Chapter 25

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"Almost there! Hold on!"

"We donʼt have any time, theyʼre waking up!" Shouted Asha from inside the stagecoach, her eyes wide as she looked down at the bodies of her friends whose skins were starting to sprout fur.

"Shit!" Cursed Rithvik from the bench resting outside of the coach, he yanked the reins back, stopping the horses from colliding right into a young boy.

The boy must be crazy, he was standing right in the path of their carriage, the smell of his fear clouded around him.

He stopped the coach, hopped down and growled, approaching the boy.

"Are you crazy?! We couldʼve ran your ass right over!"

The boy gulped and backed away, "I know. But I-I am supposed to retrieve you all..Iʼm Avinash. You know the farm boy..Omkara sent me. He should be here shortly! I swear!" He seemed to stammer when Rithvik grew closer.

"Well he better get here soon, or else things are gonna get a bit more fucked up."

Rithvik  then strided back to the stagecoach to help Asha, but before he could get to the door, something slammed the door right off and took off, followed by another blur.

Asha then poked her head out, her breathing heavy. "I couldnʼt keep them both in, their eyes were glazed. And then they went absolutely crazy."

"Shit. Letʼs go! Weʼve gotta catch them before they wind up killing someone." He quickly morphed into his wolf form and darted after the two blurs, Asha doing the same and followed hot on his tail.

They ran as fast as they could, tracking the two down by their scents, hoping to catch them and fast.

They started gaining on them, seeing them veering, then the two separated.

Which was clever.

Rithvik  gave Asha, who was in her dark-grey wolf, a look and she nodded, both going separate ways.

He followed after Ishani, while Asha chased down Mrunaal.

But a powerful roar stopped everyone in their tracks, it was him.

Their King.

Their brother.

There was a loud growl that followed and then there was silence.

Asha lifted her head, confused and watched as other wolves came into view.

A silver female dragged a light cinnamon-colored wolf by the neck, her jaws clamped just tight enough to keep a good grip. She gave Asha a look before releasing her grip on the other wolf.

Her golden eyes wary as she then motioned for Asha to watch the wolf who seemed to be Ishani.

Another wolf came to view, this time an enormous black one that also had a wolf dangling from its massive jaws.

The sand-colored wolf squirmed and snarled, trying to get out of the males grip. But the king only tightened his jaws around the females neck, then let her go when his mate gave him a withering look.

The two newly turned females whined and sunk against the floor when Omkara caught them trying to escape again.

His eyes narrowed while his canines were bared.

He didnʼt want to hurt them, but if he needed to he would. Though there would be no chance of that, since his brothers came rushing in, shielding their mates from him.

Both Ranveer and Arijit flattened their ears and snarled at their brother, becoming overly protective. But they had a right to be.

Omkara raised his hackles and glared, frustrated by the fact that they would even snarl at him, let alone think that he would hurt Mrunaal and Ishani.

He only took certain actions to make sure the wolves knew he was the alpha and wouldnʼt run off again.

As an alpha he wouldnʼt tolerate anyone disrespecting him, especially when he already warned them enough.

He stood his ground, lashing his tail back and forth as his eyes were trained on his brothers. His brothers did the same, yet their standoff soon crumbled when Gauri  stood in between the bickering males, her golden  eyes staring down all three of the male wolves.

'Enough! I wouldʼve thought you all wouldʼve grown up by now. You all know that none of us would hurt each otherʼs mateʼs. Omkara and I would never intended to do so. So please drop this, and my husband thereʼs better ways to handle this...Not just by using your strength and ranking.." She snarled, making sure both sides understood what she was saying and would back down.

Finally, the three males relaxed and gave each other a look as an awkward silence crashed over them. But soon made up, playfully tackling and biting each other as if they were still pups.

Gauri  shook her head and then silently made her way over to her three best friends, who were now like her.

Ecstatic by the thought of spending an eternity with her friends, who were more like sisters by now, she nuzzled each one of them.

