Chaptee 28

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"What was your name again?" Gauri asked, raising a brow at the fae woman.

Even though she already knew the creatureʼs name, she decided to pull at some strings a little.

Her fingertips grasped onto the end of a spoon as she drew circles with it to mix the coffee and cream in her cup.

Awaiting the the little fairyʼs response, the young queen leaned back in her chair and crossed one leg over the over, her gaze dark.

The fairy woman across from her smiled and twitched a bit, not knowing how to respond, but just told her her name again. "Kia. Just Kia."

"Ah, right. Kia. Lovely name, I suppose." Gauri said, her words not masking her dislike for the girl. "I am grateful for you helping my husband. But I would appreciate it if you didnʼt get close to him, let alone touch him." Her voice lowered into a snarl as she uncrossed her legs and pointed her spoon at Kia.

"Iʼm not an idiot, little fairy. I know that look you have when you eye my man. You look like youʼre on a sugar high when speaking to him. All jittery and thinking of rainbows and sunshine. But Kia, I will have you know that I donʼt take kindly to those who try to flirt with my man." She cut straight to the point and strided over to the chair the fae was sitting in. Her hands gripping onto the chair arms, trapping the fairy in her seat.

Kia sank back against her chair, scooting as far away from the woman as she could, terror in her eyes. "I have no idea what youʼre talking about.."

Gauri stopped her from saying another word, snarling as she came closer, till their faces were just inches away. She unsheathed her fangs and glared at the girl, "One bite is all it will take to kill you. You can stop your act and either agree to keep your hands to yourself, or I can always bite that little neck of yours right here. Which is it?"

No sign of sympathy was in her gaze, no remorse.

When it came to Omkara , her words were to be taken seriously.

Kia gulped and then nodded her head quickly, "I wonʼt touch him ever. I understand..."

"Great." Gauri murmured then with a smile and removed her hands from the chair, she returned to her seat across the table and took a sip from her coffee cup.

"Now that we got that out of the way. Tell me what youʼve found out recently about the Sabers."

The fairy blinked, trying to calm her pounding heart before responding. "T-The large cats are planning to attack again soon, theyʼre wanting to take over this kingdom now. And end the war by killing every wolf in sight. I t-think they said on the night after the full moon...."

"Hmm. Thatʼs in two days." Gauri pondered aloud and then stood, her eyes showing a golden of concern.

"Thatʼs way too soon. I have to inform Omkara . And youʼre coming with me." She motioned to Kia and hastily walked through the balcony doors of her bedroom to get back inside.

Surprisingly, the fairy followed her and together they headed to Omkara's office.

Kia's heart thumped in her chest as she realized they were going to see Omkara .

Happiness filling her again, she couldnʼt wait to tell him what his woman had said to her.

Maybe he would help her in some way.

Then again, she wasnʼt entirely sure that he would.

Gauri pushed open the doors as they reached his office, but saw that the room was empty.

"He must be in the other room." She left the office and opened up the room next to it, entering the meeting room. "Iʼm sorry for bursting in like this, but Kia has some important news to share about the Sabers." She spoke quickly when she noticed his brothers and parents were sitting there at the long conference table, while Omkara sat at the front, looking up from the map spread out beneath him on the table.

He leaned back in his chair and gestured for Kia to replay the news to them.

The fairy blushed as everyoneʼs eyes landed on her and quickly obeyed, telling them the same information she had told Gauri .

Gauri confirmed that her words were true and placed her hands down onto the edge of the table, gripping it. "Theyʼre going to attack in two days. We need to come up with something and fast. I say..We attack tomorrow night when the moon is full and at its highest peak. That will give our wolves somewhat of a boost of strength."

Jhanvi nodded, "I agree with Gauri. It not only will give us an advantage, but also stop the Sabers from harming this kingdom and itʼs people. We can bring the fight to them." Tej seemed to agree with his wife, but kept an open mind as his sons started to growl and mutter under their breaths.

Omkara leaned his head to the side, his pointer finger rubbing his temple, while his thumb rested under the side of his jaw.

He seemed deep in thought before he straightened up in his seat and looked at Kia.

"Did you see how many there were?"
Kia swallowed hard and nodded, "They were in a clan of twelve. But since you killed one and another died from the injuries you gave it. Their healing process seems to be a bit slower and if you hit the right nerve, you can render them senseless. But then again they are stronger in numbers and use their heavier weight to an advantage. Thereʼs only ten now."

"I see." Omkara said, an unrecognizable darkness growing in the depths of his blue orbs. "Then itʼs settled. We attack tomorrow night."


"I think your woman hates me, My King." Kia had taken the opportunity to speak with him about her previous encounter with his wife when everyone had left the room to prep for their battle tomorrow.

Gauri had also left to check on her children, hoping to get them to safety at the inn by dawn.

She wanted them as far from the palace as possible.

Omkara raised a dark brow, curious as to what his mate had done to provoke the fae.

A small chuckle left him when Kia instantly blurted out what had happened. "She doesnʼt hate you. Not in the slightest. Sheʼs just wary of your presence around me, as well as, your hidden intentions. As my woman , sheʼs protective and possessive. Iʼm hers and she is mine. Here, let me help you to understand." He replied, his voice soft as he lifted his fingers to press against her temple, power surging off of him and onto her in waves.

