Chapter 3||Dreamy McDream

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Have you ever felt like you've done something so bad, you could already tell karma was ready to bite you in the ass.

I felt that right now.

I was sat in the passenger seat of Luca's truck, it looked so odd surrounded by the fancy cars that not even the people driving them could pronounce the names of.

By the admiration on his face before we even climbed in, I'm guessing he didn't care that he dove a pick up truck. Luca was always very fond of this hunk of metal, and I still didn't know why. When I had ever mentioned his strange obsession, it usually followed by him throwing a cheap insult in my face.

"You know, for all these years we've been friends, I kinda got the idea that you were at the bottom of the social ladder" He laughed to himself. I stopped texting the word help to Victoria, and looked up from the screen to gawk at Luca.

"You did?" Glancing at me momentarily, his eyes went back to the road and made a right turn. "Why?"

With his narrowed eyes still on the road, his tongue skimmed over his bottom lip before grasping it with his teeth. It was a sign that he had no clue where we were going.

Well don't look at me, you honestly think I know the directions to Kimberley Kent's house? You obviously haven't been paying attention to me very well.

I just gave him the the address she had texted to me.

"I mean, there's a few things-" Crossing my arms over my chest, the tip of my fingers began to play around with one of my braids as I stared down towards my converse.

"Whenever we FaceTime you're either doing homework or stuffing your face whilst watching some movie" furrowing my eyebrows, I blinked in astonishment as my eyes were still focused on the side of my face.

I started to choke on thin air, which caught his attention.

"Are you okay?" Pursing my lips, I unfolded my arms to punch him on his. His yelp of pain hadn't even satisfied me as much as I thought it would.

"How do those 2 factors have anything to do with me not being popular?" I snapped.

Still rubbing at the spot I had punched him, I could tell he was itching to glare at me but by taking his eyes off of the GPS he'd definitely get us lost.

Scratching at the small stubble along his jaw, his fingers mindlessly played with the shark tooth necklace around his neck.

"Always doing your homework on a weekend? Don't girls normally go out shopping with their friends or go get pampered or some shit" Scoffing even louder, I couldn't even come up with words harsh enough to insult him with.

"Oh well I do apologise that I'm not getting my vagina waxed every Saturday evening, Luca." Turning back around to face my window, I leant my forehead on the cold glass as I tried to drown out his words. "I'm sorry your best friend is such a huge loser."

How did he guess I was unpopular? Was it really that obvious? Maybe I just gave off that loser vibe. I wasn't mad that he told me, I guess I was mad at the fact he had thought it all these years. Maybe that's the reason he never introduced me to any of his friends, maybe he thought id embarrass him or lower his social status just by people seeing us together.

"Snowflake, you're not a loser. Look, I didn't mean it" Feeling his hand rest on my thigh, I raised my head to look at his concentrated face.

Knocking away his hand, I faced back towards the window before I could get a glimpse of him looking at me.

"Don't lie to me, Luca." Pulling my hair tie from around my wrist, I tied my hair into a bun and pulled my legs towards my chest. "Just- just drive."


"Okay so if I make a left here, we should be there" He muttered to himself.

We were already 3 whole hours late to the party, and I was pretty damn sure this wasn't the way to Kimberly's house. One hint probably being we were surrounded by trees and dirt.

She had given me the wrong directions, hadn't she? That blonde little bitch.

It was like someone had plucked the set from out of a slasher movie and purposely chose us to drive in to it. I could totally see some meat suit wearing trucker guy coming at us with a chainsaw.

At least I wouldn't have to face Kimberly tomorrow at school.

Maybe this situation did have a bright side.

As he turned a corner, we were met with a street lit up by the signs of the bars. It didn't look too packed, but it didn't look un-popular.

"This isn't Kimberly's." I bluntly mumbled. I've been giving him the silent treatment for exactly 2 hours and 32 minutes because I was still pissed.

I could feel his eyes glaring a hole into the side of my face, and could sense his hands tensing and untensing around the steering wheel.

If looks could kill, I would be in the pits of hell right now.

"Gee, you think?" Sarcasm and Luca were very familiar with eachother as you can see.

Pulling his car up to a bar that read 'Lotties' above the door, I sighed and thought now was the best time to look at him for answers.

"What are we doing here?" With my arms still crossed over my chest, I furrowed my eyebrows as he began to unbuckle his seatbelt and remove his keys.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going for a drink. You can always stay here and act like a total prat-" flashing me a bitter grin, he opened his car door midway before looking back at me again. "Or you can come in and we can have our own party."

I don't know if it was the wink or his stupid dimple that made me crack a smile, but as soon as I had, he taken that as a sign to drag me into the bar.

As soon as we had entered, the scent of whiskey and vanilla had filled my lungs. The sound of the arctic monkeys had a crowd on the dance floor either bumping or grinding with the person next to them.

"Smells better than I expected." Luca said. He was still scoping out the place as we walked towards the bar, his curious blue eyes examining every inch of the place like a mission.

As we sat down at the far end of the bar, I wish we had sat closer to the dancing crowd. I'm guessing this side of the bar was for the more.... Aged people that came to the bar.

They were mostly scary looking men, either playing darts, cards or drinking a few shots too many.

"Can we move further down?" I whispered.

