Chapter Twenty Seven

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*Hey guys! So this is the last chapter of the three chapters in a day! I hope you enjoy them all and vote/fan/and comment!*

Doctors POV. . .

I woke up, my chest pressed against Violet’s back. I smiled kissing her shoulder, happy to see that she was sleeping. Yesterday had been really fun at the pool. We grew to understand each other more. I stood up stretching, so I wouldn’t wake Violet.

We were in her old room at her parents house. I walked around the room to see the small objects around it. I saw small TARDIS’ and small badly made sonic screwdrivers. I smiled picking up one of them.

The door opened and I saw Lily standing in the door way. “Doctor?” she said, stepping into the room. I lifted my finger to my mouth and ‘shh’ed her, making her be quiet. I smiled to myself as I looked at Violet to make sure she was still asleep and stepped out of Violet’s room shutting the door. “Yes?” I asked, quietly. “Can I talk to you?” she asked, starting to walk in a different direction. I followed her before we ended up in her room.

“Yes Lily?” I asked, sliding Violet’s poorly made sonic screwdriver into my pocket. “Well I don’t mean to rain down on your parade or anything but I was wondering if you’ve told River about the baby,” Lily said, sitting on her bed.

It struck me that I haven’t told or seen River since before the joining. Guilt hit my hearts thinking about it. “I haven’t Lily. I haven’t seen or talk to her since before the joining,” I said. “You should tell her,” Lily said. “I know, and I will. I just have to find her,” I said, looking at Lily’s room.

Lily’s room was very different from Violets. Violet’s room circled around the childish idea of me, while Lily’s was more grown up. It was light pink with light pink bedding and wood floors. Her room didn’t really look like hers. There was nothing to really suggest that she spent a lot of time in this room.

“Thank you Lily for bringing that to my attention,” I said, smiling slightly at her. I turned to leave, “One more thing Doctor,” she said, making me stop. I turned to face her. “If you ever hurt Violet, I will hurt you. She’s waited her whole life to be with you. She’s left her family to be with you. You treat her the very best,” she said, her tone warning. I smiled at her, “I already am,” I said, leaving.

Violet’s POV. . .

I stretched to find the bed empty. I frowned a little, sad to not have the Doctor laying next to me. I got up and started to get dress in a summer dress that mum had given me. It was light green and went to my knees. I smiled looking at myself in the mirror.

I quickly went downstairs, still not seeing the Doctor anywhere around. “Hello,” dad said, cooking. “Hello,” I smiled at him as mum came walking in. “Have any of you seen the Doctor?” I asked, looking around them. “Not yet,” dad said, sliding eggs onto a plate. “Well I think him and I are going to be leaving today,” I said, taking a fork to the eggs sitting in front of me. “No you aren’t,” mum said, sitting down next to me. I gave her a questioning look, as someone started to walk down the stairs.

I turned seeing the Doctor in his button up shirt, jeans, suspenders and bowtie. He looked like he had something on his mind but I couldn’t tell what it was. “Hello,” he said, smiling at all of us. He walked over and planted a kiss on my lips before sitting down on the side of me.

“Why can’t we leave today mum?” I asked her as the Doctor took the fork from my hands and began to eat my food. “Because I scheduled an ultrasound for you,” she said, a small smile playing on her lips. “An ultrasound?” the Doctor said, a mouth full of eggs. I smiled at him, “You know where-” “I know what it is. But why are we going?” he asked, looking at mum. “Just to make sure the baby is safe and everything’s going right,” mum said. “Amelia this isn’t a human pregnancy, it’s a time lord’s. For one the baby has two hearts for one body,” the Doctor said, finally swallowing the eggs.

I took the fork back from him, and started to eat. “The person will just think it’s twins,” she said, pulling orange juice out of the fridge. “But what will happen when they only see one baby?” he asked. “Doctor, I know there’s a lot of risk in going. But I just want to make sure that my grandchild is doing alright,” mum said, her eyes pleading with him.

“Fine,” he said. He kissed my cheek and tried to take the fork away from me again. But I gently started to pull it away. “Guys we have more than one fork in the house,” dad said, handing the Doctor a fork. I smiled at him laughing.

At the hospital, the Doctor and I sat in the chairs waiting. I could tell he was nervous. I took his hand in mine trying to calm him down. “Everything will be alright,” I whispered to him, before kissing his ear. “I hope you’re right,” he whispered back as the tech came out calling “Violet Williams.” I stood up, my hand still in the Doctor’s. I didn’t want him to miss this.

I laid on a board while the tech began to put a cold gel on my stomach. I looked up at the Doctor a bit nervous, he gave me a slight smile back, trying to make me feel better, even though he was also very nervous. The woman was talking to us but I couldn’t hear anything she was saying because I was so nervous.

Then she started to move the detector around my stomach. I took the Doctor’s hand holding it tight.

After a minute she pointed to the screen, “Looks like we have twins,” she said, cheerfully, pointing out the two hearts. I smiled before looking to the Doctor. He looked down at me, smiling a little. She began to move it around, pointing out the head, arms but finding it strange that she couldn’t find the other baby.

Then on screen the baby was seen, I looked to the Doctor to see that a tear was slipping down his cheek. I smiled squeezing his hand. He looked down at me, a giant smile playing on his lips. He leaned down, kissing me gently.

The tech looked down at us a bit worried. “Everything looks good but I’m just going to go get the Doctor to check this out,” she said, leaving the room. “This is when we leave,” the Doctor said, wiping tears from his cheeks. I gently sat up, pulling my shirt down. I kissed the Doctor as he took my hand. I jumped off the table as we started to quickly walk down the hallway.

The Doctor wrapped his arm around my waist, hugging me tightly to him as we walked quickly.

“Thank you,” I said, as we quickly walked out the door. “Anytime,” he said, smiling as he opened the door mum’s car that was waiting out in front of the hospital. “How was it?” mum asked.

Just then the tech and the Doctor ran outside, “Stop!” they yelled at us as the Doctor jumped into the car. “Drive!” I yelled at mum as they approached the car. And we drove away laughing, the Doctor grabbing my hand tightly and kissed my forehead.

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