Episode 4: Giving thanks to dear friends and dealing with a Magician

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Third point of view.

Location: Soejammy's House, Living Room

Date: November 12th, 2022 - Saturday

Time: Afternoon - 3:00 p.m.

Soejammy groaned as he just nuzzled his head against something. It had been a tiring night as he had done another all-night work on trying to analyze data on the CPUs and figure out how to reverse the effect placed on them. Soejammy had been sleeping almost all day as he didn't sleep until morning. By the time Soejammy found a place to rest, his body didn't care where it rested. Soejammy groaned in his sleep as he began to open his eyes.

Soejammy: Ngh... Tired... What time is it...?

Looking at the time, Soejammy could see he was in the Living room as he could see the time was 3:00 p.m. It wasn't weird for Soejammy to wake up at that time if he had been up all night doing something. The weirdest part was that he was in the Living room and not in his bedroom.

Soejammy: Ngh... Why am I down here...? I thought I fell asleep in my room...?

Blanc: You kinda fell asleep near the stairs where Noire and Vert found you... Since you had fallen asleep on the stairs, they thought you came down for milk or some pop due to your night activities.

Soejammy was still half asleep as he looked to his left and right to search for Blanc as she sounded close to him.

Soejammy: Blanc...? Where are you...? I don't see you anywhere...

Blanc: Well... I could tell you, but that ruin the surprise~

Soejammy: "Surprise"...? Surprise on what...?

Soejammy got up slowly as he was feeling more awake the more, he interacted with Blanc. Looking to his left, Soejammy could see that Blanc was laying down on the couch as she smiled and waved softly to Soejammy. When Soejammy began to get more aware, Soejammy began calculating the trajectory of his head where he had rested before sitting up to be on Blanc's chest. Blanc's chest jiggles softly after taking a breath for herself after laying down so long. The process took a minute before Soejammy began to blush very hard.

Soejammy: Why would they have me resting on you like that?!

Blanc: We looked up how we could take your mind off of things to help you rest for a long time. And we concluded that since I was already here that they rest your head on my-

Soejammy: STOP! STOP! Stop where you are at!!!

Soejammy turned away as he began panting hard at the thoughts of what he did in his sleep.

Soejammy: What did I do in my sleep?!

Blanc: Well, there was nuzzling, humming, hugging me, mumbling-

Soejammy: Stop talking about it right now!

Blanc: But you asked, I was just answering.


Soejammy began taking deep breaths in trying to calm down from his racing heart.

Soejammy: Not a word of this to Kitty! Not one!

Blanc: Um...

Soejammy: Dear lord... I could imagine what she would say about this...!

Blanc: You see...

Soejammy: I could never face another of her judgmental stares!!!

Blanc: Jammy.

Soejammy: The humanity of it all!!

Blanc: Jammy!

Blanc turned Soejammy to face her as Blanc smacks Soejammy on the cheek.

Soejammy: OW!! What was that for?!

Blanc huffed as her chest bounced when she took a breath and pointed to the side. Following her finger, Soejammy's laptop was on the table next to them with Kitty looking at them.

Kitty (Call): Hello, honey~

Soejammy began to scream as his eyes bulged out of his head.


Blanc: Since... 11 a.m.

Soejammy began to freak out more as he looked at Kitty, who had a smile, but in a dark way.

Soejammy: Honey! I can explain!!!

Kitty gave a glint of red light in her eye as she cracked her knuckles.

Kitty (Call): How can you explain how you were nuzzling Blanc's chest along with how BIG she got~?

Soejammy: Yes! I can definitely explain AND why I was resting against Blanc like that!

Kitty still has that dark smile as she reveals a set of claws on one hand.

Kitty (Call): Oh, I can't wait to hear this~

Soejammy shivered and made sounds of terror as he spoke to his girlfriend.

Soejammy: Okay, honey, listen. A week ago, I had to deal with a bear that was a constellation and things got out of hand almost left and right!

Kitty crossed her arms, but was careful not to scratch herself with her claws as she still had them out. Raising an eyebrow, Kitty tapped her fingers as she wanted more of an explanation.

Kitty (Call): So, you dealt with an Ursa Minor or Major? Strange, but not as strange as what I am seeing right now!!

Soejammy: I'm getting to that!! During a fight with the Ursa MINOR, Twilight tried to help out as she helped levitate it into the air as I was having to stand in the way of defending her, Mini-Nep and Noire who was unconscious because of the bear! We were able to send the bear back, but Twilight lost control and began to shoot beams of her magic out by accident! Noire's hair was switched with her HDD, Neptune's voice with her HDD and Blanc and Vert had their chest sizes switched around!!! I have been busy, day in and day out trying to figure out what to do to fix it as I was up really late last night!!!

Blanc: Noire and Vert basically found Jammy and brought him here and decided to use me as a pillow for his own comfort due to his hard work. Even though he looked cute nuzzling me~

Blanc teased as Soejammy looked at Blanc.


Though not happy at all, Kitty just sighed and rubbed her forehead while speaking and retracting her claws as she just wanted to drop the subject.

Kitty (Call): Whatever... Just make sure to rest properly from now on.

Soejammy: Y-Yes dear.

The call soon ends as Soejammy breathes heavily from the fright he had.

Soejammy: She scares the HELL out of me when she bears her claws...

Blanc: Sorry about that.

Soejammy signed as he looked at Blanc with a smile.

Soejammy: Eh, it's okay. Kitty is pretty forgiving.

Blanc smiled as she stretched to try to crack some bones in her body, while Soejammy tried not looking at Blanc.

Soejammy: I really have to find a way to fix all of this...

Blanc: You will. Just don't do it too fast.

Soejammy: I'm not sure my sanity will last if this keeps up...

Blanc: Oh, just relax, will you?

Blanc suddenly pulled Soejammy in as she held his head to her chest and made him blush hard.

Blanc: Besides, you like it~

Soejammy: I- But- You- This- Not-!

Blanc giggled as the door opened slowly with a yawn being heard. Walking into the room, it was Twilight as she was very tired still, even at 3:30 p.m. Twilight looked to where Blanc and Soejammy were as she was wondering what they were doing.

Blanc: Hi Twilight.

Soejammy: We're just... Cuddling.

Being tired as she was, Twilight walked over as she climbed on the couch to cuddle next to Soejammy. It had looked like she wanted to look for him for that same reason too. Twilight nuzzled against Soejammy as he pets her softly on her mane as she relaxes more to the comforting feeling.

Soejammy: Awwwww... So precious...

Blanc: Well, you're pretty reliable. I wouldn't know who else she wanted to cuddle with like this. Especially all you did for her.

Soejammy: I mean, I don't just help her for no reason. I just... I just have these instinctive feelings for some reason...

Blanc smiled as she just looked at Soejammy and kissed him on the cheek that caused him to blush greatly and tremble softly from it.

Soejammy: H-Hey! What the hell was that k-kiss for!?

Blanc: Something for your hard work in both protecting her, and for being something else towards her.

Soejammy looked at Blanc as she got up with a bounce with something else bouncing with her as she began to go do something to give Soejammy and Twilight some time to themselves. Mini-Nep popped out of Soejammy's pocket as she just rested over the side with some drool coming out of her mouth softly. Soejammy looked at Mini-Nep and just giggled softly while picking Twilight up to help her be on the couch and let her cuddle like that for a bit.

Vert: Well... Someone seems to be enjoying themselves.

Soejammy looked to see Vert standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.

Soejammy: Good afternoon-

Vert: Have you figured out a way to fix us?

Soejammy looked at Vert as he shook his head.

Soejammy: I still don't know, Vert. Magic is very complicated. Even though science can fix it. They are two complicated things... With magic, it is difficult as it is as it requires the caster's dedication and knowledge to cast it perfectly. Science you have to keep making from scratch and it uses up a LOT of resources. Resources I don't even have or can work with every day... I'm running simulations to try and find the perfect blend, but I'm not even sure this will even fix it.

Vert: Why NOT???

Vert didn't look happy at that answer as Soejammy looked at Twilight and Mini-Nep as he softly took the little one out of his pocket to stay with Twilight. Soejammy got up and went to the door to close it as he took Vert upstairs to the second floor to talk about it with Vert. It was for more of Twilight's and Mini-Nep's assurance to not hear what may come from Vert.

Soejammy: Vert, even if I do come up with a solution that you want to get your... "girls" back. Potions only last for a short time before the effects run out. This magic problem can only be fixed with magic...

Vert suddenly grabbed Soejammy by the collar and shoved him to the wall with her glaring at him.

Vert: Then get TWILIGHT to fix this! She caused this to us!!

Soejammy felt infuriated by what Vert said as he looked at her.

Soejammy: Don't you DARE say that. Twilight did NOT do this on purpose. You know that.

Vert: And if she didn't try pushing herself, she wouldn't have lost control like that! Get her to learn something that can fix us!!

Soejammy glared at Vert as the other CPUs began to hear the commotion between the two and see what was happening.

Soejammy: You tell me this, and you think Twilight is going to just "learn" how to fix you all in a single day??? She is only a child!!

Vert: Yeah, a "child". A child from a children's cartoon show.

Soejammy felt angered by this as he began to glare at Vert.

Soejammy: We AGREED to NOT TALK about where she comes from!

Vert: Then you better get working. Because I'm running short on patience, especially with Blanc mocking me!

Soejammy glared at Vert as he summoned Star Platinum to take her hands and get her off him. Star Platinum held Vert in the air as she was surprised at what was going on.

Vert: You're using Star Platinum on me!?

Soejammy: You are not THINKING clearly Vert!! You are making yourself crazy!!

Vert: Screw you!! I have the right to be angry!!

Soejammy: Like how Blanc is when you mock her!?

Vert looked at Soejammy as she looked to the side to not answer. Soejammy got closer to Vert as he stared at her.

Soejammy: Answer the question.

Vert kept looking away as she didn't want to answer it as Soejammy turned to punch the wall behind him as he dented the wall with his punch.

Soejammy: ANSWER IT!!!

Vert: I do it because I was teasing her!!! I wasn't ever mocking her!!! I may have some bad relations with Blanc, but it's the one thing I have that can let me have fun with her and get her riled up!!! Everyone else has a sister or sibling that they can call their own!!! I'm all ALONE with where I live!!! Chika may be by my side, but we all know she is obsessed with me!!

Soejammy: Then why? Why do this??

Vert: Because I know that one day that she'll be gone!!!

Vert was beginning to cry as tears began to fall down to the carpet below her. Soejammy still held his ground to listen to what Vert was telling him.

Vert: With how Chika isn't a CPU, she'll eventually grow old and pass away!! That's why I do all of this!! Being a Goddess is not easy as one day the people you know, and love will grow old while you don't!!

Soejammy just stared at Vert as he looked her in the eyes.

Soejammy: And that also means one day I will too.

Vert looked at Soejammy as she turned her head away from him.

Soejammy: I might grow old, sure. But I don't intend to leave this world without leaving what existence I have to give. And you know what? I'm glad to be here. Because I got to meet amazing friends that I didn't know that would accept me for who I am. That includes you, Vert.

Vert looked at Soejammy as Star Platinum let go of Vert as she dropped into a hug by Soejammy. Vert looked at Soejammy as she was confused why he was giving her a hug like this.

Soejammy: I know it isn't fun. I know that being immortal is the greatest downside as those that you cherish and know will eventually leave all of us one day... But you know what? It's not always a bad thing.

Soejammy held Vert tighter as to show how much he cares.

Soejammy: Because the memories you shared and the moments that were made together live on. You have your ups and downs, but they're all memories you shared with those closest to you. I sometimes have bad relations with those closest to me in my home... But that doesn't mean I hate them for it. Maybe the reason WHY Blanc does it to you, is because your "teasing" is you mocking her.

Vert was about to say something before she began to think back on the times, she had done it to Blanc. Getting on Blanc's nerves, making her angry the way Vert acted and constantly telling Blanc about her chest. Vert kept her mouth shut as some tears rolled down her cheeks.

Soejammy: Now you KNOW what Blanc felt every time you talked to her like that. Doesn't feel good being compared like that. Does it, Vert?

