Chapter 14

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3rd person POV:

Soon after, Tankhun ran into the house following Vegas and was shocked to see Pete's body lying on the floor and Vegas crying desparately beside him.
Tankhun ran to his side and immediately burst into tears seeing pete while trying to console vegas as well.
Arm and Pol started crying as well but still had to act responsibly and call the ambulance.

Vegas wasn't in his senses, he had no idea about the commotion taking place behind him. Soon the house was covered by curious neighbours who had crowded around to see what was going on.
Half-an-hour later, the ambulance finally came and the diener stormed into the house to take Pete's body away but as soon as they tried to touch him, Vegas immediately swatted their hands away and taking out his gun threatened to shoot them.

" DARE YOU TOUCH HIM!! " Vegas screamed at them while kneeling infront of Pete's body to guard him.

" Let them do their job vegas..." Tankhun said sadly while trying to hold Vegas back.

Vegas screamed at him to let him go and tried to free himself from his hold but Arm and Pol joined him and finally they succeeded in subduing him.
Vegas finally stopped struggling and broke down completely, crying his eyes out into Tankhun's shoulder. Tankhun slowly stroked Vegas' back trying to calm him down, he had no idea when vegas and pete had gotten so close but all he knew was that his brother needed him at the moment.

Seeing Pete being taken away, Vegas immediately tried to run behind him and stop them but Tankhun didn't let him go. Vegas kept hitting him to leave him but he still kept hugging him, gently stroking his back while hoping for him to calm down. Even though he himself was finding it tough to stay strong, he knew that his brother was the one suffering more.

Vegas kept crying until he eventually fainted and had to be carried back home. The whole house was mourning for Pete's death but all of them were worried for vegas as well.

" Pete " Vegas called seeing pete infront of him.

Hearing his voice, pete turned back and smiled at him making Vegas feel relieved thinking that everything was just a nightmare. But the very next moment Pete's smile vanished.

" Why did you do that Khun Vegas?! Why did you kill me?! " Pete said with a face of disgust and betrayal.

" No pete..." Vegas was shocked seeing him but couldn't say anything.

" What did I ever do to you?! I died because of you! You murdered me!! " Pete screamed at vegas shocking him even more.

Vegas immediately ran to hug him but pete disappeared into thin air the moment he reached near him driving him to insanity.

" No no no no pete!! Please come back...I am sorry...pete...please....I beg of you...pete..."

Right then the scene of Pete's dead body hanging from the fan flashed infront of his eyes instantly waking him up.

He woke up with a gasp and started looking around. He hoped for everything including Pete's death to be a mere nightmare but the date was stating otherwise. The date showed a day after he had found Pete's body which meant he probably had been out cold for nearly a day.

Vegas' POV:

A few minutes later Chan entered the room to check up on me and seeing me up, immediately went away and came back with food.
Without uttering a word, he kept the soup infront of me and went away. But I had no appetite. Keeping the food away, I got down from the bed to move around a little bit but my eyes fell on a photo of me and pete that we had clicked together on the bridge. Picking it up, a small smile spread onto my lips but immediately fell away.

" I don't even deserve to smile like this..." I muttered feeling extremely guilty.

As I hugged the photo, my eyes again started to tear up and my legs gave out making me fall on the ground as I broke down again.

" Pete...I thought I was just playing with you, but I failed to realize that I had already fallen for you. I was afraid of losing myself that's why I didn't have the heart to admit that I was in love, but I ended up losing you because of my foolishness. " I said to myself while looking at the photo regretting each one of my decisions regarding him.
My tears, heartache and the pain I was suffering from losing him were all evidences that I was already in love with him. There was no point in denying anything anymore especially when I had already lost the most important person to me.