Surprised that they remembered her and nuzzled her back. The awkwardness was now lifted and replaced by a happy, positive atmosphere.

'I canʼt believe you all are here!ʼ The young queen tested their mind link, gaining responses in return.

'Gauri ! I missed you so much! Wait...ʼ Ishani was the first to reply, her voice soft and full of joy.

Though she seemed to have gotten a bit confused on how they were able to communicate without opening their mouths to speak.

'Oh my god. Whyʼre you in my head. Is this what that whole mindlink thing is? I didnʼt think that was real!!! Holy shit this is way cooler than I thought!ʼ Mrunaal  couldnʼt help but shout in excitement. Energetic and free-spirited as always.

'Aha..ha. Itʼs good to be back together again. Phew, I was scared none of us were gonna make it.ʼ Asha quietly admitted, being more of the reserved person in the group.

Their chat made Gauri  laugh, until a voice interrupted their conversation. 'Sorry to intrude ladies, but you are aware that we can hear you guys too right?ʼ

'Arijit ! Babe! I canʼt believe this..! It worked! It actually worked!ʼ Mrunaal suddenly perked up and shouted again, hearing her mate, the female left her group of girl friends and went off to join her male companion.

The pair instantly warming up to each other, so Ishani decided to do the same. Though she was hesitant at first, her cinnamon-colored wolf slinkered towards Ranveer, her hazel eyes fixated on his.

He was patient with her as usual and let her get used to his scent and wolf before he cuddled her close and licked her ear. This made her tilt her head before she copied his gesture.

Gauri  and Asha watched the couples happily get together again, and let out a breath of relief. Now they could get to their destination without anymore problems and it was nice.

Nice to have everyone back together again as a family.

After several moments passed by of everyone regrouping and calming down from their excitement, they all decided to shift back to human form, and get back to their stagecoaches.

Then head to the palace to speak about more private conversations. That included the war mainly and the crisis they were stuck in.

Ishani was more than happy to comply, mostly because she missed her daughter. Her human daughter. That gave her the sudden thought on how she would approach Riddana and explain that she, her mother, was now like her father.

Ranveer tried to reassure her that itʼd be alright and stayed by her side the entire ride.

On the way, Gauri  sat by Omkara and closed her eyes, still tired from the night before. But as she closed her eyes, a dream took over, one that made her question whether it had happened for real or not.

It was so clear and so vivid.

Warning. If sensitive to this type of content. Because youʼve been through something similar or etc.
Please donʼt read further. But if you arenʼt, you may read on.

-Gauri's flashback-

It was a hot, sunny day in our village, everyone was joyful as usual even when tilling the farms and collecting water from the wells.

We were common folk, peasants almost, we couldnʼt afford any luxurious things and were fine with that.

We lived off of our own fresh produce and the money we got for weaving baskets, sewing lovely blankets or clothes, selling our animals, etc.

Still happy as long as we had roofs over our heads and food in our bellies.

Some days it would get tough though, some would crack from jealousy and rage.

Often making speeches in the center of the village on why did we have to live like this?

And why others got lifeʼs pleasures handed to them on a gold platter?

Unlike the notorious direwolves that ruled almost all four regions, we had to work hard just to get by.

The thought of living in a fancy castle with modernized objects, never really appealed to me.

Until one night women would make such a deal about wanting to be taken by the King and be wedded to one of his sons.

I never fully understood why, well at that age. Mostly because I was only 15 at the time. Iʼve witnessed so many raids since the age of 12.

I remembered asking my mother why women were being taken.

My teacher at the time had been, my older friends, even our neighbors daughters had been taken too. And with a sad look in her eyes, she spoke.

Her words terrifying me, "Those awful beasts, the monsters of the night come once every year to take woman who are 18-22 years old. They never return. But donʼt you be scared, Gauri . I wonʼt let them take you."

"Is that why I have to hide in the basement sometimes?" I asked, I was so young and full of questions.

This made my mother fear for me often and she would say it was just a precaution.

