Chapter 18

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***Please Read The Disclaimer Attached To The Story Info.

This Chapter Contains Mature Content ***

Read at your own risk if you're below 18.

Gauri  tossed and turned in her sleep, the nightmares coming back, haunting her. She cried and screamed, tearing at the bed sheets and clinging to the many pillows for dear life.

Her chest heaving up and down as tears stained her cheeks, her mate instantly coming to her aid, comforting her.

She rests her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he held her close, his hands on her stomach.

A heartbeat was thankfully still there.

".We need to get you to see a doctor or therapist Gauri . You're always distressed, it isn't good for our baby.." He spoke calmly to her, gently pressing kisses against the side of her face. His fingers now moving up to stroke her hair.

Gauri gave a small nod and squeezed him tightly, "..Will you go with me?"

"Of course baby ...." He replied and kissed her neck before helping her get settled back in bed. He tucked her in and softly ran his hand down the side of her face.

She let out a soft sigh and sank against the bed, exhausted as she curled up and held onto his hand.

Omkara laid next to her, his chin resting on her head as he kept his arms wrapped securely around her small body.
"Jaan...It'll be okay."

Gauri  laid on the cold table, her head resting to the side as she eyed the new pack doctor silently.

She held her mates hand, his fingers entwined with hers as he patiently waited for the doctor to say something. "..Well, there definitely is a pup in there. It's heartbeat is pretty strong as I suspected, just keep eating healthy foods, no junk foods. I will prescribe to you a sleeping medication, otherwise everything else seems to be fine."
The black haired doctor replied, her hand running over Gauri's  small round belly. Her fingertips then gently feeling around, "..Seems perfectly fine. If you have any problems please don't hesitate to come back again."

Gauri nods silently as Omkara then gently helped her up and off the table. His arm around her shoulders as she tied up her hair into a messy bun, relief flooding through her.

"Thanks.." She softly whispered to the female doctor, her grey eyes watching the woman's deep brown ones before she let river lead her out of the building to the limo.

Once inside the vehicle, Gauri  shuddered and felt uneasy again. It was probably just nausea again, with a sigh she tried not to worry about it. The limo started to drive away, her eyes then glancing out the window only to see the doctor staring back, watching them leave.

She quickly sat back down and cuddled against Omkara . "She's odd.."

Omkara kissed the top of her head, "You know who is even more odd?"


"You." He laughed when she gasped and hit his arm lightly.

She was about to respond back when his phone rang, her gaze now on his pocket.

Omkara cleared his throat and answered then muttering about business to whoever was on the other line.

Gauri  silently sank back against the seat, her fingertips drawing circles on her stomach.

"..Jaan.." He finally spoke after the small phone call.

"Hm?" She didn't meet his gaze.

"..I have to head into work for a bit. Hopefully I'll be back before dinner." Omkara pressed a kiss to her nose then stomach.

"..Okay. That's fine." She only could say, still uneasy about not having Omkara near her. What if something happens to the baby..

As they arrive back at the palace, Gauri  walks inside and is instantly greeted by her three growing pups, each of them wearing bright smiles. "Hi Mumma."

"Hello, babies." She'd kiss each of them on the forehead before walking into the kitchen to get dinner started, it was already getting late since the doctor appointment took awhile, the new woman seemed to be observing and inspecting her and her stomach for hours.

Glad to be home, Gauri  poured herself and her kids glasses full of milk and set out cookies for them.

"Only this once and it's because you guys were well behaved." Omkara sauntered into the kitchen soon after, scooping up Ahan, Aadhya And Arth. They let out loud childish laughter, "Papa!"

"..Are you going back to work?" Arth soon questioned, eyeing his suit and the phone in his hand.

Omkara gave a small nod, "Yes, my job isn't easy. But I'll be back. We can play video games after dinner."


"I promise." He replied hugging them all before kissing Gauri  softly on the lips. "I'll be back jaan."

And then he left.


Gauri  silently paced through out the kitchen, chopping up vegetables and placing them in the soup broth that was still in the pot on one of the stove burners.

She could hear her pups upstairs playing with Riddana and Ishani.

Smiling, Gauri tasted the soup and then added more chunks of meat inside. Her stomach growling as she did so. She was about to get the bread out of the oven when there was a sound at the palace doors.

"Om?" She called softly, turning off the stove burner she slowly made her way towards the door. A pain shooting into her side.

She held onto her stomach and winced but heard the noise again.With much effort she made it to the door and opened it slightly.

