Chapter 21

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"Do you think theyʼll ever return?"
Aadhya asked, her blue-grey eyes wide as she sat on the couch, her knees clutched to her chest while Siddarth tried to comfort her.

Siddarth had tagged along since his father, The human king, died in the south years ago, now he was the only human that was raised by direwolves.

"No." Muttered Ahan who leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes were their usual color, sky-blue. "Theyʼre probably dead, or worse forgot all about us." His words stung like a slap in the face to Aadhya as she shook her head and protested, "They canʼt be! And Grandmother promised theyʼd be back!!"

Her eyes were filled with tears as she longed for her parents still, even though years had gone by. After that dark night, they never saw their parents again. She knew they were alive, they had to be. Siddarth only glared at Ahan, his fists clenching, "What is your problem? Just ignore him Aadhya , heʼs just being an ass like always."

"Did you say something, blank-face?" Ahan glared but smirked when Siddarth glared back. Loving to irk the human boy.

"Enough." A calm voice said.

"Huh?" Both of the teen boys glanced in the direction of Arth who walked into the room, their eyes wide. Usually he didnʼt say much.
Especially after their parents had left them.

"I said enough. Both of you bickering and Aadhya crying isnʼt going to solve anything." Arth spoke again, his navy-blue eyes focused on them, impassive as always. Just like his fathers.

Both boys fell silent and glared, but knew he was right. They had to come up with some sort of plan, maybe they could go looking for them. Or try to find something they could remember both of their parents by

".I want to see them again, Arth ." Aadhya finally murmured, straightening up. Her eyes filled with determination as she looked at her older brother.

Though they all were born on the same day, their parents separated their birthdays so each one of them had a day to themselves and wouldnʼt argue.

Arth  being the first child, picked January, Ahan next picked August. And lastly, Aadhya had chosen December.

Arth spared a glance his sisters way and walked over to her. Gently, he ruffled her hair and gave her a small smile. Which was a rare sight. "Right now, I want you all to sit tight. Iʼll find out where they could be, then we can form a solid plan. And maybe find them and see them again. But you all have to keep this a secret..or else. Iʼll ditch you and figure things out alone as well as go on my own." His smile disappeared as quickly as it had came before he strolled out of the living room and towards his fathers private office.

Intrigued, the trio followed him, curious to know what he was going to do in their fathers office. Also wanting to go in there, it was always off limits. Usually no one but Arth was allowed to go inside. But since both their grandparents werenʼt home, they snuck into the office and peered around.

The walls were thick and white with no decorative wallpaper unlike the rest of the palace and in the very front of the spacious room was a large glass desk, with a black leather chair wedged between the space of the desk. Two matching leather chairs that were a bit smaller and in a different shape sat on the opposite side of the desk. There were bookshelves lined against the walls, full of large and very old books. Along with huge windows with long grey drapes that blocked light from coming into the room, but when opened would shed light and give a fantastic view of the garden and woods outside.

Arth got to work, leaving the trio to admire the inside of their fathers office and become familiar with every detail. He went up to one of the shelves and ran his finger along sides of each and every book until he heard a click sound, his finger stopping on one book in particular. It was a normal book filled with old poems. He shoved it forward, making the clicking noise sound out again and soon the bookshelf moved slowly to the side, revealing a hidden file cabinet and safe.

Aadhya watched silently with Siddarth and Ahan, their mouths slightly agape as they watched Arth open the file cabinet with a key that he fished out of his pocket. Apparently, his father trusted him the most and knew that one day incase he wouldnʼt return that Arth himself would have to take over as alpha.

Though they all were still 16 going on 17. Just one more year and he would take the throne, but it wasnʼt exactly what he wanted. He wanted to rule by his fathers side, not have the responsibility of king weighing down on his shoulders.

He thought of himself as much too young to be taking on such a large and important role. So he was just as eager as his siblings to find their parents and persuade them to come back.

The absence of their parents made their hearts ache and hang onto every little ounce of hope that theyʼd return soon.