This would let her see the link between him and Gauri .

Kia gasped aloud when he exposed something so rare and precious to her.

She saw the thick glowing ropes intertwine and tighten when she tried to touch it, feeling warmth and power radiate off of it.

It seemed to glow brighter, almost to the point of blinding her when a familiar growl echoed in her ears.

She thought she mustʼve misheard it and focused her eyes back on the firm bond, the thick light was the very thing binding her King to his wife. And from what she saw it was incredibly strong, seeming to be practically impossible to break.

Suddenly, Omkara's warm touch had left the side of her head and she slowly peeled open her eyes to come face to face with a furious female.

Gauri growled when she had came back into the room to speak with Omkara about leaving their children in the hands of the innkeeper, only to stumble upon the sight of him touching the side of the young faeʼs face.

She willed herself to calm down and strided over, imaginary steam leaving her nose as she exhaled, her anger was coming to a boiling point.

Blocking her man from view, she glowered down at the fairy.

Ignoring her mate, whose hands grabbed onto her hips, tugging her backwards so that her back hit his chest.

Unable to resist the feel of his body pressed against hers, she relaxed slightly, but kept her gaze on the human-sized fae.

"Remember what I told you, Gauri ." He almost purred into her ear, burying his nose into the crook of her neck.

She inhaled to calm herself and nodded before he told her what he was doing. "I only showed her our bond to make up for your rash behavior."

"Yeah yeah ...I understand.." Gauri murmured, distracted by his touch, but her eyes stayed glued to the fairy who had finally snapped out of the trance.

Kia soon let out a sudden scream of fear when her eyes opened to meet the young queen .

She popped into her tiny form, which she often did when scared, her eyes huge as she watched her New King sensually kiss the womanʼs exposed neck.

The womanʼs eyes fluttered closed and she leaned into him, making a soft pleasure-filled whimper as he took control over her.

Heat rushed into Kia's cheeks as arousal spread through her at the sight, but a load of disappointment smacked the tingly feeling away almost instantly.

Her new Kingʼs voice then startled her, stopping her before she could awkwardly leave.

"She wonʼt hurt you, not unless you touch me. See." He paused when his woman gave a grunt of dissatisfaction, but stayed where she was, enjoying his embrace as she spotted the little fairy wiggle uncomfortably.

"I hope you two will some day make amends and become close friends. After all, you will be having to spend a lot of time together now that Iʼve taken over Abhay's kingdom. Meaning all his subjects are left in my care. Including his special spies." Omkara continued.

Gauri pulled him closer to her, her head rubbing affectionately against his chest, while her eyes pierced into the fairy. "Gauri.." Her man warned in a low growl, causing her to sigh and nod.

"Iʼll try to be nice. But I canʼt help it if she doesnʼt heed my warnings...So as long as she keeps her hands off whatʼs mine. Me and her will work out just fine as friends." She was happy when Omkara gave her a pleased smile, now tearing away her gaze from the fae to speak directly to him.

"I need to talk to you about the safety of our children...." Gauri began, but was cut off as Omkara shook his head. "Theyʼll be safe, Jaan. I promise."

"But the innkeeper-."

"Heʼll protect them with his life. Iʼve already spoken with him about it the other day. Plus, Avinash will close the portal, heʼs the only one who knows how to open it anyways. Theyʼll be sealed away from danger." The king said, reassuring his woman as she finally gave up on objecting his decision and just trusted his words.

His arms wrapped around her again, as a primal growl arose from him. "Now, letʼs go see them off." Earning a soft kiss from him, she relaxed completely and let him lead her out of the room, Kia quick to follow.

"Let me help, my King. Iʼd like to accompany the Queen, I think itʼs best if you stay here in case the Sabers has changed their mind. Please protect everyone."

As much as the fairy found the king attractive, she understood that his fate was entwined with another, and the lives of her fellow citizens were more important.

Omkara gave it a thought and looked down at his mate for her opinion. "She has a point, will you be okay with her joining you?" He was more concerned for the poor fae, knowing his wife had quite a temper and was unsure if she would harm the girl or not along the way. He was even more surprised when his mate nodded. "Itʼs alright with me."

Hesitantly, he walked beside her to the entrance doors of the palace, not knowing if the whole thing was such a good idea.

So when they got outside, he gripped her wrist before she could descend down the steps and snarled softly against her lips when he roughly captured her mouth again with his as a parting gesture.

As well as a clear warning. "Behave."
She took the hint and gave him a devious smirk, "No promises My King." Her lips soon left his, much to his disappointment.

He watched her make her way down the front steps to the carriage waiting, the absence of her presence beside him already taking a toll on him.

His wolf began to whimper at the sight of her delicious hips swaying with each step she made.

Damn it ! She would be the death of him.

His eyes finally shifted to Kia, who awaited his command. "Youʼre free to join her. Though be careful, she can be somewhat...Unpredictable." But that was another trait he liked about his beloved woman .

She was often full of surprises.

Kia bowed to him, "Thank you for the heads up, your highness. Iʼll be on my way now." She then followed quickly after Gauri before she could leave her behind.

He chuckled again, the sound rich and full of amusement before he turned to speak with his children and mother. "Mother." He greeted her, then gazed at his four groggy children.

