Chp.1 Home Sweet Home

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One afternoon, it was a lovely day at Beach, the people were having a relaxing life, alongside with crystal gems from different home worlds, and yet was already loving the life of earth. And it gets better, the daughter of Greg Universe and Rose Quartz, Stella Universe was coming back home to beach city. Stella Universe, a 19 year old female teenager who happens to be a crystal gem as well, having the powers of her mother, fighting off against evil from the past, and making friends in the future. Soon she yet was on the road, almost minutes away to arrive at beach city....

Stella: Woah. After 1 whole year, I'm coming back home to beach city. I can't wait to see my dad and my whole friends....and I just hope everything hasn't changed since I left.

...You know, ever since Stella has been being a teenager before leaving beach city, she yet happens to had so ouch trauma before and everything that has been going on with her, knowing her mother, Rose Quartz, or Pink Diamond in terms, has caused lots of trouble in the past at the home world of the Diamonds. But everything was settled afterwards, knowing that leaving beach city and having some space will calm her down, and get help and yet, she seems a whole lot better and finally coming back home. So anyways, Stella has yet arrived at Beach City...soon she yet arrive at the little town, as she can still remember the places she would always go....

Stella: Ahh. Hello Fun land, hello pier. Man, I miss beach city already. But you know what else I miss? My friends!

Soon, she yet drives over tot he sand near the beach as she yet soon to arrive near her home, The Crystal she soon arrived, she yet stops the car and exits out, she soon takes deep breathe, and felt the fresh air of the beach...after that, she yet looks up and sees her home...

Stella: It's good to be back. I wonder if they got my message-

Pearl/Amethyst/Peridot/Lapis: Stella!!!

Soon, Pearl, Amethyst, Peridot and Lapis burst out from the door and soon falling off towards Stella...

Stella: Hey guy-Woah!!!!

They all landed on top of her, soon they started to burst down tears of joy, gladly to see Stella back home, especially Pearl of course...

Amethyst: Stella! I'm so glad your baaaack!!

Pearl: You don't realize how much we waited for you to come back! We're so happy!!

Peridot: It felt like a an entire life without you! And Look, I'm even still wearing your yellow Star shape shirt you gave me! I'm glad I get to find the only Stella I care and like!

Lapis: I-I know I've felt more pain than before, but ever since you I know how it feels!! I'm just glad your back Stella!!!

Stella: Ehehehe. I'm glad to see you guys as well. But where are-

Bismuth: We're here too.

Garnet: We are just waiting for our welcome back hugs...we need them...desperately.

Stella: Garnet! Bismuth!

Stella got up as she soon rushes towards Bismuth and Garnet and gives them a hug...

Bismuth: Oh Stella! I'm so happy you're back! You can't realize house much I missed you!

Garnet: All of us missed you, Stella.

Stella: I miss you guys too, I miss everyone-Hey wait. Wheres-

Greg: Are we late?!

Connie: Please tell me we aren't!

Suddenly, Greg and Connie both came with Lion riding on him, soon to notice Stella has come back...

Stella: Dad! Connie!

Greg/Connie: Stella!

Greg and Connie both ran up to Stella as they hugged her with such joy to see her back again...

Connie: Oh my gosh girl! I'm glad your back home!

Greg: Oh sweetie, you cannot imagine how much I've missed you! It felt like an whole entire life!

Peridot: That's what I said!

Greg: I'm just glad you've came back, sweetie. Welcome home.

Stella: Hehe. I'm happy to see you too Dad and Connie.

Lion walks up to Stella as he then gave a. Lick to her face, knowing Lion was happy to see her as well...

Stella: Hehe. I miss you too as well, Lion.

Lion: Rawr!

Stella: Ehehehe. Huh?? Hey, where's Jasper?

Pearl: Well-

Amethyst: Jasper didn't wanted to come, we tried everything. I guess she's still upset about the whole you leaving thing.

Stella: Oh man. She's really upset this whole year?

Garnet: Don't worry. She'll come out...eventually.

Bismuth: Yeah, she's may be upset on the outside, but she misses you on the inside.