Arth  fetched out the most recent file folder, each of the files having their dates written on them as well as keywords. His navy-blue eyes scanned over the file, the words written on the top said, The Human King.

That rung a bell, it was Siddarth's father and that was the last time they had seen their parents. It was at the ball in the South that they were invited to. The images in his head were as clear as day as he remembered how afraid they all were and alert when other wolves fled into the ballroom to capture and kill each and every one of them.

Slowly, he inhaled deeply before opening up the folder and looking at the letter from the Human King . Behind it were a few more papers, he started too look through them until he noticed a thin piece of old paper slip out and hit the ground. Leaning down, he picked it up with one hand and then straightened up.

Now opening the folded paper up, seeing that it was a small copy of a weird map. It had writing on it and a few circles and dots, his gaze followed the trail of the dots that soon led to a giant circled area, the area was labeled as uncharted territory.

"What did you find?" Siddartg asked after noticing the paper fall and his fathers letter, his dark eyes growing impatient as hidden emotion swirled in them. Ahan and Aadhya also casted their older brother a curious glance, soon going up to him and peeking at the paper.

It was a map. "Thatʼs where father and mother mustʼve gone!" Aadhya exclaimed with wide eyes, her heart thumping in her chest. At least their parents were still alive.

Maybe they were captured and held in a prison or maybe marking the territory. Ahan clenched his fists that were kept in his pockets, his eyes burning into the old map.
"..We got to go find them.."

Arth  silenced them and folded up the map, then slid it into his back pocket. "So we know where theyʼre traveling to, but we need to form a plan first. It could be dangerous out there and take years to get to wherever they are now-.." Before he could finish, Ahan cut him off. "I donʼt care if itʼs dangerous or a long journey, I want to see them again. We all do.
So letʼs form a plan tonight and leave tomorrow at dawn."

"I agree with Ahan." Siddarth muttered, normally he wouldnʼt agree with the one guy he despised, but he also wanted to help find Aadhya's parents as soon as possible. And hopefully gain answers from them about his dear father.

Siddarth when of age too would have to take control of the South. He would be King of the humans that were left when he turned 18, he was his fatherʼs only heir.

Arth was about to object to their sudden agreement, until Aadhya held her chin up high and defiantly said, "I too agree with Ahan."
His suggestion was out of the question now, knowing how rebellious the three could be.

They would go with or without him, he couldnʼt risk them dying. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he finally responded to his siblings and Siddarth, a growl leaving his throat. "Alright. So be it. Get your things ready and meet back here."

"We leave at Dawn."
But before they could depart to get their things ready, another girl  stepped into the room, her hazel eyes bright and determined as she looks at all of them. "If youʼre all going, so am I. Besides you guys will need all the help you can get."

"..Riddhana ." Aadhya gazed at her older and only cousin, her eyes wide. But none of them refused her company, afraid that sheʼd rat them out if they didnʼt let her tag along.

"I hate to admit this, but she has a point." Siddarth and Ahan said at the same time, only to glare at each other and start to bicker all over again. "Quit copying me, asshole." "You quit copying me, blank-face."

Arth  ran a hand through his dark hair and only gave Riddhana a curt nod, "I guess we have no other choice, get your things packed. Weʼre all meeting back here to form a plan tonight before we take off early in the morning. And let me get one thing straight, none of you will talk about any of this outside this office. Or else youʼll be kicked out and wonʼt get to come along, got it?" He confirmed this again, giving them all a dark look that told them he was dead serious.

They all nodded quickly and departed from the room to get their things packed, each of them silent, a million thoughts running through their heads.

As Arth  shut the office door, he strolled down the hall and towards the staircase. Heading upstairs, he went instantly to his room. He had a lot to figure out.


"The kids have been acting a bit weird, donʼt ya think?" Arijit propped an elbow up on the counter, taking a bite out of an apple. He went in for a second bite until Mrunaal walked into the room and cheerfully took a bite out of it for him, smiling. "Theyʼre just kids, itʼs normal."

His dark green eyes were wide, bewildered by her actions, before her narrowed his gaze on her and moved the apple further away from her.

