Episode 5: Bed Sick and Attack of Magic Timber

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Third point of view.

Location: Soejammy's House, Bedroom

Date: December 20th, 2022 - Tuesday

Time: Afternoon - 3:00 p.m.

Soejammy was up in his room as coughing could be heard coming from up there. Noire, who was wearing a face mask, was taking Soejammy's temperature.

Soejammy: Uuuuuuuuuugh...

Taking the thermometer out of Soejammy's mouth, Noire could see on the device that it was reading 111 degrees Fahrenheit.

Noire: Jeez Jammy... You're burning up...

Soejammy: I-I'm fine... I-I can-

Before Soejammy could say anything else, he began to go into a coughing attack as it was loud and painful to Soejammy.

Soejammy: Ngh...

Noire: Jammy, you need to rest. You've been dealing with your job, your stories, taking care of us and even Twilight. You're running your body to the ground and you're crashing because of it...

Soejammy: I-I told you I'm-!

When getting worked up, Soejammy began going into yet another coughing fit. Soejammy's body trembled with each cough as it froze him up from not moving because of it.

Noire: And as your friend, you need to rest!

Soejammy looked at Noire and began to chuckle softly with some coughs.

Noire: What's so funny???

Soejammy: You called me friend, I have to be hallucinating if I heard you say that. Ha... ha... ha...

Noire looked at Soejammy as she just sighed.

Noire: Whatever, dummy... But I'm serious about resting. You're gonna end up passing out if you keep working yourself too hard. You've been sleeping less as of late, working on multiple things, and it all adds onto the work days you already do at your job! You are going to crash your body at some point without proper rest!

Soejammy: B-But my stories... I need... to work on them...

Noire: Your stories and fans can wait until you get better! I'm taking your MacBook Pro, your iPad Pro and your iPhone so you can rest. You can still watch YouTube on your Nintendo Switch, but that's IT! Got it?

Soejammy looked at Noire as he wanted to reject the offer, but had to do something to pass the time to help him sleep if possible.

Noire: I'm not hearing a "no", so you're saying "yes."

Soejammy groaned as he soon covered himself up in his blankets to try and relax as Noire put on some videos of GaLm's gameplays on YouTube. When Soejammy had gotten sick, it had been two days prior as he tried to do little things, but it would be difficult to even attempt with. Twilight and Mini-Nep weren't allowed upstairs unless told they could as to prevent them from getting sick. After reaching downstairs, the CPUs were worried about Soejammy.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): How is he doc? Is he terminally ill? In a coma?? Do we need to go on a life threatening quest to awake home from his slumber??? Did you try kissing him?

Noire began to blush as she slapped Neptune hard on the face.

Noire: No! Don't be stupid, idiot!! Jammy is... He isn't doing too good. He really feels sick. It's almost the same as how he got sick from Covid-19 earlier this year...

Blanc: Oh no...

Vert: Is there anything we can do...?

Noire: For now, no one goes up to that floor. Only those that can properly protect themselves should go up there. By that I mean using contamination suits to not get us sick. Anyone else needs to wash up really well to not get sick.

Noire looked at Twilight and Mini-Nep as they didn't have clothes specifically for them to wear if visiting Soejammy.

Noire: If Twilight does plan to see Jammy... I don't think Jammy would want her to get sick... Including a Mini-Nep...

Vert: But we can't just deprive them of seeing Jammy. They're too much part of his life and theirs...

Noire tried to think of a way she could get them to see each other, and soon thought of something. When she came up with the idea, she soon frowned.

Noire: Dang it. Now I have to go back upstairs...

Taking the laptop back upstairs, the CPUs, Twilight and Mini-Nep looked at each other. After a little bit, Noire came back downstairs as she soon reached the Tablet she had confiscated from Soejammy's room.

Noire: Now... We need a Discord account for her...

Blanc: Doesn't Twilight need an email first?

Vert: And don't we need the password to unlock it AND give facial recognition for Twilight so she can access it as well?

As if the sound of glass breaking could be heard, Noire hung her head down with a defeated sigh as she began heading upstairs again to have Soejammy unlock the iPad of his. Once Twilight was scanned for facial recognition for the iPad, setting up an account for both email and Discord was the easy part. Twilight was looking at the tablet as she touched her hoof to the screen as it reacted to her touch as it opened up another app on it. Freaked out by the weirdness of it all, Twilight hid behind Noire for safety.

Noire: Nonono. It's okay. It can do that. And you see this?

Noire took the Apple Pencil that was magnetically attached to the top of the iPad and held it in her hand.

Noire: This can help in selecting apps or things of interest on the screen. I know you don't have hands, but why not try using your magic to levitate the pencil?

Looking at the pencil, Twilight was a little nervous about what to do. Using her magic, Twilight began to levitate the pencil as she looked at Noire for what she should do.

Noire: Go ahead and... Hmm... Oh!

Pulling out her phone, she had a similar app as she had Soejammy's link info.

Noire: Try sending Jammy a friend request. It's a little tricky using the pen as sometimes, even Jammy has a hard time with it. So, try using your hoofs on the keyboard. Shift causes letters and numbers to change depending what you need to type.

Looking at Noire, Twilight was nervous as she tried to do trial and error of what to input to get the exact lettering down. It took some tries as Twilight was looking at Noire's phone and what letters and numbers were needed. When Twilight got the required letters and numbers down, she looked at Noire at what she needed to do next.

Noire: Now, go ahead and hit "Send Friend Request".

Looking at the button Noire was looking at, Twilight pressed it. Upstairs, Soejammy was still watching YouTube as he looked at Discord and saw that he had a notification. Soejammy raised an eyebrow at seeing it was a friend request from Twilight.

Soejammy: Eh?

Looking at the notification, it was from "Twilight Sparkle". Soejammy blinked as he thought about it and remembered that Noire had taken his tablet. Accepting the friend request, Soejammy soon began getting a call from the same account he just made friends with. Accepting the call, Twilight was on the other end of the call as he smiled. The perspective of view changes as Soejammy was the one being viewed on camera by the others now.

Soejammy (Call): Hey Twilight.

Twilight was surprised by the suddenness of Soejammy appearing on the screen that she tried to get close in wanting to snuggle, but couldn't due to the fact it was just a video link.

Soejammy (Call): Sorry, Twi... I know you must want to cuddle, but we're on a video call... meaning you can see me, but you can't cuddle me...

Twilight looked at the screen as she became sad at hearing this as she pouted softly in being upset.

Soejammy (Call): Hey... Don't worry. We'll cuddle again before you know it. Can you be strong for now? Like how you helped in dealing with Trixie?

Twilight widened her eyes as she remembered the event that happened a month ago as she remembered Soejammy was in danger and wanted to protect him like how he had done to her. Looking at Soejammy, she smiled softly as looked him in the eyes as no words needed to be said from her attitude.

Soejammy (Call): That's the spirit.

Soejammy began to cough in his bed as he trembled from the hard coughs he made.

Soejammy (Call): Ugh... Hate flu season...

Twilight was sad that Soejammy was sick and wished she could do something, but Neptune pats her on the back in trying to cheer her up.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Don't worry, Jammy will get better soon. He always bounces back. Just like the time he had gotten stuck in our dimension.

Soejammy widened his eyes when Neptune said that out loud to Twilight.

Soejammy (Call): Hey! We talked about this! Not to bring that story up again!

Twilight looked at Soejammy and then at the CPUs in being confused by what they meant.

Noire: You just had to say it, didn't you Neptune?

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Come on. It was going to be told eventually. Plus, I don't even think the readers or Twilight even know how this whole thing even began. The stories, to do the VS stuff I put Jammy through, to even the ask corner that Jammy still needs to get through.

Blanc: Yeah... Jammy is kinda bad with handling stuff. I mean, he's even built up stories to allow others to see if they like them. Not even deleting them if they're not getting much attention.

Twilight kept getting more confused, yet intrigued by what she was hearing.

Soejammy (Call): Yeah, can we not talk about all this stuff in front of the sentient pony??? And would you stop reminding me of what I still need to do??? I know I have stuff I need to answer and I know Neptune has more fighters thanks to using MY FOLLOWERS for her selfish deeds!!!

Still talking with Twilight in the room, the group kept sweating as they had a lot of explaining to do now. Twilight had an idea to use the pencil as she wrote out the message with it saying "How did he meet you?" in the chat box before sending it. When Soejammy read it, he groaned at the curiosity Twilight had.

Soejammy (Call): Great... Now she asked the question.

Picking up Twilight, Vert brought her to the couch to sit on to allow her to be comfy. Blanc picked up the iPad and placed it on the TV tray table and moved it in front of Twilight and Vert.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Get ready for a story of a lifetime~! Because we are going BACK into the past with this detail of a meeting being exposed!

Soejammy (Call): You're making it sound like I have secrets with that statement!!

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Not my fault you're shady~

Soejammy began to groan and slunk back into his bed from the harassment he was getting from Neptune, despite being sick in bed. Neptune giggled as she began to start the story.

Story: The Day Soejammy Met The CPUs

Dimension: Hyper

Location: Planeptune

Time: Day

It was a clear sky blue day in Gamindustri, where everything was peaceful, if you don't live in Planeptune. Shouts of cries could be heard as zooming in, Neptune was running away from Histoire.

Neptune: Go away Histy!!!

Histoire: Neptune! Get back here!!

Neptune: No!!

Histoire, Oracle of Planeptune, was chasing after Neptune for reasons. Reasons as in getting Neptune to do her duties as a CPU. CPUs are leaders of a country and are also known as "Goddesses." These Goddesses are known to be protectors of each nation and praised by the residents who live in them. Four nations exist within Gamindustri: Planeptune, Lastation, Lowee, and Leanbox. Neptune, also known as CPU: Purple Heart, was one of those leaders who resides in Planeptune. Neptune had run out onto the balcony with Histoire chasing her still.

Neptune: I've been working everyday!! I want a break!!

Histoire: We are VASTLY behind schedule for paperwork!! Your sister is sick and I don't want to disturb her because of it!!

Neptune: I just want a day to relax!!!

Histoire: You can relax once you're done with your duties!!!

Neptune: Someone! Help me!!!

As Neptune was yelling that, a scream could be heard as a loud crash happened. Groaning could be heard as smoke was around the balcony. Before anyone knew, Neptune was on the ground and groaning from the sudden hit.

Neptune: Owie... That's going to leave a mark on my protagonist role...

???: How do you think I feel? I just fell from the SKY!! I could have died!!!

Neptune: Same for me when I did too one time. I was sure I was gonna kick the can, but thanks to convenient cushioning, I was saved!

???: Oh, so like how it is for me right now? You're the convenient cushion that saved my life? Awesome.

Neptune: Yup! Just your average everyday-

Putting the pieces together, Neptune widened her eyes as she began to squirm.

Neptune: Hey! I'm not a cushion! I'm the protagonist! This shouldn't happen to me!

???: Ugh... What is with you saying that??? You sound like someone I know...

When the smoke cleared, Neptune was able to get a good look at the person who had fallen on her. It was a male, with long brown hair and green eyes. He looked like he was a teen based on his voice. He looked slightly built, but not in top physical condition. He wore a black jacket with a white undershirt with a pair of blue jeans on. When he was able to see Neptune as well, he suddenly jumped up and backed away with a yell.

???: Huuuuuh?! How are you right in front of me?!

