Chp.13 Vs Jey Uso Pt.1

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-1 HR & 20 minutes later-

As an time go by, the matches that were announce has already happen and have passed, and now the main event is to be announced as Triple H has stated which Uso will be facing (YN) up next...
Meanwhile, the big screen up front shows the USOs and Solo in the locker room sitting down alongside with the Wise Man, Paul Heyman, as he was in the phone with Roman Reigns...

Paul: Yes my tribal Chief...yes he's here...of course, do not worry, I will let him know, okay? ...Of course my tribal Chief...yes of course, bye.

He hangs up and looks at Jey...

Paul: The tribal Chief is relief you're doing okay, Jey.

Jey: Is he? I mean, he ain't pissed about this past Sunday? Walking out after what my boy Sami did to him?

Paul: First off, Sami ain't "yo boy" anymore, did you not witness what that scum did to our, to your, tribal Chief?! All because he doesn't want to proof his worthy.

Jimmy: I know it's hard for you Uce, but Sami ain't with us anymore. And we glad he ain't here, cause if he is, we would have immediately took him out on the spot.

Jey: ...So, what now then? What does Roman want?

Paul: Well, the tribal Chief is upset still for you walking out on him at the Royal rumble, but...he said he will forgive you, if you do something for him.

Jey: And that is?

Paul: Well, since you and us here know there's trouble out there, someone who may be a problem for our tribal chief, and that problem may will affect us pretty soon. And that problem, is who I want to refer...(WN).

Crowd: *Cheering*

Paul: Now, since the boss, Triple H, is wanting to know which one of you two will be facing him up next in the main event...the tribal Chief wants you, Jey, to fight (WN), proof your tribal Chief that you're still one of us, and not still feel guilt trip for that sumbag to so-call "yo boy", Sami Zayn.

Jey: ...

Jimmy: Aye Uce, think (WN), as Sami. Think about what Sami did, after everything we gave him, after everything our tribal Chief gave him, hell, after everything you gave him too Uce, all that, just to backstab us like that??

Jey: ...Yea, Yea you right Uce. That punk Sami should have NEVER done that, he's lucky to not be here, I would've teach him a lesson.

Jimmy: That's right Uce! That's the brother I know! Now how about you go over to that ring, and show (WN) how the Uso Penetration how it's done here!

Jey: I will! Uce thinks he runs this place, nah! We do! Alright, I'm heading over.

Jimmy: Good, and don't worry, if anything, we'll be watching here, and if things go sideways, me ndSolo her will rush to your side.

Jey: Forsure.

Jey then walks out the locker room as he then goes tells Triple H he will be the one to face (YN) up next.
Meanwhile, the screen shows the interviewer, Kayla was shown...

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, (WN).

(YN) appears in screen as the crowd cheers for him...

Kayla: (WN), you match will be up next and will be half of the undisputed tag team champs, Jey Uso. Any thoughts about your match against Jey Uso?

(YN): Well, at first my thoughts were towards the judgement day, and of course Damien priest about how badly they screwed me over at my Royal rumble moment, until my problem began to interfere by "the bloodline". Now I don't know who they think they are, but they will regret trying to attack me, especially Jey Uso, trying to sneak attack behind me, not cool. So as of right now, my thoughts towards my match against Jey, he's gonna feel my wrath, of the biggest ass kicking he's gonna get from me. And...

Suddenly, (YN) stops talking as he gets interrupted, by Kevin Owens as he joins in the interview...

Kevin: Don't worry, not here to cause trouble. Just wanted to give you a heads up, and wish you luck on your match next. And also, you're welcome.

(YN): You're welcome? What do you mean?

Kevin: You know, saving you from the bloodline...

(YN): Heh, nah, with all due respect, Kevin, I didn't need help, I was handling it myself. But, thanks I guess, if that's how you see it.

Kevin: Heh, whatever you say, anyways...I know the bloodline more. So, if anything, if they try to interfere your match...I got you.

Kevin offers (YN) a handshake...and (YN) accepts it as the fans cheered and clap...

(YN): I appreciate it.

Kevin: Cool.

After that, (YN) walks out and heads over to ready up for his match next against Jey Uso....
Outside the arena, the bell rings and the ring announcer, Samantha announces the match...

Samantha: Ladies and gentlemen! The following main event match, is scheduled for one fall!

Crowd: *Cheering*

Jey USO's theme song began to play....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As the song plays, the crowd cheer and boos Jey as he makes his appearance holding his two tag titles and making his way in the ring...