"That may be true, but they have been acting pretty strange ever since Omkara and Gauri
left. Itʼs understandable though.." Ranveer added in, his deep olive green eyes were focused on his brothers, then his gaze swept towards Rithvik's knowing yet stern face.

"Rithvik  have anything to say about it?" Ranveer  asked him, curious as to know why his older brother had that knowing look on his face. He probably noticed the teens sudden strange behavior too.

"Theyʼre shitty at keeping secrets, thatʼs all Iʼm going to say." Rithvik spoke, his honey brown eyes turning a darker shade. He crossed his arms and stared down at the counter, obviously thinking hard about something before replying when his brothers stared at him in curiousity and confusion.

"..But they are old enough to make their own decisions, theyʼre not children anymore. Anyways...I changed Asha.." He muttered the last few words, changing the topic completely. Asha  was the only thing on his mind right now, not those mischievous teens.

"..What? I-Is she alive..?" Both Ranveer And Arijit  stared at Rithvik with concerned expressions. Rithvik  was silent for a moment before nodding, "Mother wanted no one to worry. So she and father left to look for her and take care of her. They hope to calm her before they return with her, she escaped the cell in the basement last night.."

"..That was real risky brother.." ranveer  whistled a low tune, relieved. Arijit  only looked a bit frustrated, how could his brother be so reckless and risk his mates life like that. "..She couldʼve died.." He muttered, his face still holding a bewildered expression.

Rithvik  only growled out, it was obviously a touchy subject. "Iʼm well aware of that. It wasnʼt a mistake...though." He quieted down, looking down at the counter while his hands gripped onto the edges of the marble surface. His knuckles turning white.

"What do you mean?" Ranveer  raised a brow along with Arijit  in his direction, curious once again. Their brother obviously knew more things than they did and now it was time for him to spill everything to them.

Rithvik licked his lips slightly and straightened up, "Mother and father wanted to test a theory...and Asha overheard and volunteered to be the first to try it...even though she knew her life was on the line. I tried to persuade her not to, but sheʼs always been stubborn and so rebellious...So, I gave in and grew a bit too curious too. Turns out the theory could actually be accurate..."

He looked at his brothers who stayed silent and continued to listen. So Rithvik  continued, knowing that they probably wanted more information. "..Thereʼs an old Direwolf myth that claims...that when a direwolf marks and mates a human..As well as forms a blood bond with them. The direwolf blood is passed into the human. That human will then be able to be turned into a direwolf once the venom enters their bloodstream. Without the cost of death...But the human must have a strong will and be in love with their direwolf mate whether they know they are or not. If they have neither a strong will nor strong love for the
direwolf..their bodies and spirits wonʼt be strong enough to survive and take on the curse."

It was a lot to take in, Ranveer  and Arijit  along with a silent Mrunaal just stood there, not knowing how to respond to that. Mrunaal looked a bit confused but also curious, though she was mostly worried about Asha. So her friend too had become the same species as Gauri and the four direwolf brothers.

"Babe, go to the bedroom. Iʼll be up in a bit." Arijit  ushered her slowly out of the kitchen, making sure she was okay before watching her go back upstairs. Sighing, he returned back into the kitchen and put a hand down on the counter. "So what youʼre saying is, female direwolves arenʼt really extinct?"

"Basically. But itʼs still just a theory we are testing. Asha was able to turn, so was Gauri . Mother and father will want to test it on Ishani and Mrunaal next..Thatʼs my guess." Rithvik  said, his eyes still dark and locked on his brothers gazes.

Ranveer paced, running a hand over his face. "I care too much about Ishani to put her through that..I canʼt lose her. Itʼs too risky-.." He was about to go on until Rithvik growled out. "Brother, think about it. I only agreed because I knew Asha's life would eventually end and I would lose her. Sheʼs going to be grey-haired while I will look the same. We donʼt age, ranveer . That means, we donʼt have an expiration date. But humans do, Ishani  and Mrunaal are both human. You have only 50 more years or more with them and almost half of that time theyʼd turn frail and old. I risked it because I donʼt want to regret not taking any opportunities, opputunities that enable me to have a lifetime with Asha. If she were to die...I wouldnʼt want to live. I need her by my side. I need her alive and well, I need her so I can no longer think of this as a curse, but an amazing oppurtunity that allows me to live a long life with my mate. No longer will I be lonely every damn day. Every decade. Every century. Itʼd be too painful to watch her slowly die. It is your choice. Asha agreed because she too knew her fate if she stayed human."

