Chp.18 Welcome To Dudleyville!

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As the pyro fireworks were set off, and the song started, as soon the song started to play...the whole arena of fans quickly recognize the song, and they loudly cheered and they know who are (WN)'s teammates, even the announcers were shocked and psyched to see the teammates....

Michael: OH MY LORD!!! It can't be!! No way!!

Pat: Shut.up!!! Are they really here?!? Oh what the hell am I saying!! Of course they're here!!

The crowd continued to cheer louder and louder as the teammates made their appearance, the USOs and solo were so shocked and can't believe about it...

Samantha: And his tag team partners, from Dudleyville, at a combine weight of 595lbs, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley: The Dudley Boyz!!!

Michael: Bubba Ray Dudley!! D-Von Dudley!! The most decorated team of WWE!!

Pat: 9x WWE Tag Team Champs! 8x ECW Tag Team Champs! These guys are incredible and more dangerous when it comes with tables!!

Michael: After 15 years, The Dudley boyz made their return back in 2015 after Mania, and again on 2018 during the RAW reunion! And now they're back again, and working with (WN)!!

Pat: Bubba and D-Von making their way down at the ramp, and meet up with their partner!

Bubba and D-Von arrived with (WN), standing with him outside the ring, as both gave a handshake to (YN) as a honor of meeting him, and (YN), giving a smile, and as well as the inside of him, he's screaming internally as a huge fanboy as he gets to work with the Dudley boyz, the most decorated team during ECW and WWE, their biggest moments were incredible, especially their feuds against Edge And Christian, Jeff and Matt Hardy(Hardy Boys). And now, they have come once again, to team up with (YN) against The USOs and Solo. The three of them stare at the USOs and solo in the ring, as they were ready to fight. The Dudley's and (YN) looked at each other, nod at each other, took off their glasses, Bubba gave a hype yell as he, D-Von and (YN) rush in the ring and attack the bloodline as the crowd started to cheer loud...

Michael: And here we go!! The Dudley's, (WN), beating the holy hell out of the bloodline!!!

Pat: Bubba going at Jey, D-Von at Jimmy, and (WN) to Solo!!

Bubba started attacking Jey on one corner, D-Von attacking Jimmy at the other, and (YN) attacking Solo in the middle, the crowd were going wild during the battle...the Dudley boyz toss out both Jimmy and Jey out of the ring, and taking the fight outside as the ref rings the bell for the match to already start with (YN) and Solo in the ring. (YN) striking at Solo, pulls him to the ropes, and runs backs to (YN), jumps and lands a clothesline to Solo and drop him to the ground...

Michael: (WN) dropping solo with a clothesline in mid air!

(YN) picks Solo up, puts him in a corner towards turnbuckle, throws him towards the other corner as (YN) sprints and shoulder tackles Solo towards his gut, and on top of that, wrapping his hands around him, and tossing Solo across the ring with a belly Suplex...

Pat: And a belly Suplex to Solo, (WN) is on fire!!

Michael: Has been and always will Pat!!

(YN) grabs and picks Solo up, holds his body horizontal, and performs a spinning uranage, slamming Solo to the ground again...

Michael: Spinning Uranage! And here's the cover!

(YN) pins solo...

Ref: One! Two...

Solo kicks out at two. He notices both Dudley boyz at their corner spot, ready to be tagged in. So he drags Solo to his corner, and make a tag...

Michael: Tag! And here comes Bubba!

(YN) tags in Bubba Ray as they both toss Solo towards the ropes, runs back towards them, as the two lift and toss solo in mid air, and slamming face first to the ground. Afterwards, (YN) exits the ring as Bubba takes control...

Michael: Bubba Ray now taking action!

Bubba pins Solo towards the corner of a turnbuckle, and started throwing punches at him, tosses him towards the opposite side of the corner, runs towards him and lands a splash on Solo, pulls Solo towards him, wraps his arm around his neck and his arm around his, and to perform a Suplex to Solo. Solo was down as Bubba gets up, runs to the ropes, back to Solo and to jumo and fall on top of solo, performing a senton bomb on Solo, and pins solo...

Ref: One! Two...

Jey quickly rushes and drops the pin and stomps Bubba, the ref was trying to get Jey out of the ring and wasn't looking at what was going on towards Bubba and Solo, D-Von quickly comes in as he and Bubba work together and perform a suplex on solo and an elbow drop afterwards.

Michael: While the ref being distracted trying to get Jey and Jimmy under control, the Dudleys both damage more on Solo.

Pat: I tell you what Cole, they look like their in great shape, never thought they have one more Marc in them.

As Jey and Jimmy went back to their corners, the ref looks back and sees Bubba makes a tag to D-Von and confirms it. D-Von comes in, he picks Solo up on foot, lifts him up and performs a sidewalk slam on solo, gets up, runs to the ropes and back to Solo and to perform a leg drop on Solo, pins him afterwards...

Ref: One! Two-

Solo kicks out again, and D-Avon running to the ropes again to perform another leg drop, but suddenly, Jimmy pulls the ropes down, and D-Von falling over the ropes towards the ground and lands back first...

Michael: D-Von landed hard over the ropes, that's got to hurt.

Pat: No thanks to Jimmy! That damn uso thinks he can get away with it!

Bubba began to argue the ref about it and the ref being distracted again, as the USOs both started attacking D-Von outside the ring without the ref looking. (YN) rushes over for the save and to attack the USOs...suddenly, Solo appears from behind, (YN) turns, and notice Solo having the chair on his hands and up high, and hitting him straight to the head and manage to drop (YN) down but in one knee only and quickly puts the chair away...

Michael: Jesus!!! That chair shot was brutal!!

Pat: (WN) doesn't know where he is! And the ref not seeing everything at all still arguing with Bubba!

Michael: Not just that, (WN) is still not down as that chair shot only took him one knee down!

Both USOs perform a double Superkick to (YN), stunning him and he still doesn't go down, then, the USOs both grab (YN), and to toss him towards the steel steps...

Pat: Damn!! The USOs put (WN) through those steel steps!!

Bubba quickly exits the ring as he runs over to (YN) and checks on him, D-Von as well as he was recovered from the fall....the USOs and solo both entered the ring and started taunting the Dudley's and (YN)...

Michael: The USOs and solo are now finally taking the advantage of this match! The Dudley's checking on (WN)! What there plan be now??

Pat: And since there is no commercial breaks during PPV events like these, we cannot go on break! So Author, how about ending this chapter for now, and let the readers wait and see what will happen after!


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