Vert kept silent as Soejammy put a little distance from him and her.

Soejammy: If anything, this problem that you "blame" Twilight for, has put you in Blanc's shoes. Sandals? Look. Point is actions always have consequences. Your actions set forth a chain of reactions that caused Blanc to act like this back towards you. You get where I'm coming from?

Vert looked away softly, but looked like she understood it as well.

Soejammy: I won't ask for anything big, but just reflect on this. Okay? It's not going to do anyone good worrying about the past. With your lives, you have an eternity to figure out how to come up with a solution to fix this mistake.

Soejammy smiled as he began to walk down the stairs as Neptune, Noire and Blanc quietly stayed where they were as not to be discovered on the talk they had listened to.

Soejammy: Oh, by the way... I would appreciate it if you also stopped trying to pressure me to train Twilight to fix this problem. I'm already trying to fix this as fast as I can. I just really don't know what I can do for permanent solutions...

Soejammy continued to head downstairs while leaving Vert on the second floor.

Vert: I didn't... But I...

Vert looked sad as she began to head downstairs as well in trying to find a place to think. Neptune was currently at the stairs to Jammy's room, Noire had changed her hairstyle to be in a single ponytail, and Blanc in the craft room. It seemed to have hit Blanc the most as she hugged under her chest and looked at them in remembering what she did to Vert as well.

Flashback: A Few Days ago...

In the Dining room, Vert was having her usual tea with Soejammy working on trying to look at the test samples he got from the CPUs. Soejammy was putting each sample of the CPUs in at a time to see if he could spot any difference in their genetic make-up, but he wasn't having much luck.

Soejammy: Ngh...

Soejammy rubbed the bridge of his nose as Vert offered tea to him.

Soejammy: Thank you, Vert.

Soejammy accepted the drink made by Vert as he continued to work. Blanc could be heard yawning as she walked into the dining room.

Blanc: Mmmmmmm~ I had such a wonderful sleep~

Vert: Did you? How was it?

Blanc: It was great. Especially with being able to wake up to the sight of these~

Blanc held her chest close to her while Soejammy tried to hide his blush from behind the computer. Vert noticed this as she looked at Blanc.

Vert: Okay... I think you should leave to the other room and talk about that somewhere else. You're distracting Jammy.

Blanc tilted her head as she smirked as she began to stretch to reach to the sky. Blanc was even on her tiptoes to reach higher. When stopping to reach, Blanc stopped being on her tiptoes quickly that caused her chest to bounce a couple times.

Blanc: That stretch felt good~

Soejammy had blushed harder in seeing what Blanc had done as Soejammy was bright red in the face and trying to not stare. Vert was getting annoyed as she talked to Blanc again.

Vert: Stop doing that.

Blanc: Stop doing what?

Vert: Stop using those to distract Jammy from trying to find a cure.

Blanc: I don't know what you're talking about~ I was just doing a normal stretch I always do~ You should try it sometime~ Oh wait, you don't have a chest anymore.

Vert seemed to have gotten triggered by what Blanc said as Vert tried to keep her composure about all of this.

Vert: You are being immature about all of our situations.

Blanc: What situation am I having?? I'm QUITE enjoying this for myself~

Vert was getting more annoyed as she placed her cup of tea down and stood up.

Vert: And some of us are quite not happy with what has happened to them! Neptune has her HDD voice for her loli body-

Neptune poked her head out in the doorway and looked at Vert.

Neptune (Purple Heart Voice): I'm kinda getting used to it. Besides~ I can trick people over the line by saying such sexy things to them~ It's really funny~

Soejammy looked at Neptune and sweated.

Soejammy: Please don't call random people in my world and seduce them in ways like this... That really isn't okay...

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): You can't stop me!!

Neptune began to run away as Noire appeared in the doorway as she had a new hairstyle that consisted of her white hair in a singular ponytail.

Vert: -Noire having to deal with her hair like this-

Noire: If being honest, it just gives me new ideas for cosplay ideas if I decide to wear wigs.

Noire blushed as Soejammy looked at her and began to poke at his cheek.

Noire: Stop staring at me like I'm some otaku!

Soejammy: I didn't even say anything though!!!

Noire: You were thinking it.

Soejammy: Slander!!!

Noire began to go after Neptune to not keep causing any more trouble as Vert soon pointed to herself.

Vert: -and then we have me who had her pride and joy taken, while you had the only thing good happen to you!

Blanc: At least I can get you back for all the times YOU made fun of me~

Blanc walked up to Vert and poked her chest and spoke to her.

Blanc: If anything, I'm going to enjoy calling you FLAT while we're like this~


Slamming his hands on the table, Soejammy looked at Blanc and Vert as he got angry this time.

Soejammy: THAT'S IT!!! I can't focus with you two butting heads with each other the moment you two see each other!!! I'm leaving!!!

Soejammy grabbed his stuff and began to take his research and materials and go to his lab so he could figure out what to do in peace. Blanc looked at Vert as she stuck a tongue out and walked away and angered Vert more. Twilight was using the invisibility spell as she and Mini-Nep were invisible during that time and listened in as it made Twilight sad in seeing this happen.

Flashback End.

Soejammy's point of view

Location: InFamous Supply

Date: November 22nd, 2022 - Tuesday

Time: Afternoon - 2:00 p.m.

It was in the afternoon as I was currently working on my phone for simulations for how some potion tests could work. Every attempt I made though, it was a failed attempt as some would cause transformations to turn people to toads, some would end a person's life, and some would change them to the opposite gender. I groaned as I slammed my head onto the counter in frustration while no one was around me.

Soejammy: Damn results...! How come I'm not getting anything...!

I held my hair in frustration as I hit my phone with my fist. Since it was made with high grade metal, it withstood my frustration. I heard the back door open and shut as I looked up to see Donna walk back from stepping away to get some fresh air.

Donna: You, okay?

Soejammy: Yeah. Just trying to figure something out... Just some personal problems...

Donna: Well, okay. Just remember we got orders dropping in.

I looked at the board and saw that three orders had dropped onto the scanner.

Soejammy: Ugh... It never ends.

Donna: Hop to it.

I rolled my eyes as I got up to do the orders as shown on the screen. I had gotten done with the first one quickly as I got on the second just as fast. When scanning the third item on the second order, I got through the second order in five minutes. When on the third order, I was walking down the aisle as I got to the last item on the scanner for now. When I was about to scan it, I saw some light happening outside as I put my scanner down and tried to take a look. My eyes widened when I saw it was coming from the area where the Parasprite I saw came from last as I remembered there was a camera outside.

Soejammy: (C-Crap! Something is coming through!!)

As the entity was about to show up in a flash of light, I activated Star Platinum's ability silently as the world froze in time. I quickly rushed to the door and got outside to look for the camera. Seeing the camera, it was pointed towards the area of the portal.

Soejammy: If that camera records this, it might expose everything...! Star Platinum!

Star Platinum: Ora!

Star Platinum went towards the camera and tilted the machine up a little bit. Making the portal become out of sight. I soon began to rush back in the store as I closed the door once more as time began to resume. The lighting began to surge more as I went to the window to gasp in seeing which new entity showed up. It was one of my worst encounters yet of all time. To even think that a being so horrible would even appear in my world. That being... Is Trixie Lunamoon.


Trixie had appeared in the middle of the street as I had a look of horror on my face. I blinked, I rubbed my eyes, I slapped myself hard in the face and gut punched myself hoping I would wake up from this nightmare. But no matter what I did, Trixie was still there in front of me as I began to freak out.

Soejammy: (This... This is not happening...! This pony cannot be here!!! Of all beings I could have wanted to face, TRIXIE is the last one I have ever wanted to meet!)

I quickly worked on my stuff in the current order as I quickly walked out the door and saw Trixie still there. I stopped time as I rushed to grab the pony herself and rush to the car. I injected Trixie with a substance as when time resumed, she looked at me and widened her eyes.

Trixie: H-Hey! Who are you and-!!

Before she could say anything, Trixie began to pass out as she went limp. I soon open the trunk of my car as I put Trixie in to limit her visibility. If I remember teleportation spells, these spells had to be cast where a user had to picture where their surroundings were. Or else a consequence could happen that could go very wrong for them.

Soejammy: Crap... Crap... I have to get home now.

Going back in, I went to Donna as I had to leave quickly.

Soejammy: Donna, I have to go home.

Donna: What??? What's wrong???

Soejammy: Family emergency. I can't say much.

Donna: Okay. Just go. I'll tell Ron.

Soejammy: Thanks.

I quickly logged out after clocking out on the computer as I got my stuff and began to head for my car and head home.

Location: Soejammy's House

Time: Afternoon - 3:00 p.m.

After I got Trixie home, I began to get the pony inside as I used Star Platinum to help me carry Trixie. Once getting inside, I went into the Living room as I looked at the unconscious Trixie. Twilight didn't seem to be on the first floor at the moment, but I had better get to work transferring Trixie before anything happens. I picked Trixie up as I brought Trixie to a teleport pad in the Dining room that resonated with my will to teleport to my lab as I brought Trixie to an interrogation chamber. I cut some of Trixie's mane off to keep her portal energy for extra sources for powering my flash-portal.

I: Is this wise in bringing another being in another being to the lab?

Soejammy: Knowing Trixie? She always tries to simplify things. I don't know which Trixie this is. But if she comes from the same dimension as Twilight, I can at least gauge what part of time she is from Twilight's history. By doing that-

I: -You also can tell what time era Twilight is from.

Soejammy: I don't just think haphazardly. I always think of the best course of action to take. I'll be DAMNED if I cave into pressure. My time traveling between worlds has built my resolve and my will to fight. And the first step is getting this pony to talk on how much she knows Twilight.

I: And how much does she have in relation to Twilight?

I began to look up Trixie Lulamoon on the internet as a reliable source for My Little Pony characters popped up as it shows the history of Trixie and some of her appearances. She played two major roles in the series and from there on, Trixie became a new pony in learning from her wrongs and trying to work to be a better pony. My supporter, "I" seemed impressed.

I: For a man who doesn't watch this show much, you sure know your characters to look up.

Soejammy: Get real. I at least know Trixie from the early parts of the season. I don't know much at all really. Just that she caused crap and gave people a hard time and was a major showboat artist with a big flare, but no real way of backing it up. She has talent, but Trixie is an illusionist. All her tricks are basically what we see magicians in our world do. But it seems she has some initial magic, just not that powerful to have such abilities like Twilight... That should mean she can't truly escape if she wanted. This should make sending her back easy.

In the camera, I could see Trixie beginning to stir as I switched on the mic with a voice modulation to disguise my voice. I looked at "I" to begin interrogating Trixie. When listening to Trixie, I had to stay in the other room to keep my voice separated from the speaker.

Trixie: U-Ugh... Wh-Where am I...???

Soejammy: Who are you?

Trixie seemed to have gotten scared by the voice modifier as she looked around. She couldn't see outside the area of light that was designed to make everything around her endless.

Soejammy: Who are you?

Trixie: Sh-Show yourself! Show yourself before The Great and Powerful Trixie!

I looked at Trixie as she referred to herself in third person like she would in trying to build herself up.

Soejammy: Your name is Trixie? Do you know where you came from?

Trixie: Well, of course The Great and Powerful Trixie knows! But where am I!?

Soejammy: You're not asking the questions here, Trixie. You're here to give answers. Answers you're going to answer.

Trixie: The Great and Powerful Trixie will NOT answer to some cheap fools who don't show themselves!!

I slammed my fist to the table as I yelled into the mic.


It seemed to have scared Trixie as she was seen shaking and trying to look for a place to hide. With no real means of escaping, Trixie was becoming more scared by the second. I was about to say something, when my partner began to talk to Trixie with no voice modifier.

I: If you answer my partner's questions, we can move you to a more comfortable location to make you feel more hospitable.

I turned the mic off as I looked at my partner with a look.

Soejammy: What are you doing?!

I: I'm playing Good Cop. You are supposedly doing Bad Cop.

Soejammy: We're trying to get information out of her!

