Chp.2 The Rare Gray Gem

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After hours of blasting a great party for Stella's welcoming back home, it soon ended as everyone had to go home and experience the best party they ever went. As everyone left back to their homes, Stella, Connie, Greg and the crystal gems were cleaning up and soon putting the tables and chairs away as well...

Amethyst: Aw man! This was the best party ever! The food was great, the games, everything about it was fun!

Pearl: Yup! I've never get to experience such an amazing party like this before! It was so wonderful!

Peridot: The only thing I only love about this party you call, is when I beat everyone in that volleyball game! Hahaha-

Lapis: Not everyone.

Peridot: Hmph! You were flying, that's not fair.

Lapis: Nobody said anything about no flying during the game. So...yeah.

Peridot: Psh. That was luck.

Garnet: Well, not o lot peridot was the only one getting wins.

Bismuth: Ehehe, Ahem. Let me remind y'all that who was the actually winner here.

Garnet: Oh your the one to talk big one.

Bismuth: Haha! Just saying.

Greg: Well, all we can know is that Stella had a great time in the party, right Stu-Ball?

Stella: Yeah, I loved it you guys.

Connie: I'm glad you did.

Stella: Yeah. *Yawns* oh man. I'm kinda tired as well.

Greg: Yeah, I think we choice call it a night. Besides, we're down cleaning anyways. So let's get some rest.

Stella then walks over to Lapis, Peridot, and Bismuth as they say bye to each other...

Stella: Later guys!

Bismuth: Bye Stella! See you tomorrow.

Lapis: Sleep well! I'll be drawing more paintings for you!

Peridot: And I'll keep on washing the shirt you gave me and keep wearing it!

Stella: Hehe, okay!

Connie: Heh, I should get going as well. I don't wanna worry my parents at all.

Stella: Oh okay.

Stella and Connie both gave each other a hug...

Connie: Bye Stella.

Stella: Bye Connie, see ya.

Greg: Welp, I guess your old man has to get some sleep as well.

Stella: Of course dad. You deserve some rest, knowing you and the others worked so hard throwing this party for me.

Greg and Stella gave each other a hug as Greg gave a kiss on Stella's forehead...

Greg: I'm happy your back sweetie.

Stella: And I'm happy to see you again dad.

And so, Greg said bye to her daughter as he soon goes over to his truck...where he still lives still...and soon, he turns around and sees Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Lion as she walks over to them and then looks at her home, knowing that it felt good for her to see her own home being the same as always...

Stella: Man, I wonder how it feels to go inside my home after a whole year leaving?

Pearl: Well, why don't you go and find out? It's the same as it will always be.

Stella: Sweet. Come on Lion.

And so, Stella, as she grabbed her new fresh clothes she bought on her way here, she and the others started walking over to her house, soon they walked upstairs, as she then enters her own house, and to see and feel relief to be back here...she then runs over to the sofa and lands face first on it...

Stella: Ahhh. It's so good to be back.

Amethyst: Yeah, I know that feeling.

Pearl: Hehe. Having you here feels like the old days, Stella.

Stella: Hehe, yeah. Back then was fun. *Yawns* oh man I am tired.

Garnet: Alright, we'll leave you be. Come on you two.

Pearl and Amethyst walked over to Stella as she and the two gave each other a hug...

Pearl: Goodnight Stella, sleep well.

Amethyst: See you in the morning Stella. We should go out and get something to eat.

Stella: Sounds fun. Goodnight you two.

Soon Pearl and Amethyst left as Garnet walks up to Stella, and yet she gives Stella a hug as well, and bops her nose with her finger and says...

Garnet: Goodnight, Cutie-Pie.

Stella: Hehe. Goodnight Garnet.

Soon Garnet goes walking towards her room and soon Stella was all alone...alongside with Lion of course...Lion licks her face again and Stella laughs...

Stella: Hehe.Your tired as well Huh? Don't worry, we'll get some sleep. Let me just change, eat some cereal and we can get some sleep, how's that sound?

Lion: *nods*

Stella: Hehe. Okay.

And so, Stella then walks over to her closet, soon to find her Pajamas as she started taking off her clothes and putting on her pajama on, suddenly, she then remembers the Gray gem she found on the beach, she pulls it out from her pocket from her pants....

Stella: Oh right. I forgot about this. You know...this gem seems oddly weird. It's more's not like an ordinary gem...can this one be like Garnet and the rest?? Hmmm. I'm not sure, or maybe it's just a normal rare Gray gem that I just found with luck. Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow and tell them in the morning.

and soon, she then places the Gray gem in her pocket with her as she then leave the new clothes she bought on the sofa and wait for tomorrow to put them on the closet, and so, she goes walking to her kitchen as she grabs a bowl on the counter, cereal and milk from the fridge and she started pouring them on the bowl, soon grabs a spoon and started eating her cereal...afterwards, she was done. Soon to go brush her teeth, and then heading upstairs as she was so tried and happy to be in her old room again...she runs and jumps on her bed...

Stella: Oh man. It feels sooo good. Hello again bed, yellow TV, hello poster.

Soon Lion appears as he started getting comfortable on the floor and lays down as he  and gets ready to go to sleep...soon Stella gives a kiss to Lion...

Stella: Goodnight boo.

Lion: *Yawns*

Soon Lion closes his eyes and then goes to for Stella, she then lays down as she soon started looking at the ceiling, as she felt so happy to be back home at Beach City...

Stella: It's sure good to be back home. I've miss Beach City and my friends.

