Chapter 3

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3rd person POV :

" Who are they dealing with?! " Kinn screamed at the member of their rival group, whom they had kidnapped to extort information from.

" I-I don't know anything. " He uttered out refusing to give even a bit of information about his masters.

" You don't know?! Haa! " Kinn laughing sarcastically.

" You should have answered when you still had the time to do so, I have different ways to get the things I want.  You- you are going to hate me for this. " Kinn said with hatred dripping from his voice.

" Call Vegas! " He ordered, making the bodyguards confused.

" Why Khun Vegas? He acts like he can't even kill a fly. What is Khun Kinn planning?! " Ken whispered to Big.

" Shh! Don't say anything so carelessly about Khun Vegas if you don't want your head to be cut off. Don't get fooled by how he acts! " Big shushed him.

As per Kinn's orders, Vegas was called to the underground prison and being his bodyguard, pete also followed him to the prison but Vegas was unaware of it.

Pete's POV :

" Why did you call me here? " Khun Vegas asked before looking around.

And before Khun Kinn could respond, his eyes fell on the guy lying on the ground and he immediately understood his job.

" Oh? Here he is. I'll do it. " He said confidently.

" Ah! It's been such a long time since I last came here! " He said as if reminiscing about old times while walking towards a briefcase.

He traced the edges of it with his fingers and slowly clicked the lock, opening it to reveal a set of torture instruments?

Wearing the coat, he took out some pliers and smirking psychotically walked towards the guy.
There was something different in his eyes, I could see a different kind of madness contradicting his usual bright personality. The difference between both the sides was so much that it have me chills.

" You really should've answered when you had the easy way out. " Khun Vegas laughed.

" Let me ask you this for one last time...who is your boss dealing with?! " He said, clenching the man's hair with much force making him screech. He traced the pliers accross his face and stopped once he reached near his mouth.

" WHO'S YOUR BOSS DEALING WITH?!! " He screamed.

" Won't you tell me?! How about now?!! HA-HAHAA-HAA-AHHHHAAAA " He laughed while torturing the man.

" DO YOU FEEL THE PAIN?! DO YOU?!! " The screams of the man mixed with the psychotic laughs of Khun Vegas made everyone present there except Khun Kinn, shudder in fear.

" HA-AH-HAA-AHAAAA-HAAHAAA YOUR BLOOD! DO YOU SEE HOW MARVELOUS IT LOOKS?!! " He said while laughing hysterically after uprooting his tooth making blood flow from his mouth endlessly. He was a screaming mess by now from all the pain inflicted.

" SHOULD I SCOOP OUT YOUR EYES NEXT?! DO YOU WANT TO SEE IF THEY LOOK GOOD?! " Without hesitating, he took another instrument and made his way towards his eyes.

But the man immediately got alarmed and shut his eyes close tightly.

" DON'T MAKE ME FU*KING ANGRY! OPEN YOUR EYES!! " He said in a low yet terrifying voice.

With much force Khun Vegas succeeded in opening his eyes and just as he was about to strike his left eye with a screwdriver, the man finally gave up.

" I'll tell you! I'll tell you!!! I'll tell you everything I know!! " He screamed out desperately the moment the screwdriver was about an inch away from his eye.

" Oh? Then say it!! " Khun Vegas said and the man poured out everything he knew.

Khun Vegas smirked victoriously and taking his coat his that was drenched in blood started wiping the blood off his face.

" That was easy! " He laughed out.

3rd person POV :

Kinn could see everyone standing around like statues. None of them except Kinn and Big had expected such a scene making them tremble in fear. Among all, pete probably was the one who was most taken aback by the sudden change in Vegas.

This is the true Vegas Teerpanyakul.

Kinn thought to himself. Vegas wasn't entirely considered dangerous due to his torturing techniques, ofcourse they played an important part, but the most important part owing to it were his two faces.

" The first face - the fake one, looks quite harmless, so much that it can make anyone drop their gaurds, and the second face - the real one awaits such an opportunity, it doesn't loose a moment to stab anyone he wants the moment they drop their gaurd. " Kinn thought to himself while smirking, maybe slightly proud of his maniac younger brother.

It was true, Vegas was the most peculiar among all the siblings, because hiding behind his harmless and unusually nonchalant demeanour was a crazy sadist.

Pete's POV :

After wiping the blood off, Khun Vegas finally turned and looked shocked to see me standing behind him. I could see something flash in his eyes that very moment - was it fear? Whatever the emotion was I couldn't understand it.

He was about to say something but stopped himself and signed me to follow him. I silently followed him to his room and throughout the way, none of us uttered even a word.

Finally after reaching his room, he decided to break the suffocating silence.

" You must be quite shocked. " He whispered.

I kept standing still, without saying anything.

He sighed and sounding a little nervous asked. " Are you scared?..." .

I finally broke my silence.

" matter what, I still am Khun Kinn's most trusted bodyguard, there's no way something like this could scare me. But I won't deny that it indeed shocked me a little but that's all, though I can't say that I hadn't roughly expected this. " I said. It was true I was a little taken aback but that wasn't enough to make me scared of him.

Khun Vegas nodded as if understanding what I meant. And ending the conversation there, went back into his room.

" Maybe I should collect a little information about Khun Vegas...won't it be a little easier to serve him if I know more about him? " I sighed and wandered from where I could get my desired information. And immediately the most appropriate person for this popped into my mind.

" Khun No! " I squealed inside my head and without wasting a minute more went towards his room.

Khun No had just completed watching a series for the fourth time and him along with Arm and Pol were taking a short rest before starting another series marathon.

" Khun No I want to talk something about Khun Vegas ". I said and immediately understanding what I meant, he asked Arm and Pol to leave the room.

" Ey Pete is he giving you a hard time?! Where's my tin tray?! " Khun No instantly stood up to go and hit Khun Vegas and I had to stop him him from doing so with all my might.

" Khun No it's not that! Listen to me. I just want to know something about Khun Vegas, I think if I know more about them then it'll be easier for me to serve him. " I said hoping he would back away from his determination to kill Khun Vegas.

" Oh?! Is that it?! You are willing to learn more about him so you can act as a better bodyguard? Ay my pete!! You are so grown up and so intelligent!! " Khun No squeal cried and hugging me, kissed my head lightly.

There are times when Khun No surely behaves like a typical parent.

" So what do you want to know about him? " Khun No asked holding his treasured plushie.

Among all the questions, I asked the one that bothered me the most. Since only Khun Vegas out of all the siblings was the one to leave the county at such a young age to study, it didn't look like Khun Korn had asked him to do so but maybe it was something he had decided on his own.

Why would Khun Korn only order him to go?
That too at such a young age of only 10?

Several thoughts clouded my minds along with the curiosity to know the truth.

" I- Why did Khun Vegas stay abroad for so many years when none of the other siblings did? Was it really ordered by Khun Korn? " I asked

But the moment I did, Khun No's expressions darkened. It wasn't everyday that one could see Khun No with such a gloomy expression. My conscience hit me, maybe I had asked something that I shouldn't have...

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