Even though I would sit in the dark all alone in a dirty old basement, sobbing and afraid as I listened to all the screams and chaos happening above the ground. But I never blamed my mother, she was doing it for my safety, even though she knew I would one day get taken too.

By the age of 16, I blossomed, ripe and young. I caught many eyes and had admirers from far and wide approach me.

Though I was too young and timid to know what to say to them and often resorted to making a fool of myself.

Then they would leave me alone.

Until one day, I was out tending to my motherʼs garden, minding my own business.

Humming a lullaby my mother always sang and continued to pluck weeds from the flower beds, making sure to get each and every one so my mother wouldnʼt have to bend down later and get the rest.

She had fallen awfully sick recently, so I tried my best to take care of the inside and outside chores, and made sure to check up on her every now on them.

The doctor stated that she would be fine and that it was just the flu, but they had said the same about my father, who was no longer alive.

He died shortly after I was born, so all I had left was my mother, brother, and Aunt. I wasnʼt very close with my aunt though since she barely would come out of her room. And so it was basically just me, my mom, and my brother.

My brother on the other hand was always working to put food on the table and take my fatherʼs place.

So I stayed out of his way and often just sat in my motherʼs garden. But there were a few guys who decided to pay me a visit.

Being naive and curious, I stood up when they called my name, not knowing much about guys in general.

So I treated them as if they were just friends. Which they were pretty much, just friends.

"Hey! Gauri !" A voice shouted, a familiar one. It was an older guy from school, who would often visit me, but he brought his friends this time.

I didnʼt know what to say, so I just awkwardly waved and watched them bound over to the front of my mothers garden.

"Come over here for a sec!" Kabir called again, hoping I would come over. I could feel their eyes roam my body, but stayed put and hesitantly made my way over to them.


"Gauri , meet my friends Rohan and Varun." He said, almost too happily.

"Nice to meet you both." I said politely, not wanting to appear rude. But when their eyes met mines, I knew there was something off. Kabir's next words confirmed it.

"Told ya she was beautiful." His words flew out as if he were boasting, a proud smirk on his face when his friends whistled and nodded in agreement, making my face go red with embarrassment and confusion.

"Whatʼre you talking about, Kabir ?"

Before I could step away, he hooked his arm around my shoulders and steered me away from my garden and instead towards the woods nearby.

"Nothing, Gauri . Just come with me, I got something to show you."

I nervously glanced at him and then back at my garden and shook my head.

"Sorry kabir , I canʼt right now, I have to finish my chores. I can maybe see it later."

Kabir raised a brow and then shook his head, continuing to usher me into the woods, his friends following close behind.

"Itʼll be fast, I promise. Then you can go back to doing your 'chores.ʼ " He replied, causing me to gulp and grow even more nervous.

"A-Alright.." I soon said after we had gotten in the woods and stopped, I looked around searching for anything out of the ordinary, but there was nothing but leaves and dirt, and so many trees.

"What did you wanna show me?"
My ears were then greeted by loud male laughter, and I was suddenly pushed against one of the trees.

Kabir looked down at me and played with strands of my hair for a bit, his breath smelling like alcohol.

"Oh, baby. I donʼt have anything to show you. Except for showing you what a real woman does. I can help you become a real woman too, if thatʼs what you want."

I stared up at him in confusion and terror when his friends crept closer, a hand lifting up the bottom of my dress. I smacked it away on instinct and started to squirm.

"Kabir, this isnʼt funny. Please let go." I tried again and again to push him away, my back feeling the rough bark.

Kabir only smiled even more, before grabbing my jaw all too firmly.

His mouth inches away from mine.

I wanted to gag at the smell of his breath, but refrained and instead tore my face out of his grasp and was about to earn a hit in return.

Kabir grew impatient and angry, his hand lifting up to hit me. So I squeezed my eyes shut and flinched, even though nothing happened.

All I heard were screams and then silence in just a split moment.

