Chp.7 Morning/Getting Along

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The next morning, Stella was already waking up knowing the sunlight hitting her eyes, as she did, she yawns and scratches her head behind...

Stella: *Yawns* Morning Lion.

Lion: *Yawns*

Stella: Hehe, I'll let you sleep still.

And then, she yet notices (YN) in her room and yet he seems to be sitting down watching the TV...

Stella: O-Oh! Morning (YN).

(YN): Hey...

Stella: Watcha doing??

(YN): I wanted to wake you up cause...I'm hungry...and I wanted to eat that plate you made for me last was delicious.

Stella: Aww. You like it?

(YN): Yeah! U-Uh I's good. Yeah...but until I spot this little has buttons and all, and as soon I press one...the little object suddenly turn on and started showing me people inside the object.

Stella got up as she soon walks over to (YN) as she then says to him...

Stella: It's called a Television. In short, TV. It's for watching for fun, you know like, drama, action, comedy and more.

(YN): Oooh. I see.

Stella: Yeah. So, you want more "Together Breakfast"?

(YN): Yeah!

Stella: *giggles* Okay, follow me then.

(YN): Okay.

Soon, (YN) started following Stella as they soon arrive at the living room, then they walked over to the kitchen. Then, Stella then started making the breakfast for (YN), making the waffles and popcorn on the microwave...soon after, Stella placed the waffles and popcorn together on a plate, as Stella then put whip cream on it as well and a strawberry for the final..

Stella: Okay, it's ready.

Soon (YN) then sat down on the chair as Stella hand him over a fork, soon (YN) grabs a waffle and started eating the "Together Breakfast", and yet he was enjoying the meal already...

(YN): Mmmmmm. So good.

Stella: Hehe. Glad you like it. Oh hey, I know what to make it better.

(YN): ???

Stella then heads over to the fridge, pulls out a gallon of orange juice, and a cup and she pours some on the cup and hands it to (YN)...

(YN): Whats this??

Stella: It's orange juice. Drink some, you'll love it.

(YN)  then took a sip of the orange juice...afterwards, he then started drinking it the whole cup...

(YN): juice...was good!

Stella: *giggles* Told ya.

Suddenly, one of the doors from the crystal gems were open as soon Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst soon came out from it...

Stella: Oh hey! Morning guys!

Amethyst: Morning Stella!

Garnet: Morning.

Pearl: Good Morning Stella and...Musgravite??

(YN) soon stares at them as he yet grunts at them and kept on eating his breakfast...

Pearl: So....Stella?

Stella: Yeah??

Pearl: Did things...turn out good while having a talk with him??

Stella: It did.

Pearl: Really??

Stella: Yeah! It wasn't that bad, he's now our friend. Oh, and he doesn't go by Musgravite anymore. He's goes by (YN) now!

Amethyst: (YN)??? Heh, that's a cool name.

Garnet: Hm.

Soon Amethyst walks up to (YN)...

Amethyst: Hey. The names Amethyst! Nice to meet you! I plow we met yesterday but hey, now that you're with us, we can totally get along together! Right?!

(YN) stood quiet as he yet stares at Pearls and Garnet...knowing he still can't forgive them...

(YN): I may not know you. But...I guess we can get along.

Amethyst: Awesome! So can I have some of that delicious waffles?!

(YN) was gonna say something to her, but he yet notices Stella looking at him, smiling at him, as he blushes a little, knowing that the talk he had with her, he had to get along with the other and her especially. afterwards, he then replies to Amethyst...

(YN): ...Sure.

Amethyst: Cool!

(YN) then hands Amethyst the plate of "Together Breakfast" as she yet started eating it with him...

Stella: See?? He's not like yesterday. Told you I would make him like us.

Pearl: I-I see. That's...great of you Stella...

Stella: ...Pearl, is something wrong??

Pearl then whispers at Stella..

Pearl: S-Stella, it's just that...I still don't feel comfortable around him.

Stella: What?? Why not??

Pearl: Stella, I still see him as the gem he was before, and I can't-

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard as (YN) was the one who made that loud bang, slamming the counter hard....

Stella: (Y-YN)??

(YN): If you don't want me here, then I'll just leave!

Stella: N-No wait! (YN)!

(YN) started marching his way out to the door as Stella quickly stopped him as she grabs his hand...

Stella: (YN) please! I-

(YN): Let me go, okay?! If they still don't want me here around, then I'll just leave! Besides, I thought you said they'll get along with me if I change!

Stella: Th-They will! It's just that Pearl isn't still comfortable yet having you still. Look, I know you, Pearl and Garnet had trouble in the past, and I know what they did to your Diamond, but they didn't mean it. They just did it to protect themselves and I know my mom was responsible for it, but have to move on about it... that's in the past, and we're in the future. This isn't home world nor a war anymore...this is earth, this is the future. even told me you'll get along with them as well, remember??

Stella then gave this innocent look on her face to (YN), as he yet blushes a little and soon started having thoughts about what Stella just said...soon, he yet takes a deep breathe and says...

(YN): *sighs* ....You're right. I should move on to the future and leave what's in the past....I'm sorry, Stella.

Stella then smiles at (YN) as She yet turns around to Pearl and Garnet...

Stella: Pearl? Garnet

Garnet: I agree with you, Stella. Yes, even though we had our differences in the past at home world, we cannot live with it anymore, we have to leave it in the past, and focus on the future, which is now. So...(YN), let's get along, yeah?

(YN): ....Okay, fine.

Garnet: Very well, Pearl?

Pearl: I-I...I agree as well...I'm sorry of how I acted, Stella....Mus-I mean...(YN), shall we end our differences in the past, and move on and...get along together? ...and also...We're sorry for your Diamond.

Garnet: Really. We didn't mean it. Knowing Rose had no choice as well.

Soon, (YN) stood quiet for a moment...a she then replies...

(YN): ...Very well. And...It's okay about Gray Diamond....thanks. And I hope...we can try getting along very well....

Garnet: Same goes for me.

Pearl: We hope so too.

Stella was happy to hear that (YN), Pearl and Garnet ended their differences and now started getting along already...


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