into his arms, he walked her to a nearby stream and placed her gently down on the ground.

She slowly cupped the cold water in her hands and splashed her face with it, letting the blood now mix with the water.

He watched in silence, she would occasionally glance at him, a small growl escaping his lips when she did.

When the blood was mostly gone he strided over to her and gently pinned her down beneathe him on the soft grass. Her breathing light as she stared up at him in surprise.

Mating was one of the things werewolves craved for, they lust after it, want it, need it. They have a never ending high sex drive that won't stop till they're able to produce more young, then the cycle restarts again.

It's worse for direwolves, it's one of the three things on their mind all the time. It's a huge instinctive urge.

Omkara growled softly and bit her lip, kissing her roughly. One hand holding her wrists above her head, she snarled softly and bit his lip back.

Her heart beated at a rapid pace as did his, her wolf going into a frenzy. It didn't help the fact that the moon was out tonight.

Gauri let out a loud startled gasp as he flipped her over, now she was laying on her stomach.

He kept her upper half pinned down and lifted her lower half. Omkara bit down onto her skin, sucking, licking, nipping, teasing till his mate submitted and let him have his way.

Let's just say it was in the heat of the moment. (Up to your imagination 🙈)


I slowly wake up in bed, my amber eyes glancing around the room before they move back to the side, landing on Omkara .

He looked as peaceful and cute as ever, half his face buried in his pillow, his feautures relaxed and calm.

I bite my bottom lip, watching him sleep soundly that is until his eyes flew open, staring deeply into mine. His face impassive.

"Good Morning." I blush and stammer out.

He grunts and pulls me close to him, his arms enclosing around me, his nose now brushing against my neck. I could feel his hot breath against my skin and hear him inhaling slightly.

"Mm." Omkara only began to reply when I tried to get him to budge.

"Om.." I whine softly and peck his cheek.

"..Mmmm." He grunted again, now pulling me even close, his face buried further into the crook of my neck.

"I'll bite you." I growl.

"Have at it Jaan, I'm all yours ." He responded with a husky sleepy voice.

"Okay. You asked for it." I playful bare my fangs and nip at his skin, not biting him yet which annoyed the heck out of him.

"Fine..I'll get up." He growled and picked me up, placing me on the edge of the bed while he moved off and went to take a shower, on his way he gave me a full blown view of his nice bare butt.

I laugh under my breath and follow, my arms wrapping around his waist from behind as I kiss his back. "Hey,Don't be mad."

He gave a small satisfied sigh at how close I was, now turning to face me. His hands cradling my face, moving me forward so his lips could crash against mine.

I melt into his kiss and pull away before things can get too heated again. "I forgot today is Saturday."

"And." He kissed me again when I tried to move.

"And, we have to return home today. We got rid of the creepers." I reply and move away, now starting to pack up things. "I miss everyone and the palace."

"Mm." He went into the shower as I trip over the bed sheets. I get up with a soft huff and pack up most of our things, we only had a little bit due to the sudden move. But now I was more than ready to go home.


"Mom!! Do we have to go?!!" Sudden shouts come towards our bedroom. I throw on one of Omkara's large t- shirts and shout back.

"Yes!!! Now get your things packed up."
I shove the suitcases down the hall and go to answer the door when there was a sudden knock.

Once I reached the door, out of the corner of my eye Omkara jogs downstairs with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. I reach for the knob and open the door.

Surprise surprise. Tia is standing there.
She gives a awkward smile. "May I speak to Omkara ?"

I bite back a growl and shake my head only for Omkara to stand beside me, his eyes on Tia. I roll my eyes and soon spot the angry old neighbors coming towards our door. "Shit. What did our kids do now?"

The lady and man are waving their canes, I try to push Omkara back inside but fail miserably. What was worse was that his towel dropped, my eyes now widening. "OM!!!!!!" He only began to laugh after cursing, my body now blocking his lower half. I looked as if I was doing the limbo.

Tia blinked and coughed, "maybe I should just go."

"Maybe that's a great idea." I respond blushing.

I slip on Omkara's towel which laid carelessly on the floor and fell against him, the sudden impact causing him to go off balance and fall with a thud, me landing on top.

A loud yelp left me as I feel cold air rush against my skin, oh fcuk.

