Part Ten

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Avni closed her eyes tightly, gulping at Neil's close contact, her body was on fire from his proximity and he was the only person who could cool it down
Neil rested his hand on her hips, looking lovingly down at her, he tucked a strand of loose hair behind her hair
His thumb stroking her bottom lip "Youre really beautiful when you're angry"

Her eyes shot open "Dont compliment me when I am mad at you"
Neil let out a throaty laugh and kissed her forehead, she moved past him quickly
"Dinners on you tonight"
Neil offered her a mischevious smirk "What exactly do you mean by on me tonight"
Avni huffed loudly and ran up the stairs, aggravated by his flirty behaviour but also kind of happy


Avni sat at her desk at work, finally happy to be back doing a job she loved, she had taken to much time out from work and was paying for it now
A knock on her door made her look up from her file
"Ma'am a file has been sent from Mr Khanna, he wants your opinion on it"
Avni furrowed her brows but held out her hand for it anyway

The title under the glossy clear cover read 'Operation Me Without You'
She opened the file and glanced down the long list of ideas Neil had written out for Avni

• Get a hobby only you can enjoy
• Hang out with your old friends more
• Make some more friends (but not male ones, on that note maybe consider getting rid of Ali)
• Marriage counselling may help us find problems within ourselves and the marriage separately, that could help to
• Just a friendly note that I will support you in whatever you wish to do, because I love you

Avni smiled at the list, she wrote a short note down the bottom
'Marriage counselling is booked for 3pm, dont be late, I appreciate your support and help, ill consider the ideas'
Avni held out the file and gave it to the woman, smiling she waved her off


Avni sat with Neil across from a small woman in her late 60's. She smiled at the both of them
"So my name is Diana, may I ask what has brought you both here"
Neil grasped Avni's hand in his
"A few months ago, I cheated on Avni, a drunken one night stand, and we guess we want to find a way to be work again"

Diana nodded "Avni, how do you feel about Neil's cheating"
Avni sucked in a breath "Well, heartbroken, I felt like I wasnt good enough, like no matter what I did he would never pick me, I also suffer from body issues and the girl was skinnier than me, more preety"
Neil hissed loudly "She was not"
Avni chose to look away from his steely gaze

"Neil, why did you cheat"
His eyes widened, Diana was straight to the point and rightfully so, it was a question he could never bring himself to answer
Avni looked at him questioningly
"Avni and I had an argument, I well, we were arguing about how we hadnt had any time to spend alone together, and then that was it, we blamed eachother for heavy working schedules and I stormed out, I went to a local bar and got drunk, I bumped into someone we both knew and then, we just kissed, I pulled away, said I wanted Avni, then I dont know I couldn't stop myself, a part of me thought it was Avni, the other part was to drunk"

"I see, how would you feel if Avni cheated on you"
Avni smiled at that, "Id be angry, jealous"
Diana nodded "Im thinking for some homework for you guys, write a letter from the other to yourself, for instance Neil, you would write a letter stating what you believe Avni would say to you and vice versa, and we meet again tomorrow"

Neil and Avni stood up to leave when Diana turned to Avni
"Avni, when did you know Neil loved you"
She blushed and hummed
"I was really ill, didnt go into to school for 2 weeks but no one would tell Neil because he would stop going to, he eventually found out I was in hospital and chained himself to my bedside tabel"
Her eyes gleamed with fondness of the memory

"Neil, when did you know Avni loved you"
"She punched some girl who said she thought I was handsome in the face then apologised to me because she thought I was angry"
"And were you"
Neil looked at Avni "Not even slightly, I was happy, so so happy"
Diana nodded "Dont forget the letters" she shouted as they thanked her

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