Neptune: Uh... What are you talking about?

???: No! This is not possible! How are you in front of me?!

Neptune: Uh, buddy? You just asked that question... You won't get a new dialogue just from asking the same thing. Well, except like right now? Am I in an RPG right now? Is this a new game event? DLC?!

???: Quit with the 4th wall breaks, Neptune! This is too early for what is happening!!

Neptune: I can't help it! I'm the- Huh??? How do you know me??? I didn't even get to introduce myself.

The male froze slightly and began to sweat.

???: Well...! You see...! That is...! Ummmmm...

Neptune looked at the male more closely as his clothes didn't seem normal to her.

Neptune: So... Are you from a different nation?

The male looked at Neptune as he sweated a little.

???: Well, I mean... Yeah? Kind of? Okay, I'm straight up not sure at all... I just fell from the damn sky, and I'm really just at a loss for words right now to be honest...

Neptune looked at the person in front of her as she tilted her head.

Neptune: Well, your name right now is just "???" for me. And you're not a random silhouette person. You have a diverse attitude about this whole thing, and you obviously know me for some reason.

???: Can you not do that??? It really feels awkward being in person in front of you than from across the television screen...

Neptune: Huh? You were watching me from a television??? Wait... Are you a stalker?!

The man fell down as his legs were up in the air twitching before he got up and yelled at Neptune.

???: What answer leads you to that?! No! I wouldn't do that!!

Neptune: Then how do you know me if you never met me before?!

???: Because I watched your anime and played your games!

Before the man knew it, he soon covered his mouth while Neptune was trying to figure out what was just said to her.

Neptune: Wait... TV, games, anime, having knowledge of who I am before arriving, taking my bit of falling on people!!!

Neptune gasped as she pointed to the person in front of her.

Neptune: You're a diehard fan!!!

???: You dunce!!! I come from another dimension!!! You literally make references on the games and anime!!!

When Neptune began to think about it more, it did click in her brain for that.

Neptune: Oh yeah, there were times I made game references to past Neptunia games. That was funny~ But now that you mention it, you do know about that. So if you heard me say it, YOU'RE A HUMAN FROM THE HUMAN REALM!!!

The man looked at Neptune as he facepalmed himself in how dense the Nep was.

???: You JUST realized that...?

Neptune: Oh, give me a break! This is my first time having an actual human falling on top of me! Especially one outside of the anime universes. That one is definitely new.

???: Yeah... Tell me about it...

Looking around, the man was trying to search for something or rather someone.

???: So uh... I think I saw Histoire chasing you while I was falling, what happened to her?

Neptune blinked as she tried to look for Histoire left and right. When feeling a bump causing her to jump slightly, she looked down to see that Histoire was being sat on.

Histoire: Neptune! Get off me this instant!!

Looking under herself, Neptune could see Histoire struggling to get freed from under Neptune. Neptune seemed to just enjoy the amusement right now and didn't move. When the man sees this, he gets up and heads over to where Neptune is. Picking up the Nep herself, the man throws her over him to make her fall onto her back while picking up Histoire.

Neptune: Owie!! Hey! Don't you know it's rude to throw someone!?

???: Don't you know it's rude to ignore someone when they are asking you to get off of them?

Neptune: I didn't hear anyone.

Neptune was trying to play things off as Histoire began to float into the air.

Histoire: Thank you. Unlike SOMEONE here, they rather make things more complicated.

Neptune: WHAT?!

???: You're welcome, Histoire. You do have to deal a lot. Especially with how Neptune acts...

Histoire: It's not usually like this, but-

Histoire looked at the man and tilted her head.

Histoire: If it's not rude to ask, how do you know me? I never did introduce myself.

???: Oh, right. Kinda just went with it and forgot...

Histoire: "Forgot"? I don't think I follow what you mean...

???: It's... A little confusing... Gah... I'll just say it. My name's Soejammy. Some friends call me Soe, some Jammy, and just whatever floats with them.

The now named Soejammy smiled as he looked behind him and looked out towards the city of Planeptune from the balcony.

Soejammy: OH WOW!!! This is Planeptune?! So cool!!!

The man was looking out to Planeptune as Histoire approached the man.

Histoire: Is... Is it your first time seeing this place?

Soejammy: I mean... Maybe?

Soejammy didn't really know how to respond as he rubbed the back of his head.

Soejammy: I'm... Not gonna lie... I kinda know who you are, but not "personally."

Histoire tilted her head and looked confused.

Histoire: I... Don't follow.

Soejammy: How can I phrase it right... Hmm...

Soejammy tried to think about how he knew about her and the place around him. Soejammy didn't want to lie to them as he was really happy to be here.

Soejammy: Well, there really isn't much I can explain... But in my world, you all and this place was in an anime or video game.

Histoire: A "video game"?

Soejammy: Yeah. Neptune should know, she basically breaks the barrier of fiction and tries to reference with the audience who play them.

Neptune: What?! I mean, I do that, but that's just me wanting to be silly.

Soejammy: And yet, it doesn't stop you from making references to Final Fantasy's victory theme in your own way.

Neptune widened her eyes as she was surprised to hear that.

Neptune: You know that theme!?

Soejammy: Who wouldn't???

Trying to bring the talk back around, Histoire floated near Soejammy.

Histoire: If you know about us in another dimension, how did you end up here?

Soejammy looked at Histoire when asked that question as he tilted his head.

Soejammy: You know, gonna be honest. I don't really know HOW I ended up here. I was just reading manga, or watching some videos and all of a sudden, I'm here. I just got hit by a BLINDING light as if Goku Solar Flared me. Then I'm just falling from the sky and flatten the Nep over there.

Neptune, being talked about, closed her eyes and pointed at Soejammy.

Neptune: Hey! You make it sound like it was THAT easy to drop on me like that!!

Soejammy: I mean, either hit the hard ground or land on top of something else. I rather the cushion landing thank you.

Neptune just looked at Soejammy as she was about to say something, before Soejammy cut her off.

Soejammy: And don't even think you're innocent of falling. You have had many instances where you fell on Noire, fell on Compa, falling from the sky in the anime onto Noire and then that blooper scene in the animation where your top half is buried into the floor of Noire's Basilicom. I rather land on someone, than being half under.

Neptune was going to say something again, but Soejammy cut her off.

Soejammy: Not to mention your own SISTER has even landed on Noire. That time being where you two were in the other dimension for about... 10 years that time, 10 days where the ever so calm Oracle of Planeptune, has to deal with your crap. Do you really know how much she does for you and this nation when you decide to play hooky and neglect your duties? Even your sister has to deal with it and she gets the jobs done more than you do. I mean honestly!!!

For the next hour, it was Soejammy just talking up a storm as he pointed at everything Neptune has done. From being lazy, to ignoring Histoire, to pretty much anything that showed Neptune not doing her actual duties.

Soejammy: And don't even dare get me started with how you, Noire, Blanc and Vert, get captured in any way possible! How many times did you get caught in the entire series by the antagonists??? I know some was because you had no choice, but you let yourselves get hit by an Anti-crystal that drained your powers, get caught by Kurome, get caught by Arfoire in the animation version, and you drank what Underling, whose real name is Linda for some reason, to become all shy and weird!! WHY WOULD YOU TAKE A DRINK FROM UNDERLING, WHO I STILL DON'T BELIEVE IS LINDA!!!

By the time Soejammy was done with his rant, he was taking some deep breaths as Neptune seemed to have passed out from it.

Soejammy: Oh... Um... I didn't mean for her to-

Histoire: Not a problem. At least Neptune can't run and she seems to be incapacitated. I was chasing her all afternoon to be honest...

Soejammy: So, me ranting about how she acts helped?

Histoire: Trust me, I was going to lecture her the same, but yours dealt even emotional damage to her.

Neptune in her weak state, seemed to have heard what Histoire had said.

Neptune: E-Emotional... Damage...

Histoire and Soejammy looked at Neptune before looking back at each other.

Histoire: So, you came from another dimension? Like how Neptune when she disappeared on us?

Soejammy: I mean, kinda? I don't really know how I got here. Like I said, just doing my usual things, and poof. Falling from the sky to the balcony of the Basilicom. No idea how that happened.

Histoire: Very curious...

Soejammy: Curious indeed... With me being from another dimension, I'm basically stuck here. No way to contact home or how to get home to be honest.

Histoire tried to think of how there could be a way, before remembering something.

Histoire: There is another Neptune that seems to be a dimensional hopper, but she and Uzume are currently away right now...

Soejammy: Knowing those two??? Of course they are hopping from dimensions right now...

Histoire: But if there is another way of how we can get you home sooner, we will look for it.

Soejammy: Thanks Histoire. So, should I help tie Nep up before she regains consciousness?

Histoire nods her head as Soejammy sighed and went to get some rope. Once he was done tying up Neptune, he looked at Histoire.

Soejammy: So, where's Nepgear?

Histoire: Currently resting. Nepgear has been working hard in her sister's place and is very tired...

Feeling bad for Nepgear, Soejammy looked at Histoire with a sad expression. Making up his mind, he looked at Histoire.

Soejammy: How can I help?

Histoire looked at Soejammy as she blinked her eyes.

Histoire: You... What?

Soejammy: I asked, how can I help?

Histoire looked at Soejammy as if shocked about the request being given.

Histoire: You... Want to help?

Soejammy: Yes... Is that not common?

Histoire: No... I mean... You just entered a world, foreign to how yours works, and have no way of returning home... First thing that you have on your mind is to help me?

Soejammy: Yes. That's exactly what's happening.

Histoire just stared at Soejammy as if stunned or having trouble processing what she heard.

Histoire: Why do you want to help???

Soejammy: Well, I mean, I got nothing better to do. Plus, being here feels like something out of a dream. If I'm going to be stuck here in a dimension I always wanted to be, I might as well make the most of it by spending time with the characters from one of my favorite anime and game series.

Histoire looked at Soejammy, still perplexed by his thinking, but smiled as she began heading back inside.

Histoire: Well, I'm not going to turn down help when it's offered. If you would follow me, please?

Following Histoire, Soejammy began getting to work with her as he was told of the history of their world and vice versa with Soejammy.

Three hours later...

Walking into the door of the living room of the Basilicom. Noire, Blanc, their sisters and Vert walk in accompanied by IF and Compa. They were here because of the call they received from Histoire.

Noire: So, why are we here?

IF: Beats me. She said it was important and we had to get over here.

Compa: Are Nep-Nep and Ge-Ge okay...?

Histoire: They are fine. Nepgear is just resting, and Neptune... Just sitting.

Histoire appeared with a smile on her face as she greeted the group.

Noire: Wow. You seem rather happy today.

Histoire: Thank you, Noire.

Vert: Did something happen that made you happy?

Histoire: I wouldn't say that today has been the best, but it has been better than most recently.

Blanc: Why do you say-

Accidentally cutting Blanc off, Soejammy appeared around the corner with some paperwork in hand.

Soejammy: Histoire?

Histoire: Hmm? Yes, what is it?

Soejammy approached Histoire while having a pair of reading glasses on as he held the paperwork up for Histoire to see.

Soejammy: This request seems to be trying to direct a tourist attraction to a monster field. It would be very unwise and dangerous should any kids be part of it.

Histoire: Oh, I see...

Soejammy: If a device was made to counter blasts from monsters, or to make impacts from them weaker, then we could permit this. Sadly, I do not know anything that can help with that right now...

