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ox x oc

Name: lizzie velasquez mora storm 

Nickname(s):lizzy liz lis love nerd girl hero liz storm stormgirl vela


Species: born alicorn

Age: one year younger then flurry heart 

Birthday: April 17

Sexuality: straight



human look

pony look

( wings are under cape)

Body color: pure snowwhite

Body type: a

Mane color/style: lightest pink

Markings (Stripes, spots, whatever): neon light blue stripes in mane an tail

Eyes: light blueish green

Cutie mark: none

Accessories: a saddle bag an a purple scarf

Height (Equines are almost always measured in hands): 5.4 feet

Weight: 1.10

Notable features:scars

Other: she has scars over her she also has a sword an a cloak cape that she wears went she enter places

her cape ( in the photo )


Personality in general:caring nice thoughtful loyal clam smart wise courageous childish a leader brave fearless adventurous strong finance sometimes a fighter bold sweet cheerful happy cool generous weird bookworm

Fatal flaw: idk

Likes:everything singing dancing her friends her family her pet books ADVENTUROUS tea flying magic her sword

Dislikes:mean people bullys her friends in danger

Favorite food:cookies

Favorite book:dareing do an her books that she writes for fun

Favorite pony: deerpy

favorite drink tea

Favorite animal:wolf

Favorite song:my life is a party

Favorite place:forest

Other favorites:cafe

Least favorite Food: meat

Other least favorites:coffee

Daily life

Place of residence:the Castle of the Two Sisters and the Everfree Forest/ ocs city my oc city

Occupation: adventurer an hero

Talents:magic sword fighting

Hobbies: writing walking drawing

Friends and family

Mother: lissy alive

Father: ren alive

Siblings: justin 

Other relatives: crystal aunt alive  darkcross/dawko uncle an his kids

Lover/spouse: micheal ( my oc)


Friends:your ocs the mane 6 young mane six spike thorax amber luna celestia shinning armor cadcane next gen kids

Enemies: the main enemies

Pets: mittins a hellound puppy

Magic (Skip if your OC doesn't use magic)

Powers: magic

How do they use them? there horn

Do they like using magic?yes

Flying (Skip if your OC doesn't fly)


Wingspan:he exact wingspan is unknown, but her wings are bit bigger then most flyers

Top flying speed: 390 km/h

Does your character like flying? yes

Do they use flying in their daily life? sometimes

Other info

Backstory/past: noting really 

Theme song: legends never die an hall of fame


a smart person knows what to say a wise person knows whether or not to say it

Great genius takes shape by contact with another great genius, but, less by assimilation than by friction.

2 if you cant do it just try again

3 The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.

4 i believe there good in the darkest places and people

5 sometimes people think your small and weak but really your mighty

6 like my dad said do or do not there is no try

7 people say storms are strong and evil but i think there just power waiting to show

8 "The storm is what they threw at me so i became a hurricane to show them "

5 i just want a cookie

6 i must have this fire in my soul it keep burning brighter everyday

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars."

Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone's life. Be the light that helps others see; it is what gives life its deepest significance."

Before you, young one, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars, points of light and reason. ...And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason, for anything."

To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are.

There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in."

Whatever you are physically...male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy--all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside

Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.

Each day brings new opportunities, allowing you to constantly live with love—be there for others—bring a little light into someone's day. Be grateful and live each day to the fullest

I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars

A star falls from the sky and into your hands. Then it seeps through your veins and swims inside your blood and becomes every part of you. And then you have to put it back into the sky. And it's the most painful thing you'll ever have to do and that you've ever done. But what's yours is yours. Whether it's up in the sky or here in your hands. And one day, it'll fall from the sky and hit you in the head real hard and that time, you won't have to put it back in the sky again.

"I think that we are like stars. Something happens to burst us open; but when we burst open and think we are dying; we're actually turning into a supernova. And then when we look at ourselves again, we see that we're suddenly more beautiful than we ever were before!"

cannon x cannon

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars."

Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone's life. Be the light that helps others see; it is what gives life its deepest significance."

Before you, young one, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars, points of light and reason. ...And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason, for anything."

To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are.

There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in."

Whatever you are physically...male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy--all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside

Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.

Each day brings new opportunities, allowing you to constantly live with love—be there for others—bring a little light into someone's day. Be grateful and live each day to the fullest

I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars

A star falls from the sky and into your hands. Then it seeps through your veins and swims inside your blood and becomes every part of you. And then you have to put it back into the sky. And it's the most painful thing you'll ever have to do and that you've ever done. But what's yours is yours. Whether it's up in the sky or here in your hands. And one day, it'll fall from the sky and hit you in the head real hard and that time, you won't have to put it back in the sky again.

"I think that we are like stars. Something happens to burst us open; but when we burst open and think we are dying; we're actually turning into a supernova. And then when we look at ourselves again, we see that we're suddenly more beautiful than we ever were before!"

Name: liaise 

Nickname(s):lizzy liz lis love nerd girl hero liz storm stormgirl vela


Species: born alicorn

Age: one year younger then lizzie

Birthday: june 17

Sexuality: straight



ponny look

Body color: pure snowwhite

Body type: a

Mane color/style: lightest pink lightest purple pare pink blue lima pink

Markings (Stripes, spots, whatever): neon light blue stripes in mane an tail

Eyes: light blueish green

Cutie mark: none

Accessories: a saddle bag 

Height (Equines are almost always measured in hands): 5.4 feet

Weight: 1.10

Notable features:scars

Other: she has scars over her she also has a sword an a cloak cape that she wears went she enter places

her cape ( in the photo )


Personality in general:caring nice thoughtful loyal clam smart wise courageous childish a leader brave fearless adventurous strong finance sometimes a fighter bold sweet cheerful happy cool generous weird bookworm

Fatal flaw: idk

Likes:everything singing dancing her friends her family her pet books ADVENTUROUS tea flying magic her sword

Dislikes:mean people bullys her friends in danger

Favorite food:cookies

Favorite book:dareing do an her books that she writes for fun

Favorite pony: deerpy

favorite drink tea

Favorite animal:wolf

Favorite song:my life is a party

Favorite place:forest

Other favorites:cafe

Least favorite Food: meat

Other least favorites:coffee

Daily life

Place of residence: the crystal kingdom

Occupation: adventurer an hero

Talents:magic sword fighting

Hobbies: writing walking drawing

Friends and family

Mother: flurry heart

Father: pound cake

Siblings: none

Other relatives: pound cake family an flurrty heart family

Lover/spouse: open


Friends:your ocs the mane 6 young mane six spike thorax amber luna celestia shinning armor cadcane next gen kids

Enemies: the main enemies

Pets: mittins a hellound puppy

Magic (Skip if your OC doesn't use magic)

Powers: magic

How do they use them? there horn

Do they like using magic?yes

Flying (Skip if your OC doesn't fly)


Wingspan:he exact wingspan is unknown, but her wings are bit bigger then most flyers

Top flying speed: 390 km/h

Does your character like flying? yes

Do they use flying in their daily life? sometimes

Other info

Backstory/past: noting really

Theme song: legends never die an hall of fame


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