Chp.14 Vs Jey Uso Pt.2

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Back to commercial break, we then see (YN) German Suplex Jey Uso across the ring...

Michael: Welcome back folks, LIVE on Friday Night Smackdown at South Carolina. During our commercial break Jey is not looking so well during the match, as he's being tossed around the ring like nothing.

Pat: I tell you Cole, Jey has no chance winning this match, how the hell is he going to keep this up? I mean the match won't end until (WN) says so.

(YN) agains grabs and holds Jey from behind and to toss him again with a German Suplex...

Michael: Oh not again. Those brutal suplexes.

Pat: Is it bad to say that I honestly feel bad for Jey?

Michael: I don't know about you Pat, but the fans here love it so I guess not?

(YN) started striking knee hits towards Jey's stomach, and a a punch to the chest and pins him in the corner of the turnbuckle and lands a elbow hit to his face several times and stomping him as well as the referee tries to split (YN) away from Jey....(YN) backs up as Jey was beat up and tired from the suplexes he's getting...(YN) backs up more, leaning against the opposite side of the turnbuckle corner, starring directly at Jey, and sprint towards him to to land a spear, but Jey quickly moves out of the way and (YN) dives through the metal pole as the crowd felt that impact...

Pat: Oh! Ouch, What impact!

Michael: Jey quickly moved out of the way with luck! He may have a slight chance to take the advantage of this match!

(YN) holds his shoulder due to the pole he landed on, turns around and to get super kick by Jey to his gut...

Michael: And a super kick to (WN)! Will Jey stand tall this time?!

Jey again super kicks (YN), this time to his face, and again super kicks him, stunning (YN) and he drops down on one knee, Jey wraps his arm around (YN)'s neck and drops his head to the ground, landing a DDT...

Pat: A DDT! Will that be enough?!

Michael: Not sure, but here's the cover!

Ref: One-

(YN) kicks out at one...

Pat: And again! Kicks out at one!

Michael: The look at Jey's face! He has no idea how he will win this match! But he's damn sure he won't stop till he says so!

Jey began yelling at (YN)...

Jey: Stay down!

Michael: And now Jey, yelling out of frustration.

(YN) was getting up, on one knee, and Jey to again land a super kick to his face, dropping him again as (YN) lays flat...Jey walks to a turnbuckle, and to climb up to the third rope and to again land a frog splash on (YN)...
But out of nowhere, (YN) quickly got up, runs towards Jey and incredibly takes one giant leap to the third top rope, holding Jey around him and to launch Jey over with a belly Suplex as Jey's body goes flying across the ring and lands back and so does (YN) after performing that Suplex, and the crowd screaming with such hype...

Pat: What the hell?!? What was that!!!

Michael: What a Suplex! How the hell (WN) manage to pull that?!

Pat: How can a big ass 287lb pure of muscles can jump like that onto a THIRD rope, and belly Suplex Jey like that?!!! Now that's scary!

Michael: Like I say Pat, Strength isn't the only thing he's got!

(YN) slowly gets up on foot as the fans cheered loudly for him after his performance...he looks straight at Jey as Jey was slowly getting up. (YN) slowly backs up to the turnbuckle, squats down and is about to perform his finisher...

Michael: Oh my, he's about to finish it right here.

Pat: If I were you Jey, I would not turn around! You'll end having more broken ribs!

As Jey turns around, and (YN) sprinting towards him, Jey suddenly pulls the red in his potion as he moves out the way, and (YN) instead spearing Jey, he spears the ref...

Michael: Oh god!! What a foul move! Jey pulled the ref in!

Pat: The ref is out! No way in hell he can get up from that spear!

Michael: And (WN) looking at the ref and has no clue what has happen, and-wait! From behind!

As (YN) turns around, suddenly, Jimmy appears and super kicks (YN) out of nowhere...

Pat: Jimmy Uso?! The hell he's doing here?! He's not in this match!

Michael: He's not alone! Solos here too!

