Chapter 22

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Sorry for not updating for 2 days

I have compensated in this update .

***Please Read The Disclaimer Attached To The Story Info.

This Chapter Contains Mature Content ***

Read at your own risk if you're below 18.

"Go, left." Arth told siddarth , who then instantly gripped the reins pulling them towards the left. The horses neighed loudly and made a sharp left turn, the carriage tilting slighlty. It regained its balance and stayed with its wheels on the ground when they were farther from the turn.

Even though the twin horses seemed to pick up their pace again, they stayed on the correct path and the carriage didnʼt lift up and tilt again like they expected. It usually only happened on the turns.

"Try to make a wider turn so itʼs not as sharp." Arth instructed him and leaned back to look over the map again. "We should make it to the south by nightfall if we keep going at this pace."

"Good to know." Siddarth replied, also sitting back as he kept a firm grip on the reins. He wondered how Ahan was doing trapped in the carriage with not one, but two girls that got bored easily. Silently he smirked to himself.
'Good luck, a$$hole.ʼ

Aadhya stared out the window, lost in thought as she pondered about her parents and their journey. Was this a good idea? She wasnʼt entirely sure, but she knew itʼd be worth it. Itʼd be a very exciting and dangerous adventure for all of them. They were rarely ever allowed to go outside of the kingdoms walls, so moreso they were all happy to go on the journey.

"..Will you quit touching my hair?!"
She snapped out of her thoughts as soon as she heard her brothers shout, then followed by Riddana's giggles.

"Iʼm bored, now stay still." Riddhana replied, booping Forest on the nose. Star turned and now watched them with amusement, a mischievous look appearing on her face.

Ahan swatted Riddana's hand away and tried to fix his hair which gave Aadhya an opportunity to strike. It was one she was gladly going to take.

She moved towards Ahan and quickly started to ruffle up his already touseled raven hair, each strand flying in all sorts of directions.

Before Ahan could growl and protest, Riddana smirked evilly and closed in on him as well, her hands itching to mess with his usually well styled hair.

Not even a few seconds later, Ahan snarled lowly as he gritted his teeth and saw his reflection in the hand mirror that Riddana had brought along. "What the fcuk?!" He stood up, moved away, and glared at the two girls, his eyes narrowed. "Youʼre both dead."

His hair had been messily tied up in little pigtails with bright pink rubber bands. Too bad his angry expression made him look worse.

"You wouldʼve looked cute if you actually smiled.." Riddana sighed and sat back, then watched Ahan pull the pink bands out of his hair.

Aadhya crossed one leg over the other and watched him in amusement as well.
"Sorry, Ahan. I couldnʼt help but join in, you know how easily bored I get."

Ahan flipped them both off, giving them one last glare before taking up the whole other seat, he propped his elbow up on the side of the door and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"..Why did I have to be left in here with you two..?"
"Because Siddarth is guiding the horses and Arth is telling him where to go." The two girls explained with another heavy sigh, "Besides I donʼt think all three of you guys can fit on that one bench seat."

Ahan didnʼt bother to reply to them, still upset about the whole hair thing. He ran his fingers through his hair and tried to fix it up, just enough to look decent and not like he just woke up.

'Having fun?ʼ A familiar voice asked him through mindlink, causing him to scowl. 'Yeah. Iʼm totally having the time of my life in here.ʼ Ahan replied in the link, he grew even more frustrated as he could practically
see Arth start to smirk. 'Thatʼs good to hear. Tell Aadhya and Riddana that we should be arriving at nightfall.ʼ


The three brothers waited on the palace steps, their eyes and ears alert while their bodies grew rigid.

They instantly perked up when they heard a car approach and watched the limo pass through the front gates, circle halfway around the stone fountain, then stop right in front of the palace.

Rithvik stood, barely able to breathe as tension clouded the air, his heart thumping wildly in his chest. It was their parents and they had finally brought Asha back home.

Though all of them didnʼt know what to expect and grew anxious and curious. They wondered if she was still the same or if she let her wolf take over. None of them knew.

But they were about to find out.

The chauffeur got out of the car and opened the passenger door, first Jhanvi  stepped out and came into their view, then Tej, and lastly Asha.

Jhanvi gave her sons a look and said through their mindlink, 'Be gentle and welcoming to her. Sheʼs still trying to control her wolf, but me and your father have taught her the basics as best we could.ʼ She then placed her hand in her mates as he led her up the stairs and past their three sons. Coughing, she made sure that Arijit and Ranveer gave Rithvik and Asha some alone time. They were mates after all.

Arijit  was about to protest but Ranveer  clamped his hand down on his shoulder and led him back inside the house, then shut the door behind them to give the two privacy.

Once everyone had headed inside except Rithvik , Asha slowly approached him, before suddenly breaking out into a full run. She leapt onto him, her arms wrapping around his neck.

A cry leaving her.

For a moment none of them spoke, just took in the feeling of each other, then words started to tumble out of her mouth. "I was scared.." She finally admitted quietly as Rithvik held her close, his head resting on hers.

"I know, Iʼm sorry Asha. How are you feeling?" He asked, worry in his tone which was unsual.

She noticed it and blinked at him before smiling, "Weird, but Iʼm starting to get used to it. And.." Asha paused as she inhaled his scent, her gaze darkening.

"You smell good.." She mumbled, finishing her sentence. Rithvik only chuckled and peppered her throat with kisses, his hands grabbing onto her waist to set her back down on her feet.

"So do you."