Ranveer and Arijit stayed silent once again, never hearing Rithvik be so emotional before, let alone express his feelings and justify his actions. They both knew he was right though, eventually their human mates would die of old age. And theyʼd be left lonely for an eternity.
"..Iʼll think about it." Ranveer muttered before leaving the kitchen, Arijit nodded, "..I will as well.." Before he too left Rithvik alone.

Rithvik  let out a heavy exhale and sat down on one of the stools, covering his face with his hands. He just hoped Asha would be okay and return soon, his heart aches for her and he feared sheʼd just run away from him.

By dawn, the four teens set out, sneaking out one of the large palace windows. Stealthily, they landed on their feet and silently met up with Siddarth who had taken horses from the stable and hooked their harnesses up to a carriage and was waiting for them.

Each of them shoved their bags into the carriage and clambered inside, except for Arth and Siddarth . Both guys sat on the front seat outside of the carriage, Siddarth would get the horses going and steer them while Arth would tell him directions.

The horses took off as Siddartg grabbed the reins, Arth on the other hand had spread out the map and was looking it over. Slightly wary about their journey and mission to find their parents.

It sure as hell wasnʼt going to be easy


"Good morning, Gauri . Itʼs time to wake up, thereʼs people that would like to meet you."
Her golden  eyes shot open as she heard the voice as clear as day, quickly she glanced around, though winced when her head began to ache. Her temples throbbed while her gaze finally rested on the figure that had spoken.

"..W-Who are you?.."

The man came closer and ran the back of his hand down the side of her face, "King Abhay , beautiful itʼs a shame you still donʼt remember. I guess I can use this to my advantage.." He muttered, a bit disappointed but instantly smiled at the thought.

Gauri instinctively growled, feeling his unfamiliar touch on her cheek, her eyes narrowing. She wanted to push him away from her but realized her wrists and ankles had been locked up in cuffs and chains. "Youʼre not my King! Where am I? And what do you plan to do with me?" She asked, glaring at him only to earn a hard smack against the side of her face, causing a bruise to instantly form.

The impact of the back of his hand and knuckles hitting her cheek bone caused her head to lurch to the side.

He only smirked and grabbed her chin roughly, then growled. "I would be more than happy to put you in your place, slave. But then youʼd just be damaged goods. So, come along and letʼs introduce you to a few of my friends."
He grabbed the chain that was attached to the heavy metal collar around her throat and yanked her off the bed and out of the room.

She could feel the cold breeze against her skin, she apparently was stripped of her clothing and left in nothing but her lingerie. What was happening? Why couldnʼt she remember anything?

"Iʼll have to cover these before I show you to them." The King spoke to himself as he glared down at the bite marks on her body, he snapped his fingers and had a maid cover each of them with a heavy powder. ".Thank you, Rati. Please let the guests know of our arrival."

Rati bowed and casted Gauri a sad glance, "I tried to warn you, Mylady. Not to drink or eat.." She then whispered in her ear after applying the final touch of powder to her skin. "Iʼm sorry.." Rati said and walked ahead of the King and Gauri , leading them towards two large doors at the end of the hall.

She opened them and bowed to everyone, "The King has arrived, along with the slave."

Gauri  could hear men cheering and tried to cover up her body, baring her fangs like a wild animal that has been caught and couldnʼt be tamed. She writhed against the chains as the king shoved her past the men and presented her on the stage.

"Sheʼs a feisty one, but a beautiful she-wolf as you can see. But-.." He was about to go on, until a guard walked onto the stage and whispered something in his ear.

"Iʼm afraid she already has been bought by someone, the rest of you are dismissed till our next bidding tomorrow. Sir, please come and retrieve your slave. Your offer was very hard to refuse." Smiled the King who awaited for the man to retrieve her.