My face is on fire as the neighbors let out a loud gasp, "Look away Jai!" The old woman covered her husbands eyes as my bare bottom was exposed from the huge t-shirt riding up.

I begin whacking Omkara as he only laughed louder and harder.

Great way to start the morning.

Suddenly, the mail man decided to come and deliver paper. And in that moment I knew I should've never opened the door.

Omkara growled at the sight of another man, his instincts kicking in as he flipped us over, him now on top of me.

He pulled the t-shirt down to cover most of my ass, his bare body crouching over me making the scene look worse.

I was tomato red by now, my eyes squeezed shut with embarrassment. "Just shut the damn door.."

"Your sons ruined-.." The old woman began before we could but I coughed loudly. "You do not have proof they did miss."

Most awkward time of my life.

I decided to just lay there, Omkara growling still. ".Great."


I stay silent the whole car ride home, my cheeks stained a crimson red. I could feel his gaze burning into me, but I didn't dare look back at him.

I was horribly embarrassed, not only in front of the woman he worked with, but also the neighbors and mail man.

Practically almost everyone in the neighborhood had seen my bare butt, and my naked Omkara.
Which also upset me, because I didn't want anyone looking at his perfectly sculpted body.

Only I could , because he is only mine .

Sighing, I turn away and lean my cheek against the window, feeling the cool glass slightly relieve my burning face.

Another strange sensation soon jolting through me, like it had several days before. I doubted it was anything, but I felt uneasy about it.

I didn't tell anyone's about it either. I kept it to myself even though I knew what the possibilities could be. The limo driver thankfully didn't question why we were so silent and kept his eyes on the road.

Omkara casually leaned back as if nothing happened, his gaze finally tearing away from me as he tended to his watch, checking the time. Rolling his business shirt sleeves up to his elbows, he folded his arms across his broad chest and returned back to staring at me.

I try to hide my face and felt his hand rest on my thigh, giving a soft squeeze. "Gauri ."

When I didn't turn to look at him, he gripped my chin lightly and made me face him. My amber eyes slowly meeting his gaze from behind long waves of my hair.

"..Hey.." I whisper as he then slowly smiles, a dimple appearing on one of his cheeks.

".Hey." He responds back then gently sweeping his thumb across my bottom lip.

His other hand moving my hair out of my face gently, the back of his hand pressing against my burning cheek. "You know baby ,I think you're awfully adorable when you blush."

I give a small shake of my head, adding a tiny eye roll. I bite his thumb and move away then curling up back against the window.

C*ck blocked .

He gave a small animalistic noise to show his disapproval. Nuzzling his nose into my neck, he wraps his arms around my small body and places me down into his lap.
"..Jaan..It wasn't that bad. I'll kill them all if you want."

I peek out and glance up at him to see if he was joking or not, but I couldn't tell.

His face was pretty impassive at that moment.
"..No." I finally say and rest my head against his chest, clutching fistfuls of his shirt in my hands.

Now closing my eyes and breathing in his scent. "..Just love me Om, that's more than enough ."

He kisses my forehead and cuddles me closer, "Okay ,What my Queen wants , that's my queen gets."


By the time we arrived at the palace it was nightfall and all the kids were out cold. With a yawn, I climb out of the car and gently try to lift Aadhya up into my arms but Omkara stops me.

With a small whistle, Arijit and Ranveer bound down the front steps of the palace and have smiles plastered on their faces.

"Hey, I missed-..!.." Arijit quickly silenced himself when Omkara gave a short growl motioning them towards the sleeping pups.

Ranveer instantly knows why he was called an brushes past me to softly carry a sleeping Arth, Arijit follows and carries Ahan while giving me a wink. "Had fun bhabhi?"

I shake my head. "Not exactly."

Once they carry my sons inside, Omkara picks up Aadhya and smiles at me. He lean down, kissing my lips softly before leading me towards the entrance doors of the palace, knowing I didn't want to talk of the traumatic experience with so much deaths that happened.

As the pups are settled down back into their bedrooms, I sigh finally feeling at home.

Although wherever Omkara was, was home. I lean back against the counter in the kitchen and fill a glass with orange juice , now taking a few sips.

So many things were on my mind. I missed my mother..

With a soft whimper, I rest my forehead against the fridge door, my hands starting to shake.