Once her feet touched the ground again, she couldnʼt help but pull his face down to hers and crash her lips against his. "..I missed you." She spoke in between kisses as she felt him just as hungrily kiss her back.

Longing filled them, along with impatience.

He growled under his breath before she playfully mimicked his growl back, her teeth scraping against his bottom lip.
"I missed you more."

"..Mm.." She only mumbled first, taking in the sweet touch of his lips against hers, then responded again once she felt something prickly rub against her chin.

"I think we need to shave your face again.." Asha smirked, gently touching the hair that was growing on his jaw. A loud laugh soon leaving her when he surprisingly rubbed his facial hair against her cheek even more. Teasing her.

"What if I donʼt want to?"

"Believe me. You will or else..." She whispered in his ear the rest, leaving him glaring at her slightly.

"Thatʼs not fair, Asha."

"You should know by now that I donʼt play fair." Asha replied, biting her lip as she then walked up the palace steps and pushed open the large entrance doors.

Growling, Rithvik was quick to follow his mischevious mate. A weird feeling swept through him as he followed her up the stairs and towards their bedroom, intrigued as she would glance over her shoulder a few times, giving him a look that made him feel more like prey than a hunter.

Like she was leading him into a trap and wanted to devour him. He was always the hunter and the dominant one, but something about the way she now looked at him made him feel weak in the knees.

When they got inside their bedroom, she shut the door and locked it. Slowly, she then began
to saunter towards him like a female on the prowl, her hands no sooner grabbing onto his shoulders and pushing him backwards and down onto their king bed.

Asha pinned him down, no sign of playfulness in her gaze, making him growl loudly. She challenged him as she growled just as loudly back, then baring her fangs.

Rithvik snarled as he flipped their positions, now straddling her waist and pinning her arms against the bed and above her head. He urged her to submit, using his larger body to his advantage. But to his surprise she didnʼt flinch, let alone show any sign of fear.

She knew him well, she knew that he couldnʼt hurt her. Not now, not ever. And that was what she was using to her advantage.

Lifting her hips from between his legs, she grinded her lower body against his and reached up, scraping the tips of her fangs against his plump lower lip.

In hope that the last action alone would make him loosen his grip on her.

Satisfaction soon coursed through her when she felt him stiffen slightly. She took in the scent of his arousal and noticed the look of surprise gleam in those dark brown orbs of his again.

His eyes were no longer their usual honey brown, now they were more of a dark chocolatey color.

Her touch seemed to take affect on him and as she hoped, he started to loosen his grip on her wrists.

She let a moan slip from her lips like velvet when he grinded his lower body back against hers, mimicking her movements. He made sure to take lead, though she decided that she wouldnʼt let him lead for long.

Her wolf encouraged her to take control and stand her ground. Now wanting and lusting for dominance, Asha slipped her wrists out of his loose grasp and instantly siezed her chance to show him that she too wanted to be the dominant one, the hunter.

She had never really thought about being the one to take the lead before, especially in bed since Rithvik would always lead and take what he wanted from her, but also give her everything she wanted too at the same time.

He would push her over and over the edge, climax after climax hitting her. But now it was her turn to give him that same taste of inhuman satisfaction.

She switched their positions again, still unused to the strength and enhanced abilities that came with being a direwolf. Ignoring his warning growl, she straddled his hips with hers, this time firmly.

Her thighs gripping onto his hips, while her hands held down his. Leaning down, she then pressed light kisses up his throat, her fangs scraping against his skin in the process.

"Rithvik ." She breathed out, feeling his heart pick up pace. He knew exactly what she was thinking and slowly leaned his head to the side, exposing his neck to her.

The action was enough to make her eyes go wide in surprise, then she began to smile. She had gained control over the beast. Tamed him.
Exhilarated, Asha let her fangs sink down into his skin on instinct, the tips piercing his flesh and diving down deeper and deeper until she was sure the single bite would leave a mark.

Her mark.

A growl left her again as she then sheathed her fangs and kissed him passionately. The rush of emotions almost unbearable. He could feel it too.

Finally they were connected entirely. Bonded. Linked as one forever. Rithvik felt her hands trail up the front of his shirt, he felt her lips caress his, he felt her hips roll against his, he felt everything. Her arousal, her need for him, her want.

He could sense that they were almost frantic and frenzied as they heavily made out, their lips growing swollen and branded with the feel of each other. "..Iʼm sorry, I canʼt wait." Rithvik snarled, the sound hoarse as it tumbled out of his throat and into her ear.

"..I canʼt either."

That was the last thing they both said as they impatiently and hungrily tore the frabric off each otherʼs heated bodies and became one that night.

His hands gripped her hips, not able to take anymore of her slow and teasing rocks. His fingertips digging into her soft skin as their bodies drew back a little bit then rushed to come into contact again. Each of his movements meeting hers. They were in sync, in tune with each other.

Together they reached pure bliss, wanting to be enveloped by the fact that they had each other now for an eternity. That alone brought comfort to them.


"Where are they?!" A woman shouted in both fury and panic, her expression exposing that she was in a lot of distress. She paced back and forth, growing worried and upset with herself.

Her husband stood beside her when she had finally stopped pacing, his hands wrapping around her, trying to comfort her.

"They most likely snuck out, but Jhanvi my love. Please calm down, itʼll be okay. Weʼll find them." Tej murmured to her, resting his chin on her head, pulling her closer while he rubbed her back.

She whimpered into his shoulder and then looked up at him with teary eyes. "What if we donʼt? Oh, Tej...I shouldʼve stayed back and watched them. Now if anything happens to them-..."

