Chp.6 Lets Be Friends

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As we left off, The Crystal Gems and Stella notice Musgravite free out from the bubble...but yet...he didn't wanted to keep on figuring them faster what happen at the war...he knew fighting them for his Diamond is no point at then had Stella using Pearl's spear to let her kill him...

???: Well, what are you waiting for, "Stella"? End me already. There's no point of me licks anymore without my Diamond.

Stella already had the spear pointed at Musgravite's chest, knowing she was ready to kill him...but she doesn't want to...she can maybe help him out and make him her friend...she yet pulls the spear away from Musgravite's chest...

Stella: No...I don't want to.

???: Wh-What?!

Pearl: Stella...what's are you saying??!

Stella: I'm saying I won't kill him.

???: What!?! What the hell are you even saying!??!

Stella: I'm that you don't seem like a bad guy. You just needed to move on to the future, and yes I know about your Diamond, I'm sorry for her, but they didn't mean to kill her, they had to cause...she was the one who wanted it and look what happen. Look, all I'm that you seem you can have a friend. Look at them, they use to be like you, and now look at them, their now my best friends, and you can be ours as best friend. So, what do you say??

After hearing Stella, Musgravite soon was so confused and yet angry too...he yet got up and scoffs at Stella as he walks away...soon he then busts her door down and walks outside to the beach...soon everyone goes out to see where he would go off too...but then again...he just walks towards the ocean...and sits down on the sand...

Amethyst: Whats he doing??

Peridot: Hmph. I knew he would never listen.

Lapis: he gonna sit there all day...and do nothing??

Stella: *sighs* It's okay guys. Just give him some space. I'll have a talk with him later on.

Garnet: Stella, I know you're trying to help him, but it won't be good. This is Musgravite we're talking about.

Pearl: Trust me Stella, talking over him won't do anything.

Stella: I have to. I know I can make him change. Just give me some time please? Think about it, look at Peridot for example...

Peridot: What??

Stella: She wanted to crush me when she arrive to earth and look at her now, I made her change and she's one of us. And look at Jasper too, she wanted me dead, but I talked over her and yet...she's one of us as well...

Jasper: Tch Whatever.

Peridot: Well, yeah. Cause not only that, it's cause earth gives you life and opportunity as well.

Stella: That's right! That's what I'm saying! Maybe if he can get use of Earth and I can talk over him, maybe he will be one of us. And I can make become my friend.

Bismuth: ...I don't know Stella.

Pearl: Stella, I know your helping, but-

Stella: Pearl, everyone. Please, just give me time. And I'll sure you I can change him.

Everyone stood quiet, until Garnet walks up to her, and then places her hand onto her shoulder and says....

Garnet: ...Make me proud.

Stella: Yes!

Pearl: G-Garnet??

Garnet: Stella's right. If she was able to make all the corrupted gems friendly and living peace, then she can make Musgravite the same as well. Think about it. Sure Musgravite is still how he is....but when it comes to Stella, it'll be okay.

Bismuth: Hmmm. I guess your right. If Stella can do what she can, then we'll understand.

Peridot: Yeah! This is Stella we're talking about!

Lapis: I don't know what's going on still, but if it's something good then yes. Stella will be the key.

Amethyst: Same!

Greg: Hehe. Well this is my daughter we're talking about, so whatever y'all are talking about, I agree as well.

Connie: Me too!

Garnet: Pearl? What do you say?

Pearl: ...*Sighs* Well...I guess I can give it a try.

Stella: Hehe. Thanks you guys.

Everyone then agree with Stella...Pearl as well...

Amethyst: But...Like Lapis said, is he gonna sit there the whole day?? He hasn't move at all.

Stella: Give him some space Amethyst. I'll talk with him later...but for now let's rest for today...and can one of you help me out fixing my door please??

Bismuth: I'll help. I got this.

Stella: Thanks Bismuth.


Hours later, it was already night, and yet Musgravite was still outside sitting near the ocean...and yet it was getting a little chilly out there and he seems to be freezing a little...meanwhile in Stella's house, she and Connie were inside as they were somehow making something to eat, Stella taking out the popcorn from the microwave, Connie making waffles and soon to be finished. Later on, Connie placed some waffles on a place and Stella pouring popcorn on top of it the Waffles, soon Connie puts whip cream all over it as well and Stella placing a strawberry on top of it...

Connie: Woah. Who knew you would come up with something that yet sounds weird but making it and looking so delicious to eat.

Stella: Hehe. Yeah I know. But hey, thanks for helping me out Connie.

Connie: Anytime. Well, I have to go already, see you tomorrow?

Stella: Of course.

Connie: Okay, bye Stella.

Stella: Bye Connie.

Soon Connie leaves the house as Stella then had a plate for Musgravite to eat...she then grab the plate as she then exits her house and yet she can still see him still sitting down near the ocean and hasn't even moved at she walks downstairs as she walks over to him, soon Musgravite heard some footsteps as he turns his head and notices Stella coming towards her...

Stella: Hey.

???: ....

Stella: I see your still sitting here...still. How's it going?

???: ...

Stella: Good, Good...Well, I made you something to eat. You case your hungry. If your wondering, So...I'm just gonna leave it here.

Stella approaches closer to Musgravite as she places the plate near him and backs away...

Stella: So...I'll come back for it as soon as your done. Okay?

???: ....