There was a trace of sleep still in their eyes, after all it was late and they would be traveling a long way to get to the inn. But they would be sure to arrive there by the crack of dawn.

"Children." He smiled softly when they greeted him back with hugs, their arms linking tightly around his body.

"You go on with your mother, I promise weʼll see each other really soon. Trust me. Your grandmother and aunt will also be joining you." He caught Ranveer's grateful glance and watched his brother say goodbye to Aadhya and Riddana .

Though Ishani protested again, claiming she could help and protect herself, Ranveer quieted her and shook his head. "I canʼt put you in danger. And if something happens to me, at least youʼll be left to look after our daughter." Ishani couldnʼt argue with him after that and sadly retreated to the carriage with a silent Riddana. Once they were inside the reliable form of transportation, Ranveer frowned and stood beside Omkara . "Will you order Gauri to stay with the kids as well?"

Omkara let out a hearty laugh and patted his brother on the back. "If only it were that easy. She already objected before I could even suggest it."

"As expected." His brother sighed and then cast a small smile in the direction of the teens that were now climbing into the carriage after their mother.

He sensed the slight worry rolling off of Omkara , but didnʼt dare to mention it.

At this point they were all worried about their loved ones.

Jhanvi finally kissed her mate farewell and approached her sons, kissing each of the four on their foreheads. "Stay safe, alright? Promise to avenge our kingdoms and fight with all your might. Iʼll be waiting for you all to return in one piece." With that one response, she left and got into the large carriage.

Avinash , Ahan, and Arth sat atop the seat that stook out on the front of the coach, so they could steer the horses and make the journey as quick and safe as possible.

They waved a goodbye to the adults left behind and with a quick movement of the reins, they disappeared from sight, the mates taking off.

Omkara ran a hand through his already messy hair and just hoped they would make it safely before he went back inside to discuss a more elaborate plan with his father and brothers, along with a few of their mates.

They left their children in the hands of Jhanvi and Ishani , keeping them all out of harms way.

The less distractions and people to protect, the easier itʼd be to focus on their targets.

While Gauri would fight beside her mate till the world ended.Asha and Mrunaal, who bore no children for the other Oberoi brothers, were nervous for their first fight.

Itʼd be their first time taking a life. After all it was a fight to the death. But they would gladly die for their mates and wanted to help. It was the least they could do, and why not test out their new abilities in the process?

Omkara thought it was bit of a stretch, and a bit dangerous, but couldnʼt deny the fact that they needed all the help they could get.

He knew firsthand that the Sabers wouldnʼt be easy to take down. It did take more than one of them to do some actual damage on just one of the felines as proven in previous encounters with the large cats.

"All right. Weʼre gonna need some back up."

And he knew just the right people to help.

"This isn't a good idea, Kia."
The queen spoke in a hushed whisper, her body screaming in alarm as soon as they had entered onto feline territory.

They were supposed to return to the palace after dropping the children off at the inn, but Kia had wanted to spy on the clan again.

The warning from the Saber's leader started to echo around in her head, making her want to retreat.

It didn't feel right.

She could sense it.


Kia didn't seem to be listening and pressed on, leading the way to the place she had last seen the large cats, hoping she could scratch up some more last minute information on the species.

They would be even more prepared for battle if she could retrieve just a little bit more information .

Then she could relay whatever she gathered back to Omkara , who she secretly wanted to impress, she hoped he'd be happier if she gave him more insight on them.

For some reason the little fae still sought out approval from her new King, her very attractive one if she might add.

The need to catch more of his attention, drew her further into the territory that could ultimately lead to her and the Queen's demise. But the desire welled up in her, dragging her further away from her natural instincts.

Which would've warned her of the danger lurking around them.

Ignorantly, the fairy brought Gauri  to the site where she had spotted the clan of cat's, but when her eyes swept over the place, she saw nothing there.

Absolutely nothing there. Just piles of rocks and dry grass rested where the camp was originally the other night. "I don't understand...I swear it was here yesterday!" Kia rambled on, panicking, her eyes wide with confusion before an unsettling chill swarmed up her spine.

Slowly, she turned, catching sight of the glowing eyes that now surrounded them.

A snarl caught her attention.

Tearing her eyes away from the horrid sight, she looked over to meet the gaze of a wary wolf. 
The Golden eyes burned into hers, familiar ones.

"Gauri ?" The young fairy croaked, not knowing if it was her friend or not. When the silver she-wolf lifted her head, responding to the name, Kia almost sighed in relief.

Then the sight of the enormous cats growing closer put her on edge. "I'm so sorry! I had no idea they knew of my presence when I was watching them.." She tried to apologize, gaining only a growl from the wolf. "Get Omkara ! Now!" Kia swore she heard the wolf say, the growl startling her.

As a fairy it was one of their many gifts, they could hear and speak to animals, Kia almost had forgotten until she heard Gauri's  voice loud and clear.

"But what about you-.." Kia was about to ask, fear and concern evident in her tiny voice.

"Don't worry about me, just get Omkara and the others! Hurry!" Gauri snarled, snapping her jaws at the fluttering fairy, scaring her off in the direction of the palace.

Her fur then bristling as she whirled around to growl at the approaching Sabers.

Laughter arose among the clan of cats, taunting her, pushing her to the point of irritation as they trapped her.

She watched cautiously as the circle created a gap for their leader to pass through, but before she even made a step towards the only exit, the leader himself occupied it.