Luca looked down at me curiously before he had looked around us.

Draping his arm around my shoulders, he drew me slightly closer to his side and signalled the bartender to come over to us with his fingers.

"Snow, I won't let any of the big bad men hurt you" he mocked whilst ruffling my hair.

Laughing, I tried to push him away but he had somehow ended up closer. His tight grip and hand trying to tickle me had me nearly gasping for air.

"We're in public, oh my god Luca stop" I said through laughs.

Chuckling, he had stopped once the bartender had came over to ask what we wanted.

Surprise surprise she was hot.

Her busty chest was on full show due to the lack of buttons on her shirt, and even I could see the colour of her thong from the short piece of cloth she called a skirt.

Was she not cold?

Sweeping her blonde hair over one of her shoulders as she leant towards Luca, he had quickly removed his arms from around me to rest on the bar.

"Well what do we have here" Her voice was how people would describe as low and seductive - I'd describe it as someone sounding as though they need some lemsip. The words rolled off of her pierced tongue perfectly, and you'd have to be a fool to not see Luca was attracted to her.

"I think you mean who, darling." Flickering his eyes from hers down to her mouth, I had to suppress the annoyed groan I was about to let rip.

I would probably be having more fun at Kimberly's, no doubt.

"Oh I do apologise, sir." Licking her glossed lips, I thought that I should probably preoccupy myself with something else for a while. They'd be making out soon, and third wheeling isn't my forte.

Slipping off from my stool, it wasn't until I turned back around to tell Luca id be right back that I noticed the 2 of them had already started eating each others faces.

She was basically crawling on the bar to get to him, talk about unprofessional.

Imagine if he was the undercover health inspector, huh? She would be in big trouble...

Not that I think an undercover health inspector would be gripping the barmaids ass and using his tongue to taste the back of her throat... Maybe it could have been a new technique they were using?

Oh shut up.

Rolling my eyes, I span back around on my heels and started to trudge my way over to the pool tables.

There was only 1 group of guys actually playing pool, everyone else were using the chairs to play drinking games or making out with people.

Why couldn't we have just got lost on a street that only had 24 hour fast food restaurants? I could be elbow deep in French fries and soda right now.

"You alright there, lil' lady" turning around to the strong southern accent, my words got caught in my throat as I was met with a 6 foot piece of heaven.

Raking his hand through his blond hair, my inner self was screaming for me to say anything other than stand here gawking at his blue eyes.

"Yes." I squeaked.

Is that it?

His shoulders shook gently as he laughed to himself, the dimples in his cheeks made me feel weak in the knees.

Literally, he had to grab me so I wouldn't fall flat on my face.

"Woah there" As one of his hands gripped the side of my waist and the other on my forearm, I was way past that numb feeling I had felt once he touched me. Now I just felt like my limbs needed to be amputated, no biggie.

Oh no I'm turning into Luca.

"Maybe you should sit down." He smiled. Nodding my head with a dazed look probably on my face, it was a wonder why he didn't just run while he thought he had the chance.

"Thanks" I finally said after he had got me a chair.

Running my fingers through my hair, I laughed nervously at the expression he had on.

"Do I have something on my face or?" Beginning to poke at my face, from across the bar I probably looked like an idiot.

To be honest, from close up I probably still looked like an idiot.

"No no no." He chuckled. Dropping my hands from my face, the Crimson was slowly starting to make its way up. "I was just thinking, why is someone who looks like you, in a bar full of people like this" signalling his thumb over his shoulder, I took a peek to see he was signalling to Luca who was half way down the barmaids throat.

With a sigh that was barely audible, I looked away from the scene and concentrated back on Dreamy McDream.

"I'm starting to ask myself that." I laughed quietly.

Smiling, he swigged at the beer bottle I only noticed he had been holding in one of his hands.

"I'm Xavier." I watched as he cutely tried to decide on what to do next. Sticking out his hand awkward, I bit down on my lip to try to stop myself from laughing.

Grabbing his hand, my name was just about to leave my lips before someone had beat me to it.

"Her names Winter, ranger Rick." Snapping my head up toward Luca, he couldn't see the daggers I was giving him as his smug face was completely focused on Xavier.

Xavier's eyebrows had shot up at the comment, with a smirk on his face he quit the small staring game Luca had supposedly challenged him to and looked back towards me.

"Would it be rude of me to ask for your number, Winter?" Feeling my cheeks heat up again, the sudden scoff from Luca had snapped me down from cloud 9.

Shifting my eyes towards him, he casually looked over his shoulder as if to pass the blame on to someone else.

Rolling my eyes, my eyes once again met Xavier's.

Now, I know some of you will probably be shouting this is how most teenage horror films start in 2015. Isn't there that new one about Skype of something? I'm kind of confused where I was even going with this.... But anyway.

I gave him my number.

After that my mood was probably the best it had been all year. A hot guy had asked for my number, my number! And it wasn't even just so they could get me to tutor them.

My happiness had lasted for a total of 53 minutes.

Because after all that, Luca had to drive us back home and just as I was about to walk inside my house.

He had shouted 'see you at school tomorrow'

That sentence had snapped me back to reality.

A shitty reality.

Ah shit.



This is not the last you'll see of Xavier, mwahahahaha.

He's not evil or anything, that was just for effect.

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