Chapter 29

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***Please Read The Disclaimer Attached To The Story Info.

This Chapter Contains Mature Content ***

Read at your own risk if you're below 18.***

It took a awhile to get everyone settled into the new home, since there was a lot of damage done to the palace, the place was pretty much in shambles.

All thanks to the Sabers.

Omkara hadn't exactly let them off the hook so easily, though they thought he would. Sure, they were still left alive, but he made sure to make them pay for each of the lives they took by forcing them to accept their consequences on the punishing grounds.

There he stood, beads of sweat dripping off his long dark hair, some rolling down his bare chest and along the outlines of his abs, making the women in the audience sigh as they took him in.

Females from other packs had gathered to watch, mainly wanting to feast their eyes on their King.

Many were seemingly oblivious to the violent acts occurring on the grounds.

Everyone was still sort of shocked that Omkara and his family had returned. And they didnʼt arrive alone.

They had brought new members with them.

The powerful man took another stride forward, muscles bunching and twisting as he drew his arm back, and then he swung it, the hundredth cackle of the whip echoing throughout the area.

For now the whip lashes would be a reminder of the innocent people they killed, his innocent people.

A growl tore out of him, through his clenched teeth, his jaw ticking with rage.

He had almost forgotten the fact that the Sabers had attacked his kingdom and destroyed his home, until him and his family returned, only to see the awful sight.

Corpses were left to rot, the structure of the palace was left barely standing, and they had wrecked chaos, then left the place in ruins.

Now, that was something he couldn't forgive so easily.

What was left of the clan, was just it's leader and five of his members, and they took their punishment after seeing the devastation they had caused.

The mere sound of mourning would haunt their ears, the horrid smell and sight of destruction would plague their minds, and the whip would make sure they were aware of the lives taken.

The noise of leather meeting skin, followed by loud cries of pain, went on and on through out the night, until a soft hand touched the back of his arm.

His eyes were a ravenous black as he snapped his head around to snarl at the figure, his fangs bared, but he tensed when his eyes met familiar amber  pools.

His fangs instantly sunk back into his gums and he relaxed, color returning to his once terrifyingly dark orbs.

He then let go of the whip, letting it fall onto the floor.

Peering down, he gazed into the eyes of his beloved lover.

She had to tilt her head slightly back to glance back up at him, though he could feel her body shaking with fear, her eyes shone with trust.

"Omkara , enough."
As the words left her plump lips, he couldn't help but stare at her mouth, now distracted by the thought of kissing her. Tasting her. But she shook her head at him as if reading his thoughts and brushed past him to tend to the wounded felines.

Forgiving as always, she lowered onto her knees and undid the chains that had kept the Sabers in place for their beating.

When she finished undoing the six, she grasped him by the arm and towed him all the way back to the large, old manor.

He stayed silent along the way, not in the mood to talk about the whole situation, but he did want to do other things in that moment.

Things that involved a whole lot of kissing, a whole lot of energy, and a whole lot of privacy.

Though he was pretty sure that wasn't going to happen as his eyes looked over to his quiet mate, she had blocked him from reading her thoughts and emotions, yet he already could tell she wasn't too happy about everything.

*She was literally pissed*

When they had made it up into their bedroom, after passing a ton of pack members, she shut the door and locked it.

Her eyes bore into his again, before she took his hand and led him into the bathroom.

Curiously, he watched her as she released her hold on him and started to fill the tub with warm water and soap.

Bubbles no sooner began to arise to the surface.

His woman then gestured for him to get in, before stripping off her own clothes and sinking in across from him, fully aware of his eyes on her the entire time.

"Om...oh god ...what am I going to do with you?"
His woman let out a breathy sigh and rested her head back against the brim of the tub as he grasped one of her small feet into his hand.

"I don't know..What will you do, Mrs. Oberoi?" He asked, massaging the heel of her foot first, then lifted her leg up slowly so he could kiss the side of her ankle.

She gave him a look that seemed to say - "Ummm...That may feel nice. But don't think you're getting out of this one-.

Omkara leaned back, propping his muscular arms up on the edge of the tub, while his blue eyes turned into navy as he gazed at her, the corners of his lips curving upwards slowly.