Histoire: Please make sure that it is properly filed. I would hate for others to try and attempt this without a safe method...

Soejammy: No problem.

Before Soejammy left the room, he took notice of the people in the room as he suddenly became very shy.

Soejammy: Oh... Uh... Hello.

The CPUs, IF, and Compa looked at Soejammy and then to Histoire in terms of wanting to have something explained.

Histoire: Ah, sorry. Everyone, I would like you to meet Soejammy.

Soejammy: Um... Hi.

Soejammy was a bit nervous being in the same room with the CPUs, IF, and Compa as they all stared at him.

Histoire: Soejammy fell from the sky after being teleported here from another dimension. It was about the same time when I was chasing Neptune, that I was able to get her to stop running and lecture her.

IF: Speaking of Nep, where is she? If anyone likes trying to make new friends, it's her.

Histoire: Ah, you see... That is the reason why I'm explaining...

Looking out to the balcony, they could see the tied up Neptune as a table was given to supply her with a drink of water to keep her hydrated.

Compa: Why is Nep-Nep out there like that?

Noire: I know she's weird, but that's a new kind of weird...

Histoire: Funny enough, Soejammy is the reason why she's out there. After a lecture that pointed out many things about her, she passed out for some time.

The others in the room looked very shocked that someone was able to put Neptune in her place.

Noire: You're kidding, right? That's hardly believable.

Soejammy: Should I make any mention of cosplaying?

Noire: Exactly. It's as stupid as mentioning-

Widening her eyes, Noire yelped as she looked at Soejammy in an angry way with her sword touching the tip of Soejammy's nose. Soejammy held his hands up in a form of surrender to not make any sudden moves.


Soejammy looked at Noire and then at the sword while taking a gulp to calm his nerves. Soejammy was even trembling and sweating for his life.

Soejammy: P-P-P-P-Please don't hurt me. I wasn't meaning anything harmful...

Before Noire could press further, Histoire pushed the sword out of the way and looked at her.

Histoire: Noire! No! He didn't mean any harm when he said that! It's his way of knowing each of you due to how he gained his knowledge of us!

Noire: Ugh!!! But...!

Histoire: Soejammy is just a kind person who didn't mean any harm! Look at him!

Noire looked back at Soejammy, who was in tears and the look of being scared was on his face. Clearly fearing for his life in front of Noire, she sensed no ill intentions from intimidating him. Making her sword vanish, Noire crossed her arms while turning her back to him.

Noire: Fine. But it's really weird how he knew that.

Soejammy: I-I'm sorry... I was just trying to be friendly...

Soejammy was still trembling at having been held up by sword point by Noire. IF and Compa went over to Soejammy as they helped him over to the couch.

IF: Come on, sit down.

Compa: Noire wasn't going to really hurt you. Maybe.

Soejammy: For a nurse-in-training, I-I'll just take the kindness where I can get it...

Compa: You know I'm trying to be a nurse???

Soejammy nodded his head before looking at IF.

Soejammy: You're IF. You take missions at a guild hall, have a motorcycle you like to ride on while keeping your handy pink flip-phone close by at hand.

IF: Okay, that's something.

Soejammy: And when others take your phone away, you get super protective of it and worry.

IF: And that's getting personal...

While Soejammy was talking to IF and Compa, Vert began talking to Histoire.

Vert: So, he just showed up all of a sudden?

Histoire: Yes. That's what happened. He knows he isn't supposed to be here, already giving proof he's from a separate dimension as this.

Joining the conversation, Blanc chipped in what she was thinking.

Blanc: Does he know how he got here?

Histoire: That's the thing. He was just doing something in his world, but then suddenly falling into ours.

Vert: Quite interesting indeed...

The three soon looked over to Soejammy talking to IF and Compa as he seemed to be calm enough to talk to them both with no problems.

Blanc: He also seems calmer than how he acted.

Histoire: Yes. It was sort of like that when asking him many questions, but after letting him adjust, he does get used to talking to whoever is new to him.

Blanc: Well, I hope he can adjust. Soejammy seems to be needing it right now.

Looking at Soejammy again, Rom and Ram seemed to double team on Soejammy in asking him questions left and right. Swirls in his eyes were seen as he seemed to have been overloaded by the many questions from the two. The flashback begins to fade as the current story was done for now.

Story: End.

As the CPUs finished thinking back and telling the story, Soejammy on the other end of the computer did not have an amused look on his face.

Soejammy (Call): Yeah... Could you NOT have told Twilight I was shy back then???

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Hey! I told what happened to me when you lectured my head off! I passed out from the overload too!!!

Soejammy (Call): You were called stuff while you were conscious, I have two identical sisters asking me questions, EVEN AFTER I was passed out!

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): I stand my ground where I want.

Soejammy (Call): Don't make me get up from this bed and chase you. I will catch you. I ALWAYS find who I'm looking for!

Soejammy began to cough when he said that last part as he groaned and covered himself back up under the covers. Neptune was going to laugh when Noire looked at her and shook her head to tell her not to do that. Neptune groaned softly and crossed her arms across her chest. Twilight watched all of this as Soejammy began to talk on the mic again.

Soejammy (Call): Ugh... This is like that time when Nepgear had gotten sick... Is this how she felt...?

Bringing up that memory, it was around the same time Soejammy had fallen into their world.

Vert: As a matter of fact, it does seem you are sick just like how she was when you showed up that day.

Blanc: You do push yourself hard...

Noire: Not to mention trying to figure out how to even fix US in our current problems...

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): I'm just happy I can do this for pranks while this lasts.

Everyone besides Twilight and Mini-Nep, knew what Neptune was talking about as Soejammy spoke.

Soejammy (Call): If you do that crap in front of Twilight while I'm sick, there will be NOTHING standing in my way. I WILL get up from this bed, I will hunt you down, and I WILL lecture you again. This time, it will be the sick version.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Alright, mooooooooom.

Neptune said that in the most sarcastic way possible as Twilight began to write using the pen that read "What happened to Nepgear when you were over there in their world?" Soejammy read the message as he began to think about it.

Soejammy (Call): Well, like we said. There was more to than what we knew of Nepgear being sick as Compa had examined Nepgear before I even appeared in their world. Nepgear was exhausted due to working so hard. One guess for the reason WHY.

Everyone looked at Neptune as she raised her hands into the air.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): OH, COME ON!!!

Soejammy (Call): No excuses! You basically slack off while your sister covers for you!! With so much work she had to do for you, you basically got to do hardly any crap, while your sister kept YOUR nation running!!

Soejammy began to cough up a violent spree of coughs.

Soejammy (Call): Ugh... Ough...

Vert: Calm down, Jammy. Working yourself up isn't going to help you.

Soejammy (Call): Well, someone has to get the record straight... Ugh... Is this how Nepgear felt...? Sick? Weak? I hate it...

Blanc: It's called "Being sick" for a reason... Of course you're going to feel like crap.

Soejammy (Call): Ugh... Hate it so much!

Soejammy cuddled under the covers as he felt exhausted. Twilight wanted to get his attention about Nepgear as she had written "What about Nepgear??? What happened to her???" Noire saw the comment as she took Twilight and muted the call to let Soejammy sleep.

Noire: Well, you see...

Story: The sick CPU

The story began when Nepgear was sick with a high fever as she was lying down on a couch. Soejammy was worried about Nepgear as Compa was doing some tests while Soejammy did everything he could to make sure Nepgear was comfortable.

Soejammy: Anything yet, Doc?

Compa: I'm not a Doctor, Soejammy... I'm just a Nurse in training...

Soejammy: But you're the closest thing we got to a Doc. I would rather keep the situation about Nepgear's condition down-low and not have the public freak out. How would you react if you found out Nepgear was really sick??

Compa looked Soejammy and closed her eyes in knowing Soejammy made a good point of trying to keep the situation down-low.

Compa: My tests should be done soon. I'll let you know what I find and begin trying to make medicine.

Soejammy: Thank you, Compa. Your help is really appreciated.

Compa continued to work trying to analyze what was alleviating Nepgear as Soejammy kept trying to keep her comfortable. Soejammy was changing out Nepgear's wet cloths that was keeping her fever down to keep her in a calmed state.

Soejammy: Don't worry Nepgear, we're going to figure this out.

Soejammy was about to get up, when he was startled by Neptune yelling.

Neptune: AWW MAN! Blasted out of the sky again!

Soejammy: Neptune...!

Neptune looked back at Soejammy and then towards the game.

Soejammy: Don't just ignore me...! I'm talking to you, lilac girl...!

Soejammy got up and walked to be in front of the tv to block Neptune's view of the screen.

Neptune: Hey! I have an Histy to do that! At least she's easier to get around!

Soejammy: Your sister is SICK and you're just focusing on your games!?

Neptune: Well, yeah? We're protagonists~ We get through this all the time~

Soejammy: That is irresponsible AND reckless. Do you not know that?

Neptune: Says the guy who knows the mainline streams of our series. We always get through this no problem! It's not the first time we were in danger. Neither was Nepgear.

Soejammy: You are as immature as I know you are to be when you get super relaxed. That's very dangerous, Neptune.

Neptune rolled her eyes as she tried to move to get a view of the screen, Soejammy got in the way again to block her vision.

Neptune: If you know so much about us, why focus on me right now???

Soejammy: Because I know that you care deeply for everyone and their well-being. I know you're worried about Nepgear as she BASICALLY does all the work for you. You barely have to lift a finger to help out most of the time and you've been here LONGER than your sister. Don't you think that during the time that while everyone else was busy with their work, their little sisters- Minus Vert -had the chance to do what they wanted on their own time. Uni wants to focus on helping her sister as she wants to live up to Noire's expectations, Rom and Ram play pranks and draw on paper while Blanc works.

Neptune: What's this have to do with me???

Soejammy: How about for the fact that YOUR SISTER covers for you every single time, allowing you to goof off, while she has to step up as acting CPU helping Histoire run YOUR NATION!!

Neptune blinked as she began to play on her console again while Soejammy gained a tick mark on his head.


Soejammy went to the tv, unplugged it and the console to stop Neptune from playing her video game.

Neptune: HEY! I wasn't done playing!! Now I lost 3 hours worth of playtime without saving!!

Soejammy: WHY YOU LITTLE-!!!

Soejammy was going to reach for Neptune, but then a cry from Compa was heard.

Compa: Soejammy! Nep-Nep!

Hearing Compa's cries, Soejammy began to rush to where Compa was while Neptune followed behind. When they reached Compa, she had a worried look on her face.

Compa: Soejammy... This is VERY serious...

Soejammy: How serious are we talking???

Compa: Ge-Ge... Is being afflicted by a virus...

Soejammy widened his eyes as he looked at Neptune. When he saw Neptune's face, she was horrified by what she heard.

Neptune: Wh-What...?

Compa: Nep-Nep... If we don't get an antidote for Ge-Ge soon... She'll die...

Neptune stared at Compa in shock as tears began to stream down Neptune's cheeks as Soejammy looked at Neptune.

Soejammy: Do you understand now!? Your SISTER is SICK!! We've been trying to take care of her, while you've been messing around!! How long huh?! How long is it going to take for you to GROW UP!!

Neptune looked at Soejammy as she began to cry with tears falling down to the ground as her knees collapsed under her. Soejammy looked at Neptune as he looked at Compa.