When I finally opened my eyes I saw a hooded figure approach me, my heart accelerated and my head felt light.

I was having a panic attack.

But then I remembered he was that same person from before.

When I was fifteen, I swore I had seen him pass through my village.

Though he had a friend with him and seemed so out of place. Dark and mysterious.

At the sudden realization, I stared at the figure.

Not knowing what he wanted with me and why he was there. But when he inched closer, I flinched again and shrunk back against the tree, growing even more anxious. Was he going to kill me or kidnap me?

But to my surprise he lifted my chin, examined my face then body as if to check if I was alright, and unharmed.

Then let go and vanished in thin air by the time I finished blinking.

I was left there in shock, then when I gained back my bearings, I returned home.

Never telling a soul what had happened that day, and I had come to find that since then Kabir and his friends had never returned.

Occasionally, I would see the cloaked figure a few times a year.

Itʼd be random at times, but I couldnʼt forget him.

No matter how hard I tried.

He was in my thoughts, in my dreams, and sometimes I could sense him there.

Watching. Protecting me..

Though I doubted he knew me.

I wasnʼt social, I didnʼt have a lot of friends, all I had was my family. Or what was left of my family anyways.

Not even a few months later there was another raid.

It awoke me from my sleep that night, I was drenched in sweat and my eyes flew open.

Screams forced my body to stay awake and be on edge.

My mother was nowhere to be found, nor was my brother, so I apprehensively walked out of my home, wondering where they were and what was going on.

Not yet realizing it was a raid until I saw young women only a few years older than me being torn from their homes.

Guards, so many guards, dragged them away from their families and rounded them up into a large truck.

I stuck to the sides of several houses, making sure to stay hidden as I frantically searched for my mother and brother.

Everyone was scurrying around, screaming, shouting, there were buildings on fire.

I grew frightened, my amber eyes wide in horror at the sight before me.

Several people laid dead, men mostly, probably dying in attempts to save their daughters or lovers.

I shrunk away from the corpses, backing away, as I began to hyperventilate.

Never had it been this bad. Then my back hit something, something solid.

I was about to scream when I turned around, but a gloved hand clamped down on my mouth, muffling the noise.

Shakily, I tried to tear the hand off my mouth, but a whisper stopped me.

"Shh. Itʼs okay, itʼs okay. I wonʼt hurt you." The man said, he sounded somewhat young, but older at the same time. And his voice came out somewhat husky if that makes sense.

I felt anxious again, as my vision suddenly grew blurry. I wasnʼt taking in enough air, due to my panic attack and was ready to faint.

My body felt heavy as I tipped to one side and couldnʼt regain my balance. But the hand quickly removed off of my mouth and strong arms wrapped around me securely.

I sank into the warm arms of the stranger and struggled to breathe, my heart racing in my chest.

"Breathe, Gauri . Breathe." He spoke again, this time his voice coming out in an assertive way. Almost coming out as an order.

I blinked up at him, tensing up as I gasped for air. "How do-...Do you...-You know my n-name?"

"Doesnʼt everyone?" He asked, though it sounded as though he were smirking from beneath his hood, trying to lighten the mood and distract me from my anxiety.

"N-No..I-..I cant breathe..."
I started to panic again, that is when the man leaned down and lifted my chin again, this time he closed the distance between us and his lips swept across mine.

My eyes grew even wider as he kissed me.

His lips were warm on mine and firm yet soft.

They were inviting and experienced.

Which I lacked.

I felt my body blush from head to toe. But he didnʼt pull away, his lips claimed mine again, feeling, tasting, caressing.

I couldnʼt help but sink further into his embrace, my hands clutching onto the fabric of his cloak while my eyes fluttered closed.

He was gentle, but was soon growing rough.

His grip on me tightened, and his lips were more demanding now than before.

I felt his teeth scrape against my bottom lip and my breathing hitched.

He noticed my reaction and instantly pulled away, worry in his tone.

"Gauri ,I apologize..I only meant to calm you down." The young man said, his voice no longer human like.

