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"Sol, what's for dinner?"

They're not living together. They are currently in Johnny's beach house since the man wanted to have vacation with the boy. Taeil agreed to it but Johnny needed to ask him for a month since the boy was too immersed with his job lately. But Johnny was able to hear a yes from him.

And yes, they're dating. They've been together for half a year now and Johnny just keeps seeing a new side of Taeil everyday.

"Anything," Johnny answered while he's watching tv.

Taeil looked inside the refrigerator and was packed with fresh foods inside. He tried picking a simple dish to make so he didn't notice Johnny staring at him. Johnny knew that Taeil doesn't want him to but he couldn't look away.

The man stood up from the couch and walked to the boy who was cutting some vegetables. He stood behind and has his hand on the counter while his other one went on his hip. Taeil lets him though, he doesn't care. Johnny knew about it. Whether he's being clingy or not, Taeil doesn't care--Maybe Taeil cares a bit when Johnny's acting cold.

"I heard you're gonna work on a case next week," Taeil uttered.

"Yeah. That's why I planned have this vacation since I won't be able to be with you that much," Johnny said.

The boy nodded, "It's fine. It's work anyway so I won't be too crazy about it."

"When did you even go crazy? You barely care, Luna," Johnny joked.

"I did tell you that I hate people going on my property."

The man chuckled, "So, I'm your property?"

Taeil shrugged, "Are you not, Sol?"

Johnny leaned and kissed on Taeil's head. It earned a smile on the boy's face. The man didn't answer anything, the kiss was enough for an answer. Also, Johnny wanted to give Taeil a kiss so he did it anyway. That's the only thing that Taeil would accept.

"Do you need any help?" Johnny asked with his hand, that was on his hip, ontop of Taeil's head.

Taeil hummed, "You can start cutting the meat."

The man nodded then stood beside the boy as he grabbed another knife and chopping board. He placed the meat on it and started cutting. Johnny placed a kiss on Taeil's head again. With that, Taeil leaned and placed his head on Johnny's shoulder.

After dinner and cleaned everything, Johnny thought about spending some time outside. He walked towards the hammock and laid in it. The cold breeze hits his skin and it felt good. The moon was up with the stars twinkling. The sky looked really beautiful so it calmed the man down.

Johnny took a deep breath and closed his eyes to feel more of the surroundings. The waves crashing and the trees dancing along with the breeze. His hammock swayed a bit and it was making him sleepy.

"Am I disturbing something?"

The man opened his eyes to see his boy. Johnny shook his head before he reached a hand to Taeil. Taeil grabbed it and was gently pulled to sit down ontop of Johnny's waist. The boy was kinda scared that the hammock might break but seemed like it won't.

"It's kinda nice out here so I just wanted to take some time," Johnny said.

Taeil nodded. They just sat there quietly, feeling up the surroundings. It was very calming and it was the right therapy for the both of them who gets really busy easily.

"You're actually the first one I brought here," Johnny uttered.

Taeil looked back at him, "Really?"

"Of course. When did I even lie?" the man asked, "I would've been caught if I tried lying."

"Don't you even dare, Johnny," Taeil said.

"I won't, I promise. What would I even do to even think about lying to you?"

The boy shrugged, "Girls?"

Johnny sighed, "Really? Are we going to talk about that again?"

"What? I'm not trying to argue. I'm just trying to think about the possibilities," Taeil explained.

"Don't overthink everything. If you're worried, we'll talk. If you're upset, we'll talk. If you didn't want what either of us does, we'll talk. Okay? I don't want to get into a fight with you."

The boy nodded, "Yeah..."

Johnny pulled Taeil so the boy could lie down beside him. The boy has his body against the man, his face facing the man's chest with his hands against it. Johnny has his arms around the boy's waist as the hammock softly swayed them.

"You think we'll be together for a long time?" Johnny asked.

"It better be," Taeil teased.

The man laughed, "I'll make everything work."

"No...We'll make it work."

Johnny nodded. They stayed like that for a while without anyone speaking. The time they had outside was very relaxing as they felt their heart steadily beating with butterflies in their stomachs.

Taeil might be a boy who doesn't like to show his affection but he really does have feelings for Johnny. He wanted to be with him for as long as they could be. He felt like he was on the right track with Johnny.

With that in mind, Taeil smiled at the thought of growing old with Johnny.

A/N: i hope it came out just fine

i wasn't confident about this and thought about deleting it, but then i just wasted time if i did delete this. also, i somehow thought it came out good?? i really hope so

Love lots ♥

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