I: And to get information, we must create a fake safety for her. By giving a way of feeling safe, we get on her good side to get her to talk.

I looked at my partner as I sighed and looked away.

Soejammy: You sometimes scare me with your knowledge to even come up with this stuff on the fly.

I: I pick up these skills by countlessly looking through the internet in my spare time and watch videos of it from time to time.

I sighed as I turned the mic back on and let my partner speak.

I: If you can tell us what we want, we will show some hospitality to The Great and Powerful Trixie.

A cup of hot chocolate rose up from the floor in front of Trixie as she used her magic to levitate the cup and look at it suspiciously.

Trixie: How do I know this isn't a trick...? For all The Great and Powerful Trixie knows, it could contain some sort of sleep potion like how she was taken here in the first place!

A monitor rose up from the floor with a syringe to absorb some of the drink and put it through a scanner to show the contents of milk, chocolate, sugar and 98% love. I looked at my partner as she kept a straight face in keeping up with the act. Trixie seemed surprised by the monitor as she blew softly on the drink and drank some of the hot chocolate and loved it.

I: Do you happen to know a pony by the name of Twilight Sparkle?

Hearing that name, Trixie dropped the cup as she growled with anger.

Trixie: Don't EVER MENTION that NAME to me!!!

I watched as I observed Trixie's reaction as my partner was testing the waters.

I: Why do you not want us to talk about it? Do you have a bad history with Twilight Sparkle?

Trixie: Twilight Sparkle RUINED MY LIFE!!! I had everything in being a famous magician! But then SHE had to ruin it!!

I looked at Trixie as I saw there was much hatred for Twilight from her.

Soejammy: How did she ruin it? Could you care to tell us?

Trixie: Certainly!!

Trixie remembered the events from what happened with the Ursa Minor as she began to tell her story.

Trixie: I was in the middle of traveling as I, The Great and Power-

Soejammy: Skip with your stage name and GET ON WITH IT!

Being told to shut up, Trixie kept telling her story. Even though she was feeling annoyed. Another cup of hot chocolate rose up from the ground to try and show hospitality to Trixie.

Trixie: While I was traveling, I had made a stop to Ponyville as I was after all a traveling magician~

I: And what happened in Ponyville that you experienced?

Trixie: Well, I was doing what I usually do. I won my audience with my amazing magic. Especially with my fantastic feats, such as handling the Ursa Major!

I looked at Trixie as I was annoyed by her attempt to try and trick me, even though I know her lies.

Soejammy: You handled an Ursa Major?

Trixie: Yes. Of course.

I frowned as I pulled up a picture to show on the monitor to show Trixie the Ursa Minor, she faced in Ponyville.

Soejammy: So, you handled an Ursa Major before? This one in Ponyville?

Trixie looked at the Ursa as she tried to play it off.

Trixie: Of course! My magic was so powerful, I was able to vanquish it all by myself~ But if being honest, that is an Ursa MINOR~ A Major is considerably way bigger than a Minor~ Everyone should know that~

I slammed my hands on the counter as I yelled into the mic. Enraged at how she tried to play this off without being caught. It angered me more when Trixie lied in trying to take Twilight's accomplishment for herself. Even pretending to know the difference between a Minor and Major.

Soejammy: LIES!! You did NOT handle this Ursa at all!!

I soon changed images as it showed Snips, Snails and even Trixie as they looked afraid of the Ursa Minor. Trixie's eyes widened in seeing the image as it was from that night.

Soejammy: You were THERE when the two ponies tried to see your magic in action. But when the real threat presented itself, you THOUGHT like everyone else that this MINOR was a MAJOR!! Your reckless actions and tall tales caused everyone to believe in your tales!! A person or pony should know the limits of their own capabilities, and not fabricate tales to make themselves look more important than others!!

I soon showed Trixie the image and video of Twilight doing everything she could to quell the Ursa with her magic as she sent it out of Ponyville.

Soejammy: If Twilight hadn't stood up, you and every pony in the town would have become bear food to this creature!!

It was Trixie's turn to be angry as she looked around for wherever I was.


Soejammy: It was recorded in events to know the truth of your actions. Because you tried to play the fool and create a tall tale, the two ponies that looked up to you tried to bring the Ursa Minor, thinking it was a Major in trying to prove your powers!

Trixie: I AM powerful and great!! I'll show you!!

Soejammy: I know about you, Trixie Lulamoon! I know you tried to learn greater magic in a gifted Unicorn school, but all you could manage was a levitation spell.

Trixie's eyes widened in hearing that knowledge be said about her.

Trixie: H-How do you know that?! Are you spying on me?!

Soejammy: No. Just doing my research like any sane pony or person should.

Trixie: Who are you?!

Turning off the mic, I decided to finally show myself as I went to where Trixie was as the light soon showed around Trixie my lab. Trixie and I soon saw each other face to face as I looked at her. Trixie seemed to have been the most surprised of them all based on seeing me.

Soejammy: Listen well and listen well. You are a long way from where you call home. And I don't mean by continent. I mean very well you are not even where you are supposed to be.

Trixie: B-But what are you?! WHO are you?!

Soejammy: My name is Soejammy. I'm a human. We're on a place called Earth, my dimension separate from yours. But they're connected. Brought together by an invisible force. And that force is what brought you here. When I found you, you were outside my place of work. And trust me, you weren't the only one who had to go through this.

Trixie: You mean there are others?! Who?!

Soejammy: None that concern you. Just another pony, a swarm of Parasprites, an Ursa Minor and then you so far.

Trixie took in this knowledge as she looked at me.

Trixie: You encountered an URSA MINOR?! How did you even live?!

Soejammy: Wouldn't you like to know???

Trixie: AND I DO!!!

Soejammy: Story for another time.

Trixie: UGH!!!

I snapped my fingers as the room around us began to change to show the outside world. Trixie was getting surprised further and further about where she was at. Cars driving down near my street, houses all around us, even some human's jogging down the sidewalk.

Soejammy: Like I said, you're not in your own world anymore... You've crossed into mine.

Trixie: Th-This really isn't Equestria... This isn't my home...

Soejammy: I would let you wander around, but then you could get into some trouble and that wouldn't be suitable for any of us... You getting caught and experimented on and then telling someone you met me. I would like to keep it peaceful if you know what I mean.

Trixie: Then who are you???

Soejammy: My name is Soejammy, like I already told you.

Trixie: What do you do? Where IS even this place???

Soejammy: Not so many questions, if you please. The less you know of anything Trixie, the better.

Trixie felt infuriated as she looked around my lab. Seemingly baffled by the place as there was no science in their world. Only the study of magic. Potions were a possible thing, but only those skilled in crafting them would understand.

Soejammy: To answer where we're at, we're in a secret lab of mine that can't be accessed through normal means. And no, you can't get in through teleportation. Without knowing where the location is exactly, you can't teleport here without knowing the exact location to move yourself. Not that you could, you don't know how to teleport except levitation. Even though your levitation is only as strong as you are.

Trixie: How do you know so much about me!?

Soejammy: Trust me, I take great care in researching many individuals. I don't go in without plans to handle problems and/or help someone if they need it. You, however, seem like you need help home. I can offer it. But traveling to another dimension is not common to do in any regular world. You're free to choose, but know that you are limited from doing anything. That includes leaving where I bring you next should you decide to stay and learn about my world.

Although I would object to letting Trixie stay here, I want to give a fair choice for her as she, like Twilight, is conscious about their surroundings. The Parasprites didn't have a choice due to their food consumption nature and the Ursa Minor having problems in controlling their rage. Trixie poses no threat in my eyes with only knowing certain magic, but none that can cause real harm.

Soejammy: What do you say? You are allowed to research anything you want. But it must go through me before I can give you clearance. Knowledge in this world could affect others. I would like to keep it balanced.

Trixie thought about what I had offered in letting her study about my world as a sign of friendship. I doubted everyone born, pony or not, is not born evil. But it is the choices they were given or how they decided in life led them to be as they are. Everyone is allowed to redeem themselves, which is why I do not wish to look at Trixie as how I know from how she acted. If it was Twilight, she would try and extend her hoof in... Why am I thinking about what Twilight would do in this sort of situation??? The Trixie I know still harbors bad relations with Twilight. So then, why? Why AM I wanting to show Trixie my world...? I closed my eyes as I shook my head in trying to make the right call.

Soejammy: Your answer?

Thinking about my offer to her, Trixie took some time to think as this offer DID not come so often. I had reached my hand out to offer her a hand to hoof shake. With the idea placed in her head, Trixie reached a hoof out and shook my hand as I held Trixie's hoof.

Trixie: Seeing that this world is... Quite different from my own. I, The Great and-

Soejammy: Please stop proclaiming yourself that... It's gotten old...

Trixie looked at me as she sighed at my request to stop.

Trixie: Okay, then I will just see what this world does have to offer then. Is that fine by you?

Soejammy: As long as you don't keep referring to yourself in a third person, I'll be happy with that... Now, "I"?

A blindfold lowers in front of Soejammy as a cup of hot coco was offered to Trixie again.

I: It is wonderful to have you here, Trixie Lulamoon. I do hope your stay in our world is pleasant.

Trixie looking around for my partner, Trixie looked at me in the eyes while setting the hot coco down.

Trixie: Where is that other voice coming from???

Soejammy: Don't worry about my friend here, she may be in this facility, but I will assure you, she means no harm. Unless you do mean harm, then she will do LOTS of harm!

Trixie looked at me as if I was crazy and just sighed.

Trixie: Fine. Then what's that blindfold for??

Soejammy: We're moving real quick to my home. And I would like it if you put this on to avoid seeing how we get there.

Trixie rolled her eyes as she used her levitation spell to float the blindfold to her and put it on. I checked around to see if Trixie was trying to keep an eye visible, but I could see no signs of her trying to see anything.

Trixie: Well??? Are we going or not???

Soejammy: We are. I was just checking to see if you put the blindfold on good enough. I wanted to be sure you weren't trying to sneak a peek.

Trixie: Whatever! Can we just go now!?

I rolled my eyes as I led Trixie to a teleport pad that appeared when I felt like I wanted to leave. We stepped onto it as Trixie felt the different platform on her hoofs.

Trixie: Hey, did we step onto something? What is thi-

Before we could continue, we soon went from my lab to the dining room. It was instantaneous as we appeared in the dining room just as fast.

Trixie: -s thing we're standing on? I'm not about to be scanned or examined, am I? Hello?

I gently nudged Trixie to step off the pad as she soon felt the floor was different from what she was on before as I too stepped off for the pad to disappear.

Soejammy: You can take your blindfold off now.

Trixie removed her blindfold as she gasped in shock of her new surroundings.

Trixie: Wh-What?! This isn't where we were before!!

Soejammy: That's right. That's because we're in my house now. Welcome.

Trixie looked into the Living room, the Dining room, the Kitchen, and the Hallway. Trixie was amazed by the difference of house and furniture from her world. Even the method of vehicle transportation of the car outside my house was different.

Trixie: Your kind are really strange beings.

Soejammy: Says the Unicorn that can cast magic and actually ride carriages that my kind used to use with horses.

Trixie was about to say something as she decided it wasn't wise to even talk back on this subject. Hearing the TV turn on, Trixie became alarmed as she looked around when hearing the noise. It was currently on a television show airing a rerun of SpongeBob SquarePants as the Pirate Portrait began to sing.


Trixie: Where is that coming from?! Who else is here?!

Soejammy: Relax. That's just the TV.

Trixie: "T...V..."???

Soejammy: Short for "Television." A device that basically projects images.

Trixie: Like... A crystal ball does?

Soejammy: Exactly. But we don't use magic. Stuff in my world is powered by electricity to function. No power, no working electronics. Though... I do wonder who DID turn it on. Nothing turns on by itself...

Trixie: Your world is weird in terms of everything that isn't mine...

I rolled my eyes as I pretended to not hear what Trixie said to investigate the noise. Walking down the hall, I looked into the room to see that it showed the episode where Spongebob and Patrick had gotten a magic pencil. It was currently on the part where Spongebob had finished drawing Doodlebob, the drawing counterpart of SpongeBob, was at the door to Squidward's Moai home.