Soejammy: Is there an antidote?

Compa: There is, but the one I'm looking for is a cure to help Ge-Ge... Is by looking for an antidote SPECIFICALLY for a CPU...

Soejammy: You can't be serious...

Compa: I am. I looked at everything possible, and this disease Ge-Ge has is one that a previous CPU had... Tales told that they died of the virus before the antidote was administered...

Soejammy: Then surely there is an antidote! They wouldn't just leave it in the open like that without giving some clue to finding a way to save Nepgear!!

Compa: That's the thing, I-

Before Compa could finish her sentence, IF opened the door and seemed really annoyed.


Soejammy: What's gotten into you???

IF: I WAS on my way back WITH an antidote that Compa called me about to give to Nepgear, but then some crazy person stole it from me after knocking me over!!


IF: They went to the forest! But we're never-

Before Soejammy heard the rest of it, he began to rush out as he pushed past IF to head for the elevator down.

IF: Jeez! What the hell was that for!?

Compa: Ge-Ge has been in pain and trying to get Nep-Nep to help out... He's worried...

IF: I get that, but the moment I mentioned where I last saw the guy head to, that was over an hour ago! He could be gone by then!!

Compa: That... You do have a point...

When IF put her hands into her pockets, her eyes widened when feeling around inside of them as she looked at Compa.

IF: Compa...

Compa: Hmm?


Looking at the elevator, IF then went to the balcony as she looked down to see Soejammy riding on her motorbike to drive to the forest fast.


From there, Soejammy began trying to search for the antidote that would then save Nepgear's life.

Story: End.

Twilight looked at Noire as Neptune looked at her as well. Giving a look of question and doubt to what was said in the story.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): How did you know most of the things you weren't even there for?

Noire: It's not a secret Nepgear got sick or deathly ill!

Blanc: I'm gonna have to agree with that... Rom and Ram told me about the incident too. Histoire even filled us in on it at the time after Nepgear recovered.

Vert: To think MY SISTER was being treated that badly at the time.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): First off, not your sister, Vert. Secondly, I did go help after everything sank in on me! Just... Needed someone to talk some sense...

Noire: Like we ALWAYS do???

Blanc: You're prone to haphazard situations... A lot...

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Why is everyone treating me as if I'M the comedic relief?!

The CPUs began to argue with each other in terms of what they were talking about. Twilight looked at the tablet as she wanted to draw a picture or do something to show she cares for Soejammy. Blanc, noticing Twilight struggling, breaks off from the CPUs to help Twilight.

Blanc: What can I do to help?

Twilight was trying to draw on the screen with the pencil provided, Twilight wrote "I can't draw pictures..."

Blanc: We may not be able to draw pictures on Discord, but we can send gifs.

Twilight tilted her head as Blanc guided her to press the gif button and then choose a specific gif twilight wanted to send.

Blanc: You can find almost any gif here. From angry to sad, there are a lot of gifs to choose from. Whichever one you want to send to Jammy, you can find them here.

Twilight looked at Blanc and then began looking for a gif. When the perfect one she finds is what she wants to send, Twilight sends a cuddle gif in wanting to show Soejammy when he wakes up to give cuddles.

Blanc: At least in this way, you can still show what you want to convey, when you can't draw them out on the tablet. I think there are apps that let you save drawings and allow them to be sent digitally through photos.

Twilight smiled more when hearing that as she held the tablet up to have Blanc help her out.

Blanc: Even if we did find any drawing apps, Jammy has to put in a password or use facial recognition on this... Meaning we need his help for that...

Twilight's face soon turned into a sad expression. Blanc felt sorry for Twilight as there were limited ways to go about trying to keep her entertained. Looking at Twilight, she remembered the many things Soejammy would do for Twilight to help make her feel comfortable and it got her thinking.

Blanc: (Just how did you do it Jammy? You make it look so easy...)

A coughing could be heard from the tablet as Soejammy tossed and turned in his bed while he groaned in pain. Twilight watched this as she nuzzled against the screen of the tablet wishing she could be with Soejammy right now. Blanc looked at Twilight as she picked her up and sat her down on the couch to sit next to her.

Blanc: How would you like a continuation to Jammy's story when he was in our world the first time?

Twilight looked at Blanc as she nodded her head at wanting more of the story. Blanc giggled in seeing the filly's request for more stories as she began to think about it.

Blanc: And the good part about this, is that I WAS actually there for what I saw. This couldn't be made up even if I tried to make it up.

This caught Twilight's attention as Blanc began to tell her story while the other CPUs were arguing with each other.

Story: Forest fight

Deep in the woods, a motorcycle was left by a tree. The kickstand wasn't engaged, but left carefully leaning on a tree. Soejammy had gone to the forest IF had mentioned as he began to look around for the thief that stole the antidote. Sneaking around, Soejammy was trying to keep an eye out while keeping to his surroundings for monsters. When coming to a clearing, Soejammy had been searching for about an hour and wiped his brow.

Soejammy: Augh... Where is that guy? Did IF say THIS forest, or a completely different one??? Jeez... Talk about pulling a Zoro... Now I'M lost!!

Blanc: Then you shouldn't have acted so recklessly to rush to a forest.

Soejammy: GAH!!!

Turning around fast, Soejammy was met with Blanc, Ram, and Rom. Ram and Rom were giggling from my shocked reaction of being surprised like that.

Soejammy: DON'T do that! Holy crap! When you want to be silent, you sure like to!

Blanc: Unlike you, I don't just talk to myself for an hour and just wander around. Not to mention climbing trees to look over them, only to have the other trees blocking the view.

Soejammy's jaw dropped to the ground as he looked at Blanc with a tick mark on his head.


Ram: Not spying~ Just "observing" you~

Rom: Keeping you safe.

Blanc: It's a little bit of both.

Soejammy threw his hands up into the air as he hit his head against a tree.

Soejammy: Why didn't you three tell me you were here earlier?!

Blanc: Because with how Nepgear got sick, we had to make sure you weren't the cause for it.

Soejammy: What!? Oh, you cannot be serious about this! I didn't do anything like that!

Blanc: Yet, the possibility of you being the one to afflict Nepgear is possible, considering you know the comprehensive knowledge of our universe.

Soejammy almost lost his balance as he looked at Blanc.

Soejammy: I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!! I had just gotten done lecturing Neptune an hour ago before Compa told us about Nepgear's condition!

Blanc: Yes, then we get a call from her saying you began heading off to the nearest forest where she last saw the thief.

Soejammy: Yeah. Because he has the antidote for Nepgear's recovery. You want to argue about this? Let's do that AFTER Nepgear recovers.

A stomach could be heard rumbling as there was silence for a moment before Rom spoke up.

Rom: You're hungry... Aren't you, Mister...?

Soejammy just stared as he nodded his head as he had worked to help out in Planeptune a lot.

Blanc: You aren't leaving until you get back the antidote that was stolen for Nepgear?

Soejammy nodded his head more to show he didn't want to leave the area until then. Blanc sighed as she looked at her sisters.

Blanc: Looks like we'll have to postpone that picnic until we can get this lug nut out of here.

Rom: Awwww...

Ram: No fair.

Soejammy: I'm still here... Why are you calling me a lug nut...?

Blanc didn't answer that question as she and her sisters began to help Soejammy in searching for the thief. It soon became another hour in searching in the forest for the thief. Soejammy stuck close to Blanc, Rom, and Ram due to inability to fight any monsters. This whole time, Soejammy had encountered monsters, but he ran away every time. Even evading a Fenrir which surprised the three as they didn't know how a human survived an attack. Soejammy shrugged his shoulders and just didn't know. When coming to a small clearing, they heard the sound of laughter coming from someone in the forest.

Soejammy: Hear that?

Blanc: Yup.

Soejammy: Think that's our guy that stole from IF?

Blanc: You're the one who came running in here. You should check.

Soejammy: Oh, ho, ho. Most gladly will.

Getting closer to the clearing, Soejammy poked his head above the bush he was hiding behind and listened carefully to the area.

Thief: Ha! What an easy steal! So much loot with my crazy skills! I could make a fortune out of all of this! But out of all of them, why was a girl holding this on her?

The thief held up a vial with blue liquid in it. It was labeled "Antidote" on it.

Thief: Oh well, if she was planning to go face a poisoned monster, guess she has trouble and not-

Before he could say anything else, Soejammy had rushed out and punched the thief in the head. The Thief dropped the vial while Soejammy picked it up.

Soejammy: You are SO DEAD!! DO YOU HEAR ME!?


Soejammy: Don't even ask who I am!! Just know that you are in a WORLD of agonizing trouble!!

Thief: What are you talking about!? I don't even know you!! Let alone steal from you!!

Soejammy: You didn't steal from me, yes. BUT YOU STOLE FROM ONE OF MY FRIENDS!!!

The thief looked at Soejammy with a blank face as if it was not clear who he stole from.

Thief: I stole MANY things in my life. You're going to have to be specific...

Soejammy: Brown hair, blue long coat, poofy leaf head tie?

Thinking about what Soejammy said, the thief realized who Soejammy was talking about.

Thief: Wait, you're talking about the vial??? YOU'RE MAD ABOUT THAT LITTLE THING!?

Blanc was slightly worried Soejammy was going to let his head get to him from confronting the thief and tell him the real reason IF had the antidote, but Soejammy kept his cool.

Soejammy: This "Antidote" you have was made by me in terms of supplying her with highly effective poison treating wounds. Usually I pay those for a good sum of money just to get their hands on this to face a strong enemy that deals poison. One sip of this, and the poison you had afflicted becomes nullified. FOREVER.

The thief widened his eyes as he looked at the vial along with Blanc who was surprised by Soejammy's persuasion. With the way Soejammy was talking, it DID make it sound like he did make it. But that of course was a boldfaced lie.

Thief: You mean I could have sold that to someone else and earned so much credit for that thing!?

Soejammy: If you had, I had people who would have called authorities as my work is first to none in making this antidote. I even told other vendors around Planeptune to call if something happened, and luckily, my TOP PAYING CUSTOMER, IF, called me and told me about this incident. You know how much this would have cost you to buy from me...?

Scaring the thief, Soejammy held ten fingers up while holding the vial between his fingers.

Soejammy: You would have had to pay 10,000 credits!!!

The numbers scared the thief as he looked at the one vial he had.

Thief: No way!! For that little thing?!

Soejammy: My antidotes are very rare as I use special ingredients to mix them together. Using such antidotes involves having to gather some rare plants and even from the strongest monster with poison. You know who goes through all that trouble to get those ingredients...?

Thief: The c-customer?


Soejammy struck a pose and pointed at himself with a thumb. But it did leave an impression on the thief as Soejammy placed the vial in his pocket before cracking his knuckles.

Soejammy: So... Do I have to get serious with you?

The thief began to shake his head as Soejammy turned to walk away.

Soejammy: Don't make me catch you like this again. If you do, there won't be any mercy from me.

The thief looked at Soejammy as he then headed into the bushes to meet up with Blanc, Rom, and Ram.

Soejammy: Okay, we got about a minute or two before he realizes that I just swindled him on that story I told him...!

Beginning to run, Blanc, Rom, and Ram began to follow Soejammy in pursuit to get the vial back to Nepgear. When reaching another clearing, the four kept running when Soejammy suddenly stopped.

Soejammy: Why are we even- You three can FLY!!