"Hello Gauri ." The familiar figure replied with a feminine tone.

"Oh, it's just you." Gauri tried not to feel down and flashed a polite smile.

The woman smiled back, "I'm sorry to intrude in on your evening, but I just felt like I'd stop by again to see how you're doing."

Gauri  bit her lip nervously, "oh, no I'm fine..but thank you. You really didn't have to come all the way here.." She took a step back as the woman stepped closer, her hands on Gauri's  stomach now.

"Oh but I did." She whispered.

Gauri  growled softly and slapped the woman's hands off her stomach. "Who are you?..And what do you want?"

The woman continued on coming closer and closer. "I want your child." She cackled, "isn't it obvious?"

Gauri  glared and wrapped her arms protectively across her belly, "Well I'm sorry to rain down on you right parade but I'm not letting you have my baby."

"Of course you'd say that, so instead I'm gonna just take it." She pressed her finger against Gauri's  head causing dove to instantly fall unconscious, the woman muttering a bunch of weird words.

She then began to drag her body out of the palace and onto the woods, she pointed at the palace, the palace getting cealed by a spell.

No one could go in or go out.

The woman then stopped at a large rock, the one Gauri had seen before once, three more figures joining.

Each of them helping strap her down onto the rock, their wrists slit as they now let their blood drip onto doves exposed stomach.

"The baby will be pure and powerful. It'll be ours."

Gauri  laid still, her eyes shut as she was trying to gain back her consciousness.

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of it." Laughed one of the witches.

The pack doctor smiled and was given a pendant for bringing dove to the sacrifice stone. "Now you're truly one of our own." The lead witchc spoke to the new pack doctor who beamed happily, accepting it.

"I'm honored."

"Now, we'll just say a little chant." She said as the woman held hands and stood around Gauri .

Their eyes on her stomach as they opened their mouths to chant.

A pain erupting further into Gauri's stomach  as a tear slipped out. "S-top."

She was finally able to speak and function again.

Gauri  growled and tried to yank against the rope. "Don't do anything to my baby or I will kill you."

"..Oops. Too late."


Omkara gripped onto the steering wheel, a pain hitting his side, a growl now erupting out of his throat. 'Gauri ?' He tried to reach his mate through their mindlink, his foot slamming down onto the gas while his blue eyes darkened.

When he heard no response he cursed and hit the wheel, his jaw clenching. "Fcuk."
He felt another pang in his abdomen and parked his car along the side of the road.

Shoving off his suit jacket, he stormed swiftly into the woods and shifted. Now racing through the woods, searching for his mate.

Gauri  growled and breathed heavily, her eyes black as she struggled against the ropes that seemed to be enchanted.

Thankfully a familiar howl could be heard, the noise causing her to lift her head. The witches immediately paused, glancing at the lead witch for an order. "Her mate back, we should leave." One suggested.

"You idiot, we're not going anywhere. Not until we get the baby!" The lead witch screamed out and gripped onto their hands once more, continuing with the chant.

Gauri  squirmed, her eyes squeezing shut as a loud cry left her. Her heart slammed against her chest as she felt intense waves of pain course through her.

She screamed out as they continued, fear overwhelming her. She could feel it, the pain, the blood.

The female direwolf laid, tears trickling down her soft cheeks as a loud whine left her. Her baby was already dead. She felt the emptyness in her stomach as the witch doctor had spread her legs and pulled out her child.

There was no cry, no scream, no sense of life.
It felt as if her heart was torn out of her chest and stabbed a million times then taken apart piece by piece.

Gauri  felt her strength vanish as she laid still, bleeding and weeping for her deceased child. She longed to feel the warmth and heartbeat that once was in her stomach, but all she felt was cold and hollow.

He had come too late.

Omkara felt it too, his heart sinking as he paused in his tracks right across of his mate and the circle of witches.

His heart broke for his mate, his electrifying blue eyes shimmering with pain. Slowly, he no longer was sad but angry.

It consumed him as his eyes faded into a black, his enormous wolf charging forward, the muscles in his jaws aching to crush down on each of the woman's necks. But he would keep them alive to slowly torture.

He roared out, the very powerful sound causing the ground to shake and every creature to grow startled and run and hide.

His large muscular forelegs slammed all four witches down, using his heavy weight to his advantage as he clamped his jaws around two of their necks while holding the other two down by their throats.