He replied with a sexy, mischievous smile that said, -"You caught me gauri ,But I still will have you surrendering yourself to me tonight-.

Hearing her heart pick up pace only made his smirk transform into a one-sided grin, if there's one thing she knew about Omkara .

It was that he always got what he wanted.


So maybe, she'd play along just long enough to kick off what she was really planning.

"I understand that it had to be done. But did you really need to put them on display?" She asked, cupping a cloud full of bubbles in her hand, staring at it as if it were more fascinating than him.

This caused him to snarl a little, but he managed to brush her dismissive action off and moved closer, pressing another gentle kiss further up onto her shin now.

"It was necessary, Jaan . How else would I show my dominance to all the new members? They have to know how I run things. That lousy council just left many of the were's in my care, despite knowing that I have a lot on my plate already. And...A lot on my mind as well..." He spoke, his voice a low rumble against her skin as he continued to kiss higher and higher, reaching her knee and lower thigh.

Stiffening slightly, she tried to stop the fluttering of the butterflies erupting in her stomach and bit her lip. "Hmmm?"

He knew he was getting to her and continued to place a few more kisses up her thigh, but sensed something a bit off and instantly glanced up at her, his eyes peering into hers. "Jaan ,What's wrong?"

Gauri  snapped out of her thoughts and blinked at him, confused on what he just asked.

So she decided to play it cool and came closer to him when he released her leg, her body pressing against his.

He raised a dark brow, not buying it, until she seductively nipped at the hollow of his throat, her lips teasing his tan skin.

"Nothing..I don't know. I wanted to kill you, not literally, I just felt upset. Then suddenly I wanted to make love with you Om ..Oh god.." She suddenly groaned after realizing what she had just said and based on what she was feeling, they both knew exactly what was wrong.
"Well this'll be interesting."

Gauri P.O.V

Sleepily, I walked downstairs barefoot while rubbing one of my eyes and entered the kitchen to get something to eat.

It was around seven in the morning and I figured a nice, warm cup of coffee would help kick off my day and pair nicely with some toast.

So with eyes still half- closed I reached for the bag of bread, undid the tie, and slipped a few slices into one of the toaster on the counter.

Then I opened up the coffee maker top, put in a new filter sheet, and poured in several spoonful's of coffee grinds, closed the lid, made sure the maker was full of enough water to make a few cups, then pressed the start button.

The smell of freshly brewing coffee made me smile and lifted my spirits as I then turned around to rinse a mug.

That is until...

I was met by the gawking eyes of a group of charming men, grins on each of their faces.

'Where the heck did they come from?!ʼ
Surprised, I jumped, accidentally dropping my mug in the process. Instantly, I expected to hear the glass shatter, but to my surprise a hand had caught it.

My eyes glanced back up to look at the person the hand belonged to and I was taken aback when I didn't recognize the man.

"You should be more careful, princess." He said in a smooth velvety voice that made my cheeks grow warm, I then blinked at him before tearing my gaze away when a short whistle grabbed my attention.

One of the men that was looking at me from the countertop, gave me a once over, then flashed me a cute smile, his pearly whites exposed to me. "Don't mind him, ma'am. Why don't you come join us for a nice morning run?"

"Dude. You sound kind of creepy." The guy beside him snorted, earning him a cold glare, but he ignored it and leaned back in his chair with his arms folded across his chest. "You might want to cover up by the way, your highness.." He added shortly, amusement obviously shown on his face as he looked me over again.

I followed his gaze and realized that I had came downstairs in just my night gown. It was short and black, the fabric made of satin and tiny white bows were embedded into the hem of it.

Quickly I wrapped my arms around myself, blushing madly as the men only snickered in response and I had forgotten up until now that we had adopted a whole lot of members the night before.

"Good going bro, you just made her uncomfortable." Another guy at the far end of the counter said, his expression was a bit hard to read until he gave me a playful, but kind smile.

He got up from his seat and made his way around the counter to greet me as I stood flabbergasted.

He stuck out his hand and I hesitantly shook it before he pressed a kiss to my palm, making me take a step back and grow red in the face.

