Episode 1: Arrival of a new Filly.

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Third person view

Location: Downtown, InFamous Warehouse.

Date: July 22th, 2022 - Friday

Time: Afternoon - 4:20 p.m.

It was currently past the middle of the day as Soejammy looked outside as it was nearing the end of his shift. The whole day, it had been sunny for the most part, but with how the end of his shift was nearing the end, it had begun to rain down in his area. Soejammy had a defeated look on his face as he groaned.

Soejammy: Rain... Does it always have to rain... Ohio... Why must you hate me...?

Soejammy sighed as he looked at the time to see how much of his time he had left as he saw it was about 10 minutes.

???: It's almost over. Stop worrying.

Over at the computer, was Soejammy's co-worker as she typed away on the computer. It was around this time where his co-worker would have to help with placing orders while Soejammy had to focus on the main gathering of items that would arrive on orders on his screen. Her name was Donna, although she works hard and sounds like a hardcase, Donna was actually a very nice person who looked out for her other co-workers and was a very friendly person. Donna would be interacting with customers in a very friendly, yet funny way that made interactions interesting.

(For the sake of real names, names mentioned are not real for the sake of respecting those that I know, fake names are provided for the store and those that I know for a Slice of Life feel for the story.)

Soejammy: Yeah... My amusement with the rain I have to deal with, also is the same as how your son enjoys running around in the rain that one time.

In remembering how it rained at the store the one time, Donna's son had gone out in the rain and decided to get himself all drenched from head to toe.

Donna: For the record, Bob was the one who ENCOURAGED my son to do it.

Soejammy: And why does your son listen to Bob??

Donna: Because he's as crazy as he is.

Soejammy: My point exactly...

Looking at the time, Soejammy saw that it had hit closing time as Soejammy sighed and began to do what he needed to do in signing out for the day.

Soejammy: Haaaaaaa! I'm out! See you all next week!

Bob: See ya later! Have a good weekend!

Soejammy: You too Bob!

Soejammy soon waved towards Sylvia, the guest checkout person for when personal transactions must be made in the store. Exiting the store, Soejammy soon began to run to his car in the ever shower of rain as he unlocked it and got inside it.

Soejammy: Augh...! I hate the rain so much!

Turning on the car and using the heat of the seat and blowers, Soejammy decided to wait in his car for when he was dried off. When feeling he was finally dry from the heat in the car, Soejammy took a deep breath as he turned on his windshield wipers.

Soejammy: Man... I really hate this rain... Why the hell is it raining so much?? My usual assumption is that someone is having a bad day, or something is about to happen that changes their life.

Once putting the car into reverse, Soejammy looked in the back view screen of the Buick he was driving and then backed up to turn the car, then put it into drive to get out of the parking lot. By this point, his co-workers had left before him due to wanting to drive home dry. This meant that he was currently alone as he made a left to begin heading home.

Soejammy: Maybe I'll stop by Taco Bell on the way home... Could use a darn good-

Before Soejammy could begin driving home though, bright lights soon obstructed his vision as Soejammy swerved his vehicle left and right before hitting the brakes to stop quickly.


Looking around to try and see what was going on, Soejammy couldn't see another car that could have crashed as his car was the only thing on the road right now. The sound of rain hitting the car could be heard, hitting the car as Soejammy looked around carefully for what could have made the bright light. When he was about to begin wanting to drive again, Soejammy heard a different sound. One that came from outside the car, but in front of it.

Soejammy: What is that...?

When opening the door, the sound of whimpering could be heard as Soejammy tried to follow the sound of whoever could be making it. The more Soejammy followed the sound, the more he questioned himself on trying to investigate.

Soejammy: Oh god... What is making that sound...?

Getting drenched in the rain, Soejammy began to make out what seemed to be something purple. When getting a clearer way of hearing the sound, it seemed to be crying.

Soejammy: U-Um... Hello?

When hearing Soejammy, whatever Soejammy could see, its ears perked up as it seemed to begin to run around Soejammy's car to try and keep its distance away from him.

Soejammy: I-I'm sorry...! I didn't mean to scare you... Hello...?

When trying to approach what Soejammy was seeing, whatever Soejammy was seeing, began to ease slowly to look from around the car to meet him half-way. When Soejammy could see who was making the noise, Soejammy widened his eyes softly. What made him shocked was that, before him, was a baby filly. But not just any filly by chance, no. This filly was a young Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series.

Soejammy: W-Wait... What...??? Why...?

The more confused Soejammy was, the more the young filly began to show herself, but hearing the sound of thunder caused her to get scared and curl up and shiver in fear under the car.

Soejammy: Shhhhhhh... Hey... It's okay...

Not sure what to do, Soejammy took off his coat and began to try and use it as a make-shift umbrella. Using it to create a dry area for the young Twilight to come out at. Waiting a few moments in the cold and chilling rain, Twilight soon began to come out from under the car to look at Soejammy.

Soejammy: H-Hey there... It's going to be okay... I'm not gonna hurt you...

The young Twilight looked at Soejammy and tilted her head as if curious about him. Getting lower to the ground, Soejammy began to fix his coat slightly as he shivered in feeling the drenched water of his soaked coat against him. Soejammy picked up Twilight and did his best to shield her from the rain as he quickly placed her into the back seat of his car. When being placed into the car, she was scared of what was happening as he looked at her.

Soejammy: It's okay... It's okay... Shhhhh... You're being taken somewhere safer than here... Lay down... Everything is going to be okay...

Feeling calmer from the way Soejammy talked, Twilight soon began to feel her eyes droop in feeling tired as she yawned to curl up on the seat of the car. Seeing Twilight begin to sleep in his car, Soejammy looked to see where Twilight appeared into his world from. From what he could see, Twilight had appeared in the spot that the car almost ran over towards. Had Soejammy not tried to turn away from it earlier, Twilight may not be here to begin with.

Soejammy: I know I'm not seeing things... But the real question I would want to ask is, what happened... But the way Twilight is acting... The way she looks... It's like she regressed back to being a filly...

Taking a look over at Twilight some more, Soejammy did some more checking to see what else was different. What Soejammy could notice was that the Twilight he saw only had her horn, but that was all that he could tell that she was a Unicorn. Anything else, nothing distinguished her out of the ordinary.

Soejammy: No cutie mark... No wings... But has her horn... If I knew my MLP series was correct... This is Twilight Sparkle... But she isn't just your regular person- pony- filly... Tons of research need to be done... But I do know that she is supposed to be an Alicorn, one that has both the horn of a Unicorn and wings of a Pegasus... But from the look of it... she doesn't have wings or her cutie mark... The Twilight I'm seeing HAS to be around... 4 or 5 years old...

Soejammy kept looking at Twilight as he realized he was still standing in the rain and hurried into his car to get dried off by turning on the heat in his car.

Soejammy: Okay... Focus on getting out of this rain first, get a pair of fresh clothes on... Let the girls deal with Twilight while I look for ways to take care of her... In the condition Twilight is in...

Soejammy looked behind him to see that Twilight was fast asleep still as she tried to get comfortable by sleeping on her side.

Soejammy: There is no way she would survive in my world by herself... Let alone some mad man trying to kidnap her and experiment stuff on her... Had she encountered anyone else... I fear something bad might happen...

Once feeling the wetness of the clothes on him disappear, Soejammy soon puts the car into drive and then begins to drive back to his home. Occasionally looking at Twilight whenever he could to check on her to see if she was okay.

Location: Soejammy's House

Arriving back at his home, Soejammy could see that it had stopped raining. Soejammy took off his coat and opened his car door to check on Twilight and see she had been asleep the entire time on the way home.

Soejammy: Still asleep, but okay.

Setting his coat down next to the young filly, Soejammy gently moves Twilight onto it to carry her in his arms. Getting to the door, Soejammy reached for his keys and opened the door to get inside. Once getting inside, he soon closed the door gently and went into the living room to put Twilight onto the couch and put a blanket on her. After he did, he was about to try and go let the others in the house know, when Neptune suddenly jumped onto his back.

Neptune: Hello Jammy!

Soejammy: Ack! Neptune! Get off...!

Neptune: Nope! I'm here to tell you that you keep postponing MY series!

Soejammy: I have a life and a job...! What am I supposed to do...!?

Neptune: Quit it and go full-time on Wattpad?

