Chapter 26

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"Hello, Omkara . Itʼs nice to see you again and my my have youʼve grown to such a fine and handsome man." The womanʼs voice left the maids young body, not sounding like Rati at all.

The voice was familiar as it reached Omkara's ears. He knew that voice. And despite hearing it from decades ago, he remembered it.

His eyes narrowed as he eyed her, "I didnʼt think youʼd go this far, Mouni. How pathetic." He spat, venom dripping off of every word he said.

His body going rigid as he saw her lips turn up into a smile, and one of her hands grip the nape of his daughters neck.

It was undeniable.

The young girl with tears staining her cheeks, reminded him of his young Gauri .

Though he noticed the specks of blue in her eyes and the long dark hair she had that resembled parts of him.

His heart clenched when he sensed her fear along with his woman's .

"Iʼm glad you remember me Omkara .Care to explain who I am to you to that little wench you married? Explain to her how many times you fucked me and told me you loved me?" Cackled Mouni, a smirk ever so present on Rati's face.

Omkara glanced down at Gauri  when she peered up at him in confusion, "Omkara,What is she talking about?"

He growled and within a blink of an eye had Rati shoved up against the wall, ripping her hand off of his daughters neck. "Shut up, you bloody witch. You're nothing to me, you were always nothing."

His grip tightened around her throat, threatening to crush her windpipe until Gauri  screamed out. "Omkara ! Donʼt! Sheʼs in Rati..Donʼt kill Rati!" He barely loosened his grip on Mouni and glared, not in the mood for any bullshit and games.

Mouni wheezed, but smiled straight at him. "Iʼve always liked it rough. You can be cold, Omkara . But donʼt deny it. You loved me."

"Who the hell is she, Omkara ? And what does she keep talking about?" Gauri  asked again, snarling lowly, while Ranveer tried to calm her and keep her away from the two.

Rithvik watched with narrowed eyes, then grasped Gauri's  elbow. "Trust me bhabhi. You donʼt want to get mixed in with all this." They all seemed to know who the woman was, much to Gauri's  frustration.

Omkara scowled at his brothers for touching his woman, but couldnʼt bare to look at her.

"Gauri , sheʼs no one. Just a witch who casted a spell on me decades ago. She led me to believe she was my mate, but when I first laid eyes on you, the spell broke. And I exiled her from my kingdom. Thatʼs all." His eyes finally met hers, but she yanked out of his brothers grips and stepped forward. "Did you mate and love her?"

Pain was in her gaze, but she continued to look at him.

Her golden eyes was boring into his soul.

A bone in his jaw ticked and he lowered his gaze, "Yes, but only because she had me under a spell. Trust me Gauri ,I felt nothing towards her once it broke."

"Thatʼs right. How does it feel, Gauri ? To know that he kept the history between us from you. To know that he often fucked me and confessed his love to me before you. He desire me Gauri .I had him first..-I.." Mouni was instantly stopped, when Omkara squeezed her throat again.

A growl tore from Gauri's  throat, her eyes turning darker than before, while her fangs shot out.

Ranveer  and Arijit instantly held her back, trying to get her to calm down again.

"Enough!" Omkara roared out, making everyone fall silent, except for Veer who laughed, enjoying the scene being played out.

"You canʼt kill her. Sheʼs already dead. How do you think she possessed one of the maids? Besides, if you do somehow rid of her ghost, your daughter will die with her."

"What do you mean?!" Gauri  practically snarled out, not wanting to lose her daughter forever.

"Let me go!!!" She shouted again, thrashing against Ranveer and Arijit , begging to be released.

Omkara whimpered at the sight of his mate and let go of Rati, letting her slump to the floor.

Then he took two steps towards Veer, who seemed to have put his daughter in front of him, using her as some shield.

Veer couldnʼt help but flinch when Omkara shoved his fist right beside his head, making an instant hole.

"This will be your skull if you donʼt hand her over right now. I warned you once, I thought that was enough. I guess not, you still manage to defy me. I may not be able to kill Mouni, but you can be her substitute for now." With that he grasped Veer by his throat tightly, making him release his hold on his daughter, then with his other hand pushed her towards Rithvik.

