Chp.10 The Kiss Pt.2

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As we left off, (YN) arriving at the barn and soon punching the ground, causing it to shake and soon giving off this menace look on his face as he says...

(YN): H-How much this...GOING TO TOY WITH ME!?!!!!!

Stella: (Y-YN)....!?

Jasper: Tch. Alright, let's settle down.

Suddenly, Jasper appeared and soon was behind (YN) as she gave him a chop behind his neck, necking him down to the ground...

Peridot: Ph-Phew! That was a close one.

Lapis: Yeah, it was.

Stella: (Y-YN)!

Pearl: Wh-What just happened???

Garnet: Never mind of that. He's down for now. Jasper, is everything alright with you??

Jasper: Yeah, don't worry about me.

Bismuth: So...what happen to him??

Jasper: Tch. Beats me, I just came and saw him starting to fight so I knocked him out. Oh and Pearl, I got your destroyed vehicle you asked.

Pearl: Oh, thank you Jasper.

Jasper dropped the destroyed vehicle as soon She yet had him on her shoulders ...soon Stella and Connie walked up, and yet Stella...she was worried about him...

Stella: Is he going to be alright??

Jasper: I only knocked him out, not killed him. Don't worry about that, my Diamond.

Stella: O-Oh. Okay...

Bismuth: But still, what was going on with him?? It seemed like he was gonna start to rampage or sum.

Garnet: Well that doesn't matter anymore Bismuth. Now that he's knocked out, Jasper, will you monitored him until he's cool down?

Jasper: Tch. I'm not a nanny, but I'll do what I can. Though, if I am going to take him, I'm going to need my Diamond as well.

Stella: Wh-What??! Me??!

Jasper: Yeah, besides, you're a better at dealing with him than us.

Stella: O-Oh! W-Well you see...I-I'm kinda busy here, and well...hehe, I'm sure-

Garnet: You can have her.

Stella: What?!? Garnet!!

Jasper: Cool.

Jasper soon picked up Stella with her other hand as she started taking her and (YN) somewhere for (YN) to cool down...

Connie: Say, Garnet?? (YN) didn't mean to hurt us again...right??? I mean what if he try hurting Stella??

Garnet: Don't worry Connie. I'm certain (YN) didn't knew what he was doing. I know that when he realizes what he's done he'll apologize and everything will go back to normal.

Connie: Well, okay then.


Meanwhile, near the was already dawn, 6:00pm, (YN) has woken up and was siting down in the sand with Stella and Jasper was laying down behind them. Soon Stella told everything about what he did back there, and Jasper had to help her out to back her up...

(YN): Tch. I ain't apologizing nothing!

Jasper: Oh well, do as you please. Just don't reck anything else, okay? The to find your....happy place or whatever...

(YN): *grunts*

Stella: *nervously laughs* Wh-What Jasper meant to say was that you just need to cool down for a bit, and then once you are, you can go an apologies to the gems that you try hurting them, okay??

(YN): Tch. You think I'm going to apologize after I have to deal with that disgusting taste I had to go through earlier on??!

Stella: ...Wh-What???

(YN): Yeah, NRRGH! I can't believe I fell for this! I can still feel that horrible taste in my mouth.

Stella: ...Horrible taste...? Wait, so you don't...remember???

(YN): Are you kidding me? I'll remember this terrible thing as long as I live for. Never trust them. No matter what they tell you.

Stella Mind: ...He actually doesn't remember...

Jasper: My Diamond here was sent to help you, that's what I heard, since I guess you don't even remember her being there with you.

(YN): Stella, you came for me??

Stella: I-I uh...*Sh-Should I tell him?? But what if he doesn't remember, there's no point. Is only embarrass myself, plus...she probably didn't mean it at all...and...and...why would she mean it anyways??* Um...Y-Yeaaah. I was there. Pearl sent me to get you, and I was going to wake you up, but you didn't seem in no condition of waking up at all, so I-

(YN): W-Wait. Hold on...

Stella: *blushes*

(YN): ....Yeah, I think I do remember now...seeing you. I remember had a funny looking chocolate smudge...right in your cheek, hehe.

Stella: ....

(YN): But hey...I guess I owe you an apology for tryin to scare you like that and I-

As soon, (YN) was gonna reach his hand to Stella's shoulders, Stella suddenly slaps his hand away from having him to have his hand on her shoulder...

(YN): ...Um...S-Stella?? Is everything o-

Stella suddenly stood up quickly as she yet seem to be blushing a little and replies quickly...

Stella: No-I-I mean yes! Thank you. It's okay! I-I just remember that I had this thing to do, and I must go....but I'm feel better.

(YN) suddenly notices Stella having her head down and not looking at him at all...