He cut her off, "Nothing will. And we will find them. No matter how long it takes, but we all need to keep calm before we think irrationally. Theyʼll be fine, they have good genes and natural instincts flowing through them. Donʼt worry too much,Jhanvi ."

She sucked in a breath and nodded, trusting what he said was true, knowing deep down that he was right.

Before she could say anything more, Ranveer rushed into the room with a puffy-eyed Ishani, you could tell that she had been crying.

Ranveer  could barely contain himself as he clenched his fists till his knuckles turned white.
"Riddana gone too."


Gauri  couldnʼt watch anymore, her golden  eyes squeezing shut as she heard the sound of blood being splattered, growls, whimpers, pleads, all of it being repeated over and over again.

The rust-like stench of fresh blood still clouding her nostrils and she could hear the same body hit the ground again.

The man could no longer speak, gurgles and wheezes just leaving him, blood sputtering out of his mouth while more crimson red liquid ran out of his crooked nose.

She knew it was cracked due to the fact that she heard a bone crunch during the 'littleʼ chat. Nonetheless, the man struggled to get up and when he did finally get on his feet he staggered and made inhuman noises that only earned him another hard hit to the face.

"..Donʼt touch my woman ever again. Not even a hair on her head or else, I will kill you. And Iʼll make sure you die a very slow and very painful death...Are we clear?" Omkara asked, bending down near the bloodied manʼs body. The man sat with one knee up, his knee used only to hold up his elbow as he snapped his nose back into place.

"Youʼve gotten stronger brother..Iʼll give you that. But Iʼve waited years to finally get-.."

"Wrong. Again." Omkara exhaled and stated, his eyes hooded as he kicked the man back down, his shoe pressing down hard against the middle of his chest. Pinning him flat against the ground.

He was starting to grow slightly impatient and had the raw urge to just kill him right then and there, but he was aware of his audience. Plus, he had better plans in mind for both Abhay and Veer.

"..N-No no no...Wait! Wait!" Veer finally gave in, his arrogant demeanor shattering when Omkara threatened to break his ribs, the heel of his shoes shoving down harder against his bones.

Giving him a minute to talk before he snapped one of his ribs like a popsicle stick.

"Weʼre clear. I-I wonʼt touch your beautiful Gauri  again..Ever. Just get off me.." Veer spat out blood, hating himself for giving in to Omkara .

His black eyes glared up at Omkara who only dug his heel harder against his chest. The alpha male maintained his supremacy, remaining victorious as he took on those who challenged him.

Though he had blood coating his fists, he ignored it and finally moved his foot off of his older brother. ".Good choice."

Gauri  heard the fighting finally stop, but still couldnʼt will herself to open her eyes and stare at the destruction and blood that was left after the brawl. Her body trembled slightly before jumping when she felt someone cup the side of her face.

"Open your eyes."
The voice was familiar, deep, demanding.


The man was dangerous, ruthless, yet his touch didnʼt make her flinch. His touch was soft, warm against her skin, despite his fists hitting bone and flesh earlier. He was gentle with her.

A low growl snapped her back to reality as her eyes fluttered slowly open to meet his, but she couldnʼt bring herself to and quickly shifted her glance downwards, away from his alluring blue pools.

He moved his hand down to her chin, her chin now held between his thumb and index finger as he made her look back up at him. "Itʼs over now , Gauri ."

Her throat tightened to a point she couldnʼt breathe, her words caught in her throat. His blue eyes piercing through hers, giving her another sudden flashback.

Omkara was kneeled down in front of her, sliding something cold onto her finger. It was a beautiful diamond ring. "..Be my forever, Gauri ." He said to her, she could hear the uneasiness in his tone as if he feared sheʼd reject him.

But instead, she agreed. Gauri  wanted to know more and tried to focus in on the memory, but it quickly faded. She tore her gaze away from his and looked down at her left hand, indeed seeing a diamond ring on one of her fingers.

They were married.

She looked back up at him as he wore a similar wedding band on his left hand, his eyes told her it all. That he too had seen the same memory that she just had. Confusion filled her before he gripped her wrist and led her out of the courtyard, making sure to grab onto Abhay's  chains on the way back into the palace.

The young golden-eyed girl stayed back, hesitant to follow them as she looked at Veer then back towards them as they began to walk away from the courtyard.

She decided to follow them, not wanting to stay near Veer. Though she kept to herself the whole time.

"Where are you taking me?!" Abhay asked, his voice panicked and raspy, the metal collar digging further into his skin, leaving a raw red ring around his neck.

Omkara didnʼt respond and yanked the chain, choking him. They continued to walk down the palace hall and headed towards Abhay's private office.

"Itʼs time for you to tell me everything. I need my memories back and youʼre going to help me. Unless-.." The man paused, he let go of Gauri's  wrist, and dragged the pitiful king off the floor by his throat, his blue eyes turning darker than the bottom of the ocean.

He gave him a cold glare and continued, finishing the sentence. "..You want to die. I can have that arranged.. So I suggest you cooperate and keep to your word."

Abhay wheezed and nodded all too quickly, his face growing red as his mouth parted to speak. "..I will..I will.."

"Good. You can start by telling us what happened in the beginning and how we came to losing our memories." Omkara told him after throwing him into the room, shutting the door behind him.

Thankfully, Gauri and the girl rushed into the room before he could slam the office door shut, both of them becoming quiet.