Looking at Neptune, Soejammy soon grabbed Neptune by her head and soon threw her into the hallway as she crashed into the wall. Neptune slid down slowly as she was upside down on the floor with her arms crossed.

Neptune: Okay... Part-time...

Soejammy: Say what you want, I am the one who SUPPLIES you with pudding... Not to mention I have LOANS to pay off too!

Neptune: Not like you have that much.

Soejammy: You seriously don't know the struggle of having to pay anything, considering you actually run a nation...

Neptune: I do to know!

Soejammy: Name the last time you EVER had to pay any taxes...

Neptune was going to say something, but had to keep rethinking what she had to say before giving up.

Neptune: This isn't letting you win, this is a strategic retreat...

Soejammy: Sounds like you're letting me win honestly...

Neptune: No, it isn't!

Neptune let out a yell as Soejammy rushed in to cover her mouth in trying to keep her quiet.

Soejammy: Will you be quiet...?!

Neptune began to lick against Soejammy's hand as it disgusted him in retracting his hand from Neptune's mouth.


Neptune: Now look who's yelling~

Soejammy: Why you little-!

Soejammy was about to grab Neptune by the throat as he soon tried to compose himself in what he had to do.

Soejammy: Look, will you please get the girls, I'll get Mini-Nep...

Neptune: Uh... Why?

Soejammy: Family meeting.

Going off to find Mini-Nep, Neptune looked at Soejammy and shrugged her shoulders while she began trying to call the others on her phone. Neptune did as she was told and called the girls as it took some time for them to gather while Soejammy waited with Mini-Nep on his shoulder in the living room. When the other CPUs finally took their seats, Soejammy looked at each of them.

Soejammy: Thank you for joining me.

Noire: What do you need? Some of us are busy with our own work BESIDES your stories...

Soejammy: This has NOTHING to do with my stories...

Blanc: Then why did you have Neptune call us?

Soejammy: Because... Something happened on my way home from work...

Vert: What happened that you-

Before Vert could finish her sentence, the blanket that Soejammy put over on Twilight began to move and caught Vert's attention.

Vert: Uh... Is that blanket moving...?

Soejammy: Um... That's the thing... It's better if I showed you exactly...

Noire: Show us what? What could possibly be that you-

When Soejammy pulled the blanket off, it showed Twilight as she was looking around and seemed to be scared of her surroundings. Soejammy was nervous on how Twilight might react, but the CPUs and Mini-Nep soon converged around Twilight while tossing Soejammy away like a ball.

Neptune: Oh my god~! She's so cute~!

Noire: I've seen ponies in my life, but she is so adorable~!

Blanc: How can such a creature like her exist in being so fluffy?

Vert: I wish I could adopt her as my little sister~

Mini-Nep: Nepu~!!

Soejammy had a look on his face on how the CPUs acted along with Mini-Nep as he began to clear his throat.

Soejammy: Can the FIVE of you PLEASE act like normal human beings!?

Looking at Soejammy, the CPUs were about to say something, when Twilight's horn began to glow suddenly and push them away from her. When Twilight used her magic, she blinked in confusion of how she did that. The CPUs blinked three times in having been pushed away by a mysterious force. Neptune was the first to say something about it.

Neptune: Um... Did we just move without actually moving...? Does she have a Stand?!

Soejammy: Oh, for the love of-!

Soejammy was helped up by Vert and Blanc as he began to dust himself off.

Soejammy: No, Neptune, Twilight does not have a Stand... What you experienced was being pushed away by magic, more preferably that of a telekinesis spell... One of the small-scale magic spells she knows...

Noire was about to say something, but thought about what Twilight might hear as Noire got closer to Soejammy to whisper in secret.

Noire: "Small scale"??? How big of spells can one little pony get???

Soejammy: Um... "Unicorn." But that's not the point right now. What I'm trying to say... I'm just going to say it somehow like this...

Soejammy spread his arms wide in displaying how big Twilight could use her magic in a way.

Soejammy: Um... I would say big as in Kurome problem big... Big as in I did research and her spells... Are vast. VERY vast and deep. She has "Levitation, Force Field, Teleportation, Manipulation of Elements, Brainwashing, Book Jumping-" Did you know her Book Jumping spell allows her to jump into books at will? I personally like that myself.

Noire: Okay! Okay. I get it.

Soejammy: Regardless... This is a serious problem... And I do mean serious...

Wanting to talk about the situation, Vert and Blanc joined in on the conversation to talk about it.

Blanc: And how serious is this problem?

Soejammy: Serious as in "How is a unicorn who knows so much magic, gets teleported to our world and is a young filly?" problem...

Thinking about the meaning behind Soejammy's words, Vert began to understand why Soejammy was worried.

Vert: You think something did this to Twilight?

Soejammy: That, or someone... But I would rather not just say what could have happened... I'm not sure what could have caused Twilight to turn into a filly... And being honest, I didn't honestly get a chance to see EVERY episode of the series, but I know Twilight is a very impressive individual in terms of magic. Well, not just magic, but in terms of intelligence. In fact, there are numerous things Twilight has done that SAVED the world as she knew it from chaos, distortions, time, and LITERAL darkness itself. But still, the fact someone like her is here, like this... Makes me wonder what happened that caused her to wind up here in our small little world.

Noire: I know there have been crazy things, but even that is crazy itself...

Noire, Blanc and Vert stepped away from Soejammy to take in what they had taken in about Twilight. Twilight looked at the CPUs and then to Neptune as she was trying to make funny faces at her. Twilight feeling scared, she jumped off the couch to gallop toward Soejammy to hide behind him in being scared of her new surroundings and of CPUs and including Neptune. Soejammy crouched down and looked her in the eyes gently with a smile.

Soejammy: Hey... Hey... It's okay. Shhh... They're not going to harm you. They're my friends. Maybe not Neptune but,-

Neptune: What?! I will let you know that my proficiency in making friends is S+ Rank! I should know, I grinded that stat for that proficiency~

Soejammy: That's what she said~

Neptune's jaw dropped when Soejammy said that as a few giggles came from the CPUs and Mini-Nep herself.

Neptune: Hey! That's my schtick!

Soejammy: Not right now it isn't! Ha!

Neptune was going to say something, but another giggle became known as the group looked over and saw the giggling came from Twilight. When the filly began to notice that everyone was watching her, Twilight began to get shy and hide behind Soejammy. Soejammy smiled softly as he began to soothe her worries.

Soejammy: There's nothing to worry, everything is alright. I promise that you have nothing to worry about.

Twilight looked at Soejammy, as if feeling calmer from his gentle voice along with calm nature. Soejammy smiled as he then looked at the CPUs and Mini-Nep as he had called them here for a reason.

Soejammy: I didn't bring you all here just to talk about what happened to Twilight, but if we have no method of trying to figure out how to return her to normal, I would like to propose... We raise Twilight ourselves.

The CPUs and Mini-Nep went wide-eyed at Soejammy's suggestion as he decided to reassure Twilight everything was okay. Noire was the first to react out of the group about this as she looked to Soejammy.

Noire: Jammy... Could you come with me for a moment...

Looking at Noire, Soejammy looked at Twilight real quick to reassure her that everything was going to be okay before following Noire to the dining room. Soejammy looked at Noire and sighed at what could be a lecture. Wanting to keep things out of earshot of Twilight as possible, Soejammy kept a calm voice to not get Noire worked up.

Soejammy: Okay, what do you need?

Noire: Are you crazy...?! Do you even know how to take care of a pony...?!

Soejammy: A filly actually...

Noire: Doesn't change anything...! Not to mention that the pony is also magical...! Magic...!? Really...!?

Soejammy: What did you expect me to do...? Leave her in the cold rain...?? Helpless and along with nowhere to go...??? What if it was you in her position???

Noire: Why are you even comparing me in this scenario...!?

Soejammy gave a blank stare at Noire as he began to count off many things, he knew about Noire's blunders that she can't write off.

Soejammy: You got captured because of the ASIC for three years. You were left to keep a wall open as everyone from the Ultra Dimension including your sister went to fight Rei Ryghts. Gold Third overthrew Gamindustri because of Kurome's influence and made it so that you were a fugitive and had to run from your own soldiers. Then in the same game you and the CPUs were CAPTURED AGAIN because of Kurome...!

Soejammy looked at Noire as he sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Soejammy: Must I go on about the history of your blunders you had to deal with? Oh, not to mention that you also fell asleep in a cardboard box. I mean, really?

