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ox x cannon

name  max Thaddius Blakk star

name he gose by now infinite slayer 

age 21


past look

current look his mask on his left side helps him see he also has scars on his face

family kate mother tad father 

Nickname: maxy lord  master 

Species: Human

Gender: male

Height: 6'12

Weight: 127 lbs.

he has his own flight suit that he build himself 

Home Cavern: he is born in slugterra but was taken an rise in  the surface by the league off shadows 

Current Home Cavern: outland reach 

base off operations 

Hair Color: dark brown

Hair Style: in photo

Eye Color:  past ocean blue eyes now dark icy/blue

Skin Tone: Caucasian

Clothing: in photo


Mecha Beast:

type dc v3

striker infor

he is fuel by dark water 


his tail can also turn into a blaster
-Attack (will either scratch with his dark claws, bite, pinn or really attack with his horns)
-After them
-Light on or off (in mouth)
-Kill, when necessary (either claw to death, rip them apart with its spikes or uses his dagger tail)

OTHERS (auto)

he also has small blow torch in his mouth 
-claws expand (front only)
-ghoul tail (can cause death, it will give ghoul power from the body to the tip of the tail at its dagger)
-target (has to whistle, then the eye slid will open and start targeting the opponents)

-charge with its horns

small striker past

The model is a wolf and..... some other shiz mix together. Uses ghoul energy. Known for his indestructable black claws, so yeah
Sometimes DC can trigger and go all haywire (extrmely dangerous), which is max job to stop him. max first try on the mecha gave him ALOT of injuries an the injuries turn into scars. But after a while he got used to it.

striker has a Glider and Vehicle mode. When in Glider Mode the circular power area in the picture moves to the legs and it gains glider wings it also has two jet packs booster to make it go faster . In vehicle form it becomes a motorcycle much like Eli's mecha beast. it an also has a aquatic mode to that can turn into a quad bike 

will add more stuff

side neutral evil 

Neutral evil is the philosophy that the self is best advanced by using whatever means necessary

Love Interest: open 


allies : Dr. Blakk, Twist, Loki, Blakk's Goons, Quinten, Primo, Sedo, Ghoul Slugs, Maurice, Billy, Shorty, Stalker, Glasses, Dark Bane, The Power Trips, DarkWater. evil people tad his group an his league 

Enemies: Eli Shane, Trixie Sting, Kord Zane, Pronto Geronimole, Junjie, Mario Bravado, , Dana Por, & Burpy, the slugs, , The Shadow Clan. 

other he is the boss an leader off a group call the league off shadows( not batman the name was generate)  

Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Slinging, Riding Mecha's, Likes to have a good laugh every now and then, Dancing, Singing.

Likes: His friends,, Slugs, Mecha's, , Drawing, Reading, Slinging, training  building things  slugs training drinking coffee

Dislikes: dr Blakk, Ghouls, good  People, Stupid People, Having a broken blaster, DarkWater, the shane gang his mom an dad

power he can talk to slugs he also knows some slug fu that he learn from a friend 

Age To Retire From SlugSlinging: 41 years old.

Personally past : Loyal, friendly, rebel .caring nice thoughtful loyal clam smart wise courageous a leader brave fearless adventurous strong finance sometimes a fighter bold sweet cheerful happy cool generous weird

personally now cruel, brutal, cunning, ruthless, power-hungry, fear  and very hateful. to his enemy's an his army ak   but went he not being it he is nice kind smart a dreamer loyal quick learner rebel fearless clam strong finance a fighter funny chill 

to his friends an slugs 


 find out in rp

he has his own team call the delta squad  he is the leader of it

owen male job slug fu fighter

jason male job mech worker 

aleks frizt  male job doctor emily frizt job blaster smith 

moonie female job mercenary works for max an is part off his team

charlie female job expert zira female job tracker kevin male job engineer  

cole male Mae female job both fighter 

jeremy job  scientists male

slug partners ark an seeker an glacier 

~ Slug team


blastipede newbie male

grenuke bomber male

hope rock shrapnel female

flaringo kai male

forgesmelter blaze female

fienzar fang male

blue inferus nightgem  ghoul female(it was one off the very first slugs that dr blakk was experiment on went he was making the ghouls it is a failed experiment it look like a ghoul but it has the mind an can act like a normal slug it has the moves of a darkfurnus an inferus)


frostclawer frost female

narwhaddle  whaddle male


tenasher asher female

jellyish sticky male

aquabeek swift male

bubblaleone balloon female

spikeshade lee male

lariat raven female

makobreaker baker male


frightgeist nightmare male

hexlet spirit female

thugglet sorcerer male

hynogrif hyno male

negashade nega female


pip white boom doc

enigmo  phantom male 

black/red boom doc female giver ghoul ( it was one off the very first slugs that dr blakk was experiment on went he was making the ghouls it is a failed experiment it look like a ghoul but it has the mind an can act like a normal slug it also has the powers of the goon an off  goon doc)

fandango energy male

phosphore lighter male

glowbyss abyss male


tazerling volt male

xmitter emp female


dirt unrchin porcupine male

vinedrill goia female

neotox posion male


armashet steel male

speedstinger ricochet male

tresher sharky male

polero wrangle female

slicksilver sliver female


archnet willow female

rammstone onyx female

driggrix tunneler male

crystolyd digger male

geoshard  jewel female

sand angler angler male

lavalynx lynx male


toxis  neo female

flatulcrhinfus gassy male


pieperslug jaybird male

gazzer male glaze 

hoverbug skya female

tormato tornado male

slyren daydream female

fandmade slugs

ark dragon female white type light an electricity  

seeker male dark an toxic 

glacier ice element

cannon x cannon everything is the same expect for the name an his parents  it is max Thaddius Blakk ( an what every twist last name is ) he is the son of tad an twist( sort off ship the two)

flop his flopper

I am a firm believer in "Magikarp Power" (look it up) and this has driven me to make this beauty. All it takes to MegaMorph a Flopper is a strong bond, determination and about a dozen Fandango slugs that know the move Levelest! ;) :D

Of course, what would this new slug be without some moves? Here they are! :D

Slimeshot: Dowses the enemy in a massive amount of slime, making it extremely difficult for them to stand and sling anything.

Gasblast: Emits a fog green smoke, making it hard for the enemy to see anything. The cloud also attracts slug attacks like a magnet.

Dizzyblitz: The Flopper flies in a ridiculous pattern at high speeds, thus making it impossible to keep up with. The Flopper then slams into the enemy with all its weight.

Rubastrict: Using his extremely stretchy body structure the Flopper wraps itself around the enemy's slug and stops it mid-flight, causing it to crash land.

( fond this online) 

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