Chapter 11 Marinette Freaks Out?

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      "Ah! Ah! Go away, get out of my head!" Marinette screams in her bedroom.

     "Marinette, what is the matter?" Tikki says.

        " What do you mean? Hawkmoth got me and Adrien is dead now. It is my fault I killed him. He was Chat and I murdered him!" Marinette says with tears in her eyes.

     "No, he is still alive! He is just fine. You know, you must have hit your head harder on that head board than I thought you did at first. Besides, there is no way even if you were a villan that you could ever kill Chat or Adrien! You love them to much." Tikki says.

"  A-Are you s-sure, Tikki?" Marinette mutters.

    "Yes!" Tikki says.

         "But I..."  Marinette says.

         "No but's, Marinette."  Tikki says.

             Bring, bring....   Just then,  Marinette's phone rings. 

             "Hello?" Marinette says. She gasps when she hears the answer on the other side of the phone line.

        *on the other end...

        "Marinette, are you still there? Are you alright? Look, I was worried when you ran off like that after you kissed my cheek!" Adrien says.

      "A-Adrien? H-how?" Marinette says into her phone.

      "How what?" Adrien ask with confusion in his voice as he speaks to her on the phone.

      " How are you alive?" Marinette says in response.

       "Haha, very funny, Mari! I am alive because it is not my time to die yet." Adrien answers.

       "Not funny!" Marinette says sadly.

        "Marinette are you okay?" Adrien ask.

       "Yes, but I had the worst nightmare ever. I hit my head on my head board and past out. When I came too, I thought you were dead." Marientte says.

         "Well, I assure you I am very much alive." Adrien replies.

                   Tikki smiles as if to say told you he was alive!  She is glad Adrien gave her call when he did otherwise who knows what crazy stuff Marinette might have done.  She feels sorry for her holder who was upset so much about a ridiculous bad dream!  It is not like the events in it ever held any real value to them.  

                 Marinette smiles despite it all. She sighs. She says, "A-Adrien?"

                   "Yes, Marinette?"  Adrien says as kind as possible. He honestly does not know what course of action to take next.  What does a person usually do when the girl they only recently figure out they like freaks out over the phone?

                 "You are not made about the kiss are you?"  Marinette remarks. She blushes at the thought of it and thinks, please say something.

               "Who me?  Mad about a simply thing like that no way!  Why should I be?  I mean it did catch me by surprise!  Then, you are a girl to be full of such surprises anyway!  What I am trying to say is do not worry about it.  Marinette, I assure you it is fine."  Adrien says.

               Marinette holds the phone in silence now not sure how to react. She cannot believe it that Adrien is not angry about the gentle peck she left on his cheek earlier that day. She can only hope this means something good will come of it all.  

           Marinette finally finds the words to say right as she wants to say them. "Really, thanks Adrien!"  She replies.

                Adrien smiles. He thinks the whole thing to be funny expect for the fact that Marinette really did think he was dead. He feels bad that she is upset over a silly dream!   He decides he might as well pay her a visit.  He smiles even harder now.

         "Sure, no problem, Marinette!"  Adrien says. He hangs up. He puts his jacket back on, heads out without a word to his father or Natalie about the matter. He knows they would only try to stop him anyway.  He hurries to the bakery with a certain girl in mind. 

           The bakery bell chimes. It signals his arrival. Tom opens the door and lets him inside. He grins as he announces,  "Marinette,  your man is here to see you!"   

            Adrien blushes, but does not correct him. He decides to let himself make the decision as to where all this leads.  He smiles when Marinette comes downstairs, grabs his hand and pulls him upstairs. Once at the top of the stairs and in her room, he glances around him.  He sees the posters that she has of him on the walls. He knew they were there since the video Jagged Stone had done here a long time ago which accidentally includes footage of her room.  He admits the whole thing was quite cute, yet awkward when he first found out she had photos of him on her walls. It was then, he knew this girl or rather thought he did was a fan of his for sure.

          "A-Adrien, what brings you here?"  Marinette says.

          "Oh, I came to check to see you were okay!  I mean it was the least I could do under the circumstances."  Adrien says.

          "I see.  So,you came out of obligation to  a friend, right?"  Marinette says.

          "No!"  Adrien says.  No sooner did he say it than he sees Marinette sit down and sob into her knees.  He feels so bad. He did not mean to make her cry.  

            Adrien walks over to her. He hugs her and whispers, "Marinette, shh, do not cry!  Please I only meant that you are way more important than I thought possible."

             Marinette hugs him back. She does look back at him. She is to busy being unsure how to register what he just told her.  

           "Marinette, do not ever leave me!"  Adrien says.  His voice sounds as if he was in a daze.  

             Marinette blushes as she thinks, wait!  Did he just say what I thought he did?  Could it be he loves me?  She smiles. She tucks some stray hairs behind his ears. She thinks it strange that he should look so  similar to someone else she knows. She wonders, is it true?  Is he really Chat Noir?

         Adrien feels her touch. He looks into her eyes. He thinks, Marinette why are you so important to me?  Why you?  why?  He reaches down without thinking grabs her right hand and kisses it.

          Plagg who hides inside his pocket rolls his eyes as he digs into a piece of Camembert he finds.  He thinks, goodness, boy!   You keep this up and she is bound to find out you are Chat Noir!  He believes the whole thing to be quite funny!  He was the one to tease Adrien about loving   Marinette at one point.  He also, knows that Adrien denies any such feelings towards this kind, yet funny, and sometimes even shy, pig tails girl.   

          Tikki senses Plagg's presence, but does not say a word about him. She does not want Marinette to know she sees him.  She rather not alarm her holder about the fact that Chat Noir sits not far from her.  Why worry her about such things?   She figures it is bad enough that Marinette should stress out about a bad dream or that Adrien should be the one to stop by after he speaks to her on the phone.  She believes that only trouble can come out  this.  Yes, she reasons within herself, this boy is  either stupid, or just oblivious if he cannot see how great Marinette is right before his very eyes.

         to be continued in Chapter  12   Lucky Charm Failure?            

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