Solo rushes to (YN), grabs onto him and to strike his thumb to his neck and dropping him down...

Pat: Samoan Spike! Damn just what kind of BS is this?!

Michael: This isn't fair at all! The ref is done and can't do nothing about this!

Jimmy and Solo trying to get Jey up knowing he's been beaten up badly to pin (YN) but Jey can barely get up...then suddenly...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Kevin's theme song plays as the fans cheered and Kevin comes running down the ramp..

Pat: Here comes backup! KO is here for (WN)!

Solo exits the ring as he and Kevin started throwing punches at each other out of the ring and taking the fight away as Kevin started punching Solo away from the ring and heading to the backstage, leaving Jimmy and Jey only...

Michael: With Solo out thanks to Kevin, it's now Jimmy!

Jimmy then wants to help Jey to keep (YN) down, so he walks over to a turnbuckle and to climb up for a frog splash...

Pat: Oh come on now not like this!

Michael: Jimmy is wanting to keep (WN) down in order for Jey to take the win here! Damn it somebody stop this man! Where-

The suddenly....someones theme song plays, and this theme song made the crowd go wild...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Michael: Wait a damn minute!!!

Pat: No freaking way!! I know that song anywhere!!!

The crowd expected this wrestler to appear from the entry, but is taking long somehow...
But suddenly, the camera moves towards the announcers table, and there, the superstar was standing on top of the announce table, and Jimmy turns and spots this wrestler...he is none other than Sami Zayn.

Michael: Sami Zayn!! He's here at our announce table!!

Pat: Look at Jimmy's face! He couldn't believe it!

Michael: Sami is looking straight at Jimmy and is not taking his eyes off from him!

As Jimmy was still standing on the turnbuckle, he didn't see (YN) walking up to him from the outside of the ropes, and to grab Jimmy by the neck. Suddenly, he looks at Sami, wondering what will he do? ...Sami jumps off the announce table and points at the announce table for (YN), telling him to slam Jimmy through the announce table...

Pat: The hell is Sami telling (WN) to do here??

Michael: I can figure this one out easily Pat! And if I were you, I moved out the way!!

Pat: Don't tell me twice!!

As Pat and Michael moved away from their announce table, (YN) was still holding Jimmy by the neck on the third rope, notice the announce table is clear....and to jump, take Himmy with him and choke slamming Jimmy through the announce table from the third rope.
(Something like this if you guys are a bit confused)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd went wild as (YN) put Jimmy through the announce table from a huge choke slams from the third rope...

Pat: Holy shit!!!

Michael: My god! (WN) sends Jimmy through our announce table, and down for good!!!

Pat: Now both the USOs are broken in half! But Jimmy got the better worse!!

Michael: Listen to this place!

Crowd: Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!

After that, both Sami and (YN) looked at each other, and to then look at Jey in the ring barely getting up...they look back at each other, nod, and enter the ring as Sami walks over to Jey, and (YN) in the corner, away ata down, ready to spear Jey gets up on one knee, he notices Sami in front of him, and is surprised and shocked to see him...Sami then points over to (YN), as Jey quickly turns, and to see (YN) sprinting at Jey and spears Jey. Sami drags the Ref near them as (YN) pins Jey and the ref does the count and the fans counting...

Crowd: One! Two! Three!!

The bell rings after the count of three as (YN) won the match and the fans cheering for him...

Samantha: Here's your winner: the unstoppable force: (WN)!!

Pat: As I said Cole, Jey stood no chance in this match against (WN)!

Michael: We're both an agreement here Pat, and from the looks like it, Both Sami and (WN) are starting to get along pretty well now. But other than that, (WN)'s performance amazed me today!

Pat: He cooked! I mean a chokeslam from the top rope through the announce table?! That's some Undertaker move right there!

Michael: And not just that, a jumó to the throes rope and a belly Suplex to Jey as well! Is there anything else he can do?!

Pat: Well we can find out some other day Cole.

Michael: Right, ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for watching and tuning in on Smackdown! We will see you all next week!


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