Stella: Hehe. Yeah.

Lapis suddenly came back from the house as she yet brought something for Stella...

Lapis: Here Stella. I made this painting for you.

She hands Stella over a painting for her..

Stella: Oh woah! That's looks great Lapis! W-Wait, don't tell me you painted me with your tears to make a water painting for me?

Lapis: *Nods*

Stella: Hehe. Well I can't argue with that, I'm glad you kept a promise like that. Hehe. But hey, I love it.

Lapis: Yay!

Greg: Hey! Now that you've came back home, why don't we throw you a welcoming party for you.

Pearl: Oh goodie! That'll be such a wonderful idea!

Amethyst: Yeah! And we can have tons of delicious food and have fun together!

Bismuth: That sounds great!

Stella: Hehe. Woah guys. I appreciate what you're all doing, but I-

Greg: Oh come on Stu-Ball, you deserve at least something, besides this if for you, not just for all of us. Besides, we wanna throw this party cause we miss you, I miss you sweetie.

Stella smiles at his dad as she soon hugs him...

Stella: I miss you too, Dad. All of you guys as well. Well, if you guys are gonna do it, then I'm okay with it.

Greg: Awesome!

Stella: But, can I at least say hi to everyone else on beach city?

Greg Of course honey. You do that while we set everything up for ya.

Stella: Sounds good! Well, see you guys later.

Connie: I'm coming with you!

Stella: Okay. Lion, wanna come with me as well?

Lion approaches to her and Connie as he licks her face again...

Stella: Hehe. Okay.

And so, Stella and Connie both walked over to the little town for Stella to say hi to everyone else while Greg and the rest start setting up a party for Stella's welcoming home for her return. Soon, they arrive at the pier as Stella sees Petey on the cook as she, Connie and Lion walk over to his fries restaurant and to the counter...

Stella: Hey Petey!

Petey: Oh Hey Connie-O-Oh Stella! Holy cow! You're back?!

Stella: Yup, and better than ever.

Petey: Awesome! It's so great seeing you again! How was the trip??

Stella: It was fun, and amazing too traveling as well.

Petey: Cool. I'm just glad you enjoyed it and glad your back too.

Stella: Yeah, but know what else I miss?

Petey: Whats that??

Stella: The bits! You still got some? If so, let me get some for me and Connie! The bits! The bits!

Connie: Yeah, the bits!

Petey: Hehe. Okay Okay. Coming right up.

Petey then started making some fry bits for Stella and Connie, minutes later, he came back with two orders for them.

Petey: Here ya go.

Stella: Awesome! Thanks Petey!

Connie: Thank you Petey.

Petey: Hehe, Your welcome.

Stella: Oh hey, if you got nothing to do, wanna come over to my place? My dad and the others are throwing a party for me.

Petey: Sweet! I'll totally go.

Stella: Awesome! Well, see ya at the party!

Petey: Bye Stella! Bye Connie! See ya guys later!

The two and Lion started walking around at the pier...soon Stella started meeting her others friends like Sadie, her partner Shep, Onion, Sour Cream, and more of her friends in beach city, and yet she has invited them to her party that her dad is throwing. And so, After a whole hour meeting her friends and seeing them again, Stella, Connie and Lion were heading back to the house to see if Greg and the others already set up the party...

Stella: Man, seeing my friends again sure feels amazing.

Connie: Yeah, I know that feeling. That's the feeling we all had when you return.

Stella: Hehe. Yeah. Man, it's sure to come back home. Say, I don't see the any of the cure corrupted gems, where are they?

Connie: O-Oh right. The diamonds came a few months ago while you were still gone, they decided to take them back to their home world, you know, have them in their actual home and having them to keep them safe.

Stella: O-Oh cool. Glad to hear.

Connie: Yup. Say Stella, now that we're alone, how was trip really?

Stella: It was amazing Connie! I never experience to travel lots of great places before! I even bought some clothes on my way back here, their still on the car, but I'll take them out once we head back.

Connie: Nice! Sooo...that's all??

Stella: Hehe. What do you mean?