What was wrong with me today? My skin felt warm and weird as the man stepped closer, "Good morning, miss. Wow...You look even more beautiful up close." I continued to back away, confused as my body felt as if it were on fire.

Apparently, the others noticed too as I watched as one by one their pupils began to dilate.


"Karthik." A deep voice growled out from behind me. I stepped back into the hard wall, only then leaning my head back to look up at the familiar man.

There was no mistaking that he was furious, his eyes were dark and trained on the men as if looking down at them.

They seemed to squirm beneathe his hard stare, feeling more miniscule by the second.

The tension in the air growing almost toxic as Karthik instantly let go of my hand and seemed to have jumped quite a distance away from me, surprise and fear in his eyes. "A-Alpha."

'FUCKKKKK!!!' Karthik screamed in his head, cursing aloud as the other men snorted, but went quiet when Omkara scowled at them and pulled me further back against him.

I couldn't help but revel in his touch as his hands held onto my waist, making a soft moan leave my lips much to my embarrassment.

I melted in the feel of his body pressed up behind mine and grew dazed by the tingles spreading along my skin.

Everyone's eyes were on me, all of them surprised to hear my sudden moan, and the tension in the air was replaced by the heavy scent of arousal.

I felt his grip on me tighten, but made no effort to move away as it felt so good in that moment.

My wolf hadn't cared that there was an audience, but my human side sure as hell did.

"She's in heat." Velvet voiced-guy and morning run dude said at the same time, making the amused guy who was leaned back in his chair growl.

"No shit." His nostrils flared slightly, but he tore his gaze away from me and looked at Karthik , giving him a shake of his head.

"Don't worry, we'll give you a proper burial. If anyone needs me, I'll be outside digging Karthik's grave." With that, he got up off his chair, and left the kitchen to go outside, quickly Karthik backed away and put distance between himself and Omkara , not wanting his head to be bitten off.

"I'm too young to die." His protest made the other few men red in the face as they tried so hard not to laugh at him, but by the look on their alpha's face they fidgeted and let out awkward coughs.

Omkara grasped my wrist, grabbing the hair band off, then tied up my long dark brown hair into a ponytail to reveal his marks, while his eyes continued to glare daggers into each of the men.

"Gauri , meet Karthik, Rishi, Karan, and Rohan who just left." He motioned to Rohan  who was already far from the kitchen, but the man raised two fingers up, turned and gave a quick salute before leaving out the front door.

Then he gestured to Karthik the guy that had kissed my hand, Rishi who caught my mug, and karan  who tried to invite me on a run.

My man then continued, "Karthik, Rishi, Karan, Rohan. Meet Gauri , my wife . You will all address her by her title as Queen, and that's all, no stupid nicknames, got it? And one more thing. No touching. If I smell you on her or even catch you laying a finger on her, I will kill you. Or if you're lucky you will face whatever punishment I see fit on the punishing grounds." His words made them cower slightly and bow their heads in respect,

"Yes, Alpha."

"Now, Gauri . Return to the room, I'll be up in a little bit with your breakfast and coffee. But for now, wait in the bedroom, it'd make me feel more at ease with you upstairs, rather than down here being ogled by the new members." He muttered and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. I knew he was right and so I obeyed.

Leaving the kitchen, I made my way back to our bedroom before plopping myself down on the bed, then tried to wish the heat cycle away.

Why did it have to pop in to say hi? For not just a day, but a whole week I would have to suffer. If you ask me, I wish I could tell it to pack up and leave. But no, it decided to stay and visit.

Lucky me.


"I think I'm in love with you. Since that night, all I've been able to think about is you." Karan read aloud, smirking as he swiped away, reading the texts off the phone in his hand. He scooted back when Karthik  tried to swipe it out off his hand and continued to read aloud, making Karthik'scheeks grow redder than a tomato.

"Piss off, Karan! How did you even manage to snag my phone? It was just in my pocket not too long ago.." Karthik snarled in frustration, while Karan just walked around reading the corny texts and dodged each of Karthik's attempts to get his phone back. "It's a secret. And Oh..Karthik , I love you too. But as a friend..I'm so sorry."