After SpongeBob was thrown, sounds of giggling could be heard from the craziness the show always brought. It was one of my favorite episodes in its prime. Trixie, on the other hand, thought it looked stupid.

Trixie: Just what is this show? It looks repulsive...

Soejammy: Hey. I grew up watching a show like this when I was younger. I'm just happy this episode hasn't been forgotten in the lost world of reruns.

Trixie: "Reruns"?

Soejammy: Meaning being put on repeat to recycle until a new episode came out.

Trixie: The Great and Powerful Trixie, does not approve of this...

I looked at Trixie as I looked to see who made the giggling noises as I looked to see Twilight and Mini-Nep watching the show. I would have been happy to see them down here, but considering they were on the couch, Trixie only needed to get around the chair to see them. Rather, see Twilight in her filly form. Trixie was about to go into the living room when I stopped her.

Soejammy: Oh! Where are my manners! Are you hungry? I can go make you something if you would like??? Hay? Apples? A salad? I can even whip up a mean chocolate milk. Or even a great brunch~

Trixie: Okay, you're acting weird. More weird than normal.

Soejammy: Excuse me? I'm just trying to be a good host in my home.

Trixie: And seeing a room with some comfort, I wish to rest myself. But some... Uh, what are you again?

Soejammy: I'm a human.

Trixie: Some "Human" is getting in the way of trying to get used to this world. And if you don't mind, I want to sit in this-

When Trixie entered the room, she gasped at seeing Mini-Nep and Twilight still watching SpongeBob SquarePants. But mainly her eyes were on Twilight the most.

Trixie: What is SHE doing here!?

Trixie's yell caused Twilight and Mini-Nep to lose focus on the show. I freaked out and began to sigh that my failure to break the ice slowly had failed.

Soejammy: Oh dear... I REALLY didn't want this to happen so soon...

Trixie: You! Human! Explain yourself!! Why is Twilight Sparkle here!?

Soejammy: I have a name, you know? My name is Soejammy. And to answer your question, she wound up here just like you. Although... her way of first arrival caused... a lot of confusion and worry...

I looked at Twilight as she got up and trotted over to where Trixie and I were as she looked at me and then Trixie. When seeing her form and horn, Twilight became happy to see a being just like her here.

Trixie: Why is she smiling...?

Soejammy: Well, it could be the fact that you're the SECOND pony to arrive here after her.

I had a feeling it wasn't the question Trixie was looking for, because I knew she had bad relations with Twilight still. If I told her that Twilight had lost her abilities in magic and forgotten who Trixie was, it would be quite disastrous. A main reason why I didn't want the two to see each other this soon.

Trixie: Regardless of this, why is SHE here!? And why does she look like a filly!?

Soejammy: I don't have answers to that. I only found Twilight like this when I discovered her... You're guess is as good as mine.

Twilight looked at Trixie and hugged her in welcoming her to my home as it seemed to weird Trixie out. My only hope is that Trixie doesn't try and do anything to mess with the amnesiac Twilight and teach her things... The last thing I want is Twilight getting a big ego like her...

Trixie: This is so weird...

Soejammy: Try having to help her understand the history in my world. That alone is a brain scramble in its own right...

Trixie: How much of a brain scramble...?

Soejammy: Years of history. The year is 2022. A long history line if you ask me. Before our time, there were dinosaurs that roamed the land. Kings that ruled the land. A great line of history everyone is part of. My grandparents had even fought in wars. Such as my Grandfather, who fought in the Vietnam War.

Trixie: "Vietnam"?? What a strange land that must be...

Soejammy: Trust me, when war is involved, it is never pretty. Pray you never face such a thing as my world has... And there have been multiple accounts... There is even a current one in the Ukrainian Country as Russia is trying to invade it... Not to mention scientists trying to look for new innovations for everything. The way I see it, we may be getting all these fancy technologies, some are steps forward, and some are steps back. But hey, what can ya do?

I shrugged my shoulders in what I said last as I sighed.

Soejammy: Then again, some form of war exists somewhere in any universe.

Trixie just sighed as she looked at the miniature Neptune as it bounced from the couch and to the chair and looked Trixie in the eyes.

Trixie: Is she like you? I didn't think humans could get so small.

Soejammy: Oh, no. That's Mini-Nep. She was small to begin with. Don't let her size fool you. Because she is vicious.

Trixie looked at Mini-Nep in the eyes as she suddenly made a face at Trixie and surprised her.

Trixie: Such a weird and uncomfortable creature to be with...

Mini-Nep puffed her cheeks in being called a "creature" by Trixie and pointed at Trixie.

Mini-Nep: Nep nepu nepu nep neppity nep nep!!!

I gasped at what Mini-Nep said as I began to scold her.

Soejammy: We do not talk to our guests like THAT, young lady!

Mini-Nep: Nepu Nep Nep Nepu Nep!

Mini-Nep began to blow a raspberry at me in terms of talking about Trixie.

Soejammy: Mini-Nep! I did not raise you to be such an improper person! You may be a smaller Neptune, but you are my daughter missy!!!

Trixie and Twilight looked at each other in terms of what they were even watching as Trixie seemed to be intrigued by something.

Trixie: You understand her? Even with her method of speech?

Soejammy: She's my daughter. Of course, it's my job to know what Mini-Nep says... Though, when she looks at you... she seems to be on... edge...

Mini-Nep turned away to avoid meeting Trixie's gaze at all.

Soejammy: She and I will have a talk later about this. But for now, what can I get you?

Trixie: Anything is fine. Maybe a sandwich and something to drink.

Soejammy: One salad sandwich and a glass of milk will be made shortly. Why don't you try watching the news to learn about my world a little.

I headed into the kitchen as I picked Mini-Nep up with me. I headed in there as I spoke to Mini-Nep based on what she had said to Trixie. I gave a pudding cup to Mini-Nep to make her behave while I made some food for Trixie to eat. After I was done making it, I got a cup out as I poured some milk into it and put a bendy straw in to allow for Trixie to have an easy time drinking the milk. I brought the sandwiches out as I got a table to place them on along with the cup of milk for Trixie to eat.

Soejammy: Let me know if I can get you anything else. I want to make your stay here as welcoming as possible.

Trixie: Thanks.

Trixie began to levitate a sandwich up with her magic as she reached forward to take a bite out of it over the plate. Trixie seemed to enjoy it as it was edible for her to eat. The more Trixie watched the news, a news report about shootings in another state came up and I quickly wanted to change the channel for Twilight's sake. Trixie seemed annoyed by changing it suddenly.

Trixie: You said to watch the news to learn about your world!

Soejammy: Yes, but there are just... some things no one should hear about along with having to experience...

I looked sad as I didn't really like watching the news. It never was my favorite thing to do. Not with how I view the networks and how stories can be shaped and twisted. I don't ever watch the news much, but I just can't help but hate news channels... Many reasons as they report about almost anything. When I mean that, I mean ALMOST anything.

Soejammy: It would probably be best if you don't watch it... I have no idea why I even suggested that...

Trixie: Then what am I supposed to do??? There isn't really much I can do here!

I tried to look around as I wasn't sure what Trixie would be able to do, but then I heard something.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Jammy! I need to come here for a break!!

Soejammy: Oh great... She's here...

Trixie: Thank goodness... Another adult could help. You look more of a... how should I say this... a 12-year-old.

I felt enraged by Trixie implying I looked like a child as I kept my cool.

Soejammy: Oh, trust me... When you meet Neptune, it WILL shock you!!

Trixie rolled her eyes as we heard the sound of running footsteps. Neptune barreled around the corner and began to yell. I covered Twilight's ears to save her from the yell.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): HISTY IS BEING A REAL NERD IN MAKING ME WORK!!!

Neptune's voice was so loud that the room shook from her speaking like that as it hurt most of everyone's ears.

Trixie: What the hay?! Why does she even sound like an adult?!

Soejammy: Ugh...!! It's because she was caught in a magical mishap that caused her voice to be switched around! Now she sounds like an adult!!

I looked over to see that Mini-Nep had come prepared with cotton balls to block her ears so cushion the sound she received.

Soejammy: You are just prepared for anything, aren't you?

Mini-Nep giggled as she sat down and gave a cheeky smile and winked.

Mini-Nep: Nepu~

I groaned as the original Neptune walked up to me with her Purple Heart voice still there.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Jammy~ Do you have any new games I can try~?

I felt like my soul was trying to escape me and try to run away from this responsibility, but I held fast and shook my head.

Soejammy: No. I've been focusing on my job AND dealing with any magic related problems that I don't have time for anything fun!! I don't see YOU trying to come up with anything helpful!!

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): That's because you're the smarty pants here, and I'm the lovable girl~

Neptune blinked her eyes cutely as I just stared at Neptune out of annoyance.

Soejammy: Yeah... Believe in what you want.

As Neptune rolled her eyes, she saw Trixie and asked about her.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Who's the new pony?

Trixie: You're only noticing me now!?

Soejammy: Yeah, not doing introductions. Trixie, Neptune. Neptune, Trixie.

Trixie seemed annoyed by how I just introduced her like that, but I had rather it been that, than listen to her talk about herself.

Trixie: I can introduce myself, you know!

Soejammy: I know. It just felt faster doing this was all.

Trixie growled, but that wasn't even my focus. What I wanted to focus on was Neptune.

Soejammy: So... You said Histoire was bothering you?

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Yeah! She was nagging me for how my voice was like this and how I'm still lazy as ever. Nepgear even passed out from all of this. It was pretty funny~

Soejammy: Uh-huh... And you went back to Planeptune because...?

Neptune: You kept running out of pudding. I know I have a special supply back at home.

I gave a look of death to Neptune as I gripped her head to smash her into the wall. I looked at Mini-Nep to cover Twilight's ears as the little Nep herself put cotton balls in her ears.


My yelling caused the other CPUs to rush to see what was going on and saw I was shaking Neptune wildly. I could see Mini-Nep hold a paper out to direct Twilight somewhere, but I didn't stop yelling at Neptune at all.


Neptune looked like life was escaping her as my yelling caused her to pale in torment. Vert, Noire and Blanc grabbed me to drag me away from Neptune as I still had a fiery rage in my eyes.

Noire: Will you calm down!?

Vert: You are like you want to strangle her!

Blanc: At least it would be a good Simpsons meme.

The group looked at Blanc as if she didn't worry, but I still had questions for Neptune.

Soejammy: Neptune... When you went back to Planeptune, what did you do...?

Neptune looked like she had to think as she smiled.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Oh, I played some video games, had some pudding, napped. Watched some funny cat vids~ And messed with my sister~

Noire: Okay... That doesn't sound too bad...

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): I may have also done some prank phone calls, some trolling with pictures to make anonymous phone calls to.

Vert: This sounds worse...

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): I may have even told Histoire that the others were even like me with some stuff messed up too.

Blanc: Far worse...

I looked at Neptune as there were multiple veins popping out of my head as I looked at Neptune.

Soejammy: ANYTHING... ELSE...!?

Neptune then thought about it as she then snapped her fingers.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): I even told all our sisters what even happened to us~ Aren't I smart~?

I had a look of dread as I yelled deeply inside of myself as Neptune had done EVERYTHING I told her not to do when she had this done to her.

Soejammy: Blanc...

Blanc: Yeah?

Soejammy: Remember how Neptune made fun of your chest in Guardian when (Y/n) turned into a girl...?

Blanc: How can I not remember... You LITERALLY wrote that part.

Soejammy: Yeah... But I need you to do something.

Blanc: And what's that?

I looked at Neptune as she felt every nerve stand on end.

Soejammy: Noire, Vert... Restrain Neptune... Blanc. Help me get a dozen eggplants... I think we need to make eggplant based foods tonight for dinner~

Neptune paled as she tried to run, but Noire and Vert jumped her to keep her from running.



Neptune (Purple Heart voice): I was trying to have fun and live a little!!!