It came out more like a growl which I only took notice to after I snapped out of my girly daze and licked my lips reflectively.

His eyes were on me still, and his gaze seemed to be fixated on my lips, but he soon moved away, releasing me.

"Go home Gauri . Youʼre fine now. Try to stay out of any more danger.."

With that he left me standing there, barely able to focus.

What just happened?


Flash back ends.

Running a hand over his face in frustration, Omkara bit back a growl and took in a deep breath after slamming the phone back down into the receiver.

His fingers entwined as the alpha then leaned back into the leather chair he was currently occupying, whilehis elbows rested on the arms of it.

"Our palace was raided. Everyoneʼs dead. The workers. Maids. Guards. Everyone."

"How is that-.." Before Arijit could continue,
Omkara silenced him, not quite in the mood to listen to his brothers pesty questions.

He was going to proceed to inform them, until terrain interrupted him.

His hands clamped tighter together until
each knuckle turned pale white.

He was beyond furious with the news. "Sabers. Theyʼre already wanting to begin the war. They knew that by fucking with my kingdom, Iʼd want to kill them all. Which is accurate. But we need a solid plan before we go slaughtering each and every one of them. Theyʼre strong, Iʼll admit. And I donʼt know how many numbers they have. They just keep coming. So, until we can find the exact details, we will not attack for now."

It took all his might to say the words and stay calm.

He knew firsthand that rushing into a war would be pointless and reckless. So he wanted his father and brothers take on the whole situation.

"Iʼm proud of you son for not diving right in, I see youʼve learned a lot over the years." Tej, his father, responded with a proud grin.

"Itʼs about time." Ranveer joked, only earning a snarl from his brother.

"So itʼs settled then. Iʼll send Abhay's spies to check out our enemies to give us a brief overview of what weʼre up against. Then we form a plan and wipe them out. Weʼll send our children to the inn. It may seem unsteady and unreliable, but itʼs built with thick enough walls to keep them safe. At least long enough for them to escape if they need to. The inn master also is a fellow friend, heʼll risk his life to save them. I assure you. With them safe, we wonʼt need to worry about them getting injured, and put our focus in winning the war. We cannot risk losing, weʼve already lost enough..." The alpha male spoke, his voice rumbling out of his chest.

His kingdom would surely fall if the large feline race took over.

Who knows what the world would come to then.

He definitely didnʼt want to find out.

'Omkara , Iʼm coming. Veer and Rati are behind me. Please help me get her back...ʼ Gauri's voice soon interrupted his thoughts, causing him to go rigid in his chair.

Was she in danger?

And who did she want back?

Suddenly, his mate burst into the room, slamming the twin doors wide open. Her eyes wide and her breaths heavy.

"Omkara !" His name trembled off her tongue as tears built up in her eyes, her fists clenched.

He stood, immediately striding over to her and gripping both of her shoulders, his blue eyes boring into hers.

"Jaan ..Jaan...Breathe. Whatʼs wrong?"

His wolf stirred inside of him, anxiously awaiting her response. But no words left her mouth, though her breaths quickened.

She was hyperventilating.

With that he stroked her cheek with his thumb and brushed his lips against hers.

When her eyes fluttered closed and she was able to calm, sinking into the feel of his lips on hers.

He kissed her long enough to relax her, then pulled away and looked at her with brows furrowed in confusion and concern.

"Tell me what happened, Gauri ."
The young queen sucked in a breath and pressed her forehead against his chest, he could feel her emotions so vividly that it made him suck in a deep breath as well.

She was just as confused as he was, shocked even. "Om...They have her. They have her Om .." Words jumbled out of her mouth, her hands shaking, and he cupped both in his hands.

Stopping them. "Who has who?"

Then his mate lifted her head to look straight up at him before turning to look at the people behind her.

"Veer and that witch who possessed Rati has our daughter."


-Moments before-

"Gauri . Gauri ." The menacing voice came back, booming out loud and clear within her head.