He didn't have to howl, his brothers instantly rushing to his aid. Rithvik ,Ranveer and Arijit appeared all in human form, their eyes piercing with flecks of gold as they soon obeyed him and tied up each witch.

They marked them with a bloody symbol, making their magic useless, then shoved them into the palace dungeons.

Omkara approached Gauri's  petite form, his head hung low as he gently licked the blood off of her skin. The baby's body nowhere to be found, he nuzzled her trying to comfort her as she whimpered.

Sobs escaping her lips as he tore the ropes off her, she instantly wrapped her arms then around his neck and buried her tear stained face into his black fur.

She squeezed him close, sobbing even louder as his wolf stayed silent, standing there and letting her cry.

He gently nudged her onto his back and began to trot towards the palace, his eyes returning to a blue.

Gauri  rested on his back, her eyes slowly closing as she calmed herself, knowing her nightmares always came true.

Her hands clenched fistfuls of his fur as she laid on him exhausted, she had given up.

Omkara aced back and forth, his hands and arms bloody, as was his mouth. Anger rippled through his body, his skin growing scorching hot, his eyes dangerously dark.

"You all will face death on the punishing grounds before the sun rises." His gaze now shot into the four witches who hung from the ceiling by their ankles, their bodies bloody and bruised all over.

He didn't hit them of course, he just had removed minor parts that were on their bodies, such as fingernails, teeth, etc. He didn't cringe at all, he showed no remorse, he hated witches with a passion now.

They took away his child.

Without anything more to say, he had his brothers cut them down and drag their bodies to the punishing grounds where they were tied up and beheaded in front of every werewolf on the premises.

He then set each of their bodies on fire and watched till their bodies burned to ashes despite their constant screeching.


Omkara rolled his shoulders back as he cleaned off his hands back at the palace once everything was dealt with, his eyes a navy blue now as his mouth was set in a firm line.

Omkara now headed up the stairs and towards his bedroom, he could hear the water running once he entered the spacious room, his feet now directing him towards the bathroom.

There stood his mate, bent half way over the sink, her long deep brown hair cascading in waves past her shoulders and down her back.

Her beautiful golden eyes fanned by long lashes as she pressed her full rosy lips together, water droplets trickling down her flawless face. She simply took his breath away.

How can someone be this beautiful?

He felt a familiar sensation grow in him as he neared his mate, slowly coming up behind her, his hands instantly gripping her hips, shoving her hard against the counter causing her to bend fully over, her top half pressed against the cold counter top while her lower half was jutted out for him, the way he wanted.

A soft growl left her lips as she squirmed slightly, not necessarily in the mood until the tip of his tongue flicked over the mark he left on her shoulder.

She stiffened in response, a shudder passing through her. He felt it, instincts kicking in, he spread her legs and leaned his face down to her ear. His mouth gently placing a kiss behind her earlobe. "..I promised you we could work in the bedroom every day for a month. I'm going to keep it my little chirraya."

Her soft but heavy breaths could be heard as a sign of her arousal, she tried to close her legs but he shoved them back apart, his hands slowly lowered past her hips, squeezing her ass dominantly as he growled lowly into her neck. His teeth now nibbling at the nape of her neck as her heart raced.

"..Om.." She moaned out with a quiet gasp, her hands clenching onto the edge of the counter tightly. He almost lost it at the sound of his name rolling off her tongue as if begging him, he tried to contain himself but his wolf was fighting to gain control.
He intended to make hot, wild, love to his beloved woman.

Gauri  felt the tingles, her eyes closing shut as she felt the sore throbbing ache, she wanted him but she didn't feel like it was the time to make love . But at the same time when he started touching her, her body and wolf screamed out for more.

She breathed heavily trying to control her raging hormones and lust as she bit down on her lip and tried to pull away from him again.

But Omkara being ever so dominant kept her pinned into place, gently teasing her and coaxing her to give in. She rest against the cold counter top, slowly spreading her legs further to show her willingness, before rubbing her rump against the hardness in his pants.

He growled deeply in his throat before preparing to take her, all of her.

And that was exactly what he did.

By the time they had finished it was dawn and she was left breathless and filled to the brim, her eyes closed as she couldn't help but make purr-like noises contently as she rested her head on his chest.

His fingers stroking her hair and trailing down her soft jawline and cheeks. She gently bit his finger when it trailed near her mouth then kissing him softly, her lips warm against his as he returned the kiss with pleasure.

He bit her lip after and then went back to cuddling her closer to him. Her bare exposed skin hot against his, the silk sheets pooling over them.

