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Have you ever wondered, what having a child would be like? The places you could go, the sights you could see, and make every last bit of it to make memories of? What would a person do if they were given that chance? Many don't know what to think of it when that happens, maybe because they never thought about it. Other times it is never thought about and just happens naturally. But one thing for sure is, when that person devotes themself in giving the best life any person can give, they'll do their best for their child.

Location: ???

Time: Night.

A storm brewed as thunder and lighting happened every now and then. Laughter rang out as Purple Heart and Black Heart were flying in the air. Blanc and Vert were on the ground struggling to get up, looking drained of their energy.

Purple Heart (Neptune): This is bad. We need to figure a way out of this mess!

Black Heart (Noire): Easier said than done! I barely see any weak points on this thing!

Soejammy watched as he looked at the scene while holding someone close to him.

Soejammy: Blanc... Vert... Their energies... They... They got drained of their power... This guy... He's a monster...

The being laughed as he looked at Soejammy, towering over him from high above.

???: A "monster"??? No, I am the DEVIL!!!

The being's hand was raised into the air while and intended on hitting Soejammy with it. Black Heart, noticing this, began to rush towards Soejammy. The blast began to fire and head straight to Soejammy. Soejammy held whoever he had in his arms more to shield them, but Black Heart yelled and was frozen in midair as energy was being drained from her.

Soejammy: NOIRE!! NO!!!

Black Heart yelled as the blast was then pulling the energy contained inside her and flies towards the being that laughed while growing in size.

Purple Heart (Neptune): NOIRE!!

???: Mmmmmm~ This kind of feeling is better than what I'm use too~ The infinite power I feel when absorbing more! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Purple Heart began to rush in to try and stop the assailant, but was soon grabbed by its hand. Slowly, the being began to squeeze Purple Heart in its hand.


Black Heart soon reverted back to normal, having been drained of her energy as she tried to struggle on getting up. With no energy, she soon falls back down and unable to move. Soejammy was watching this as his anger began to rise.

Soejammy: STOP IT!!! STOP IT NOW!!!

Purple Heart screamed out while the laughter echoed out more as a new voice told of events to come.

???: This is a story... A story of protection of ones family. A story of a man who would go to great lengths to protect them.

Soejammy growled and was getting angry.

???: Where if he is pushed to the absolute limit...

The Earth began to tremble as debris began to float up with strikes of lightning was happening. Creating multiple thunderous booms in the area.

???: Where ones family is at risk of being lost to him...

Soejammy: I won't... Let you get away with this...!

The screen fades to black as the person continued to talk.

???: That person, is the father I grew up to know and trust with my life.

A yell could be heard as a lightning strike shooting down in the same area as a storm began to appear over the city.

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