3rd person POV:

" You murderer! " Pete screamed at vegas before shooting himself in the head immediately waking him up.
He anxiously started looking around to see where he was and held his head due to the sharp pain he was experiencing.
His nightmares had come back with full pace ever since pete had left the world. And in those nightmares, he could see pete screaming at him, blaming him for his death before killing himself in a new way every single time.
The constant nightmares were slowly making him lose his mind. He had already lost interest in nearly everything and was barely eating anything even upon insistence.
His face had turned completely pale making him look like a living corpse. His eyes were red due to constantly crying in Pete's memory and he had abandoned every contact with the outside world. He used to stay cooed up in his room whole day refusing to even meet anyone.

" Khun Vegas will end up dying if he keeps this on. " The doctor said worriedly.

" He has been suffering from insomnia since a week now due to extreme stress and it looks like when he finally does manage to get some sleep he experiences nightmares...causing him to wake up with a shock, slowly eating away his mental peace. So my immediate advice would be to try and reduce his stress even by a little if possible, we don't have much time..." The doctor said to Korn hopelessly.

" Big...take him outside today. Who knows getting a little fresh air may help. " Korn said worried about his son's well-being.

Big immediately took the orders and went to Vegas' room. With each passing day, Vegas was turning more and more into a rock, as if he had no thinking capability or interest of his own.

" Khun Vegas Khun Korn has ordered to take you outside for a short walk today. " Big informed him.

But instead of saying anything, vegas just looked at him, got up and came up to him to follow him like a remote controlled toy. He was behaving like a mere puppet working at the instructions of a puppet master and his eyes had lost every sparkle ever contained in them. They were looking just like coloured stones embedded into the eye-sockets of a human.

Big felt sad seeing his condition but still led him out of the house according to the orders he had received. After walking for a few minutes they reached near a park full of people and bustling with energy.

" Khun Vegas do you want to sit? " Big asked pointing towards a bench kept at a distance.

Vegas looked up slowly tracing his hand to see where he was pointing to but all of a sudden he started breathing sharply and his eyes widened after seeing someone.

Big got confused seeing his expressions and turned to see who he was staring at but the moment he looked away, vegas used all his might and ran towards the person he was looking at.

He ran towards the guy with a delighted expression and hopeful eyes and after getting close, he kept a hand on his shoulder making him turn.

" Pete! " Vegas called the guy with joy filled in his voice.

But the moment the guy turned back vegas' face completely lost its colour, and despair clouded his eyes. He had mistaken some other person for pete but upon seeing his face discovered that it wasn't pete but someone else.

The guy looked confused while looking at him but still waited for him to speak.
However, Vegas' words were stuck in this throat from the shock and the horrid scene he had seen that day at Pete's house flashed infront of his eyes making him lose every hope.
He ran back to the house and even though big tried to stop him, he couldn't. He kept running as fast as he could but unfortunately fell down hard after tripping. The sudden fall caused scratches to appear on his body and blood started gushing out of his wounds. His head had also started bleeding after getting hit against a rock but paying no attention to his messed up self, he got up and started running again.
He ran back to his room and slammed the door. Big started banging on the door requesting him to open it but he didn't.
Taking Pete's photo from his nightstand, he kept looking at it and in a matter of seconds, burst into tears. He started screaming and crying desparately begging pete to come back but everything seemed to be in vain.
The blood dripping from his wounds bloodied the floor, soon making him faint.

Big felt worried after the loud noises subsided and silence suddenly engulfed the room and was compelled to break into his room.

He found vegas unconscious, lying on the floor and immediately called for the doctor.

Commotion spread through the house and korn came to visit him while the doctor was still checking up on him.

He felt sad while looking at Vegas' condition and reluctantly though had to take a decision as a last measure to try and save him.

" I didn't want to to this, but it seems like this is the last option I am left with..." Korn said looking at his unconscious son as his fatherly heart ached seeing his child suffer so much.

( Writer's note: They say, light awaits us at the end of a dark tunnel, keep reading to know how vegas and pete find their light aka each other after such dark times. <3 )

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