I watched as I shook my head as Blanc, and I was going to go into the Kitchen. But before I did, I saw Twilight levitating herself and Mini-Nep above the fridge to get at a cookie jar that I had hidden from their sights, but now they found it. Mini-Nep was on top of Twilight's horn as she held some cookies.

Soejammy: Hey! You two! Stop levitating up above there!!

Hearing my voice, Twilight got freaked out and lost her concentration. Trixie came to the doorway to the hall and saw Twilight falling like I did. I used my power to stop time as I rushed ahead to quickly get under where Twilight was. I caught Twilight and held her in my arms as I caught Mini-Nep in my hand to place in my pocket. When time resumed, Twilight let a yell out, but noticed I had caught her.

Soejammy: What did I say about floating above couch limit levels??? I know you wouldn't do something like this, but I know who would...

I looked at Mini-Nep who poked her head out of my pocket as she giggled softly before hiding away in my pocket again.

Soejammy: I'll have a word with you soon enough, little missy. And you...

I looked at Twilight as she seemed scared I was gonna yell at her. All I did was set her down and pat her head to sooth her worries.

Soejammy: I'm not gonna yell. I was just worried for your safety... You scared me when you levitated that high. You could have hurt yourself...

Twilight felt bad in making me worried, but I tried to compromise.

Soejammy: If you want to levitate that high, at least let me help you to learn to keep your concentration. Concentration is the most important thing when casting spells. If you get distracted, you will lose control. If you want to reach higher levels of using your magic, let me help you in bettering your concentration.

Twilight smiled happily that I was trying to compromise. I only wanted to help as she seemed so sure she would be okay using magic. But seeing the display shows she hasn't developed a strict concentration to keep a spell going or it would lose power, if that happened while doing something like that again... Twilight could get hurt...

Trixie: Hey! How did you get over there so fast!? You were right here and- Explain! I thought humans didn't have magic!

I looked at Trixie as I sighed.

Soejammy: Okay. I can tell that at least... You see, I have this... Ability that I can use, and it allows me to not only stop time, but move while within it. It's a skill I developed in a journey I was on and has helped save my life and my friends on countless occasions.

Trixie: But what spell is it!? You never casted it!

Soejammy: It isn't a spell.

I sighed as I decided to take the disk out of my head and show Trixie.

Soejammy: This disk here helps give me the power. It is magic, but not the magic your universe knows. This disk holds a spirit that can become controllable. This disk is the reason why I was able to sneak up on you and even get you here in the first place Trixie. I had stopped time and made use of it to try and keep a lid on any events that came out of the portal. They usually happened at night, but you stumbled upon it and came here in the day. If anyone found you, it could have been bad for everyone.

Trixie scoffed as she looked at me and rolled her eyes.

Trixie: Listen, I appreciate the offer, but you mistake me as a "powerless" and "weak" pony.

Soejammy: I never really-

Trixie: So, I appreciate the offer, but I'll make my way home on my own, thank you very much.

I looked at Trixie as I didn't think she had a true grasp on the "other dimension" I told her about.

Soejammy: You do realize that you are basically NOT in your world, right? Do you really believe in your own hype that you're that great on your own???

Trixie: I AM THE HYPE!!!

Everyone just stared at Trixie as Neptune just realized something.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Wait! She made a Vegeta reference! Is she another Vegeta? Is she gonna blow up Earth?!

Trixie: What are you even talking about?! WHAT IS EVEN A "VEGETA"?!

The yelling from Trixie caused Twilight to hide behind me and tremble softly. I felt like my nerves got switched to full throttle as I looked at Trixie.

Soejammy: Oi... Stop yelling in front of Twilight.

Trixie: What if I don't!? What are you going to do!?

I looked at Trixie as I began to walk up to her with threatening steps. My walk was calm, but the aura I radiated was a different matter. It was like everyone was stricken with fear in seeing me walk, but I could see Noire had the right idea to shield Twilight's eyes.

Soejammy: I'm giving you... One chance... Stop. Right. Now.

Trixie looked at me as I could see her trembling softly as she glared back at me. Trixie scoffed as she turned around to walk into the dining room while I reinserted the disk into my head. My aura of anger receded back down as I didn't radiate the type of feeling anymore.

Soejammy: I swear... I get so annoyed like that... Can't stand egotistic people... Trixie... Another matter...

I looked at Twilight as I got in closer to her and kneeled down.

Soejammy: I'm still proud of you trying to reach higher areas. But it is still dangerous to do levitation magic. You don't know what could happen with no training on concentration. Just ask me next time when you want to use it and I'll make sure to catch you~ Okay~?

Twilight looked at me and smiled brightly as she hugged my leg again as she tried to speak to me.

Twilight: Th-Th-Tha-

Twilight blew out a raspberry in trying to form words for herself as I smiled in knowing what she was trying to say. If I could be one of the first to hear her speak, it would make any bad day the best for me. I pat Twilight's head as I looked at her.

Soejammy: Come on. Let's make something to eat~ I'll make you some hay burgers~

Twilight's eyes widened at the mention of a burger as she jumped around me in circles as I chuckled in her happiness. The CPUs giggled at how happy Twilight was, but I didn't care. I was so happy to enjoy the moment we had. While I made some food and for Twilight to eat, the CPUs did talk to Trixie. It was like that for almost all day until it became nightfall.

Time: late night - 11:00 p.m.

Once I had made sure the CPUs were asleep where they were along with Trixie in a guest room, I had finished tucking Twilight and Mini-Nep to bed. Once I knew they were situated and not gonna get up, I decided to head to my secret lab so that I may make a call-in peace. When I teleported, I was greeted with my assistant's voice.

I: You seem to be wanting to do some late-night stuff a lot, don't you?

Soejammy: Set up the background for the living room and contact Kitty and Nintega, please.

I: Is this about Trixie entering your world?

Soejammy: It is indeed. Now, please call them as requested.

Doing as I had requested, "I" set up my call at my station as I had the living room couch showing with curtains. The phone began to ring as Kitty and Nintega picked up.

Kitty (Call): You have some explaining to do mister...

Nintega (Call): Jammy? Did you make Kitty mad again? You remembered what happened when you let her go up high in Skyworld, remember???

Soejammy: Don't remind me of THAT, thank you.

I rubbed my eyes as I was reminded of the time where I let Kitty get pulled into the sky with her Keyblade to seal the Keyhole in the created world of Kid Icarus. I had discovered that the world was made from a power disk like the one I have with Star Platinum after I had returned to my lab. The worlds where we got power disks were infused with some sort of energy that gave life to the world. Even the characters themselves. It was really strange when I had discovered this in my spare time, but I couldn't reminisce on that as I heard Kitty talk once more.

Kitty (Call): Oh, I'm still annoyed at that! But I'm more annoyed... AT WHY THE HECK YOU WERE RESTING ON BLANC'S CHEST! And what do you even mean she swapped chest sizes with Vert???

I looked at Kitty as Nintega was laughing over the face cam as he laughed more and more.

Nintega (Call): Blanc??? Laying down on her chest??? That can't be that comfortable!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Kitty (Call): I saw her chest! It was huge!! Jammy was just nuzzling it before he woke up!!! WHILE I WATCHED IT HAPPEN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!

Nintega (Call): Okay, now I'm curious...

Soejammy: I TOLD YOU HONEY!!! I THOUGHT WHAT I WAS NUZZLING WAS A PILLOW!!! Twilight's magic is the reason why this whole mess is even a thing!

Twilight, from Nintega's own group, popped into the camera and looked at me with a stern look.

Twilight (Call): I've been here the entire time! What are you talking about?!

Soejammy: Not you, Twilight! The other Twilight I told you all about before! The version of you that got turned into a filly and has no memories!

The group looked at Twilight as she tried to sheepishly go away.

Soejammy: Don't just leave because of that! Get back here!

Twilight (Call): Why do I even need to be here?!

Soejammy: Because of three things... 1. I have been working HARD on trying to fix the CPUs as Vert keeps bugging me about it and I barely get any sleep. 2. The Twilight on my end got her Cutie mark the same night the CPUs had their physical or voices switched around in some aspects. 3. You're not going to believe me even if I told you who I even met today...

Nintega (Call): Okay... The first 2, hahahahahahahaha!!! No wonder Kitty got mad at you!! You were nuzzling so close to Blanc that Kitty herself got jealous on two aspects!!! Hahahahahahahaha!!!

I could see a tick mark appearing on Kitty's head as she looked at Nintega.

Kitty (Call): Nintega~? Want me to come over and give your back a thorough scratching~?

I felt shivers as I knew what she meant, even Nintega could as well.

Nintega (Call): I'm good!!!

Kitty (Call): Thought so.

Twilight sighed and facehoofed herself in how this even happened.

Nintega (Call): But I'm happy Twilight got her Cutie Mark again.

Kitty (Call): But what's the third thing you were going to talk about???

I grimaced at even having to talk about it as I placed a hand to my head.

Soejammy: I currently have the all-powerful and lame magician pony in my home right now and I can't do anything about it right now...

My three friends looked at me as if trying to think, but knowing Nintega, he understood what I meant very fast and began to laugh.

Nintega (Call): You have Trixie in your home right now?! Hahahahahahaha!!! Oh, this is precious!!!

Soejammy: Shut up, ya big oaf!! You think I wanted her here?!

Kitty (Call): I always knew Jammy hated Trixie, but I find this hilarious!

Nintega (Call): It shouldn't even be that hard to deal with Trixie at even the slightest!! Hahahahaha!!

Soejammy: Yeah... If you mean having Trixie who is from around the Season 2 era, then yeah, everything is completely fine!!!

The three looked at me as their jaws dropped at the exact same time.

Everyone but Jammy (Call): WHAT DO YOU MEAN FROM SEASON 2?!?!

Soejammy: During my interrogation, I was able to learn from Trixie that she still hates Twilight. From this, I deduced that this version of Trixie is from a time BEFORE Twilight gets her Alicorn form. If that's the case...

Twilight (Call): Then that means she hasn't found the Alicorn Amulet yet in the version my other self comes from! That means she still harbors jealousy and anger towards me!

Soejammy: Ten points for Gryffinpony.

Twilight (Call): Okay, seriously! No more joking!

I chuckled as I did get serious about the matter.

Soejammy: In any case... I know Trixie as she doesn't have that much of a power. But I know she can stir up trouble if not kept in check. I can't send her away with how curious she is about my world.

Twilight (Call): Jammy, just be careful. You may have been on an adventure with Nintega, but-

Soejammy: Even so, I still need to do what I think is right.

I got up and was about to end the call, but the thought hit me as I looked the other Twilight in the eyes.

Soejammy: Hey, mind if I ask for help in the future?

Twilight (Call): Huh? What kind are we talking about???

Soejammy: Just any. I'll let you know what my decision is.

Before Twilight could answer, I noticed that it was getting late and had to go to see about turning in for the night. I soon lay down on my bed as I closed my eyes to get some rest for tomorrow. I still had even plans for Thanksgiving. With Trixie being there, I had to think of something.

Date: November 24, 2022 - Thursday

Time: Evening - 6:00 p.m.

As I was cooking in the kitchen, Noire and Vert were kind enough to help out in preparing food with me as it was Thanksgiving. I had desserts, the meal, drinks, and tableware ready. My parents were late coming home from their own little trip, but I decided to make this for my friends. Twilight was helping stir the soup we would be having along with getting hay ready to make burgers out of them. Neptune of course was playing video games with Mini-Nep, except the little Nep won in every fight so far on Smash.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): No fair using Sora! Just because you went on an adventure with Jammy to meet him, that gives you no right to choose an OP character to fight as!

Mini-Nep crossed her arms and yelled back.

Mini-Nep: Nep Nep nepu neeeeeep!

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): What do you mean you got to be the hero at times?!

Mini-Nep stuck out her tongue and began blowing a raspberry at Neptune. I chuckled at this as I saw Trixie just watching them and decided to interact with her.

Soejammy: They're so much alike in many ways, huh Trixie?

Trixie: Gah! Don't sneak up on Trixie like that!

Soejammy: Hey, not my fault you were zoning out. Just saw you were eyeing them so carefully. They're not gonna do anything really. We usually just relax at home mostly.