Gritting her teeth, Gauri dug her nails into a nearby chair to regain her balance.

Her vision growing blurry as everything around her spun.

Squeezing her eyes shut, the familiar voice laughed, sending her mind into a spiral.

Who was it?

Who did the voice belong to again?

That was it.

An image of the man sheʼs grown to hate with a passion over the years popped into her head.


It was him.

It had to be him.

She had thought his control over her mind wouldʼve dissipated by now, but it still had a faint effect on her.

"Thatʼs impossible...The spell was broken." She began to say, her eyes still squeezed shut as she shook her head, refusing to believe that he could still mess with her.

Unless another witch was aiding him again.

Damn, why did all these witches hold grudges against her?

Well then again she was married to a powerful man, a very powerful man, which often made her a target.

Not only was he powerful, but lethally attractive as well.

Oh, man did she know about his experience with women.

His body oozed confidence and testosterone, which was more than enough to drive any girl batshit crazy.

Sure, she often grew butt hurt about his past history of flings, but in the end none of that mattered when she would wake up to him every morning and succumb to him almost every night when he would relentlessly remind her how much he loved her.

The feel of his arms wrapped around her when she awoke from a nightmare, the sight of him playing with their children, all of it made every ounce of jealousy and pain fade away.

She was his entirely. And he was forever hers.

"Mom, you okay?" A voice suddenly snapped her back to reality. It was her second son. She released her hold on the chair and straightened her posture, then gave him a reassuring smile, even though her head was aching to the point it felt like it would explode.

"Yes baby , Mumma just a bit tired. You havenʼt been getting into any more trouble have you?" Gauri tried to distract her son, knowing he would see through her lie. But to her relief, Ahan gave her a sheepish grin.

"No, maa. Besides, I canʼt do much with Arth always sticking his nose into my business-.." He paused, his curious gaze scanning over her face. "Maa...Should I call papa? Youʼre looking pretty pale."

How blunt. "No, no. Papa is busy and Iʼm fine, donʼt worry Ahan." Gauri gave him a soft smile and then moved past him, then sent a withering glance over her shoulder. Striking fear in him. Even though he never came across a beautiful woman just like His mother , but sure she was a scary woman still.

"Behave. Stay with Ahan, and keep Arth company. You know how anti-social he can get." She ordered, her tone becoming less cheery and more serious.

He swore he could see pain flash in her eyes for a moment before she turned and left him standing there, goosebumps left along his arms.

For some reason, he doubted she was alright, but nonetheless obeyed her command and set out to find his soulless brother.

Who always seemed to have some stick up his ass.

Pheww. She barely dogged that one. If Omkara found out, heʼd be more than furious. But then again, heʼd be equally furious if he found out she was keeping something from him.

I should just tell him, though I donʼt like the thought of it adding more to his plate.

Gauri sighed when another wave of pain rippled through her head. She rubbed her temples in attempt to relieve it and made her way towards the courtyard, needing fresh air before explaining it all to Omkara .

When she reached the courtyard, she paced back and forth for a moment, pondering deeply about it.

That is until Veer's putrid scent reached her nose, instantly she tensed when she felt his presence behind her.

A hand caressed the length of her arm and then had the nerve to grasp her hips, the males grip tightened on her and yanked her back into him.

She felt his disgusting breath hit her neck as he began to whisper. "Oh, Gauri . My beautiful . Gauri . I have something that once belonged to you."

Snarling, Gauri rammed her elbows into his gut and whirled around, fangs bared.

Not able to control herself around him.

He brought up so much anger and hatred inside of her, along with fear. If he had something of hers, that meant trouble.

He most likely wanted something from her, something that he so desperately wanted, to the point he felt the need to have to bribe her in order to have it .

Which meant bad news, really bad news.

"What do you want?" A snarl left her as her eyes narrowed on him. Her instincts daring her to wrap her hands around his neck and snap it to the side, or better yet crush his skull. But she refrained when he only snickered, a womanʼs faint laugh joining his.