Noire then proceeded to cover Soejammy's mouth about the cardboard box as Soejammy had hit the nail on that moment in the game.

Noire: Shhhh...! Okay! I get it! I'm not exactly one to talk about being perfect along with being able to do anything...! Must you remind me of those embarrassing moments...!?

Soejammy then removed Noire's hand from his mouth and gave a look at Noire.

Soejammy: Yes...! Not everyone is perfect, and quite honestly, if you were the one who REALLY needed help in those moments, wouldn't you accept ANY help you can get...!?

Noire was going to say something as to try and counter Soejammy's argument, but because of having been pointed out for how Noire isn't so cut and dry on what she had to deal with. Noire began to take a deep breath and looked at Soejammy.

Noire: Okay, fine. I admit that I REALLY needed help. But what we're talking about is RAISING someone from a young age and helping them grow up...!

Soejammy: I mean, yeah. But it can't be that bad.

Noire: What in the- Of course it is THAT bad! You're talking about raising someone that had already grown up from wherever they were and making them start from scratch!

Soejammy looked into the living room to see that the others heard Noire shout a little and closed the door to avoid Twilight from getting scared.

Soejammy: What do you expect me to do? Wave a magic wand and say "Bippity Boppity Boo" and fix everything as if that will fix it?!

Noire: Or at least get someone competent to help out instead of you!

Soejammy: What the HELL is wrong with me raising Twilight?! I raise Mini-Nep well!

Noire: That's because all she eats is pudding cups you stash away in your pocket or eat just one food and become satisfied for a while! We're talking about a LIFE SIZE being here...! A being bigger than Mini-Nep!

Soejammy looked at Noire and then towards Twilight as she looked at him through the door and sighed.

Soejammy: But that's the thing... I have to still try... If I don't, what if she doesn't get found by her actual friends? What if she's stuck here in this world with no help? Do you really want me to take that chance? Leave Twilight's life up to chance? I can't do that... Just knowing that she is HERE, and she is ALIVE just tells me there are endless worlds of possibilities... Ours just happened to be the place she wound up on... I can't just ignore this Noire... You know me.

Noire looked at Soejammy in the eyes as Soejammy stared back. With the determination in his eyes, Noire sighed and held a hand to her forehead.

Noire: Either you're nuts, or I've given up and just decided to see how this goes and make sure nothing bad happens...

Soejammy: It's probably me being nuts.

Noire: That doesn't surprise me.

Soejammy: This is me we're talking about here...

Noire: Good point...

Noire sighed as she began trying to grasp at what she and everyone was about to be doing in order to keep some form of peace here.

Noire: Okay... Say you could raise an ACTUAL pony. What do you know of her current predicament?

Soejammy: I know that she de-aged into a filly, kinda like a kid pony? The Twilight I remember seeing would be her as an Alicorn.

Noire: Gonna have to explain what that is...

Soejammy: A combination of a Unicorn and Pegasus. Horn of the Unicorn, with the wings of a Pegasus.

Noire: So extra special is what I'm sensing.

Soejammy: That and she is a princess, yes. And I mean a literal princess.

Noire began to sigh at how complicated this was getting as she took deep breaths. Once trying to gain control of what she was given so far, she began to ask other questions.

Noire: Does she have any other problems?

Soejammy: I haven't checked anything else other than physical appearances... But if I had to say, Twilight didn't try to force me away with her magic nor to get away from where I was... When I saw her use her magic, even though I was upside down, I could have sworn she looked confused.

Noire: Hmm... This may be a hunch, but what if she has amnesia...?

Soejammy: "Amnesia"??? Oh man... That is even worse than what I thought... If she lost her memories, that means all her knowledge and spells are forgotten...

Noire: That really is a bad thing to let happen...

Soejammy began to rub the bridge of his nose as the dining room doors moved slightly in gaining Soejammy and Noire's attention. It was Twilight as she wanted to know what was going on as Soejammy looked at Noire.

Soejammy: We better start knowing what we're going to do. Because if Twilight does have amnesia, being alone in a world without knowing who you are and how to return back to the right world is dangerous.

Noire: Adding that in, it really does make your worries actually have meaning. If she returned to her world or got lost in ours looking like this along with not knowing how to defend herself, it would be bad.

Soejammy: Thank you for finally seeing my point.

Noire: Whatever... We need to know what we have to do to help Twilight. Let's go ask her what she knows...

Going back to the living room, Soejammy opened the door and was met with Twilight being very close to him. Soejammy looked at Twilight in seeing that she felt she could trust him. But this wasn't the time to just be happy about this, he had to ask her questions still.

Soejammy: Hey, uh, do you understand what we're saying?

Twilight looked at Soejammy and tilted her head, but she nodded in being able to understand him. With being able to know Twilight could understand him, Soejammy smiled.

Soejammy: Okay, you can understand us. That's good. Next question... Do you know who you are...? Like in general of who you are...?

Twilight looked at Soejammy and began to try to think, she nodded her head in response to his question.

Soejammy: So, you know your name is Twilight Sparkle? To make this easy, nod your head for "yes", and shake your head for "no".

Twilight understood the meaning of asking this as she nodded her head in telling she knew her name.

Soejammy: Okay. You know your name. At least that problem is solved. Next question... Do you know where you're at or where you come from exactly?

Twilight began to think as she became sad and shook her head in response to being no.

Soejammy: Okay... So, you don't remember your home... That is a problem... Anything else? Got any other memories besides your name?

Twilight tried to think, but nothing came up and shook her head.

Soejammy: So, you know your name, but you don't know your home or memories, all you have is your name...?

Twilight looks at Soejammy and nods her head in response.

Soejammy: Oh crud...

Twilight looked at Soejammy in curiosity of what he was going to say, but he shook his head.

Soejammy: It's nothing. Just catching myself on what I was gonna say... Other than that, I'm not really sure how to effectively help you...

Twilight looked at Soejammy and became sadder at not being able to get any answers. Soejammy looked at her and then thought of something.

Soejammy: But even so... I'm not going to turn anyone in need of shelter and a place to call home. That includes you.

Hearing Soejammy's words, Twilight got really happy and jumped into his arms and wrapped her hooves around his neck as Soejammy returned the hug.

Soejammy: Twilight, whatever happens, whether you get your memories back, or you don't, I will do EVERYTHING I can to help you. It's a Soejammy promise. You will ALWAYS have a place to call home here.

Feeling happy that Soejammy was giving her hope, Twilight began to get happier and happier as her horn began to glow with magic. Twilight's magic began to surround her body as she soon began to float into the air. Soejammy and the CPUs looked at Twilight and began to sweat.

Vert: Oh dear...

Neptune: She's begun to float...

Soejammy: Guess her emotions are causing her latent abilities to come out at random... Meaning with time, she could control them... But of course, it will take time...

When Twilight noticed her surroundings, she began to freak out on seeing that she was up in the air and lost control of her magic. Twilight began to fall, but Soejammy caught her in time to set her down softly.

Soejammy: Well, you having magic is going to make things interesting here.

Twilight looked at Soejammy and smiled more as she nuzzled against him. Even though Twilight was only just now feeling welcomed to the house and group, there was a sense of what felt to be a new happiness. But Soejammy didn't quite know why he felt like this. Soejammy then felt that the other CPUs decided to get closer and welcome Twilight into their home along with Mini-Nep who gave Twilight a hug at her hoof. Soejammy smiled more as he knew that things were going to be different from now on.


Time: Night - 7:00 p.m.

Having done some research on trying to help make meals for Twilight, Soejammy had to go to the store to get some ingredients to make a dinner for Twilight. Because Twilight was an herbivorous being, she didn't eat meat. Soejammy had to get creative as he tried something simple to see if what he could cook would be something to fall back to in case future meals didn't work. The dinner that was prepared was apples cut into slices, some corn from a cob that was boiled in water. The corn was cut from the cob to allow small bites to be possible for Twilight. Some toast was prepared with some peanut butter spread across it. To add on the last meal, Soejammy provided cold apple juice with a straw to help drink the contents, and even made apple pie. But the pie was a surprise if Twilight ate everything on her plate first.

Soejammy: Okay... That took about an hour... But that should do it... I just hope Twilight likes it... I won't let her go hungry...