A look of pure amusement could be seen in his blazing hazel eyes. "Ah, I didn't think we'd meet again so soon beautiful young queen ." His chuckle resonated deep within his throat as he drew closer, making her take a generous step back.

She glared at him, the look in her eyes replacing words.

Her fiery gaze stubbornly held his, specks of blue and green dancing around her now smoke-like orbs.

He watched with fascination as her pupils dilated with a mix of fear and anger. "I haven't seen a dire wolf  in so long. Let alone a female one. So tell me, beautiful wolf. What brings you back here?" The leader drawled on, dragging his words to irk her even more, while his clan members crept closer.

Gauri  stayed silent, giving him just a low growl in response, which was enough to agitate him. She was trying to stall by not answering, hoping her mate would get there soon.

She wouldn't be able to hold all of them off.
Please Kia, hurry.

She crouched defensively and bared her fangs, her eyes narrowing in on the leader.

Maybe if she took him down, the others would crumble and be lost without him. But the leader had read her like a book and curled his lips back, revealing a toothy grin. "Try me." He replied, giving her a look that showed his arrogance, he knew he would win against her.

And he was satisfied when he saw that look on her face, exposing that she too knew she would lose this fight.

Nevertheless the she-wolf to his surprise stayed where she was, digging her sharp claws into the ground.

He had to give her credit.

She was brave.

Before he could move towards the female again, one of his members sprung forward, misinterpreting his action, seeing it as a sign to attack.

The cat knocked the silver wolf right over, it's nails clinging onto it as it yowled, soon the others joined in, not able to help the intense urge to shed some blood.

They all wanted a taste of fresh, hot, sweet blood melting onto their tongue, they craved it as if it were a rare delicacy that they were accustomed to.

A shrill cry of pain reached his ears, causing him to roar out, the sound vibrating through out the forest, immobilizing his clan members.

All sent a fearful glance his way, cowering beneath his furious gaze. "I did not say to attack yet. For goodness sakes, there's only one wolf. Are you trying to maul her to death? All of you get off! Now!" He hissed out the order, relieved when his members slunk back to his side, leaving the injured wolf alone.

Prowling closer, the leader dipped his head down to look over the stunned female.

She laid frozen to the ground, her bones feeling as if they were on fire, pain ripped at her muscles when she tried to get up.

The air was knocked from her lungs when the cats had rushed her previously, their speed much faster than hers, they had reached her in a matter of seconds.

Making her head spin as they tore into her silvery fur, which was then stained with her own blood.

Thankfully none had ripped open her throat, but only few areas had gone untouched.

"My apologies, she-wolf." The leader spoke in a low tone, his eyes still searing into her injured body, she could've sworn she had seen pain flicker in those eyes of his. But she wasn't sure as her head grew light and her head throbbed mercilessly. "Stay away from me..!" She pulled all her strength just to scream at him, her body unable to shrink away as she helplessly then dangled from his large jaws.

He gripped onto her scruff, despite her protests and carried her limp body away from view of his clan members.

He started off in the direction of his home, his members quietly following, not daring to question him after he had snapped at one of them for even asking.

"Sir Kabir, what do you plan to do with her?" The one member dared to breathe the question, receiving a loud snarl from the alpha male in response that sent the lesser male shrinking back in fear as he apologized repeatedly. If anyone stepped out of line, it usually resulted in harsh punishment or instant death.

They were silent as they headed back to their clan home, watching warily as their leader continued to carry the female dire-wolf.

More so, they were extremely confused since Saber cats and Dire wolves were sworn enemies since the prehistoric times.

They've always been rivals.

All of them started to wonder why their alpha was breaking their code.

Killing wolves were what they were inclined to do.

It was in their nature.

In their blood.

There was no denying that.


"My King!" A shrill cry interrupted his speech, making his allies turn around to face the tiny intruder.

Judging by her heavy breaths, Omkara knew something was wrong.

Really wrong.

He shoved away from his desk, standing up instantly to seek out the spy who had flown all the way to the castle with a look that proved she had bad news.

Fear started to seep into the spacious room, filling it, and there was no doubt that the fairy that had just entered was the one who was emitting it.

His thoughts immediately centered around his children and wife's safety, fear striking him when Kia couldn't meet his concerned gaze.

This was new of the fairy as he noticed she almost always stared at him with googly-eyes, but at the moment she wouldn't even spare him a glance.

He could see the guilt on her face as she started to stammer and cry, tears welling up in her eyes. "My king ! I'm so sorry! I only wanted to check up on the clan...I didn't know they had caught the Queen on beforehand! They ambushed us in the forest..I didn't want to leave her, but she made me. Please forgive me, my King!" She cried out for mercy, her entire body trembling with obvious fear and sorrow.

"Where is she?!" Omkara roared out, barely able to control himself. He didn't intend to scare the little fairy off, but his wolf was pacing impatiently because of the fae's cries and the absence of his beloved woman.

His wife was in danger and he wasn't there to save her.

Hopefully he could reach her before it was too late.

"I-It's all my fault...I'll lead you to her." The fairy began to say and then whimpered the last words, flying off to lead the way.

The alpha male clenched his fists before shifting, the others copying his actions, before racing out after their King.

He drew his head back, releasing a long and powerful howl, while his mind called out to his female.