Abhay sank down onto a chair and clasped his sweaty hands together, "..I invited you both to my masquerade ball. A farm boy picked you up from that old inn you both were staying at and took you to me. I had spies go out and watch your every move, identifying you both as direwolves. I was happy to find out that..and wanting to recruit you both. But I was afraid you would say no. Recruit for what? Youʼre probably thinking.."

Abhay paused and got up, going over to one of his many bookshelves, skimming his finger alongside each cover until he found the one he was looking for. He then opened it up and placed it down on his desk for everyone to see.

On the pages were old prehistoric drawings of Direwolves and Saber tooth cats fighting.

"..Iʼve been recruiting as many supernatural creatures as I can to fight the sabers off. Theyʼve been our biggest threat, as you can see werewolves and werefelines donʼt really get along. Thereʼs been a war going on between the two for stopped for a moment as we made an agreement to split the entire land. But recently, sabers have been crossing into our territory to agitate our kind. Now both sides are preparing for war, a really big war. One that no one will be able to stop once itʼs been started. Since you both are the only direwolves seen in this region and your main enemy is sabers..I decided to use a forget me potion..a whole lot of it. Like I did with everyone in the kingdom. I needed warriors..Or else my kingdom would be destroyed and everyone killed. Everyone was too afraid, so I made them forget and serve me whether they were aware of it or not. I had servants pour it into everyoneʼs wine glasses at the ball since I was unsure of where you both would sit. I wanted you both to help me defeat the sabers, but I knew you wouldnʼt agree to..unless I tricked you both into agreeing. I apologize..I regret it all now. I allowed myself to be overcome with fear and became desperate. I have a rememberance potion to bring back both your memories, but I wonʼt give it to you..Not unless you help me. I donʼt care if you beat me to death. I wonʼt tell you where it is. So you either unchain me and promise to help me, and in return Iʼll give back your memories. Or you can kill me and never get your memories back. Your choice."

Omkara stayed silent, his arms folded across his chest, his jaw clenching slightly. He ran his tongue against the inside of one of his cheeks, signaling that he was pissed about the situation but was trying to stay calm and not let his wolf take control. His eyes flickered towards Gauri's , wondering what was best for the both of them.

To join a war for their memories, or to lose their memories forever and still have a war go on.

Gauri  surprised him by speaking up, her golden eyes flashing with determination. "We promise to help you. But we want the potion now, not later." Her growl rang out in his ears, making him feel warm inside when he noticed her say 'weʼ instead of 'I.ʼ She was including him, yet making the decision for both of them.

"I want my memories back. And you, you should be ashamed of yourself, Abhay. I refuse to call you a king ever again, you donʼt deserve the title. Youʼve lost my respect and I do hope in the future you take this to heart and mind. So that you donʼt make the same mistake again. In order for people to trust you and want to help you, you have to earn their trust and prove to them that you are genuine and not some lying manipulative prick."

Abhay lowered his gaze, regret in his eyes before he got up and flipped the pages in the book. In the back there was a hidden small compartment. He used a key that was hooked to the necklace around his neck and unlocked the tiny lock on the compartment. Then pulled out the small bottle that was full of the rememberance potion.

Now handing it to Gauri  in defeat. "..Five drops are enough...I will take full responsibility for my actions and give everyone back their memories. I apologize and will do anything to be forgiven.. I will comply to any wish of yours until I die. To pay for the memories I stole..and for...hitting you."

Gauri  nods, her eyes looking over the bright blue liquid in the bottle. "..Five drops.." She repeated as if she would forget it at any moment. Quickly, she put five drops of the potion each into two tiny shot glasses and shakily handed the potion bottle back to Abhay.

Gulping, she continued to eye the liquid before handing Omkara a shot glass, holding hers up soon after as well. "Itʼs worth a shot."

Omkara seemed a bit wary about it, but stepped towards her and clinked his glass with hers before they both counted to three and downed the drops of potion. Instantly, the side effects kicked in, it was the same feeling as before except when she fell unconscious, light danced behind her closed eyes, images swirling until they were just a blur.

All returning to her.

With the last memory returning, she couldnʼt stay awake and slowly began to drift off to sleep. Her body feeling like it was on a floating cloud as she laid there knocked out on the floor of Abhay's private office right next to her man , Omkara .



Gauri  called out, her eyes flying open as she looked around, panicking. Her body trembled, her heart beated rapidly, and her breaths were ragged and sharp. She felt anxiety take over, her hands feeling around in the darkness that filled up the entire room. Her fingertips ran along the sheets, her arms reaching out. She was trying to feel for him.

"Om?!.." Dove grew more distressed, her heart beating faster as she couldnʼt find him or see anything.

Moving over to the side of the bed, she used her night vision to turn on the bedside lamp and looked around. The room was empty and cold, the dim light barely lighting up the place, but she still was able to see everything, so it didnʼt bother her as much.

What bothered her was that her man wasnʼt anywhere near her and she had the weirdest and scariest dream that she wished to tell him about.

Unless it wasnʼt a dream.

Flying off the cool covers, Gauri  scrambled out of bed and walked barefoot out of the room, her eyes wide with fear and uneasiness. Where was he?

She quietly made her way past her room doors and down the hall, instantly stopping when she heard water running. Maybe that was him, she didnʼt want to barge in and see someone else in there.

But she didnʼt want to be alone..or go back to the cold and empty room either. So she took her chances and slowly began to turn the knob on the bathroom door.
It whined once but opened enough for her to peek her head in.

Silently, Gauri  peeked through the crack in the door, trying to see past all the fog. Someone was standing there, bathing in the glass shower. She could barely make out the personʼs figure as the glass was fogged up by the heated water that was steaming out of the shower head.

