Chapter 3 Adrien Worries to much?

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      Chat and Ladybug are in battle again. This time the akuma is August the toddler again.  Seriously, you think by now Hawkmoth would come up with more original villains instead ot the same people over and over again.  This is so lame even for him!    As Ladybug and Chat fight they manage to rescue the little one quickly.  Chat sighs at how easy the whole thing was anyway.

     "Here Chat, you take back!  I have to go as my miraculous is about to run out!"  Ladybug says. She swings off and lands on the Dupain-Cheng's  roof top.

    Chat stands there in shock.  Did she just go to Marinette's house?  Why would Ladybug go there of all places?  Is she friends with her or something?   Chat hears August mutter something baby gibberish, and goes towards the area Ladybug went in and is shocked.  He sees no sigh of his lady anywhere.  Instead he sees, Marinette!   He gives her a look of surprise!

    "Princess, what brings you here?  Are you L-Ladybug?"  Chat says.  He continues to glance her way with wonder in his voice and eyes.

    Marinette sees Chat on her roof with August still in his arms. She gives him a funny look.  She panics when she realizes he might find out her identity.  Oh, no!  I can not let him find out!  She looks at him. She smiles and gives him a hug.

    Meanwhile, Tom is frantic!  He worries for his daughter since he heard about the akuma and as he searches he comes up empty handed.  Where in the world, did she go?  He searches the bathroom, and sees no sign of her.  He looks everywhere and can not find her.  He decides to check her bedroom next as it is only other place he has not gone to search for her.  He enters her room and sees a lump under her covers. 

  "Marinette, sweetie, are you alright?"  Tom says.

   Tom sees the dummie Marinette put there and he goes crazy!  "Ah, she is not here! She is gone!" Tom says.

    "Tom, what is the matter?  Is everything alright?  Where is Marinette?"  Sabine calls out after him.

   "I am not sure." Tom says.

  "What do you mean you are not sure?"  Sabine ask.

    Tom hears some voices above him.  He opens the trap door and peeps out to see who it could be.  He breathes a sigh of relief when he sees his daughter talking with the hero of Paris, France, Chat Noir!  He smiles.  He thinks, wait!  Since when were my daughter and Chat friends?  Before he backs away he overhears the conversation and smiles!   What a nice surprise, he thinks to himself.

    "I -I love you!"  Marinette says to Chat.  She continues to hug him and thinks, I hope he does not know I lied to him.

  Chat smiles. He hugs her back, and thinks, wait what was that sound over there? 

  "Wow, you two are such a great couple!  Chat, how about you come over Sunday for supper? " Tom says.

  "Sure, that sounds great Mr. Dupain-Cheng!"  Chat says.

   "Nonsense, boy!  Call me Tom!"  Tom says.

   "Okay, Tom I will see you Sunday!" Chat says and leaves.

   Marinette blushes a little, but also thinks, did my father really just invite Chat over to eat with us?

   Tom tells Sabine that Chat is coming over Sunday night for dinner. He also claims he can hardly wait since Chat is Marinette's boyfriend.  Marinette thinks, oh boy!  Now my dad thinks I am with Chat?

Time Skip to Sunday brought by Tikki's Best Cookies!

   Sunday night, Chat comes and enjoys the meal with everyone. He even gives a pretty, pink rose to Marinette.  He admits he does not love Marinette!   Sabine seems okay with this.  Marinette acts like she is sad, and her father is furious!

   "What?  How can you not love our Marinette?  Why everyone loves her!"  Tom protest.  He is so angry he gets akumantized into Weredad by Hawkmoth.  This happens shortly after Chat leaves.  

Chat hears a funny noise behind him. He sees this huge thorny vine all around the Dupain-Cheng's bakery and home, around some cars and so on.  He thinks, oh no!  I have to save my princess!  He goes to rescue her!  

   Marinette finds herself trapped inside the vine cage her akumantized dad has made.  She struggles to get free.  When Chat attempts to help her he gets caught up in it as well.  Marinette somehow manages to find the object that holds the akuma. She gasps when sees it is the rose Chat gave her. She touches it the akuma escapes and she has to transform into ladybug mid air!  

   Now, Ladybug catches the akuma, purifies it, let it go and with her lucky charm she catches, Chat and her dad.  Chat catacylsms the boat, and it turns into a glider. He lands himself and Tom safely back at the Dupain-Cheng's. 

 Ladybug does her usual,  "Miraculous Ladybug!"  

  Chat and Ladybug:  "Pound it!"

  As Ladybug leaves, Chat calls out, "Wait, Ladybug!  Is she, is my friend, Marinette okay?"  

  "Yes, she is fine!   I am sure of it!  Do not worry about her, Chat!"  Ladybug says and swings away.

  Chat goes on home and destransforms.  When he is done he thinks about all that happened.

    "Plagg, do you think, Marinette will be okay?"  Adrien ask.

   "Look, kid!  Ladybug says Marinette is okay, so why worry so much anyway?"  Plagg says.

   "It is just Marinette is my best friend, and  I rejected her as Chat.  She is the first girl to love me!  The first one ever to love me as Chat!  I turned her down because I love Ladybug!"  Adrien says. He sighs.

     "I still do not see what the big deal is, so you love Ladybug so what?  Why can you not love Marinette too?  She is nice to you, and she is a great cook!  Besides, you know you like her!" Plagg says.

     "Plagg, I can not love her when I already care for Ladybug!" Adrien protest as usual.

   "I still do not see the problem here , especially, when they are the same person anyway!"  Plagg says.

   Adrien does not seem to notice.  He just worries that Marinette is upset because her crush, Chat turns her away.  Little does he know the truth is Marinette has a crush on Adrien as Adrien and not Chat.  Talk about being oblivious here!

     "You worry to much, Adrien!"  Plagg says as he finishes his two pieces of Camembert, which is really one piece that he just chose to rip in half at some point.

     Adrien's  POV:  Do I really worry to much as Plagg says?   I mean, it is not like Marinette and Ladybug are the same girl!  Though if  they were that would be awesome, it would be odd, but still good!  Only thing is I am not sure how I feel about Marinette yet, but I do love Ladybug!  For now, I am happy to have both as my best friends!  As a hero, Ladybug is my best friend, and as a civilian Marinette is my best friend next to Nino.   Wow, I  am glad to have her as my bestie!  

     Meanwhile, Marinette looks at the rose Chat gave her!  She smiles at the sweet gesture. It sure was thoughtful of him to give me a flower.  She thinks, Chat sure can be thoughtful!  

      Marinette's  POV:  Chat sure is a great guy!  I do not blame him when it comes to his love for Ladybug, I mean it.  She is brave, cool and totally different than me the shy, not so cool Marinette.  It is no wonder he loves her!  I know I am her, but still it is no wonder he is caught up in his love for the hero side of me.  She is happy he still does not see her, Marinette as more than a friend.  Goodness, that would complicate things if she had a hero boyfriend.  Imagine all the teasing from Alya and Nino, and everyone else.  Goodness!   The last thing, I need is for Adrien to think I am in love with some one other than him!  

     to be continued in Chapter  4  One Crazy Battle?

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