(YN): A-Are you sure you okay?? I can come with you, not that I can be much of a help with tech stuff...but I can keep you company if you wa-

Stella: N-No No!! I'll be alright!

Suddenly, Stella started running away and left (YN) alone with Jasper and soon she yet started crying, shedding tears, while running, she started saying in her mind...

Stella Mind: Wh-Why am I running away?! Of course he won't remember. He wasn't himself. He wouldn't have done it otherwise. And why would she?? He hates everyone...and he doesn't even like ME like that.

She soon stop running as she yet looks up at the lighthouse of the barn...and yet...she then started heading to the barn....


Later on that day, it was now night, 10:00pm, as Stella told Garnet and the rest that she'll be with her dad for today...which was a lie...she was at the lighthouse, hiding as she yet was sitting at the near edge of the hill...and yet still remembers what (YN) did to her...kissing her, and yet he don't remember.

Stella: what?

She started having the image of him kissing her as she kept on blushing and picturing it and couldn't get it off from her head...

Stella: Dang it!!! Why..?! I don't understand why (YN) did that and why doesn't he remember?! I-I can't believe it...b-but I can't believe as well what I'm about to say...*sighs* H-He's kinda getting on my nerves now...

(YN): Stella??

Stella: Eek!!

Stella notices (YN) behind her..

(YN): Did..I do something wrong?? Is that why you were acting weird all day??

Stella: ...

(YN): ...Did something happen when you went to get me?? I don't understand. What did I do??

Stella: I-It's nothing.

(YN): If it's nothing, then why won't you look at me??

Stella kept ignoring him and yet didn't wanted to see him...suddenly, Stella opened her eyes and yet to see (YN) floating and starring at her...suddenly, Stella, without hesitation grabbed (YN)'s neck behind, pulls him towards her as she connects her lips to his, and lands a kiss on his mouth, not letting go, she kept on kissing him, pressing on him and rustling on his hair....and soon, (YN) suddenly backed he yet was surprised to know that he suddenly had a little he yet now remembers what he did to Stella and blushes a little...

Stella: *blushing* B-By the looks of it...I'd guess this rings a bell..??

(YN): ......

Stella: (Y-YN)?? Are you okay...??

(YN): I-I remember now...back pulled away...and...I can remember seeing your face all red...a-and now you say that I'm already getting on your nerves...if I really was...why did you do it now??

Stella: W-Well, you see...I wanted you to remember. Y-You weren't yourself through so I didn't know how else to make you remember...

Suddenly, (YN) again has that weird feeling he had back before at the pier...

(YN): *Hey...this feeling again. It's throbbing my heart already...was it that drink I drank, causing it to make me feel like this?? Or was it...what Stella did right now?? Kissing me..??? I have to know* Stella.

Stella: H-Huh??

Soon (YN) lands his knees to the ground as he got close to Stella, soon he then places his hands on both Stella's shoulders...

(YN): I need to check something okay? So bear with me on this.

Stella: Wh-What...What are you doing-Mmmph.!

(YN) soon connected his lips to her as he landed a kiss, while (YN) kept kissing Stella on the lips, he slowly started rubbing Stella's shoulder to her hand and then he started rustling on her hair too...after that, he slowly pulls away as his and Stella's saliva were splitting each other as Stella was blushing so hard and yet shivering...soon (YN) started having that feeling again after kissing Stella...

Stella: H-Ha...Ha...A-Ah...(

(YN): Hey, that's odd...there's that feeling again. Same weird feeling that's throbbing in my chest. I thought it was that liquid I drank as well as the stomach ache...Hey Stella, do you have it too?

(YN) soon reaches his hand towards Stella's chest as he presses on it and made Stella even more red and blush as well, and suddenly, that made Stella pass out as she falls towards (YN) as he catches her...

(YN): Stella?! Shit. She passed out??! Why??! ...Hmmm. Maybe I'll take her home and let her rest up.

(YN) soon grabs Stella and carries her on his hands, soon he yet jumps off from the hill as he straights falls to the sand and lands on his feet and arriving at Stella's house, knowing its literal below the hill of the barn and lighthouse...soon he walks upstairs and enters the house, soon to be seem that everyone were sleeping already. (YN) then started walking upstairs to Stella's room, and as he does, he slowly places her on her bed...As he does, he yet places a pillow on her head, grabs her blanket and covers her...Afterwards, he was still worried about her, he yet decided to sleep with he lays down on her bed, laying next to her, as he yet wraps his arm around her, and yet sleeps with her so he won't be worried about her after all...

(YN): Somehow...the feeling always happens when...I'm around with you...does...this have to do with something you?? Or between us...???


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