Soejammy placed the plate that was prepared for Twilight on the table in front of her as the young filly as Soejammy was nervous about how she would eat.

Soejammy: Here you are~ I hope you like it~

Twilight looked at the meal before her as she looked at Soejammy who was smiling. Twilight looked back at her meal as she reached for an apple slice first and bit into it. When Twilight tasted the apple, she began to chew it up and swallow the food she had in her mouth and gave a big smile before eating more. Soejammy smiled in delight from Twilight looking happy about the meal while the CPUs and Mini-Nep all peeked their heads from around the corner to watch Soejammy and Twilight.

Neptune: You know, she is kinda like me when I like to eat pudding.

Noire: How is that compared to anything like that?

Neptune: Why can't it?

Noire: Because it doesn't make sense!

Blanc: But you can't deny, Soejammy is trying his best to take care of her.

Vert: In fact, just look. Twilight even finished her meal already with how happy she was.

Noire and Neptune looked to see Twilight had finished the apple slices, corn, toast with peanut butter on it and the apple juice. A small burp came from Twilight as she blushed in embarrassment while Soejammy chuckled.

Soejammy: I take it the food was delicious?

Twilight looked at Soejammy and gave a smile while nodding her head.

Soejammy: I hope you have some room left, because there is a surprise since you ate everything on your plate~

Twilight tilted her head as Soejammy took Twilight's plate and went to the kitchen to go get the pie he made. Soejammy cuts a slice out as he puts it on the plate and begins heading back. Before he does though, he poked his head from around the corner.

Soejammy: Is someone ready for the surprise~?

Twilight began to nod her head as she was very curious. Soejammy walked out of the kitchen and showed Twilight the apple pie in his hands as Twilight could smell it.

Soejammy: Consider this a desert~ Because you ate everything I gave you on your plate.

Twilight looked at the pie as her eyes went wide in how it smelled as it smelled good. When Twilight took a bite into it, she began to smile and hum in how it tasted as she wanted to just dig in, but Soejammy stopped her before she could.

Soejammy: Ah, ah. Slow now. We don't want to get an upset stomach.

Twilight nodded her head as she began to eat the pie a bit slower, but she still enjoyed it as Soejammy sat next to Twilight to ensure she didn't choke on her food.

Noire: You know, it's kinda sweet when you look at this.

Blanc: Why do you say that?

Noire: I mean, look. Soejammy is trying to take care of Twilight, he said she was turned back into a filly. It's like he's being a dad to her.

Vert: When you put it like that, it does seem like it. Plus, look at the smile on his face.

The CPUs and Mini-Nep looked at Soejammy as he had a warm smile as Twilight was really enjoying the pie she was having. When she was done, Twilight jumped off of the chair she sat in and hopped in joy of the meal. Seeing this caused Soejammy to chuckle at Twilight's actions as she smiled up at him. Soejammy smiled back as he crouched down to pet Twilight's mane as Twilight seemed to like the affection given to her. This caused the CPUs to watch the event in front of them and just think the moment was cute.

CPUs: Awwwwwww~

Neptune: Now that is just too cute~

Vert: Precious~

Blanc: I want to pet her mane...

Noire: Very deserving of cuddles~

Mini-Nep: Nep, nep nepu~!!

With having gotten something to eat and feeling satisfied, Twilight began to yawn softly and feel she was getting tired. Taking note of this, Soejammy smiled softly as he nudged Twilight softly to get her attention.

Soejammy: Hey. Come on, little one. Let's get you up to bed~

Tilting her head, Twilight was confused by what Soejammy meant as he began to walk to the stairs and head up. Twilight soon began to follow him as even the CPUs were curious as well. Heading up to his room, Soejammy had set up a room that was big enough, but just right for the filly as she walked in to see the surroundings. In the room, it had some tables and bookshelves to put books in. Twilight looked at the ceiling and walls as she noticed some plastic stars were on the walls of the room. When Soejammy stopped, he showed Twilight a bed and some blankets. The bed was currently on the floor as Twilight would have had a hard time jumping up to it if it was elevated from the ground.

Soejammy: Come on~ It's time for bed. Even a young filly like you needs your rest.

Twilight looked at Soejammy as she wanted to deny being tired, but she soon yawned and showed how tired she was.

Soejammy: Come on. Don't try playing it off. I can tell a yawn a mile away.

Twilight couldn't object as she nodded her head and went towards the bed. Looking at it, she prepared herself to jump as she did just that. Twilight was able to get onto the bed as she looked at Soejammy who held a thumbs up to her.

Soejammy: Great job. I knew you could do it.

Twilight seemed to have built some confidence from the interaction as Soejammy pulled the covers away from the pillow. The bed currently had some children's sheets and blankets while Soejammy smiled.

Soejammy: This room and bed is yours to use. You have nothing to worry about while you're here. You have my guarantee that you are in a safe environment with me and my friends who can't seem to get enough of you...

Soejammy looked at the door as the CPUs and Mini-Nep could be seen watching Twilight as Soejammy was tucking her to bed. The CPUs and Mini-Nep widened their eyes as they left to give Soejammy and Twilight some time to talk.

Soejammy: I'm... Gonna be honest... I'm not even sure why you're here or why you have no memories of your past except your name...

Twilight seemed to be sad by this as she hung her head down a little.

Soejammy: But I'm willing to be here to help you in recovering any memories that may return. If they do come back, that's great. But for now, I'll do everything I can to make you feel welcomed here in my home. And if Neptune ever gives you a hard time~

Soejammy whispered into Twilight's ear as to not have Neptune overhear him.

Soejammy: I'll whip out my harrisen fan and slap her silly with it~

Soejammy began to pretend to slap himself to show what he meant to Twilight as he began to slap himself in a fast fashion. Twilight found this funny and was giggling to herself.

Soejammy: Now, I have to get to bed. But if you need anything, I'll be up the steps and have the door open just in case. But I think you would be liking the decoration of the ceiling when I turn the lights off~

Twilight tilted her head more when Soejammy went to turn the lights off. When Soejammy does, the plastic stars on the walls and ceiling lit up in the dark. They were in fact glow in the dark decorations that made Twilight stare in awe. Soejammy chuckled as he looked at Twilight to get her attention.

Soejammy: I'll leave the door open just a little so you can come up to my room if you need anything~

When Soejammy was about to leave the room when Twilight jumped off the bed and looked worried about her surroundings. Twilight soon began to bite at Soejammy's shorts as he stopped to look back at her.

Soejammy: Huh? Is something wrong?

Twilight looked around her and didn't seem comfortable about sleeping alone. Soejammy could sense the worry Twilight had as he could tell when something bothered someone.

Soejammy: You're worried about sleeping alone, you're not ready for that, are you?

Twilight blinked her eyes as she tilted her head in wonder of how Soejammy did that. Soejammy chuckled as he pets Twilight's mane.

Soejammy: I have mind reading powers~

Twilight smiled at Soejammy as she giggled while Soejammy picked Twilight up.

Soejammy: Now come on~ Let's get to bed. I won't leave you, little one.

Twilight smiled as Soejammy pulled the covers back to get on the bed softly and put Twilight down. Twilight began to get comfortable as she lay down on her side facing Soejammy. Soejammy soon pulled the covers over them as Twilight was more comfortable in being able to sleep better now. The CPUs and Mini-Nep just watched the two fell asleep as they soon went to bed. Mini-Nep, however, ran over to the bed and decided to cuddle up next to Soejammy under the covers.

The Next Day...

Date: July 18, 2022 - Saturday

Time: Morning - 6:00 a.m.

When morning arrived, Soejammy had never set the alarm to wake up as he began to open his eyes slowly. Upon opening them, Soejammy could see that Twilight had already woken up and was staring at him. Seeing this, Soejammy sat up slowly as he stretched his arms out and yawned before speaking to Twilight.

Soejammy: Haaaaa... Good morning, Twilight. Ngh... Man I hate waking up like this...

Soejammy kept yawning as Mini-Nep also began to wake up and imitate Soejammy in how he stretched.

Mini-Nep: Mmmmm... Nepu nepu nep...

Soejammy looked at Mini-Nep and stared at her.

Soejammy: Are you mocking me on how I woke up just now?

Mini-Nep looked up at Soejammy cutely as she giggled.

