Chp.11 The Discussion

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The next morning, Stella was already waking up as she yet was gonna get up...until suddenly, she realizes (YN) sleeping aside of her, soon Stella quickly got up as she yet panicked a little...soon not tryin to make noise...she yet blushes a little...

Stella Mind: Wh-What is he doing here!?! ...

Suddenly, she yet remembers last night, of how Stella kissed him...and (YN) kissing her back....she yet started to blush even more as she says...

Stella Mind: D-Damn it!! I only kiss him for him to remember...but he then kissed me again?! For what??! I don't understand why he did it again and-

Suddenly, she heard Pearl's voice from the living room...

Pearl: Stella! Are you awake??

Stella soon replies...

Stella: Y-Yeah! I am!

She then heard Garnet...

Garnet: Stella, have you seen (YN)?? We haven't seen you since last night when he went out looking for you with your dad.

Stella: Uhhhhh...Yeeeeaaah!! I did! He said he was gonna...go for a walk at the pier! You know, try to socialize with others, hehe.

Pearl: Hmmmm. Alright then. We're heading back to the barn and continue working on the building. Wanna go??

Stella: Y-Yeah!! I'll catch you guys up in a bit.

Garnet: Alright then. See you at the barn.

Amethyst: Later Stella!

Soon, The three exit the house as Stella soon was relief about it, after that, she yet started heading downstairs and started brushing her teeth...but as she does, she couldn't get that image of her and (YN) kissing off from her mind, she soon splash some water on her face and finishing up already...

Stella: Man...what am I going to do?? It's going to be so awkward between me and him. Why did he do that in the first place?! I don't get it still. What was the point of him doing that??

As soon Stella exits the restroom, (YN) was already awake...

(YN): Doing what??

Stella: AAAGH!! (Y-YN)! You scared me...

(YN): Sorry, didn't mean to.

Stella: I-It's fine....

Suddenly, the two started to get quiet for a moment as Stella kept on blushing as (YN) responds...

(YN): Hey Stella. About last night...I-

Stella: O-Oh! Look at the time! Pearl and the others need me! Hehe! Sorry (YN)! I have to go help them out! Bye!

(YN): But-

Stella soon started running to the door and exits the house...

(YN): ...What???

Meanwhile, at the barn, Pearl, Garnet and the others were continue working on upgrading the barn as soon Stella was on her way...but, she yet started to feel...weird, knowing that (YN) has to come at help them out as well...

Stella: Th-This isn't good...what the heck was even that back there???! I sounded like a idiot....I can't even be myself when I'm going to be around (YN)...this is bad, this is really-

(YN): Stella!

Stella: Huh?!?

(YN) soon came running as he yet catches up to Stella...

(YN): Stella.

Stella: O-Oh! H-H-Hey (YN)!

Stella didn't bother looking at (YN$, knowing that she's too embarrassed looking at him straight...

(YN): Hey, I'm worried about you. Your acting weird again ever since back at the house What's going on?? ...Look, I...wanna talk about last night, I wanna tell you if-

Pearl: Oh! Perfect timing you two!

Garnet: (YN), I'm sure you're feeling yourself better already.

(YN): Yeah...sort of.

Stella: Y-Yeah, hey you guys need help?

Pearl: Yes, I need you something right here, if you mind??

Stella: O-On it!

Stella soon power walks her way without even looking at (YN), which made him curious about why she's acting like that...and so Connie was there as well...

Connie: Hey Stella.

Stella: H-Hey Connie.

Pearl: Well now since the two of you are here, We have to go get more supplies for the barn. Connie, mind you joining us as well??

Connie: O-Oh. Sure.

Pearl: and (YN), would you mind helping Stella? If you don't mind at all??

(YN): Oh me??? Yeah...sure.

Soon (YN) walked over and places his knees as he sat next to Stella, which made her blush a little...

Pearl: Okay! We're gonna go get some more car metals at the junk since Jasper is still missing. You two will be okay??

(YN)/Stella: Yeah.

The two stood quiet, starting at each other as Stella looked away. Soon after, Pearl and the other gems alongside with Connie left to go get more metal stuff as Stella and (YN) were both alone...

Stella: O-Okay then. S-So...I'm gonna need you to wield these emails on this spots here. Before that, first I need you to...t-to...

