Chp.9 The Kiss Pt.1

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Well's been two months now. And yet...things have kinda change I guess...(YN) has still been tryin for get along with Garnet and the other Crystal Gems...and well, it's going good, but still he has to lay off with the attitude still...and...*sighs* I thought it'll take him like a week or so for him to actually get along with the others...but it seems it hasn't happened yet...and's kinda bothering me that he's not trying, but it seems he is...and boy, between him and Jasper, those two never get along, and oh boy I mean I'm taking about yelling and arguing so much...but still...I'm starting to have second thoughts of him having here on earth...but then again...
I don't want him to leave....during these past two months besides him trying to get along with the others...he's starting to hang out with me lots of times, and yet he's starting to follow me around, and well, I don't mind at all...he's never like this with the others...but to me he is...why me??? Well anyways, that doesn't matter right now, all I hope is that he tries to get along with the others and everything will be good...So anyways, Me, (YN), Connie and the other crystal gems were at the barn, where Lapis, Peridot, Bismuth and Jasper live. We were at their barn cause we wanted to make their barn bigger for themselves and more space as well. Soon, Me and Connie were helping Pearl, Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot on placing the metals on the roof while Jasper, (YN) and Amethyst went off to get more metal stuff they can find to build...and as for Garnet...well, all she can do is watch the cows...soon, they then arrived with more metal to build...

Jasper: There. Is that enough for ya??

Pearl: Hmmm. Yeah, that should do it, but can one of you three go and at least find a destroyed vehicle at the junkyard??.

Jasper: I'll go. Be right back.

Soon Jasper leaves to go get a destroyed vehicle at the junkyard...soon (YN) sees Stella working with the others as Stella notices him looking at her, soon (YN) waved at her with a small smile on his face, soon Stella waved back at him and giving him a smile on her face to him as well and yet goes back working with Connie...

Amethyst: Alright! Now that we got nothing to do, I can finally drink all of this bottle of liquid stuff I found!

(YN): Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you, what are those stuffs??

Amethyst: Oh. These are some bottle of engine oils I found. Want one? Here have an antifreeze one.

Amethyst soon hands (YN) a bottle of antifreeze bottle as (YN) started observing it...he notices to read the label and has a skull waning on it...

(YN): Hey...this has a lane with a warning sign. You sure we can drink this??

Amethyst: Trust me man. I've drink these and nothing bad happens. It's like drinking water.

(YN): Oh. So...these stuffs are actually good??

Amethyst: Oh yeah! Absolutely! Car stuffs like these are amazing to drink.

(YN): Oh well, if you say so. Anyways, if we aren't doing nothing yet, I'll be at the hays.

Amethyst: Okay!

Soon (YN) started walking towards the hays with the bottle of antifreeze that Amethyst gave him, soon he does, Stella and Connie soon took a break as well as she yet started eating a cookie cat, and yet...she started looking at (YN) she soon started to blush a little, and she couldn't get her eyes off from him and yet she can hear and echo on her head, calling her name as Connie was the one calling her...

Connie: Stella?? Stella!

Stella: H-Huh??! O-Oh hey Connie. What's up??

Connie: You okay?? You were starting at (YN) for quite a while.

Stella: O-Oh! Well I was just wondering well here he left off too. You know?

Connie: Hmmmm. I don't know about that. *gives a funny smile*

Stella: Wh-What do you mean??

Connie: Well let's see, he starts to hang out with you lots of times, he even likes your "Together Breakfast" meal, and he yet likes to be with you the whole time...and you like it as well. You like it more than he does

Stella: I-I don't know what you're-

Connie: You like him, don't you?

Stella: Wh-What??! *blushes*

Connie: Oh come Stella. It's obvious you do. And he likes you too.

Stella: N-No! It's not like that! Honestly...

Connie: Then??

Stella: It's just's not gonna happen, okay? Look I know you have been seeing us together a lot of times, hanging out. And he's, I'm happy he's starting to enjoy it, and I do too, but...the only problem is...he doesn't even know what it feels to like someone. So yeah, that's what I meant.

Connie soon pays her on the back and replies to Stella...

Connie: Oh. I see. Hey, sorry if I brought that up, I don't mean to-

Stella: No. it's fine. Besides, it's good that me and him are friends now. So that's something I should be happy about, and I like it that way.

