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As minutes go by, D-Von was still in the match, but yet to be beaten up by Jey Uso...

Pat: Welcome back readers, and folks!

Michael: As you all can see here, D-Von is not looking too good in this match as Jey is taking the upper hand in this match.

Pat: Well this match has turn things around when the USOs sneak attack both Bubba and (WN) with the ref being a distraction thanks to Solo, and now the bloodline now is taking control!

Jey drops an elbow drop to D-Von, and to drag him towards his corner and tags Jimmy in. Both USOs grab on D-Von around his neck, and to perform a double Suplex on him...

Michael: Double Suplex. D-Von is not looking good right now.

Pat: I know D-Von is trying his best to fight it off, I can feel it!

D-Von trying to reach his hand to make a tag to either Bubba or (YN), but Jimmy stops him as he lands a Superkick to D-Von. As he does, he then started taunting on both Bubba and (YN), talking smack towards them, and suddenly, he slaps Bubba's face, causing him to loose it and trying to get at Jimmy, and (YN) and the ref stopping him to do so and not get him, D-Von and himself disqualified. While at it, Jey quickly comes in the ring as both USOs pins D-Von towards their corner, and land a double superkick on D-Von, and Solo landing a Samoa spike towards his neck and D-Von drops down and Jey quickly exiting the ring as the ref turns around and to see Jimmy pin D-Von...

Ref: One! Two...

D-Von kicks out...

Michael: D-Von kicks out of two count! This is BS! The damn USOs finding a way to cheat while not getting caught!

Pat: Just what kind of a dumbass Ref can't even see what's going on!

Michael: I don't blame you Pat, but it's how it is, if the ref doesn't know what happen without knowing, then he can't do nothing about it.

Jimmy picks D-Von, picks him towards a corner turnbuckle, gets on top of him and to land punches towards his face as the ref began the countdown. Jimmy quickly gets off from D-Von...Jimmy steps back towards another corner, starting at D-Von as he was sat down and Jimmy ready to go for a Samoan wrecking ball...Jimmy yells out...

Jimmy: U-

Fans: SO!

Jimmy: U-

Fans: SO!

Jimmy: U

Fans: SO!

Jimmy sprints to D-Von and was about to land his wrecking ball...but missed as D-Von luckily moves out of the way and Jimmy hurting himself from the turnbuckle...

Pat: D-Von moved!! He may have the upper hand now!

D-Von sprints to the ropes and runs back to Jimmy and lands a brutal clothesline to Jimmy, kncoking him down...

Michael: Oh my! A devastating Clotheline from D-Von!

Pat: I knew he's got it! Now let us hope he makes the tag! The fans are going crazy right now!

D-Von slowly started to crawl towards his corner and reach his hand to make a tag, Jimmy was trying to stop him by grabbing f his leg, but wasn't enough as D-Von pulls his leg off, jumps and makes a tag to Bubba...

Pat: Tag!! Here comes Bubba!!

Bubba started giving clotheline to Jimmy, afterwards, tosses Jimmy towards the ropes, runs back to Bubba and gets tosses and flip over by Bubba and lands back first on the ground...

Michael: Bubba is on fire right now!

Pat: Watch it! Here's come Jey-

Jey Tries to attack Bubba, but Bubba attacks first at Jey and throws three straight jabs, and a bionic elbow and Jey drops down and the fans cheered for Bubba...Suddenly, Solo tries to attack Bubba from behind, but (YN) saves him in time as he clotheline Solo out of the ring, (YN) exits the ring as well and started attacking Solo, Solo counterattacks with a Samoa spike strike to (YN) to his neck...but that didn't do anything as (YN) sprints towards Solo, and spears Solo through the barricade...

Pat: Oh crap!! (WN) spears Solo through the damn barricade!!

Michael: That's gotta be it for Solo! He's out! And so as (WN)!

The fans cheered loud from (YN)'s performance...back to the ring, Bubba was still in the match, and was looking over to check on D-Von, as he turns, he sees Jimmy running towards him, trying to land a punch, but misses as Bubba ducks, gets behind Jimmy, grabs him on a full nelson, lifts him up and slams Jimmy from the bottom...

Michael: Bubba Bomb!! Bubba Bomb to Jimmy! Here's the cover! Can this be it?!

The ref and the crowd as well...

Ref/Crowd: One! Two!...

But suddenly, Jey come and breaks the count...

Michael: And Jey with the break count!

Bubba as soon he gets up after his pin being break, Jey strikes first and lands a Superkick to Bubba. With Bubba down, Jey goes back to his corner, waits for Jimmy as he gets tagged by him. Jey climbs up the turnbuckle, leaps and lands his uso frog splash on bubba, but wasn't down yet as he then tags Jimmy in as he started talking smack to Bubba...

Jey: Y'all ain't suppose to be here! Y'all done! It's over! We taking this W! You and your brother are done here! So to give you an exit out of here...we will introduce you, your brother, and that bastard (WN) the USO PENITENTIARY!

After that, the USOs bothe preform their tag team finishing move to Bubba, which is basically the Dudley boyz finishing move, but a different name...

Michael: The 1-D! The 1-D! Bubba gets 1-D by the damn USOs! Not like this! No!

Pat: Come I'm not like this!

Jey pins Bubba and the ref and the crowd started the count...

Ref/Crowd: One! Two!...

But luckily, D-Von quickly comes in to the save and breaks the pin count...

Michael: D-Von with the save!! The match still goes on!! Hell yeah!!