He had forgotten that their link was broken the day before because she had gotten angry with him.

"Dammit, Gauri !" Omkara growled out, his body shaking in rage, he had to find her soon.

He didn't dare think about what could be happening to her in that very moment, if he did he'd surely lose all the sanity he had left.

If they wanted a war, hell he would give them war.

He will do anything to get her back!


"Looks like he's coming for you. It's a shame he won't find you anytime soon though." The golden-haired man in front of her said with a soft chuckle, his hand running down the curve of her bare back.

She struggled against the steel links of the chain that fastened her to the table, spewing out a bunch of colorful words, each of which were screamed right at him.

Her fangs were bared as she flinched away from his touch, even though each movement made her body cry out in agony.

She wanted to question him, to gain answers on what he had done, but failed to do so when another person entered the room.

"Ah,  Yes...Doctor. Feel free to do what you wish, just keep the touching to a minimal." He replied to the newcomer, then settling back in the chair across the room, his eyes burning into her.

The bastard had to sit right in her line of vision, this was just fantastic.

Gauri growled when a new hand touched her shoulder, smoothing over the bite mark left there. "You sure you want an already claimed female? She won't be yours until you mate her. And it seems nearly impossible, judging by the fact that you both are of different breeds." The doctor stuttered out, though his fascination with the female grew as he looked over her fangs and the many other marks. "What will you do if her mate comes looking for her?"

Gauri  was slightly surprised that the man had the balls to question the leader of the Sabers, but again she remembered the King of the clan had invited him.

Strangely enough, Kabir didn't snarl at the man, instead he answered him. "Oh, so I did all of this for nothing?" There was a slight bite of sarcasm in his tone as he asked the rhetorical question, but continued before the doctor could reply. "Of course I still want her, Doc. Why else would I waste my damn time?!"

There it was. The tone she was expecting earlier. The male snarled out, angrily eyeing out the doctor.

"She's more precious than you think. A female destined to be claimed by Kings. Only purebloods could own such a woman. She is one in million .She's newly transformed too, the first to survive the bite of a dire. Less than a hundred years old, or so I've heard." Kabir bristled still with rage, before sinking back in his chair, relaxing his knuckles as they finally sparked with some color again, rather than staying its prior pale white.

The doctor immediately got onto his knees and rested his forehead against the cold floor, "Of course, your majesty. Please forgive me..I will not ask anything more."

She could detect the tremor in his voice and wondered why everyone was so fearful of him, sure he could kill everyone. But couldn't they all.

Unless the man was human.

Slowly, she lifted her head and inhaled, cringing as she realized he was indeed human.

She wondered why a human would be meddling with shifter affairs, and why a shifter would even allow a human in.

There was something really wrong going on.

"Besides, we are both shifters. We won't be able to create offspring, unless there is a way to extract the curse from the human and return her to her normal state. And that's where you come in, Doc. You specialize in all sorts of areas. I wish your experiments success, or else I'll have to take your life. And let's be real, we both don't want that, right?" The male Saber practically threatened the scientist, who helplessly agreed with him .

Gauri squirmed on the steel table. "You wouldn't be the first to try..You will fail. And my man will find me, then I will kill you myself!"

This made Kabir rise from his chair and stride over to her, he crouched down so they were at eye level and the look in his eyes had her stiffer than a stick, his response only adding to her shock. "Trust me, my beautiful angel. He won't find you, at least not until I'm done with you."

"Fuck you." Was all she could snarl out, though still fearing his words.

But Would Omkara be able to find her?

As the male finally tore his gaze away from her and returned to his seat, she tried to reach out to her mate through their bond.

Though it would take some time to repair their link, it was still worth a try.

"Have you had any offspring?"
The sudden question made the blood in her veins grow cold, her heart picking up pace.

She had to calm down or else she'll give it away and risk her children's lives.

Sucking in a breath, she turned her head to stare the doctor right in the eyes, her heart beat returning to it's normal pace.

Her gaze went blank as she cleared her head, appearing somewhat emotionless as she eyed the man, who began to shift from one foot onto the other, clearly uncomfortable under her dark gaze.

Finally he looked away and pulled out a bunch of tools from the container beneathe the table.
"Then let's begin."


"Om-Omkara ..?"
A barely audible voice broke through his racing thoughts, his body going rigid at the sudden sound of his missing woman.

She had barely repaired the broken link, but it was thankfully bandaged up enough to get at least a few words across to him.

Another call slipped from her and into him when she received no reply, this time her voice faltered, turning into a weak cry.

She clung desperately onto their link, it being the only way for her to contact him.

Without a second thought, he swallowed the knot forming in his throat, his Adam's apple lifting then dropping as he replied.

Voice low and full of emotion. Hell, he was more than pissed off.

He had his men sweeping over every inch of the woods to find her, but still she was nowhere in sight.

He couldn't bring himself to think of what they could possibly be doing to her.

It would only piss him off more than he already was, if possible and that would mean really bad news for them.

"Where are you?"
His voice cut through their link, sinking into her mind, calming the stormy waves of fear and pain that was drowning her.

"I-I don't know. I'm not far from where I was taken, they have some sort of barrier up..." Gauri  attempted to explain her current location, not really knowing where exactly she was, only that she was trapped in the den of some lunatics.

