Chapter 13

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3rd person POV:

It was a little past midnight when Pete came back home after completing his grandma's last rites. The whole house felt strangely quite and cold breaking his heart even more.

Nevertheless, he entered and went directly into her room. He started reminiscing about the years he had spent there under her warm shade while around around him. 

He traced the furniture she used and smiled looking at everything. Soon his eyes fell on a photo of her holding him as a baby and he picked it up before kissing the photo and hugging it tightly.

Leaving the room, he turned off the lights and closed the room before locking it.

" No one will ever own this room this again. This belonged to her and will remain as her room for forever, even after this gets abandoned, even after cracks appear because of human absence, no one will ever own neither this room nor this house again. " Pete said to himself while looking towards the little paintings on the wall that he had drawn as a child which his grandma had never erased away.

He went back to his room and locking it from inside sat down on the floor.
He looked at the photo for one more time and buried his face in it.

" It's all over. Everything...even the only reason for my existence is no more. Who should I live for then? Why should I? Why should I suffer anymore? I've got nothing left... everything's over...everything..." Pete muttered as his voice started shaking and eyes started watering again.

" Why did you leave me grandma? When you promised that you'll stay with me forever? Why? Why did you break it? Why did you break our promise? " Pete screamed as he got up and started throwing the things around to channel his rage. Unfortunately, his hand hit a broken glass piece and immediately trails of blood started flowing from the wound staining his clothes and the photo of his grandma.

He looked again at the photo without paying any heed to the blood gushing out of his wound.

" You may not know how to keep your promises, but your beloved grandson sure knows how to fulfill them. We'll indeed be together...if not in life, then death be it. " He said to himself with a glint of determination in his eyes. He no longer had the capability to discern the difference between right and wrong, rationality and irrationality. A certain insanity had taken over his mind making him lose all control he had over his reasonable self...

4 days later :

" Leave me!! Let me go!! Let me go you two or I will drown you both in my pool! " Tankhun said while trying to threaten Arm and Pol to let him go.

" What happened? What you screaming so much for? " Vegas asked Tankhun irritated by the drama.

Pete had not come back to the house since 4 days and Vegas was starting to grow more and more impatient with each passing day. He used to spend most of his time in Pete's room, looking through his things and his photos but still he did not have the heart to go and talk to him directly fearing pete would only feel more hurt after seeing him.

" Phaw said that Pete was only on a leave but the truth is phaw let him go that day because he handed over his resignation! His grandma died- " Tankhun said but was cut off mid-sentence by Vegas.

" His who died?! " Vegas asked in a tone filled with pure shock and horror.

" His grandma! That's why phaw had stopped me from going to him to give him some time to cope with the loss saying that I'll be able to console him once he comes back. But finally he revealed it today, that pete has resigned already and had requested him to not give us the news for atleast a week. " Tankhun said with a sad and irritated expression, completely angry with his father for keeping it hidden from him.

Vegas' POV:

The moment I heard about the death of Pete's grandma and his resignation, my mind went completely blank. I couldn't register anything that khun said after that. My breathing went erratic after hearing that and the only person that occupied my mind was - pete.

I knew how close he was to his grandmother. How precious she was to him and the death of someone like that would have definitely given him a huge blow.

I immediately ran from there even before Khun could complete his sentence. I heard him calling my name from behind but I was in no mind to listen anymore.

I turned the engine on and started driving with full speed towards Pete's house and all I could pray for throughout the way was - his well-being.
My heart was hammering painfully, threatening to jump out of my chest and there was an immense fear engulfing my heart, suffocating me.

That was probably that first time in my life when instead of the pain of losing, I felt ' the fear of losing someone important to me. ' I had no idea why my heart and mind were considering him important, but that barely mattered anymore, I realised that no matter what the feeling I was experiencing at that moment was, I couldn't deny anymore that pete had become an important part of my life.
And he had become someone whom I couldn't afford to lose.

After driving for about 15 minutes, I finally reached his house and jumped out of my car, impatient to see him once again, to hug him and console him in my arms.
I knocked on the door hoping for him to answer it, but no one responded.
Pushing back my negetive thoughts, I again knocked on the door and rang the doorbell hoping for someone to open it atlast.

Finally a few minutes later, my patience gave in and I ran to the other side to look for a window. But the moment I saw the window, my heart sank into the deepest corners and my head felt like it was going to burst.

The window was infested with blowflies. And instinctively I knew that I was already late...
I immediately ran towards the door again, praying ardently for what I was thinking to not be true and kicked it with all my might out of desperation, breaking it down to pieces.

As soon as I entered, my nose was hit with the stale smell of a dead body. My fear had come true!
Timidly I advanced towards the room the stench was coming from and I could feel every goosebump on my body rise with each step.

I had started trembling in fear still hoping to not see the horrid scene I was thinking about but no amount of prayer seemed to work that day.

I reached the room that was the source of the smell and there was a little light coming from the room, seeping through the small gap left in the door.

Reluctantly, I gave the door a slight push but it opened all the way revealing the most horrific scene in my life ever.

Pete's dead body hanging from the ceiling fan...
I forgot to breath after seeing his lifeless body and my legs lost all their strength making me crash against a table kept behind me. Neither words nor any sound was coming out of my throat and my mind wasn't even being able to think of any response. Neither was I being able to cry nor move, it was as if my brain had forgot how to function altogether.

But in a matter of seconds my mind registered what was going on and I immediately ran to him. Bringing his body down, I layed him on the floor and started giving him chest compressions, but nothing seemed to work, he wasn't breathing anymore, his body had already started decaying, I knew that he was no more but was constantly trying to decline the truth.

" Why are you not waking up? Pete...pete...please please...look at me...please...why are you not waking up...peteee..." My voice came out in a mere whisper towards the end. I was not in my senses anymore, tears filled with pain were flowing from my eyes, no emotions of mine were in order, I was feeling the despair of losing him, rage on myself for keeping him in the shadows and helplessness of not being able to save him. I could feel the madness taking over my mind and I could feel the agony again - the agony of losing someone precious to you.

( Writer's note : I really had not expected that amount of support that ya'll showed people are seriously the best <3😭

And I am sorry again for this chapter but as a little compensation - I can give ya'll one hint : ( spoilers included )

They will soon be together again...but keep reading this story to know how this will become possible...and lol but by being together, I definitely don't mean - being together in death XD<3 )

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