Before she even sleeps, she then stood up for a bit as she then pulls out the Gray gem from her pocket and observes it again....

Stella: Hmmm. What if I...

And so, Stella then uses her magical healing powers by giving the Gray gem a kiss for its crack to be healed up...soon it did as the crack started to vanish and soon the gem was healed up....

Stella: Now it looks better.

...but...she expected something happening afterwards, life of this gem was actually like the others, regenerate as well.....but it didn't for so reason...

Stella: Huh, so it's just a rare Gray gem that I found then. Hehe. And here I thought he's like the others. But hey, here on earth these gems are very rare to find and luckily I found one. So I'll keep it.

Stella soon places the Gray gem on the counter near her as she soon goes back laying on her bed and covers herself...and soon she yawns...and goes to sleep...
Hours later, As we see Stella and Lion still sleeping, we then take a look at the Gray seems so rare to find...but on my perspective, this gem seems so weird looking and yet doesn't look like it can be found with this really an ordinary Gray gem that Stella found? Or is it one of like the Crystal Gems??? Who know???


The next day, it was morning already, 10am, and suddenly....she yet started to hear loud splashes on the ocean, not just some ordinary wave splashes, they seem like loud splashes...and those loud splashes made Stella wake up...

Stella: Huh?? What the-

She yet kept hearing those loud splashes, and seem like they were coming near her house as she can hear them...

Stella: What the hell is going on??

She soon rushes downstairs as she yet exits the house, she then suddenly sees someone walking out from the ocean and yet running towards it and suddenly...this person jump so high into the air and yet she can barely see him falling towards the ocean and making those huge loud splashes...

Stella: Wh-What the?! Who is that?! I can't see who but I have to check it out!

She soon rushes down and arrives at the sand as she yet walks over to the ocean and tries to find that person that manage to jump so high into the air and then falling all the way to the ocean and causing huge loud splashes...

Stella: Just who is he...or she?! There's no way someone like that can jump so high in the air!

Suddenly, she then notices Lion appearing behind her...

Stella: Oh hey Lion.

And yet she notices Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl arriving as well...

Pearl: Stella. Your up. I'm guessing you're hearing those loud splashes as well?

Stella: Yeah, you guys heard it too?

Garnet: Yeah, we notice it kept on going for a while.

Amethyst: And yet my beauty sleep is ruined! Just who the hell is causing these splashes to make such loud noises?!?

Stella: Well...I'm guessing a person that I just saw earlier-

Pearl: A person?? Where is he?? And how's he's making the waves making it sound louder than the actual waves

Stella: Well...oh's hard to say this...but He actually jumped all the way up high at the air and then Fallon forwards the ocean...and I guess he's doing it all over and over...

Pearl: Wait! Someone jump that high and always kept falling towards the ocean??!

Stella: Yeah...Oh wait! Guys, I have something to show you all. Be right back quick!

Soon Stella rushes to her house as she runs upstairs to go and get the Gray gem to show the others...but as soon she got to her room...she notices that the grey gem was gone...and not at the counter where she left it last night....

Stella: Huh?? Where did it go?? Did it fell??

Stella checks under the bed...soon nothing at all...

Stella: What?? That's weird ...

She soon then exits the house and goes towards the others...

Garnet: So, what you wanted to show us, Stella?

Stella: was something that I found yesterday...and yet it was gone and can't find it. It was a-

Amethyst: Hey guys look. Someone is coming out from the ocean.

Stella: Oh that must be that person who fell towards the ocean!

Pearl: I don't know...I have a bad feeling about this. I mean, who on earth will just leaped into the air like that?? No other human being here can do that other than us. Could it be Jasper?

Garnet: No, Jasper wouldn't do something like that.

Stella: Then...who is it??

And so...that someone was coming out from that has been causing those loud splashes on the ocean...soon...a head pop out form it, and soon walking down out from the ocean and yet...this someone happens to be a person...a male person...he yet gets out form the ocean and sees himself up...and on top of all that...his whole body happens to be all Gray and dark Gray, dark black, gray skin, and get dark Gray the crystal gems....

Stella: W-Woah! Hey...your color looks so...dark...and gray as well...gray...dark...gray...W-WAIT!! Don't tell me your-

Pearl: Y-YOU!!?!?

Stella: H-Huh?? Pearl-

Garnet: Stella! Get back!!!

Stella: Wh-What's going on??! Guys, what are you-

Garnet: Stella, please stay back! And whatever you do, do not get near him!

Amethyst: H-Hey you two! What the hell is going on here?!

Garnet: Amethyst, you take Stella out of here and keep her safe!

Pearl: Do it now Amethyst!!! Don't ask just do it!!!

Amethyst: O-Okay! Come on Stella!

Amethyst then grabs Stella's hand and started running away with her...soon Stella was so confused on what was going on...and yet she looks back at the gray skin she yet has find out who he actually is...

Stella: Y-Your...a human us as well?!?

Back at Garnet and Pearl...

Pearl: Wh-What the hell are you doing here?!?? How are you even alive?!?

Garnet: I thought we have gotten rid of you!

...The human Gray gem didn't knew what what were Pearl and Garnet talking about...but what he can remember in his mind that seeing Pearl and Garnet...suddenly gave him a flashback...of back then of how they looked like before...and he can imagine them alongside with a Diamond...Pink he did...he yet suddenly clenches his both hands as he yet grew angry somehow and says...

???: Y-You two!!! I-I won't forgive you for what you done during our war!!!

Garnet: Brace yourself Pearl!

Pearl: got it!


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