Chapter 4

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" That's right, phaw ( dad ) didn't send him, it was his own decision. " Khun No said with sadness lurking behind his words.

" But why? " I asked impatiently.

" Our mae ( mom ) was murdered when we were quite young. Vegas was barely 5 and he was the closest to her. We had kept her murder a secret from him. He knew that she had died of an illness but he found out the truth when he was 10. " Khun No said.

" He didn't react much. We had thought, he understood the fact that phaw was trying his best to catch the killer but was also concerned about our safety which is why he wasn't being able to go into full lengths, but we were wrong. " Khun No continued and looked up to face me.

" A few days later, he told phaw about his decision of leaving the country. "

" I want to stay away for a while. I need some time. I want to forget about mae's murder but living in the country where she was murdered isn't letting me do it. I will be back once I complete my studies,but right now I think this is the best for me. "

" Was what he had said that day, and phaw couldn't protest anymore after hearing that. He knew how much Vegas loved mae and didn't want to make it harder for him. The way he said it that day, there was childishness in his words. " Khun No sighed while reliving the events of that day.

" We thought he had left the country only because he wanted some time for himself, but we failed to realize the coincidence. " He said, his voice dripping in sorrow.

" Mae's murderer was settled in Italy, and Vegas wanted to stay in Italy for a while. Soon we got to know of his true intentions, for, 2 years later we got the news that he had hunted down don and had brought him back to the country and killed him on Ranawat bridge, the same place where don had murdered mae. He went back to Italy right after murdering him, we heard tht he killed him the same way don had murdered mae - in a car accident, intentionally and later threw the car along with the dead body into the river. " Khun No sighed with a mix of emotions, from bitterness to proud there were hints of several emotions in his voice.

" But do you really believe it, Khun No? That a 12 year old can kill someone? " I said still not believing the fact that Khun Vegas had killed him entirely.

Khun No looked up at me again and chuckled sadly.

" He may act really innocent but deep down he is many people's worst nightmare. Do you know? Vegas was once kidnapped when he was 9. " He said.

" Y-yes Khun Vegas had told me, but weren't the kidnappers killed by Khun Korn? " I asked doubtfully.

" No...phaw wasn't the one who had killed them, nor was Chan. " Khun no said.

" Then? Who was it? " I asked, with confusion filling me up, if not Khun Korn or Chan then who was it?

" Vegas. " Khun No said and I was shocked to my core. He had killed someone at the age of 9?! Was what my mind said.

" By the time Phaw reached the place to bring Vegas back, he had already annihilated the enemies. He had a gun in his right and a knife in his left hand and he was soaked in blood from head to toe. Phaw was shocked, even though we belong to a mafia family and phaw used to train us as kids, he had always tried his utmost best to keep us away from any bloodshed during our childhood. And vegas committing such a thing was something he had not expected. " Khun No said. His face looking really serious by now.

" Phaw said Vegas was grinning crazily when he finally found him, as if he was enjoying killing and torturing the kidnappers, as if he had no remorse of killing. At that moment he didn't look like child at all. But soon after, he probably fainted from exhaustion and was brought back. Nobody said a word more about that incident after that day. And vegas started getting trained by Phaw to keep his bloodlust in control. " Khun No said lying back on the sofa and closing his eyes.

As if he didn't want to remember the terrifying side of his brother. The side hidden behind that smile of his.

" Khun Vegas told me Ranawat bridge was quite precious to him. Was it because of this? " I asked in a whisper.

" That's right, the bridge even though is precious to the whole family, it's even more precious to him. It was where mae and phaw first met, so naturally it's existence is important to us, it was the place where mae was killed and it's the same place where Vegas took revenge for mae, so it holds even more importance for him. " Khun No said looking at a family picture kept at the distance in his room.

" Eh now peteee, don't make me cry, my face's going to lose it's glow. Go out! " Khun No playfully kicked me out and switched on a drama to relax. I knew I had accidentally brought up bitter memories of the past and didn't want to pry or disturb him more.

It was nearly midnight when I passing infront of Khun Vegas door, when I suddenly heard some strange noises.

What are these noises?

I thought to myself.

" Is he under attack? Or...Is he having s*x? " I asked myself without ruling out any possibility.

" Na these noises sound too strange to be from pleasure! " I smacked myself internally for stalling too much while not knowing if Khun Vegas was in any sort of danger. So, without any further delay, I opened the room and cautiously entered with my gun ready to shoot any intruder.

As I was slowly moving through the room, my gaze fell on a sleeping Khun Vegas. He was moaning as if in some terrible pain. Keeping my gun away immediately I sat by him and started checking if he was injured somewhere.

" He doesn't look he sleeping? " I thought and the possibility of him having a nightmare immediately crossed my mind.

" Khun Vegas! " I called him 2-3 times while shaking him vigorously and finally in the end he woke up with a start.

But his breathing was erratic and he looked terrified.

" Mae! Mae! " He kept mumbling while reaching his hands out, without realizing his surroundings. There was longing in his eyes and fear on his face.

" Khun Vegas! There's no one here! " I held his shoulders and shook him bringing him back to reality.

He looked at me as if he had no clue of where he was or who I was. But not much later, he succeeded in regaining his composition and buried his face in his palms.

" Why are you here? " He said in a monotone.

Which took me back a little, since his voice had always been filled with emotions, but he had suddenly withdrawn them all.

" I-I was passing by and heard strange noises, so I had to come check if everything was alright. " I clarified but he didn't look convinced for some reason.

" Then, why are you still here? To see my scared face? Did you enjoy seeing how much of a coward I was behaving like? Did you feel good seeing me in pain? " He asked with a mocking smile held in his lips. I had no clue what he was talking about. Why would I enjoy any part of it?

" I've no idea what you are talking about Khun Vegas. " I said clearly.

" Oh really? Don't lie! I know your intentions. I know already, you want to belittle me, don't you? Mock me for having such nightmares? " His eyes no more held joy, but they continued pure hatred. As if some old memory had been brought up suddenly.

" I- " I tried to clear the misunderstanding.

" Don't! Say a word! You know what?! Get out! " He said, not willing to listen to a word more.

" But- " I tried to justify.

" I said get out! " He growled

And I finally left the room to let him cool himself down and not bother him anymore when he needed some space.

3rd person POV :

" Shit! " Vegas held his head regretting what he had done.

" And here I thought I was no more affected by those memories. " He said to himself, feeling bitter about something.

" I shouldn't have done that. He wasn't at fault. " He sighed looking up, he had realized his mistake immediately after Pete left the room but was too tired to go after him.

" I will apologise tomorrow morning. I hope he forgives me. " Vegas sighed and lying back on the bed, tried to drift back to sleep, still feeling guilty because of shouting at pete.

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