Connie: Hehe. Yeah, there's that.

Meanwhile, at the hays, (YN) soon sat down on a hay as he yet started observing the antifreeze bottle again...he soon opens the cap and yet started smelling the scent of it...

(YN): Smells weird...but wonder how it taste? Would it taste bad? Or good? Oh well, I'll find that out. bottoms up.

20 seconds later...(YN) finished the whole antifreeze bottle, and yet...he started to feel so dizzy and yet not feeling good and having a headache...

(YN): Wh-What...was....that...?! M-My head...why is everything...crooking...??! ....I-I need to lay down for a moment....u-uuugh...

Back at the barn, soon Stella me Connie were finished eating their Cookie Cats soon Pearl started calling Peridot...

Pearl: Peridot, will you go find (YN) please? I think I may need his little help, if he can and downs brother actually helping at all.

Peridot: Why don't you go yourself? I'm kinda busy here.

Pearl: Hmmm. Bismuth?

Bismuth: Sorry Pearl, kinda busy as well.

Pearl: Lapis??

Lapis: Busy as well.

Pearl: Ame-I'm not gonna even bother asking you.

Amethyst: Hehe. Sorry, I'm on my break.

Pearl: And I can't ask Garnet cause she's busy watching the cows...Hmmm. Oh! Stella!

Stella: Whats up Pearl?

Pearl: Would you do me a favor and go find (YN) for me???

Stella: O-Oh. Yeah sure...fine. Be right back Connie.

Connie: Okay.

Soon, Stella started searching for (YN)...soon she found him on the hays...

Stella: There he is.

She soon started approaching to him...

Stella: Hey (YN). Can you come real quick?? We need your help and-

Suddenly, Stella notices (YN) laying down on the hay and yet not feeling to good at all...

Stella: (Y-YN)??! Are you okay?!

(YN): .......

Stella soon started approaching to him closely....Suddenly, (YN) quickly turns around, grabs Stella's hand...

Stella: H-Hey, what are you-Hmph!!

Suddenly, (YN) pulled Stella towards him as he yet landed a kiss on her lips, and yet Stella was shocked and blushing hard of what (YN) was doing, soon after, Stella quickly pulled back as she yet trip backwards as soon she yet started covering her mouth and blushing still, knowing what (YN) just did to her...

Stella Mind: Wh-Wh-Wha-What?!? H-H-He kiss...he kiss me...?!?

Soon, she realizes (YN) suddenly waking up for some reason, and yet she started to run away and not let (YN) know she was there and not make it awkward...


Pearl: Huh?? What do you mean you didn't get her Stella??

Stella: I-I well you see...I-I was gonna get him...b-but but...he...he was sleeping! Yeah! There you go! Yeah, he was sleeping and I try waking up and couldn't so I decided to leave him until he wakes up! *laughs nervously*

Pearl: *Sighs* I knew it, oh well, I'll ask Jasper's help when she gets back.

Garnet: Everything okay, Pearl?

Pearl: Yes, but the metal here is getting way too heated in this process...if we don't find something to cool it off, it'll start melting everything and have to start all over.

Soon Connie walks up to Stella and yet she started to find suspicious about Stella of how she's acting right now...

Connie: Hey Stella, are you okay??? You seem...kinda acting weird when you came back looking for (YN). Did everything-

Stella: *blushes* O-Oh! Y-Yeah, everything went well, nothing wrong...I-It's just that-

Amethyst: Hey look, (YN)'s coming.

Stella: !!

Pearl: Oh. Perfect timing as well, hope he can help me out here if he can.

Suddenly, (YN) started to seem to walk weirdly and yet having his head down...

Bismuth: Hey...there's something wrong with him.

Peridot: Making it's cause we ruin his nap time.

Connie: I mean....he looks okay, right Stella?

Stella: I-Uhhh...

Suddenly, (YN) suddenly clench his hand and yet he punches straight to the ground and caused everything to shake...

Peridot: W-Woooahh!!!

Amethyst: Wh-What the hell is going on with him?!?

Garnet: (YN), what's going on with you?!

Afterwards, (YN) then said...

(YN): H-How much this....GOING TO TOY WITH ME!!!!!?!!?

Stella: (Y-YN)....??!


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