Soejammy took the vial out of his pocket and handed it to Blanc.

Soejammy: Transform and get this vial to Nepgear! She needs it!

Blanc: What about you??

Soejammy: I'll just find the bike I used to get here. As long as I return it, I think IF won't be that angry at me.

Blanc: You know she's going to strangle you, right?

Soejammy: Boy, do I know it!

With handing Blanc the item to be placed into an inventory space, Blanc was about to take off with Rom and Ram, but then they heard the thief.

Thief: Hey! You're working with Goddesses!? I should have known you were a fake!!

Soejammy: Yup, knew that story wouldn't stand long! But it sure duped you, idiot!!

Thief: I stole that fair and square! Give that back to me!

Soejammy: And I stole it right back! Fair is fair!

The thief growled at Soejammy as he waved his fist out.

Thief: Grrr! Just you wait! I'll get you back for this! I swear it on my code as a thief!!

Soejammy: What code? You aren't even in a guild from the looks of it...

Thief: I SWEAR IT!!!

The thief began to run away as Blanc, Rom, Ram, and Soejammy just sweated.

Soejammy: Can we please not deal with anything else today...?

As if to answer Soejammy, a roar came from behind the four as they slowly looked to see a Fenrir behind them!

Soejammy: I just had to talk about a damn Fenrir today... Didn't I?

Blanc: You are so dead if that doesn't kill you first.

Soejammy: I got us the vial! That has to count for something!

Blanc: You jinxed us!!

The roar from the Fenrir caused Soejammy to begin to run away from the monster as Blanc, Rom, and Ram got their weapons out for Blanc to begin their fight while Soejammy just stood off to the side. Blanc would focus the Fenrir's attacks on her while Rom and Ram focused their ice magic to attack the Fenrir. The battle was long, but the odds were going in the Fenrir's favor as it was faster than Blanc, Rom, and Ram. The battle was soon going to end with the Fenrir as the victor of the battle, but soon was intercepted with a rock being thrown at its eye. The cause was from Soejammy glaring at it and holding another rock.

Soejammy: Hey! I'm right here too! Don't just focus on them, you giant wolf!!!

The Fenrir growled in annoyance of the interference as it began to approach Soejammy. Looking at Blanc and her sister, Soejammy was trying to signal them to go and give the antidote to Nepgear. With the opening secured, Soejammy began to run with the Fenrir behind him back to the forest. Blanc watched as Soejammy disappeared into the forest and saw Planeptune in the distance with the antidote in her hands.

Rom: Blanc...?

Ram: What do we do...?

Blanc looked at her sisters as they seemed worried about Soejammy as she was having to think hard about this. In the forest, some trees have fallen over with Soejammy hiding behind one as the Fenrir destroyed another tree and roared. Soejammy was shaking in fear of the danger he was in, but did so because he wanted to make sure Nepgear was okay. Seeing IF's bike, Soejammy was about to move when the Fenrir rushed past and caused him to duck down to not be seen. The Fenrir was sniffing around as it caught sight of IF's bike. With the smell of Soejammy still on it, it roared and tossed the bike into the forest deeper.

Soejammy: Hey! I already have enough crap here! I don't need IF getting mad at me!

The Fenrir turned around and looked Soejammy directly in the eyes as he chuckled.

Soejammy: In hindsight, yelling out was not the smartest idea on my part~ I'm gonna just go back into hiding and wait for my escape...

Soejammy began to duck below the foliage as the Fenrir attacked that spot, but only to miss. The Fenrir seemed confused as it used its teeth to move the bushes and plants away and see Soejammy had disappeared. Appearing behind the Fenrir, Soejammy began to run to where IF's bike landed as he got it up and tried to start it. Since it was damaged, the bike was having trouble starting.

Soejammy: Come on...! Start...!

Hearing the noises of the bike trying to start, the Fenrir became aggressive in how it was tricked.

Soejammy: Come on...!

The Fenrir began to run towards Soejammy as he kept trying to start the bike as the ignition to start the engine was failing to turn-over to start.

Soejammy: Start, you damned bike!!! START!!!

Hitting the ignition one more time, the bike finally started as Soejammy began to rev the bike to get rolling and began to ride the bike to his escape away from the Fenrir. The Fenrir was hot on Soejammy's trail that Soejammy had to take quick turns and sharp corners to go around trees and keep the Fenrir guessing where he was going. Soejammy saw another foliage and began speeding up to head toward it. Once going through, the Fenrir then went through it and began looking for Soejammy. With the sound of the bike in the distance, Soejammy appeared out of the forest trying to calm his beating heart.

Soejammy: Jeez!!! Talk about a close-

The escape was short lived as the Fenrir still had his scent and came out of the forest with him.

Soejammy Son of a-!!! This thing doesn't quit!!!

When trying to speed up, the tire on IF's bike blew out, as the bike dug the front tire into the ground. This then launched Soejammy as he then bounced against the ground with his left shoulder dislocating and causing him to scream in pain.


Soejammy wanted to try and move, but the pain he felt was so nauseating that he was paralyzed in pain. The Fenrir began to stalk up to Soejammy as he felt the agonizing pain as if a punishment for toying the Fenrir. Soejammy groaned in pain as he wanted to get up, but the pain in his shoulder made it impossible to move at all.

Soejammy: Come on then... Finish me...

The Fenrir growled more as it was about to pounce, when a hammer came flying and smashed against the side of the monster's face.

Soejammy: Th-That hammer...!

Unable to look, Soejammy knew who that hammer belonged to.

Blanc: Bite one part of him and I will show you my wrath!

Jumping to grab her hammer, Blanc kept attacking the Fenrir more as Rom and Ram rushed to Soejammy's side.

Rom: Oh no... What do we do?

Ram: We can't move him like this! Look at his shoulder!

Blanc: Just stay over there with him! Just try to keep him calm and don't move him!!

Blanc continued to fight against the Fenrir and push it back to keep Rom, Ram, and Soejammy safe.

Soejammy: Why did you three... Gah...! C-Come back for me...!? Nepgear is-

Ram: You're the one who got the antidote back! You have to deliver it yourself!

Rom: You protected us even trying to lure the monster away from us...

Ram: For a human from another dimension, that's so cool!

Soejammy: Talk about some rescue... Can't even escape and my shoulder is- AUGH!!

The sharp pain Soejammy felt in his shoulder reminded him why he can't move as he struggled to keep still slightly. Rom and Ram did everything they could to keep Soejammy calm as Blanc let out a yell of pain as she bounced against the ground and was covered in dirt.

Blanc: Damn... Talk about having to save energy... If we didn't have any share energy problems right now, I'd take this thing down...!

Rom and Ram looked at each other and wanted to help, but they couldn't leave Soejammy in pain by himself. Ram then looked at her sister and took some food out.

Ram: Mr. Jammy? You were hungry earlier, right?

Soejammy: Can't... Say food can solve things right now...? Ugh... But a last meal wouldn't hurt...

Rom: We packed a few sandwiches... One of them is just peanut butter...

Perking his ear up, Soejammy seemed to be interested.

Soejammy: Well... If I'm going down like this... Might as well go with the one food that stayed with me growing up in my life...

Taking the sandwich out, Ram took a small piece of the sandwich while Soejammy opened his mouth to let the bread and peanut butter go into his mouth. Chewing it up, Soejammy then swallowed the contents as he had a blank look for a moment when he took a breath. A pulse occurred on Soejammy as his eyes widened up and reached for the sandwich to munch down on the peanut butter sandwich until it was all gone.

Ram: Hey! If you wanted more! You could have asked!

Rom: Don't move so much, Mr. Jammy! You're still hurt!

Soejammy?: Get back for a moment...

With a sound of a growl in his voice, Rom and Ram then moved away from Soejammy as he looked straight to the sky. Lifting his left shoulder, there was discomfort in what he felt, but widened his eyes as he quickly swung back with a crackling and popping sound being heard.


Blanc looked to see where Rom, Ram, and Soejammy were as she was about to say something, when she saw Soejammy beginning to sit up, and go into his hand and knees. Soejammy's left arm was not pushed on as the pain was still there. Taking a few deep breaths Soejammy began to stand as there was a blank look in his eyes.

Soejammy?: Rom... Ram... Thank you for the meal... But now it's time to put this pup to sleep... Blanc... Don't keep fighting, or you're going to be the one that needs help...

Blanc: Jammy??? What are you saying?! How are you even-

Soejammy?: Don't question it right now.

Soejammy began to head towards Blanc as the Fenrir growled and clawed at the ground. Soejammy stood in front of Blanc as his left arm was trembling in pain.

Blanc: Jammy! Your arm! Wait, that's not right! Why are you not paralyzed in pain!?

Soejammy?: Save the questions for later... The real fight is about to begin...

The Fenrir growled as it roared to charge towards Soejammy and Blanc. Blanc was trying to get up quickly as Soejammy then began to run at the Fenrir with his left arm hanging loosely to his side.


Soejammy then jumped as he then landed his foot against the face of the Fenrir and pushed himself up to front flip onto the back, push off with his right hand and land behind the Fenrir. Soejammy looked at the Fenrir with his glazed eyes as no light entered them.

Soejammy?: Come on... Stop being this slow... You wanted to eat me, right? I'm right here...

The Fenrir turned around and growled at Soejammy as he cracked his neck. Blanc, Rom, and Ram looked at Soejammy as Blanc thought to herself.

Blanc: (Th-That can't be Soejammy... He was just running for his life before... He dislocated his shoulder, but yet, now it's just hanging by his side... What the hell happened just now???)

The Fenrir began to charge towards Soejammy in a blind rage as Soejammy looked to his right and saw the IF's bike was nearby him as he made a break for the bike.

Rom: Mr.Jammy! Stop! You can't ride it anymore, remember!!

Ram: Remember you DISLOCATED your shoulder!? How did you even get it back into place to handle like that!?

Soejammy kept running to the bike as he then grabbed hold of it with one hand as a glint in his eyes shined.

Soejammy?: I'm not using the bike to ride on... I'm using it to attack the Fenrir!!!

With incredible strength, Soejammy began to lift the broken remains of the bike and tossed it to be in the mouth of the Fenrir. When the monster bit down on it, gasoline and oil began to drip from the bike as the bike was lodged in the teeth.

Soejammy?: Need something for that bike...? Here...

Taking a lighter out of his pocket and opening it, Soejammy then lit the lighter to make a fire with the flames reflecting out of his eyes.

Soejammy?: Let this be a lesson to any monsters that dare attack my friends...

Soejammy then tossed the lighter to light the gas and oil on fire as the flames went to the ports of both oil and gas. When the fire reached them, the bike then exploded in a ball of fire as the Fenrir burned to a crisp and then disappeared in pixels to signal its defeat.

Soejammy?: Don't ever mess with my friends... I'm not happy when my friends are in danger...

Walking up to Blanc, Soejammy held a hand out to Blanc.

Soejammy?: Need help up?

Blanc: A-Ah...