Connie: Oh you know what I mean. Besides the traveling....have you ever met someone? Like, have you met up with a boy?

Stella: ...W-Well...

Connie: O-Oh. S-Sorry Stella, I shouldn't have brought it up. It'll just-

Stella: Oh no no! It's fine. It's just that...I haven't found anyone. Not even one.

Connie: Oh...

Stella: I even tried using dating apps, but it's even worse. All the boys want is hook ups and nudes. That's not what I want...I want someone who's like me, someone who I can talk, be with, start something new, and even get along afterwards...but it won't happen...I guess I won't have someone...

Connie felt bad for Stella, knowing that she hasn't found herself a partner...

Connie: Hey now, it's okay. Sure boys can be...jerks and weird as well. But what I can tell you, is that you still have lots of chances to meet the right one for you. All you have to do is wait and you'll find him...or her if you-

Stella: Definitely a "him". I'm into boys.

Connie: *chuckles* Gotcha. But still...just wait patiently, and soon you'll find the right one.

Stella smiles...

Stella: Thanks Connie. I'm glad to have a best friend like you.

Connie: Anytime girlfriend.

Soon, as the two and Lion arrive near the house, they notice Greg and the rest of the crystal gems already set up a party for Stella, tables all set, grill is ready, food on the table set up as well, chairs, and even a poster that says "Welcome Home Stella"...

Greg: Oh hey you three! You're back.

Pearl: And just in time! We've already finishing up setting the party!

Amethyst: So, how is it, Stella?!

Stella: Woah! It's so cool! Thank you so much all of you!

Garnet: What can we say Stella, we care about you.

Lapis: We will always look up to you as well.

Peridot: And we will always love the only Stella, and that is you.

Bismuth: Our Stella.

Stella's eyes started to get watery as she started to smile emotionally....

Stella: Y-You guys...

Suddenly, Petey and everyone on beach city arrived...

Petey: Hey!

Stella: O-Oh! Hey Petey!

Greg: Oh hey Pete. And hey...all of you??

Stella: O-Oh right. I invited them to the party, if that's okay with you dad?

Greg: Hehe. Of course sweetie! We were gonna invite them as well, but I guess you already did. So now, let the party begin!

Amethyst: Alright! Munching time!

Pearl: Amethyst! The food is for everyone! Not only you!

Everyone started to laugh, and then afterwards, they all started to enjoy the party as Greg then played his music box and started playing some old 90's rock and roll songs. And so the party began, everyone in beach city were having a ton of fun, enjoying eating hotdogs, burgers, drinks, playing volleyball, knowing Amethyst is the ball to be played with, and yet they started swimming on the beach as well and surfing too...everyone in beach city, the crystal gems, Greg, Connie, Lion and Stella of course were having so much fun at the party, soon some of them were at the water, swimming and diving through the waves as well...until Stella dives underwater, she soon can barely see underwater knowing its dawn already and can see some fishes...and yet she has found something unexpected that she yet was a bit surprised...she swims over to the objet she saw, and soon, she grabs it as she soon swims up and catches her breathe...afterwards, she then takes a look at the object she has found...and looked like a crystal-no wait...a gem more often. A rare Gray gem...

Stella: W-Woah. A Gray's so rare to find these...w-wait!

But suddenly..she started to have second thoughts about this Gray gem...she notice something, feeling it from the back of that Gray gem...she notices it was a bit cracked...and that's not all...she is starting to wonder that this maybe not just a ordinary gem..but it may be a the others, Like Garnet and the others....she doesn't know if it that...but deep down...she can feel it...

Stella: A Gray on earth?? How did they not notice?? did I not notice after I cure all the corrupted gems and-

Connie: Hey Stella! What's the hold up?! We're going back to play volleyball again! Pearl wants a rematch!

Pearl: I do, and please let's play with a regular volleyball other than using Amethyst as one, please?!

Stella: O-Oh right! Coming!

She soon started swimming back to the she yet places the Gary gem in her pocket, to keep it safe...

Stella: I don't wanna say anything about it today. Maybe it can wait tomorrow. Maybe they know about this Gray gem.


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