Chapter 2||Yay Me

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Breaking away from his hold, he held me at arms length and looked at me in curiosity.

"Kinda thought you'd sound happier.." He said slowly. Still staring up at him in utter shock, he cocked an eyebrow and nonchalantly looked over my shoulder.

Whilst looking at a gawking Victoria with a wide forced grin, he tried not to take his eyes off of her as he quietly laughed out his words.

"Who's the creepy cute girl and why hasn't she blinked since I opened the door.." Swallowing the lump in my throat, I could feel my throat get dryer and dryer the longer I didn't say a word.

"Victoria." I managed to say. Nodding in acknowledgement, he let go of my forearms and started to make his way towards Victoria.

"I'm Luca" he smiled. Taking her hand, he raised it to his lips and kissed it slightly before letting go.

I don't think he was expecting Victoria to silently turn around and run in the opposite direction.

Normally girls are running towards him, not away.

Spinning around on his heels slowly with a confused look on his face. His lips were purses and his eyes were in slits.

He had sniffed at his armpits and even tested to see if it was his breath that had scared Victoria off.

Oh god, if only he knew.

"Did I do something wrong?" Chewing on my lip, I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders before bustling inside of my house.

With him following suit, I could hear the familia voices of Winona and Lawrence - Luca's parents - in my kitchen.

"You okay snowflake?" The chuckle in his voice was evident, and i really didn't see how this situation was the slightest bit funny.

Ignoring him, I stopped at my kitchen door and looked at the laughing faces of 4 way too cheery adults.

Don't they have jobs?

"Winter!" My mom screeched. Scrunching up my nose at the pitch of her voice, I let her embrace me into a tight hold and kiss me on the top of my head.

Why the hell was she so cheery?

"Yes?..." I asked impatiently. Letting go of me, her bright blue eyes stared down at me with such youth, before swinging her arms over both mine and Luca's shoulders.

"Ive seen you've had a chance to meet our new neighbours?" Dropping my jaw, the nudge of her hip nearly had me planted on the floor due to loss of control over my legs.

Steadying myself, I jumped slightly at the sudden noise of party poppers going off.

"Isn't it exciting?" Winona laughed. Throwing her head back, the raven curls bounced from off of her shoulders to brush the bottom of her back.

I've been pretty jealous of Mrs Evans looks since the the whole puberty thing. She looked young enough to be Luca's older sister rather than mother.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I untangled myself from my moms arm and looked at everyone like they were crazy.

"But you're moving to Australia?!" I cried. As soon as I had noticed the concerned and curious looks of everyone, my eyes had widened a fraction.

Putting on a false smile, I began to run my fingers through my hair and let out an uneasy and shaky laugh.

"I your moving next door, yay me." clicking my fingers and pointing at them all, I continued to laughuntil even I thought it was becoming creepy.

"You okay bud?" My dad had stood up from the kitchen stool to start to make his way towards me, but I was already backtracking my way out of there.

"You know what, I just remembered I have so much homework to do." I lied through my teeth. Bumping my back into Luca, his hands had held onto my sides to stop myself from falling, he to was looking at me like I had been taking crazy pills.

Those crazy pills don't actually sound too bad at this moment.

Letting go another fake uneasy laugh, I started walking backwards again until I was by the stairs. We all kind of just stared at eachother in silence until I made a run for it upstairs.

Chanting the words 'holy shit' under my breath as I ran to my room, I made sure to slam it behind me and lock it securely.

Quickly taking my laptop from off of my desk, I threw myself onto my bed and logged on. I had seen that I already had 18 missed calls on Skype from Victoria.

Clicking call, she had answered within seconds. I don't know if it was some kind of friend telepathy thing, but we both just started screaming at the same time. My hands in my hair and hers on the sides of her cheeks, we didn't stop until both of our moms had asked what was wrong.

"Everything" I whispered under my breath.

"Tell me he's only staying for the week?" She asked sounding as hopeful as my dad did when he said he was going to start dieting.

Shaking my head, I wasn't able to see if her eyes had actually fell out of her skull as I was holding my face in my hands.

"Hey, Winter?" Raising my head, with a pout on my lips, I cocked an eyebrow as I saw her jotting something down in a notebook. "Would you prefer oak or mahogany for your casket?" Peaking up from her notepad, I was about to tell her just where she could shove her casket options,but Luca had chosen to walk in my room uninvited.

Quickly closing my laptop, Luca had seen my unusual action and smirked down at me as he shut the door with his back.

"Were you watching porn?" He laughed. Rolling my eyes, I swung my feet from off of my bed so they were dangling from off of the side.

"Because-" He sat himself down next to me and nudged my foot with his. "-I understand how sexually frustrated people get once they enter a 5 mile radius of me." Not meaning to laugh out loud at his cocky statement, I shoved him by his shoulder as he went to poke my cheek.

"Is there an off switch on you?" I joked. Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, I could give you one guess who it was.

She's about 5"11, blue eyes and brown hair. Creepily stares at guys and then runs for the hills as soon as they pay her any attention?

Leaning in towards me, I had tensed upon feeling his soft lips brush against the cool skin of my ear.

"You wanna help me find it?" His voice was low and seductive, and yet I felt nothing.

Nothing but worry.

Pushing his face away from me, he broke out in fits of chuckles as his head hit my bed. With his hands holding his stomach, the hem of his shirt had slightly ridden up to show his white Calvin Kleins.

"That's why I love you, snow. You're unaffected by my sweet sweet charm" sweet?

As sweet as licking a rock.

Laying myself down next to him, I watched the side of his face as he looked up at my ceiling of photos.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out he's going to end up going to the same high school as me. Once people see Luca starting to hit on other girls, kissing other girls in front of me, they're going to know I was making the whole thing up.

Or someone will end up telling him and he'll think I'm even a bigger freak for making up such a creepy lie, and poof.

There goes my best friend.

"You okay, snow?" Blinking away my thoughts, I noticed how our faces were only fractions apart. Our nose lightly brushing each others as we breathed.

You might aswell get it out now, just spit it out. It's better he hears it from you.

"There's actually something I want to tell you..." I sighed.

Rolling his body so he was fully facing me, his deep eyes stared intently into mine in concentration.

"Go on" he nodded.

Grasping my bottom lip with my teeth, I could feel the lump in my throat grow bigger and bigger inside my throat.

Feeling my phone buzz for what felt like the 100th time, I sighed in frustration and pulled it out from my back pocket.

My eyes shot open as I saw a text from none other than Kimberley Kent inviting me to her party. I was speechless, this would have been a super cool moment if the only reason I had got invited was because of a lie.

Happy moment over.

Feeling my phone get swiped from out of my hands, I lunged forwards to try to snatch it back.

"Uh uh uh" he laughed. Dangling from above my head as he got up from the bed, I began to grind down on my teeth in annoyance.

"Luca, can you please stop" I whined.

Still laughing to himself, he had peaked up at my phone and automatically stopped chuckling.

"Looks like we're going to a party tonight snowflake, is that what you wanted to tell me?" Peering down at me with a devious smirk, I hard dropped my hands to my side and swallowed that lump that had been forming.

"Sure?" I squeaked.

What the hell did I just do.... Again




I feel like I am secretly Victoria, she is me, we are one.

I'm actually in love with the model that plays Winter 😍😍 Ashley Moore is slayingggg.


Any who, spread the story guys so it gets plenty of reads and votes. You'd be my fav 😘

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