Trixie just rolled her eyes at me based on what I said and scoffed.

Trixie: Trixie is not amused. Trixie has even seen you spending most of your time with Twilight Sparkle. Why is that when you were trying to fix your friends?

Soejammy: If you must know your unicorness, I get very tired and exhausted from my job and getting hounded down every day to come up with something to fix my CPU friends doesn't help with the stress. Spending time doing something fun helps me think. And can you stop with referencing yourself in third person???

Trixie: Try and make Trixie do it.

I wanted to growl in anger, but decided to hold off on that.

Soejammy: Whatever... Just... Just get ready for dinner. It should be ready soon.

Trixie: Trixie feels humble in joining one for dinner in... What was it...? "Thanksgiving"? What is it?

Soejammy: It's a time to give thanks for all that's happened to someone and just spend time with friends and family. Now... Where are those other four...? Nepgear said they would be here by now.

As if calling out what I had said, a portal opened up behind me in the dining room as clothings of pink and blue snow coats and hats rushed out and looked at me. Rom wore the blue outfit while her sister, Ram, wore pink.

Rom and Ram: Hi Mr. Jammy!

Soejammy: Hello girls~ Looking for Mini-Nep?

They both nodded their heads as I pointed to the living room and rushed to take Mini-Nep to play with. The next who came out of the portal had a one-piece black dress on with knee high black socks. That was Uni who walked though. Rom and Ram were Blanc's siblings. Uni was Noire's.

Uni: Hey Jammy. How are you doing?

Soejammy: Oh, you know the usual. Dealing with your sister, dealing with Vert, and dealing with Neptune. Blanc is peaceful, just don't anger her.

Blanc: I am right behind you, I hope you know that.

Soejammy: Gah!

I jumped when hearing Blanc behind me as I looked at her and her chest.

Soejammy: Ya think she gets louder getting some extra baggage, but it's not!

Blanc: I REALLY hope you aren't talking about my weight...

I shivered and shook my head. Blanc looked and sighed while walking away to see if Vert and Noire needed help in the kitchen.

???: Um... Did I see Blanc...? Please tell me we're not in one of her dreams or fantasies again...

Uni: Nope, I'm seeing it too...

I looked at the portal as I saw Neptune's sister walking out. Although Nepgear was taller, she was actually the little sister out of the two. Nepgear wore something similar to a sailor outfit, but befitting for a girl like her. I smiled as I welcomed Nepgear.

Soejammy: Nepgear! How are you? Neptune making you do all her work again?

Nepgear nods her head as she sighs.

Nepgear: I know we got a message from you about why our sisters couldn't return... But hearing what Neptune was really dealing with... It made me faint...

Uni: I even heard that Neptune told us that Noire's hair is white now, Vert is "small" chested and... we already saw what Blanc has...

Nepgear: We're gonna have to have Rom and Ram seated AWAY from Blanc... Or else they'll be wanting to poke her chest with needles...

Soejammy: Yeah... Let's NOT do that...


Trixie yelled as she gained everyone's attention as I sighed.

Soejammy: Trixie, the two identical twins in the living room smoldering Mini-Nep are Rom and Ram. Rom in the blue with short hair and Ram with the long and pink clothing. The twin-tailed long haired and looks similar to Noire, is Uni. And this here in the sailor outfit, is Nepgear, Neptune's little sister and not to be confused as the older twin.

Trixie looked around and saw Rom and Ram holding Mini-Nep and waved at her, Uni gave a small wave and Nepgear walked up to Trixie and smiled.

Nepgear: Hi there. Jammy filled us in on what's happened with our sisters, even to when Twilight came to his world. I'm guessing you appeared in front of a store?

Trixie: Trixie did not have a chance to look around before she was ponynapped by this "person" as Trixie is led to believe...

Soejammy: I have my reasons. Just rather not explain why yet...

Trixie: Until you give the Great and Powerful Trixie a reason why, she does not believe you.

Soejammy: See what I deal with???

Uni: I did not want to... Now I do...

Trixie growled in annoyance as Nepgear just smiled and tried to make peace.

Nepgear: It takes some time to get used to this kind of attention, but it's how we get along.

Trixie: Hmph. The Great and Powerful Trixie does not care for this. She just wants to get this dinner or "whatevergiving" to be DONE and OVER with already.

I sighed at how Trixie was acting as Nepgear tried to be friendly with Trixie.

Nepgear: Please don't be so mean... Jammy is doing his best... He tries to deal with anything that comes through that portal, trying to fix our sisters and even Twilight. She lost most of her magical ability and even her memories.

I freaked out when I heard Nepgear say that as I looked at her.

Soejammy: Nepgear!

I freaked Nepgear out when I yelled, jumping up in surprise based on my sudden yell as I took her by the wrist to get her out of ear shot of Trixie.

Soejammy: Trixie doesn't know about Twilight's amnesia! I didn't tell her that or Twilight's loss of magic for a reason!

Nepgear: Why?

Soejammy: Because this is one character that hates Twilight and her friends, and she doesn't even become nicer until AFTER a certain part in season 3...! Now I have to be extra careful with Trixie or something bad could happen.

Nepgear: Jammy... I know you're worried, but you have to stop worrying. You're working so hard on your job, helping us, writing stories, taking care of Mini-Nep, and helping Twilight. Now you're helping Trixie. You got to stop worrying.

Soejammy: Yeah... Maybe you're- Ngh...!

I held my head softly as I felt dizzy and leaned against the wall really quick. Before Nepgear could yell out of worry, I held a finger to my lips and looked at her.

Soejammy: I'm fine...

Nepgear: Are you okay???

I nodded my head softly and gave a thumbs up.

Soejammy: I'm fine. I promise. Just a bit tired from doing multiple things... Also been having trouble sleeping... And worrying...

Nepgear: Did you tell the others about this??? Does Twilight know???

I looked at Nepgear with a tired look in my eyes that told everything.

Soejammy: I can't figure out how to deal with magic, I can't figure out why beings are being ported here from Twilight's world, and I'm worried Trixie will do something to Twilight... I'm scared, I'm tired, I'm on edge here Gears...

Nepgear came over to me and pats my back in trying to calm me down.

Nepgear: It's okay. You're doing your best. That's all we can ever ask...

Soejammy: But I can do more... I can do so much more...! And yet... I'm only limited to what I can do and what I can't...

Nepgear kept patting my back as she helped me up.

Nepgear: Then do that, focus on your health first, then everything. If you keep pushing yourself like this, you'll wear yourself out and collapse...

Soejammy: I know... I know...

With me calmed down, I felt some eyes were on me and Nepgear, but I waved it off as if it was me hallucinating. With dinner being close to done, I decided to go upstairs and fetch Twilight. Upon entering her room, I could see her continuing to read the second Harry Potter book as I smiled and knocked.

Soejammy: Twi?

Twilight looked towards me and smiled as she got up and trotted to me.

Soejammy: Dinner is ready~ I think you'll love who came to see you along with the feast~

The look I saw on Twilight's face was just priceless. It was out of pure happiness of what surprises I held that would make anything I show her wonderful in her eyes. When arriving in the dining room, I could see the plates were already being set. Most of the food was placed as I smiled. Of course, I saw Rom and Ram eyeing Blanc's chest, only because it made them feel uncomfortable during the Kurome incident in their world. Uni was talking about Noire's singular hair tie with white hair as Noire was sharing ideas about doing different hair styles. Vert, well, she was just trying to compensate for her own worries still. Neptune was torturing Nepgear as she was holding pictures of-


I snatched the pictures of embarrassing photo shots of Nepgear as I put them away into my storage pocket and bonked Neptune in the head. It was pictures I know too well from seeing the animation as I gave them to Nepgear. Frankly considering it was of her, she got to decide whatever to do with them. Nepgear thanked me for bailing her out of any more embarrassment as everyone began to settle down. With calming down, we each began to get our foods and talk about things that had happened. Laughing at the funny times, to the not so funny times, even talking about the bad to which was made into a funny moment. Everything was going great as I smiled and saw Twilight was looking at me and nuzzled into my side.

Trixie: Jammy? Could I have a word with you in the kitchen?

Soejammy: Hmm? Sure.

I cleaned my face of any food that was present as I pat Twilight on the head and scooched my past the others to get to the kitchen. Trixie was near the fridge as she was trying to open it.

Soejammy: Need some help?

Trixie: Thank you. I would try and use my magic to move the door away, but this kept hitting me every time I pushed it back.

Soejammy: Eh... I find it to be useful as if it is at a certain place, it almost ensures a closed door. But no worries.

I opened the fridge as I crouched down to get a better look.

Soejammy: Did ya need anything from the fridge?

Trixie: Why... Yes. I did. It's a little further back.

I tried to think what it could be that Trixie wanted. I was about to ask, but then felt my head pounding as I fell to the ground. At that time, I heard muffled sounds and laughter as I passed out.

Two hours later...

I began to wake up as my head was less hurting than when I first passed out, but I looked around and saw that I was in the living room. But when I began to refocus on my surroundings, I could see that I was on the couch.

Soejammy: Wh-What happened here...? Why does-

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Noire looked at me from the doorway.

Noire: Jammy!

The look Noire had on her face showed me worried, panic, and defeat in her eyes. I looked at her as I was about to get up, but felt dizzy when getting up too fast. Noire rushed to keep me balanced as she was trying to get me to sit back down.

Noire: Jammy, don't get up. You have to rest.

Soejammy: Noire, what happened? Why does the room-

I looked into the dining room and could see that the food had gotten cold. I wondered if anything else was wondering if something happened that caused me to be passed out.

Soejammy: Noire, where are the others??? Are they okay??? What about Twilight???

Noire tensed when I asked her. This tension that she had gave me increasing worry.

Soejammy: Are the others hurt?

Noire didn't react to my question. I was in the process of elimination. I had a special trait of being able to discern if something was wrong or if someone was hiding something. It was a trick I used on my girlfriend as I caught her worries too many times to count, but it was due to being diagnosed with Anxiety last year. A relief to be honest for her to know why she worries so much and what goes on in her head after having a rough past and situations.

Soejammy: Where is Uni and the others?

Noire: In the kitchen...

I felt a twinge of hidden detail as I got to a final question.

Soejammy: Is Twilight, okay?

Noire froze up hearing me ask that. Seeing Noire freeze up was something I didn't see from her. Ever. But this kind of freeze... Spoke many words.

Soejammy: Noire, is Twilight, okay?

Noire didn't answer me again as she looked away from me. Clearly unable to answer my question. Making me worried more. I quickly got up as I was intercepted by Noire.

Noire: Jammy.

Soejammy: Move.

Noire: Jammy, you need to sit down.

Soejammy: I SAID MOVE!!!

I got around Noire as I walked through the hallway that was damaged as well like the dining room and living room. When I got to the kitchen, a hole was left in the wall to the backyard while the CPUs focused on trying to cover it up.


The others jumped as some had bruises, some had torn clothes and even some who had bandages. But the one person, or pony I didn't see around... Was Twilight.

Soejammy: Where is Twilight? Please tell me she's alright...

The others looked at me as Nepgear was the one to step forward.

Nepgear: Jammy...

Two hours earlier...

Third point of view.

The CPUs were enjoying their meals at the table as Nepgear had to keep Rom and Ram from pulling needles out to poke at Blanc's chest.

Nepgear: I know it doesn't fit with Blanc, but you really shouldn't-

A sound of something crashing in the kitchen could be heard as the others rushed out of their chairs and headed for the kitchen. When the others got into the kitchen, they could see that Soejammy was on his side as a heavy appliance was on the ground. Soejammy's eyes fluttered as he groaned before closing them to pass out from the pain. A disk soon begins to pop out of Soejammy's head as Trixie smirks.

Noire: Trixie?!

Trixie looked at the others before using her magic on the disk and levitating it to her and inserting it into her own head.

Noire: No!!

Noire rushed to try and stop Trixie before it was too late, but as the disk went into Trixie's head, an invisible force grabbed Noire by the throat and lifted her into the air.

Noire: NGH!!!