Mini-Nep: Nep nep~

Soejammy rolled his eyes and pats Mini-Nep softly on her head. Twilight looks at Mini-Nep and lays down in front of Mini-Nep to get a better look as. Mini-Nep looked back at Twilight and raised an arm to speak.

Mini-Nep: Nepu! Nep nep nep neppity nep~?

Twilight tilted her head as Soejammy giggled.

Soejammy: You don't understand her like I do, but I can translate. Mini-Nep said: "Hi! How did you sleep last night~?"

Twilight looked at Soejammy and smiled as Twilight looked at Mini-Nep and nodded her head with a smile. Mini-Nep smiled as she hugged Twilight's leg to show her happiness.

Mini-Nep: Nepu~

Twilight smiled more as she giggled while raising her hoof. Mini-Nep clung to Twilight's hoof as it was being moved around to Twilight's entertainment. Soejammy watched as the two bonded while he got up from the bed and began to walk to the door. A smell came to Soejammy's nose as he looked back as he smiled at Twilight and Mini-Nep.

Soejammy: Hey.

When the two were called to, Twilight stopped moving her hoof and both she and Mini-Nep looked at Soejammy.

Soejammy: Who wants some pancakes~?

In the kitchen, Vert could be seen cooking up some breakfast with Noire helping her out. Blanc and Neptune were in the dining room as she was playing with the utensils at her place at the table. Blanc was reading a book as she occasionally looked at Neptune and sighed at her antics.

Blanc: Those are for eating... Not being used as a toy...

Neptune: Come on. We're practically waiting for food here. I got to keep myself distracted!

Blanc: You could always read a book.

Neptune: With what bookmark?! You know I suck at placements! I need a way of creating save data!!

Blanc looked at Neptune as she was describing visual novel games and wanted to say something, but Noire walked into the room.

Noire: Will you keep it down?? We're trying to make breakfast here!

Neptune: Come ooooooooon... We're hungry here...!

Noire: Making food takes time! Do you want fluffy pancakes or not!?

Soejammy: Uh... Noire...?

Noire turned towards the arrival of Soejammy, Twilight and Mini-Nep who had joined the group. Mini-Nep didn't feel like she was ready to walk, so Twilight offered to give her a ride. For Noire, however, she and Soejammy were really close to each other. Any closer, the two would be kissing. Soejammy smirked to try and joke around.

Soejammy: Hello there.

Blushing really hard, Noire jumped back and began to yell at Soejammy.

Noire: Why were you standing so close?! WHY!?

Soejammy: Do I REALLY need to give an answer to that?

Noire: Yes!!

Soejammy: I'm a freaking ninja, remember?? I choose when I want to sneak up on someone and scare them.

Noire gave a deadpan expression as Soejammy gave his silly smile like always. A loud thwonk was heard as it was seen that Noire threw a frying pan at Soejammy's face. Unfortunately, however, that was the frying pan Vert was using.

Soejammy: AAAAAHHHHHH!!!

Vert: Noire! Get the ice packs!!

Noire: Ah!! That was supposed to be a different frying pan!!

Soejammy ripped the frying pan off his face as he felt the intense heat while Vert got the sprayer from the sink and turned on the water to shoot cold water at Soejammy. The cold water hit Soejammy's steaming face while the clothes began to get wet from the water.

Soejammy: Ack! Cold! Holy hell! Bleh! Let me breathe! Gack!

Vert stopped spraying as Soejammy could be seen being drenched in water. Although Twilight and Mini-Nep were worried, Mini-Nep was the first to laugh as she knew Soejammy hated water on his clothes. Being drenched in it was worse for him. Noire got the ice packs and then hurried to press one to Soejammy's face.

Noire: Okay, how long do we keep the ice pack applied??

Vert: Um... That didn't come straight from the freezer, right?

Noire: Yeah...?

It took a few moments before Noire began to take her hand away from the ice pack on Soejammy's face... As the pack was stuck to him instead.


Noire and Vert were freaking out as Noire was beginning to pull on the ice pack. Soejammy was trying to create resistance from Noire pulling on him as he grabbed the wall. Neptune was having a blast as she was hitting the table in enjoyment. Mini-Nep was the same as she was holding her stomach and falling off of Twilight. Twilight tilted her head as she didn't know what was going on or how to react to this moment.



Soejammy: I REGRET MY WORDS!!!

Seeing Soejammy like this and it still happening, Twilight couldn't hold a laugh as she was finding some slight enjoyment to the randomness. Vert was trying to run warm water to get it at a good temperature until she got it.

Vert: Step back!! I'm gonna spray!!

As Vert said that, Noire was able to rip the ice pack away in front Soejammy's face as he yelled in pain again.

Soejammy: AH!! ICE PACK BURN!!

Vert began to spray with her eyes closed as Soejammy was sputtering between breaths as he held his hands up to block the water.

Soejammy: Vert! Ugh! Stop spraying! Ah! I'm good! I'M GOOD!!

Vert stopped spraying as Noire had the ice pack in her hands, while Soejammy was drenching wet from head to toe with an annoyed look on his face.

Soejammy: Did you shoot with your eyes closed... Why?

Vert: Um... Tactical strategy? It worked though, didn't it?

Soejammy blinked as a tick mark appeared on his head as he began to smile at having thought of an idea.

Soejammy: You know what? That's okay~

Vert looked at Soejammy as if confused.

Vert: Uh, you sure?

Soejammy: Oh, quite~ I'm so fine, I want to give you a hug~

Soejammy began to get closer as Vert was confused still, but now knew Soejammy's intention. Vert was trying to search for a way around Soejammy, but couldn't be due to the way they were positioned.

Vert: A-Ah haha! No! I'm quite okay without a hug!

Soejammy: But I got to show my compassion for how you and Noire helped~ Now come here!

Vert was about to run, but she couldn't as Soejammy began to hug her. The water dripping from Soejammy began to stick to Vert as she yelled out and squirmed.

Vert: No!! Let go!!

Soejammy: "Hug more"?? Okay~

Vert: That is not what I- Kyaaaaaaaaa!!!

Soejammy hugged more as he was getting a considerable amount of water on Vert's clothes. Once Soejammy was done, he looked to see that wet marks from him showed to see that they stuck to Vert softly and he chuckled. Soejammy looked towards Noire as she jumped softly in his attention.

Soejammy: You're next!

Noire: If you so much as hug me, I will-!

Soejammy jumped to Noire as loud clatter and banging could be heard as Noire was trying to hit Soejammy with her fists. Soejammy was either blocking or dodging Noire's attacks as he grabbed both her wrists and then quickly pulled her into a hug. Noire's eyes widened in the sudden feeling of cold, wet water touching her body as she yelled out and began to wave her arms. Noire began to beat against Soejammy's back while Soejammy chuckled.

Noire: It's not that funny!!

Soejammy: It is too when I'm the one being drenched in water and then make you both feel how wet clothes feel!

Once Soejammy was done, he took a step back to see his handiwork. From hugging Noire in the front, Noire's clothes clung to her from her front side. Whatever water clung to her clothes, it hugged against her body more. Noire looked at Soejammy and began to growl.

Noire: Now look at me! Ugh! Wet clothes do not feel right!

Soejammy: Then don't judge me when it happens to me again! Let that be a lesson. To BOTH of you!

Vert and Noire both sweat in having been given the same treatment Soejammy was feeling. Giggles could be heard as Twilight and Mini-Nep had a hard time standing due to how hard they were laughing. Soejammy smiled as he looked at Vert and Noire.

Soejammy: Eh... If they're laughing, I can call it "water" under the bridge~

Vert and Noire groaned at the bad pun Soejammy made as he began to get some plates.

Soejammy: Come on. Help me set up plates with food for everyone.

Vert and Noire nodded their heads as the three focused on giving everyone equal shares of food. Twilight and Mini-Nep went to the table to sit with Blanc and Neptune. Mini-Nep sat closest to Neptune, while Twilight sat in the middle. Seeing Twilight, Blanc lowered her book and spoke to Twilight.

Blanc: Hello, Twilight. How did you sleep?

Twilight looked at Blanc and thought about it and looked at her while smiling.

Blanc: Considering you understand me, but can't talk... I assume that you slept well?

Twilight nods her head to tell Blanc she was correct.

Blanc: Well, I'm glad you slept well. After how Jammy found you, it must be scary. No memory, no way of figuring out where you come from. It must be giving you some worry, isn't it?

