Chapter 7 Ladybug Fails to Show Up?

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       Chat Noir fights against the latest villian.  He can tell it is Antibug again.  Only this time she seems more powerful than the last time he and ladybug fought her.  He can tell she has definitely gotten stronger.  He yells at her,  "Just you wait!  M'lady will be here soon!"

         Twenty minutes go by and still there is no sign of ladybug.  Chat looks around him and thinks, wait! where is she?  Why is Ladybug not here?  He cannot understand it.  It is not like her to fail to arrive.  He senses something must have taken place that must have kept her away.   He does not know what it could be though.   

       Chat worries for his lady. He is sure that she is hurt, or  perhaps, it is way worse than this!  What will he do without her help?  He finally thinks of a plan.  He knows it is quite a risk, but what choice does he have anyway? 

        As Chat fights with Antibug, Pollen calls out for Tikki inside Adrien's room.  "Psst, Tikki!  Tikki where are you?"  Pollen ask.

       "Pollen, chill!  I am right here! Marinette is the one who needs help.  She appears to be unconscious."  Tikki replies.

       "Oh, dear !   This means we need Master Fu."   Pollen says.

       "Yes, we do need him. He is the one who might have some idea as to how to help, Marinette."  Tikki remarks.

         Tikki goes and finds Master Fu. She sneaks him back to where Marinette stays out of it. She shows him what is wrong with her.   She sighs and thinks, I sure hope he can heal her.

          Master Fu, takes one look at Marinette.  He can see she is asleep due to a akuma attack.  He figures it must be some serious business if  Ladybug is unable to fight now.  He must do what he can to save her and get her back ready to assist Chat in no time.  He does what he thinks is best.  Then, he stands back to watch the results.

          Back to Chat Noir, and Antibug 2.0!   

            Chat  charges towards Antibug 2.0, he cataclysm's  the funny bag by her side.  He sees the akuma fly free as it does not have a care in the world.  He pulls out a small piece of paper. He traps the akuma in the paper.  He stores the paper inside a chest and locks it shut.  There, he reasons, the akuma should not escape from the chest.     

        Antibug 2.0  turns back to normal.  She forgets what it was that  made her upset in the first place.  

       Chat  is glad to see no real harm was done anyway.  None other than Marinette is still unconscious and Ladybug is  still missing!  He cannot seem to understand what has become of them both?  Chat leaves to go find Ladybug!  He hopes to ask her why she did not help Marinette?   

        Chat arrives home, destransforms and sees Marinette is still not awake.  He thinks, is she still alive?  He checks her pulse and sees it is normal enough.  He cannot figure out what could have made her pass out.   He still thinks, it is odd that she should be this way and Ladybug should  be absent from the battle all in the same day.

         "Marinette, wake up!  You know something?  Ladybug never did help Chat?  Now is that strange or what?"   Adrien says.

          Marinette opens her eyes a few minutes later. She sees Adrien and blushes. She wonders how did she get here to his room?

           "Marinette, thank goodness! "  Adrien says.

           "A-Adrien, why am I h-here?  Last thing, I remember is we were in the park, you try to tell me something!   I cannot make out wh-what it i-is at all."  Marinette responds.

          "Marinette you just past out on me!  I mean you were about to tell me something when out of the blew you just pass out unconscious.  The whole thing was quite frightening."  Adrien says.

             Tikki does not say a word, nor does Pollen.  Those two peek their  heads out from under the bed slowly.  They are glad to see Adrien made it home safely.  Even better they can see him as he takes care of  Marinette.  

            Adrien hugs Marinette!  Marinette  is not sure what to make of the hug.  It has been awhile since he last  came close enough to hug her anyways.   She appreciates the kind gesture just the same.

          "A-Adrien, you need not worry about me!  I am quite alright !  Honest, I am j-just f-fine."  Marinette says.

          "Well, look at this footage of the fight with Chat and the villian!"  Adrien says. He shows her the video that is now available to the public eye on the ladyblog.   He sees her  frown.

            "Adrien, did Ladybug ever call him to say she would not be there?"   Marinette ask.

           "No, but I am sure she has her reasons why she did not show up."  Adrien replies.

          "Wow, you are right!  I mean, I a-agree with you! "  Marinette tells him.

         "I hope she is okay though.   I mean it.  I really  do not know what to think when she does not come to fight alongside Chat!  He looks really sad..."  Adrien says.

          "Ha,ha, it is almost as if you spoke about Chat like you were him!  Only, you are not so, that is ridiculous, right?"   Marinette says.

           "Yeah, yeah, right!  Haha!"  Adrien says.  He thinks, phew!  It was a close call there for a moment I thought she knew I am him.   He does not correct her.

            "Do not worry about her!  I am sure she will be there next time to help Chat Noir!"  Marinette says.

            "You really think so?"  Adrien ask.

         "Sure, I mean, y-yes!  It is only the first time she did not come anyway!"  Marinette replies.

            "Wow, you are amazing!  Just like she is amazing!"  Adrien says.  He appears to have a far off look about him as if he is in a daze.

             "Yeah, right!  Me, a-amazing?   I not all that A-Adrien.  I am just a simple girl..."  Marinette says.  She thinks, a girl who happens to be ladybug.

             "Do not be so down on yourself.  You are my friend!  Besides, you did try to help me find the charm bracelet."  Adrien says. He thinks, to bad I still have yet to find it.

            "Oh, that reminds me, did you find it yet?"  Marinette wants to know.

           "Not, yet, but I am sure I will soon enough." Adrien says. He blushes a little as Marinette puts a hand on his shoulder. He does not  move. He is not sure why, it is almost like she is la...He shakes his head.

             to be continued in Chapter  8  Found My Marinette Lucky Charm?

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