Trixie smirked as she was now able to use Star Platinum. With her being in control, she could see Star Platinum for herself and see what Soejammy had been harboring.

Trixie: Hahahahaha! Trixie can now see why the human had such extraordinary ability. Unfortunately for him, Trixie is now the new owner of this being!

Glaring at Trixie, Neptune charged in towards the unicorn herself. Trixie saw this as she commanded Star Platinum to punch Neptune in the face and send her flying down the hallway and into the door.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): AUGH!!!

Nepgear: Neptune!!!

Uni was gonna summon out her weaponry as Trixie looked at her and held Noire in the air.

Trixie: Uh uh uh~ No sudden moves, or she AND Soejammy will get it.

Star Platinum was forced to tighten his hold on Noire's neck as the CPU herself squirmed in the tightened feeling. Uni was forced to back off as she glared at Trixie.

Trixie: The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie will leave you all alone, but she has Three, count them, THREE demands~

Blanc: You're making demands!? Jammy welcomed you into his home to let you be safe!!!

Trixie: If you count kidnapping without knowledge and being brought somewhere strange? Trixie does not count that.

Blanc: Why you pony of a-!!

Trixie: Careful with what you say~

Trixie walked up to Soejammy's unconscious body as she placed a hoof to his head.

Trixie: Trixie wouldn't know what would happen if she unleashed her new "friend's" strength by accident~

Blanc was getting angrier as Trixie used Star Platinum to move Soejammy's body over to her area more. Vert stepped forward and looked at Trixie with a glare.

Vert: What do you want...

Trixie: First, Trixie wants that Portal-gun-light thing... That will send her back to Trixie's own world!

Blanc began to head upstairs to find the flash-portal and come back downstairs to give the device to her.

Trixie: Thank you~ Don't forget~ I still have more demands~

Blanc just glared at Trixie as the unicorn herself kept demanding more.

Trixie: Second, Trixie will be taking this power she was "given" to her~ Trixie sees no use in something like this to be kept in this world where no magic exists~ And knowing what this thing can do~

Trixie vanished as she appeared behind the group while having Noire still held by the neck of Star Platinum. Trixie is able to access Time Stop from Star Platinum's abilities.

Trixie: Knowing this being can stop time, Trixie has wonderful plans to make use of this power~

The others growled in hearing Trixie was going to take more stuff from Soejammy as it was something he had acquired with his own power. Trixie vanished once more as she appeared near Soejammy once again and smirked with her final demand.

Trixie: Trixie's THIRD and last request~

Trixie looked at Twilight and smirked at what she was thinking.

Trixie: If you want Trixie to leave, you WILL give her Twilight Sparkle and not come after her! If you do, Trixie will not guarantee Soejammy's safety~

The others widened their eyes as Noire tried to look at Trixie. Twilight looked at Trixie as she looked at Soejammy as she worried about him.

Trixie: And Trixie has some important plans to be done, she would suggest you think about it in... Ten seconds~

The others began to panic as they were struggling to decide on whether to let Trixie leave with all the stolen stuff Soejammy had made or given to and on top of that, kidnap Twilight for her own purposes.

Trixie: Five seconds~

As the others were trying to think, Twilight rushed out of the group as she got in between Trixie and Soejammy.

Nepgear: Twilight! No!

Trixie: Shut up!

Throwing Noire at the group, the others had to catch her to avoid any harm to her. Blanc tried to go in with Vert to try and help Soejammy, but Star Platinum charged in and began delivering invisible blows to them. Since Star Platinum was invisible for everyone else besides Trixie right now, Blanc and Vert were unable to block the incoming blows due to not seeing Star Platinum. Both CPUs were dealt a devastating blow to their stomachs as they crashed to the ground and kicked to the ceiling.

Blanc: GAH!!!

Vert: AUGH!!!

Uni: Vert!

Rom and Ram: Sis!!

Trixie kept laughing at how powerless they were as Star Platinum destroyed the kitchen wall and cold wind was getting into the house. Trixie picked up Twilight with Star Platinum as she laughed more.

Trixie: Know this. You all have been spared by the newly AND improved Great and Powerful Trixie!

Throwing a smoke bomb, the group waited for it to clear to see where Trixie was going, but she was nowhere to be seen. Having used Time Stop to get a lead start in making sure she got away.

Noire: T-Twilight... No...!


Time: Evening - 8:10 p.m.

Soejammy's point of view.

I looked at all of them as I had a defeated look in my eyes as I fell to my knees with a heavy fall. My heart was aching because of what I had heard. My cautious suspicions were true as I felt all kinds of emotions from this. Anger, sadness, fear, surprise, and most of all, rage. Rage was one of the apparent ones that I had not felt in a long time. It was one that I tried to have control over after certain events that transpired in my adventure with Kitty and Sora. But to feel it now... Who could blame me...?


I hit the ground with both my very tightened fists. My nails dug themselves into my skin as I could not hide my sadness, my anger, and any emotion of how stupid I felt to trust Trixie. With the flash-portal in Trixie's grasp, I had no way of chasing after Twilight to rescue her. I had never felt so distraught from all of this.

Vert: Jammy...

Soejammy: Just... Just stop... I don't want any sympathy...

Everyone in the room was silent as I heard a throat being cleared out and someone tapping my shoulder. I looked to see it was Blanc as she bent over to rest a hand on my shoulder.

Soejammy: Blanc... I'm grieving right now... Leave me alone...

Blanc: Okay... I guess you don't want your batteries back~

Soejammy: What good are batteries? What are you even-

When I looked back at Blanc, I saw her reach into her chest and pull out the two batteries I made that had the residual energy in them. I looked at them in shock as I wondered why Blanc still had them.

Blanc: I may have taken them out of the flashlight before giving the device to Trixie~ It's also another reason why having a chest is also perfect~ It can hide things in them~

I kept looking at the batteries as Blanc handed me the batteries.

Soejammy: I-If you took them out of the device...

Blanc: That means Trixie is somewhere struggling to even activate it~

I widened my eyes in hearing this realization as I soon gained a determined look in my eyes. I quickly got up as I quickly made my way to my bedroom to go to my lab via tele-pad. Once there, I began to get some of my equipment that I was working on that will help in searching for Twilight and Trixie. Possibly even counter the fast movements of Star Platinum. Even grabbing something to help see in the dark if possible. I exit my lab into the dining room as I soon surprise my CPU friends.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): HUH?! How did you- You were- I DEMAND EXPLANATION!!

Soejammy: Can it, shut up, and listen up. You all are staying here while I look for Trixie. Under no circumstance is she to get those batteries. I will not take them while she has Star Platinum.


Soejammy: I know Star Platinum more than anyone! I tested him while I kept trying to further my understanding of his power. I'm hoping with some experience of trying to move in stop time, I can hope to try and will myself to move. If I can't, I can at least see where Trixie is going to go. I'm just hoping with some tests I've done, I only hope I'm prepared enough to face Star Platinum in a REAL battle...

Nepgear: What?! Jammy! You can't go by yourself! It's too dangerous!

Soejammy: You watch me. Twilight's with that crazy horse. I don't care if I'm not calling Trixie a pony. But she is no pony in my eyes after what she did to Twilight!

I turned on my scanner as I looked at it and it gave a huge reading in this room earlier.

Soejammy: Working already. Now, where is Trixie's signature...

I looked around and saw a trail going up to the roof of the garage and then over to the side of my neighbor's area. But it kept going from what my scanner could pick up.

Soejammy: Hmm... From the looks of it... It's heading to a forest... Most likely where we encountered the Ursa Minor... A befitting tale considering it all began with the Ursa.

I put the device away into a storage pocket as Mini-Nep tried to jump into my pocket, but I stopped her and shook my head.

Soejammy: You need to stay here. And I won't take no for an answer to let you ride. I already have one hostage. I don't want you being another.

Mini-Nep: Nep Neppity Nep! Nep Nep Nepu!!

I looked at Mini-Nep and was surprised by what she said, but I shook my head.

Soejammy: And I WILL get Twilight back... I need to be careful... and bringing you will only endanger her safety and even yours... Trust me... I promise I will get her back...

Mini-Nep looked at me as I began to rush out the door and get to my car and make a call to Nintega.

Nintega (Call): The Nintega Guy, writing entrepreneur and magic association, at your service.

Soejammy: Nintega... I need a favor... Something happened...

Nintega (Call): J-Jammy? What's up? You don't-

Soejammy: I don't have much time. Something happened and I can't fix the house by itself... Can you send Twilight to my house and help fix what got broken... I have a problem to deal with... Personally...

Nintega (Call): Hey, you alright? You seem... Different...

Soejammy: Just send Twilight to my house, PLEASE. And tell her to not go after me.

Nintega was silent as I began driving the car with the phone hooked up to the speakers.

Nintega (Call): Okay... If this is about Trixie...

Soejammy: This is before season 3 Trixie we're talking about, of course it's TRIXIE!!!

Nintega (Call): What happened!? You don't get this mad when stuff like this-

Soejammy: She took everything from me! The Flash-Portal, Star Platinum... She TOOK Twilight!!

Nintega (Call): WHAT?! Jammy! Twilight is too essential to the series!! Even to the dimension she comes from!! If she dies or gets taken somewhere Trixie only knows-!


I soon ended the call as I began to speed along and drive the car to the park.

Location: Park/Forest

Once arriving at the park, I got out of the car fast as I gathered my equipment I needed. I rushed into the forest as it was getting dark. I turned on a device that gave night vision to help me see in the pitch darkness. Snow had fallen as my footsteps wouldn't be silent as much. I kept looking around to see if my scanner could pick up traces of dimensional energy. If Blanc was right and she took the batteries out, it would mean that Trixie wasn't leaving my world any time soon. Making it all the more worthwhile to do something I should have done since Trixie first arrived here. I kept running as my scanner began to pick up the traces of Trixie's signature as I slowed my movements down. I turned down the sounds on my scanner as I began to listen for if there were sounds in the forest.

Trixie: Grrr! Work! Why won't this work!! Work dang it!!

Hearing Trixie's voice, I began to follow her sounds to keep my footsteps light and not step in the snow so loudly. I followed Trixie's frustration as I heard Trixie talking.

Trixie: Work! Why won't you-

Trixie stopped talking as she seemed to have been distracted by something.

Trixie: What are you crying for!? SHUT UP!! You should be glad to be with the Great and Powerful Trixie! Once she teaches you what makes a real powerful unicorn, you'll think twice before you embarrass her in the future!!

I felt my blood boil as I heard Trixie talking to Twilight like that. I sure wasn't going to let Trixie have her way as well. I kept using the night vision device I had as I soon spotted Trixie, but no sign of Twilight. My theory was that Trixie hid Twilight somewhere nearby in the snow and kept her covered or tied up to prevent her from escaping. Finally catching up to Trixie, I decided to make myself known to her.

Soejammy: So, Trixie, having trouble with human technology?

Trixie gasped as she turned around and saw I had caught up to her.

Trixie: Wh-What?! How did you-!?

Soejammy: You're LITERALLY talking to the only guy who studied how to track dimensional traces of other beings. Of COURSE, I was gonna find you, idiot.

Trixie growled as she looked at me and smirked while I viewed her in the night vision.

Trixie: Why should Trixie even be surprised? Trixie saw your capabilities, even for that of a human. You had something so powerful, yet you decided to keep it to yourself.

Soejammy: It wasn't power that was to be used like that! You hurt my friends, Trixie!! And now I'm gonna hurt you.

Trixie: HAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU?! HURT ME!? You say that you're gonna be able to do something to get close enough to strike!! Don't you remember or did your "friends" tell you I STOLE your precious ability!?

I glared at Trixie as I could faintly feel Star Platinum activated as to be ready to strike at me if I got close.

Soejammy: They did. They also told me you took my Flash-Portal device AND kidnapped Twilight!! You kidnapped a KID!!! Is this how you plan to let yourself be known to me??? A criminal!?

Trixie: I don't have to care what you think!! Once I get those "batteries" you use to power this, I'll be sure to leave this place once I'm done here!!!