'Protect her with your life.ʼ He ordered him through his mindlink, before dragging Veer out of his office so the others wouldnʼt have to witness what he was about to do to him.

"Please, brother. Iʼm sorry!!! I wonʼt do it ever again!" He coughed out, begging him, as his eyes threatened to pop out of his skull.

Omkara finally released him and shoved his fist right into his face,"Youʼve promised countless times brother. Iʼm afraid youʼve drawn the last straw." His fist pummelled into Veer's face again, sending the male staggering backwards.

When angry, Omkara often lost control and patience, he didnʼt like giving second chances. 

Veer was a prime example. He had given him more than a few, only to regret it each time.

Plus, he always seemed to want to bring harm to his family, thinking that would give him some advantage.

Which it couldʼve maybe if used against other people, but when it came down to Omkara , he only thought of how he would keep his family safe and then would instinctively rid of any threat.

Right now, Veer was a threat.

A way too common one.

"Youʼve left me no choice Veer!" The alpha roared, the veins in his neck pulsating as he continued to pound his fists into his brothers face.

"Youʼve brought shame to the Oberoi family! You killed your own, you touched my woman, took her from me! Abused her! Then took my daughter! I will not tolerate your presence anymore, you are already dead to me."

"Please!!!! No!!! No!!! I havenʼt gotten the throne yet! I want the throne!!!!" Veer screamed out madly, blood covering every inch of his face.

He stumbled back onto his feet and charged at his brother, shifting. His wolf clamped itʼs jaws down on his shoulder, failing to reach his throat, thankfully Omkara foreseen it and shifted just in time to land his own blow.

He snapped his massive jaws down onto his brothers neck, continuing to apply pressure until he felt bones shatter.

A loud cry left his brotherʼs throat, before he released him and let him sink into the grass.

Watching him drown in his own blood, his windpipe crushed to smithereens.

"Enjoy your time in hell brother ." Omkara growled lowly, then drew his head back and let out a loud, dominant howl.

He slowly morphed back into his human form, numb to the bone as he then dragged his brothers dead body into the woods.

Then burned him, making sure his body turned into nothing but ash.

Dry blood coated his fists and his mouth, trickles of it staining his jaw and chin.

He had just killed his brother.

His mother, a cream-colored wolf approached him, along with his father.

They greeted him and watched the ashes of Veer swirl off into the wind, though he was dead, it was no loss.

They had exiled him from their family long ago for taking the life of their eldest son, and finally his life was taken in return.

A life for a life.

They howled together in unison, to restore peace to their family, before Omkara left them to tend to his wife and children.

Though he held an impassive look, he went back into his office and pulled his woman into a hug.

Her eyes were wide when she had seen the blood, but she understood what had happened.

Tears welling up in her eyes as she then sobbed into his chest.

She mustʼve been terrified to death.

He could still sense her sadness and apologized, hugging her closer, before looking over at Rithvik  who let go of his daughter.

The young girl seemed hesitant at first, her eyes just as wide as Gauri's  before she too cried and joined in on the hug.

Her wolf understanding and rejoicing, she had finally found her birth parents.

Though her father was scary man ,he had protected her.

She sank into their embrace as her father and mother held her close, never had she felt so happy in her life, and so relieved at the same time.

When they soon pulled apart, Gauri  looked
down at her, "What name do you go by?"

She looked up at her mother, confused, then shyly looked down at the ground. "I donʼt understand."

"Well...In that case. Why donʼt we call you Aadhira?" Omkara asked, giving her an optional name.

To their surprise she liked the name and smiled, happy that everything would now hopefully turn out alright. But knew it wouldnʼt be that simple.

Rati stood, watching the scene unravel, angry tears building up in her eyes. But she couldnʼt use her magic inside of the humans body, so Mouni left it quickly and held her hand towards Aadhira, then slowly started to close it into a fist.

Aadhira soon screamed out, feeling her heart being crushed by the witch that had raised her.

"Stop!!! Iʼm not yours!! Leave me alone!"
Gauri  whimpered, feeling her daughters pain, her chest heaving up and down in anger and fear.

