Chapter 4 One Crazy Battle

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            Marinette hears a huge crash outside the bakery.  She thinks, great!  Just as I am about make some more croissants and there is another akuma attack!  She looks at TIkki, and says,  "Tikki spots on!"  She transforms.

            Ladybug looks around her.  She thinks, no where on earth is Chat Noir?   It is not like him to be so far behind like this.  Goodness, he is not sick is he?   She sure hopes he is not ill.  She fights against the villain on her on while she waits for her partner to get there.

           Chat arrives ten minutes later!  He smiles.  He sees his lady is already there.  He smiles at her.  "Hi, Bugaboo!"  Chat says.   "Chat, what took you so  long?"  Ladybug says.

         "Sorry, Ladybug, my kwami, was a slow eater!  It will happen again!"  Chat says.

       "Well, I should hope not!  You are the best partner I have !"  Ladybug says.

      Chat grins at the compliment.  He can not believe Ladybug just said he was her best partner.  He continues to smile his goofy grin for the rest of the day.  No one not even the villain can wipe the grin off his face.  He is so happy!   

      Ladybug and Chat continue to fight!  Soon enough, Ladybug has to go recharge up.  

  "See you, soon, Chat!  My kwami needs a snack!"  Ladybug says.  She runs, hides and hands Tikki a cookie.  As Tikki eats she sighs and hopes that Chat will be okay without her for the moment.  She still recalls the time when Antibug  tied Chat up to his own baton and how she had to cause a diversion , so she could rescue him in her civilian form.  It was risky, but she took it because as TIkki says,  "She is a hero inside and out of the mask."    Now, she looks around the corner to see how things go as Tikki recharges herself.

     "I am ready now, Marinette!"  Tikki says.

     "Good, I am ready to rejoin him in the battle then!   Tikki spots on!"  Marinette smiles as there is a bright flash of pink, which follows her body being covered with her red spandex suit with black spots on it, complete with the mask.   

       Ladybug runs back to the scene.  She smiles. She is glad to see other than a few bruises, Chat is okay.   What a relief!  She would feel awful, if something ever were to happen to him.   

    Ladybug finally gets a chance a few moments later to call out  "Lucky Charm!"    As she tries to formulate and idea on how to use the object, a  ladle  of all things,  Chat blushes.  

    Ladybug uses the ladle to scoop up a pile of goo left behind by the slime monster, and throws it at the monster.  It hits the creature in the eyes.   Next, Chat uses catacylsm to break the paper that falls to the ground.  The akuma flies out at last.   Ladybug is all worn out, but still manages to catch the akuma anyway!    "Gotcha, time to de-evilize!  No more doing for you little bug!"   Ladybug says.  She then throws the ladle into the air as she says in a sleepy voice,  "Miraculous Ladybug!"    Everything goes back to normal once more.

     "Pound it!"   Ladybug and Chat say together.

     Ladybug leaves in a rush as usual.   Chat heads out soon after she does.   He heads home, but his transformation wears out soon afterwards.   He does not see it fall, but the bracelet he calls  "My Marinette Lucky Charm,"   comes loose from his pocket and falls into the shrubs below.   He retransforms in a fairly private spot and climbs back up the wall, and into his room through the open window.   Once inside, he gets ready for bed and soon drifts off to sleep.

      Meanwhile, Ladybug who is already back in her civilian form hopes Chat made it home okay. She also, hopes his face and left hand will be alright as these areas got quite a few bruises and scratches in the battle.  She is already for bed and sighs.  She thinks, wow!  It sure was One Crazy Battle!   Soon she falls asleep all worn from the latest fight against the latest villain.  

      As Adrien sleeps, Plagg notices something is different.  He takes a closer look at the snoring holder of his.  Oh dear, Plagg says quietly to himself, so as not to wake Adrien, it seems he lost something recently.  I do hope he finds it soon.  Otherwise, what will he say to Marinette?   Plagg has this thought in his head for the rest of the night and keeps it to himself, the next day.

      Tikki on the other hand, does not even know about the misplaced object.  She is the sort, if she knew about it might even be upset.  It is probably a good thing she is clueless then, right?  She smiles as Marinette sleeps.  She thinks, sleep dreams, Mari!  You certainly deserve it after that most recent fight you just had.   She too hopes Chat heals fast from his small non-threatening wounds.  

       In Hawkmoth's  Lair...

     Hawkmoth is furious !  How could his well laid plan go south, so quickly?    He was sure today would be the day he would gain the miraculous from ladybug and chat at long last.  How had he not seen how weak this victim was before he sent out the akuma?   How was he to know the man would be defeated after a battle that lasted over an hour?   Well, he thought at least since Ladybug had to recharge I did come closer than before to the ring.   One more slip up like this, and the ring will be mine!  He has an evil laugh that echos through out all Paris!  He too needs some rest though.   Even a super villain like himself has his limits.  He yawns as he prepares for bed.  This time when his head hits the pillow he dreams about his final revenge against his enemies, Ladybug and Chat Noir!  

       Little does he know they are closer than he thinks.  

    to be continued in Chapter 5  Lost Object?  






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