"Fuck youuuuuu!" Karthik growled out, chasing karan all around the living room, both looked as if they were doing parkour in the process. Karan laughed loudly and then stood, cornered by his angry friend.

The only choice left was to go face to face with his pal, so they squared up and got ready for the dramatic showdown.

All the while their alpha ignored the racket and started cooking breakfast for his mate, a pink apron that was way too small somehow was wrapped around his neck and waist.

Despite how silly he looked, he skillfully cracked the eggs into the pan without getting the shells in and placed bacon strips down in the unoccupied space next to the eggs, then began to flip them as soon as they were ready.

His focus was nothing to be messed with as he was able to block out the loud curse words spilling out of Karthik and the endless maniac-like laughter escaping karan.

The two stared each other down, not moving a muscle until the phone buzzed again, causing karan to get giddy at the sight of the new text. He looked it over and wiggled his eyebrows at Karthik who by now already had enough, his eyes even started to twitch with rage.

"So help me god if you read one more text I will-.." But karan only gave him a huge grin, "Come and get it, Karthik ." He purposefully held out the phone to Karthik and waited till he reached for it, but right before he could grab it, Karan pulled it back and took off.

Growling in frustration, Karthik finally tackled karan  down onto the carpet and pinned him down, his arms then stretching to yank the phone from Karan's hands.

Karan didn't give up so easily and continued to keep the phone as far from Karthik'sgrasp as he could by lifting it above his head.

The scene overall looked wrong.

Real wrong.

"I don't even want to know."
Omkara shook his head as he finished cooking up the food and making the coffee, it all was neatly placed on a single tray which he held in one hand as he passed the two on the floor on his way to the stairs.

Their eyes went wide as they both went silent, confused, before realizing what their alpha meant.

The two then shoved away from each other and wrinkled their noses in disgust. "Oh hell no. You've got it wrong alpha! It wasn't like that..." Cried out Karthik who had gotten his phone back, but now had to try to explain everything.

Karan made gagging noises and stood, "No offense bro, but I don't swing that way. I like W-O-M-.." He was about to spell it out, but realized Karthik was already gone and screaming out another flurry of curse words down the hall. "No shit, asshat!"

Omkara ignored the rants of the other members and entered his bedroom, his eyes seeking out his woman, who he found laying down on her side.

He couldn't help but let his eyes roam over her delectable body before he sat down beside her and placed the tray onto the bed stand.

"Jaan.." He murmured against her neck as he pulled her to him and kissed the spot behind her ear, hoping his touch would wake her so that she could eat the breakfast he made for her.

She stirred slightly, her lips parting as she took in a gasp of breath, inhaling the smell of his testosterone.

His touch sending electric jolts through her veins and as much as she wanted to stay asleep, she now couldn't.

Thoughts of doing other things began to flood her mind, her wolf practically going insane over his light kiss.

Grumbling, she snuggled against him and hid her face against his chest, "You smell so good Om.."

A playful smile then appeared on her lips as she opened her eyes to look up at him, "Can I just have you for breakfast?"

The sudden suggestive line made him instantly aroused, but he tried to keep his wolf in order and not get lost in the smell of her heat.

Growling, his gaze lowered to look at her ripe lips and he couldn't help but want to steal a quick taste.

"Fuck it." He said, giving in, and he instantly had her laying flat on her back as he hovered above her, his thumb brushing over her cheek in a sweet caress before he claimed her mouth with his own.

Passion surged almost immediately through them, firing up their link as his body brushed against hers and she let her fingers drift through his hair while she moaned against his lips.

His tongue was granted access and he tasted and explored his lovely mate, their tongues then entwining and clashing for complete dominance, which of course he won.

But just as they were about to dive into their 'session'...

Someone flew open their bedroom door and shouted, "I apologize! But Alpha Devesh has come on short notice to challenge you for your position, my King! And he's not the only one who wishes to do so, sir...Few females have come along to also challenge the Queen for her title as well.."


"Oh, shit. This is gonna be good." Karthik half whispered, half-shouted. His eyes wildly looking around for his King and Queen, while packs from all regions gathered to watch the ultimate challenge.