She had enough of the witch.
"Avinash! Now!"

All of a sudden, Avinash appeared in the doorway, book in hand.

He began speaking in Foreign tongues, reading a spell from it, his eyes more determined and lively than ever.

Gauri  had found him to be a wizard of some sort, able to cast Foreign spells and open portals to different places around the world, then got him to help her rid of the witch.

" Leave witch! Leave Ghost! Your spells broken"

Mouni screeched out, gripping onto the wall as if she were getting sucked away by an enormous vacuum.

"Impossible!!! You imbecile!!!! He loves me!!! Omkara loves me !!!! Not you!!!" Then once Avinash  had repeated the phrase five times, her spirit had vanquished.

Gauri then rushed to Aadhira aide along with Avinash , both checking to see if she was alright.

To their relief she smiled and cried, nodding her head.

"You freed me! I donʼt know how to ever thank you!" She hugged Gauri , then tackled Avinash  into an embrace. "You saved my life."

Omkara and Gauri  watched as Avinash dropped the large book of spells and went instantly red in the face.

"It..I-It was nothing." He stammered, making Aadhira laugh and then she asked if heʼd teach her how to do what he did and he excitedly agreed.

Avinash led her out of the office and to the library room of the castle, leaving Gauri and Omkara alone.

The woman let out a soft sigh when her mind was peaceful again, knowing her mate had killed Veer, so his voice no longer screamed in her head.

She was relieved that everything had gotten resolved, that is until Omkara gripped her hand and sank back into his leather chair.

Shocked, she looked down at him, her head tilting reflexively to the side as he pressed her hand against his face and pressed a kiss against the inside of her wrist.

No word left him as he pulled her closer, so that she was standing between his legs, he then slumped forward, exhausted as he rested his head against her abdomen.

His arms wrapping around her waist after he released her hand.

He let out a heavy exhale, his eyes closing shut as he took in her sweet scent.

He wished they could run from all their problems, and only so little was resolved, there was so much yet to do and he had to tell her that their kingdom was attacked. But didnʼt know how to after all that had happened.

"Whatʼs wrong, my king?" She asked him, her voice soft and filled with worry. Slowly, she cupped his face with both of her hands and made him look at her, her eyes gazing into his. She could see his pain and knew he was at a loss for words, so she didnʼt pressure him anymore and stayed silent when he didnʼt respond.

For a few moments everything stayed silent, till he cleared his throat and looked up at her. "The Sabers attacked our kingdom. Everyoneʼs dead..."

He cursed out and slammed one of his fists down onto his desk, angered by the thought again, but he felt so helpless, not knowing quite what to do.

His mate stiffened slightly, but leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Om ,Youʼre stressed, youʼre tired. Let me make you something to drink, then letʼs go to bed. Then when we wake up, weʼll figure it out together. Alright?"

She couldnʼt help but laugh when he nodded and then tugged her closer, kissing her skin through the fabric of her clothes. "What would I do without you, my little chirraya?" His whisper barely was coherent, but when she realized what he said, she smiled and kissed him playfully all over his cheeks, his nose, his jaw, forehead, chin, face.

This made him relax and give her a sexy grin, but she shook her head and took off sprinting towards the kitchen, "Omkara ! I said Iʼd make you something. And you need your sleep! I need sleep for goodness sakes!"

She knew it was useless as he scooped her up into his arms and whisked her off to their bedroom, "I know Jaan .What lewd thoughts you have, babe. I only meant to cuddle, unless you want me to bring those thoughts of yours to life?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her, making her burst into a fit of giggles, "No! Iʼm more than happy to cuddle. I wasnʼt thinking anything dirty at all..Just thought.." She began but gave up on finishing her sentence when he pulled her close and claimed her mouth with his.

He tasted her and explored as if it were his first time kissing her, his tongue clashing with hers as she moaned into their kiss and then her face shown her disappointment when he suddenly pulled away.

"Told you .Dirty, dirty thoughts. But we need our sleep, like you said. So goodnight, my little chirraya. Sweet dreams..." He teased, a smirk evident on his face when he kissed her cheek instead of her lips and set her down on their bed.

