Chapter Twenty Six

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Two months later. . .

I laid in bed next to the Doctor when morning came. Well near the Doctor. With my stomach growing it was hard to find comfortable places to sleep. Sometimes I was able to sleep next to the Doctor and other times my back was turned towards him so I could find a comfortable place to sleep.

But the Doctor always knew what to do. When my back was turned towards him, like now, he would lay with his chest pressed slightly against my back and his arm wrapped lightly around my waist.

He could always tell when I was sleeping and when I was awake. When ever I was awake, even if he was half asleep he would gently rub my back and kiss my shoulder and neck just whispering to me. He was very sweet and knew exactly what to do to make me comfortable.

I laid in bed, the Doctor sleeping against my back. I wanted to turn around and look at his peaceful face but I didn’t want to wake him so I just closed my eyes trying to go back to bed.

I felt the Doctor gently sit up and stretch. He must have thought that I was still asleep. He laid back down, his hand gently resting on my stomach. It had grown to the point where people could defiantly see that I was pregnant.

He started to gently crease my stomach, and I wanted to see him. I gently stretched, solving the aching in my back. I turned towards him, “Good morning,” I said, smiling at him. “Good morning,” he said, kissing me. I kissed back before deepening the kiss. He kissed back, but my kisses soon moved down to his jaw line and finally down to his neck. I kissed spots that I knew pulled moans and groans out of him.

I kissed his neck, pulling another groan out of him, my hands moving down to his boxers. I gently started to pull them down when his hands caught mine, stopping me. I looked up at his face. “I’m sorry Violet, I just can’t,” he said. I sat up, giving him room to sit up.

I stood up. “Violet?” he asked, still sitting in bed. “I’ll be back,” I said, walking into the bathroom, shutting the door. I sat on the floor, gently hugging my legs. This wasn’t the first time this has happened. I had tried and tried and the Doctor kept turning me down. And honestly, I started believing that he didn’t find me attractive this way.

He knocked on the door. “Yes?” I called out. “Violet are you ok?” he asked. “Yeah, I’ll be out in a second,” I lied, a tear sliding down my face. “Ok,” he said, walking away. I usually didn’t want to talk to the Doctor about this, I just didn’t feel comfortable saying it.

I got up and put on a pair of his pants but they were too big so I put on a white short-sleeve shirt and put a pair of the Doctor’s suspenders on. I looked in the mirror and sighed. No wonder the Doctor doesn’t find me attractive, I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bathroom.

I found the Doctor in the control room, punching in some coordinates. “Hey,” I said, walking up to him. He turned and smiled gently at me, “Hey Violet,” he said, kissing my forehead. I smiled up at him. “Are you ok?” he asked again. “I‘m fine Doctor,” I said, lying a little. “Where are we going today?” I asked, looking at him continuing to punch in coordinates. “It’s a surprise,” he said, turning his attention to me. “Am I allowed to go?” I asked. He had been very good on his deal and had let me go on a lot of adventures. “Yes,” he smiled at me.

He ran over to the lever and waited for me to walk over before he pulled it down sending up through time and space. We landed and the Doctor let me beat him to the door as I stuck my head out, seeing my parents house. “You brought us to my parents,” I said, smiling at him. “I thought they might like to see this little Time Lord,” he said, cupping my stomach. I smiled, putting my hands on his.

He then took my hand and pulled me to the door. He knocked and dad answered the door. “Hey!” he called out, looking at both of us. He stopped when he saw me, “Wow,” he said, looking down at my stomach. “I know! It’s like she swallowed a tiny planet!” the Doctor said, cheerfully.

Mum came out shortly after and was extremely excited to see my growing stomach, but not so excited when she saw my outfit. “Do you have any real clothes?” she asked, looking over my outfit again. “She looks cool,” the Doctor said, pulling me to his chest. “She looks like you,” mum said, looking me over again. “And I look cool,” the Doctor said. This made mum laugh.