".Gauri ,We have a ball to attend later this evening, this time in the south. One of the human kings there wants to explain a treaty that he thinks we should at least consider." He soon spoke, his voice husky and deep adding to his masculinity as she softly kissed his neck. "Alright."

"Are you well enough my love?" His blue gaze now bore holes into her as they filled with waves of worry.

She hugged him and gave a small nod, "As long as you're there, I am."

"Of course. I'll kill any ignorant male that lays eyes on you." Omkara now snarls protectively an nips her ear.

She gave a soft melodious laugh, making him warm inside. "I don't doubt that."

She was in no hurry to make another child, she had lost one. Now she secretly feared having another.

Gently slipping her hand into his, she kissed him and then sat up, now staring off at the wall in front of her. "..I don't want another child right now Om, I'm scared I'll lose it. It's always too dangerous for us and the until everything calms down an drew there's not a lot of danger then I'll be ready to make more pups for you."

Omkara stayed silent for a moment before agreeing, "I understand. I guess we'll just have to get you on birth control for now then because I want to make love to you every day my beautiful queen. You drove me crazy every minute , every second  and I can't enough of you're like my drug Gauri ."

He now pinned her beneath him and kissed her all over her face till she was bursting out in laughter and squirming.

"Alright, as you wish my king." She leaned up and bit his lip before kissing him once more.

At the back of both their minds was one question, what was the treaty the human king had in mind?


Arth kept his posture straight, his navy blue eyes watching everyone and everything silently. He was just like his father, or so he overheard so many people say.

Snapping him out of his trance, a hard elbow was shoved into his side. Baring his fangs he glowered at none other than his brother Ahan who only gave him a grin. "You're acting like a robot again, Mom and dad said you should loosen up and have some fun."

Arth ignored his brother and sauntered towards a table, he sat and crossed his arms still watching everyone. His eyes soon landing on Ahan again who bumped into a familiar boy from the school they used to go to.

"What're you doing here?" Ahan glared.

The boy still held a blank face, only then responding. "My father made me attend. What are you doing here?"

"Didn't I teach you anything after I fought you at school? And my dad also made me attend." Ahan replied arrogantly making Arth let out a deep sigh.

"I let you so I'd know your strengths and weaknesses, besides you're only stronger because you're not human." The boy only said cooly making Ahan growl.

Before any of the boys could brawl, Aadhya bounded up to them in her grey  dress. Her deep  hair were styled in braid decorated with white roses . Her blue-grey eyes peered up at first Ahan then to the blank-faced tall boy, "Do you want to dance?"

The boy blinked down at her, a flash of surprise showed in his eyes before his cheeks grew a faint pink. He cleared his throat, "Why would..I do that?"

She cocked her head to the side and stared at him, "I'm just asking if you want to dance, you can just tell me you don't want to."

"I do." He gave a wink to Ahan to tick him off and grasped Aadhya hand, leading her to the dance floor where all the adults were dancing.

Arth couldn't help but watch in amusement, what was his sister up to now?

Ahan on the other hand fumed with anger and sat next to Arth , "What the hell!"

Riddhana agreed, resting her chin on her palm. "He's pretty cute, go Aadhya!"

Ishana and Ranveer  had come along with the entire Direwolf family. The couple decided to watch the children in the ballroom while Rithvik , Omkara , Arijit , Mrunaal , Asha, Gauri , Jhanvi , and Tej all went to the conference room to discuss the treaty with the human King,Abhay Mishra .

The young queen felt like everywhere she went she was watched, like many eyes were staring at her waiting for a time to pop out and kill her.
There was a pit in her stomach and her mate had felt it too.

Omkara sat, his electrifying blue eyes boring holes into the human king, making the older fellow fidget.

His face remained impassive as he continued to search the king with his eyes, waiting for him to start talking.

"Um, well I've been having a few issues. There seems to be wolves lurking around my palace every night, I can hear them. They taunt and try to break in..and I fear they want to kill me and my son so that they can use our species as slaves..once we're dead. I'm not able to protect anyone, our soldiers have fallen ill randomly. So, I'm asking for your help. Please do consider, I will give you anything. Even hunting grounds and a large map I've found." The human king said with a desperate, panicky voice. His white beard covering half of his red face, he was embarrassed.

He must be really desperate they all noted.

"That's impossible, if there are wolves here, we would've known and sensed them." Rithvik snarled.

Jhanvi looked to Tej with a weird expression, he wore the same.