Stella notices (YN) starring at her which made her feel a bit embarrassed and blushing a little...

Stella: Whhhhhhhhyyyyy are you looking at me like this??

(YN): ....How long are you going to keep this up?? You haven't been yourself lately and yet you've been acting so weird towards me, and I really wanna talk about last night and what happen as well.

Stella: ...Fine. Let's talk.

(YN): ...

Stella: First, you somehow get totally wasted by some antifreeze liquid, and who knows what you were thinking of drinking it and I don't even know where you even got it from.

Stella soon started to sound serious as she yet started getting up and kept on talking...

Stella: Second, you manage to catch me off guard and do something against my will.

She soon turns around...

Stella: Third, you keep on nagging me, even though I told you I don't wanna talk about it.

(YN): S-Stella-

Stella: Fourth! You still couldn't even remember what you done...until I...

She soon remembers the kiss she gave him last night...and somehow she didn't wanted to say nothing more...

Stella: *sighs* Well, I think I've said enough. Let's not talk about this anymore and-

(YN): Stella...did you like it?

Stella soon blush...and then...she yet to clench her hands and replies...

Stella: Does it matter?

(YN): Of course it matters. I-

Stella soon dropped the metal part to the ground as she soon got really mad, facing at (YN) as she says...

Stella: Oh please! Don't pretend you even care at all. You didn't even know something happening in the first place!

Stella: Is this why your mad at me?! Look I know I was intoxicated and-

Stella: I'm mad because you are so damn unpredictable! And it drives me insane!!!

Stella yelled, and soon (YN) kept quiet..soon Stella says...

Stella: I'm tired of how you always act! You are so distant to everyone here! You are so cold and isolated! Then, out of nowhere, you kiss me and make me walk on thin ice around you! And to, haha, make rings EVEN BETTER...You kiss me again only to make sure you have this weird stupid feeling you have!

Stella was already shedding tears, and yet, making (YN) feel bad as he had his head down...

(YN): S-Stella, I-

Stella: What?! You're sorry?! Of but of course you are! You didn't wanted any of this to happen, did you!? You wouldn't wanna have anything to do with this planet, the gems, LET ALONE ME!!! So, did I like to?! ....of course I did...because for a second I thought you meant something...*sniffs* that YOU might care about someone other than YOURSELF!!!

Stella was crying and shedding tears...soon (YN) was feeling bad and sad as well...

Stella: ...I-I hate to say this...but I'm sorry you had to end up on a planet like this you don't even like...I'm sorry you have to end up here...with the gems....and me.

(YN): ....

Stella: *sighs* Now, if you heard what you needed...I like leave me alone now, please.

Stella had her arms crossed and not looking at (YN), waiting for him to leave her alone...soon, she then heard him sniffing as she yet notices him shedding tears and tryin to hold back his crying...Stella was surprised and shocked to see (YN) like this...she's never seen (YN) cry before nor show any emotions like this...she wanted to say something...but she can't...but what she sees is (YN) walking, passing through her and then exiting the barn...soon, he then said...

(YN): ...You should probably listen to her too.

And so, he then jumps to the air and goes away...and the fact he was talking Pearl and the others...knowing that they heard everything....Jasper as she was holding Peridot...

Jasper: The hell?? How long was I out??

Connie and Peridot were covering Peridots mouth for her not to make noise during Stella's conversation with (YN)...

Peridot: BLAGH!! Cut it out you two!!

Connie: Shhhh!! Peridot!

Lapis: Quiet!

Peridot: I told you clogs we shouldn't eavesdrop!

Pearl: Oh my...that wasn't pleasant at all.

Bismuth: Things are now not looking good between them, what should we do??

Garnet: Well, one of us have to go and talk to (YN). Whatever he did to Stella, needs to apologize. So, who's gonna help him?

Connie: Well, I can go. I would try talk it with Stella about what was going on, but in my perspective, I would leave Stella some space. So maybe I can go talk with (YN).

Lapis: I'll come as well. Peridot, wanna come as well?

Peridot: *Sighs* Fine. But I'm only goin cause I'm doing this for Stella to help her.

Connie: Alright then. Let's go.

Garnet: You three be careful.

Connie: Don't worry. We'll be fine. In the meantime, try talking with Stella.

Pearl: We'll do our best.


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