“How’s Lily?” Dad asked, turning to mum. “Lily? What’s wrong with Lily?” I asked, my face showing it’s concern. “It’s just guy problems,” mum said. “I’ll talk to her,” I volunteered. The slowly nodded at me, smiling a little. “Watch him though,” I said, meaning the Doctor. “Hey!” he called out, wrapping his arms tighter around me. I smiled before kissing him on the cheek and walking upstairs.

I knocked on Lily’s door before walking in. There sitting on her bed was my sixteen year old sister, crying. She looked up expecting mum but instead she saw me and the surprise showed on her face. “Violet?” she asked, her eyes moving down to my stomach. I sat down on the bed next to her. “Hey Lily,” I said, smiling at her.

She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. “What are you doing here?” she asked. “I decided to come visit,” I said. “What’s wrong?” I asked, moving the subject on to her. “Stupid guys,” she said. I had no idea what to say because I was horrible when it came to the subject of guys but I would try. But before I could talk Lily spoke up, “How did you know the Doctor was your soul mate?” “Well, Time Lords have dreams about their soul mates. But how I really knew was when we were together I didn’t have to pretend to be anyone else. He liked me for me. He made me smile and laugh and feel feelings that I didn’t know existed,” I said, smiling at the end.

Lily looked up at me, “I want that,” she said, simply. “You’ll get that one day. I promise you. There is someone out there for everyone. You just have to keep your heart open,” I said, smiling. She smiled back at me.

“Now it’s my turn to ask a question,” I said. She looked at me, her eyes a little worried. “Why, when I came back, did you hate me so much?” I asked. Her eyes moved down to the floor. “Because. . .Violet I feel that you left me all those years ago,” she said, looking up at me, tears in her eyes. “Lily, I didn’t leave because I wanted to leave. I left because I’m a Time Lord. Time Lords travel, and I wanted to be with my soul mate,” I said, hoping she would take that answer as a good one.

“It had nothing to do with me?” she asked. “No Lily. I promise you that it had nothing to do with you,” I said, smiling at her. She then wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. I smiled, hugging her back.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, looking at my face. “What do you mean ’what’s wrong?’” I asked. “I know something’s up Violet. You may be gone a lot but I can still read you,” she said, smiling. I smiled before I told her everything that had happened that morning. She nodded taking in all the information. “Well I have an idea,” she said, a smirk forming onto her lips.

I became scared as she took my hand and took me down stairs. “Lily where are you taking Violet?” mum asked. “Shopping,” she said, pulling me out the door. “Why are we going shopping?” I asked. “We’re having our family pool party and I have an idea,” she said, getting in the drivers seat. “You can drive?” I asked, sitting in the front seat. “Yep,” she said, turning the car on.

After Lily and I spent the afternoon shopping and laughing we returned home to find a note saying that mum and dad took the Doctor to my uncle’s for the party and to meet them there. “You sure about this?” I asked, looking into the bag. “Yes Violet. I know it’s not much but it will remind the Doctor that even though you’re pregnant, you’re still sexy,” she said, her smile shining. I nodded, deciding to trust her. “Now go get changed and we’ll leave,” she said, walking into her room to change.

I quickly put my new bathing suit on. It was a TARDIS blue bathing suit that had a v-neck and hugged my curves perfectly, yet it showed off my pregnancy well. It was also a dress, coming down to my upper thigh. I stepped out of my old room to see Lily standing there in a red bikini. Her mouth fell open. “You look awesome Vi,” she said, taking my hand again and handing me a towel.

We quickly got to my uncles and I stepped out of Lily’s car wrapping the towel around me. I walked into the pool area to see my family talking and having fun. I quickly spotted the Doctor playing with the kids in the pool. He was wearing trunks that I guess dad had given him. I smiled seeing how well he was doing with the kids. Mum came up to me, “What has Lily done to you?” she asked, looking at the towel wrapped around me. “She took me bathing suit shopping,” I said, smiling. “Let’s see it,” mum said, taking the towel and pulling it off of me.