"The Sabers.." Her voice was cut off as soon as the doctor caught onto what she was doing, his hand gripping a shock prod that now was shoved into her skin.

The jolt of pain was enough to make her whimper and distract her from reaching out again to her mate, the steel chains on her body hadn't helped, the electricity only added to the effect of the prod as the metal became a conductor.

A swarm of pain rippled through him, exposing the fact that they were hurting her.


He had to think and act fast.

Without another moment to spare, he raced through the Sabers territory, sniffing out one of them.

He needed just one.

One that he could use to get him a decent amount of leverage, being the business man and King he was, he decided the easiest and fastest way to get his woman back, was to purpose a trade.

He won't hesitate do whatever it takes to get her back.

Omkara had no doubt that once they made a fair trade and his little chirraya was safe and far from their clutches.

He would begin the war and kill as many of the Sabers he could, not stopping until he drew his final breath.

He winced and growled as another shock of pain coursed through him, his fur bristling.

They would pay with their lives for hurting someone so precious to him.

She was his life source, the only thing that kept him from ending his existence.

The alpha hadn't wanted to live past his two hundred plus years, that is until she had come along and committed the serious crime of stealing his heart.

He never would've thought that he would find his woman, but once he had, he refused to ever let her go.

He was hard on the exterior, mostly because his interior was soft, if he didn't have any walls put up.

Then his heart would've taken a massive beating.

Heartbreak would've kicked his ass a long time ago.

Judging by the look in his hooded eyes, no one was brave enough to ask what he was doing and continued their thorough search.

Omkara ignored them and followed a faint scent, tracking it towards the edge of the border that stopped alongside a narrow road.

His eyes scanned over his surroundings as he bared his fangs and shook his dark fur, hoping to catch sight of a Saber. And when he did, he gave no warning cry.

No sound was made. He was as silent as the night, light on his feet and dark like the evening sky, he moved fast to catch the female cat off guard.

His body was sent straight towards her, he charged, bulldozing into her.

He could hear the breath get knocked out of her lungs and didn't hesitate to clamp his jaws down on the female's neck.

Much to his surprise, she hadn't put up much of a fight and let herself be taken by him.

He sensed a deeper reason behind her actions, but didn't quite care in that moment, all he wanted was his Gauri back.

Wanted her safe in his arms, with her head cuddled into his chest, and his nose buried into the crook of her neck.

God, he already missed her sweet scent and gentle touch.

Guilt soon took it's chance to smack him across his face, how could he have been so blind? Why hadn't he paid more attention to her, instead of getting lost in his plans of revenge? He had been so busy, and he knew it was a bad idea to let her go alone to the inn.

Sure she had Avinash, Ishani, his mother, and their children. But he doubted that they would be able to stand their own against ten very aggressive, very huge, and very thirsty, Sabers.

He should've been there and now he had to deal with the absence of his mate and her life was on the line.

'Dammit! I need to find her.'

Dragging along the heavy feline by the scruff wasn't an easy task, the female was almost as big as him, which he definitely wasn't used to.

This was another reason why he had to find his mate, she was a petite little woman, with a snarky mouth and breath-taking golden eyes, her physical and inner beauty was all to alluring.

She had the natural ability of being able to entice anyone, anyone can desire to have her but fortunately she only had eyes for him, she was his after all.

Only his.

He kept a firm grip on the Saber and glanced in surprise when he was met by a flock of little fairies, each giggling and flying past him.

"Follow." They beckoned him, their voices melodious and in sync.

He watched as a familiar fae flew lower to meet him, the girl then landing on his head, her tiny hands clinging onto one of his black ears.

"They will uncover where they are using their magic. It is the least I can do from starting this conundrum in the first place..Now let's go find your mate." He gave a curt nod, using his mind link to inform the others, his fellow wolves following shortly behind him, some even running alongside him.

He would thank Kia and the others later. But first, they needed to focus on getting his wife back and bringing an end to the feline's vengeful shenanigans.

Following the glow of the cloud of fairies, they led him towards a giant cave at the bottom of a cliff, the mouth of it huge and eerily inviting as if it were a monster waiting to trap them within its jaws.

Omkara didn't come to a stop, not caring whether it was a trap or not, he continued to drag the female saber into the cool opening in hope to find his mate.

His wolves silently followed, their glowing eyes cautious as they inhaled the scent of the threat.

Nonetheless, they followed their enormous leader, trusting him to guide them and were prepared to help if he were attacked.

They unsheathed their claws and snapped their jaws antsily, hackles raising as they looked around the cave, watching their master proceed to venture further in.

Omkara inhaled the musk of the cave along with the strong scents of the saber-tooth cats, but shook his head, grunting.

He wasn't looking for the strongest scent, he was searching for that familiar whiff of vanilla and roses.

He raised his snout, taking in several inhales as he paced back and forth trying to catch the smell again.

The enormous black wolf stopped in his tracks, his ocean eyes aglow as they lowered to peer down at the floor, amusement sparked in his orbs, but it was gone within a split second as he started to look for an opening or crevice.

The wolves waited, tension hanging in the air like a thick cloud of smoke, their eyes curiously sweeping over the floor to see what their alpha would find.

A rumble in his chest made them all get ready, it signaled that they would be clashing soon with their enemy.