Each and every wolf was more than excited to watch,most coming from near and far just to witness the fight about to occur.

Especially upon hearing the news that their queen would also be fighting that night.

Torches were lit, lighting up the darkness of the night, revealing the challengers.

The so-called alpha Devesh paced back and forth in his tawny-brown wolf form, he was both impatient and anxious.

The snarls and whines from the crowd urged him to continue through with the fight, so he decided to stay and face-off with the King.

After all he had nothing to lose.

Not only did wolves flood into the clearing, but fairies and Sabers as well.

Kabir even was seated in the front, his hazel eyes reflecting the flames ignited by the huge torches.

Beside him sat four young wolves, the princes and princesses that would eventually continue the reign and blood line of the direwolf family.

Shockingly, the lead Saber was positioned as their protector.

He would risk his life to protect the offspring of the king and Queen, since they not only returned his daughter to him unharmed, but also left him and most of his clan alive.

So he was indebted to them basically.

As the different creatures of the night formed a circle around alpha Devesh , their murmurs almost came to an immediate stop when someone started to make their way through the crowd.

People parted like the red sea as a large, dark figure made its way into the center, everyone went dead silent when they recognized that the black dire was their king.

The battle would be starting soon, this made many others fidget as they watched the scene begin to unfold.

"Devesh." The enormous male acknowledged the other alpha, letting his name drip off his tongue like venom.

A snarl caught in his throat as he noticed the lesser wolf's eyes look in not his direction, but his mate's.

"Omkara ." Devesh  finally replied then with a small grunt of distaste, his brown eyes roamed over the King's larger form, fear and hate mixing in those orbs of his.

Omkara flashed him a look, the corners of his lips curling back to reveal pearly white canines, but there was an unsettling look in his eyes that made Devesh  stiffen. "Let's get this over with, shall we?"

The threatening growl rose from his throat instinctively, he could practically feel his mate's eyes burning into his back and knew he would end her worry as quickly as he could.

He dug his claws into the dirt beneath his paws and eyed Devesh , whose brown wolf crept closer.

The wind blew through his fur as he also took a step, his thick tail lashing back and forth in amusement.

If he could take on Sabers, then other wolves were just seen as power- hungry pests.

Omkara was far from afraid and was actually taking his time to enjoy the lesser wolf's attempts to strike.

It became a waste of time and Omkara had started to see that as it further prevented him from spending time with his lovely mate.

Impatience was starting to brew in him as still the other wolf failed to land a blow on him and kept creeping, instead of attacking.

"This is what you call a challenge? Pathetic.." Omkara roared out, taking a few strides towards the male, his enormous body towering over Devesh , "I expected a fight, not some coward. Who put you up to this?" He continued to growl out, trying to push his opponent over the edge, hoping to infuriate him so he'd actually attack with full force.

"If you haven't noticed, my pack despises you just as much as I do. You fail as a King and left us for years, brought in our enemies who wiped out most of your kingdom. You've grown soft, Omkara . Our ties with you are lost, we no longer wish to serve you. Your kingdom has fallen and not only I, but others now wish to claim the throne." Devesh snarled out a retort, his eyes filled with dancing flames as he basically called Omkara incompetent.

The crowd started to murmur and protest, until a full on fight broke out.

Packs fought packs, wolves on wolves, all of it grew into a chaotic mess. But before the king could snap everyone back to sanity, Devesh  leapt onto him and clamped his jaws down on his shoulder.

Snarling, the two males tumbled into the heap of madness, blood staining the night, shreds of fur was everywhere.

Suddenly, he found himself being ambushed by other wolves that were thirsty for his status, they joined Devesh  and attacked, growing corrupted by their own selfish needs.

Gauri  growled out and raced to help aide her mate, but a female had slammed into her side, while another female had bitten down on her tail.

She hissed out in pain and felt her children's worry and fear, she tried to look for them despite the females tearing into her fur and only saw heaps of wolves clashing.

Then there it was, a flash of golden, Kabir  was spotted fending off other wolves, while his fellow felines built a circle around her children, shielding them from the violent outbreak.

Relieved, Gauri  tried to shake the two females off, but they wouldn't budge.