Mum smiled looking down at it. “You look awesome,” she said, smiling at me. She pulled me over to a lawn chair and sat me down. “So how’s pregnancy?” she asked, looking at my stomach. “Not too fun,” I said, laughing. “It’s worth it though, trust me,” she said. “I know it’ll be. He’s great with kids,” I said, looking over at the Doctor, who was splashing and letting the kids dunk him under the water. I decided not to tell her that he was a father before, that was his past. “He is,” she agreed.

Many aunts, uncles and other family members had come up to me and congratulated me on the new coming baby. I smiled thanking them all but my eyes mostly stayed on the Doctor. He hadn’t come up to me or said anything to me yet. I was getting nervous that he wouldn’t.

Dad came up to me and sat down next to me. “So the Doctor told me about what happened a couple months ago,” he said. “Yes, you were right. I should have told him right away,” I said, looking at him, frowning. “He also told me about this morning,” he said, lowering his voice. “Mum didn’t say anything about that,” I said, my face twisting in confusion. “He didn’t tell your mother, he talked to me about it,” he said. My cheeks were turning red at the thought of dad knowing. “It’s ok Violet,” he said, laughing.

“It’s not though, dad,” I said, becoming serious. Dad sighed, “What do you think his reason is for not wanting to. . .?” he asked, not finishing his sentence. “I think that he finds me unattractive with me being pregnant,” I said, my voice low. Dad smiled slightly. “You should talk to him,” he said. “I’m not sure,” I said, looking over at the Doctor, still playing with the little kids. “What happened the last time you didn’t listen to me?” he asked, turning my attention back to him. “I lied to the Doctor and it didn’t end well,” I said. “Then you should listen to me and talk to him,” He said, his attention landing some where else.

The Doctor walked up to us. “Hello Rory,” he said, smiling at my dad. “Hello Doctor,” he said, getting up. “Where are you going?” I asked, a little nervous to be alone with the Doctor. “To find your mother,” he said, before walking away. The Doctor sat down next to me, his eyes searching my body. My eyes did the same seeing him soaking wet, his hair all messed up as he ran his hand through it messing it up even worse. I smiled at him.

“You look amazing Violet,” he said, still looking down at my body. “You think I look attractive?” I asked. His eyes met mine. “You say that as a question,” he said, his face twisted in confusion. “Well isn’t that why. . .” I asked, unable to finish what I was thinking. But the Doctor caught on. “You think I didn’t want to because I found you unattractive?” he asked, his eyes searching my face. I looked down, my cheeks turning bright red. “Violet,” he said, smiling gently.

I looked up at his face, not sure what he was going to say. “Violet, I’ve always found you attractive and I always will find you attractive. You’re very sexy,” he said, sliding a little closer to me. “Then why?” I asked, confused. “I personally just don’t feel comfortable doing that when you’re carrying my child,” he said, looking deep into my eyes. I could tell from his eyes that he was telling the truth.

“You really thought I found you unattractive?” he asked, laughing a little. This made me turn even redder. He stood up, gently picking me up bridal style. “What are you doing? You’re all wet, put me down!” I said, well yelled at him as he made his way to the pool. “This is what happens when you think I don’t find you attractive,” he said, standing at the pool’s edge. “Don’t you dare Doctor!” I yelled at him. He looked over at kids in the shallow end, who were watching us all laughing. “Should I do it?” he asked them. I looked over to see the water and I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Please don’t,” I said. But all the kids started yelling “Yes!”

And with that the Doctor jumped over the edge bring him and I into the deep end of the pool. As soon as we went under he let me ago and I swam to the surface. I saw him come up, pushing his hair away from his eyes. I splashed water at him, “You meanie!” I yelled at him. He just looked over smiling at me.

He swam over “Don’t ever think I don’t find you attractive. You are a beautiful woman and in my eyes, you’ll always be beautiful no matter what,” he said, kissing me. I quickly kissed back, wrapping my legs around his waist. My stomach pressed against his. “I love you,” I said, looking his deep in the eye. “I love you too,” he said kissing me.

“Ewwwww!” the kids said, watching us. I let go of the Doctor as he turned splashing the little kids.

I smiled watching him. He was everything I told Lily a soul mate was. I never had to be anyone different because he loved me for me. I could never find anyone better than this childish man.

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