"..It's not." She finally cleared her throat making them all look to her. "A long time ago, there was a pack of our kind, they were strong cunning wolves called the Black raid. They were exiled into the outlands..Where no one ever came out alive. They were exiled because they did indeed raid too often causing many other wolves to grow poor and angered and most of all they killed as much as they liked. Decreasing many species populations. Once they were banished off to the outlands, everyone presumed them dead when they didn't return. That was more than 100 years ago and it seems they adapt very well making them appear as human as possible which means even their scents have evolved as a way to survive without being hunted down."

Everyone was silent for a moment, Omkara then clenching his fist slightly. "We'll protect your kingdom. For now."

Right as he spoke, the loud sound of glass shattering and screams filled the palace. Gauri  didn't hesitate, she swiftly shifted and ran as fast as she could down the stairs only to collide into another larger wolf. She couldn't believe her eyes, there were indeed other direwolves.

The queen wolf shoved the larger wolf away and tried to find her children. A loud growl sounded, Ranveer had shifted and stood growling, protecting three of the children and his human mate against their attackers.

The direwolves growled loudly, as far as she could see they were all male.

Gauri  stood still, all direwolves stayed frozen, staring at each other as the humans screamed and swarmed out of the room and palace to probably hide before they were all killed.

The male that stood across from her, eyed her down, his presence assured her that he was the leader, the alpha of the black raid.

Before he could take a step forward, a possessive black wolf leapt in front of Gauri , blocking her from their sight.

Omkara roared out, his form growing larger as he was ready to protect his mate and family.

Arijit's tan wolf and Rithvik's black wolf stood at both his sides, even his mother and father had shifted and stood their ground.

Preparing for the worst, in case the raid attacked. They now had to protect not only their pups and females but the human species as well.

The raid of direwolves glowered, baring their fangs as the direwolf family did the same. They stared each other down, that is until Aadhya let out a small cry.

The human boy shoving her behind him as they stood out in the open on the dance floor with no one to protect them.

Aadhya was shaking and scared, her brothers growl preparing to retrieve them but a loud growl from the wolves across the room stopped them.

Gauri  looked to Aadhya then at the boy who she realized was the black  raids target, he was The human king's son.

She could sense it coming, without hesitation she swiftly grasped her daughter and the young prince and flung them to Rithvik  and Arijit who instantly caught them right when Gauri was then knocked onto her side by one of the males from the raid.

She had seen him ready to attack and threw the kids out of the way in time, taking their place.

Before she could even move, the male was slammed off of her in a flash. Omkara tearing away at his throat. Gauri  scrambled up and winced slightly but felt eyes on her still, they didn't shift to the prince, just stayed on her.

She was now a new target. Shit!

Gauri  didn't move, her feet frozen to the ground as she stared at their glowing eyes.

"Gauri  you're bleeding.." Omkara now growled, she turned to look and indeed she was bleeding, not from an injury but because she was once more in heat since she had been pregnant only but a day ago, this increased her fertility immensely.

She was as fertile as a rabbit now, it's a good thing she started to take birth control, problem was it made her heat irregular, that means it could appear out of nowhere.

Sadly, once again it came at the wrong time and place. She should just lock herself away, her random heat swings were out of control.

Omkara glared at the males, daring for them to rush forward, his body once again blocking their view of his precious wife.

His eyes dark as another earth shaking roar left his throat. The alpha of the black raid eyed him, seeing him as but only an obstacle, he tilted his head back and released a long bellowing howl.

More direwolves flooded into the room, circling them. There wasn't enough to say their entire race was not extinct anymore, but there was a lot of them.

The only problem was they were males, with only human females that were probably captured as their mates. Ranveer , Rithvik, Tej, Arijit and Omkara now formed a barracade around Mrunaal , Ishani, Asha, Gauri, Jhanvi , and the five children.

The prince let out a sudden frantic shout, "Dad!!!" His eyes were wide and dark with emotions as he saw his father descend down the stairs with shotguns.

He aimed an shot at as many wolves as he could only to be yanked apart by many of the wolves who instantly killed him.

As this distracted them, Gauri  quickly mindlinked everyone telling them to run for the large back doors that led out into the kings gardens. "1...2...3 Go!"

Shoving the kids onto their backs, they raced for the back doors breaking them down on impact and sprinted through the gardens, the black raid following soon after but they had a chance at escaping.

Cutting through the woods, they continued to run, Aadhya and Riddhana shrieking softly as they tried to hold on. The boys instead were cautious and had eyes dark with terror.