Twilight took all that in and nodded her head while looking sad. Blanc reached a hand softly and pet Twilight's mane. Twilight looked up at Blanc who was smiling at her softly.

Blanc: Don't worry. You have nothing to worry about here. We treat everyone like family here.

Twilight looked at Blanc and smiled at hearing her words. Twilight looked at the book Blanc was reading and caught her attention.

Blanc: Oh, did my book catch your attention?

Twilight began to nod her head as Blanc showed it to Twilight. The book Blanc was reading was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Blanc: This book is a very popular series that some might not know, but it actually holds a magical tale of a certain wizard named: "Harry Potter."

The more Twilight listened, the more her eyes sparkled in hearing the tale.

Blanc: You see, this boy is one day left on a doorstep mysteriously by a group of people. As he grew, he was mistreated for no reason at all. Having to live in a house to which were his relatives. One day, however, Harry Potter discovers that hidden from the world, there was magic.

Twilight began to lean in and was absorbed by Blanc's words in being mystified and drawn in by such a tale. Twilight was basically smiling brightly at this point as she seemed too well attached to how the story was going.

Blanc: In wanting to get far away from the magic, the Uncle of the family moves far away thinking no one could reach them. But he was wrong in more ways than he could ever prepare. With discovering his wizard inheritance, Harry would soon be getting ready to go to the Wizarding school: Hogwarts~

Twilight was getting too hyped from all of this as her horn began to glow brightly. This was at the same moment when Soejammy was bringing in the pancakes.

Soejammy: I hope everyone is hungry, because now were-

Soejammy suddenly freezes in movement as Vert and Noire were walking in. They suddenly stop when seeing Soejammy frozen in place while Twilight's horn still glows brightly. Twilight was giggling still in all the thoughts in hearing how the story could go as the same glow was around Soejammy.

Noire: Um... Jammy? You okay?

No words came from Soejammy as he was frozen in place with an immobilization spell. Vert got next to Soejammy as she poked him softly, but no reaction came from him. Neptune, taking the opportunity, rushed up to Soejammy and began to draw a monocle and a mustache on him. Not wanting to spoil breakfast, Vert began to open Soejammy's fingers softly and freed the plate of pancakes.

Vert: So... With Jammy frozen in place due to haphazard magic, who wants some fluffy pancakes~?

The pancakes were placed down onto the table as Twilight's focus drew away from the thoughts she had as her horn's glow died down. This even causes Soejammy to be freed from Twilight's magic to move again.

Soejammy: What the crab cakes just happened?!

Soejammy looked at Vert who had taken the pancakes and heard everything that happened.

Soejammy: Why would you leave me frozen like that?!

Vert: We can't do anything that is out of our power. We don't know Twilight's capabilities.

Soejammy: And the answer was to just eat like nothing was going on?!

Neptune was laughing a lot as she looked at Soejammy's face most of the time. Soejammy on hearing Neptune's laughter, he gained a tick mark and looked at her.

Soejammy: I know it was you who wrote on my face with a marker!!

Neptune freezing, she began to run while Soejammy began to chase her. The group began to laugh as Twilight tried to join in while Soejammy grabbed Neptune and did a suplex on her.

Soejammy: Say Uncle!!

Neptune: Never!!!


Time: Afternoon - 3:00 p.m.

The group met in the living room to talk about Twilight living with them.

Noire: Okay. Even though Twilight has been here for a day, some craziness happened, but she seems to be enjoying herself.

Twilight was with them as she rested next to Soejammy.

Blanc: Twilight certainly seems to like books from what I gathered when she was looking at me when I was reading.

Vert: And we're learning that her magic right now is at its best when experiencing certain situations. My guess, because she is currently young, she can't focus on it to cast it herself. When she doesn't think about the spell, she is able to cast it without trouble. From this, if she were to get surprised by a loud noise, her magic begins to increase without warning and casts something at random.

Neptune: Just like Ultra Instinct~ Not having to think at all~ I wish I could do that~

Soejammy: Neptune, will you please focus???

Neptune: Ultra Instinct~ I wonder if Twilight can grant wishes~?

Soejammy did not look amused as he then whacked Neptune on the head with a Harisen Fan. Neptune began to hold her head and yelled out.

Neptune: Nepu!!

Soejammy: Twilight is not a Genie, don't treat her like one!!

Neptune: I'm trying to get Ultra Instinct because I want to avoid the fan!!

Noire: Neptune... There would be hardly anything we could do to even reach it.

Neptune: Says you. We gained our Next Forms in the MegaDimension game, remember??

Noire was about to say something when she began to point a finger at Neptune.

Noire: Hey! Don't counter me like that!

Neptune: Ha~!

Soejammy: Yeah... Change the subject if you would? And stop yelling. I really don't want you two scaring Twilight awake...

Noire and Neptune were about to object, when Soejammy gave them a death glare at them.

Soejammy: So much as an objection, I will make you regret it.

Feeling the chill of Soejammy's threat, Noire and Neptune decided to wait until they were alone to continue their own conversation.

Soejammy: Okay. Any thoughts about how we try to approach Twilight's growth? Or how we can fix...

Soejammy makes motions to how Twilight looks.

Soejammy: "This"???

The CPUs began to think about how to handle this as Neptune raised her hand.

Soejammy: Okay... What Neptune?

Neptune: We send her to the Ultra Dimension, and we leave her there for 10 years. For us, it would be 10 days!

Soejammy looked at Neptune with a judgmental glare and looked around.

Soejammy: Any OTHERS that doesn't involve leaving a scared little child alone for 10 years???

Neptune: What's wrong with my idea???

Soejammy: How about the fact that we can't speed things up entirely and for the time there she would be scared, alone and didn't know anyone she could trust???

Neptune was about to say something, but gave a sheepish grin.

Neptune: Can't blame me for trying to cheat...?

Soejammy's response to that was a quick double slap of a harisen fan.

Soejammy: Get serious, would you??? We're dealing with a magical unicorn, and she doesn't even know where she can even go. She's just a little child or filly. We're all she has to support her. Think will you???

Vert was the next one to raise her hand as Soejammy gave a look at her in knowing her question.

Soejammy: No Vert, Twilight will not live with you as your new sister.

Vert lowered her hand, but then raised it to be called out again.

Soejammy: Nor will she be a long-lost sister that was stolen from you that was living in Planeptune...

Neptune: Nep-what?!

Vert began to sweat as she giggled softly.

Vert: Can't blame me for trying...?

Soejammy's response was to slap Vert with a bigger harisen fan.

Soejammy: Okay, can we PLEASE think of good ideas??? Like, any ideas that are good???

Blanc thought for a moment, as she then raised her hand.

Soejammy: Yes, Blanc?

Blanc: I say we try observing Twilight's growth and live our days out as normal. While on the side we try to figure out why Twilight is here. If a solution of how to help Twilight regain who she normally was presents itself, we go over how safe the solution is. If it isn't, we disregard it and not attempt it.

Soejammy: Okay, I like that. I like that.

Noire: Why not just watch the series? If we can see what kind of spells Twilight has used, we could honestly see how we can help her better.

Soejammy looked at Noire and shook his head. This seemed to give Noire a surprised reaction.

Noire: Why not???

Soejammy: Okay, first. The Twilight we have here is a LIVING and BREATHING individual now. What you're talking about is from a kids show.

Noire: So? If we can show Twilight what she learned, maybe she can-

Soejammy: Absolutely not!

Soejammy was almost angered by Noire's suggestion as he tried to control it to not disturb Twilight's rest.

Soejammy: Do you have any idea what consequences could be if we are to let her watch that???

Noire: If it's her learning her memories and past life from a third person perspective, it would definitely-

Soejammy: -make her to think that she is an imaginative character from a cartoon show. Twilight isn't like you girls.

The CPUs looked at Soejammy and wondered what he meant.

Soejammy: You four have a retrospective knowledge of being actual characters in an anime game. Twilight??? Twilight in the show is a living, breathing pony, and isn't aware of anything such as being a character on a show. Just what IF that the Twilight we have here ACTUALLY comes from another dimension?? In fact, my dimension is QUITE different from yours as I literally have to bridge them using a lot of energy. Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to create a portal to another dimension in my world?!

Neptune: So, what are you using to create the portals...?

Soejammy looked at Neptune as flashbacks of hooking up power lines and directing them underground to the portal room showed how he was hooking up the portal generator.

