Part Eleven

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Diana looked at a very nervous Avni and Neil sat before her "Did you both write your letters"
They nodded in sync making Diana laugh, "Okay swap them, who wants to read first"
Neil cleared his throat "I will"
Avni's cheeks darkened, she wasnt sure if she was ready to hear Neil read the words she had wrote.
"Stand up please" Diana instructed
Neil stood up and unfolded the letter

"Dear Avni, first of all I want to speak to you about that fateful night that changed everything, I would like to say that she was better than" he stopped sighing "bakwas, im not reading this"
Diana turned to Avni "Would you like Neil to continue or do you want to read it"
"Neil can continue"
Neil swore under his breath and continued "That she was better than Avni, in every way, I always say I regret it and if im honest I didnt want to break your heart but youve put on a lot of"
Shaking his head he ripped up the letter, his whole body shaking with his anger

"Youre beautiful Avni, please stop this, she was nothing, she never will be nothing, you are not fat" Neil pulled Avni up, holding her close he felt his heart slow with her being so close "You're perfect to me"
Diana smiled "I think this shows Avni, that you have a very warped view of what Neil thinks of you after his deceit, but if Neil couldnt even bring himself to read it, what does that show"
Avni nodded and pulled away, unfolding the letter she watched Neil sit down

"Dear Neil, after you cheated on me I have never been able to forgive you, your doubts about never being good enough for me was correct, you never were and never will be" she paused, releasing a shaky breath
"Neil you know thats not true, ive never thought that about you"
She looked back down and continued to read "One day I will leave, and find someone better, when I stop loving you and I am honestly nearly at the point where I feel" her voice broke on the last word "nothing"

"Neil" Avni whispered, sitting down next to him and holding his hand "I dont want anybody else, I only want you"
Diana smiled "You see how both of you have thought that the other thinks very bad things about you, so I have some questions, what do you love the most about the other person"
Neil was first to answer, without missing a beat "The way her eyes light up when she smiles, more so when she smiles because of me"

"When he gets annoyed at me for playing with his hair, but then lets me because he doesnt want to see me sad"
Diana looked down at her notes then bacj at the couple
"If you had wrote those notes yourself, what would you say, Avni you go first, what would you say if you were writing a letter from yourself"
Avni thought for a second then cleared her throat "I would say, that I do love Neil, but I struggle to see how he could want me when theres so many preetier girls, that his cheating has made me doubt if he ever loved me, but that I hope one day we can move past it, because we always shared something special"

"And Neil, what would you say to Avni"
"I would say that I love her, I always have, that I may never be good enough, maybe I never was but that no one would love her more than me, that I want her to be mine, always and that my stupid mistake shouldnt make her doubt herself, because she is the most beautiful and the most kindest woman I have ever met"

Diana nodded "Okay, homework time again, Neil I want you to tell Avni your biggest fear and Avni, I want you to help him face it, then Avni will tell you her biggest fear and Neil, you will help her face it"
They thanked Diana again and went to leave
Neil nudged Avni "Do you think any of this is helping"
Avni turned her head to the side "Yeah, I think it is, dont you"
Neil smiled "Yeah I do, shes good at her job"


Neil looked up at where Avni had taken him, "What is that, a rock climbing wall"
"New hobby" she smiled
"Isnt that" he gulped "to dangerous"
"No, I will have a harness on, I wont fall"
Neil and Avni got out of the car, Neil stood anxiously watching Avni be secured
A man nudged Neil "First time watching your wife" he asked
Neil laughed cynically
"It gets easier, I was as nervous as you the first time round"
Neil nodded "She won't fall right" he asked

That was when it hit him, as he looked up at Avni climbing the wall, his biggest fear was that he would lose Avni, it was that thought that kept him awake at night, that thought that made his heart race. The biggest fear of his life was living a life without his Avni
He didnt realise how long he had been thinking about his biggest fear when Avni stood infront of him again snapping her fingers
"What you thinking about"
"Just dont ever leave me" he implored before grabbing her hands, holding them tightly
"I cant lose you Avni"
"Neil, whats brought this on" her eyes searching his for answers
"I just cant lose you Avni" he whispered


Avni and Neil arrived at home to see Ashish stood with his back facing them
"Papa what brings you here"
Ashish turned around, his eyes red with turmoil
A gun in his hand, making Avni's eyes widen
"You cheated on my daughter you son of a"
He charged forward toward Avni and Neil and Avni stood infront of Neil, grabbing Ashish's hand

"Papa no, this isnt the answer, put the gun down" she struggled with him till he pulled away
"Why cant I kill him Avni, look what hes done to you"
"Because I love him Papa" Avni shouted, her throat raw
"We are trying to fix our marriage and that has nothing to do with anyone else, this is between Neil and I and if you even raise a hand against him, I will never ever forgive you"

Her chest rose quickly in her anger, Neil couldnt help but look at the immense strength his wife had hidden in her
Even now, after everything she still stood by his side, fighting any bad that came his way, loving him and protecting him even if it meant hurting herself
She was his shield, supporting and safeguarding him without question

"You cannot stay with a man who didnt respect you enough, who chose another woman over you, its disgusting, hes disgusting, just let me get my hands on him" Ashish growled, trying to get to Neil again
Avni shoved her father back "Enough, get out of my house, we will talk about this when you are calm"
Ashish shook his head and grabbed an envelope from the table
"If you have any respect from my daughter, you will set her free"

Avni's jaw dropped as Neil took the envelope
"I fully respect you, but I dont think thats what your daughter wants it"
"Sign it or I will shoot you"
"Then shoot, but I wont be apart from your daughter" Neil replied sternly
Avni grabbed the papers and a pen "look im signing it, just please dont shoot him"
"Now you" Ashish ordered
Neil shook his head again

Ashish grabbed Avni, pulling her to the side he pulled the trigger making the bullet hit Neil's arm
"Neil" Avni cried
Ashish dragged a sobbing, screaming Avni out of the house
Neil tried to grab Avni but ended up falling into the wall
Ashish eventually picked Avni out and dragged her away
Kicking her legs she tried to grip onto the door but she was dragged away

Away from Neil

Dont hate meeeeee! Its all done for a reason and no Ashish hasnt gone bad, hes just an angry father
But how does Ashish know?
Also, please check out my story on Avneil, Sold To The Sheikh x

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