Chapter 10 Tear Jerker Look What You Have Done!

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              Chat Noir looks at her in wonder. He thinks, what could have taken place to make her into this villain anyway?  He feels a single tear fall from his eyes in sheer shock at the notion that he should find himself to be so vulnerable like this!  He sighs.

              Tear Jerker can sense he is weak. She scoffs, "Kitty, kitty!  What a pitty, that you should fall at the hands of me!  Just look at me, I am like this because of a boy!  It is all his fault for his rejection.  He broke my heart, so he will pay!"  

              "He, who?"  Chat Noir ask. He thinks, I am afraid to hear the answer for I think I already know anyway.

               "Why, Adrien Agreste!  He is the one who took my heart and broke it!  He never could love me!  He always saw me as a friend!"  Tear Jerker yells. She covers her mouth when she realizes what she just did. She knows now she let her guard down.  She thinks, why did I go and do this?

               "Tear Jerker, do not let him stop you!  Attack now!  Get him, and take his miraculous!"  Hawkmoth calls out.  He sees that she is getting weaker.  He does not want to see her loose.  He cannot let her loose.  He must see to it she wins at all cost!

                "Adrien Agreste, but that is impossible?"  Chat says. He knows it to be true, but he still in shock that it turns out his hunch was right that he should be the one at fault in his civilian form for what happens to Marinette.  He feels guilt overcome him right then and there.  He did not mean to hurt her. He never did.

                "No, it is true!  He is a heartless looser !  He could not even love anyone."  Tear Jerker yells this time.

                    "Stop!  Stop it!   Marinette, you know that he is not like this.   I am sure of it.  Adrien does care about you."  Chat protest.

                    "Adrien, care about her, ha!  As if, there is no way that is true!  Not in a million years!"  Tear Jerker retorts.

                "You know it is not very lady like to talk about yourself in the third person!" Chat says.

              "Myself,well that was the old me!  I am no longer her!  Marinette is gone!  She will never come back!  So just forget about her, Chat!"  Tear Jerker says as harshly as she possibly can to him.

            "No, I refuse to believe it!  Marinette means to much to me to be gone!"Chat Noir protest. He leans in and cups Tear Jerker's face with his hands. He sighs and says, "Tear Jerker, you have to believe me!  I cannot loose you!"  He closes his eyes.  He presses his lips across hers. He thinks, please do not leave me!  

             Tear Jerker sobs. She breaks down into tears as Chat touches her face with his claws, or gloved fingers. She feels his pain. She does not know how, but she does.  She feels afraid. She tries to push him away. She finds she cannot stop it. She feels his kiss. She does not know how to react.

             "Tear Jerker, what are you doing?  Take his ring now while he is close! Do it!" Hawkmoth says.

               Tear Jerker, reaches out and touches his miraculous. She tries to pull it off, but feels something hit her hand hard.  She looks up and sees the look Chat gives her. She knows now it was his staff that hit her.

               Chat whinces in pain after Tear Jerker breaks free from the kiss. He cannot understand, why?  Why did it not work?  He fights the girl who he is sure is for him!  He fights with no assurances that is even a battle he can win.  

                Tear Jerker calls for her extra weapon.  "Lucky Charm!" Tear Jerker says in mockery of the ladybug who is not here for the battle. She sees a huge sword appear. She laughs at the irony of it all.  Here she is a criminal yet she has the advantage. She knows for sure now Chat stands no chances against her.

                 Chat gasps as Tear Jerker charges at him with the sword. He wishes for this to be over with soon. He longs for it to end. No matter the outcome, he will love her!  Even if it kills him!

                  Tear Jerker does not think straight!  How can she when she is the akumantized person under control of  Hawkmoth the horrible.  She presses the sword hard against Chat's suit. She hears it tare open. She laughs as blood drips from his nose, his chin, neck, and now his side. She hears him gasp in pain.

                 "Tear Jerker, I am sorry.  I am sorry I failed you!  I love you!" Chat calls out.  His breath slower than usual. He closes his eyes and whispers, "Just get it over with my love!"  

                  Tear Jerker does not flitch. She thinks his words to be a trick to get her to go easy on him.  She pushes the sword into his chest. As the blood oozes out she screams, "Oh,no! What have I done?"  She sobs. She realizes now the truth to late, she is in love with Adrien as himself, yes, but she also loves Chat Noir.  Why?  Why could she not see it sooner?  Why?

                 Chat's heart stops. Just like that he is dead. Dead from the hands of the one he loves. The very one he fails to save. Suddenly, he destransforms.  

                  Tear Jerker holds his lifeless body in her arms. She suddenly looses it. She looks closer into his familiar face and screams, "No, Adrien!  No!  I love you!  Please, please come back to me!" She drops the sword and turns back to Marinette.

                  "Tear Jerker Look What You Have Done!  You took out the boy who loves you!  You killed Adrien Agreste who was ironically enough both my son and my greatest enemy!  Now hand over both miraculous, now!"  Hawkmoth calls out.

                 "No, I will never do it!" Marinette says.  She reaches out, grabs the ring off Adrien's body and sobs.  She looks at him, kisses his face and says, "Adrien, I am sorry. Sorry, I did this to you. It is all my fault."  


            to be continued in Chapter  11  Marinette Freaks Out?

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