Pat: How is D-Von still standing amazes me!! And that right there is brotherhood too!!

The crowd cheer and clap for the Dudley boyz for their hardworking and their best to entertain the fans...and went from booing as the USOs started taunting at the fans. With Bubba down, the USOs pick D-Von and toss him over the ropes outside the ring. The USOs exit the ring too, Jimmy walks up to the announce table and takes off everything as Michael and Pat stood up...

Michael: The hell are they doing??

Pat: I don't know Cole, but I can assure you it won't go well for D-Von.

Jimmy picks and places D-Von, lays home down on the announce table as Jey goes in the ring and takes his time climbing up the turnbuckle, and taunting with the fans...

Michael: Oh god no! Jey don't! You're just wanting to end D-Von's career! Get down damn it!

Pat: Wait! Look! (WN)!!

Suddenly, (YN) comes sprinting in the ring towards Jey, jumps to the third turnbuckle rope, grabs and holds Jey, and Performs a belly to back Suplex to Jey, tossing him across the ring...

Pat: Holy shit!!! What the hell!!

Michael: OH MY GOD!!! And just like that ladies and gentlemen, is why (WN) is known as the divine being!! The second time we witness him take one jump to the top third turnbuckle rope, and landing a Suplex to Jey!!

Crowd: Holy Shit!! Holy! ECW! Holy Shit!!

Jimmy trying to get in the ring, but D-Von from behind stops him from going in, pulls him out, and pushes him towards the metal pole, face first and dropping Jimmy down. Bubba joins D-Vom outside the ring, as the two drag Jimmy towards the announce table, Bubba walks over to the other side of the announce table, and D-Von stays on the other side of the announce table, holding Jimmy...

Pat: Wait what are they doing??

Michael: Oh god!! I think I know what they're gonna do! Jimmy is in a bad spot and I don't feel bad for him the slightest! He has it coming! Look out Pat!!

D-Von pulls Jimmy towards him, picks and lifts him up, falling back and he and Bubba perform their finishing move to Jimmy at the announce table...

Michael: 3-D!!! 3-D!! Dudley.Death-drop!!

Pat: Jimmy got 3-D by the Dudley's through the announce table!! Fascinating!!

Crowd: ECW! ECW! ECW! ECW!

With the crowd loving the match so far, they notice Jey getting up after being super-plex by (WN)...he was getting irritated by him, and wants to finish him off...(YN) was getting one one knee up, and Jey to land a Superkick to his face....but that kick didn't do nothing to (YN) as he slowly stares at Jey...

Pat: Oh no Jey. That was a bad move.

Michael: Not just that, that Superkick had an impact, and (WN) took it like nothing!

Jey again goes for a superkick, lands it...again, nothing against (YN), still glaring at Jey and slowly getting up as the fans cheered for him...

Pat: He ate those two super-kicks like candy bars! And is pissing (WN) more!

Jey tries for another third superkick, but this time (YN) dodges it, runs to the ropes as Jey turns around, and (YN) sprints and lands a spear to Jey...

Michael: Spear! What a brutal spear by (WN)!

Pat: The bloodline is down! Jey is the only one remaining!

(YN) wants to go for the pin...but notices the Dudley boyz both on their he wants them to take the win. He calls them, telling them to go to their corner so he can tag them both in to finish Jey, they agreed. They jog to their corner, and (YN) tags both Bubba and D-Von...

Michael: Tag! Here's comes the Dudley boyz!

D-Von walks to a turnbuckle, climbs up, and Bubba holding onto both Jey's legs up, opens them up and the fans cheering for them as they knew what they're gonna do...

Michael: Oh boy! I've seen this before!

Pat: Me too Cole! Jey is in a very bad position now! Get ready for this Jey!

Bubba: Whuzzzup!!!

D-Von: Whuzzzup!!!

D-Von jumps, and to land a Headbutt towards Jey's testicles...

Michael: Whassup! That's gotta hurt, especially for us men too!

Pat: It's like I almost feel sorry for Jey!

Michael: And here it is Pat, the Dudley's are looking to finish this match off! Don't turn around Jey!

As Jey was recovering from that hit he got from D-Von, he turns, gets lifted up by D-Von and Bubba landing a cutter on Jey, as both Dudley's land their finish move on Jey...

Michael: 3-D! 3-D on Jey! And here's the cover!

Ref/Crowd: One! Two! Three!!

The bell rings, the crowd cheering, Jey gets pinned by Bubba as he, D-Von and (WN) took the win.

Samantha: Here are your winners: Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, and (WN)!!!

Michael: What a match this turn out to be.

Pat: No kidding Cole, this match was something else and has their moments.

Michael: Of course Pat. And yet again, it is relief to see the Dudley boyz have this moment as well with the fans, and (WN) too.

As the Dudley boyz and (WN) celebrate their victory, the Dudley's and (WN) stare at each other, and they offer him a handshake, a sign of respect, (YN) shakes their hands and the fans cheering...

Michael: Now that is respect. The Dudley's can see (WN) has a great future ahead.

Pat: Of course he does Cole! Looks how it's going for him, big debut at the rumble, solid matches during these past weeks, and his first ever PPV win today! Looks like his run is getting started.

Michael: Well let us not forget Pat, now that he's done with the bloodline for now, he is going back and get finish his business against one of the members from Judgement Day: Damien Priest.

Pat: I hear ya Cole, and not just that, he also challenges Damien a match a WrestleMania too! I wanna see how this goes!


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