Chp.5 Gray Diamond and Musgravite's Story

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As we left off, Stella was surprised and shocked to hear the words Musgravite had to say coming out from his mouth, soon he yet was going to hurt Stella and the Crystal Gems, until Jasper came in time to save them by knocking Musgravite out with huge Boulder landing on top of him....

Jasper: So, you've finally Diamond.

Stella: Jasper!

Pearl: Wh-Wha-Wha?!? Jasper!?!

Garnet: So you decide to show yourself.

Jasper: Tch. I only showed up cause my Diamond has return.

Amethyst: And where were you yesterday??! She came back and we throw a party for her and you didn't showed up!

Jasper: Tch. I didn't know. Besides I don't like socializing with humans here. You could at least thank me for saving your asses.

Suddenly, Bismuth, Peridot and Lapis have came by as well...alongside with Greg and Connie too as Greg and Connie rushes to her and hugs her

Greg: Schtu-Ball! Sweetie!

Connie: Stella! Are you alright!?  We heard loud noises here!

Stella: I'm fine you guys. Don't worry.

Bismuth: Stella! You guys! Sorry we came late! We heard everything going on here at the beach!

Peridot: You took long cause we had to waste time to bring Jasper here.

Jasper: Tch. Whatever. Alright let's see who we're dealing with.

Pearl: Jasper No!!

Jasper: Huh?! What??!

Garnet: Whatever you not lift that Boulder up! Keep it there!

Jasper: Why?! Whoever you losers are dealing with is already knocked out!

Soon, Jasper lifts the Boulder up...and then she sees Musgravite knocked out...and on her perspective...she yet to seem shocked and yet surprised of who is she seeing, she quickly puts the Boulder down...

Jasper: H-Hey!!! How the hell is this bastard alive and yet here on this planet?!?

Stella: J-Jasper?! You know him as well!?

Jasper: Of course I do! But that doesn't matter! Why is he here!?!

Bismuth: H-Hey now! What are you even talking about?!

Jasper: Musgravite is what I'm talking about!

Suddenly, Bismuth and Peridot heard the name "Musgravite" as they suddenly started to sweat a bit of fear and Peridot trembling in fear especially...

Peridot: D-D-Did you say...M-M-Musgravite?!??

Lapis: Musgravite???

Bismuth: N-No! You're lying!

Jasper: Am I?!

Jasper then lifts the heavy Boulder and tosses it away to the ocean as she yet reveals Musgravite to the others....

Bismuth: H-How!?! What's it doing here on earth!?!

Pearl: We don't know!!! Stella found him yesterday at the party!

Bismuth: What?!? Stella is this true?!

Stella: W-Well Yeah, I mean-

Peridot runs up to Stella and pencils to her as she started shaking her...

Peridot: What were you thinking Stella!?!? You could've destroy his gem when you had the chance!

Lapis: Look..I don't know what's going on nor I don't. Know who he is...but by the looks of it, he's trouble.

Amethyst: Tell me about it.

Stella: H-Hey! Calm down! Everyone as well! Look, I didn't know nothing about this okay?! Garnet, Pearl! You two should have at least tell me what's going on!?! And what type of gem is he?!? And why is he after you guys and my mom!?

Garnet and Pearl stood quiet as Pearl places her hand onto her mouth as she didn't wanted to say anything...

Stella: You guys...what did you and my mom do to him??! And who's is Gray Diamond!?!

Pearl and Garnet looked at each other...soon Bismuth joined with them as well...

Stella: Bismuth?! You too?!

Bismuth: You two...maybe we should tell her already.

Pearl takes a deep breathe...

Pearl: *Sighs* Very well. Stella, it's time for you to know about it.

Garnet: But first...can you bubble him? Don't worry, we're not gonna harm him...yet.

Stella: ....Okay.

Stella soon walks up to Musgravite as she yet stares at him as she bubbles him with her powers...soon as she does, she yet says to him...

Stella: Don't worry. I'll help you.

Greg: H-Hey sweetie, who's that?! He seems new to me...

Connie: Woah....and he's...a guy....that's new. What's he doing here??

Stella: ...That's what I'm going to find out now. Come on, let's go in the house.


Later on that day, everyone went in Stella's house...especially Jasper too surprisingly....soon they all took a seat as Jasper stood away and leans towards a wall....Stella then had Musgravite upstairs in her room bubbled inside still...

Stella: Okay, now that everything is under, Pearl, Garnet...and Bismuth...wait. Peridot you know him too as well don't you?? Why-

Peridot: Don't put me into this! Look I know him cause I've seen what he can do in his kindergarten! But what I can tell you is that he's way too dangerous!

Stella: I see...but okay. Pearl, you two...tell me...what have yo my guys have to do with him?? And who is Gray Diamond??

Pearl then stood up as she yet walks over to the window...and yet tells the story...

Pearl: ...Long ago, during the war at the Home world, me, Garnet, Bismuth...and Rose. We were the rebels against the diamonds. Knowing Rose didn't wanted to ruin earth, her planet. Well, you know half the story about Rose, started a war, we were the rebels against the Diamonds and their gems...but...before all that happen...There was a Diamond, a Diamond we never knew it exits, and yet...we didn't knew about it too....Gray Diamond.