Curiousity did kill the cat, but her body urged her to walk inside to get a better look.

The female squinted and slipped her body inside the bathroom, wanting to see who it was in the shower.

She know that ,She sounded and seemed like a pervert.

Sighing quietly, she was about to scold herself and retreat but froze on the spot when the water turned off and someone began to exit the shower.

Her golden orbs went wider as her cheeks instantly warmed, her eyes traveling up long muscled legs, to a very nice package, to lean hips with deep v-lines, a toned six-pack, and more muscles that she didnʼt know existed on the human body bunched with every movement he made, keeping her in a trance.

Her gaze moved up to his collar bone, broad shoulders, and Adamʼs apple before she practically drooled over his sharp and prominent jawline and sweet lips.

Gauri  didnʼt stop until her eyes met his set of blue ones, though he wasnʼt exactly looking straight at her, he was looking towards the side counter for a towel.

She couldnʼt tear her gaze away and just stood there, taking in every detail of his body, though her gaze strayed whenever she saw water drops dripping off his long dark hair, following them as they trickled down his tan skin and masculine body.

The man was breathtaking. He was inhumanly gorgeous. And nothing turned her on more than knowing that he was all hers, only hers.

"..Itʼs not polite to stare, my little chirraya."
His voice broke through her thoughts, snapping her out of her deep trance.

Well partly out of it.

He had wrapped a towel around his hips, though they hung loose, threatening to come undone just like she was in that moment. She felt light headed as she tried to focus on what he was saying but only could lick her lips.


It was all she could muster to say as she inhaled the maleʼs pheromones and strong woodsy scent.

Slowly, she moved closer towards him, her cheeks warm and covered in a light pink blush.

A growl began to rumble in his chest when he saw his woman  standing there, watching him with dark eyes. He could see her blush and smell the heavy scent of her arousal mixed with roses.

"Did you have another nightmare?" He asked, his voice sounding hoarse as he tried to control himself and see if she was alright.

It has only been five hours since theyʼve gotten their memories back and he was unsure if she was fully conscious or not.

She was asleep just moments ago, so he figured she had another nightmare and came to find him when she had realized he wasnʼt there.

His wolf whimpered at the thought of her waking up in the dark, alone. But he had decided to take a hot shower because he was covered in splatters of blood and couldnʼt seem to get certain things off his mind.

They had learned a lot that day. Maybe even more than a lot and he was still trying to process it.

His beautiful woman mate gave him a small nod, her eyes beginning to water as she closed the space in between them and hugged him.

Her nails digging into his back as she sobbed quietly, her forehead pressed against his chest.

He could feel her hot tears hit his abdomen and tensed up. His heart aching.

He began to quietly stroke her hair as she whimpered, "I thought you left me again...I thought I lost you. Why did you go?...Why...didnʼt you wake me?..You scared me.." The tremble in her weakening voice made his heart shatter.

"Hey..Hey. Shhh. Jaan, itʼs okay. Iʼm sorry, Iʼm here now..Youʼre okay. Iʼm okay..." He spoke softly, cupping her face and wiping her tears away.

Her cheeks were pink as was her button-nose now, making her look like a flustered, innocent fairy.

Omkara kissed the tip of her nose, then the middle of her forehead, "..I wonʼt ever leave you, Jaan. I couldnʼt. Youʼre my beautiful wife, my mate, my best friend, the mother of children...Youʼre everything to me. My world. Without you...Iʼd be nothing. I would have nothing." He reassured her, relieved when she looked up at him and kissed him.

"" She then sniffled out quietly and buried her face against his chest. "And..I missed you. It was scary...not remembering all the memories I made with you. Iʼm so happy that I got them back...theyʼre precious to me.

Youʼre the most precious to me..Youʼre Irreplaceable Om." Gauri  whispered as she stood on her tiptoes and ran her hand gently down his face just to make sure he was real and earned a kiss to her palm in return.

She shuddered at the contact of his lips on her skin and moaned out when he dipped his head down low and nibbled on her ear.

He soon whispered his response back, "..I love you too. And youʼre just as irreplaceable to me as I am to you." His breath tickled her neck, causing goosebumps to erupt on her skin before he kissed down her neck slowly.

Each kiss light, yet sparks kept igniting wherever his lips touched. He reached her shoulder and ran his teeth softly over the mark he left there, making a soft noise flow past her lips and her head tilt to the side.

Snarling with satisfaction, he ran his hands down the sides of her body to the small of her back, then pushing her further against him.

She breathed in and out heavily when he began to tug her night gown up and over her head then kissing every inch of her skin that he could reach while standing up.

Her eyes fluttered closed with pleasure as his lips finally met hers, the tingling sensations exploding over the surface of both their lips.

Their mouths were starved and craved each otherʼs touch. She released another moan and tangled her fingers up in his wet hair while his hands ran further down to grip her ass.

He gave it a rough squeeze before he slid his palms down the back of her thighs, then gripping them and wrapping both around his bare waist.

The towel no longer able to cling to
him and so it let go, dropping onto the ground near his feet across from her silk nightgown.

Their lips didnʼt part for a moment, making them breathless when they finally pulled away.

".Are you sure about this?" He asked her, his blue eyes dark and his expression serious. Ever since a certain event happened, heʼd ask her the same thing before they got intimate.

She paused and searched his eyes before nodding slowly, her chest heaving up and down against his. "..Tell me what you want.." He then said, making her blink up at him in surprise.

A blush on her cheeks. "..I..Om. I want you..only you. And I think Iʼm..ready." She muttered the last part, unsure of what heʼd think.