Omkara found the latch hidden under a thin mat and a coat of dirt, he motioned to it with his head, ordering the nearest wolf to open it.

The smaller wolf lowered its body submissively under the alpha's dark gaze, yelping when he snarled in impatience.

It scrambled towards the latch and nudged the handle, gripping the rusty metal handle between it's teeth, it started to take a few steps back, yanking on the latch roughly.

Finally after a few more tugs, it gave way, exposing an opening in the floor that led into some type of basement. But there was no mistake that the Queen was down there, the echoes of her soft cries could be heard, this made their powerful leader crouch down then leap into the opening.

He landed on four paws with a small thud, the saber still clutched tightly in his massive jaws.

Taking a few strides, he made room for his allies who didn't hesitate to leap down and gather behind him, each of them growling and tense with their lust for blood.

They could smell it, practically taste it, the intoxicating scent of blood wafting up their noses.

They then waited to see what their alpha would do as they were met with the awful sight of their new Queen bloody and bare as she laid limply on the examining table.

Her golden eyes wary as she saw them, but a small smile lit up her pale face when she took in the sight of her mate.

No doubt her wolf was rejoicing. But then a dark male voice broke through the silence, making everyone in the room stiffen at his response.

"I've been expecting you."

Gauri  P.O.V

He came for me.

I knew he would find me.

In your face, Kabir!

Clutching onto the edges of the table, I lift my head slowly to get a better look at my mate and his fellow companions, but a sharp pain stabbing into my head stopped me from doing so.

A whine leaves me as I lay my head back down against the cool steel, my body trembling weakly.

My eyes however was trained on my mate, his eyes did the same, they turned darker as they drank me in and he didn't once tear his gaze away even when Kabir spoke to him.

That look of pure, unconcealed rage surprisingly comforted me and I knew I would be okay.

Especially when the dozens of other wolves stepped forward, out of the darkness to stick by his side.

He was ultimately the Pure blood , The King of wolves.

He had spoken with the Lycan council, yes the same council that sent out assassins to kill me years ago, and gained their help and respect.

They were able to gather dozens of werewolves from every region in such a short period of time, many of them couldn't stand against Omkara and submissively gave into their nature, feeling inclined to help him.

Others agreed, mostly because they hadn't gotten to see the so-called King everyone always went on about.

They all came to learn that the King was exactly as others described, ruthless, rugged, powerful.

His authority over the many lesser wolves brought more of his power to the surface, summoning their inner beasts to help him destroy any threats.

Whatever he commanded, they would willingly oblige.

The doctor stuck beside me, despite the wolves starting to surround him and Kabir, his hand shaking as he held the electric prod in front of him as his only defense.

Omkara kept a Saber in his grasp, his eyes searing into Kabir's hazel ones. "I've been expecting you too." His wolf growled out, loud enough to make the lethal sound vibrate and run along the walls of the basement.

"Arshika.." Kabir said after a brief wave of silence, his blazing eyes switching from the black dire-wolf to the saber held in it's mouth.

I swore I saw a vein pop in the man's neck as he scowled at Omkara . "Release my daughter." He commanded, roaring out soon after he morphed into his large saber-tooth cat form, his two long canines bared.

One bite and the Saber's teeth could puncture right through your body. But that didn't seem to phase Omkara as he only glared back at the Saber's leader.

"Release my wife and I will release your daughter."

It seemed fair, but the leader was a bit reckless and hated giving away something he wanted.

When he took a step towards Omkara , Omkara clamped his jaws further around the female's neck, gaining a cry of pain in return.

This made Kabir stop and snarl, but he turned his head and glanced at me, an annoyed look in his eyes before he signaled for the doctor to release me.

The doctor hesitated, but obeyed and undid the steel chains.

He then stepped away from the table when Omkara let out a warning growl, not wanting the man to lay his hands on me again.

I slowly got up to move off the table when my head began to spin, making me sway slightly.

I clutched my head and groaned at the piercing pain, but relaxed as I was scooped into someone's arms and whisked away and out of the dim basement.

A thunderous roar was unleashed, causing the cave to shake violently and threaten to collapse from the powerful noise and aura that now spiked the atmosphere of the entire place.

I jolted at the furious sound of my mate, my eyes flying open to look up at none other than Ranveer, who felt my eyes on him and flashed me a small smile. "He's gonna be fine. He just wants to have a quick word with Kabir, and don't worry you're safe now. Believe me, he'd have my head if I let anyone harm you again. For now we wait and get you healed up." He responded, his green eyes filled with kindness, I could see well that Ishani  over the years had changed him.

Although, he was always the kinder brother, along with Arijit. "Thank you." I breathed out a relieved sigh as we drew further away from the torturous place, my eyes closing once again.

My entire body ached from the multiple punishments delivered not only by the shock prod, but the hand of the doctor as well.

Though the man couldn't punch to save his life, the impact of his knuckles on my bones sent fire through them, it stung like hell.

I wouldn't keep still as he tried to remove the main mark on my shoulder, the first mark that Omkara had bestowed upon me.

The scalpel was the worst tool, breaking through my skin, hitting bone, then carving around the mark as if just taking my skin off would get rid of it. But no, he didn't know that me and Omkara were bonded through blood and they'd have to kill me in order to break it.

Which I wasn't going to let happen.

