Chp.3 Battling Vs. The Musgravite Gem Pt.1

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???: Y-You two! ...I-I won't forgive you for what you did back there during the war!!!

Garnet: Brace yourself Pearl!

Pearl: Right!

Suddenly, the human Gray know what...let's call it Musgravite, since gray gems can be called Musgravite...anyways, back at the battle, Musgravite started rushing at Garnet and Pearl as the two also started rushing at Musgravite and so, Pearl goes up first as she then charges at Musgravite, and yet she then strikes her spear at him, but Musgravite quick grabbed the spear before it even hit him, soon holding and gripping it tight as he yet pulls it with Pearl alongside with him, swinging around her and then tossing her towards Garnet...Garnet quickly catches Pearl...

Pearl: Thanks!

Garnet: Yeah-AURGH!!

Pearl: Garnet!!

Garnet was being tackled and dragged by Musgravite as Garnet soon punches him straight to his face, Musgravite backs away as he soon shakes his head...he yet stands in a fighting positions, cracks his knuckles and then goes charging at Garnet, soon Garnet goes charging as him as the two ended up clashing each other, the two started throwing rapid punches at each other...but it seems that (YN)'s were more faster and Garnet couldn't keep up, soon (YN) strikes a knee towards Garnet's gut and yet knowing Garnet let her guard down, he then strikes a punch towards her face, sending her flying and yet crashing through a boulder....after that Pearl goes charging behind (YN) as she yet tries to attack him with her spear, she soon throws her spear directly at him, but Musgravite then quickly turns around and yet catches the spear just in time before it hit him, and yet he snaps the spear with his bear hands...soon, he yet tries to go after Pearl, but Garnet came in time as she yet lands a punch to the side of his face, sending him flying away to the ocean and falling towards it...

Pearl: Garnet! Are you alright?!

Garnet: I'm fine!

Soon Stella and Amethyst came by to check on them...

Stella: You guys!

Pearl: Stella! Amethyst! You two Please get out of here!

Amethyst: No we wanna help too! We wanna fight him with you guys and-

Garnet: No!

Amethyst: What?!

Garnet: You two need to stay out of this. This's different. It not like the other fights we had in the past.

Stella: B-But wait! I-I think I know what he is now!

Pearl: Wh-What?! Stella what are you talking about?!

Stella: Y-Yesterday, I-I found a Gray gem that looked so rare and yet it was cracked so I brought it with me and wanted to show you guys.

Pearl: Y-You found it?!? Where?!?

Stella: It was on the ocean yesterday during the party, I didn't wanted to say anything until today, and's not where I put maybe I'm guessing...that's him??

Amethyst: Yeah, who is that gem anyways?!

Pearl: B-But I don't understand! How is he here?!? We were sure he has been taken down for good!

Stella: You guys! Tell me! Who is that gem?! you're worrying me!

Pearl turns around and tells Stella...

Pearl: Stella, that gem is a Musgravite!

Stella: A-A Musgravite??!

Pearl: Yes! That's one of the rarest gems we could possibly ever encountered back at home world!

Stella: Th-Then why are you guys fighting it?! Maybe we can help him and-

Pearl: Help?! Help him!?! Stella, we can't help him! He's dangerous and yet if he's around here, he can cause a lot of destruction!

Stella: come you guys never told me about this gem?!

Garnet: Stella, we can tell you later on after we-

Suddenly, the ocean started to act weird as a huge splash was heard far away, soon Musgravite suddenly burst out from the ocean and yet seem to be floating...and yet...he seem to be really angry as he yet started to grunt and growl...soon he then gave a loud roar, cashing a huge wind wave around and the wind hitting Stella and the others....

Amethyst: W-Woah! This wind! It's so strong!

Pearl: O-Oh no...this isn't good! This isn't good!

Garnet: Calm down Pearl! Worrying won't do anything to help us kill it!

Stella: K-Kill it?!

Garnet: There's no other choice Stella! This Musgravite must not exist and needs to be taken down once and for all!

Stella: N-No! Maybe there's another way and maybe we can-

Musgravite: HAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!