Blanc looked at Soejammy as there was a long talk about what happened. What happened was that Soejammy developed a different personality when it came to him being in contact with different foods. This noticeable one was when eating peanut butter as a serious and cold personality came out from this. Being fed the sandwich with peanut butter caused him to awaken from a deep slumber as it was a long time from eating pure peanut butter. When awakened, strength is enhanced along with endurance to deal with pain. Once the effects wear off, Soejammy will return to normal and mean the pain he felt will return. The group was then able to safely return with the vial in hand, but Soejammy requested to be knocked out by Blanc to be put under to have proper surgery done to him to give his arm the best chance to recover from the damage and pain. That meant faking what happened in the fight and telling IF her bike had been destroyed during the chase. When Soejammy woke up, he wondered how he got back to Planeptune, meaning the Soejammy Blanc, Rom, and Ram had talked to was true about what happened. This information was never told to the others, until now.

Story: End

When Blanc finished her story with Twilight, the CPUs who were fighting before, even had been listening to the story as they were shocked as well.

Vert: Wait... You mean to tell me, that when you fought the Fenrir, Soejammy was the one to finish it off!?

Noire: N-No! That can't be right! That HAS to be a joke.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Talk about a strange story...

Blanc: It wasn't a story! That's what happened! Rom and Ram fed Soejammy a peanut butter sandwich and it was like he became a new person! It REALLY happened!!

Noire: You told us that you defeated the Fenrir before! Now you're telling us Soejammy beat it!?

Blanc: It sounds crazy considering he was injured during that time, but it DID HAPPEN!!

Noire: Until I see it for myself, I don't BELIEVE for a minute that Soejammy beat a Fenrir by himself. If we knew that from the start, we would have given Jammy peanut butter when facing off against that fake Nemesis when he got us TRAPPED in that stupid game of his with him!!!

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): So many zombies... So many of them... Hate the regenerators...

Vert: The white ones we faced don't even count as regenerators... They're more... Damage takers, if anything... Like tank classes that can take damage for long periods at a time.

Holding up her hands, Noire looks at both Vert and Neptune.

Noire: Can we get back to the TOPIC of Soejammy beating a Fenrir BY HIMSELF!? AFTER EATING PEANUT BUTTER!?

Blanc: Take it how you want. I just thought I would show Twilight how brave Jammy was and tell her that she can always count on Jammy. We counted on Jammy other times, just that he didn't eat peanut butter.

Noire: Stop saying that peanut butter saved the day! It's just a sticky gooey substance!

Blanc crossed her arms under her chest as she looked at Noire.

Blanc: Are you saying I'm a liar!?

Noire: I'm glad we finally came to an agreement on that.

Blanc and Noire began to argue with each other as Neptune and Vert were trying to defuse the situation. Twilight became scared as she and Mini-Nep went up stairs to their room with the iPad. Twilight looked at the iPad as Soejammy coughed in his sleep. As Twilight watched, Mini-Nep saw her adoptive sister just watch the screen with a sad expression. It was the first time Soejammy couldn't be there for both of them as Mini-Nep felt what Twilight felt.


Time: Evening - 7:00 p.m.

After some time passed, a knock was heard on the door as Twilight and Mini-Nep were stirred awake from their sleep.

Noire: Twilight? Mini-Nep? You two awake?

Getting up, Twilight went to the door slowly as she rubbed her eye with her hoof and looked up at Noire.

Noire: I thought I would come to check on you... Are you doing okay?

Twilight was still sad as she looked at Noire as she had a tired expression.

Noire: I'm sorry if I woke you up. I just... Wanted to check if you two were okay...

Twilight and Mini-Nep looked at each other as a coughing sound could be heard from the tablet still as Twilight and Mini-Nep rushed to see about Soejammy. Looking at the screen, Soejammy was still sleeping as he was sweating softly in his sleep while tossing and turning. Noire felt sad that they couldn't be near Soejammy in his current state.

Noire: I know that you both care for Jammy... We all do. He's done so much for us that he's one of the people that really care for us. Not saying there isn't anyone that doesn't care for us deeply. I just mean that... He's a really good friend to have.

Noire pats Twilight and Mini-Nep on the head as she smiles at them.

Noire: Don't you two worry. With some rest and medicine, Jammy should be back on his feet and having fun with you two in no time flat~

This made Twilight and Mini-Nep happy to hear that from Noire as it did calm the both of them down.

Noire: Now, dinner will be ready soon. Why don't you two go wash up.

Twilight and Mini-Nep smiled as Noire left to help finish dinner. After she left, Twilight was going to go get ready for dinner, as Mini-nep was thinking of something before getting an idea.

Mini-Nep: Nep! Nep!!

Twilight looked at Mini-Nep, who was holding onto her horn and tried to understand what she was saying.

Mini-Nep: Nep! Nepu nepu neppity nep!

Twilight tilted her head as Mini-Nep tried to explain again, but Twilight still couldn't understand what Mini-Nep was saying. Facepalming herself, Mini-Nep jumped off of Twilight's head and went to get some crayons and paper. Mini-Nep began to work fast in drawing what she wanted to present. Mini-Nep was trying to convey what she wanted to tell Twilight through drawings, and what Mini-Nep showed her, made Twilight smile greatly as she nodded her head. Mini-Nep held a finger to her lips as she wanted to keep the talk hush hush. Mini-Nep slid the drawings under the bed as they both kept their lips shut about what they plan on doing as they soon got ready for dinner.

Location: Park, forest area.

In the forest, sparks of electricity and wind were being made in a singular spot. What then formed was a small glow of light that soon got bigger and exploded into a portal. Within the portal, green glowing eyes looked through the portal as multiple crunches in the snow was made before the sound of howling echoed in the forest. Signaling a new arrival from Twilight's world once more. In Soejammy's secret lab, "I" was monitoring the data as she looked to see what was going on and was worried.

I: Oh no... This is not good...

The Next day...

Date: December 21st, 2022 - Wednesday

Location: Soejammy's house

Time: Noon - 12:00 p.m.

It was the next day as Noire was doing some work on a personal laptop from her dimension to keep track of what is going on in their dimension to keep track of her Shares along with everyone else.

Noire: It's not bad... But each of our nations is holding on, Leanbox is lower due to the inactivity there... We need to find a way to fix this... At most, we got about...a month at most... At most, we can try and send Vert back, but we need to help fix her problem temporarily first...

Vert: But I tried transforming once before, even my HDD form is even affected like how yours is with your hair. We all have the same problem in both our normal and regular...

Noire: Right... I keep forgetting that...

Vert: If we can just access Twilight's magic... We could fix the changes made to us...

Noire sighed as she remembers the night it happened still as she looked at Vert.

Noire: I know... But we can't force her... She's only a child still... You know how hard it was when we first started off... We didn't have the kind of cooperation nor did we even have the unity we all have. For her... Soejammy, Mini-Nep and all of us are all we have to give her support and help her grow... If we rush her... It could hurt her more than we think...

Vert: I know...

Both Noire and Vert sat there thinking of what they can do. Neptune was taking a nap, and Blanc was checking the weather in the living room.

Weather Reporter (Television): Might want to bundle up people, today is going to be a cold day for us. With temperatures reaching about 12 degrees Fahrenheit, it will be a perfect day to go sledding here for all those boys and girls. Back to you Stacy.

Blanc watched the news and thought about the weather. Thinking it could be fun to take Twilight and Mini-Nep out to take their mind off of Soejammy's sickness and let them have something fun to do. Heading upstairs, Blanc approached the door with her chests softly bouncing from the momentum.

Blanc: Ngh... I thought these would be more fun... But now they're becoming a slight annoyance...

Knocking on the door, Blanc then called out to Twilight and Mini-Nep.

Blanc: Mini-Nep? Twilight? I have something I want to ask both of you. Mind if I come in?

Blanc didn't hear anything at first as she tried knocking again.

Blanc: Nep? Twi? You awake? It's about noon. You two should get up.

Receiving no response again, Blanc then opened the door to walk in as she felt a chill brush against her skin.

Blanc: Brrr... Do you two have the window open??? We need to close the window or-

When Blanc looked to where the source of the window was, it was wide open as she looked around the room, but Twilight and Mini-Nep weren't here. Blanc went to the window as she thought it was weird for the window to be open and decided to head back down to where Noire and Vert was.

Blanc: Noire, Vert? Have you two seen Twilight and Mini-Nep?

Noire: Huh? No.

Vert: Why do you ask?

Feeling slightly panicked, Blanc then went to Neptune and shook her to be awake.

Blanc: Neptune. Wake up!

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Five more minutes Jammy... Pudding~

Blanc grew a tick-mark and wielded her hammer to slam on the couch to make Neptune launch to the ceiling to make her head get stuck in it.

Blanc: I SAID WAKE UP!!!

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): Ow! Okay...! I'm up!

Blanc: Have you seen Twilight or your Mini-self today!?

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): No! I've been napping here the entire time! Of course I haven't seen them today!

Blanc began to take what she learned from Noire, Vert, and Neptune and then connected them to the window that was open.


Hearing this, the other three CPUs looked at Blanc in horror.

Noire, Vert, and Neptune (Purple Heart voice): WHAT!?

Noire: How did this happen!?

Blanc: I entered their room and I found the window wide open!! Twilight must've used her telekinesis magic to levitate themselves out the window and safely get outside without going through us!!

Vert: Oh nononononono! This can't be happening!

Neptune was muffled in the ceiling as she was exclaiming of the situation herself.

Noire: What are we going to do!? Jammy is going to flip if he hears about this!!

Coughing could be heard as the CPUs looked to see Soejammy had come downstairs with an alarm of a dimensional portal opening up while looking at the CPUs. Soejammy sniffed while having a tired look on his face and pulled his blanket around him closer.

Soejammy: Ugh... Flip out about what...?

Outside the house, the situation was being explained to Soejammy about Mini-Nep and Twilight as in ten seconds time, a loud voice could be heard.


The camera zooms back in as Soejammy then throws the blanket to the ground as he looks at the CPUs.

Soejammy: How could you let them sneak off like that without knowing!?

Soejammy coughs as he is forced to lean against the door frame to support himself from falling.

Noire: We didn't mean to! We thought they were sleeping!!

Vert: We're trying to keep watch of our nations with Share power, but we were so distracted, we forgot to check with Twilight and Mini-Nep earlier!

Blanc: Oh! Where could they have gone!?

Neptune was exclaiming about herself being in the ceiling still as Soejammy marched over and pulled her down to crash to the floor.


Neptune (Purple Heart voice): I was just napping here and trying to relax, when Blanc sent me to the ceiling!

Soejammy: Then go back up there if you're not part of the conversation...

Soejammy widened his eyes as he clutched his heart and went down to one knee as he took some deep breaths. Coughing from the sickness he had as Soejammy tried to keep himself from falling completely.

Soejammy: Ngh...! G-Got to focus on f-finding Twilight... Mini-Nep...!

Soejammy looked at Noire as he gave a command to her.

Soejammy: Noire! Look in their room! Find ANYTHING that links to them leaving unannounced!

Noire: Sure thing!

Noire then began heading upstairs to look around as Soejammy began to get up and go to collect his blanket. Blanc tried to follow Soejammy to see if she could help him.

Soejammy: Stay down here and look around with Vert. I need eyes on the place.

Neptune (Purple Heart voice): What about you???

Soejammy: A new dimensional portal opened up overnight... I need to analyze where the signal came from...

Soejammy began to head up to his room as he climbed the stairs while focusing on making sure he didn't fall. Once getting to the room, Soejammy willed the platform to teleport to his lab to get in touch with his contact.

Soejammy: "I"...

I: Jammy. You should be resting. Your body isn't-

Soejammy: Don't-

Soejammy began to cough as he went down to one knee and coughed hard in his condition.