Soejammy: Let's just say that to even make the portal, you have to be VERY creative and willing to take a risk just to get something done... And the cost is about $333...

The CPUs all had shocked looks on their faces and looked at Soejammy at how he was doing this.

Noire: And I thought Neptune was crazy...

Blanc: How have you never gone bankrupt...???

Soejammy: Uh, do I still live with my parents? They're just REALLY gone for long periods of time... I literally have to mail them their bills to them so that I still have electricity and water.

Neptune: Huh... That's why I never saw them after that Vegas trip.

Soejammy: Yup. Don't know where my parents go, but I bet it's somewhere hot and mosquito-ish...

Somewhere, with Soejammy's parents...

A cruise-liner ship could be seen as Soejammy's parents and Grandpa could be seen relaxing and tanning in the sun. The Father looks to his wife.

Soejammy's Father: Think we should have brought our son?

Soejammy's Mother: I'm sure he's fine. We give him plenty of food he can cook. Nothing to worry about.

A drink was brought to the Mother as she took it and began to drink in a happy way.

Location: Soejammy's house

Soejammy: Yeah. Hot and humid, with a bit of mosquito food. That's what they're doing.

Neptune: Yeah, probably that.

Twilight began to stir as she yawned slightly and stretched to try and wake herself up. When she was awake, Twilight looked around as she smiled to see the CPUs and Soejammy were still here.

Soejammy: Ah, hello sleepy head. Did you have a good nap?

Twilight nods her head to answer yes at having slept well. When looking at Blanc, she noticed the Harry Potter book in her hands as Twilight got up to walk towards Blanc and sit in front of her. Blanc was confused by what Twilight was doing as the filly soon pointed to the book.

Blanc: Oh, you want to read this?

Twilight became happier in having been understood by what she wanted to communicate. Blanc held the book out as Twilight tried to reach with her hoof, the book was a little heavy for the filly, but she was able to set it down and turn open the book to try and read. But Twilight soon got stuck as she looked at Soejammy.

Soejammy: What's wrong?

Twilight picked up the book and placed it on the couch next to Soejammy and pointed to the first word.

Soejammy: "Chapter 1"

Twilight kept looking at the book and kept pointing to the next word by word. Soejammy began to realize as he looked at the CPUs.

Soejammy: We need to teach her how to read and write... Twilight understands what we're saying, but she doesn't understand our writing right now.

The CPUs looked at Twilight and nodded their heads in understanding of what to help Twilight with first. With it soon getting late, Soejammy had put Twilight to bed as a nightlight was provided to help her sleep this time. During this time, over the course of time, the CPUs and Soejammy teach Twilight about the alphabet in hopes of helping her communicate better. While they did, they also tried to even teach her the history of Soejammy's world.

Date: August 18th, 2022 - Thursday

Time: Morning - 6:00 a.m.

As Soejammy was waking up, he began to stretch his arms out to sit up from his bed and hit his alarms that kept turning on.

Soejammy: Ugh... I'm up, you stupid alarms...

Once he hit the button, Soejammy sat up and rubbed his eyes. When he was able to see, he caught a glimpse of something purple just sneakily ducking down behind his bed. Soejammy rolled his eyes in knowing it was Twilight who was doing this. For a while, Twilight began sneaking up to Soejammy's room and trying to surprise him when he woke up each time. Sometimes it would even be hiding in auspicious spaces where she could climb up on or hide under to surprise him.

Soejammy: Oh, ho ho~ Not this time~

Soejammy got up from his bed and tiptoed to check the corners of his bed, and poked his head out to see if she was there. Twilight wasn't there. If Twilight wasn't hiding in the front area of the bed, Soejammy thought she snuck her way to the other side where the windows are at.

Soejammy: Come out Twilight~ You are not going to scare me this time~

Crawling to the window, Twilight was giggling to herself as Soejammy could hear her.

Soejammy: I know you're there~ So why don't you juuuuuuuuuuuust-

Soejammy quickly pounced to look around the corner of his bed.

Soejammy: -come out!

Sadly though, Twilight was not there either.

Soejammy: Eh??? What the heck? Where did that filly go???

Getting up, Soejammy began to turn around, to begin wanting to head downstairs. But was met with Twilight standing on his bed by surprise!

Twilight: Boo!!

Soejammy: AUUUUUUUGH!!!!

In his shock, Soejammy soon fell down while clutching his heart. Apparently, this was by far the worst scare Twilight could have done to him.

Twilight: Hehehe~! Hehehe~

Soejammy sat up quickly and got to his feet and began trying to think.

Soejammy: Who- What- When- Where- How- Why-?!

Soejammy looked at Twilight and got close to her and squinted his eyes.

Soejammy: What did you do?

Twilight giggled as she lit up her horn as magic began to envelop her and lift her up from the ground. Though, due to her age, Twilight could hold herself in the air for about 10 seconds. Soejammy dropped his jaw at seeing this and began to shake himself to revel in this moment.

Soejammy: You know how to cast levitation! That's awesome! So that's how you got onto the fridge that one time.

Twilight: Hehehe~!

Soejammy smiled as he hugged Twilight. Near the steps, was the Harry Potter book she had been reading as a bookmark was left at the halfway point. Maybe even just a little further than halfway.

Soejammy: Someone must love the series huh~?

Twilight nods her head at being excited about it. Using her magic, she began to use a tiny sword and a plushy in Soejammy's room while using a bounce ball to make them levitate with the plushy on the sword chasing after the ball.

Soejammy: Ah! You're at the part with the Quidditch Match, aren't you???

Twilight nods her head as she levitates the book to Soejammy and smiles innocently up at him.

Soejammy: Let me guess... You want me to read to you~?

Twilight began to nod her head fast in wanting to be read to. Soejammy smiled softly and kneeled down and rubbed Twilight's head.

Soejammy: I can't quite do it right now as I have to be getting ready for work soon. Breakfast and everything.

Twilight looked at Soejammy and dropped her head in being sad that there wasn't time for the story, but Soejammy wasn't going to be like it for long.

Soejammy: But~ I bet I can't race down the steps faster than you to get breakfast~!

Saying that, Soejammy began to run while Twilight dropped her jaw and soon began to try and race down the stairs to chase after Soejammy. The two could smell the breakfast being made for them. Once Soejammy got his clothes together and his signature hat on, he waved to the CPUs and patted Twilight's head to let her know he will be back home soon after work.

Time: Evening - 5:00 p.m.

Soejammy: Okay... Stealth mission is a go.

Soejammy looked into the window and looked for Twilight to be around. Checking to see if Twilight was waiting for him at the door, but didn't seem like it. Using his keys, Soejammy began to open the door softly and pushed softly. It was because the door needed a little bit of force to open the door without squeaking it. What he forgot however, was the door alarm as it alerted anyone that the door opened.

Alarm System: *Ding* *Dong* Front Door, Opened.

Soejammy: Ahhhhh, crap baskets...

Bounding around the corner of the dining room, Twilight rushed up to the door as Soejammy entered the hallway to greet him. Twilight bounced up and down happily in seeing him home.

Soejammy: I take it you missed me again?

Twilight nods her head in being happy about this as she hugged against his leg and looked up at him.

Soejammy: Why is that a filly like you is so cute when like this??

Soejammy chuckled as he picked up Twilight while she giggled and held onto him in case he accidentally lost his grip. In the living room, the CPUs were doing their own things from Noire working on some paperwork, Neptune playing video games, Blanc writing her stories on her laptop and Vert sipping some tea.

Soejammy: Don't you four have anywhere else to be?!

Neptune: No, we like it here.

Soejammy: You four haven't left my house in A MONTH!

Blanc: Why are you so surprised? This place is all of our vacation from our jobs.

Soejammy: WHAT?!

Looking at Noire, she held up a signed document between the CPUs that said "Soejammy's House is to be used as a place to relax from our jobs." Soejammy dropped his jaw and looked at the CPUs and yelled.


Vert: What's wrong with us being here?? We like this place. It's simple, yet not too fancy.

Soejammy: You're talking to a man, who lives with his parents, and you think this place is "fancy"?

Noire: Why are you complaining? You let us be here whenever we want. Even made a portal machine to even transport between here AND our dimension. If you didn't care that much, why did you make it in the first place?

Soejammy: Because it was more for me to use in case I needed to return home. Not having my house be entered by four CPUs that want to use my home as a resort... I actually live here...