Her body surged with adrenaline and her being in heat hadn't helped as males began to stalk close.

She couldn't help but lose it, sinking away inside of her beast.

Gauri's  eyes turned a pitch black as she snarled loudly, furious with how everyone was acting.

Her jaws snapped down on one of the females scruff's and she flung her to the side and did the same with the other female, rage taking over.

She then prowled towards the heap of wolves that had covered her mate, her large jaws snapping down on their tails, paws, and whatever she could grab onto, and she chewed, crunching bone in her mouth. And never had the taste of blood grown so sweet on her tongue.

Encouraged by the yelps, she pressed on, injuring as many as she could as she tried to protect her mate.

Once his body came into view, she roared out as loud as she could, the earth and trees trembling from the beastly sound.

Thankfully, all the wolves stopped to stare at her and began to cower beneath her furious gaze.

Her hackles rose and she held her head up high, her chest heaving up and down as blood stained her silver  coat. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!" She growled, the sound echoing around the area, power strongly shown in her posture and tone.

Everyone begun to bow their heads in shame and lowered themselves to the ground, their ears flattening against their skulls.

They submissively exposed their tummies and necks, all had grown still and quiet. "YOU ALL KNOW BETTER! I AM GAURI . QUEEN AND MATE TO KING OMKARA SINGH OBEROI!!. I WILL REMIND YOU ALL OF YOUR PLACE. NOW RISE AND APOLOGIZE TO MY HUSBAND!" The she-wolf demanded and watched as they all complied, each slinking over warily towards her and Omkara , who had stood beside her in silence, shocked to find that his mate had snapped.

It was something that rarely happened, the others were frightened and shocked as well by the female's sudden outburst. But he felt a sense of pride and comfort, he knew very well that his little chirraya was stronger than others had once thought. She just didn't really show it, up until now.

As the wolves apologized with their heads hung low, they were then ordered to leave or else they would suffer the same fate as Devesh , who laid limply on the ground.

His neck had been torn open.

Gauri  wasn't having any of it as a few wandering males crept too close to her, trying to nudge at her flank and tail, she instantly lashed out.

Her head whipping around to glare at them.

Her canines still bared.

The males yelped loudly and stumbled back, racing off to catch up with the departing packs.

She was pretty cranky and in no mood to play until she earned a gentle shove from her mate.

His head rubbed against her flank then up to her shoulder, he continued to nuzzle himself affectionately against her, hoping his attempts would calm her.

Sure, enough color returned to her orbs and his female lowered her head, whimpering softly as if she had done something wrong But he only gave her another encouraging nudge, which made her brighten up in a way.

Her ears perked up and her bushy tail wagged a little, her eyes full of relief and happiness.
And before they knew it, their children had returned safely to the palace with Kabir  and his clan, after Omkara and him exchanged glances.

Gauri  nipped at his ear and brushed her head against his chest, licking his neck and cheek soon afterwards.

Omkara turned his attention back to his mate, not able to ignore her affectionate gestures, and bit her hard enough to get her riled up again.

She in return snarled in a playful way and took off running. Noticing that she wanted to play chase, he bolted after her and the alpha pair frolicked in the woods, chasing each other until eventually he caught her.

The two wolves tumbled down into the clearing, their large silhouettes twirling under the light of the illuminous moon.

The alpha male and his female fought for dominance after he had gotten a hold of her.

Loud barks repeatedly echoed through out the night as the pair continued to engage in playful banter.

Their breaths were stolen away by the time a winner was declared.

Omkara pinned his mate down against the leafed ground, his piercing blue gaze searching hers for comfort and permission to sweep her off her feet and pull her into the sweet abyss with him.

When she responded by nuzzling his snout with her own, the two morphed into their human selves and held each other close, touching, feeling, soaking up the familiar tingles that pricked their fingertips whenever they came in contact, electricity charging up between them, as well as, friction.

They entwined, losing themselves in the throes of passion, lips, hands, teeth, grazed gently along skin like silk, adding to the spark that heated their bodies.

They danced through the night like two star-crossed lovers, mastering the art of lovemaking as they completed each other perfectly.