Soejammy: Ngh... Don't worry about me... Please tell me you had the cameras rolling from overnight till now...

I: I did. I believe you want to know where Twilight and Mini-Nep are...?

Soejammy: Get them up. Now.

I: As you wish. I even have a lock on Twilight's signature.

Soejammy: Use the tracker on Mini-Nep instead. With her being with Twilight, it'll be faster than looking in an area around a radius.

I: When did you put a tracker in Mini-Nep??? Her body-

Soejammy: Fed her pudding one time and hid a microchip small enough to fit in her when she ate it. She eats just as fast as Neptune, and that even means she didn't know she swallowed anything like that.

I: You are scary sometimes when planning ahead, you know that?

Soejammy: I get that a lot. Now lock on to the tracker.

Activating the tracker, "I" quickly locks on to exact coordinates of Mini-Nep and Twilight.

I: Found them. They seem to be in the park nearby.

Soejammy: Why the hell would they be out there...?

Soejammy clutched his chest as he began to cough hard. Going down to his knees with a hand to keep himself up with the table as support.

Soejammy: Ngh... Haaa... Haaa... Damn...

I: You must get back to your bed and rest. I will imprint a device with Mini-Nep's tracker and-

Soejammy: No...

"I" was surprised as Soejammy got back up as he began to sweat from his stress.

Soejammy: If anyone is finding them, it's me.

I: I must advise not doing that! If there is danger out there, I don't think you would be able to handle any threat.

Soejammy: "Threat"? What do you mean-

Looking at the computer, there was a warning indicator as there was a rift that opened. It wasn't just any notification though, it tracked the location of any rifts that open due to something coming through them. What the problem Soejammy saw was...


I: I wanted to tell you, but considering your condition and your rule to not expose who I am-


Soejammy tried to rush himself, but began to cough harder with his rushing heart.

Soejammy: AUUUUUUGH!!!

I: Calm yourself Jammy! Please!! Getting this worked up is going to-

Soejammy: Ngh!!!

Soejammy got back up and began leaning against the wall for support.

Soejammy: Program the vehicle. Engage the safeties to keep me situated until I either reach my destination or if I need to fall off and save myself from a crash.

I: I really must advise you-!

Soejammy: You know I can't sit and do nothing. If I don't, you know I would blame myself. After all... You know how we got to this point after all...

Flashes of Soejammy and Nintega could be seen as they were viewed from the eyes of someone else. Taking on enemies along with being defended by Soejammy with his smile to show comfort and safety.

Soejammy: If you have any idea why I shouldn't, be my guest telling me. But you know that I can't just abandon them. You know that I can't.

"I" was silent for a bit, but then the sound of machinery began to move as a vehicle was raised up.

I: I want to voice that I wish to keep you safe. But knowing you, I have learned that once you set your mind to something, you refuse to fix your objective to something else no matter what. I can do nothing if you have set your mind on one goal.

Soejammy: Thank you for understanding... I knew you would.

I: Just... Promise me one thing?

Soejammy: And what's that?

I: If there is danger... If you encounter anything dangerous... Do not give up. Show me your strength. Just like when you gave everything to protect me.

As the vehicle finished rising from the floor, it was a three-wheeled motorcycle as it had already been started before it had finished ascending.

I: Show Twilight and Mini-Nep, your strength of your will. Come back to all of us safely.

Nodding his head, Soejammy began to head for the motorcycle as a computer popped up on the screen with a map planned out to get him there the quickest. Soejammy placed a helmet over his head along with wearing a pair of gloves that then magnetically locked his hands to the handles. As Soejammy sat on the bike, an arc was being formed to create another portal.

Soejammy: Wish me luck.

I: I wish you with your strength to be at your best.

Pulling on the handle, Soejammy accelerated the bike as he went through the portal. Going through it, Soejammy was then outside as he began to speed his way down his road to quickly head to the park where Twilight and Mini-Nep were at.

Soejammy: (Girls... Please be safe!)

Location: Park, forest area

Inside the forest, the sound of snow crunching from every step could be heard as Twilight was walking through the snow with Mini-Nep holding onto her horn to not fall into the snow. A sneeze could be heard as Mini-Nep was shivering slightly.

Mini-Nep: Nepu...

Twilight felt slightly bad for Mini-Nep as she had a parka, but that was just it. Using her magic, Twilight lifted Mini-Nep with her levitation and placed her in-between her and the scarf she wore. Feeling the warmth being shared by Twilight, Mini-Nep was shivering a lot less as she was happy now.

Mini-Nep: Nep!

Smiling, Twilight was glad Mini-Nep was feeling better in being warmer now. As they walked through the woods in daylight, there was a small bag customized by Noire to fit securely to Twilight. It was like a book bag, but using Twilight's world as a reference, it was like her backpack back in her home dimension. In the bag, it contained some plants that survived the winter as Mini-Nep and Twilight wanted to help in any way they could.

Mini-Nep: Nep!

Looking to where Mini-Nep was pointing, Twilight found another plant as it was damaged slightly, but still had some life to it. Twilight grabbed it with her teeth and made sure to put it in her book bag. Mini-Nep was her second pair of eyes in case looking for any potential plants. Twilight smiled as she nuzzled against Mini-Nep as thanks for helping out as Mini-Nep turned around in the scarf to hug her.

Mini-Nep: Nepu~

The two were going to continue walking, but they heard the sound of crunching snow nearby as Twilight looked to try finding the source of it. When the sound stopped, Twilight looked at Mini-Nep and shrugged at what they heard and continued walking, but not before Twilight smelled something foul. Twilight looked at Mini-Nep with a raised eyebrow as Mini-Nep crossed her arms as if offended by the smell.

Mini-Nep: Nepu nep!

Twilight and Mini-Nep shivered slightly as Twilight was getting cold too, but with how much Soejammy was helping her live in this world, she wanted to return that kindness back to him. Of course she had no memories of how she got here, but that chance encounter between her and Soejammy allowed her to survive in this dimension when she first arrived. With how much Soejammy has been doing for her, she wanted nothing more than to repay his kindness in full. Then, another sound of crunching snow could be heard. It startled Twilight this time as it was only supposed to be her and Mini-Nep out here. When trying to listen for the sound, the sound of crunching snow began to happen more and more. Multiple sounds of snow being stepped on as it meant there was more than one entity walking around here. Twilight began to get scared as she looked at Mini-Nep with a cue that their time here is up and wanted to leave as fast as they could.

Mini-Nep: Nep nep!

With being in an agreement, Twilight turned around and was about to head back, but she then saw something approaching her. It was a wolf, but something that resembled a wolf in pictures of animals she read about. This one was made of wood. This creature was known as a Timberwolf.

Mini-Nep: NEP!!!

Looking behind her, Twilight saw more were coming around trees as they growled at her and Mini-Nep. They had surrounded Twilight and Mini-Nep in a circle to cut off any chances to escape. Twilight and Mini-Nep were looking around at all sides, trying to find an escape. But every side they looked to, it was blocked by a Timberwolf. The total of them that were there, were 8 Timberwolves in total. The growling and glares the Timberwolves were giving to Twilight were scaring her the closer they got. When sniffing the air, Twilight recognized the smell as it was stronger with the Timberwolves closer. They were the smell she and Mini-Nep breathed before they showed themselves. With the Timberwolves getting closer to Twilight and Mini-Nep, Twilight's heart was racing with fear. When Twilight saw a Timberwolf crouching down, it was about to pounce at her. With a mighty leap, the Timberwolf lunged at her with its teeth showing with intentions to bite into her.


The Timberwolf was about to reach Twilight, but a branch then smacked into the wolf, sending it flying into a tree and shattering into twigs. From hearing the hit against the Timberwolf, Twilight looked up and widened her eyes on who she saw.


Soejammy was holding a solid branch in his hands as he looked around at the other Timberwolves. They growled at him as Soejammy glared back.

Soejammy: You want them? You're gonna have to get through me first.

Soejammy let out a small cough as his chest was convulsing in having to run here by foot the rest of the way. With needing to learn the dangers that come from the Everfree Forest, Soejammy also learned about the Timberwolves as he looked to see the one he hit was putting itself back together already.

Soejammy: Yeah... Kinda figured that was gonna happen... Damn magic... Why can't they be REGULAR wolves...?

Hearing the sound of a Timberwolf rushing up, Soejammy focused his energy to control Star Platinum to throw a fist over his shoulder to shatter the wolf before it reached him. Soejammy widened his eyes though as controlling Star Platinum in his state caused him to go to the snow and begin coughing.

Soejammy: C-Come on... Can't I just use my abilities WITHOUT coughing body...? I wasn't even moving at that time...

Soejammy clutched his heart as he began to cough more as he fell to the snow. Seeing the weakness from Soejammy now, the Timberwolves began to regroup to surround the three. Getting control of his condition, Soejammy began to take deep breaths to stop his coughing and reach Twilight and Mini-Nep.

Soejammy: H-Hold on...!

When the eight wolves pounced to attack, Soejammy grabbed Twilight and Mini-Nep.

Soejammy: Star Platinum! Activate The World!

Star Platinum used Time Stop to freeze time and the enemies around them as Soejammy picked Twilight and Mini-Nep up to get some distance. Soejammy's heart was beating fast and hard as his chest was convulsing to cough. Putting Twilight and Mini-Nep down, Soejammy covered his mouth to keep his coughs from escaping, but they were futile when they came out. Due to this happening, the Time Stop was disrupted and caused time to resume as normal sooner than expected. The Timberwolves were surprised by what happened that they all crashed into each other due to targeting one location.

Soejammy: Ngh...! Augh...!

Twilight and Mini-Nep looked around as from their experiences they knew time had been frozen by Soejammy due to the displacement of where they were earlier. Twilight rushed to Soejammy and grabbed his shirt with her teeth. Twilight gave a look at Soejammy that they needed to get going. Soejammy kept coughing as he got up and tried to follow Twilight. Hearing the sound of the sticks reforming along with growls, Soejammy looked to see the wolves just toying with them now as they couldn't really make moves to escape nor stop time long enough to do most things. Soejammy looked at Twilight and Mini-Nep as their safety meant more to him than anything. Soejammy tore himself away from Twilight as he looked at her while leaning against a tree to cough. Twilight looked at Soejammy as his eyes showed tiredness along with the pain he felt from the coughs.

Soejammy: Twilight... Go... You have to get yourself and Mini-Nep out... Go...

Twilight and Mini-Nep stared back at Soejammy in shock as he turned his back to them and kept talking.

Soejammy: Go... I'll make sure the wolves can't follow you...

The wolves were trying their tactic again, but Soejammy took a deep breath and willed himself to stop time once again so as to make Star Platinum break the trees nearby and block their path from Twilight and Mini-Nep. When time resumed, Soejammy fell to the snow and began to cough. The trees however, fell into a circle around the wolves as they blocked their path to Twilight and Mini-Nep.

Soejammy: Stop trying that stupid tactic... You did it twice, I won't let you do it a third time... Your dance is with me now... You mongrels...

The wolves growled at Soejammy as he had to support himself against the tree behind him as he called to Twilight.

Soejammy: Twilight... I know you're still here... Get out of here...! Get Mini-Nep somewhere safe!

Twilight widened her eyes as Mini-Nep jumped out and went to the tree blocking her path from Soejammy.