I looked at Trixie as she seemed to have stopped referring to herself in a third person perspective. It could be my imagination, but when someone drops their act, it is a sign they're nervous. Trixie has all the more right to be worried and nervous. I found her again along with threatening to do much harm from her hurting my friends.

Soejammy: Oh no. You're going to be doing NOTHING to them. I'll make sure to put a stop to you here. Even if it means getting my hands dirty. I may not look like it, but I'm THE person you should NEVER make angry...

Trixie: Pffft! Like you could do anything!! What do you plan to-

Taking a flash-light out, I decide to use my security type flashlight to turn on strobe mode.

Trixie: AUGH!!! I CAN'T SEE!!!


The quick and bright flashing lights caused Trixie to go blind by the sudden light turned on in front of her. She wasn't expecting something like that, so I took my opportunity while I could. I began to charge towards her as I felt Star Platinum's movements. From having used Star Platinum in my adventure, it was like Star Platinum was part of me. Even if I could sense his movements, Trixie still had full control of Star Platinum due to having the disk. But I was more prepared to do anything needed to get myself as close as I could to Trixie. With quick movement, I dodge out of the way of a punch that caused the ground to erupt the snow to my left.

Trixie: Wh-What!?

My device I had with me, also let me see the outlines of Star Platinum, if only just faintly. I had tested this multiple times until I developed gear to face against Stands like Star Platinum if I didn't have the disk equipped. With my night vision I held, I could see Star Platinum clearly, even without a Stand of my own.

Soejammy: Your tricks won't work on me! I'm more prepared for anything as I came up with countermeasures for EVERYTHING!

Trixie: Then, you might not have prepared for this!! TIME STOP!!!

I prepared myself as I kept my device to my face as I was soon put into the world of frozen time. Trixie looked at me and smirked to see I was frozen. Trixie called back Star Platinum to prepare her final attack.

Trixie: Hmph. Guess you didn't prepare for this as well. Star Platinum, say goodbye to your old user. You're mine now.

Star Platinum soon began to charge towards me as I could see it happening. How I could see it all happening was from my multiple experiences of time being stopped for me. In a sense, I could still see, but my time of being able to move was very limited. I didn't have much time, but I only had one-shot, one chance to pull this off. When Star Platinum got close, I willed my body to move as I soon became free from the effects, but now I was on a limit. I began to charge towards Trixie as nothing but those that know of the frozen time and feel the effects could do anything.

Trixie: Huh!? Why are you-!?

Soejammy: I said I had a counter to everything! My training consisted of using Star Platinum's time stop constantly to make my power of stopping time to be like second nature!!

I soon reached for Trixie as I was reaching for her neck. But I began to slow down as I grit my teeth to see that I was being frozen in time. Once the effects take place, the cowering Trixie soon opened her eyes as she was scared of the inevitable. Seeing that I stopped moving before her, she began to move back away from me and smirked before laughing. When time resumed, I continued with my movements as I grabbed the air where Trixie used to be.

Trixie: You had Trixie worried there. But knowing you only have a limited range, and even less time than I do, you don't stand a chance against the Great and Powerful Trixie!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!

I grit my teeth as Trixie had her guard up now and I had less of a chance to do anything. Before I could act in moving, I felt something lift me into the air and then slam me back down to the ground where I was at. It felt like a hand, meaning it was Star Platinum doing that. I groaned in feeling the impact as I tried to get up on my feet as the attacks weren't going to stop while I was on the ground. I began trying to sense Star Platinum as Trixie laughed.

Trixie: Better be careful~ It's getting really dark~ I wonder if you'll be able to see properly in this darkness~

Soejammy: I should be saying the same thing for you!

Trixie: I don't have to~ I have a good way of seeing where you are~

I wondered what Trixie meant as she could still see the light I produced, I quickly turned the light off as fast as I could. But I failed to do so in time as I began to feel a barrage of punches colliding with my body. When the barrage was done, I felt a hard punch send me right into a tree.

Soejammy: Guagh!!!

I did my best to try and get back up, but I suddenly saw Trixie rush up to where I was, and body slammed me into the tree more. When I finally saw Twilight, she had a look of worry and fear in her eyes as I saw her wriggling to move.

Trixie: Ha! You thought you could just take me on??? When I have your own power??? You may have caught me off guard with your sudden movement in the time stop, but I'm not gonna let that happen again~

I groaned as I felt my head was spinning. I tried to blink it away, but a sudden flash of light came out of nowhere as Trixie yelled in being knocked away from me. I looked to see it was Twilight as her horn had generated magic to send a blast of concentrated magic to attack Trixie.

Soejammy: Twi...light...?

With Twilight being tied up, she soon began to tip backwards and lie on her side. I was gonna get up to try and get Twilight and get out of here, but Trixie decided to freeze time and go on a rant.

Trixie: Ugh!!! Every time with you!! Even when you have lost your magic, you still can do that at an age?! You are becoming more of an eyesore by the second!!!

I saw Trixie walking past me as she saw me looking right back at her. She smiled when she thought of something. I could see that glint in her eyes that she was going to do something I wouldn't like. When Trixie got close to Twilight, she restarted time and surprised Twilight when appearing in front of her.

Trixie: You're going to have an... Experience~

Using Star Platinum, Trixie used him to pick Twilight up as to throw her. Twilight bounced against the snowy ground as she rolled against it. I could see everything happening as I felt a rage building up inside of me. Twilight yelped in pain as Trixie was laughing. I struggled to get my bearings together as my head was spinning still. To fix that problem, I decided to headbutt the tree I was against as to snap myself from my problem. Once I got up, I could see stepping on Twilight's tail and ruining her mane. I watched this all happen before me, making me really angry as I began hearing ringing in my ears as all forms of sound were muffled out in my rage. When I could move, I began to go in a full sprint as Trixie probably was in her state of ego that she didn't notice me. When I got closer, Trixie seemed confused about something and looked my way. I could see the terror in her face as I suddenly took her by the throat and chokeslammed her. I glared at Trixie as she tried to get freed. I felt something like a truck ram into my face, but it didn't bother me for a reason. Trixie was struggling to break free as I lifted her up and threw her into a tree. When she bounced off, I channeled my rage as I did a lariat to her neck as she began flipping through the air where she was, my arm however, continued as I slammed it into a tree. My rage made me impervious to damage, but I was in a state of one objective, destroying who angered me.

Soejammy: RAAAAAGH!!!

Trixie: What has gotten over you?! Stop!!!

I began to charge at Trixie as my head was like it was in a haze. I couldn't think but want to hurt Trixie for all she did to my friends, my house, myself and most of all, Twilight. I once again felt like I collided with something, probably with Star Platinum, but I still felt little to no pain. I kept charging in towards Trixie as she tried to stop time, but with how fast I was going, I was able to punch her in the head. The attack popped the disk out of her head and made her go flying into a tree.

Trixie: AAAAAGH!!!

I picked up the disk and began to reinsert it back into my head as I stopped time quickly. I looked over to Twilight as I went over to her and used Star Finger to cut the ropes. With Twilight freed, I looked over to Trixie as I moved to be in front of her before resuming time. Without Star Platinum and actually practicing the ability, she was just like how she was before coming here. This surprises Trixie as she tries getting up and galloping away, but I grabbed Trixie by her mane and forced her to stay.

Soejammy: ...

Trixie: S-Stop it... You're scaring me...

Soejammy: ...

I was silent as I kept looking at Trixie. My rage and anger were to its limit as my hand was balled up tightly.

Soejammy: I'm going to make you pay...

Trixie: P-Pay what...?

I began to raise my fist as I had every intention of wanting to punch Trixie. Punish her for what she had done to my friends and my home. To make her suffer just like how Twilight experienced. I yelled as I was about to deliver the attacking blow, but what stopped me was someone getting in the way. But not just someone, a certain unicorn. That unicorn was Twilight, who I saved from harm.

Soejammy: Twilight, get out of the way.

Twilight looked at me in the eyes as she was worried. I knew I was angry, but who wouldn't when someone decides to betray your trust...?

Soejammy: Twilight, move out of the way, please!

Twilight kept looking at me as she did not dare move. Looking deeply into my eyes with a notion of not listening. Twilight knew that if she moved, Trixie would be attacked and had no mercy to be given. Twilight floated the flash-portal to her and pointed to it as to return Trixie back to her own world. To send Trixie back in defeat and shame. I wanted to leave no loose ends, but Twilight was stopping me from doing what I wanted. What I thought should be the call. But as I kept looking at Twilight, I felt my thinking get clearer as my choice wasn't the right call. Trixie had been defeated, there was no other reason to keep doing this and commit something that I would sorely regret. I lowered my hand and grew a gentler tone and demeanor. Twilight looked at me as tears began to form in her eyes and got up on her hind legs to try to reach and want her to be held.

Soejammy: Ngh...

I looked at Twilight as I reached down to pick up Twilight in my arms as she was shivering and trying to get warmed as much as she could. I looked at Trixie as she was about to try and run away as I called out to her.

Soejammy: Think about leaving after you're beaten, or so help me, I will drop kick you where you stand. You WILL return to your world. If you return here and even dare, seek to attack us again, you better think twice before you do. You made a fool out of me once, I refuse to let mistakes happen again. Our paths will cross again, but they will not happen anytime soon...

Trixie looked at me fearfully as I made her walk-in front of me to the car to keep my eye on her. I held Twilight close to me to help her be concealed from the weather as possible.


Location: Soejammy's house.

Time: Late night - 11:00 p.m.

After having returned back home with a rescued Twilight and a snow beaten Trixie, Blanc loaded the batteries into the flash-portal and opened it up. It was a clearing outside the Everfree forest and outside Ponyville. Trixie was nervous about entering the portal at first, but I soon kicked her through it with no remorse. It was either let Trixie keep wasting our time, or get her out of our hairs and make her remind herself what we're capable of until the next meeting. Nintega's Twilight came out of hiding after Trixie left to apologize for what Trixie had done and gave my Twilight a little head rub before heading back to Nintega's. Twilight had helped in fixing the house and anything Trixie had caused, so at least nothing had to be replaced thanks to her magic. It was getting really late as it was a lot to handle and think about on such a night like this that my Twilight was getting tired from all that happened. I took Twilight up to her room as Mini-Nep followed us up and clung to my pant leg. When placing Twilight down in her bed and giving her some warm covers to help her with the cold weather she dealt with, the unicorn herself was snuggling in them. Happily safe in her room, in her bed and happy to be able to sleep soon.

Soejammy: Are you feeling comfy?

Twilight looked at me and nodded her head as Mini-Nep joined Twilight to cuddle against her in wanting to give as much body heat, she could produce. But to be funny, Mini-Nep instantly became like an ice-cube with a frozen look on her face.

Mini-Nep: N-Nep...

I chuckled at the little nep trying to be funny. I gave Twilight and Mini-Nep a pat on their heads as I was about to leave for my bed as well, maybe even get some medicinal stuff to treat my wounds. I would have gone to do that, but I felt my arm being pulled on as I looked back to seeing Twilight using both of her hooves to hold onto me.

Soejammy: Twilight, it's time to get some rest. Lie down.

Twilight shook her head as she pulled on me more and looked at me in the eyes. Twilight looked like she didn't want to be left alone after what had happened tonight as she seemed scared from what happened today. I don't blame her honestly... She was kidnapped, forced to be out in a cold environment, being in the snow for two hours... I can't honestly blame Twilight as I was deathly scared for her as well... Twilight gave me the look that she wanted me to be with her. The look she gave me showed how much she needed me to be there right now.

Soejammy: Okay. I won't leave you.

I could see Twilight beaming with happiness as she knew I would sleep in the bed with her. Once I got under the covers to allow Twilight to get closer to me, we began resting to make it to the next day. Not once having a bad dream that night forward.

Third point of view

Outside the window of Soejammy's house something was looking inside the window. It soon vanishes as a computer screen could be seen with someone looking at the monitor. The person was in a lab coat and wore a pair of glasses.

???: What an... "Interesting" development~ Ha ha ha.

The person in the lab coat turns the monitor off for the night and decides to get some needed rest as well.

Episode 4. End.

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