Sculpted by the light of moon, fated by the earth, created as two separate souls, and bound to become one for an entire eternity.

Molded together, they laid side by side, chests heaving up and down when they reluctantly, but eventually came back down from the blissful heavens.

His gentle, skilled fingers weaving through the soft, long strands of her dark brown hair as she lay beside him, her arms wrapped around his lean waist and her soft hands slowly trailed down his muscular back.

She could feel the marks left by her fingernails which had dug into his skin and scratched from his shoulders down, the feel of them made her let out a quiet apologetic sigh.

Her mate's chest rumbled, a pleasured sound slipping from his throat as he only buried his nose in the crook of her neck, and kissed the mark left there.

It was a way of him saying it was all alright and that made her relax and almost close her eyes in happiness.

She wished they could stay there beneath the stars in the tranquil woods forever.

Her eyes slowly drifted up his neck to his face and then eyes, that were already staring down back at her.

Surprised, she sucked in a breath and lifted a brow at him, "What..?" She was confused to why he was staring at her, not that it was unusual, it just normally meant that he was thinking hard about something.

Something that involved her. What was it? The mixture of emotions she saw swirling in his eyes made her both curious and concerned at the same time.

Omkara was silent for a moment, though his eyes still managed to stay on hers as if she were the only light shining in the darkness that surrounded them.

The woods went awfully silent, like the creatures of the night were also waiting to hear his response.

It wasn't the least bit awkward, like you would think, instead the silence was somewhat comforting.

Slowly, he turned now to face her and reached out to stroke her cheek, "You're beautiful.." His whisper made warmth spread through her body like hot cocoa on a chilly day.

She soaked up his words and turned pink in the cheeks, not quite knowing how to respond since he caught her pretty much off guard.

Stifling a chuckle, he caressed her cheek with his thumb and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose. "Gauri ,Will you go on a date with me?" Despite everything they had just been through, he was able to make his mate laugh.

Though she looked up at him as if he were joking.

"Om ,Aren't we already on a date? Besides we're married and have four children. We're not teenagers anymore..." Gauri  started to ramble on, but stilled when her mate failed to look the least bit amused.

"You're serious, aren't you?.."

He moved closer, taking up whatever space was left between them, his thumb slowly trailing down to her mouth, and then brushed lightly over her bottom lip.

His gaze dark as he fixated his blue eyes on her sweet mouth, then her beautiful amber  pools.

Pools he would love to drown in any day.

Omkara watched as they grew smoky and clouded with anticipation and confusion, then he dipped his head to steal a quick taste of her lips.

Drawing her bottom lip in first with his teeth, he gently nibbled and moved onto kiss her softly, the kiss sensual and gentle, unlike his normal rough and immensely passionate ones. But she didn't mind, she loved all of his kisses, just as long as his mouth was on hers, claiming and reminding her that he was all hers.

Besides, she didn't like to share.

Selfish, yes. But he was definitely worth fighting for, and she already had happily given her heart, mind, body, and soul to him.

"I'm dead serious, little chirraya ." He murmured, pausing between kisses as her lips brushed back compliantly against his. "Go on a proper date with me. Or are you gonna chicken out?"

The corners of his lips slowly curled upwards as he pulled away, his signature smirk present on his handsome face.

She couldn't figure out how he still looked lethally attractive even when making chicken noises just to irk her. "So stupid.." She gave in, rolling her eyes and laughing when he continued to make the noises, her smile though seemed to chase away the dark.

Brighter than the moon. And the sight to him..Stole his breath away.

"Me? Chicken out? Never. Of course, I'll go on a date with you, Omkara ! I married you for goodness sakes!" Gauri  teased and her laughter was like music to his ears, happiness swelled up in his chest to the point he thought he might explode.

"Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at seven." He said with a small chuckle, part of it was a joke, since they already lived together and slept in the same bed every night.

He almost chuckled again at the bewildered look on her face, due to noticing the mention of seven and morning being used in the same sentence. "But that's so early..." Gauri began to protest, till he gave her another soft kiss, then stood and helped her up.

"I'll treat you to coffee, so....Does seven work?"

" perfect."

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