Samantha: Making his way to the ring, weight in 247 lbs, he is one half of the WWE undisputed tag team champion: Jey Uso!!!!

Pat: Well I'm surprised Jey didn't get no punishment.

Michael: You said it Pat, but remember, in order to redeem himself, he needs to face off and take out (WN) in his match, and honestly, I'm not too even sure if Jey can win this match.

Pat: He won't, and never I mean does he realize who he's fighting against? A divine being! He's fighting an unstoppable badass dude he loves to kick ass!

Then, (YN)'s song plays...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As his song plays, the fans cheered loudly for him and cheered more as he appears out and began pumping the fans up...

Samantha: And his opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weight in 287 lbs, the unstoppable force: (WN)!!!

Michael: Well I'll tell you one thing Pat, (WN) isn't just always brute strength, he's got speed, charisma and athletic, compare to the beast, Brock Lesnar.

Pat: Oh man, imagine Brock and (WN) in the same room?? That's nightmare fuel right there, it's like you're dealing with two huge grizzly bears.

As (YN) enters the ring, without wasting time, Jey rushes up to (YN) and started beating him up, pinning him in the corner as the referee tries stopping him...

Michael: And look at Jey! Wasting no time!

Pat: The match hasn't even started! This is no fair!

Michael: Well now it is!

Michael: The ref doing his best to split Jey away, but Jey isn't stopping! Look at him go throwing those nasty punches.

Jey also started kicking (YN) and stomping him on the corner as well. Jey runs towards the opposite turnbuckle, runs back to (YN) and to turn and land a brutal back slam towards (YN)'s face and (YN) on the floor not knowing what's going on and Jey quickly climbing up on the turnbuckle....

Pat: Wait wait! Is Jey about to finish it?!

Michael: No way! No way in hell! Not like this!

Hey leaps up and lands a his Uso Splash(Frog Splash) on (YN)...

Pat: Uso Splash!! No freaking way! Already?!

Michael: Here's the cover!!

Ref: One-

(YN) kicks out by one count as the fans cheered and Jey in shocked...

Pat: Holy crap! (WN) kicked out at one!

Michael: Look at the look in Jey's face! He couldn't believe it either!

Jey began to be frustrated as he gets on rope of (YN) started beating him up and the fans booing...

Michael: And now Jey beating the holy hell out of (WN)!

Pat: Jey wants to end this quickly already, but Beating him unconsciously is not the way!

Jey stops and gets off from him as he looks at the crowd, and tosses his finger up, shaking respect for Roman and some of the fans joining and raising their fingers up too...afterwards, Jey looks back at (YN) as (YN) was getting up, Jey lands a super kick to his face and sending him out of the ring...

Michael: Superkicks (WN) out of the ring.

Pat: Jey is liking to hurt (WN), and hurting people is (WN)'s thing.

Jey exits the ring and to then approach and stand near (YN) as he was trying to get up. Jey then grabs him by the face and began yelling at him, taunting him as the heel superstar he is, mocking him too. He looks behind and spots the steal steps. He pushes (YN), and to then pulls him and to push him towards the steps....but (YN) quickly reverse it as he pulls Jey towards him, wraps his arms around, and belly Suplex Jey towards the steal steps...

Pat: Oh god!

Michael: A belly Suplex to those steal steps! My god what an impact!

Pat: I know Jey will feel that later on tonight!

(YN) finally stands up and fixing himself up as one of the fans gave him quick pats to his back...he looks at Jey on the floor after being Suplex towards the steps, Jey slowly started getting up as (YN) approaches to Jey and started hitting knee strikes towards his gut...

Pat: Those vicious knee strikes, I'm glad I'm not on Jey's position.

Michael: You tell me, watch it!

(YN) brings Jey near the announce table and slams his face towards it, and agains slams his face towards the announce table...he then drags Jey to the corner of the barricade, lifts him up and slams him on top of the barricade, Jey was standing on the barricade hurt, (YN) slowly walks away feet away from Jey, and to turn and sprint towards him and to spear Jey through the barricade and the fans cheered loudly...

Pat: Jey goes down! I repeat Jey goes down!!

Michael: A brutal spear through the barricade! That's broken ribs right there!

Pat: No way in hell is Jey going to get up from that!

Michael: Well we'll see if Jey can keep this up during the match, we'll be right back after commercial here folks!


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