Maybe this was the wrong time, or maybe sheʼd get her proposal rejected. Nervously, she looked down at the ground, only lifting her gaze when he raised her chin.

"..As you wish, my little chirraya ."
Within a second he pinned her up against the nearby wall, letting one of her legs off his hips. But he kept the other leg still on his hips.

She held onto his shoulders, gasping out when she felt his fingertips teasingly trail down the middle of her abdomen and then slip into her lace panties.

She arched her back against the wall and dug her fingernails into his skin, not able to contain the surprised gasps and whimpers leaving her as his fingers worked their magic, caressing her like a delicate rose then plunging into her as if she were the water near a diving board.

He made sure to pleasure her as best he could, letting his fingers dance, rotating and dipping, gliding and repeating, making her feel like she was the honey left at the very bottom of a jar.

And he was the one reaching in to get every last drop out.

Finally a cry left her as the pleasure built up and pushed her over the edge. Panting, she leaned her head back against the wall, her legs trembling slightly.

He didnʼt stop there, he let go of her other leg and lowered, his dark eyes capturing hers before he slid her panties down to her ankles, the light fabric instantly dropping down to the floor.

Gauri stepped out of them only to have him lift her up by the back of her thighs again, and roughly enter her without warning. A loud and pleasure filled cry escaping her throat as he didnʼt let up and kept his pace.

Repeating it until she begged for mercy. Screaming out his name.

"..Fcuk, Gauri . If you keep moaning my name, youʼll make me lose it and weʼve just gotten started...Plus, I donʼt think you want everyone to hear us..Do you? " He murmured into her ear, though it came out more as a growl.

He wouldnʼt last if he kept hearing his name roll off of her tongue like silk, only she had this kind of power over him.

She knew his weaknesses. Hell, she was his weakness.

Gauri  didnʼt respond and bit down on her bottom lip, trying to refrain but couldnʼt control herself.

More moans leaving her lips with each movement they made, their bodies dancing wildly together.

For a second theyʼd move apart only to reconnect again. Fire roaring between them, setting their bodies and hearts ablaze with raw passion.

The fire only continued to spread, causing things to get hotter and hotter until eventually they reached the heavens together.

Their dance coming to a blissful and beautiful end.

"..Round two?" Omkara smirked, raising a brow at her. Though she couldnʼt tell if he was serious or not as she breathed heavily and was still barely coming down from the clouds

"Om!" She finally was able to shout as she blushed and shook her head, causing him to chuckle and kiss her softly.

"What? I promised you that when you were ready, I would give it my all. Preform the best. But only for you. I donʼt break my promises, Jaan."

".....I..-....Y-..You....I...." She stammered, not knowing how to respond to that. But knew he was right.

"Youʼre so adorable when youʼre flustered jaan..."

"..Shut up Om!."


He looked so cute when he slept.

His face was calm and his lips were slightly parted, just something about him being so relaxed screamed out innocence.

Which he was far from once he was awake.

She gently reached out to move a dark strand of his hair out of his face, then almost screamed when his eyes flew open and stared right at her.

Pulling her hand back to her chest, she blushed and soon playfully hit him on his arm.
"You scared the crap out of me Om!"

He only chuckled and smiled at her lazily while his eyes closed again. Omkara then pulled her close to him and buried his nose into the crook of her neck. ".Mm. Good morning to you too."
His warm breath fanned her skin, causing a bit of goosebumps to appear on her arms.

She gave him a few small pecks before moving away and getting up. "Om, we got a lot to figure out. The kingdom, our children, Veer, the war with the sabers..."

Gauri could go on and on, but he cut her off by sitting up onto the edge of the bed and pulling her back towards him so that she stood between his legs.

She blinked down at him and growled when he only gave her a smug smile.

His hands drifted down the curve of her torso, to her hips, to the small of her back, then they found their place on her ass and rested there.

"..Om, Iʼm serious."

"I know, my little chirraya. But I promise you, I will figure it all out. Just one thing at a time. I donʼt want you to be stressing over all of it and getting overwhelmed again." He replied, finally removing his hands from her butt and instead grasped her hands.

They intertwined their fingers, his gaze connecting with hers. She held his gaze for a moment before giving in and nodding.

"..Alright. I know, I know. One thing at a time.." Gauri let out a quiet sigh, then kissed his forehead. "Now come on. Get dressed. I want to visit someone."

Omkara raised a dark brow at her, his blue eyes filled with curiousity, and his grip on her hands grew tighter. "..Who?"

"Youʼll see. Now come on, just get dressed." She urged him and let her hands slip out of his grasp as she walked to the bathroom and splashed water on her face

. After drying her face, she brushed her teeth and hair, then pulled on a pale-pink strapless dress.

When she turned around, surprise flickered in her eyes as she saw Omkara already fully dressed in black suit pants and a white dress shirt. And he always seemed to keep the top two buttons undone.

"..You move fast.." She laughed slightly and placed her hand on his muscular arm to steady herself as she slid her matching pink heels on one at a time.

Once she had finished, he cast her a casual smirk. "..You know from experience on how 'fastʼ I can move." He gave her a small wink and chuckled, giving her butt a small slap.

She blushed in return and rolled her eyes.

".I also know firsthand how corny you can be." Gauri  removed his hand off her behind and gave him a wink in return followed by the retort before she moved away and sauntered out of their bedroom.

Omkara only whistled a low tune, following after her. "That would hurt if I didnʼt know how much you actually adore my corniness, my love."

