Chapter 12 Lucky Charm Failure?

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           Marinette  blushes. She wishes she could stay like this forever with Adrien near her. She longs for this to be real. Only, she thinks, did he really kiss my hand or was it my imagination?  She looks up and sees him grin at her.

          "Marinette," Adrien says.  He only says her name, but to her it was like he brought her a gift. 

          Marinette's POV:

           Adrien gave my hand a kiss. Only it was a mistake, right?  I mean there is no way he could have purposely done it.  Not when he makes it clear that I am "just a friend" to him. He can be so gentle, flirty at times, yet cute.  Also, he does not know that I love him!  How could he?  It is not as if I could ever confess to such a thing.

          Adrien's  POV: 

          Marinette 's  cheeks turn pink after I brush my lips across her hand. She is so so uh, what is the word, I am searching for? Man, try as I might I cannot find the right way to describe her.  She is to amazing. 

       What could she ever see in the likes of me?  I am just a silly, rich boy, whose father ignores him, whose mother is missing, and who cannot seem to find a way into her heart.

       Narrator's  POV:

      BOOM!   Just like that as if on cue, a villain appears out of now where.  Okay, so it is not out of no where, it is an another akumantized person.  Yeah, yeah, so you got me there!   Big deal!  

     To bad for Adrien and Marinette who seem to be caught up with whatever it is they appear to be up too.  Whatever it is will have to wait for another time as Paris, France needs its heroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir once again.  Rena Rogue is already on the scene,but she still wishes the others would hurry up! 


      Adrien turns to Marinette. He frowns. He hates to leave her like this.  Not now, when he just got here!  Ugh!  Why does life have to throw some many curve balls his way?  For that matter, does not Hawkmoth ever just take a time to chill?   

     "Marinette, I -I am sorry to rush off like this, but the akuma is on the loose." Adrien says.

      "Oh,your right!  A-Adrien, do not worry, I will be just peachy!  you g-go on ah-ahead!" Marinette manages to mutter in a sad attempt to reassure him that she is not the least bit  full of worry about the nightmare that she just had.

       "See y-you!"  Adrien says. He runs outside, sighs, hides and calls out, "Plagg, claws out!"  Immediately a green light flashes over him, as he transforms into the hero, Chat Noir!  

       Chat takes a look around in search for Ladybug.  Little does he know she is on her way.


       Elsewhere, Marinette looks at Tikki, and says,  "Ugh, Hawkmoth would have ruin everything just as Adrien and I were about to have a nice talk."  She looks a bit forlorn.  She sees Tikki nod her head in pity. 

       "Okay, you are right.  I need to quite feeling sorry for myself and transform!  Besides, Chat needs me!" Marinette says.

       Tikki smiles. She nods her head once more at Marinette.

       "Tikki, spots on!  Yeah!"  Marinette calls out. She transforms. She runs outside unaware what is about to go down.


    "M'lady, thank goodness you are okay!" Chat says. He is so glad to see she made it.

    "Who me?  Chat, I am just fine!  Why not?"  Ladybug says.

      Rena Rogue giggles a bit.  She finds the situation to be quite humorous despite the supervillain on the loose.

        Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Rena Rogue fight against the newest crook. 

         This time it is a small child who insist she be called  "Curly Sue."   She is all into throwing hair products at everyone. She is not to happy she did not get the lead role in her school play, or that she was told she was not good enough for the local kids to hang out with just because she is new in town.  She cannot help it if her folks travel all the time. She cannot change the fact she has naturally curly hair. 

         The fight goes on for awhile until finally Ladybug calls out  "Lucky Charm!"   To her horror nothing happens. She does not get it.  She thought for sure it would work like it has thousands of times before. Okay, maybe it was not exactly thousands of times,but it sure felt like it was to her.

        "Ladybug what is the matter?  Where is it?  Where the cool object for you to use to help capture the akuma and save the day like you usually do?"  Chat ask.

      "Yeah, he does have a good point there LB."   Rena Rogue says.

         "Haha, Ladybug has a glitch. It seems her powers are all messed up!  It is like she is defective or something!"  Curly Sue retorts.

         "What?  She is not!  She is the best hero out there!  Why without her our team would fall apart!  Without her we would all be left in the dark!  Do you not see she is the best thing that ever did or could happen to us all?"  Rena Rogue says in response to the kids rude remarks to Ladybug.

         "Yeah, Ladybug is amazing with her mask, and without it!  So, I am sure she is just as amazing rather she has a lucky charm to use, or not. "  Chat Noir says.  He would stand up for her as usual because that is what a good partner does.

          "Chat, Rena, I appreciate your support, really I do!  However without lucky charm, I cannot fix the damage to the city!  I could capture the akuma with my yoyo if Chat can find it and catacylsm it though."  Ladybug says. She looks put out though.

            So, for the first time in forever, Ladybug watches as Chat calls out "Catcylsm" destroys the funny thing around the villan's ankle and the akuma flies free.  She catches it with her yoyo as she made the promise to do so, and says, "Gotcha, No more evil doing for you little akuma!"  She lets it go once she finishes with purifying it. She is glad she could at least do this much.

           Ladybug faints. She is still a bit worn out from the fight and the struggle in her mind. A struggle that only she seems to know about at the time.

          Rena runs home, to destransform. 

        Chat sees he is about to destransform. He mutter's "L-Lucky c-Charm does not have be an object it can be a person too. I know it can."   Suddenly Chat's suit glows.  So, does Ladybug's.  Also, to his surprise he holds a lucky charm in his hand. He cannot figure out how it got there or why he has it.  He just knows he does. He smiles, throws it into the air and says, "Miraculous Ladybug!"   

          All the damage done is  undone just like that but no one knows how. Not even Chat understands it all.  

        Chat picks up his Bugaboo. He sets her down on the Dupain-Cheng balcony and goes home.  No he does not know she is Marinette. He just thinks Marinette might be able to help her some how.  

       After Chat leaves, Ladybug destransforms. She comes too, and wonders how she ever got home. She goes to her room. She thinks, I do not understand it.  The Lucky Charm did not come, but yet everything appears to be in tip top shape.

        "Tikki, how?"  Marinette ask.

        "How what Marinette?"  Tikki ask.

         "How does Paris look okay?  I mean the lucky charm was a failure a complete no show!" Marinette says.

         "Hmm , that is a mystery even I have no answers for this time."  Tikki replies.

               to be continued in  Chapter 13   Unusual  Charms? 




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