Chapter 6 What Do you Hide?

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      A  few days later, Adrien still has not found the item he seeks.  He sighs as he enters the classroom and sits down in his seat beside Nino.  He does not even look in her direction as Marinette waves a him.  He just sits and does not say a word to anyone.  Not even so much as a good morning to Nino.

       Alya notices Adrien is rather quiet.  She can see Marinette frown as well.  She can not help,but wonder what is that all about anyway?   She thinks, did he say or do something to hurt my best friend?

       Nino does not hear so much as a peep out of Adrien.  He can tell there must be something on his buddy's  mind as Adrien has this far off look about him.  He wishes he knew what it was that bothers him, so he could help him.  However, since Adrien will not talk about it, he has no ideas as what to do.  None at all, which makes the situation even more ridiculous to him.

       Marinette waves to Adrien!  She gets no response from him.  She sighs as she sits beside Alya. She can not help, but wonder what is with him?   She can not understand why he ignores her?  She frowns in confusion.  She wishes she knew why he just ignores her all of  a sudden.  

       Chloe sees Adrien ignore Marinette.  She smirks.  She thinks, perhaps, at last he decides to no longer be friends with Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng.  She has high hopes that Adrien has come to his senses at last.  She is very happy.

     Later that day...  Ring, Ring, Ring,  the bell rings to call for the close of the school day!    

     Adrien  gets up and  gathers up his books.  He does not speak to anyone.  He just walks off in the direction of the exit to the building.  He hears someone come up behind him.  He does not even look to see who it is, nor does he care too.  He just  continues to walk around until he is on the steps to the school.

    Nino follows Adrien as he leaves. He decides he must get to the bottom of the change in his best friend's  behavior.  This is so unlike Adrien to behave this way that it troubles him.  He sees Adrien head outside, so he goes outside too.  Now on the steps, he turns to his buddy and says,  "Adrien, what is up with you?"

   Meanwhile, with Marinette and Alya who are still inside the building.  The girls are both in puzzlement as to why Adrien has been so odd today.  "Alya, do you think, I  did something to make Adrien upset with me?"  Marinette says.   "No, girl!  I mean, Adrien adores you."  Alya says.

    Chloe overhears as the nosy person she is as usual.  She smirks. She laughs and smirks again.  "Oh, can you not see girls?  The truth of the matter is Adrikins can not stand either one of you!  He is just to nice to tell you."  Chloe says.

     "Ignore, her girl!"  Alya says.

     Marinette does not say a word to Chloe.  She just cries as she walks outside and bumps into someone.  She does even look up to see who it is this time.  "Oh, s-sorry!"  Marinette says. She starts to walk away.

     "Wait, Marinette!  Are you alright?"  Adrien says with concern in his voice.

      "No, Chloe says you can not stand me.  She says you are just to nice to say so.  It is okay, I know you do not like me, A-Adrien."  Marinette says sadly as she looks at the ground.

       "What?  Marinette, that is not true!  You are my best friend!"  Adrien says.

        "Best friend, huh?  Then, why did you ignore me all day?  Why do you refuse to tell me more about this object you seem to have lost?"  Marinette says.  Her face is full of anger and hurt.  Her voice even sounds angry.

        "Wow, buddy!  It seems Marinette is furious with you!"  Nino says. 

      "Yes, I can see that Nino!"  Adrien says.

     "Well, you better do something quick before that akuma gets her!"  Nino calls out when he sees a black butterfly fly past them.

        "Wait, what?"  Adrien says.  He looks in the direction Nino does and gasps when he sees the akuma  as it heads towards Marinette.

       Adrien runs to her and hugs her.  "Marinette, look, I am really sorry!  I never meant to hurt you. "

       Marinette hugs him back.  "A-Adrien, why are you here?" 

      "Marinette, you really want to know what is it I look for so much?"  Adrien says.

       "Yes, I would so I could help you find it."  Marinette says.

      "Okay, but promise not to freak out!"  Adrien says.

      "Okay, A-Adrien, now what is it?"  Marinette says.

      "It is just I lost the charm bracelet you gave me years ago!  I thought if I told you would hate me."  Adrien says.  

      "Hehe, oh, A-Adrien!  I could never hate you!"  Marinette says.

       "You mean you are not mad at me?"  Adrien says.

        "No."  Marinette says.  

        "Wow, if I knew sooner you would react so well to this, than I would have told you much sooner.  I feel so silly now."  Adrien says.

        "It is o-okay, A-Adrien!  I understand.  Now come on, let's  go find it!"  Marinette says.

        Adrien and Marinette goes in search of  the charm bracelet once more.  Now that Marinette knows what is it  she looks for it makes it easier to visualize  a possibility on where it might be anyway.

      Chloe sees them together and is angry.  She can believe it.  Adrien is with her, Marinette!  "Ugh, how could be with her, and not me?  She is so much prettier than me sure, but why her?  I mean, I love Adrien too, you know!"  

      The akuma heads towards Chloe next.  It hits her face, and she smirks.   "Yes, Hawkmoth!  I got it!  In fact, I think, I know just how to get the miraculous this time for sure!"  Chloe brags. She laughs as the dark cloud goes over her and turns her clothes into a different outfit than before.


     Adrien and Marinette  have not found it yet.  Adrien hears the loud blast after Chloe gets akumantized and screams,  "Marinette, watch out!"   

 "A-Adrien, what is it?"  Marinette calls out, but before he can answer, she feels herself knocked off her feet.   Marinette falls to the ground unconscious.

     "Marinette, no!"  Adrien screams.  He sees her pass out and feels tears come down his  face.  He can not believe his best friend, or rather best friend who is a girl, is unconscious right before him.

    Adrien does not want to leave her in harms way.  He picks her up and carries her in his arms to his place.  He lays her down on his bed.  He sighs as he whispers,  "Princess, please be okay!  I am sorry, I have to go!"

     Adrien looks at Plagg, and says,  "Plagg, claws out!"  He transforms.  

    Chat Noir jumps out the window.  Soon afterwards, Pollen enters his room through  the open window, closes the window and locks it.   Pollen flies over to Marinette.  She shakes her head, and thinks, Hmm, this is not good.  Not good at all.

     to be continued in Chapter  7  Ladybug Fails to Show Up?

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