Out stepped Rati, the maid, except her eyes glowed a bright green. Unlike her normal brown ones.

She sidled up beside Veer and gave Gauri an impish smile. "Itʼs nice to finally meet you. The woman who stole my beloved Omkara away."

"Rati? What happened to you?.." Gauri started to ask, but those green eyes only flared with mischievousness.

"Oops. She wonʼt be talking for awhile, Iʼm borrowing her body until I can get my original one back. Now, youʼre going to help by leading us to Omkara . Or else weʼll kill that precious, long, lost daughter of yours."

The woman possessing Rati paused and laughed, "Oh, wait. Youʼve never met her have you? All because me and my sisters had stolen her from your womb. Resulting in you thinking she was dead, but my dear sheʼs very much alive. For now..At least. Sheʼs been a very helpful pawn, even bringing this scum back to life." She continued to smile and explain to Gauri who shrank back and clenched her fists. Her golden eyes glow, sparking up with anger.

"How dare you?! Where is she?! I wonʼt ever lead you to Omkara , not until you show me that she is alive like you said!"

Her growl boomed through the courtyard, bringing shock to both Veer and his accomplice. But anger burned in Rati's gaze, "So he did turn you. But very well, Veer bring the girl."

Veer growled at the womanʼs command, yet did as he was told and retrieved the young misty-eyed girl.

Her pale amber-eyes were somewhat similar to Gauri's , the resemblance was pretty uncanny.

She looked like a mixture of Gauri and Omkara .

Just like Arth and the others did.

There was no mistake, her scent more so proved that she was indeed her long lost daughter.

The womanʼs breath caught in her throat when the younger girl was brought into sight, tears welling up in her eyes.

She was alright, beautiful even with minor bruises and cuts.

Gauri couldnʼt help but whimper when she saw how skinny she was and practically dropped to her knees at the sight.

Her poor daughter.

Who she missed all these years and cried many nights over.

Her youngest child.

"Iʼll bring you to Omkara , just donʼt hurt her....Will you promise me youʼll hand her over if I do?" She asked, her eyes still trained on her daughters. Her voice coming out breathy and desperate.

The young girl stared back at her, feeling their connection, resulting in her tearing up too.

Rati only smiled again, "Perhaps. Weʼll see after you take us to Omkara ." This response made Gauri less than happy, her eyes were darkening.

"Look, I donʼt know who the heck you are and what you want with my family, but I will inform you that I will not hesitate to kill you once I get the chance. And every chance I get, I will come after you. Find you. Then kill you. Especially if you donʼt give my daughter back, believe me witch. Iʼve killed creatures worse than you. Iʼll take you to him, but I expect her back in my arms after I do."

Her stare was less than friendly and seemed rather cold, no sign of remorse was found within her gaze.

When her family was involved, she was far from sweet.

Possessed Rati laughed and nodded, "Alright, Alright. If you say so, now shall we get going?"
Gauri didnʼt respond and sent her daughter a small, reassuring glance before leading them to Omkara's office. But had sent him a heads up beforehand.

Pleading for him to help her get their daughter back.

She didnʼt know what sheʼd do if her daughter was taken away from her again.

Clenching her fists at her sides, she led them down the castle halls and towards Omkara's office.

She knew he was in an important meeting with His brothers , which was even better.

Since they could definitely aide her as well to get her daughter back. But still, panic and worry bubbled up inside her as she began to turn the knob of the door.

Her breaths quickening, she was delving straight into anxiety again. She couldnʼt help it. Her daughter and husbands life were on the line.

As soon as she burst through the doors, she cried out to her mate, her legs growing shaky with unease and her eyes threatening to release tears.

Ever since she was young, sheʼd suffer from it, never knowing fully how to control it.

That is until her mate showed up and helped her settle down from it.

Before she would cry and struggle to breathe for hours, but now she relied on her mate to soothe her.

All she could think of was him and their daughter at the moment.

Please, spare them.

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