She sank down against the sheets and let him cover her with the blanket, then watched him slide beneath the covers on the opposite side of her.

Well, damn him for using my words against myself.

Gauri  thought and groaned inwardly before sidling up to his back and resting against him, her one arm wrapping around his waist as she closed her eyes.

Surprisingly, he was already fast asleep. She frowned slightly, he mustʼve been really tired.

She couldnʼt blame him though, their kingdom was falling apart, all because they travelled to here and ran into a bunch of huge cats. Now they were in even worse shit.

Cuddling closer to him, she started to fall asleep to the sound of his heart beat, thankful that he was still alive and there beside her.

Now, theyʼd have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.But at least theyʼd be fully charged and up for it.

"Iʼll help you with everything, so donʼt worry too much Omkara . I wonʼt let you do this alone. After all, youʼve comforted and helped me many times, now itʼs my turn to return all the favors." The woman mumbled softly, drifting into a deep slumber.

Then a dream overtook her again. ~~~Dream start~~~~

Gauri's Flashback

"I thought I told you to stay out of trouble." A deep voice startled me, causing me to almost drop the teapot.

I rushed over, my heart beating frantically in my chest as I then looked down at the cloaked figure, who was currently laying down in my bed.

I had brought him in after he had rescued me again from strange men that were sent to pillage our town.

They were about to take me and do what they wished with me, when he had intervened. If it werenʼt for him, Iʼd be dead a long time ago.

So I decided to care for him until he got better, but he had this horrible wound near his forehead between his two eyes brows and his sides that would scar up and stretch towards his abdomen.

Despite me cleaning it, it didnʼt heal over. So he stayed, groaning in agony whenever I tried to clean it, until I had spotted a piece of weird material left in his wound, then removed it.

Then he started to make a quick recovery, though I had to admit I was a bit sad by the thought of never getting to see him again.

He was finally awake at least, so I sat on the side of my bed, beside him and responded.

"I tried to. Trouble always seems to follow me...I feel so unlucky. Yet somewhat lucky at the same time if that makes any sense."

"It doesnʼt." He bluntly stated and I could see his smirk from beneath his hood.

Embarrassed, I reached over and gripped the hem of his hood, threatening to reveal his face.

This caused him to make a weird noise and flip out positions, so that I was now under him.

He hovered atop of me, pinning my wrists back down against the bed.

"Nice try Gauri , I promise that Youʼll see me again one day, and I wonʼt be wearing anything to cover my face. Also, try not to drool when you do." He teased, his face inches away from mine.

I blushed as I stared up at him, remembering our kiss from a few months ago, on the night of one of the Kings raids.

The memory bringing more warmth to my cheeks and face. "As if. H-How will I know itʼs you, by the way?"

He lowered, coming closer and closer, his lips barely and inch away from mine. "Youʼll know. Besides just look for this scar if anything. This was nice and all, but Iʼm afraid Iʼll have to leave soon. Trust me. Weʼll meet again, my little chirraya ."

With that, he got off me, retrieved his belongings and left. Just like that. And then I hadnʼt seen him for two years after that.

I felt foolish for believing him.

**Dream/flashback end**** -Present-

Continuing Gauri's  P.O.V

My eyes fly open as I remember the nickname little chirraya being repeated again and again in my head, that voice.

Oh, how it was so awfully familiar?

Suddenly, a lightbulb lit up in my head and turned my head to look at my sleeping man.

Damn ! No fricken way.

I got onto my knees and then leaned forward, gripping onto him to roll him onto his back, and when the boulder finally landed flat.

I lifted up his shirt just enough to see part of his abdomen and saw a thin white scar embedded into his side and then I touched the fading scar near his eyebrows.

"It was you all along Omkara ..."

"Took you long enough to realize it, my little chirraya ."

"Omkara , but how? Why didnʼt you tell me sooner?!" She asked, the look on her face was incredulous as she stared at him wide-eyed.

He stayed on his back and peeled open one eye to look back at her.

The dimness of their bedroom failing to cover the tears that trickled down her now rosy cheeks.