With one snap, a unfamiliar sound echoed through the forest, their bodies soon were lifted into the air and tangled in the bastardly metal chains that wrapped around them and formed a net.

They dangled there from the large extremely thick trees, their bodies 20 feet above the ground.

Loud laughter sounded before they panicked, shirtless men climbed up the trees , wearing gas masks before unleashing sleeping gas over them.

Gauri let out a loud cough, shifting back to human form, her skin touching the cold chains as she went limp along with the others.


My eyes slowly fluttered open, everything blurry before my vision finally focused. I look around, my head pounding as I groaned inwardly. "..Where am I?"

"..Don't strain yourself," said a low voice, my golden eyes shot towards the figure that stood in the doorway. The man older in his mid to late 30's, I recognized his presence he was the alpha of the black raid.

With a small snarl, I bolted upright only for pain to erupt in my head, I was glad to see I was dressed in a neat gown. He was by me in an instant, making me lay back down.

"Where's my family?" I whimper, defenseless as I held my hand to my throbbing temples.

"..They're fine." He only responded, his hard eyes staring at me.

I fidget under his gaze, but keep pressing for
answers. "What do you want from me? Will you let them go?.."

The alpha pulled me from out of the bed, his hands yanking my hair firmly to the side, a small snarl leaving my lips as his eyes roaming over and touched Omkara's bite mark on my neck.

"I pity you, slave."

"Slave? I am not a slave!" I grew angry, now swatting his hand away, causing him to release my hair.

He gripped the back of my neck and led me out of the room, now forcing me down the stairs and outside where I spotted a horrible sight.

Omkara was all bloody and chained to a post in the hot sun, his eyes closed, his body shaking as his breathing was heavy.

My heart sank as I let out a cry and pulled away from the man and ran to my man.

"..Om! Oh god Om! Are you okay?" I shake him gently and kissed him all over his face, tears glistening in my eyes.

His ever so blue eyes opened to stare into mine as he then buried his nose into my neck and hair, smelling the alpha of the black raid on me he let out a deathly growl.

I kiss him softly, "It's okay, he didn't hurt me. I'm okay, are you hurt?"

I frantically checked his body only for him to clench his fists, "No, it's not my blood. Well some of it is..but it's only minor. They took the children and ladies to the orchard, the men's were sent off to the working grounds. There's too much of them, Gauri ."

He lowly snarled, "They want you , Gauri . They want to make pups with you ." I felt a pang of guilt, it was all my fault.
Before I could hug him, I was yanked back, this time the alpha had latched a steel chain around my neck.

I practically choked, my eyes blurry with tears as he shoved me away from Omkara who thrashed more against the post, his eyes gave him a murderous look now.

They were pitch black.

I was dragged along, now chained to a large thick post in the middle of the forest. My golden eyes wide as I watched the alpha breathe in and out, controlling himself as my scent only filled the air.

He then gave me one glance before leaving me there.

I struggled and shouted for him to let me go, but moments later I was completely alone.

No one in sight, only trees, I was stranded.

I leaned my head back against the pole, seeing the bright moon shower light down, my stomach growled and my throat was dry.

I've been out here for two days with no food and no water. And that's when I heard it, loud hollers that broke the tranquil but scary silence.

I shifted my head to the side, my vision blurry as I saw many dark figures with glowing eyes approach me.

I was weak and tired, I had a feeling that was exactly what they wanted.

The entire black raid circled me after lighting a bonfire nearby, the flames casting an eery glow upon their faces.

The raid consisted of 15 direwolves, or now it was 12. Omkara had killed 3 of them when they first attacked that night at The Human king's palace.

No wonder he was tied up and beaten.

He was a threat for them. He is the obstacle.

I flinch as the alpha of the black raid, apparently known as Abhimanyu Raheja had touched my chin.

His touch hot against my skin, I don't make a sound, now pressing my dry lips together.

My amber  eyes grew clouded with wariness,

what were they planning?

Oh god, Am i going to get raped?

I realized this as Abhimanyu pressed a sharp clawed finger against the fabric of my gown on my shoulder.

He slowly trailed his finger down to my right breast and paused, the fabric slit and fell off my shoulder now exposing my neck and shoulder and cleavage on one side.

I shudder from the cool air against my exposed skin and can hear the males growl, I glare as best as I could at them then shifted my gaze back to Abhimanyu who moved my hair out of the way, Omkara's bite marks were embedded deep into my skin, burning.