Gauri  fidgeted and growled lowly, her golden eyes dark as she glared, seeing someone awfully familiar come forth from the shadows and grab the chain out of the Kingʼs hands.

His black-eyes met hers, a smirk instantly forming on his lips. "Itʼs been too long, Gauri ."
To her surprise a young peasant girl stood by his side, her misty-golden  eyes focused on the floor.

Gauri  grew confused and stared first at the man then at the girl who seemed to resemble her. Her wolf almost broke free with a sudden rush of familiarity and love for the girl, her wolf recognized her but Gauri  herself, did not.

"..Who are you?" She then broke her gaze away and glared at the man who had bought her.

"Ah, I see. You forgot me already? Itʼs the one and only, Veer. This sweet little thing brought me back to life, as you know. She has direwolf blood running through her veins. Itʼs a good thing those witches forced her to, but too bad I killed them as soon as I woke up." He chuckled deeply and pulled on her chain, "Iʼve been waiting years to get my hands on you again, my beautiful Gauri ."

Gauri yanked away from him, her eyes wide with more confusion. She still couldnʼt remember anything, but she did know some of these people were familiar and that nickname he called her by made her feel sick and want to run.

He was dangerous and someone her wolf seemed to hate with a passion. But her eyes couldnʼt help but wander back towards the golden-eyed girl, her heart aching. She felt strongly for her for some reason.

Suddenly, a powerful aura filled the room, making her body jump and shudder. Her wolf sensed someone all too familiar, someone she could never forget.

The fresh scent of the woods filled her nostrils, making her slowly look at the well-dressed figure that walked calmly towards them.

Her eyes trailed up his shoes and up to his suit pants and a white business shirt, then up the row of buttons, but only the top two were left open only to reveal smooth tan skin.

She swallowed hard as her mouth went dry, her gaze rising up to his marked neck and sharp jawline, until her eyes met his piercing blue ones.

"Om.." She blurted out his name as her wolf screamed out that the man was her mate, she closed her eyes then, feeling slightly faint as a flashback hit her. He was that direwolf Prince, one of those four guys that entered the ballroom long ago. The image was blurry and short, making her eyes fly back open.

"King Abhay, what is that bruise on her face?" The man questioned with a deep voice, his face impassive as he looked Gauri  over. He took off his shirt and wrapped it around her shoulders, covering her half naked body. "And Veer, meet me outside. Weʼre going to have a little chat. Bring the girl with you."

Gauri  couldnʼt help but stare at her so called mate with wide eyes, his upper body exposed. She gulped back dirty thoughts and scolded herself, 'this is not the time to be thinking that and we can always tend to those things later, my little chirraya .ʼ A voice sounded in her mind, making her gasp out, her cheeks becoming beet red. He had heard her. But how?..He must really be her mate, they seemed to already have a bond together..which meant. That they had already mated. So those marks on her body were made by him. '..Correct. I donʼt remember mating you, but it appears we have. Maybe if we mate again, weʼll regain our memories? Worth a shot, besides I was planning to do so anyways as soon as I laid my eyes on you.ʼ The man spoke assertively through their mindlink.

She stayed silent, her cheeks burning as she casted her gaze to the floor. Veer only seemed to smile and yanked on her chain, dragging her out of the large room, which left Omkara alone with King Abhay. "Not even a hello? Iʼm hurt. But very well, brother." He said to Omkara shortly before leaving with Gauri  and the young teen.

"Iʼm waiting for an answer, Abhay." Her mate said, ignoring his brothers response, his blue eyes focused on the King.

The king stepped back and smiled, "Ah you see, well. One of the guards hit her, I told them to be gentle with her...but you know how they can be." Sweat beamed his forehead, making Omkara's blue orbs darken as he took a step forward. "Youʼre not a very good liar."

A low growl escaped his throat, his jaw ticking with impatience and anger. "Your scent was on her. Now, tell me the truth."

