Chp.8 Getting Along With Stella

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Two weeks has already passed since (YN) have already been living with me and the others here on beach city. So far...things are going...okay. (YN) is barely getting along with Pearl and the others, so that's good, but...the thing is...he still has the attitude when talking with the others, and he is even distant with them as well and isolated as well.....and I always think to myself...was it a bad idea to have him here on earth? And live with us??? Psh. Nah. Who am I kidding? He's basically acing like Peridot, Lapis and Jasper before they started getting along with us and having them at earth in the first time, and look at them now, their not like before, their kind, and friendly already...well Jasper can be sometimes, but still. And yet, I know (YN) is trying his best to be nice and all...hehe,it'll take some time. No worries, cause taking him to the pier will absolutely will get his happiness up. So, it was sunset already, 6:30pm, soon I was already getting ready to take (YN) to the pier so we can have fun together and for him to get to know beach city better s well. And yet, I already got him some spare of clothes, I got almost all of his clothes gray and black suits his color you know, anyways, as soon I was walking downstairs ready up, I then notice (YN) ready as well, having a button up black shirt on, black jeans, gray shoes and well...I got him a black hat as well, you make him look better...

Stella: Seems like you're ready. You're looking good.

(YN): Tch. Do I have to wear these "clothes" you call them??

Stella: You have to. If we're gonna go out and have some fun at the pier, then you gotta dress and look decent for yourself.

(YN): *sighs* look good as well. *blushes a little while looking away*

Stella: Aww. Thank you. So, you're ready to head out??

(YN): Hmmm. I guess.

Stella: *giggles* I'll take that as a yes. Come on then.


Stella soon grabs (YN)'s hand as she and (YN) exit the house, walk downstairs and soon started heading over the beach city. Minutes later, they soon have arrive and yet (YN) started to see people walking around, riding on amusement rides, and playing fun games and eating delicious food...

Stella: Welcome to the pier, (YN).

(YN): a pier?? What do we do??

Stella: Right here, we entertain ourselves, release some stress and enjoy ourselves with some fun rides and delicious foods!

(YN): ...I see.

Stella: Come on, you'll love it! Let's go and have some fun!

(YN): If you say so...

And so, they went off to the pier as Stella started showing (YN) around the fun places at the pier, first Stella took him to ride where there teacups, and makes them spinning while riding on it, soon they got on as the ride started, Stella was having fun, as for (YN)...he didn't seem like he was enjoying it, and yet he doesn't even know if he should feel fun about it, but that didn't stop Stella to stop the fun as she yet continues showing (YN) around more rides, she soon brought him to a rollercoaster one, and soon Stella was having a blast riding the rollercoaster, (YN) on the other hand, somehow he yet started to smile a little, he didn't seem fully happy nor having fully having fun, but it's getting there...:knowing he is somehow started to experience the fun entertainment from Stella....and so, he started to go with the flow with Stella and experience the fun as the two started to hang out together at the pier more, soon Stella and (YN) started going to more rides, afterwards Stella took him tot he arcades as Stella started showing him around the games, and yet, with the help of Stella of how to play the arcade games, (YN) and Stella started winning some tickets to earn some good prizes, soon Stella use her tickets to get herself a necklace and some for (YN), he spent the tickets on a teddy bear, which it wasn't for him, it was for Stella, he soon got her a terry bear as Stella blushes and smiles as (YN) blushes a little and looked away...
And so the day goes by, and it was night already, soon Stella and (YN) were sitting together at the bench as they were looking at the stars up in the sky...

Stella: Wow! Who knew the stars right now at night would look so beautiful. Don't you think, (YN)?

(YN): Hmm..Yeah.

Stella: Hey, I've been meaning to ask you...if you're a gem, then where's is it??

(YN): Wh-Wheres what??

Stella: Your Gem. Pearl has it on her forehead, Amethyst on her chest, Garnet on both her hands, Lapis on her back, Peridot the same as Pearl, Bismuth on her chest like Amethyst and Jasper on her nose.

(YN): gem...their in my eyes.

Stella: Woah really?!

(YN): Yeah...take a close look at them.

Stella soon got closer to (YN) as she started starring directly into his eyes, as she can see two gray tiny gems inside his pupils...

Stella: Woah! Cool!

(YN): It's whatever....what about yours??

Stella: Oh! Mines here look!

Without even hesitation, Stella lifts her shirt up and shows half her stomach to (YN) and shows her pink gem, located in her belly button...soon (YN) started to blush a little and shakes his head...

(YN):'s in your stomach?

Stella: Yeah, but hey, pretty neat that we have gems right??

(YN): ...Mmhmm.

Suddenly, Stella started to notice (YN) acting a bit...different, knowing he did had a bit of fun at the pier, and now he doesn't seem like he enjoy it at all..

Stella: ...Hey, what's wrong??

(YN): Hmm?? O-Oh. Nothing, really.

Stella: *sighs* (YN), there is something going on with you.

(YN): No seriously. I'm fine Stella-

Stella: (YN). I'm not dumb. At first you started to have little fun at the pier...and all of the sudden, you're not yourself. So there's something going on.

(YN): ...Okay. Look...I know you want me to enjoy the fun with you, and I appreciate Stella. But...I'm not a "fun" person, if that's what you call it. I know you trying to make me enjoy it, but I'm not like the other gems...I'm sorry, Stella. I don't mean to hurt your feelings.

Stella soon looked down with an upset look on her face as she replies...

Stella: oh..I see....I guess...I brought you here for no reason...

(YN) soon yet to feel bad for Stella...but...the thing is...not only did he had a bit of fun at the pier...the only thing he had fun and liked about today...was spending time with Stella...she's the reason why he had fun today at the pier, it's not just the rides and the's cause of, he then places his hand onto her shoulder as Stella looks at him and notice his hand on her shoulder as (YN) says...

(YN): I may not had fun at the pier...but I can assure you what I really enjoy today...spending time with you.

Soon, Stella got flustered and blushes as she yet gave a little smile and then giggles afterwards...she then suddenly lays her head on top of (YN)'s laps, laying her whole body on the bench as well...

Stella: Hehe. At least your honest.

(YN): *Blushing a little* Y-Yeah...I am.

While starring at Stella's face, laying down on (YN)'s laps, he soon yet started to blush to see her face, knowing how cute it looks, and then making him even more blush...soon, he yet started to feel something inside his body, it has to do with his heart, something about it makes him feel....funny and yet...felt warm as well...

(YN) Mind: Wh-What the hell???! What's this feeling I'm having??? It feels...weird. But then it feels...warm.'s throbbing in my chest...just what the hell is this feeling??!

Soon, Stella got up as she then checks her phone for the time...

Stella: I think we should head back home. It's about to get late. Come on.

(YN): O-Okay...

Soon, Stella grabbed her teddy bear that (YN) won for her, and soon they started heading home to Stella's they do, Stella suddenly grabs (YN)'s hand as he yet notices it, as Stella then says to him...

Stella: (YN)...I also enjoy hanging out with you as well today.

And so, (YN) blush a little afterwards...and soon smiles a little...and yet, he started having the weird feeling again in his chest, throbbing again....

(YN) Mind: That feeling...there it goes again...just...what kind of feeling is this?? And why I have it?? ...Well, I guess it doesn't matter now...what matters is that I had fun hanging out with Stella...that's the only thing i care about.


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