My skin got heated up, I had to escape somehow.

My cheeks were red with anger and embarrassment as they spat lewd comments at me, they hooted and hollered and grew impatient as lust burned in their gazes.

I bare my fangs as Abhimanyu slowly ran his claw down lower on the side of my dress, stopping at my hips.

I stay still hoping the dress fabric wouldn't fall but with no luck the fabric pooled down at my feet, my right side had been exposed up to the waist, thankfully my left was fully covered still.

I whimper, watching the males come closer, when they came too close for comfort, Abhimanyu growled making them back up.

Maybe he wants me all for himself .

I scan the hungry gazes only to meet familiar blue eyes, they held fury in them, the figure shaking and bloody.

His wrists and ankles bruised but his hands still clenched tightly into fists until they became white.

Tears swim in my eyes as I realized I could be hallucinating, my hope faded away as I felt hands touch me.

I cringe and growl, blinking away the tears which fled down my cheeks.

My skin burned, their  touches had no affect on me.
I struggle as best I can, my body feeling weak and drained. I hang limply, the rest of my dress had been torn off of me.

I was humiliated, angry, hurt, confused, but most of all terrified.

My head hung low to hide the shame and tears on my face, the males taunting, teasing, and touching me.

Abhimanyu gave a low growl, they all soon stopped and moved away.

His eyes looked me over but showed no remorse, his hand gripped my hair, exposing my throat where he bared his fangs and prepared to bite down on my neck to mark me.

What was up with all these weird men trying to mark me? Don't they know that  It wouldn't work. I was blood bonded to Omkara .

Damnnit! I only wanted Omkara .

"Go away you dirty heads perverts!!!" I let out a cry, my voice cracking from lack of water. "I don't want any of you, I just want Om. My Om. Get away from me!" I began to weep now, tears streaming freely down my face as I glare at them all.

I wanted my man. I continued to cry desperately, I was tired, scared, sad. I missed him. And it was all my fault that my family was taken in the first place, I should'nt of gone.

Everywhere I go there is always danger. I was one of the only female direwolves, and that brought up the males just wanted pups with me .

I only wanted to be mother of  Omkara's pups , no one else's.

The males only growled angrily and some even laughed, "You won't be saying that when I get the chance to have in the bed."

I cringe in disgust and shake my head, "I don't want any of you. You bloody perverts ! I just want Omkara !!"

Abhimanyu snarled and shoved a cloth into my mouth, muffling my shouts and blindfolded me.

I waited, silently, straining to hear what was going on. I struggled not wanting to be touched again as I heard leaves crunch, all the black raid wolves starting to growl loudly and then there was loud whines.

I shake, completely stunned and scared. What was going on?

The growls soon grew louder, then turned into howls. There was a challenge, a fight going on. Someone challenged Abhimanyu for his alpha's position.

I thrash against the chains curiousity taking over, I couldn't see or breathe as well for that matter.

So I waited, listening as loud growls grew and a few yelps, then more growls. Trees snapped in half, many falling short from hard impact.

The ground and my post and chains even seemed to tremble from the heavy direwolves fighting.

I only sensed immense power, that was all before I just became limp.

Not able to do anything.

Then suddenly, there was loud whines then nothing but silence. I could hear footsteps soon after, they were approaching me.

Drawing closer and closer, my heart starts to beat faster, my eyes wide.

I felt my chains come loose and the rag get taken out of my mouth. But my blindfold was not removed, instead I felt my chain being pulled in a certain direction.

I forgot about the stupid collar around my neck, I thought my slave life was done.

Apparently not.

I didn't say anything and shakily followed almost stumbling over my own feet as someone led me somewhere.

Then we stopped, it was silent except for the sound of water flowing nearby. I lick my lips, my throats aching as I was pulled again to what felt to be a pebbly area.

I felt water cover my feet and slipped, now laying in the cold water. My hot skin now relieved and my body drenched, I gulped down the water, before standing up again.

My dress hung loosely off me, my hands now covering my bare self as best I could.

It was silent for a moment before I was pulled once more away from the stream and now towards somewhere strange. Or at least it was strange before my feet hit floorboards.

A shack? A house?

I sink onto the ground near what seemed to be a fireplace, I could feel the heat and hear the flames lapping at the wood.

I could barely smell the smoke though.

"Are you going to hurt me?.." I only then asked softly, my voice shaking as I accepted my fate.

Too weak to fight.

Or at least I would try to fight, even if it mean that death.