Stella: Gray Diamond...

Pearl: Gray Diamond was one of the rarest Diamond leaders ever been exits, alongside with her gems. She alway had a warm heart, she was like Rose as well, always kind, cared for everything....even her gems as well...until one day...that day happened. During the war...when arose was selected to have her own planet on earth. Gary Diamond didn't took it very well...knowing she was the one that was suppose to be wanting that planet as well. But Blue and Yellow Diamond changed their minds, choosing Rose over, Gray came in the war...and yet brought her gems...and soon they all attacking. Gary Diamond had one of the interesting powers we never experienced, her power allows her to shoot incredible gray beams out from her hands, similar to Yellow's and yet she can shrink herself into a human size just like a human...and yet...her gems had super strength and speed as well. At first we had trouble dealing with her gems...but with fusion of me and Rose, we were able to take full advantage already, alongside with Garnet and Bismuth...soon after...Gray Diamond was all alone. And yet she didn't back down nor even retreated, she wanted to keep fighting, only to have what she wanted. So we all gave everything against her and try to get rid of her...but then...he came.

Stella: Musgravite??

Garnet: Yes...Stella, when we say "rare" we meant that he's the only male gem among us. All of her gems are like us, females...but he...he's the only male gem to be ever existed. That's why Gray Diamond is rare.

Pearl: As soon he appeared out of nowhere...we notice different about him...his strength, power, and was intense. We were outnumber against him...and that's...when he got rid of Bismuth...proofed her.

Bismuth: ....

Pearl: Rose had no other choice but to bubble her and send her somewhere to keep her safe...and was just the three of us. And still...we were never too strong against him...but Rose on the other hand, she was able to take advantage against him. And so, she got him right where he wanted....until...

Everything was quiet as Pearl stopped talking...

Garnet: Until in the way, and she has been stab instead of Musgravite...she risk her life for him...and...she bled..she bled with her own blood as she collapses to the floor...soon Musgravite was begging her not to die...but it was too late...Rose has stabbed her through her gem...which is located in her chest...and it was rare for a Diamond like her to bleed as well. And so...we heard Musgravite begging her not to die still...and soon, we heard her final words to him as we can still remember her final words "Don't stay on the past...move on to the future..." which not stick with the past, and go on on the future...and so...she yet died, right on Musgravite hands....and then poof later on...we all don't expect this...and then suddenly...Musgravite  will never forgive Rose after what she did...but we had no choice. But made him angry...his gem glow and yet it somehow made him into a monster...but we didn't had time...Blue And Yellow already knew what was going on and yet was gonna destroy the home world planet that the war took we quickly went to the warp gate to teleport us back to earth, and yet luckily...Musgravite didn't make it in time....and as soon we got back to earth...that was the latest time we saw him...but we weren't expecting him to come back here on earth! So how the hell did he manage to survive back at the home world!?!

Garnet: There no other way he would have survived...but still...we don't know how and yet he's here...

Stella: ...I see. That's why he's trying to kill you...a-and me of course...

Pearl: Stella, you have to un bubble him and let us get rid of him.

Stella: N-No! I can't! I'm sorry, I understand about him and his Diamond, but I can't let you guys get rid of him. Maybe we can change him to forget the past and move on and all of us can talk to-

Pearl: Stella you don't understand! He'll never forget and if you let him out he'll keep on rampaging beach city and-

???: I get it.

Pearl: AAGH!!! He's out?!?

Everyone got into a fighting position as Jasper runs up to Stella and guards her as soon Musgravite came walking down the stairs....

Jasper: Get behind me, My Diamond! I'll protect you!

Greg: W-Woah! He's bigger than I expected!

Connie: Stay back Mr.Universe!

Greg: On it! *hides behind the couch*

Garnet: You! How in the world you free yourself from Stella's bubble?!

???: What bubble?! I wasn't even in one. I woke up from a weird soft object that I was laying down on.

Garnet: What?! Stella, you didn't had him bubble while taking him upstairs?!?

Stella: *chuckles nervously* Sorry, I just don't wanna keep him there and we'll...I kept him in my bed for him to rest.

Pearl: Well it doesn't matter now! He's already surrounded with us! So Musgravite, don't even think about attacking us can we all will-

???: I give up.

Pearl: I'm sorry what?!

???: I said I give up. You win....there's no point of me fighting that I don't Diamond anymore...thanks to Rose.

Stella: H-Hey I said, I'm not Rose...

???: Tch. Whatever. It didn't matter now. I lost everything and nothing for me to fight with you bastard. No point at all.

Amethyst: So...your giving up like that??

???: Do I have to repeat myself?!?

Amethyst: Geez, sorry..just saying.

Musgravite then stares at Stella as he walks towards her, Pearl place her spear for him not to get close to her, he then snatched Pearl's spear as Garnet and everyone got closer to him...soon, he then hands the spear to Stella as Stella grabs he did, he then got onto his knees as he helped Stella point the spear towards his chest...for her to finish him off and kill him...

???: Well, what are you waiting for..."Stella"? End me already.

Stella: .....

Stella didn't knew what to do...but then again..he wanted to help him out and make him like the other crystal gems...
What will Stella do?


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