Soejammy: I'm sorry... My little one... But you must go with Twilight... Get out of here... Leave me...


Tears were falling from Mini-Nep's eyes as Twilight did want to run with Mini-Nep, but she knew she would be abandoning Soejammy to his fate. With all the help he has done for her, tears were falling down Twilight's eyes now as well. With all the help Soejammy gave to those around him, Twilight frowned and got close to Mini-Nep and lifted her up with magic to put Mini-Nep into her scarf. She looked at Mini-Nep with a cue that even Mini-Nep nodded for. Using her magic, Twilight lifted herself to the top of the fallen tree to see the wolves had surrounded Soejammy in a semi-circle form. Soejammy coughed and clutched his heart in staring down his attackers to anticipate when they attacked. Looking around, Twilight saw a rock and used her magic to lift one up and fling it closest to Soejammy. The rock surprised the group as Soejammy looked around and then above to see Twilight wanting to stay.

Soejammy: No! Get out of here! They will just keep reforming! I have no counter to them!

Twilight looked back at Soejammy that she wasn't going to change her mind.

Soejammy: Twilight Sparkle! You will listen to my orders and leave me behind!!

Twilight didn't look at Soejammy as she and Mini-Nep were focusing on trying to keep Soejammy safe.

Soejammy: Damn it Twilight!

Looking back, a Timberwolf tried to pounce at him, but another rock crashed into it to break the wolf into pieces again. Twilight kept doing this over and over while Mini-Nep pointed to where the next wolf was getting close at. With the time they spent together, their teamwork with each other helped in buying time for Soejammy to get close to one of the fallen sticks. As he lifted a piece, there was a pull from one of them as he had to hold onto it tighter to keep it from flinging from his hand.

Soejammy: (Damn! Even the tiniest twig can be used to reform them?! How the hell am I supposed to stop these things!? Augh! If only I had more power and time...! My condition isn't helping me fight and trying to stop time or use Star Platinum to deliver attacks sends me into a coughing fit...!)

Twilight kept throwing rocks along with Mini-Nep staying on alert. A Timberwolf gets past the attacks as one bites into Soejammy's arm roughly as he yells in pain. Twilight and Mini-Nep looked at Soejammy as Twilight used magic to hurl a rock at the wolf and cause it to break. Soejammy used Star Platinum to dislodge the remains of the wolf and chuck them and saw the wound on his arm. Tearing his shirt, Soejammy began to use it as a makeshift bandage to stop the wound. Twilight jumped down and got close to Soejammy as the bite was fierce. Twilight soon got in front of Soejammy as Twilight stared at the wolves.

Soejammy: Twilight. No. Don't get in their way!

Twilight looked at the wolves as they focused on her now. Twilight was focusing magic on her horn. The magic was building and building. Generating more energy with Twilight trying to focus all her magic. When trying to build it up, Twilight's horn began to spark with magic as it was getting too much in her current state.

Soejammy: Twilight... Stop. You're building too much magic.

Twilight kept focusing as she wanted to have enough magic to create a blast with it like how she lifted the Ursa Minor into the air, but lost control of her magic. Right when Twilight wanted to release the magic, Soejammy got up and tried to get closer to Twilight.

Soejammy: Twilight! Stop! You're going to-

Twilight opened her eyes and created a blast of magic that was in a wave. Not only did it hit the Timberwolves, but it also propelled Soejammy backwards into a tree. As the magic coursed through him, chains around his heart began to break from deep inside him as they were magical locks. Locks placed onto him as a curse by a high council. When the locks and chains shattered, Soejammy widened his eyes as there was a pulse inside him.

Soejammy: (N-No! Th-This feeling! Twilight! What did you do!?)

Soejammy groaned as he clutched his heart. Twilight fell to the snow as she used all her magic in that blast. When trying to look at the wolves, they were unaffected by magic. The wolves began to get closer as one opened its mouth to lick its lips. Twilight wanted to get up and move, but she used all her energy in that blast.

Soejammy: T-Twilight...!

Dark smoke began to appear from Soejammy as he tried to control it.

Soejammy: N-No...! N-Ngh...!

As the Timberwolf had gotten really close, it growled with intentions it was about to attack Twilight. Reaching her nerves, Twilight began to cry and took a deep breath to yell out.

Twilight: DADDYYYYYYYY!!!!

Widening his eyes, Soejammy exploded from his spot as he closed the distance to the Timberwolf to grab it by the throat with his hand. The wolves felt a strong malice in the air as they became worried of what they were sensing. Soejammy was radiating darkness as his hair had turned black with his eyes turning yellow.

Soejammy (Darkness Rage): GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTERS!!!

Throwing the wolf into a tree, Soejammy reached with a Dark Hand to punch another into twigs. Using the Power of Darkness, Soejammy focused his body to turn into smoke and close the distance on another to kick it into another tree. Soejammy let out a yell of pure rage as he looked to see a Timberwolf closing in on Twilight.

Soejammy (Darkness Rage): NO YOU DON'T!!!

Creating tendrils of darkness, Soejammy flung a tendril at the wolf that wrapped around its body to stop its movements. Soejammy glared at the wolf before bringing it closer to him and punching it with his own fist. Channeling his power, Soejammy then opened his eyes and made a call.

Soejammy (Darkness Rage): Dark Star Platinum! Unleash your rage!!

The power disk inside of Soejammy turned dark as a dark figure rose out behind Soejammy. It was Star Platinum, but his form had changed to have a dark body, with golden bands around his wrists and legs. The hair from Star Platinum had become more wild as it floated upwards in a menacing way.

Soejammy (Darkness Rage): Go!

Crossing his arms, Soejammy let Dark Star Platinum begin attacking the enemies around him with a great force of punches along with destroying the trees that blocked the way earlier. Soejammy was smirking from the power of Darkness as he looked to Twilight and saw the fear in her eyes. Being reminded that she was here too, Soejammy quickly reached for the Flash-portal and opened a gateway back to the Everfree Forest.

Soeajammy (Darkness Rage): Dark Star Platinum! Send them back to their pitiful home! I don't want to see them again!!

Listening to Soejammy's orders, Dark Star Platinum then began to send the wolves through one at a time. When looking through the portal, Soejammy could see that the wolves had shattered, but they were then reforming back up to be more of an Alpha Timberwolf.

Soejammy (Darkness Rage): You won't learn... Will you...?

Roaring, the Alpha Timberwolf then began to charge to go back through the portal as Soejammy summoned his Stand.

Soejammy (Darkness Rage): Cataclysmic punch...

Commanding his Stand, Dark Star Platinum created his own fist of darkness and met with the same force with the Alpha Timberwolf. The punch caused the wolf to explode into pieces of itself as Soejammy looked at the pieces one last time.

Soejammy (Darkness Rage): Don't ever mess with my family again.

With that, Soejammy closed the portal as the Darkness in him still surged. Soejammy began trying to take deep breaths to calm his racing heart of the power he felt. But he did not wish to be controlled by his own power. When his darkness left and his hands returned to normal and hair and eyes back to its natural color, Star Platinum also regained his natural form as well. Looking at Twilight, the unicorn was slightly scared from what happened as Mini-Nep looked worried about Soejammy as well. Coughing, Soejammy then got down onto one knee as he felt the tension in his heart surge after all that happened.

Soejammy: Damn... Why does this happen to me...?

Seeing Soejammy weakened, Twilight began to rush up to Soejammy as she tried to see how she could help.

Soejammy: I'm fine... Just... Just let me catch my breath...

After seeing and hearing of what makes Soejammy reliable, Twilight then wrapped her hooves around Soejammy as she then spoke to him.

Twilight: I... I want to go home... Daddy...

Widening his eyes, Soejammy looked at Twilight as there were tears in her eyes along with Mini-Nep's with how scared they were. Soejammy nodded his head as he picked them up in his arms and began to carry them.

Soejammy: You two are in sooooooo much trouble when we get home...

Location: Soejammy's House, Secret Lab

After they left the area, Soejammy held Twilight closely to him as they drove through a portal made by the secret lab to get back quicker. Once they appeared through it, Soejammy parked the bike as he got off to set Twilight and Mini-Nep down.

I: Welcome back. I'm sure you-

Noticing the wound Soejammy had, a bot was sent to deliver some first aid while Soejammy winced from the medicines applied to his arm.

Soejammy: What were you two THINKING of going out there in this weather!?

Twilight and Mini-Nep winced from being yelled at by Soejammy, but they knew this would happen.

Soejammy: You know better than going out there by yourselves! Who knows what would have happened to you two!

Twilight and Mini-Nep were trying to be strong enough to hold some tears back from being reprimanded by Soejammy as they were only wanting to help. Soejammy looked at Twilight fully as if to look in the bag with the plants and herbs the two could try and find while they were out.

Soejammy: What is all of this?

Twilight looked at Soejammy as "I" seemed to understand better.

I: Herbs and plants. I believe the story they were told by the CPUs and yourself wanted them to search for a way to help you recover from your current state.

Soejammy was surprised, but didn't show it as he looked at Twilight and Mini-Nep.

Soejammy: Is this true?

Twilight and Mini-Nep looked at each other and nodded their heads in showing that they were trying to help. Soejammy gave them a stern look as he reached out his hand. Twilight began to be afraid that she was going to be punished, but instead, felt a hand gently patting her head softly with Soejammy having a softer expression on his face.

Soejammy: Please don't do that again... You scared me when you headed out and didn't tell anyone... Had Mini-Nep not been with you, I wouldn't have been able to find you... Please... Don't scare me like that again.

Twilight looked at Soejammy and began to cry once more as she wrapped her hooves around Soejammy and nuzzled into him.

Twilight: I-I w-won't, D-Daddy...

Soejammy was still surprised by Twilight's first words being this as he gently held Twilight in his arms with what strength he could manage.

Soejammy: I must get back to bed... All of that used up what energy I had from the adrenaline rush I felt in worrying earlier... I have no strength to save you even from the CPUs... I'm sorry, my little ones...

Location: Soejammy's house

After exiting the secret lab, Soejammy sent Twilight and Mini-Nep downstairs as there were commotions of the CPUs heard before they found Twilight and Mini-Nep. There were lots of talks going on about how Twilight and Mini-Nep were in so much trouble for what happened and Soejammy punishing them, but as Soejammy made it to his bed, two thoughts surrounded his mind. The need to sleep, along with worry of needing to control his anger again due to the Power of Darkness being awakened once more. As Soejammy closed his eyes, he then opened them again as it was dark now outside. He had fallen asleep and felt movement under the covers to see it was Twilight who poked her head out.

Soejammy: Wh-What are you doing...?

Twilight didn't say anything as she just cuddled closer to Soejammy to rest her head against his chest.

Soejammy: You really should be sleeping in your own bed... I'm sick...

Twilight didn't move as she focused on staying by Soejammy's side after what happened today. Poking her head up behind Twilight, Mini-Nep was also wanting to be here too as she rested inside of Twilight's mane. Looking at the two girls who rested so soundly, Soejammy stared at them as he now realized what he had said in the forest in his rage.

Soejammy: Goodnight, my daughters.

Soejammy then closed his eyes as he then held Twilight close and rested a hand to have it rest against Twilight's head, but to slightly hold Mini-Nep too. The three rested as the day would end. But what would follow them next, will soon lead to life changing for them.

Episode 5. End

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