Stella: *Sighs* Come on, can you at least talk to me?? I'm trying to be friendly and nice to you. But if you don't wanna talk, that's fine.

Before Stella leaves, Musgravite then says...

???: ...Why didn't you kill me?

Stella: Huh??

???: Why didn't you kill me back there? I rather not exist than being alive without my Diamond and my friends.

Stella soon walks back to him and sits down with him...

Stella: I didn't want to. I'm not like my mom. Besides, you do have a reason to keep on living.

???: Oh yeah? And what's that??

Stella: Here on earth, you can live peacefully, have some great days...and make new friends. Earth isn't like home world of the gems. Here, you can live a better life, with others...with me.

Stella gave Musgravite a cute smile as Musgravite suddenly blushes a little and looks always, scoffing...

???: Tch.

Stella: At least give it a chance. I wanna help you. I wanna make you feel like your home with the other gems. And besides...if you and I can become friends, good friends.

Soon, Musgravite thought about it for a moment...and soon..he then replies...

???: *Sighs* Fine. But only because you told me this planet can make me keep on living.

Stella: *giggles* Awesome.

Musgravite then agains blushes a little seeing her giggling, he soon shakes his head and tries ignoring it...after that...his eyes were then connected to the plate Stella brought him...

???: So, what's this??

Stella: Oh! This is plate of food. Me and my friend Connie made it. I call it "Together Breakfast".

???: Together Breakfast??

Stella: Yeah I know. It's not morning yet, but still, I made it for you. Cause I can tell your hungry. So, wanna try it?

Stella grabs two forks from the plate and hand one over to Musgravite, soon he yet started to observe the fork, knowing for him it look like a weapon...

Stella: That's a fork. You use it to earth foods like this. Try it.

Soon he uses his fork to grab a waffle, and takes a bite...

???: Woah...this is...good....really good!

Stella: hehe! I knew you would like it!".

???: I do!

Soon Musgravite started to enjoy the Together Breakfast meal, soon Stella was happy to see Musgravite to enjoy it and smile about it. Afterwards, he was done eating it...

???: Oh man. That...was good.

Stella: Hehe. Woah. You even clean the plate as well with your tongue. *giggles*

Again, seeing Stella giggling made Musgravite blush a little and still trying to ignore it...soon he then says...

???: Ro-I mean...Stella?

Stella: Hmm??

???: Thank you, friend.

Stella: *smiles* Your welcome, Musgravite.

???: ....

Stella: Hm? What's wrong??

???: Nothing. It's just that....since I wanna start a new life here on earth...I wanna be called by another name rather than Musgravite.

Stella: Another name???

???: Yeah.

Stella soon started to think about a name for Musgravite...and then, she did.

Stella: Oh! I got it!

???: Eh??

Stella: How does...(YN) sound to you??

???: (YN)? ...Heh. That's a nice name. I like it.

Soon, Stella can see (YN) giving off a little smile on his face, as she blushes'a little...

Stella: *Woah. That smile of his . It's...cute.*

Soon, Stella then notices (YN) getting up...

(YN): *Yawns* I'm getting sleepy.

Stella: H-Hey, where you going??

(YN): ...Wherever I go. I don't got no where to stay. So I rather find some her to stay for myself.

(YN) soon started to walk away as Stella stopped him...

Stella: Wait don't go!

(YN): Hmm??

Stella: You can stay in my house. You can live with me and sleep right there.

(YN): ...Really??

Stella: Yeah, I can't leave you alone out here. I want you to stay with me.

Soon, (YN) turns around and walks over to Stella as soon Stella was blushing a little as he was so close to her...

(YN): That...sounds nice.

Stella: Y-Yeah. Okay, come with me.

Soon, Stella grabs (YN)'s hand as she soon started taking him to her house, (YN) started to blush a little, knowing that Stella was holding his hand. And yet...started to have a weird warm feeling in his body...Anyways, they both arrive inside the house as Stella shows off (YN) to sofa he'll be sleeping...

Stella: You can sleep here. It's comfortable.

(YN) soon sat down at the sofa and yet to experience how soft and comfortable the sofa feels...

(YN): Woah. It's...nice.

Stella: Yup. Here, let me get you a blanket and pillow.

Soon Stella rushes upstairs as she goes and gets a blanket and pillow for (YN). Afterwards, she came back with them as Stella then was gonna cover (YN) up...until (YN) stopped her and tells her....

(YN): What are you doing??

Stella: Don't worry. It's nothing bad. This a blanket for you to cover yourself, here let me just...

Soon (YN) let's Stella cover him, and soon (YN) started to feel the warmth of the blanket..

(YN): Wow. The blanket feels...warm and comfortable as well.

Stella: *giggles* Told you. And lay your head on that pillow, trust me. You'll like it as well.

Soon, (YN) slowly lays his head on top of the pillow, and soon he does, he started to feel more comfortable laying down and having his head on top of the pillow...

(YN): This feels...comfortably...amazing....

Stella: I'm glad you like it. I knew you would...uh, (YN)??

Soon, Stella notice (YN) has already fallen to sleep so fast...she yet started to see him sleeping peacefully as she smiles and blushes a little...

Stella Mind: *Giggles* I'll let you rest....He's looks so peaceful.

Stella walks over to (YN) as she yet fully covers him with the blanket as she then turns off the lights...beofre she heads to her room, she looks back at (YN), gives off a little smile at him and says...

Stella: Goodnight (YN). I'm happy you and becoming friends with you as well.


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