My eyes squeeze shut as flashbacks course through my head. Burnt bodies, so much blood, my mothers corpse hanging there, the crows.

The sound of glass shattering brought me back to reality as my eyes flew open, a single tear rolling down my left cheek.

My hands were dripping with blood along with my foot. Glass shards from the wine glass I was holding earlier were now digging deep into my skin.

I stand there, trembling as I could feel Omkara's worry. "What happened? Shit!, Gauri !" He rushed down the stairs and instantly picked me up and placed me down on the counter, careful not to step on any of the glass.

He began quickly taking out the glass pieces, once he made sure they were all out he wrapped my hand up with a bandage along with my foot. I cover my face with my hands now, sobbing uncontrollably.

My breathing becomes unsteady as I hyperventilate, having an attack. "..I don't know.." "It's okay Gauri . It's okay. Look at me." He cups my face in his hands, pulling my hands gently away from my face and wipes the stray tears away. "It's okay." He then pulls me close, my face burying itself in his chest.

After moments of just standing there with him whispering soft comforting words to me, he helped me off the counter, getting maids to clean the mess.

"Come with me."
He grasped my hand and led me down the wide halls, now opening the big doors of the garden.

My breathing hitched, I missed this place. It was now blooming with color, flowers growing everywhere along with a few vines.

"Om.." I murmur as he makes me sit down on the bench, handing me a white rose. Now snapping his fingers, a few servants appearing from a distance, they began to play their instruments, soft music filling the air.

"Dance with me." It was more of a command than him asking. He held his hand out to me as I look at him with wide eyes and gently place my hands in his.

"Om..." I try to say without my voice cracking.
He holds me close, silencing me, now as we swayed to the music. My foot throbbed along with my heart as he let me then stand on his shoes. I bite my lip, tears threatening to rush out again.

Pain erupting in me. I knew what was happening, blood trickling down the inside of my legs.

"..Om.." I whimper loudly now, pulling away. Blood dripping to the floor as I now feel light headed. I feared this would happen sooner or later.


"Gauri , wake up. Wake up." A loud growl filled my ears as I felt hands firmly shake me. I gasp awake, sweat soaking me as I felt my cheeks become damp.

"..Where am I? Where's the pups?!." I shout, panicking only to have him pin me down when I tried to sit up.

"It's okay, it was all just a nightmare. You fell asleep in my arms in the limo. You only awoke now, we're back at the palace.." He said calmly and tucked my hair behind my ears.

I let out a deep breath and rest my forehead against his chest as he held me close. "It was all just a bad dream.."

Omkara gently helped me out of bed an so followed me into the large bathroom, I bend over in front of the sink, splashing my face with cold water before taking off my clothes silently.

He leans against the door frame of the bathroom, watching me with worry.

I step into the shower, turning it on warm. He decided to join me, his arms wrapping around my waist as I look down at the ground. "I'm scared.."

He rested his chin on my head and placed his hands on my stomach. "..It's okay."

I whimper, "But Om...after all that's happened.." He kissed my cheek and reassures me, "I know..But your strong, in strong, therefore our baby is strong. It'll be okay."

Relaxing, I nod quietly. My hands were on my stomach, it was no doubt after all that constant making love I was pregnant again.

I only noticed the strange but random familiar feelings a week ago but didn't tell anyone. I was unsure and doubtful. I now feared miscarriage.

After all the traumatic events, lots of stress was put on my body making it hard on any fetus growing in me. I didn't like the thought and the nightmare scared me. I didn't want to lose any children.

I didn't realize I was crying till Omkara kissed the tears away and pressed his lips now against mines.

"It's alright. If anything does happen, Gauri . We have lots and lots of time to make another baby. And if your that set on it, we can work in the bedroom every day. for a month. I promise."

I nod and laugh softly then kissing him back. "I'll hold you to that. I love you, Om."

He passionately pulls me closer, his kisses warm and firm. "..I love you to, my everything ."

Then he did the most unexpected thing, he dropped down onto one knee and kissed my stomach softly. "Keep fighting lil one, Papa and mama loves ."

I bite my lip from crying again and kiss the top of his head.

Please moon goddess, if you're out there and real...I pray you let my child live.

I hug Omkara close when he stood up again, his eyes closing as did mine as i listened to his heart beat as I always did and took comfort in his embrace.

"Keep fighting little one ." I whisper.

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