He couldnʼt tell whether she was furious with him or simply shocked. So, he rose into a sitting position, his back leant against the beds headboard, while his hand reached for hers.

His thumb gently drawing small circles on her skin, soothing her as she blinked at him, still bewildered.

"It wouldnʼt of been any fun. So I waited Gauri ." He replied, his voice low as he then leaned in closer to her.

His hot breath fanning the side of her neck, "Until you finally fell for me, even though you still didnʼt realize who I was."

Gauri  swallowed hard, listening to the words slip off of his tongue, her heart racing in her chest. "Y-You shouldʼve told me Om..I have waited for two years for your return, but you didnʼt come back...Why?" How did he make her stomach erupt with butterflies still? After all those years of being together, he still managed to make her a nervous wreck.

"Jaan, if you had cried for help, I wouldʼve came running. If you had gotten in any sort of trouble, I wouldʼve killed for you. All you had to do was call." He chuckled softly, pressing a light kiss on her shoulder.

His warm lips on her skin instantly setting her body on fire.

She sucked in a breath, taking in his passionate words before slowly crawling into his lap.

Sinking into him, she rested her chin on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him.

"Hmm. I guess I should call you my hero too then. My own personal Superman." Gauri  laughed a bit at the name before pulling away just enough to glance up at him. "Omkara , can I ask you something?"

Omkara blinked down at his beloved woman, noticing the sudden change in her tone and composure when she looked up at him. His lips pressed into a firm line as he gave her a curt nod. "Fire away my love ."

"Will you tell me the whole story of you and Mouni...And how you met me in the first place? I thought you told me all of your secrets and I'm  I know you shut away your past...and all. B-But I want to know.." Her sentences started to drift off, her voice becoming softer.

She lowered her head and looked away, signaling her discomfort and sadness. "I thought we agreed long ago to not keep anymore secrets from each other. The past does hurt and it sometimes reopens wounds. But I want to know you..More. And when she said those words, I felt like I actually know you so little. I mean, I love the present you. But I want to love your past and future you too, I know that makes no sense at all. Yet, I still want to try to know you better, and I hope you want to know me better as well."

Omkara fell silent, his eyes falling dark and impassive again. It seemed as if he had grown lost in thought and maybe remembered something bittersweet that may of been part of what caused him to be so closed off from everyone in the first place.

She got off his lap and grasped their bed cover, wrapping it around him, so he looked something like an angry snowman or mummy.

"Here. Itʼs like this. Youʼre wrapped up, guarded. We both are-.." Gauri  paused to wrap herself up in the covers as well, her gaze then fixated back on him.

"And so we look like mummyʼs, covered up so well that no skin or vulnerability shows. All our secrets, memories, scars, hearts, are hidden to each other. Then some days when we learn something new about each other, we strip away a piece. Getting one step closer to being fully naked, exposed, vulnerable to each other. Itʼs kind of scary, but weirdly fulfilling at the same time. We keep learning about each other until eventually our partner knows us like the back of their hand, and can trust us entirely. Because we are now fully naked, not necessarily physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We are left vulnerable and defenseless to each other, exposing who we are all together and then we accept one another and can become one. Like two puzzle pieces that you didnʼt know fit so perfectly together. So, Omkara I want us to unravel each other, to continue to find pieces of each other to make us one.."

Her cheeks were stained red as she realized Omkara listened the entire time, yet said the complete opposite of what she had just explained to him.

"So you want me to undress you and look at you naked Gauri ? Hell, I want to do that anyways. And if you wanted me naked so bad, all you had to do was say so." A slow, tantalizing smirk made its way onto his face as he looked at her with laughter in his beautiful eyes.

He removed the covers and started to remove his tie, then unbotton his shirt, his eyes still focused on her.

Growling, she covered her reddening cheeks and shook her head. "Omkara ! Thatʼs not what I was saying...!"

"Now that weʼre on this topic, do you want to tell me who first took your virginity.?" The mood suddenly darkened as he spoke in such a calm tone, Gauri thought he mightʼve lost his mind.

He crept closer, pinning her down against the bed, his body towering over hers.