Gauri  could feel him closing the space between them, but this time he was behind her. They had things to do today, so she couldnʼt afford for him to persuade her with his smooth words and lingering touches. If she did fall for it, heʼd scoop her up and take her back into the bedroom.

The man was downright sexy, possessive, charming, yet he kept to his words..and also had complete dominance over her. Meaning if she tempted and challenged him, or even dared to defy him. Heʼd take that as an opportunity and invitation to whisk her back off to bed to teach her a lesson.

Which she didnʼt mind, but they had more important matters to tend to now.

She though couldnʼt help but laugh when he wrapped his arms around her and practically purred into her ear.

"Ok Easy...Easy, My tiger. We have things to do today. And I really want to visit a few people too..Then maybe later, when everythingʼs more settled down.." Gauri  paused and whispered the last part of the sentence into his ear, making him growl softly.

"Fair enough. But Jaan that just encourages me to get things done much sooner.."

"Good. Thatʼs the point. Anyways, we should get going. I hope theyʼre still around, maybe I should ask the guards if they know where they live." She begins to murmur to herself and thought about it.

Omkara raised a brow at his lovely mate, watching as she bit down on her soft rosy lips, while her finger gently played with a strand of her wavy hair. She was cute when she was deep in thought, so he savored the image as long as he could despite the fact that she started to pace.

Finally, she brightened up and quickly walked up to one of the guards that stood near the front door.

"Excuse me sir, but do you know where the farm boy. Um Avinash lives?"

The guard looked down at her, his emotionless gaze seeming to immobilize her. She couldnʼt breathe. Something about the guard was unnerving and made chills run through her. He didnʼt reply and kept his gaze on her, making her grow uncomfortable. "T-Thanks anyways?"

She stepped away from the guard as Omkara noticed the change of expression on his mateʼs face. Fear and confusion was evident in her silver eyes. He didnʼt make a sound and pushed his mate behind him.

He was a bit broader and taller than the guard, Gauri  realized this as the males stood face to face.

Omkara's blue eyes started to darken as he gave the guard a cold glare. "She asked you a question. I suggest you answer it."

The guard stared at her first before looking at Omkara . He was silent for a moment, then responded. "Follow me."

Omkara placed his hand on her lower back and followed the guard outside. His blue eyes scanned over the small town within the walls of the kingdom and gave a grunt of disapproval. " Abhay doesnʼt seem to be caring for his people at all. I mean look at them.." The townspeople looked depressed, they wore baggy worn clothes, and seemed so scrawny. Most of them were starving and ill. It was like a gloomy cloud washed over the entire place, casting frowns on everyone in the town.

Gauri  on the other hand nodded in agreement, but a scent bothered her. There was a hint of blood lurking somewhere, the smell was strong enough to make her wary.

Gauri  frowned, not able to determine where the smell was coming from until they walked towards the horse stables. The once faint smell of blood, that she smelled earlier but ignored, was now growing stronger and stronger.

A growl escaped her throat as she ran to the stables, her eyes going wide as soon as she saw the impaled bodies.

There was a middle-aged man dangling off a wooden post used to tie up the horses, someone had sharpened the top of the post beforehand.

Meaning the man was murdered and his death was planned awhile ago. Someone wanted him to die..They even planned the way he would die. It was not only the old man that brought tears to her eyes, it was the twenty-year old that was on another post right
beside him.

Both men had their eyes left wide open, blood coating there bodies as they just limply hung off the posts.

Gauri  trembled as she clenched her fists and then whirled around to scream at the guard. She shoved her fists against his chest, "Who did this?! You bloody b@stard, tell me who killed them!!! Was it you??!"

Her screams echoed loud and clear around the town, causing passerbyʼs to stop and stare. Tears spilled down her cheeks as Omkara wrapped his arms around her and pulled her away from the guard.

His own jaw clenched with rage. He tried to soothe her, but she continued to scream and writhe against him to get at the still & soulless guard. So he had no choice but to use his wolf against hers.

"Calm down."
His voice became almost inhuman, the words came out in an authoritative growl

. One that only wolves could understand. The command reached her ears and made her wolf start to settle down and she silently sunk into his embrace.

Her head lowered as he then nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck. The 'nuzzling of her neckʼ was his signature gesture to soothe her, to let her know that he was there, there for her and her only.

"..Itʼs okay. Avinash isnʼt dead, he mustʼve ran before they could kill him too. I swear to you, I will find out who killed his family and their fate will be left up to you. But for now, I need you to be calm. And I need you to breathe. Can you do that for me Jaan?"

He relaxed when his mate nodded and calmed down, her body had stopped shaking. She sucked in a breath and then exhaled.

Gauri continued to repeat those steps and once her breathing had returned to normal, she stepped out of his embrace and glanced at him. "We need to find him."

Omkara gave her a curt nod and looked at the guard who just stood there, his eyes blank as he watched them.

But he somehow understood the look Omkara had and spoke, "King Abhay ordered us to kill them as soon as you both got here, but the farm boy escaped on one of the horses. We didnʼt go after him, because the King hadnʼt ordered us to. You made him 'preoccupied.ʼ "

"Do you know where he went?"

"Well, he most likely went through the portal. If you find him, tell him not to come back. If he does, he will suffer the same fate as his father and brother."


"Stop it!" The young girl screamed out, trying to yank away from the man who was dragging her further away from the castle by her wrist.
Her misty-golden eyes shone with fear and her entire body seemed to tremble.

With every breath she took, her heart beated faster and faster.

Ba-doom. Ba-doom. Ba-doom.