Musgravite suddenly gave another yell, and yet while having his mouth mouth wide after yelling, he yet suddenly blasts a huge gray beam out form it as the beam was heading towards Stella and the other...

Garnet: Get down!!

Soon, they all dodged away from the gray beam as the beam was still going, and yet flying up to the air and yet it exploded, the beam's explosion was so huge and so loud Stella and the others witnessed to see that, and yet Pearl and Garnet seem to be so fear about it...

Amethyst: H-Holy Crap! If that hit either one of us or here at the beach, who knows what'll happen after!

Pearl: ..N-No...h-he will us all of we don't get rid of him!

Garnet: Hey! Get yourself together! We did it once, and we can do it again!

Suddenly, Musgravite suddenly started flying towards the others as he soon lands on the ground, and yet as he soon lifts his head up, his eyes started to glow and yet growling as well, and suddenly, he yet started to grow bigger and bigger for some reason...and yet he started to grow 9 feet tall, and yet as soon he grows, he revealed himself as a huge gray monster, and yet led out a huge roar...

Stella: Wh-What the-

Amethyst: Fuck?!?

Pearl: N-No! It's happening!

Garnet: Pearl get it together! And You two! Get out of here now!

Stella: What?!?

Pearl: P-Please Stella! You two have to get out of here! Go get Bismuth and the others and-

Musgravite: GRAAAAAGH!!!

Musgravite, the tall gray monster charges at Pearl and Garnet soon racking them with him and yet Pearl and Garnet both started fighting back against Musgravite...while the battle continues, Stella decides to listen to them and do what they were told...

Amethyst: Come on Stella! We have to go get Bismuth-

Stella: Amethyst wait!

Amethyst: Huh?!

Stella: We have to stay! And fight as well!

Amethyst : W-Wah?!! Stella, did you even-

Stella: I heard! But I can't let this happen if we go and get the others! And besides, maybe I can do something about Musgravite! If I could talk to him down calmly, he'll listen and understand!

Amethyst: Girl! That's a monster your talking about! You think you can talk to him like that?!?

Stella: No, but if we can calm it down then yes! So what do you say, Amethyst?!

Amethyst: Hmmm! I do wanna go and get the others, but then again why not, we can't leave Pearl and Garnet like this! So okay Stella, lest help out!

Stella: Awesome!

Amethyst: How are we going to calm him down?!

Stella: Not we..."She's" going to do the job for us!

Amethyst: She?? ...O-Oooooh!!! Haha! Now I get you! Alright! Let me know when you're ready!

Stella: Right! Let's get his attention first!

Back in the battle, Pearl and Garnet were having trouble dealing with Musgravite as Pearl was down and injured and Gatnet was still on her feet and fighting still...but yet she was too tired knowing she can't keep up with Musgravite....

Garnet: D-Damn...I-I forgot how strong he is...knowing he's a rare gem...b-but how did he manage to arrive here on earth!?! Nrgh! Focus Garnet! I have to take him down first!

Garnet goes rushing to Musgravite and lands a punch to his face...but that didn't do nothing as Musgravite then grabs Garnet's whole hand, pulls her towards him and lands a brutal punch to her gut, afterwards, tossing her away as Garnet was sent crashing through several boulders....soon Pearl started to wake up and she can barely stand...

Pearl: G-Garnet...

Soon, Pearl notice (YN) appearing near her as (YN)'s looks down as Pearl started to shake in fear...Musgravite picks her up by the neck and then stares her down with a vicious angry look on his face...

Pearl: Th-This can't end like this...

???: *Growls* You'll pay for what you have down back then at the war! Feel my pain!

Soon Musgravite was about to kill Pearl...until he then got hit with something behind his head...he yet turns around and sees someone....

???: Haha! Did that get your attention?! Good. Cause I'm back again, baby! Smokey Quartz is the name!

Pearl: S-Smokey...!

Soon, Musgravite let Pearl go as Smokey Quartz got (YN)'s attention...

Smokey: Hehe! If I were you big guy, I would stop this fight and we can talk through this, no?

???: NRRRGH!!! RAAAGH!!!

Smokey: Oh boy! Here goes!


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