A growl left him as he felt her pulse quicken and she started to look anywhere but at him.

"Pfffttt. Donʼt be ridiculous Omkara . Iʼm not going to say it. Arenʼt you satisfied enough? I mean look how red my face is..."

"Who?" He only asked, his voice deep and rich of power, making her legs turn to jelly.

"Omkara , you know who. Stop...I donʼt want to say it. Itʼs embarassing.."

"How is it embarassing?" He asked, teasing her even more by asking her another question, though his face was serious. His eyes piercing into hers. She squirmed beneathe his gaze and then sighed,
"You did. Omkara Singh Oberoi! You was my first."

Only somewhat satisfied, he pressed on. "Who was your first kiss?"

"Omkara , really? You already have a huge ass ego. Why do you need me to-.."

"Say it."

"You." She muttered, rolling her eyes.

"And lastly, who turned you?" "You..Whatʼre you-.."

"Correct. I changed you, marked you, mated you. So if you want me to love to you, I will. If you want me to kiss you, I will. If you want me to tell you that youʼre the love of my life to reassure you, I will. Thereʼs no need to be jealous, Mouni was nothing. She was a servant that I met decades ago who casted a spell on me, then I mated her, thinking she was the one because of the trance she put me in. Then my parents made me visit your village, and when I first laid my eyes on you. The spell broke. I had never seen someone so beautiful like you Gauri ...You were So fucking beautiful and so fucking incredible. I couldn't ask for me .Youʼre my last Gauri. My one and only." He murmured, caressing a tendril of her hair, then dipped down to plant a soft kiss on her lips.

She blinked up at him, blushing from head to toe.

Her eyes fixated on his, before she melted into his kiss and returned it.

"Well , i thought someone said we were only sleeping tonight." He smirked and said between their kisses.

"Shut up Omkara . And t-thank you for telling me." Gauri  replied quietly, moving away just long enough to catch her breath.

Before he placed his hand on the back of her head, pushing her closer to him, his lips roughly claiming hers once again.

"Om ,We should stop, or else I wonʼt be able to fall asleep." She said, intaking another gulp of air, her hands on his chest to stop him from sucking her into his raw, yet wild and burning passion.

Her chest heaved up and down as he growled, peppering light kisses along her neck before nibbling on the edge of her earlobe.

The smell of her arousal clouding his nostrils, her scent dangerously intoxicating. "I can help with that." His voice became nothing but a sensual whisper, the sultry sound making her shiver in excitement.

She sucked in another deep and shaky breath, trying to control herself. "I donʼt doubt that, my husband But we really should be going to bed, then we can continue some other time."

Omkara chuckled, amused by her closed eyes and trembling voice. He could feel the intense need built up in her, but somehow she still refused.

His woman always put her familyʼs well being first. Which he loved about her, but at the same time it often brought a halt to 'certain things.ʼ With a small growl of agreement mixed with slight disappointment, he laid down and pulled her down beside him, clutching her close to his chest.

Resting his chin atop her head, he closed his eyes and relaxed, taking in her familiar scent.

Silently, he thanked the heavens that she had finally remembered him.

"Thank you Omkara .." She whispered and snuggled closer to him, sleep soon washing over her.

"Goodnight, My little chirraya ."


Gauri's  P.O.V

I awoke to a silent room, the space beside me uninhabited. Turning my head, I frowned slightly when I hadnʼt seen my man beside me, but groaned aloud when someone entered the room and drew back the curtains.

Light shot in, making me wince as my eyes were adjusting to the sudden change.

Once my vision returned, I rolled onto my side and buried my head under a nearby pillow, hoping the intruder would leave but to my disappointment, footsteps scuttled closer to my bed, almost seemingly rushed and the covers were thrown off of me.

I growl, the sound rumbling out of my throat as a warning, but I only gained a few growls back.

"Get up!!!"

"Rise and shine woman!!!!"

"Sorry, Gauri . I told them there was better ways to wake you.."

Each voice was familiar as the bed dipped, which was then followed by a series of weird noises.

Curiously, I peeked my head out from under my pillow and opened my eyes to find the source of the noises.