The king kept backing away, flinching whenever the large man would take a step towards him. "..How dare you accuse me of being a liar!"

Omkara clenched and unclenched his fists, his
eyes almost turning a dark black. "..Did you hit her?" He took another few steps forward, causing the kings back to hit the wall.

"..I..I did nothing of the sort. And I am the king here. Guards!!!" Abhay shouted loudly, his legs trembling a bit.

"Wrong answer." He grabbed the king by his throat and lifted him up, before slamming him into the wall. "I donʼt like liars, I donʼt like cheaters, I donʼt like filthy trash such as yourself." Omkara kept him pinned to the wall and gripped the kings wrist before lifting it up and looking at his knuckles.

They were red.

".You lied to me and you harmed my mate. The price of touching a direwolfs mate is death. Now any last words before I crush your windpipe ?" He asked, his voice low and calm, killing was like a casual hobby of his. He could snap the manʼs neck as if it were only a toothpick if he wanted to. But he refrained and let the so called 'kingʼ speak.

The man struggled in his grasp, not able to touch the floor as his eyes threatened to bulge right out of their sockets. He could barely breathe and his face was starting to pale.

"..I...I will...tell you everything...even how to get your memories back.....just please....promise me youʼll spare"

"..Now thatʼs the right answer. But youʼll have to tell me everything later, itʼs time to have that chat with my brother. And-..." Omkara paused, releasing the man from his tight grip, causing the man to instantly drop to the floor and wheeze in and out as he sucked in the air as best he could.

"I think you should see what happens when you tick me the fuck off...Howʼs the collar feel?" He asked after locking a heavy slave collar onto the manʼs neck and grabbed onto the chain leash. "..Itʼs a bit tight.." King Abhay stated, glaring at him.

"What did you say? Tighter? Alright, as you wish." Omkara replied, tightening the metal collar by ripping the two ends of it apart, then putting one end around the manʼs neck while pulling the other end over the first end of metal. The tightness and weight of the collar only increasing. King Abhay could barely speak as he felt the metal press hard against his flesh, so he stayed silent even though anger boiled in him whenever Omkara yanked the chain, dragging him out of the auction room and out towards the courtyard.

Gauri  was standing there silently in the courtyard next to the man named Veer and his other slave girl who didnʼt seem to have a name. She kept her gaze on the stone floor as Veer inspected her, his fingertip running across her jaw then up to the bruise on her left cheek.

He outlined the bruise with his long nails and then froze, a loud roar echoing around the courtyard, making the walls and ground shake. "I suppose itʼs time for our little chat now.." Veer murmured and stepped away from Gauri , slightly annoyed.

Fear though flashed in his eyes as he saw King Clark in chains like a slave. The man was practically crawling on his hands and knees, trying to breathe. One moment he was a smug ruler, the next he was pleading for his life to be spared. His brother had gotten stronger, maybe his power even surprpassed their fathers.

They would be sure to test it out by having that 'little chat.ʼ Meaning they were going to go at each otherʼs throats, like the good old days.

When they were of age, the direwolf brothers ruled ruthlessly side by side, they were an unstoppable force that many feared. They killed hundreds and even thousands of people throughout their long immortal lives, a chat meant a fight to the death. Or a quick check to put you back in your place.

This made Veer smile and he stepped into the middle of the courtyard to meet with his younger brother. Omkara dropped the chain and shoved the king down, pressing his face hard against the stone floor with his foot. "If you move even an inch from this spot, youʼre dead."

He then moved his foot off, allowing the king to sit back up and let out a few coughs. Omkara stepped towards the middle of the courtyard now and stood a few feet in front of his brother, "Indeed it is."

The two stared each other down, eyes dark and fists clenched. It was going to get bloody real soon, both of them knew of that and that only seemed to fuel the fire in their eyes.

Gauri  watched quietly with wide-eyes, wanting to make a run for it but she couldnʼt tear her eyes off of her mate. Was she scared of him or for him? She didnʼt know, so she wanted to get her memories back and in order to do so..she needed him.

"Are you ready, brother?"

"More than ready. Prepare yourself, I might end up just killing you."

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