Blanc: And we help you by trying to motivate you on your dream of writing stories and even being here when needed.

Soejammy opened his mouth and was about to say something to Blanc, but he couldn't deny any of it.

Soejammy: Haaaaaa... Just please clean-up after yourselves...

Neptune: Already on it!

Neptune crushed a can of pop on her head and tossed it into a recycling can. Soejammy looked at Neptune and sighed more.

Soejammy: How was Twilight since you four were here?

Vert: She has been a delight~

Blanc: While you were gone, I read Twilight more of the Harry Potter book as we are at the part where Harry is flying on the broomstick to get the key for the door. That's where we were, before you returned home.

Soejammy: I see. Has she ever seen the movie at all?

Blanc: I was hoping to do that after reading the book. That way, she can correlate to the scenes of what she read.

Soejammy: Good idea. It would be REALLY amazing if Twilight figured out which one got changed the most.

Blanc and Soejammy began to chuckle as Twilight looked at both of them confused.

Soejammy: It's nothing~ Now, who's hungry for some food~?

Twilight looked at Soejammy and raised her hoof while he held her in his arms.

Soejammy: Let's see what we can make together~

Twilight cheered while they headed into the kitchen. The CPUs looked at each other and gigged to themselves.

Vert: Jammy has taken a shine to Twilight's stay here.

Noire: Same. He has this like... Sort of glow now.

Neptune: He isn't radiated, is he? I heard gamma can make your skin do this funny thing and-

Noire: NOT THAT KIND OF GLOW!! We mean a HAPPY glow!!

Blanc got up and peeked into the kitchen and could see Soejammy and Twilight picking what they wanted for a meal, such as carrots, beans, and some cheese with bread for grilled cheeses.

Blanc: Plus... Noticed that Jammy has had the lack of eating meat as of late...? I noticed that Jammy has been eating non-meat stuff...

Vert was about to take another sip of her tea, but then began to think.

Vert: You know, I saw Jammy packing his sandwiches to contain either peanut butter or something else entirely... No meat at all...

Noire: In fact, I don't think Jammy has eaten meat for over a MONTH.

Neptune: Could... Is it because of Twilight? I mean, he loved to eat chicken and meat all the time. But even I saw Jammy order pizza WITHOUT MEAT.

Blanc: What does Pizza have to do with it...?

Neptune: Have you SEEN the way he eats?! Jammy usually eats a meat layered pizza! Now he just orders cheese!

The CPUs thought about it and came to the same conclusion about that.

Noire: Neptune? Being "Observant"??? Today really HAS gotten weird...

Vert: But look how happy Jammy looks.

The CPUs looked at Soejammy and Twilight as they tried to make dinner together as best they could.

Vert: I feel that Soejammy is really enjoying his time here with Twilight.

In the kitchen, Soejammy and Twilight were cooking grilled cheeses, but the pan soon caught on fire and the two began to freak out.

Soejammy: Oh my god! The sandwich is on FIRE!!



Time: Midnight - 12:00 a.m.

Twilight was in bed as Soejammy was reading the last bits of the book to the young filly.

Soejammy: "Oh, I will." said Harry, and they were surprised at the grin that was spreading over his face. "They don't know we're not allowed to use magic at home. I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer..." THE END.

Soejammy soon closed up the book, got up and set it on the bookshelf that was moved into Twilight's room. Placing the book on the shelf, Soejammy went back to sit on the bed belonging to Twilight. The little filly yawned softly as she rubbed her eye with her hoof.

Soejammy: Guess some pony is tired after finishing the book~?

Twilight began to nod her head, having a tired look in her eyes.

Soejammy: Of course you're tired~ But you should get some sleep now~ If you don't go to sleep, you'll be tired in the morning~

Twilight nods her head while Soejammy pats her head softly. Getting relaxed in her bed, Twilight closed her eyes while Soejammy pulled the covers over her. Seeing as Twilight wasn't going to object in staying up, Soejammy pats Twilight softly on the head while kissing her head. It had seemed Soejammy did this on instinct, but didn't know why he did. But for Twilight, she had a warm smile that Soejammy smiled back about as he turned on the nightlight and left the door open slightly. On his way down to the kitchen, he could see the CPUs relaxing in the kitchen and conversing. Their talk ended when Soejammy entered the room.

Soejammy: Ah, hey girls. What's up?

The CPUs looked at each other and giggled softly to themselves. This confused Soejammy more as he asked them.

Soejammy: What? What's so funny??

Neptune: How was reading Twilight her favorite book~?

Soejammy: Well, I didn't think it would happen, but I was able to finish it and convince her to sleep. But booooooy...

Soejammy began to stretch as he felt tired. Somewhat more tired than he usually felt.

Soejammy: I am beat...

Noire: Well, you HAVE been doing a lot more recently. Even acting more of an adult.

Soejammy: What's that supposed to mean? I am an adult.

Vert: Noire means in a way that isn't like how you usually spend your day.

Neptune: You don't even play games with me anymore!

Soejammy looked at Neptune and hit her with a harisen fan.

Soejammy: I have a life, a job, and other things besides playing games. What do you think I do all day???

Blanc took a sip of some water and spoke up.

Blanc: Yeah. You do even have Twilight you are taking care of.

Soejammy: Right. I'm taking care of Twilight. It's not easy taking care of a filly. They're sensitive, scare easily, and sometimes too hyper to deal with. But even so, a filly will be a filly.

The CPUs looked at each other and giggled once more and caused Soejammy to question what was going on.

Soejammy: Why are you four giggling again???

Vert: Well, you been spending a lot of time with Twilight-

Neptune: -played some games, read her stories-

Noire: -made her dinner, and taught her how to do things.

Soejammy: Okay, get to the point?

Blanc: Weeeeee... Better leave it at that until the proper time.

Soejammy looked at the CPUs and was massively confused. Shaking his head, he soon got his milk and began going up to bed for the night.

Date: August 20th, 2022 - Saturday

Time: Noon - 12:00 p.m.

It was now the weekend as Soejammy was on his laptop typing away on his story of Hyperdimension Neptunia as he was trying to find his mojo to write and post his contents. Twilight, with Mini-Nep sitting on her head, poked her head from around the corner and approached Soejammy. Nudging his leg, Soejammy saw Twilight and Mini-Nep to give them a smile.

Soejammy: Ah, hello there. Nep, having fun, are we?

Mini-Nep: Nepu!

Twilight looked at Soejammy and was trying to get up in the chair with him, but couldn't do it on her own yet. Mini-Nep jumped off to encourage Twilight to keep trying.

Soejammy: Don't worry, I got ya.

Soejammy got up to help lift Twilight so that she could sit next to him on the chair. Once finding a good place so that they can share, Soejammy sits back down and gets his laptop to continue writing. Twilight began to look at Soejammy's screen as he seemed to have caught her attention.

Soejammy: I sometimes dabble in writing some stories from time to time. I'm currently working on one of my... "greater" stories that people really like.

Twilight looked at the screen to see some action, some funny moment with the details shown in writing. Soejammy then closed it as he chuckled softly, making Twilight look at him.

Soejammy: You're... Not old enough to read this kind of stuff... Trust me...

Twilight tilted her head more, but seemed to not understand, so she decided to just nuzzle against Soejammy as she decided to take a nap. With how Twilight was positioned, Mini-Nep yawned as well and got close to Twilight. Using Twilight's tail, Mini-Nep wrapped it around herself and rested against Soejammy as if with a blanket. Seeing both fall asleep next to him, he smiled.

Soejammy: What did I do to deserve such a cute moment like this?

The more Soejammy let Twilight and Mini-Nep rest against him, the happier he felt as he continued writing his stories. Soejammy couldn't quite place why he felt so happy, but it was a thought for another time.

Location: InFamous Warehouse

At the Warehouse, it was just a normal Saturday for anyone. That is, if tiny sparks didn't begin to happen. The weirdest part was, nothing particular was causing it to happen. The sparks began to get bigger and bigger and bigger. A spherical bubble was being made, until a tiny ball landed on the ground. But it wasn't just anything, however. The colorful ball had small wings, eyes, a mouth, and tiny legs. With it regaining some orientation of its surroundings, it soon began to fly.

With this new creature appearing from the same place Soejammy found Twilight, what will happen next?

Episode 1. End.

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