Veer only glared at her, venom practically oozing out of his mouth as he cursed. His earlier talk with his brother fueled a fire in him, a fire that would eventually become uncontrollable.

His coal-black eyes were wild. Crazed. The hatred burned deep within his dark orbs creating a negative aura to burst out of him.

His contempt towards his brother was unmistakable.

"You are absolutely worthless! They promised me that youʼd be of some value to me!!!" He spat out, harshly shoving the young girl forward, causing her to fall. Her body trembled and pleads escaped her lips. She had seen what he had done to the witches that had raised her.

She was but a pawn that they used to awaken the monster before her. Her best chance of survival was with the two strangers from the castle. But when they disappeared from sight, she was left alone in the castle, then towed away by the beast that was now roaring in anger and ready to kill her. Maybe she could escape, he did have injuries that were taking longer to heal.

She didnʼt want to die.

Her eyes were wide with fear, but nonetheless
she scrambled up and onto her feet, and ran from him. The girl ran as quickly as she could, panicking when she heard the sickening sound of bones snapping and crunching.

By the time she caught sight of the castle again, she was already done for. She knew of this as soon as she had heard the loud earth-shaking roar of the direwolf.

It felt as if she had been hit by a car when a massive body slammed into her from behind, shoving her back down.

The sound of her face smacking into the hard ground echoed, but soon was buried by another awful roar. Pain shot up from her nose and into her skull, pressure building up behind her eyes as her head throbbed uncontrollably.

It was broken, the bone in her nose almost completely shattered. Screams of agony left her as the monsters powerful jaws closed in around her neck, blood beginning to drip like water down her chin

. Tears spilled free from her desperate eyes, each drop mingling with her blood.

"P-Please save me." A shaky and final plead crawled its way out of her burning throat.
Soon there was only silence that coated the monster and youngling.

Until a voice broke through the still air and spoke. "You will only continue to lose against your brother if you kill this young girl. As I said before, she is still very valuable, thatʼs why I bestowed her upon you."

A faded figure approached, almost as if it was made of the air itself. Only the outline of its body could be made out. But Veer had recognized the womanʼs voice.

"You witch! Tell me what value she has? The only thing she seems to be good for is bringing me back to life!" His voice grew furious, his dark gaze landing on the ghost.

The girl wheezed and looked in the direction of the familiar voice with eyes full of desperation and fear.

Her stare screamed out for help.

The ghastly woman only smiled and grew closer, shoving her barely visible hand right into Veer's chest. A loud yelp escaped his mouth as he finally released the girl and shrunk away from the witch.

The girl gulped in the cool air and placed her hand on her throat, feeling the marks left behind by the humongous wolf.

She bowed her head down to the ghost of the witch that had raised her, grateful to have her life spared.

"Doesnʼt she resemble someone? Someone in particular..?" The woman asked, her smile becoming all too creepy as her hooded eyes stared at the direwolf.

Veer shifted back to human form and let his gaze sweep over the girls face. "Maybe.."

"Youʼre quite entertaining to watch, I love that
clueless, yet frustrated look on your face. But Iʼm afraid Iʼll have to just give you the answer." She paused and stepped towards the girl, then kneeled in front of her to lift her chin up. The lady lifted the girls chin and placed her hand on her nose, her touch as cold as ice, if not colder.

She then put her nose back into place and healed up her injuries by chanting a few incoherent, but powerful words. "This girl is your brother and his wifeʼs precious, long, lost daughter. She was stolen from the womb and given to me through an irreversible spell. Weʼre bonded forever. In life, in death, and the void left in between. If my spirit is sent back to the grave, her spirit will follow. So make good use of her."

Veer slowly smiled, "I see. Iʼll be sure to do so. If you had told me sooner, I wouldnʼt have killed you."

"Your mouth is full of lies. But as much as I hate you, my hate towards Omkara is so much more. I want him to pay. Pay for choosing that incompetent wench over me."


"Are we even close?" The voice asked in annoyance,a heavy sigh following soon after when no reply was given in return.

Ahan angrily gritted his teeth, agitated now as a moment passed and he still didnʼt receive
any response.

He was as impatient as ever. Moreso because he was stuck in a small carriage with two high- pitched girls that happened to be annoying the shit out of him.

They wouldnʼt stop touching his hair, irritating him, and shouting his ears off. And the worst part of it was that they thought it was funny. They did it just for fun, which wasnʼt a good reason at all to him.

Finally, Arth's voice reached his ears, "Almost. Be patient."

It took all his might to not get out and yank his brother right off of the carriage in that moment. His reply was more than enough to set Ahan off, but he had to keep his chill or else theyʼd vote him out and leave him behind while they searched for their long lost parents.

He would have to give Arth a piece of his mind when the trip was over. What was important now was finding their parents. Then they all could return back home as a family, not as a bunch of abandoned teens.

"Fine. Just tell me when we get there."

"Alright. I will." Arth said for the hundredth time, his eyes fixated on the map and then the path before them.

The sky was starting to darken, signaling that it was getting closer to nightfall. They would be there in a few hours, much to his relief.

As they grew closer and closer to their destination,Arth felt hesitation and a mix of emotions swell in his chest. Was their parents really still alive? Would they even want to see them?.

He shook the thoughts off and tried his best to cling to that little bit of hope that they would still be alive and hoped they missed them just as much, or even more than they did for all those years.

His wolf was anxious and filled with anticipation, everyone becoming on edge as soon as they grew much more closer to finding their parents and seeing them again.

'Please accept us.ʼ

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