The figure didn't respond, my dress soon was cut off of my body with a pair of scissors.

I squeezed my eyes shut and trembled, then feeling myself being yanked up by the chain.

I follow, now whimpering quietly.

I heard something click and then I heard water running. I was shoved onto my knees near what felt like a tub.

A soapy aroma filled my nose as I heard a small splash, a cloth an a bar of soap was nudged into my hand.

Again there was a silence that is until I knew what he wanted. I rub the soap onto the cloth and run the cloth over his body which tensed,
I didn't dare to touch his skin with my bare hand.

He was hot though, I gently scrubbed away at every part of skin I could reach before the cloth and soap was pulled away from me.

The water was drained and soon the water was turned back on, the figure rinsing off before then refilling the tub this time with only cold water.

He knew I was in heat.

Well of course he does, idiot.

In fact , all the wolf knows .

I mentally slap myself and stay there on my knees not knowing what to do as I heard him grab a towel.

He yanked on the chain, making me stand before making me sit in the tub. How he managed to do that without touching me, I had no idea.

I was startled at the feel of the cold water but it soothed my skin and most sensitive area which throbbed still despite the lack of food and water.

I felt a cloth now run over my skin, the sensations causing me to suck in a breath.

Who was he? Omkara ? Abhimanyu ? Or Some man I've never met?

I couldn't smell him, see him, or touch him.

Once I was clean to his liking, he rinsed me off and then wrapped a towel around me.

My neck hurt as he once again led me with the chain towards somewhere else in what seemed like a house.

I was forced to sit down, my body aching as I felt the effect of the moon toll on me.

I stayed silent though, until something poked my lips. It was food. I gulped down as much as the food he gave as I could then water was poured down my throat.

I felt my energy come back and let out a soft breath.

I could hear the males breath grow ragged, my towel was loosely hanging off me as he soon yanked again.

Making me stand, I stay there expecting to be pulled somewhere but I wasnʼt.

I stood bare as the male removed the towel off of me, before I could say anything to object I felt his lips kiss the very spot between my neck .

A loud gasp left my lips, my body stiffening as I felt pleasure ripple through my body making my wolf practically scream out.

We've gone two days without food, water, and touch. Instead of feeling disgust when he touched me, I felt shock waves of pleasure.

He knew exactly where to touch and where to do what. The Only one person would know me that well.

"Om." I breathe out softly, moaning as his hands travelled up my sides then moving to remove the blindfold.

I waited as it fell off my face, my amber eyes slowly opening then to look at him. It was my man.

His nose was slightly cracked, his body had bruises and minor cuts, his eyes thankfully weren't bruised but his cheek was.

I reach out and gently run my fingertip down his cheek, he leaned against my palm and then kissed the inside of it.

Before I knew it I was sobbing in front of him, my arms wrapping themselves around him. "I thought you died Om .."

He kissed my lips then my cheek, "Even if I did I'd still come back for you my little chirraya. I broke free of the chains and challenged Abhimanyu . I let my wolf take full control and won, i killed all of  them ....I had to..I wouldn't allow any of them to touch and mate you. You're only mine Gauri.."

I was a bit frightened but understood, my
hands instinctively wrapped around myself and touched the six whip scars on my back.  I know that he is capable of doing that . He will lose all his senses and control once his wolf take over . It's the dark side of him which I never want to witness ever in my life .

"All of them.?" I ask.

".Yes." He didn't lie, his blue eyes only stared into mine. I kissed him softly, "Good. Where is everyone?"

"I made them go back home. I was unsure if it was safe still. The human prince went with them, and the humans are mourning..But I found something." He replied.

I glanced up at him confused, "What?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow. But for now, I just want you to stand here."

"Why?" I ask.

But before I could say anything else he pressed his body against mine and kissed me like no tomorrow.

I gripped onto him, moving my mouth in sync with his, my eyes closing.

He gripped my hips and gently laid me down on the floor, his body hovering above mine as I moan.

His mouth gently kisses down my neck to my shoulders then trailed down my body. I lay there breathless, the sensations exploding on my skin.

I kiss his forehead and then bite his ear gently, "I love you Om . Let's try to avoid trouble from now on."

"I think that's impossible." He spoke then kissing my lips. "There's always trouble, you're always trouble. But that's two things I really like, danger an trouble. Makes life a bit colourful  especially since I'm with you Jaan .."

I give him a small playful smile, "I'll take that as a compliment Omkara Singh Oberoi ."

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