To my surprise Mrunaal was face to face with me, her lips puckered as she continued to make kissing noises.

"Oh, Gauri . How ravishing you look this fine morning." She said playfully in a lower tone, trying to imitate Omkara's voice.

Embarrassed, I instinctively raised my pillow and smacked her with it.

Surprisingly, Mrunaal  took the hit and bursted out into a fit of giggles, whileas Asha snuggled up behind me and whispered in my ear.
"Had a long night?"
The comment made me squeak out, my face turning fifty shades of red again as I squirmed, moving away from the mischievous females.

"For your information, we only slept.." I paused when I sensed other familiar females enter the room.

My eyes widen as I heard an awkward cough and looked to see Ishani sitting at the end of the bed with a grinning Riddana and Aadhya .

"Good morning, maa." Aadhya finally said, her nose though crinkled up in disgust as she understood what her 'Auntsʼ were joking about.

"G-Good morning. And you guys are horrible, stop scarring my daughter and get out!" Another snarl left my throat as I sat up and crawled off of the large bed.

'Fun fact, me and Omkara made love on this very bed on more than several occasions.ʼ I sent the thought through my mindlink with Ishani, Asha, and Mrunaal in hope of scaring them off.

Luckily, they cringed and moved at the speed of lightening to get off the bed. "Iʼm gonna go scrub off my skin now." Muttered Asha, the other two agreeing before they left, dragging the younger two, Riddana & Aadhya , out with them.

Relieved to have the room quiet again, I settled with a quick shower, then pulled on a peach colored dress, the hem stopping just an inch or two above my knees.

Satisfied, I smiled and made my way out of the room and down the stairs to get some breakfast.

At the back of my mind, I wondered where Omkara had gone, but I figured he must be busy with the war plans.

So I continued to saunter into the kitchen, intrigued to see almost the whole Oberoi family sitting at the dining table.

The only person that was missing was Omkara , as I suspected earlier.

Upon my arrival, everyone glanced my way, making me shift uncomfortably. "Yes?" I asked, raising a brow as I met their gazes.

Omkara's brothers only nodded to acknowledge me, then went back to eating.

His parents on the other hand smiled warmly at me.

"Mom, we made breakfast for you." Finally a cheerful voice interrupted the weird silence.

Aadhya exclaimed, but earned a sudden snicker from Ahan. "You mean, Aadhira made it. All you managed to do was almost burn the entire palace down."

I watched my children bicker, a bright smile making its way onto my face.

I couldnʼt help but beam when I saw them.

The only sad thing was that they were growing way too fast, I could barely keep up.

They seemed so grown and independent, I wondered whether they would choose to stay in the future or not.

Shaking the painful thought away, I accepted the plate of food Arth handed to me and I ruffled his hair slightly.

He gave me a small smile, which was rare, his blue eyes flickering with joy, those eyes that reminded me of my man. Bluer than the ocean itself. I cooed at how close my children had gotten, loving that they were so accepting and yet protective.

Each would be fine direwolves one day, or if they chose to, they would be amazing humans as well. Whatever they chose to do and be, I would forever support them.

Noticing my space out, Ahan sent a glance my way and nudged me gently. "Mom? I get it if you donʼt like the food, after all weʼre not very good chefs." He muttered off, causing me to come back down to earth and I grinned, shaking my head.

"Of course I love it, thank you my babies." I take the plate and place it down on the table before digging in, my children watching me with expectant eyes.

"Itʼs delicious." I commented after taking a few bites.

They all relaxed and grinned sheepishly, sinking back down in their seats to also start eating.

I thanked them again after finishing, giving them each a kiss on the forehead before I left off to find my man. 'I wonder what heʼs up to..ʼ

As I walked down one of the corridors, I caught a whiff of his masculine scent, confused when it mixed with Abhay's and a few other unfamiliar scents.

Curiously, I made my way towards the door at the end of the hall and hesitantly turned the knob.

And then I slowly peeked my head inside and let my eyes roam around the room, until it landed on my man and someone else.

I couldnʼt believe what I saw.

"What the hell?"

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