As I slumped in Ranveer's arms, I prayed Omkara would make it out alright, then we could return to our true home and normal lives there, our children by our side.

And before I knew it, sleep took me in while my body took the time to heal itself.

I trusted Ranveer , knowing he was like an older brother to me and also knew I could trust him because Omkara left me in his care.

I knew the two were close, they went way back, despite the four brothers constant bickering, it was obvious how close they all were.

I guess an eternity together, not only strengthened bonds, but also created a strong sense of familiarity and security that was irreplaceable.


"So ,Do we have a deal?"
The man asked, dark eyes focused on the male on the floor.

His opponent wiped his bloody lip on his arm and stood, finally taking his hand to get back up on his feet. "It doesn't seem like I have much of a choice, do I?"

The dominant man before him chuckled, "It's settled then. Pack up your things, it's time I show you and what's left of your people the real world. My world." He paused, giving a glance to his brothers who crossed their arms and gave him a curt nod, knowing what he wanted them to do.

They would make sure the Sabers got their things and got out, if they stepped out of line, they would just have to kill them.

Though that would be a waste, Omkara thought they'd be more useful alive than as mangled up corpses.

They would be powerful allies, and that's exactly what he needed to rebuild his kingdom.

Back home, he had a feeling that the regions his family took centuries to rule had gone to absolute shit.

When the rest of the Sabers obediently did as he wished, Omkara left in a flash, eager to see how his mate was doing now that he had settled the score with the felines.

"How is she?" He asked Ranveer as soon as he had reached Abhay's palace, he ignored an ecstatic Abhay on the way, brushing past him as if nothing else mattered in that moment except for his wife.

His brother gave him a one-sided grin, jutting his thumb towards the master bedroom, "See for yourself brother."

Sucking in a breath, he raised a dark brow at his brother, curious as to why he had that stupid grin on his face and entered the bedroom.

His eyes glided over the furniture in the room, then landed on a curled up figure on the king-sized bed.

His breathing hitched as he moved to the side of the bed and looked down at the small bundle covered in a white wool blanket.

He pulled back the covers just enough to observe the face of his lifetime lover, she was fast asleep with her hair flowing around her, spilling against the sheets in silky waves.

He reached down and gently ran the back of his fingers along the side of her cheek, caressing it before tucking a tendril of her hair behind her ear.

She shifted in her sleep slightly as she felt his familiar touch, sparks igniting from just the brush of his fingertips against her skin. Her eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal amber irises, light blue and green specks dancing around them as she met his softened gaze.

"Omkara , you came back.." She whispered, her voice soft and still filled with sleep.

He reveled in the sound of her voice, it was sweet music to his ears, and no sooner had he climbed into bed, drawing her close to his chest.

This made a small laugh escape her and he buried his nose in the crook of her neck, taking in her comforting scent.

"God, Gauri . Of course I'd come back. I told you all you had to do was call out to me and I would come running. Remember, I'm your own personal superman." His baritone voice rumbled out of his chest, vibrating against her and making her quiver with joy.

"Mmmm. That sounds just about right, Omkara Singh Oberoi , not only loving my King , my very possessive lover and husband, but a hero as well?"

"I'm not just any normal hero..I can assure you that much, Jaan." He said, dipping low to press a light kiss to her throat, the rasp in his voice making her shudder in anticipation again.

"Oh?" She questioned, a playful smile creeping onto her face, bringing color back to her no longer pale skin.

He kissed her neck again, leading a gentle trail up to her jaw, before he captured those luscious lips of hers, savoring the taste of her.

Ever since they had first kissed, years ago.

She became his favorite flavor.

She was a his own personal brand of drug and he addicted to her forever .

Her fingers somehow found their way into his hair and gave a light tug, earning a low growl from him in response.

She melted in his embrace, then wincing slightly when he wrapped his arms around her, his shoulders brushing against hers.

He felt her flinch and pulled back just enough to examine what was causing her pain and discomfort.

His eyes darkened when he spotted the damaged mark in between her neck and shoulder, a loud snarl tearing out of his throat.

Though the doctor was dead and torn to bits, he felt the need to go back there and burn each part till there was nothing left of the man that had injured his poor woman.

His jaw clenched tightly like his fists, and he tried to keep his wolf from seeing only red again.

His woman removed her fingers from his hair and instead unraveled his fingers so that they no longer were balled into a fist, and laced their fingers together.

Her smooth palm brushing against his.

He relaxed slightly as her other hand gently cupped his face and she kissed him softly, her lips sweet and inviting. "It'll heal Om. Besides there's more than one of your marks on me." She reminded him with a breath-taking smile, and it took all his might not to push her back down on the sheets and take her right then and there.

He had a lot to figure out before they could get back to getting cozy, he still had to gather up all the citizens in this realm and lead them into the portal that connected to their world.

The world of humans and other creatures that still lurked patiently within the shadows.

"Point taken. We'll have to continue this discussion when we get home though." He said with a small frustrated sigh and moved off of the bed, the mattress lifting back up from the sudden absence of his weight.

"Om Are we finally going home?!" She asked with excitement, her expression showing her surprise while her eyes searched his for any sign that would show he was joking, but when she found none, she hugged him tightly with teary eyes.

A chuckle left him as he took her into his warm embrace and nodded, "Yeah, I think I've had enough time in this place to realize how much I miss home."


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